Suitable Flesh (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Suitable Flesh (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[Door opens]


-I heard he came

in pretty messed up.

-We're about to find out.

-It's impossible to tell that's

a person,

much less who it is.


You wanted a look see.

-He was beautiful once.

-They all look pretty much

the same on the inside.


You know, Doctor,

I don't envy you,

having to work with these

when they're still alive.

-He wasn't one of mine.

-Well, they all end up

one of mine eventually.



-Hey, Dr. Upton.

Did I hear they got

Dr. Derby down here?

-I'm afraid so.

-You be careful now.

You know,

my old man used to say,

"Friends are the most


-Oh, why is that?

-Because they're friends.


[Indistinct chatter]

[Pounding on door]

Heads up, gentlemen.

-[Whispering] Cut off the head,

cut off the head.

Destroy the body.

[Continues indistinctly]

-Did they cremate the body?

Is he dead?

Really dead?

-They start

the autopsy in a few minutes.

-No, no, no, no, no, no.

-Hey, hey, whoa, whoa.

-He can still get me.

-He's dead.

You made sure of that.


Dani, I need you

to believe me.

-Beth, control yourself.


-Let her go.

-Ma'am, she's dangerous.

-She's my patient.

-I'm your friend.

I know how this sounds,

but if he does it again,

it's forever.

-Give us a minute.

Who exactly is he?

-We can't go through this again.

We don't have time.

I don't have time.

-You must recognize

your symptoms.

-Yes. Paranoid schizophrenia.

But how could you understand

unless it happened to you?

-Okay, tell me

from the beginning.

-I thought I had everything.

A successful practice.

An ideal husband.

A suitable life.

Until that thing

knocked at my door,

I thought I was in control.

-She thinks I'm weak.

-What do you think?

-I think she has no idea

how hard it is.

-Hard how?

-The urge.

I try to control it,

but I just give in.

-So it's your weakness?

-You don't have to

put words in my mouth.

-I'm afraid we

ran out of time.

-She makes me feel like

a street corner drug addict.

I'm not a junkie.

I'm an English professor.

-Well, let's discuss it

next session.

-Look, I will have beaten this

by then, Doctor. Okay?


They want me to perish.

All of them.

My colleagues,

the Dean, my wife.

I'm not who they think I am.

-Well, until the next chapter,


-Right. Thank you.

[Door opens, closes]




-Oh, Can I help you?

-You're Dr. Elizabeth Derby?


-Can I talk to you, please?

-I'm sorry, you can

make an appointment

with my service.


I need your help.


-Did you forget something,


-Carry on.

[Clears throat]


-It's all right.

Why are you here?

-I'm a student at Miskatonic.

I read your book.

-Which one?

-The one on the out-of-body


-As a symptom

of schizophrenia?

-I was outside my body.

-Come in.

-Sit down.


-What's your name?

-Asa Waite.

-The first thing you should

know is that you're not alone.

-No, I am.

No one understands.

-You'd be surprised.

A lot of psych students think

they see symptoms of what

they're studying

in their own behavior,

but it doesn't mean

that you have a problem.

-No, I didn't

read it for school.

I read it because

it happened to me.

-That's okay. You can get that.

-I know this sounds crazy,

but I-I'm afraid to talk to him.

-To whom?

-I don't know how it happens,

but it felt like he did it.

Like he has this power over me.

-Who has a power over you,

Mr. Waite?

-He wants to do it again.

If know it.

-Wants what?

-He wants...

my body.

-Who is this person

that you're afraid of?

[Cellphone buzzes]

-Um, my father, he...

he's looking for me.

Can you come home with me?

-I'm sorry, but I don't

go to clients' homes.

-It's not far. Just at the end

of High Street. Number 33.


-Let me call the psychiatric

department at Miskatonic.

I can tell them

that it's an emergency.

[Cellphone buzzing]

-It's him.

No, no, I won't talk to you.

Okay? You --

You have to stop it.

I've gone to see someone.

Someone to help me.

No. No. No. No.

Asa? Asa?


[Groans, screams]



[Bones cracking]


[Bones cracking]


-How are you feeling?

-Like shit.

You're a doctor.

-Well, that's why you're here.


-Whoa, take it easy.

-Am I stricken?

-What do you mean?

-Uh, am I...ill?

-Do you remember

our conversation, Mr. Waite?

-Well, it depends.

What did I say?

-Well, that you had

an out-of-body experience.

