02x44 - It's All Relative

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x44 - It's All Relative

Post by bunniefuu »

Look at yourself, bastion.

You used to be at the top of your game.

But now, not even this white uniform can hide

The fact that your legacy is over

Before it had a chance to begin!

And then there's jaden!

He wins everything!

And how? With luck!

Maybe dueling isn't about logic!

Man: "not about logic"?

Bite your tongue!

Why if it weren't for the principles of logic and reason,

I wouldn't be where I am today,

Now would i, young man?

Uh, pardon?

I forgot to introduce myself again, didn't i?

My name...

Is eisenstein!


You mean...

The world renowned dueling physicist!?

You've been my hero ever since I learned

To hold a duel disk!

I even named my teddy bear fuzzy fuz-enstein!

Then I take it you're familiar with my theory?

You know e=mc...

I always forget that last part.

Teach me! Teach me everything!

I want the formula to beat anyone!

Including jaden!

He's gone! Could he have been...

A vision?

I had a vision!

I had a vision!

I had a vision!

A little help over here please?

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Ahhh, the hermit.

It seems he has arrived, my prince.

Are you telling me that eisenstein

Is on the island?

I believe it's pronounced eisen-steen.

Oh whatever.

The point is jaden's luck will be

Of no use against the brilliant logic

Of the world's most gifted mind.

Calling him out of retirement

Was a delicious idea if I do say so myself.

Now we need to lure jaden.

And eisenstein will handle the rest.


And jaden's been taken care of.

All we need to do is wait.

And his satellite key

Will be ours!

Jaden: feelin' better, sy?

Yup! Much better.


Ya had us all worried there.

That was some match!

And the important part is you finally

Stood up ta zane!

Hey speaking of my brother,

Where is he?

That's a good question.

He sorta just disappeared.

Wonder where he went?

Crowler on p.a.: Attention, slackers!

Will jaden yuki please report to the physics lab immediately.

You have a pop quiz to take!

Thank you.

All we have to do now is watch.

And wait.

Ha ha ha!

Come on. It's not that bad!

It's one teeny little test!

"Just a test"!?

Tests are the enemy, sy!

I'll flunk outta school!

Why're you here?

Hassleberry: we heard about that pop quiz a' yours.

Awesome! So what's the escape plan?

Escape plan?!

For one test?

Son. It's pop quiz time!

You're the best duelist we've got!

And if you miss that test, they'll expel ya!

They're right.

Ok! About face and forward march, soldier!

Can we talk about--aah!

Oh and good luck!

I thought you were on my side!

Hey. I'm the only one here.

Wrong! It is i, your substitute professor!


Oh, hi.

Where's everyone else?

Or is this a pop quiz for one?

I'm afraid you've been misinformed, my boy.

We're dueling!


Now that is my kinda test!

Getcher game on!

Oh please!

You don't stand a chance against eisenstein!

This is one pop quiz

You're guaranteed to fail, jaden!

So it's jaden is it?

Tell me...

Do you think your luck will hold up in here?

Or will it collapse like a spheroid neutron star?

Uh... A spheroid what?!

I'm not lucky.

I just believe in my deck!

And if you're wondering how I always manage

To draw the right card,

It's because my deck happens to believe in me also!

Come now. Your deck's just paper und ink!

It isn't capable of "believing" a thing!

It does! And I'll prove it!

And I'll put my faith in science!

You cannot argue with the principles of physics!

Bastion: hear! Hear!

[Thinking] ahh. The young man from this morning!

With a victory I might restore his faith in science!

In fact, the future of scientific dueling

Might depend on this very match!

Alright, jaden... Game on!

You ready, eisenstein?

Let's duel!

It's eisen-steen!

Now feel the power of science!

I play a spell card

Known as relativity field.

No way.

Great scott!

Jaden? Physics quiz?!

sh**t. That boy just may have to cheat!

No loitering in the halls gentlemen!

And what's this I hear about "cheating"?!

I said "cheering"!

Just some moral support for jaden, that's all!


Ya know for your pop quiz.

What are you talking about!?

There's no time for examinations!

We're in the middle of a tournament!

Hold up! I heard you!

You made the announcement!

I did nothing of the sort.

Then what's goin' on?


Crowler: someone! Close the door!


I end mein turn.

You sure?

In case you're unclear on the rules,

You can do more!

