02x31 - Schooling the Master

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x31 - Schooling the Master

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: yet another win for zane truesdale!

I'm telling you, folks, this pro is dueling like a man possessed!

Could the secret to his recent success be

In his edgy new look?

Perhaps. All I know is: zane truesdale is back on top!


Jaden: syrus!

There you are!

Hey! Zane's duel is starting!

We ordered it on satellite,

And hassleberry bought ten bags of beef jerky.

No thanks, jay.

Why not?

My brother just hasn't been himself,

And I can't stand to see 'im like this.

He does seem to be angrier these days.

But ya know what I think?

I think the whole "bad guy" thing is just an act!

Ya know like when a wrestler all of a sudden starts

Dressing in black and throwing chairs in the ring!

You hafta admit, sy...

Ever since zane changed his image

He's gotten way more popular.

I guess. But it's still hard to watch.

Come on. There's beef jerky!

Okay. Let's go.


Man: will you listen to that capacity crowd?

Different man: that's right, gene!

Zan-a-mania is running wild!

I'm not finished with you yet!

Cyber end dragon, finish this loser off!

Attack! Super strident blaze!


Announcer: unbelievable, gene!

Another win for zane truesdale!

Hold on! I think his opponent needs medical attention!

What an utter atrocity!

What a blatant disregard for humanity!

What's this?

Either I need new glasses,

Or he's leaving!

It's a sad day for the sport

Of professional dueling!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Nice finish back there.

That boy won't walk for months.

Didn't I tell you, zane?

Stick with me, and you'll have it all.

That's true.

But now that I have everything that I want...

We're done.

So I won't be needing you anymore.

What are you saying?

That this is your stop!

You're fired, shroud!

You're gonna regret this, kid!

"Truesdale, meet me at the top of the world."

[Thinking] alright, cyber end dragon.

We're gonna ride this all the way to the top.

There it is. The top of the world.

I was beginning to think you weren't going to show.

Hello, master.

After you stepped down as school chancellor,

I thought we'd never hear from you again.

Everyone said you were crazy to walk away from that job.

After all, you sat at the helm

Of the most prestigious dueling institution in the world.

But I guess everyone has their secrets.

I should've known I'd find you here.

I hope you didn't call me here to lecture me.

'Cause I don't have the time.

You know why I called you here, truesdale.

Just checking.

Are you sure you wanna go through with this?

Of course!

Now get our game on!

Uh, you kids are still using that phrase, right?

It's been a long time.

Too long.

I'll place two cards facedown.

And that's all for now.

Hmm. What's wrong?

I didn't confuse you, did i?


Alright! I play the spell card future fusion!

Now I can send three cyber dragons from my deck

To my graveyard.

You know what's next.

By sacrificing these three cyber dragons...

I can play a card you know all too well.

My cyber end dragon!

Luckily for you, it can't attack right away.

But when it does, look out!

I'm well aware of your dragon's power, truesdale.

I'm the one who gave it to you, remember!?

Or did you trade in all your old memories

For those trendy new clothes?

Well allow me to remind you about the way it was.

You were nine years old when you found out.

You are the one and only heir

To an ancient birthright called "the cyber legacy."

It all happened here in this very room.

You immediately stood out above my other proteges.

Your talent and determination

Was like nothing I'd ever seen.

It didn't take long for me to realize

That you were the one we'd been waiting for.

I draw!

Hold on!

Let's see the rest of your deck.

Tell me, truesdale.

Why did you choose these cards?

It was easy.

I've been watching you duel.

So I know what's in your deck.

Then I just picked the cards I thought would work best

Against you, master.

Plus I borrowed a few of your strategies.

You just tapped into what dueling's all about.

You got inside the mind or your opponent,

And you learned from him.

It's called respect, truesdale,

And it bought you this!


You've earned it.

I thought our journey together was over,

But years later, fate would reunite us.