-You know, you shouldn't

believe any young c**t

when he talks crazy.

-Do you often talk crazy?

-Believe the appropriate

response to that

is it's none

of your f*cking business.

You wouldn't happen

to have a cigarette, would you?

-This is a medical office.

There's no smoking.

-Jesus Christ.

You know, sometimes I just

f*cking hate the modern world.

-You said you needed help.

I want to help you.



-I'll waive my fee.

It won't cost you anything.

This is my personal number.

-Well that's -- that's

very forward of, Dr. Derby.

-Well, I want to help you, Asa.


Excuse me.

-I'm not so sure you can.


But I'll keep that door open.

Just in case.

-Watching him leave,

I was shocked,

but I couldn't

shake him from my thoughts.

And then I broke our

profession's most sacred rule.

I took my work home with me.

It's definitely

multiple personality disorder.

The most dramatic case

I've ever seen.

He transitions through seizures

and extreme somatic symptoms.

-Oh. I'd love a glass.

Thanks, doc.

-Sorry, hon.

I think he's terrified

of some male figure.

Early child abuse

is the classic cause of MPD.

-But he's not a patient?

-Not yet.

But he could be the subject

of a major case study.

But he needs help.

-Well, how was your day, Edward?

Oh, you know, just fine.

I woke up, I worked out.

I had three job interviews

with bro bosses half my age.

Cried in the car, I came home

and found a modicum of solace

in this branzino before thee.

-I'm sorry. You're right.


How was your day, Eddie?

-Oh, it's okay. You listen

to people talk all day.

I'm sure there's something else

we can figure out.

I've come a long way

from the ocean.

Will you find a new home for me?

In your belly? In your belly.


-Eat me.








[Door opens]

[Keys clatter, seatbelt clicks]

[Engine starts]

-Please. I need your help.

I'm not so sure you can.

I was outside my body.

I don't know how it happens,

but it felt like he did it.

My father.

He wants my body.

Can you come home with me?

It's not far. Just at the end

of High Street, number 33.

But I'll keep that door open.

Just in case.



-Driving to 33 High Street.

-So what compelled you

to go to the house?

-I know how it sounds, but I

really couldn't control myself.

My mind was drawn to him.

[Doorbell rings]




Excuse me, sir.


-Are you all right?




-Can you tell me what's wrong?

-Pills. Pills pocket.


You have a serious

heart condition, Mr. Waite.

-Oh, well, thank you for the

obvious diagnosis, Dr. Derby.

-You know who I am.

-I recognize your likeness

from your book.

I figured you'd come.

-Well, then you know

I'm looking for Asa.

He told you he came to see me.

Is he here?

-He ran off days ago.

-You don't sound very upset

about him being missing.

-Well, in my own defense,

the boy's never been

much earthly use.

-Is that what children are for?

To be used?

-That's what everyone's for.

Except me.

Well, now I'm no damn use

at all since I was stricken.


Do you mean you had a stroke?

-Yeah, I had a stroke

and heart attack and cancer.

And I beat them all.


-What is this book?

-Oh, it's entitled

"None of Your f*cking Business."

[Chuckles] Oh, look at you.

You moved right in. Yes.

Take over. You assume

you deserve my respect.

-Asa came to me for help.

He is a seriously

troubled young man.

He needs clinical care.

-[Coughing, gagging]



Make no mistake, my flesh and

blood are finally failing me.

But my mind is still sharper

than a serpent's tooth.

In spite of a thankless child

and my eyesight,

I still -- I appreciate

a fine figure when I see one.

-Listen to me, sir.

It is dangerous in Asa's state

to be left unsupervised,

and given your condition --

-Don't you worry about me

and my boy.

You just tend

to your own affairs.

-If Asa comes back,

have him call me

if you care about him at all.

-Of course I care about him!

He's my son.


He's my salvation.

-Listen to me, friend.

I just need to make

one phone call.

-Well, Doctor.

Dr. Derby,

this house call is over.




-Get out! Get out!

-So I went back to my life,

and I tried to focus on my work.

But something wouldn't let me.

-And then the other day

I was shaking and sweating.

I-I couldn't see straight.

I wanted to...

-You wanted to what?

-[Sighs] I wanted to hit him.

-But you didn't?


In my mind, I hit him.

And I did it again and again.

And I liked it.

I mean, I love him.

I really like thinking

about beating him.

[Sighs] What do I do?

-We could try hypnosis.

