02x34 - The Art of the Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x34 - The Art of the Duel

Post by bunniefuu »

From the stages of london to the theaters of broadway,

I've dazzled audiences everywhere!

"Nobody throws down like him,"

Raves the "duelist times."

"He is magnetic,

The brightest star in the pro circuit," cheers the "gx post."

And now I'm here-- duel academy.

Orlando has arrived!

I gotta get my game on!

We've been looking for an opponent for two hours now.

Hustle, son!

I'm coming!

Not everyone runs miles every morning

At the crack of dawn!

Ever hear of resting?

There's no time. But I have an idea, sy!

How would you like it if hassleberry here gave you a piggyback ride?

What? And let this pipsqueak wimp out?

Let's just go back.

There isn't anybody to duel out here.

Actually, sy, there is someone.

In fact, I happen to be looking at him as we speak!

Who? Me?

That's the perfect jacket for you soldier,

'Cause you're as yellow as they come!

Hey, I know!

Why don't I challenge both of you to a duel?

But I'm too scared!

What's that?

It's my grand entrance, of course!

All right. Five minutes to show time.

And playing the part of my next victim is you!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioning made possible by kids productions

Anyone know who that guy is?

That's a negative.

Get with the program! His name's orlando.

He's a pro!

Oh. Oh.

Orlando: I'm a household name!

What rock have you two been living under?

I've been living at slifer red.

A little respect?

You're in the presence of a living legend,

A dueling artist, if you will!

In fact, I'm the only broadway actor turned duelist in the world!

Isn't that nice?

Well, he's definitely unique.

I gotta duel this guy!

You in the red costume, what's your stage name?

Jaden, I guess.

Very well.

Jaden, you will have the honor of battling me!

It's a duel! Time to get your game on, orlando!

Not a bad opening line!

Would you like to borrow some eyeliner or blush

Or perhaps just a little concealer for those blemishes?

[Syrus and hassleberry chuckle]

Jaden: ready, orlando?

A master of the performing arts is always ready!

Jay can beat this guy, right?

Well, I'd hate to see him lose to a clown.

If ya spend the whole duel worrying about the end,

You miss all the fun!

You know me.

I duel to improve my game and to have a blast, not to win!

You duel to have a good time?

That's right.

But dueling is about art... Huh?

Not about fun!

Just wait till I take the stage

For the performance of a lifetime!

Bring it on!

Syrus: isn't that crowler and bonaparte?

Who else would be picnicking on a b*ttlefield?

My mahjong group is never gonna believe this!

Front row seats to an orlando show!

I've been a fan of his for years.

So have i! We've got to get his picture.

For our blog!

Take your seats, everyone!

The curtain is just about to rise!

My dear friends, william shakespeare once said

All the world's a stage.

Now let me welcome you to my world!

Kabuki stage big bridge!


What does it do?

Ha ha! What does it do?

It's the set! It establishes the first scene!

Exterior: wooden bridge on a summer's morn!

What a show!


Isn't he so inspiring?

I should go back to acting.

Just what we need-- orlando's fan club!

Just ignore them. I mean, please.

Who would buy tickets to see this hack?

And now entering the scene from stage right,

The one, the only yoshitune the goblin beauty!

And scene.

Not bad!

But what's a performance if you don't have a hero, right?

So how about a big round of applause, folks,

For the man of the half-hour--

Elemental hero sparkman!

You know what to do!

Attack now

With static shockwave!

There's a plot twist!

Your hero has over a thousand points,

So my goblin switches to defense mode!

Big deal. Sparkman's still stronger!

So it's curtains for her!

Not exactly!

Whenever she's in defense mode,

My goblin gets immunity for a turn!

So it looks like she'll make it to act two after all!

Nice move!

That's nothing.

Since the stage we're on belongs to me, I run the show!

And with that job come a few major perks,

Like the power to introduce a new character!


Armed samurai ben kei!

And with a new leading man on the stage,

The plot's about to thicken!

He played a card that's weaker than mine!

What's he planning?

Places, everyone! Show time.

Switching goblin to attack mode!

Next I'll activate the spell card monk halberd

And add it to my ben kei!

Now it's time for some role reversal,

Because I activate dramatic pose!

What's that do?

Simply put, it takes points away

From your elemental hero

And instantly hands them over to my samurai and my goblin!

Ben kei, attack his sparkman!

Your side of the theater's empty!