This time it was within the walls of duel academy,

Where you were our top student.

We couldn't discuss it then,

But I was proud of the duelist you became,

And I never regretted handing you that card.

That is...until now.

This is sounding like a lecture.

And I told you I don't have the time.

I'm here for one reason and one reason only!

To get what's coming to me.

The rest of the cyber legacy!

So...then you know.

There once existed a group of cards!

It came to be known as the "deck of the underworld."

But it's been locked away.

And with good reason.

It contains a dangerous force.

Spare me the stories.

I want those cards!

Never!you have no choice.

Once I defeat you, they're mine.

I'll never reveal their location, truesdale!

But I will reveal this trap!

Cyber shadow gardna!

This card stays active for both of our turns.

It creates a shadow monster

Whose power is equal to one of your monsters!

Now, shadow gardna, replicate his cyber end dragon!

Sorry, teach, you're out of luck!

It's de-fusion!

So my dragon separates into three!

And since your shadow monster

Can only mimic one of my monsters,

It becomes equal to one cyber dragon.

It looks like the end.

Guess you taught me well.

How appropriate that after all these years

The student finally gets chance

To school his former teacher!

And it starts now.

Cyber dragon...

Strident blast!

I've still got two dragons left.

Looks like you've gotten careless in your old age.

Wrong. You just became more gullible that's all.

We'll see about that.

I reveal my trap card!

It's byroad sacrifice!

And it activates when a monster of mine

Is destroyed in battle!

Now I'm allowed to summon another monster from my hand!

So I play this!

My cyber ogre!


With only , points

Your ogre is just food for my dragon.

Ya think so, huh?

My next move oughtta answer your question!

Cyber dragon, attack!

I send another ogre to the graveyard!

Do you know why?

Because now the damage that my ogre

On the field would have taken becomes zero!

Now the ogre that was att*cked

Gains the power of the monster that att*cked it!

Since your cyber dragon had ,,

My ogre's strength increases to ,.

Not bad, sheppard.

I'll end with this.

Here's your choice.

Tell me where I can find that underworld deck...

Or continue this duel at your own risk.

I'll take my chances.

This is your last warning.

Hand over that underworld deck,

And I won't take this duel any further.

I'm not too worried.

'Cause I'm ending this.

Right now!

I reveal my trap!

Attack reflector unit!

Here's how it works!

I sacrifice a dragon from my field...

In order to summon cyber barrier dragon from my deck!


And as long as cyber barrier dragon's in attack mode...

You're outta luck, sheppard.

'Cause every turn I can stop one of your att*cks!

That means my ogre's useless!

But I have something else in mind!

I activate monster reincarnation!

So I toss a card from my hand...

And then replace it with a monster card

From my graveyard.

Then I'll place one card facedown and end my turn!

That was the last move you'll ever make!

I play... Proto-cyber dragon!

And I'll place him in attack mode!

And next... I activate this!

My photon generator unit spell card!

In order to use it...

Two 'a my cyber dragons hafta go.

That's right.

My proto-cyber dragon fits the requirement!

Go, cyber laser dragon!


Now I activate my laser dragon's special effect!

Once every turn, it can destroy one of your monsters

As long it has the same or fewer attack points.

There goes your cyber ogre!

Well I play this!

The spell card scrap fusion!

It lets me take fusion monsters from your graveyard!

So your three cyber dragons are in my control!

Hand 'em over, truesdale.

Oh right there's one small detail I forgot to mention.

Scrap fusion lets me fuse those monsters!

So that means cyber end dragon belongs to me!

Your birthright is now under the command of its former master.

Enough, I get it!

I'll end my turn now.

As well you should.

I draw!

Then I play pot of greed!

So can I draw twice more.

Not bad.

Now I summon...

Cyber esper in attack mode!

Since your barrier dragon only negates

My first monster's attack,

I'm saving my cyber end dragon for later.

Cyber esper!

The first attack of my turn is yours!