-Will it stop the urges?

-It could.

Do I have your consent,

Mr. Crawley?


Breathe regularly.

Clear your mind.

-Am I going to lose

consciousness or control?

-It's just

a relaxation technique.

Now look at this pen.

Really look at it.

Look at the light

shining off of it.

Let your mind float free.

Drifting up towards the ceiling.

Your mind is floating

out of your body.

Now you are alone.

Alone with the person you love.

How do you feel?

-He doesn't love me.

He can't.

I hate him.

I want to hit him.

-The tighter you

clench your hand,

the less you feel

the urge to hate.

Do you feel it subsiding?

-Yes, I do.




-I tried to run away.

I tried to escape from him.

-I have a client.

Just wait here.

-He wants my body.

-Your father?

What did he do to you?

-You saw what he did.

-Saw what?

-You were there

in your office.

Okay? You -- You saw it happen.

-I'm taking you to Miskatonic,

and then we're

calling the police.

-You don't believe me?

-I can't fight him.

I can't do it, okay?

That old, sick body, I...

I'd rather die.

-You don't mean that.

-But he's stealing my life.

-Then he'll have

to steal mine, too.

I'm glad you came back.

Stay here.

Oh, dammit.

Your stress is gone.

Your mind is clear.

Your body is relaxed,

drifting down,

back into your body.

When I tap three times,

you'll return to consciousness.

-[Sighs] Okay, I'm ready.

-I'm sorry,

but there's been an emergency.

I need to escort a patient

to the hospital immediately.

-I don't feel any different.

-We'll do a follow up

next time.

Just remember when you feel

the urge to v*olence,

just make a fist.

Make a fist.

Now, please excuse me.



-Long day, doc?

-Difficult day.

-You want to talk

about it pro bono?

-I can't.

Patient-client privilege.

You know how it goes.

-Would you like

a roll in ze hay?

-I wish. I have some notes

I have to make.

I'm going to be up for a while.

-Well, you know, I can't sleep

very well without you.

-Mm. I can prescribe

you something for that.

-So can I.

[Cellphone rings]

Oh, no.

-Oh, I should.

It might be a patient.




-Is that him?

-Please. Please.

I can't stop him.

-Asa, call the police.


-Where are you?

-Home, home.

-Asa? Asa?



I have to go. It's an emergency.

-What kind of emergency?

No, you --

You call the police,

you let them handle it.

You're just his doctor.

-No, but, Eddie, it's my job.

-It's not your job

I'm worried about.

-It's going to be okay.

You're sweet.

I'll be right back.

[Door opens]


[Door closes]




Mr. Waite?

Where are your pills?

-[Line ringing]

-911. What's your emergency?

-Hello. This is

a medical emergency.

Someone is having a heart --


[Glass shatters]

-What are you doing?

-Help me. Not him.

-He's dying!


He has to stop it.

-Asa, give me the knife.

This is not you. This is --

This is him, not you.

Give me the knife.

Do you want to go to jail

for the rest of your life?

Give me the knife.

-Please, please, please,

just let me k*ll him.

-Where are his pills?


-Give me the pills.


-Give me the pills.

Give me the pills.

-Let it go.

-Let him -- let him die.

Let him die, please.

Oh, my God.

Is he -- is he dead?

How long?

How long does the brain live

after the body dies?

-It's over.

Whatever pain he caused you,

whatever he did to you,

your father can't

hurt you anymore.

-That's not my father, okay?

It's stole my father's life,

and now it wants mine.

-We're going to call the police,

and then we're going

to get you help.

-No. No, no!

You can't call the police.

Cut off his head.

Cut out his brain!

-He has no power over you

except in your mind.

-His -- His mind.

You don't understand.

His mind has the power!

That day we met.

That day we met in your office.

That was --

That was the second time.

If it happens again,

then it's over, it's over.

It always comes in threes.

-I can help you.

Let me help you.

-No. Then help me

cut his head off

and -- and burn him.

Okay? If he could speak,

if he says it one more time...


-No. No!


[Speaking foreign language]




[Bones cracking]



-Asa. You had a seizure.

-A seizure?

You could call it that.

-Do you remember what happened?

I thought he was dead.

-Oh, he's dead all right.

-We have to report

what happened,

and then I want to take you

to the hospital for observation.

-What is it you'd like

to observe?

-Well, Asa, man died.

-You doctors are all the same.

You ask a lot of questions,

but you don't like

answering them, do you?