Well, not for long,

'Cause I'm using the effect of your big bridge

To play wildheart

In defense mode!

The rules state in order to take the stage,

A monster must be in attack mode.

You're kidding.

What a faux pas!

This is tres embarrassing!

Yes, it seems that jaden missed the dress rehearsal!

Ah! The unpredictability of live theater!

Uh, so anything else I should know?

I'm not too up on the whole theatrical dueling thing.

What do we do?

Take jaden to more shows?

Orlando: no crowd participation!

It gets worse!

My ben kei's not done!

Thanks to my spell, he's back by popular demand,

And he's added a repeat performance!

Why attack when both of our monsters have the same power?

They'll both be destroyed.

You'd think that, wouldn't you?

Wait a sec! Your samurai came out without a scratch!

You remember my monk halberd spell card, right?

Well, it shields him from harm.

And there's more!

My spell card has another trick in its repertoire.

It takes points from you!

Aah! Uh!

You see?

Just when you think I'm done,

Somehow I find a way to upstage myself!

Napoleon and crowler: encore, encore, encore!

You are just too kind!

Beauty, you're on! Attack him directly!

Together: watch out, jay!

Bien! Best show I've seen all year!

Yes! I could watch this for hours!

It's better than "cats"!

Oui, oui! I'm glued to my seat!

Jaden, want to know why they love me?

No. Not really.

Because to me, dueling is about beauty and grace.

Allow me to demonstrate. I shall dismantle my stage

And establish a new scene! The time is mid-afternoon.

The place is kabuki stage-- cherry blossom mountain!

I hope I have more luck in this scene.

Ladies and gents,

I recommend you stay in your seats!

This is a number you won't want to miss!

It stars a young girl.

You know her from such classics as "duelist on the roof"

And "deck side story."

I'm proud to introduce shizuka--the heavenly dancer!

Now I'll activate this--

The spell card new year drum!

What do ya think that spell card does?

I don't know, but I'm not a fan of this show!

Orlando: and as this scene comes to a close,

I'll remind you that the effect of my dramatic pose

Has also ceased.

Ya know, I can't think of a more pleasant way

To spend an afternoon.

Here's to fine theater and jaden's demise!

I'm sure glad this act is over.

Now jaden can take control.

Yeah, I guess. But do ya think he has a plan?

I mean, look at him.

He seems kind of helpless out there.

Uh, I need a brief intermission.


You've got it! We'll be right back!

Something's on my mind, bro.


Well, ya see...

I totally get why all your fans think you're the best.

You put on a great show.

Thank you.

But what's the point?

Eject that slacker from the theater!

Yes! Doesn't he know who he's speaking to?

Here's the thing.

Dueling is supposed to be fun.

Grr. Ahem! That's where we differ.

I duel to satisfy my audience.

You duel only for yourself!

Hold on. Why not please your fans and have a good time?

Fine. Then do it your way.

Oh, I will. So watch this.

My move!

I'll start off with this--

My polymerization!

And I'll use it to fuse my avian and my burstinatrix

To form elemental hero flame wingman!

Now, flame wingman, attack!

Huh? What's the deal?

Ha ha ha!

It's my field spell-- cherry blossom mountain!

This is the card that made me famous!

That's right, folks! It's my signature move!

First I block my opponent's attack

And then I redirect it to a new target!

You do? Wingman, wait!

Your target will be the lovely shizuka!

Ha ha ha!

Oh, and by the by,

There's an interesting fact about shizuka

You may want to know.

Oh, gee. I wonder what it is.

Could it be a special effect?


When shizuka's the target of an attack, I get a little bonus--


And next, new year drum's effect activates!

So I can summon my battle claw fox

And make it the target of your attack!

Big mistake, orlando.

She's only got attack points!

So I'll drop you like third period french.

Wingman, attack!


Now, my wingman's got a special ability for you!

So your battle claw fox's attack points

Come out of your life points!


Like that?!

We do, jay!

And so do i,

Because any monster that att*cks my claw fox gets destroyed.

So your wingman exits the stage!

No way!

What a twist!

He knew he would destroy flame wingman all along!

Isn't he just a brilliant actor?

That was such a moving performance.

Now I'm getting a little verklempt.

Syrus: gimme a break!

You're the real star, jay!

It's show time!

And I'll activate this!

It's called de-fusion,

And it separates my wingman back

Into burstinatrix

And avian!