[Thinking] a field spell is all he needs, jaden!

In fact, once its effects begin,

Your luck will finally run out!

Fine, suit yourself!

I'm playing polymerization!

So I've got a little formula for you, teach!

Avian plus burstinatrix equals

Flame wingman!

Quite impressive!

But not when compared to my singularity fiend!

Und next I shall activate his special ability

By simply discarding my fiend plus a spell card.

Und now that I paid the price,

Your flame wingman...

Is no more!

Fine. Then I'll throw down

Two facedowns and call it a turn.

[Thinking] he destroyed one of jaden's

Most powerful monsters

In a single round!

Eisenstein: well, my boy.

It looks like the score is science, one,

Luck, zip!

Ha ha ha!

Now it's time to introduce

My shroedinger's cat spell card!

Und vith pot of greed, I pick up two more cards.

I know vhat you're thinking.

"Vhat's the cat do?!"

Vell, my feline friend has a special gift!

Venever I happen to pick up a few extra cards,

My kitty cat lets me look at them!

Und zen, I can put them back,

Rezhuffle, und draw again!

Ho ho ho!

[Thinking] it's true! Eisenstein has taken

The luck out of dueling!

With that magic card, he's transformed

"Drawing cards" from random chance to science!

I'll place this card facedown

Und summon laplace, the fiend mathematician!

Now attack him!

Not with this card!

It's a hero emerges!


Well, I guess you know what ya hafta do now.

Pick any one of my cards.

Oh, well, there's just one left!

Looks like you're stuck with him.

I am!?

So now I summon

My old pal neos!

The fight is off!

I play a facedown...

Und zen activate the spell card: dimensionhole!


Thanks to my discoveries in astro physics,

My monster can vanish und reappear next round!

Of course, vhenever laplace leaves the field,

His special ability takes effect!

So for every card on the field,

You lose points!


[Thinking] including the field spell,

That's six cards,

So he loses , points!



Zorry, but there's also the effect

Of my relativity field!


Ve have to balance ze equation!

It's simple math.

Neos must lose the same number

Of points you just lost!

No way!

Und one more!

My favorite card!

Ze famous dark hole!

Nothing can escape,

Not even that hero of yours.

Ze gravitational pull is too strong!

Now do you understand?

I have science as my ally!

And logic wins over luck!

If I must defeat you to teach you that,

Zen I'm afraid that you vill lose, my boy.

We'll see.

Yes, we vill.

If we're teaching lessons,

Then lemme share with you one of my theories!

A duel's not over 'til the last card is played!

Hassleberry: so what's going on again?

Crowler: for the last time,

Jaden is dueling against one

Of the greatest scientific minds of all time!


I can't breathe out here!

That's 'cause there's no oxygen in outer space!

Let's get outta here!


My move!

Just a moment!

I activate my trap!

It's called draw paradox!

Now our draw phases are interchanged!


During my phase,

You draw from your deck.

But during yours, I draw from my deck!

You do!?

Jawohl! So zat mean

I get to draw now!

No fair!

Bastion, thinking: first he took away

Jaden's cards,

Then he took away jaden's draw!

There's only one thing jaden can say now.

I end my turn.

Why ze long face?

As soon as my turn comes around,

You get to draw!

Oh that's right!

Then wish me luck!

Jaden, remember!

Luck does not exist!

Now thanks to dimensionhole,

My laplace returns!

My dear boy, allow me to offer you some words of advice.

You play quite well.

But to become a master duelist

You must embrace science and its relationship to the universe!

Huh? I thought this was a duel

Not a physics lecture!

Take out a pen.

You may vant to write this down!


[Thinking] oh great!

A once in a lifetime opportunity,

And I forgot my pencil sharpener!

Can you name for me

The three essential elements of dueling?

That would be, ah...

I have no idea.

Monsters, traps, und spells!

Are we clear?

These elements create a mathematical base.

Und upon this base, power is built!

Und I'll prove it with this!

Battle constant!

So I remove a monster und a spell

Und a trap from the field!

But before I explain why

The special ability of laplace

The mathematician is activated!

A moment ago, the field had four cards!

So you lose , life points!!


Zorry. But now back to the physics!

The three types of cards--

You know, monsters, spells, und traps--

Open a dimensional gateway!

A gateway that releases the brain dragon!