-Have you seen

a lot of other doctors?

-Doctors. Healers.

Potion dealers.

Lots and lots of priests.

-Well, do they explain

why this happens to you?

Why you forget who you are?

-No. The devil makes me do it.

-I think you change

personalities to escape the pain

and the rage you feel

because of what he did to you.

-And you came to save me,

didn't you?

My hero.

-What you're experiencing

is called transference.

You're transferring

the feelings

you couldn't express

to your father to your doctor.

To me.

-Then I must have really

wanted to f*ck my old man.

-Well, uh, I'm going

to go get help.

I want you to come with me.

-And I want to come inside you.

-[Sighs] Don't make it worse.

-Then let me make it better.

-You don't understand

what you're doing.

-Oh, I know exactly

what I'm doing.





-I'm gonna come.

Oh, oh!

-Give yourself to me.


Come on.

Come on.


-Come on!



[Bones cracking]





This is a magnificent body.

It suits me. It suits me well.


I want it.

I want your body very much.




[Bones cracking]




What -- What just happened?

-The first time is always

the most painful.

And quickest.

I promise it gets easier.

-No, but I was in your body.

-I was in yours.

-No, no, I don't mean

it like that. I mean, my...

My mind was in your body.

-Well, I guess then...

if anybody ever tells you

to go f*ck yourself,

you can tell them you have.

-We have to figure out

what happened.

-You will, Doctor.

You will.

Shit! Petulant child!

Asa, come back here!




-Help me!


-It's me!


-It's me!


-It's Asa!

-Get off me!




[Skin tearing]

[Knife plunging]

-Asa! Asa!



-Help me!

Help me!


-Too much?

-And that's when

I went to see you.

-I didn't grasp how bad it was.

You were frantic, hallucinating.

I just thought...

Sounds like you had

an out of body experience.

Yes. No.

I felt his -- his mind

going into my body.

It was pain like

I've never felt before.

-Of course it was painful.

You felt guilty about

your feelings for this patient

because you love your husband

and because you're

a dedicated doctor.

So you projected your ego

on to one of the people

you felt you'd wronged.

Your patient.

Hell, Beth, you wrote the book.

-Okay, maybe.

But it felt so real.

He spoke in this language

that I didn't understand,

and I felt like

I was in his body.

It was like he made it happen.

-So you used a fantasy

to spice up your sex life,

and now you're creating another

one to displace your guilt.

You're blaming the victim.

-I don't know, Dani.

I think I'm losing my mind.

What should I do?

-You did the right thing.

You came to see me first.

We'll get through this.

But you have to admit

what you've done.

-So I should call the police.

-And tell them what?

That a young male patient

you slept with m*rder*d

the reanimated corpse

of his father?

No, you have to understand

what really happened last night.

Is it possible he drugged you?

-I don't know. I don't know.

-All right.

We'll figure it out together.

Don't worry.



Let me get you a fresh shirt.

And you should talk to Eddie.

You can't work

through this, Beth,

till you face it.

All of it.

You taught me that.

-You're right.

-Damn right I'm right.

Through all kinds of weather.

-We stick together.

-And no more house calls, okay?

-There be monsters.

-There be monsters.

[Engine stops]


Are you all right?

-I'm fine.

-Police are here.

-Dr. Elizabeth Derby?


-I'm Detective Ledger,

and this is Officer Huxley.


-We have a couple of questions

we'd like to ask,

if you don't mind.

Were you at the home of

an Ephraim Waite

at 33 High Street last night?

-Yes. A patient called and

said that it was an emergency.


That's what the young man said.

-So you talked to the young man?

-Asa Waite. Yes. He said that

you were a great help to him.

Oh, you must have dropped

your phone when you left.

-Thank you.

-Don't worry. I didn't peek.

-The fire department

found it near the home.

-There was a fairly serious

fire that destroyed

much of the first floor.

Mr. Waite said that you left

before the fire started.

Is that right?

-Yes. Is everyone okay?

-The young man is fine.

And what about his father?

-He wasn't on the premises.

Mr. Waite, the young man,

said that he disappeared

several days ago.

He's been reported

as a missing person.

Anyway, we just wanted to return

your property to you.

Oh, sorry to go all Columbo

on you,

but I had one more question.

There was a phone call

placed from your phone

to 911 emergency services

last night

reporting that someone

was having a heart attack.

Who was that?

Having the heart attack.