Cybernetic shock!

Like you said, my dragon's effect kicks in.

So cyber esper's attack is negated.

[Thinking] perfect! Now he can't use that effect again.

All I have to do now is destroy his laser dragon,

So he can't use its special ability next turn.

Cyber end dragon!

Take out his laser dragon now!

Super strident blaze!

I place one card facedown and let you go.

About time. I play--

Hang on a sec!

Esper's special ability activates!

Now I have the privilege of looking

At every card you draw.

Hmm. I activate pot of greed!

So I can draw two cards.

[Thinking] he'll probably use that limiter removal card

To double his barrier dragon's strength

So he can destroy my esper.

Then he'll use creature swap

To get cyber end dragon back.

What he doesn't know is that my facedown card

Is trojan blast.

So if he takes a monster from me,

He'll lose life points equal to its attack points!

Since cyber end dragon has , points,

He'll lose in two moves!

And knowing his history with that card,

I'm sure he'll try and take it back.

My move!

Cyber end dragon... How do I summon you?

Oh. By merging my three dragons together, huh?

This is so cool!

It just spoke to me!

A card spoke to me!

[Thinking] good job, truesdale.

To be able to connect with a monster spirit--

That's the kinda stuff no one can teach you.

That card means everything to him.

If the old zane's in there,

This is the way to get to 'im.

I reveal my trap card!

Lost pride!

By moving one spell card

From my hand to my graveyard...

I can add a spell card

From your graveyard to my hand.

Here goes.

I sacrifice creature swap.

You what? But now you can't get cyber end dragon!

I don't want it!

From your graveyard, I add scrap fusion to my hand.

Zane! Do you know what you're doing!?

For the first time in my life...

I know exactly what I'm doing!

Time to finish this.

I play ruthless denial!

First I have to sacrifice one of my monsters,

So I choose my laser dragon!

Then I can send one of your monsters to the graveyard!

But which one?

Wait I know!

How 'bout that cyber ogre

You just brought back?

Now there are two cyber ogres in your graveyard.

This oughtta be fun.

Now I play a spell card!

It's called scrap fusion,

But I'll get to that in a bit!

First I have to pay , points!

That's for activating lost pride.

Hold on! Are you--

I activate scrap fusion!

Now I can fuse the two ogres in your graveyard!

And next... I play a card from your deck!

It's the fusion monster known as cyber ogre ...

In attack mode!

How could you!?

Tell me zane!

I'm here to duel.

Not to talk, sheppard.

Now cyber ogre 's special ability activates!

Giving it points equal to half of end dragon's!

So that's , more!

Next I play this spell.

It's called limiter removal!

Cyber ogre 's attack points double!

Now attack cyber end dragon!

What've you done!?

You and that dragon shared a special bond!

We still do.

I can hear its spirit right now...

Screaming for mercy, and guess what?

I don't really care.

Ya know why?

I came for one thing.

And I'm not leaving without it.

Even if it means getting rid of an old friend.

Cyber end dragon...

It's been real.

Well whatta ya know?

The underworld deck.



Be thankful I spared you, sheppard.

I could've pushed this much further.

Truesdale, hold on.

Take this with you.

So what is it?

Wanna know where I've been all these months?

Traveling to schools

And duelist leagues

In the four corners of the earth.

Know why?

Because I'm organizing the ultimate tournament.

And what am I holding?

Your ticket. No one can enter

My tournament without one of those medals.

Truesdale, it'd be in your best interest to join.

Sorry, teach. This just isn't my thing.

I don't do contests.

Although... Could be a good time

To try out my new deck.

I'll think about it.

I suggest you do.

This is the opportunity of a lifetime!

[Thinking] I'm not givin' up on you, truesdale.

If I can't bring you back, maybe your friends can.

Syrus, thinking: what happened to you, zane?

I mean, sure you were never mr. Personality...

But anything's better than this!

Poor guy.

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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