Time for your next lesson, my boy!

When you see a brain dragon, run!

Oh, man!

I always hated physics class!

I play this!

My flute of summoning kuriboh!

So guess who's joining the game!

Whenever winged kuriboh's destroyed,

All battle damage is reduced to zero!

Oh well.

I never said science was perfect.

If fact, lots of theories fail.

Zat's how ze new ones are born.

Thanks, pal!


Ah, jaden? Hmm?

Who on earth are you talking to?

Your duel disk?!

No, to kuriboh!

It zeems your loss of life points has had

A negative effect on your cranium!

Duel monsters cannot talk!

Bastion, thinking: eisenstein is right!

This is just what I needed to hear!

I'll rebuild my deck with pure science!

Once jaden loses!

It looks like I'm up!

I play elemental hero bubbleman!

And that's not all!

I get...

Two more cards!


Alright, ready eisenstein?

Eisen-steen! Eisen-steen!

Oh, whatever!

Now I activate

Bubble blaster!

Which gives bubbleman more points!

And next up...

Hero dice!

Now here's how it works, teach.

First I give my lucky dice a roll!

After that, depending on what number I get,

My elemental hero is rewarded

With a special power!

But first everyone gets assigned a number.

Come on! Daddy needs a new duel disk!

It's six!

That's me! Aah!

And guess what that means!

Here's a hint!

Bubbleman! Attack him directly!

Oh and one more thing!

Thanks to your field spell,

Your dragon loses points, too!

Unh! Hey, gramps!

Are you ok!?

Newton's law clearly states

You cannot--

Uh, need some help?

I'm perfectly fine!

Now, thanks to my dragon's ability,

I can draw two cards!

Und after I have selected them,

I get to put them back in my deck!

In any order I vant, I might add!

[Thinking] with my non-fusion in reserve

And jaden down to one card,

This duel iz mine!

[Thinking] time to prove the power

Of science once and for all!

I play myst'cal space typhoon!

Thanks to this, one of your spell cards is blown away!

Now, brain dragon, it's your turn!

Attack his bubbleman with big bang blast!


Ho ho! You should have paid more attention in class!

Especially in science!

Perhaps you want to give up.

No way! Win or lose,

I'm in this duel for the long haul.

You can keep your science!

All I need is faith!

I summon neo-spacian glow moss!

Then I activate my o-oversoul spell!

Thanks to this, one of my monsters

Comes back from the graveyard!

My elemental hero neos!

Now it's fusion time!

Neos and glow moss merge to create

Elemental hero glow neos!

But that's impossible!

Wait. There's more!

He's got a sweet effect!

Whenever he's summoned,

He can destroy any face-up card

On your side of the field!

Sorry, pops!

But glow neos is going straight

For your field spell!

You've destroyed my whole universe!!

And now that it's gone,

Neos can do something else!

Attack your life points directly!

No! You can't!

Sorry! But this is my lesson now!

Oh, no!

My calculations!

They've all failed meeee!


How could it be zat I was wrong?

At least your physics is still way better than mine!

And that's game!

It seems you were right.

There is room for faith.

Jaden? How vould you like to teach an old man some new tricks?

Sure, einstein!


Your scientist has failed.

Therefore jaden is still in possession

Of the satellite key.

Please. I'm not worried.

He has yet to face me.

That won't be necessary.

You see my backup plan is already in place.

Jaden: hey, dr. C! I passed your test!

In fact I think I got an "a"!

Well think again!

All my tests will be given once

The gx tournament is over!


I heard you!

You called me here for a physics test!

Trust me. If it were my test,

You wouldn't have passed!

Crowler on p.a.: Jaden yuki, please report

To the physics lab immediately!

If you didn't set that up,

Then who did!?

A-ha! That's it!

Like the butterfly sheds his cocoon,

I must shed my past! Ha ha ha!

Can't he do that with pants on?

Bastion: professor eisenstein?!

I want to be your pupil!

Teach me!

I can pick up where you left off!

Together we'll show the world

The power of science!

I'm afraid I'm getting too old for this.

My days of scientific dueling are over.

Maybe there is something to be said for "luck."

What?! He must be testing me

To see if I'm loyal.

You can trust me!

Science's my life!

I want to join you!


Professor eisenstein!?

He's gone!

That means...

He really was a vision!


No, I just fell down again.

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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