-I misdiagnosed a panic attack

in the young man

as a cardiac event.

That's why I cut off the call.

I realized that I was mistaken.

-Oh, I see.

We all make mistakes.

Have a nice day.


-Have a nice day, officers.

-He definitely peaked.

-Beth, I was so worried

about you.

-Don't, Eddie.

-You were gone all night.

There was a fire?

Somebody had a heart attack?

-Let's sit down.


What happened?

-The patient was very troubled.

I still don't understand.

-Just tell me.



I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

It was -- it was a mistake.

A terrible mistake.

I just, I-I lost myself.

-There's blood on you.

-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

-I can't...

I can't look at you right now.

-So I left.

Where else could I go?

What else could I do?

-You should have

come back to me.

-No, you wouldn't have

understood. You couldn't have.

I just -- I thought

it was better to be alone.

I didn't realize it was

already impossible for me

to be alone ever again.

[Wind whistling]








-Great work today.

-Thank you, Doctor.

I can see now it's only a dream.

-Well, I'll see you next week.

-I thought you said I could

reduce my sessions

to a monthly basis.

-Oh, I'm sorry. I just...

I've been losing track

of time lately.

-I always find myself wishing

I could turn back

the hands of time.


Until next month.

-[Both chuckle]


[Door opens, closes]


Hi, Eddie. I'm coming home.

I'll do whatever it takes.



Oh, but what about our session?

[Engine starts]

[Engine revs, tires squeal]

[Cellphone rings]


-You left in such a hurry

the other night.

I didn't get to thank you.

-What did you do?

Did you drug me?

And what happened

to your father?

-Sorry to cut you off,

but, you know,

I was just getting ready

to head out.

I just wanted to let you know

how much I enjoyed

the use of your body.

You'd be surprised.

It was unlike anything

I've ever experienced.

-I need to understand

what happened that night.

-If you insist.

[Speaking foreign language]



[Bones cracking]


-No, no.

Asa! Asa!

What have you done to me?

Asa? Asa, pick up the phone.

Pick up the phone.

Please. Please.

You can't do this.

-Sorry. Wrong number.


[Chain rattling]



[Chain rattling]


-It's really happening.

Oh, that smell.

[Flies buzzing]

Demon octopus.


-Shit. I'm married.


[Chain rattles]

[Cellphone buzzes]

-Dr. Danielle Upton.

-It's me.

-I'm sorry. Who's this?

-It's -- I'm a friend

of Elizabeth Derby's.

Okay. She needs your help.

-What kind of help?

-She's in danger.

-Danger? What do you mean?

-No, look,

there's no time, okay?

She needs help from a friend.

-I thought you said

you were her friend.

-I can't help her.

I don't know

if anybody can, but...

I know that she needs you.

Like you needed her.

-What did you say

you were again?

-It doesn't matter, okay?

What matters is that

if you don't come,

Elizabeth might die.

Or whatever makes her

who she is might.

-Okay. What's the address?

-It's 33 High Street.

In a basement.

I think there should

be a trap door

in the library under a rug.

Okay? Hurry. Dani, please.



Hello, dear.

-Okay, Beth.

You said you wanted to talk.

Let's talk.

-Why don't we have a drink

first? You want one?

-Well, it looks like you've been

drinking enough

for the both of us.

-To our future together.

Ah, mm, I feel better.

I feel like a new woman.

-Okay. Alright.

What's going on with you?

-Well, dear,

why don't we start fresh?

I'm Elizabeth.

Could I bum a smoke?

-You don't smoke.

You don't usually drink

during the day.

And you don't sleep

with your clients.

Who the hell are you?

-I told you.

I'm Elizabeth.

And you are mister...

-Okay. What the hell?

What aren't you telling me?

-Just some things that

you don't want to know.

-Whoa, um...


-Okay. You said

you would do whatever it takes.

-If that's what you want.

-I don't know what you want.

What are you doing?

-No more questions.



[Knife clatters]


[Breathing heavily]



[Gasping, moaning]

[Panting, laughing]

Oh, that's better,

that's better.

Oh, that's better.

It's better.





[Door opens]


-Down here!

-Dani, oh, my God.

Thank God you came.

-You called me?

-It happened again. Okay.

This is his body.

But it's me, Dani.

It's me.

-What's going on here?

-I don't know. Maybe it's

for some kind of ritual.


Dani, I know, this

is crazy, okay?

But you have to believe me.

-Who did this to you?

Do you need help?