Now, burstinatrix, attack!

So who's her target gonna be?


You know what that means!

Thanks to her effect, I get points!

And next my new year drum kicks in!

So battle claw fox returns to the stage

And becomes

Your new target!


Sorry, but whoever att*cks claw fox must leave the theater company!

Later, burstinatrix.

All right! I play avian!

He'll face ben kei!

I'll place this face-down and call it a turn.

Burstinatrix, exit--stage left!

Having fun yet or not?

I activate pot of greed!

So I draw two cards.

My friends,

We've come to the point in our production

Where the setting changes once again.

Oh, come on! This is never a good thing.

Hang in there, soldier!

So join me,

For it's time to leave our cherry blossom

And begin a new scene!

I give you the rough seas!

And this stage has a special effect!

Not only is this backdrop beautiful to look at,

But each turn it lets me add a new character to my hand!

And so I call forth genghis ghan, the emperor dragon!

Ladies, your time is up!

This next actor won't share the stage!

Now please welcome genghis ghan!

Well, I'll be! Man, talk about a showstopper!

It's strong enough to end this right now!

Syrus: do something, jaden.

Fine! I will! I'll play a trap--

Feather storm!

And it's gonna cut your monster down to size,

'Cause it switches

Its attack points with its defense points!

It's still avian's last scene!

So take a bow...


That should do for now.

So recite your final lines!

It's almost time for my grand finale!

Have you accepted my theory on the art of dueling?

As if! You've got it all wrong, and I'll prove it!

Oh, please.

I'm serious!

You're so caught up in making a big production

Out of everything, you miss the whole point!

What point is that?

For the last time,

The point is to actually have a good time

When you're dueling!

The nerve!

You're ruining the show, slacker!


No heckling!

So. What gives you all of this confidence?

Well, I don't know. Let's see.

I just believe in myself, I guess.

It's not like I don't realize

You're beating me right now.

But I'm not thinking about that while I'm dueling, ya know?

I'm kind of just in the moment.

I guess you could say

The secret of my success is not thinking.

Ha ha ha!

I see.

You're spontaneous. I'm charmed.

That attitude is fine for an amateur.


When you're a famous pro like me,

You must entertain the fans!

Well, fine. On with the show!

My move!

This could be jaden's last chance.

He always pulls through in the end.

For starters, I play elemental hero bubbleman

In attack mode!

Since I don't have any other cards in play,

I can draw two right now.

And thanks to the effect of your field spell,

I can add a monster to my hand!

Next I activate my miracle fusion!

So I remove my flame wingman and my sparkman,

Allowing me to summon

Elemental hero shining flare wingman!

And there's more!

For every elemental hero that's in my graveyard,

My monster gains

Attack points!


That's impressive for an amateur.

Like that? Watch this!

I'm gonna put an end to this show!

Ready? Shining flare wingman, attack!

Need I remind you, I'm running this show?

Got that?

And I decide how it ends!

So from my hand, I activate this--

The trap card thousand strings!


Ha ha ha!


The unforeseen spectacle of thousand strings!

Your attack has been stopped,

And all monsters are

Now powerless!

Wiping out everyone's attack points?

Creative, but not a wise move!

[Chuckles softly]

Sorry, but I'm gonna close the curtain on this show!

But you can't!

I activate quick summon!

With this spell, I get to summon another monster.

So I sacrifice my flare wingman and my bubbleman!

To summon elemental hero neos!

Oh, no!

And now the grand finale, folks!

Neos, attack!

He did it!

Take a bow, sarge!

Tragedies are so depressing.

Yes. And the worst part is there was no victory dance number.

Hassleberry: a victory dance, eh?

I wish we could have seen that.

Me, too. Think

He'd do it for us?

I have to admit I was wrong about you.

You understand the art of dueling better than I do.

So here. You deserve this.

And you're going to make a great pro someday.

I mean it.

You're not so bad yourself!

You just need to relax.

And remember to have a little fun!

Can I have my hair back now?

Syrus: orlando?

Hassleberry: would you mind showin' us your victory dance?

Jaden: his what?

Of course!

Awesome! Awesome!


Ra ra ree! Kick him in the knee!

Ra ra rutt! Kick him in the other knee!

Syrus: all right! Bravo!

Hassleberry: whoo-hoo! Orlando!


♪ Chilling out with your crew ♪

♪ In the schoolyard

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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