-It almost died

in the old man's body.

That's why Asa wanted me

to destroy the brain

before the third time.

But he didn't make it.

Then it changed forever.

Oh, God. Asa.

-What's your name?

-It's me, Dani. It's Beth.

-Oh, I see.

Then where's your body?

-I was -- I was home.

I was home.


-Who are you calling?

[Line ringing]

-991. Emergency services.

-Yes. My husband is in danger!

Send the police now!


-Sorry to bother you again,

but we got a report

of a domestic disturbance.

-Can we see your wife,

Mr. Derby?

-She's a little indisposed

right now.

-I'm afraid we have to insist.


Come on in.

The cops are here, Doc.

-Are you all right, Dr. Derby?

-Me? I'm just dandy.


-No, thank you, ma'am.

We received a call from

emergency services

about a domestic as*ault.

-Who reported that?

-I'm sorry, officer.

It might be one of my patients.

I think I know which one.


-Uh, Mr. Derby, would you mind

stepping in the other room

for a few minutes?

I have a few follow up



But you can call me Edward.


-Please go to the house,

see if Eddie's all right.


-Wait a minute.

You're that patient, aren't you?

Have you been stalking her?

-No. He's the stalker.

Okay. That -- that's what

this ritual must be for.

It must be some kind of pact.

It must be a sacrifice

to make a pact

with something, for the power

to take over someone's body.

That's what he -- it does.

One body after another.

-All right, that's enough.

-You listen to me,

you little shit.

I have the power to have you

committed to Miskatonic

faster than you can say

"reasonable doubt."

So you tell me

what happened

to Elizabeth Derby.

-You were saying?

-Uh, ma'am. Sometimes

people don't feel comfortable

speaking in front

of their spouses.

-Don't call me ma'am.

I sound like a headmistress.

Call me Liz, Officer Huxley.

-Dr. Derby.

-Officer Huxley.

Is it customary that a detective

would answer the call

for a domestic dispute?

-Well, no, but we thought this

and the incident

at Waite house

might be connected.

-Mm. Fascinating.

-It always comes in threes.

He said after the third time,

it's forever.

I have one more chance

before it's done.

-I'm calling the police.


personality disorder.

Alexander Lawrence. 2013.

Your patient with SPD.

When Sean found out about

the affair, I covered for you.

Nobody else ever knew.

All the way through the divorce.

-She never should have

told you about that.

-No, no, I...

I never would have.

We stick together.




[Gagging, groaning]

[Bones crack]

-Dr. Derby?

[Bones crack]


-Who the f*ck are you?

-[Gasping, panting]

Where's my husband?

-I'm right here, I'm right here.

Are you okay?

-Is she all right, Mr. Derby?

-It'll be okay. She just had

a little too much to drink.

-It seemed more like a seizure.

-Should we call the EMTs?

-No, no, no. I'm fine.

I'm fine.

My husband and I were just

celebrating our reconciliation.

-Yes, we were. Yes.

-If that's it, then

we're sorry for the intrusion.

If you'd like to make a

complaint against that 911 call.

-No, no, no. It's all right.

It's all right.

-Well, if you're sure

you're okay,

then you two have

a good evening.

And pardon me, but I hope

we won't be seeing you

a third time.

-I'll see you guys out.

[Door closes]

-Are you okay?


-Do you remember

our conversation?

-Let me guess.

You're a doctor, too.


What happened to keeping it

in the f*cking kitchen?

-What about calling me?

-You know, if I don't know

who you are,

how the f*ck would I know

your phone number?

-Are you familiar

with an Elizabeth Derby?

-Her I know.

Quite the sociopath.

All that's missing

is the apartment full of cats.

-Did she do this to you?



Oh, we were just playing.

-This was a sex game.


Are you interested in a round?

-All this was role play?

-Whatever happened was


No means no, and...

our safe word is "ow."

Now get the f*ck

out of my house.

-You just tell me where she is.

-I am sure that she's home.

With Eddie.

-Are you okay?

-Me? I was worried about you.

-I'm good. I'm good.


-You're smoking?

-Oh. You have no idea... happy I am not to have

to sneak them anymore.

You want to go again?

I'm game if you are.

-What do you mean?

-What we did

before the cops game.

-What did we do?

-[Chuckles] All right.

If you want to play games.

We can start out as strangers...

every time.

I want you to know.

I've never come like

that before.


I don't know what got into you.

But if you want...

you can cut me again.

I liked it.


What's wrong?

-You've got to leave.

I want you to go to a place

on Shelter Island.


-You can't be around me.

He can't know where you are.

-Who are you talking about?

-If he does it one more time,

it's forever.

If I have to make you

hate me, I will.

If I have to k*ll myself,

I will.

I just --

I won't let him have you.

Just remember me.



[Engine starts]

Elizabeth! Elizabeth!


[Engine revs, tires squeal]

-There were horrors in that

thing that I couldn't reach.

It's ironic how much

you have to lose

before you realize

how much you really have.

What it would mean

to have my body taken from me

and how far

I would go to keep it.

-Careful, doc.

You wouldn't want

to hurt yourself.

-I didn't think

you'd get here so fast.

-I always know

where you are now.

Besides, you're not

that hard to find.

You have such a little life.

-What happened to Asa?

-Uh, here, there.

Who really knows.

If he's lucky,

he died in that old man's

wretched body.

But there are worse places

he could be.

Much worse.

What matters is that we're here,

you and I.

-Who are you, really?

-You mean the body

I was born in?

Oh, God, I...

I don't really remember.

I always assumed

I was born a man.

I had a man's desire

to satisfy myself.

To dominate.


Now, I'm not so sure that means

I wasn't born a woman.

It's all semantics anyway.

These days,

I just do it when I'm bored.

-Well, we're not

just our passions.

We also connect with our minds.

-You're right.

And who doesn't love

a good mind f*ck?

Times have changed.

The future is female.

And so is mine.

-The minute you say the words,

the minute I feel you taking

over my mind, I'll jump.

And then you can have my body

as it falls to its death.

-Oh, you want to play?

I'm getting a little

aroused here, doc.

Okay. How's about this?

You can live...

...if you can k*ll me.

I mean, really k*ll me.

Before I become you forever.

Then you can be

with your husband.

And you can keep

your little life.

[Gasps] Oh, no.



you can choose the sure thing.


Who are you, really?

Are you everything

you thought you would become

when you were born?

-How long have you been

wandering like this?

Body to body.




-Time is just a shadow to me.

-Don't you get tired

of the endless changing.

Don't you get weary?


That's what makes you so...


You're something --

you're something new.

[Echoing] New flesh.

-Another and another.

New gets old.

No rest.

-No rest, no.

-Let your mind float free.

-Yes. Free

-Floating free.




[Speaking foreign language]

Come on!


-[Shouting indistinctly]










-[Breathing heavily]

[Tires squeal]





[Engine revs, thuds]

[Breathing heavily]

[Engine revs]


[Breathing heavily]


-Chill out.


[Knife plunging]

[Siren wailing]


-[Gasping, knife plunging]

-Dr. Derby!

-Drop the knife!

Drop it!

-No! No! No!

[Shouting indistinctly]


I wasn't out of my mind.

And I'm not now.

I didn't k*ll Asa Waite.

I was trying to k*ll

that thing inside him.

The thing that's coming for me.

-You truly believe

that's what happened?

-Yes, and I still don't think

he's really dead.

-His body couldn't have

survived that trauma.

-I don't care about the body.

You have to destroy the brain.


-Oh, you are a f*cking mess.

Oh. [Chuckles]

Don't want you to have

to smell my pastrami breath.



-The brain.

I'll do what I can.

-[Sighs] Thank you.

-Through all kinds of weather.

-All right.

First incision in the sternum.

10 centimeters

below the clavicle.

There is...

considerable trauma.

-[Speaking indistinctly]

-[Gasps] Holy shit!

-[Speaking indistinctly]

[Speaking foreign language]




-Holy shit!



[Bones cracking]

Oh! f*ck!


-Oh, my God.

You okay?



Oh, my God.



It's not dead!

It's not dead!

It's not dead!

-What the hell are

you talking about, man?


-What the f*ck?!


-Beth, are you okay?


-Where am I?

-Get me out.

Get me out

of this body.

-Am I the patient here?

-What do you mean?


-You don't remember

what happened?


Right. Right.

-Okay. I'm afraid

you're in serious trouble, Beth.

You've k*lled someone.

A patient.

-Oh, my.

I clearly wasn't myself.

You know me.

-I thought I did.

-It sounds like a drug reaction.

-You said you weren't on dr*gs.

-Well, that sounds

like something

a drug addict would say.

So how are you

going to cure me, doc?

Maybe a deeper examination.


-I've only seen one other

schizophrenic episode like this.


-And your patient Asa Waite.

-Oh, I love it

when you talk dirty.

-He went from hysterical

claims of possession

to perfect composure.


-Exactly as you just did.

-Oh, I did, didn't I?


-What's my name?


-What's my name?

-Don't be ridiculous.

-What's my name?!

-Is this some kind of test?

-Yes, it is.

-Doctor! Doctor!



You got to come now.

You got to come now.

-Watch her.

-Hi, boys.

-You got to come with me now.

It's over here, Dr. Upton.




I'm Elizabeth.





Code blue! Get in here!

Hurry. Come on. Come on.

Let's go. Let's go.


-No vitals. But she's alive.


-She, doctor?



[Defibrillator pops]



Come on!



[Defibrillator pops]



-This is all a big mistake.

You know me, right?

I'll suck your cocks

if you let me out.

-Go out and help them

with the body.

Who are you?

-I'm Dr. Elizabeth Derby.

And you'll have a hell of a time

convincing anyone otherwise.


But I can keep you here.

Isolated, drugged.


-Imprisoned until you die.

-Do you really want that

to happen to your friend?

-Elizabeth Derby was my friend.

And she's gone because of you.

-Well, all my friends

are in hell.

So yours will have good company!


Damn padded cell.




-You bitch!

-[Speaking foreign language]

Come on!

-When I'm dead,

let me stay dead.



-Dr. Upton?



-You are right, Dr. Upton?

-She tried to k*ll me.

sh**t her.

-That's not Daniella Upton.

I am.

I'm Daniella Upton.

-She's insane and dangerous.


-Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Wait a minute.

Okay, hold on.

-Oh, God damn it.

-Hold on, Doctor.

Wait a minute.

-What the f*ck?!

Give me the g*n!

Get back. Get back.

-Don't do this, Dr. Derby.

-Get the f*ck back.

-Okay. Okay.

-Get away.


-Get away from her, Mace!

Get away!

That is not Daniella Upton!

I'm Daniella Upton!

-She's crazy!

-I know who I am!


-f*cking bitch.

-I know who I am!


[Speaking indistinctly]

Stick together.

-All kinds of weather.




-[Speaking foreign language]


-[Speaking foreign language]

-Get out of the way! Stop!

Get out of the way!

-[Shouting in foreign language]





-Dr. Upton?

Dr. Upton?

-Whoa, whoa, wait. Hold on.

Give me the g*n, Dr. Derby.



[g*n clicks]








-Come on.

[Speaking foreign language]

-A lot of psychiatrists

can't handle it.

The pressure

of being responsible

for keeping the minds of so many

other people together.

I always told Beth

I thought she cared too much.

But I didn't know how bad her

work-life balance had become.

That must have been

very hard on you.

-I loved her so much.

It started to get better

at the end there.

-I know.

And you should try to salvage

the good from that.

-From the ashes?

[Sighs] Thank you for

the coffee and your time.

I know that the two of you

were like sisters.

-Which makes us family now, too.

So please call me Dani.

-Okay, Dani.

-And you know you can come

and see me anytime.


I looked into her eyes before

her mind completely passed.

And I know

in those last few moments,

she understood

who she really was.

We were more than sisters.

We were friends.





-I'm not her. I'm me.

I'm not supposed to be in here.

I'm a doctor.

Do you hear me?! I'm me! I'm me!

I'm me! This isn't my life!

I'm me! I'm me! Help me!

Help me! Help me!

I didn't k*ll them! Help me!

Let me out of here!

Let me out of here!

I'm me!

[Overlapping shouting]

-I need you like

a doughnut needs a hole

Like pianos need fingers,

heart, and soul

We go together like

peanuts in a shell

I'm going to hold you in

my arms like water in a well

And I love you like

flowers love the sun

Like birds like to fly

and kids like to run

Like trees love leaves

and leaves turn brown

Like rabbits in a meadow

like to hop around

I need you like

a doughnut needs a hole

Like pianos need fingers,

heart, and soul

We go together

like peanuts in a shell

I'm going to hold you in my

arms like water in a well

When we are together

side by side

It's like a roller coaster

or a carousel ride

The clouds all lift

just to sing with me

The oak trees dance

along with the breeze

I need you like

a doughnut needs a hole

Like pianos need fingers,

heart, and soul

We go together like

peanuts in a shell

I'm going to hold you in

my arms like water in a well
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