02x30 - Magnetic Personality

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x30 - Magnetic Personality

Post by bunniefuu »

Chazz: and they said I couldn't beat duelists at once!

I'm the chazz!

And after this next move, you ra boys are comin' with me!

To the society of light!


Heh heh heh!

Now...good-bye, ra yellow...

And hello, society white!


Ever since chazz met his fancy new friends,

He's forgotten all about us!

You said it.

Well, maybe it's time we moved on, too.

I can't.


You what?!

But you fellows are all that's left of ra!

Well... It looks to me

Like you're all that's left now.

Look at the bright side.

You have the place to yourself.

I thought you were my friends!

Hey, don't worry,

We'll always be your friends.

That's why we're gonna talk to sartorius

About lettin' you in.


Oh! The last thing I need is your charity, gentlemen!

I'm the best duelist in this dorm!


More like the only duelist in this dorm.

If you reconsider, you know where to find us.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Bastion: that blooming society took everyone!

Except for me.

But why?

I'm the best!

And it's time I proved it!

Syrus: can't we just eat in the cafeteria like everyone else?

I told ya, we're gonna catch lunch!

I'm sick 'a eatin' that slop they call grub!

And where I'm from, we work for our meals!

We don't wait to be served!

Well, around these parts,

If you want a good meal,

Ya need a personal chef!

We're just fishin' in the wrong place!

I've got a bite!

It's chow time!

Where's my steak knife?!



Feel like going diving for steak?

No thank you!

What's wrong, bastion?

Am i...a good duelist or not?

Good? You're great! Right, sy?

Like when he beat, um...

Go on!

Well, that amazon girl?

[Sigh] she won.

Bastion? What's really wrong?

You know, you haven't been acting like yourself for weeks now.

Well...it's just...

It's that new white dorm, gents.

If they're going after the best,

Why are they ignoring me?


All right. Fine. I admit it.

I wish the society of light wanted me!

Why wouldja wish that?!

You wanna be some mindless zombie!?

Good point, jay!

We don't need those freaks!

Yeah. Besides, have you seen those sorry white outfits?

You get barbecue sauce on that,

It'll never come out!

Bastion: I suppose you're right.

I'll show those society snobs!

I'm every bit as good as they are!

I've beaten my share of obelisk blue students!

I've held my own against jaden.


I've even given chazz a run for his money!

There's no one I can't defeat!

And I'll prove it if I have to duel sartorius himself!

Catch anything yet? Besides that old shoe?

Well, I don't know about you boys,

But I'm starving!!

And you're lookin' like a green-haired fried shrimp

Right about now!

Hyah! Aah!

Not funny, hassleberry!

I give up! I'm sicka this!

I'd rather be doing homework!

Hey, bite your tongue, young man!


Let's take a break and cheer up bastion.

'Course, I haven't seen him all day.

And he was acting strange yesterday.

Ya think he's all right?

Well...i hope so.

Well, what're waitin' for?

Let's go!

We caught somethin'!

[Both gasp]


Bastion can wait.

Yeah! We've got bigger fish ta fry!



It's alive! It's alive!

I've created the perfect deck!

It's absolutely flawless!


Someone there?


Oh! Aster!?

Nice night, don't ya think?

Yes. Just taking a run.

Hmm. With your deck?

And your duel disk?

Aster, you can't stop me, so don't try!

I'm going to the white dorm

To challenge sartorius!

Wow. Impressive.

You'll see.

I won't lose. I can't!

Not with the deck I've built.


[All murmuring]


Hey, wrong dorm, geek.

Where is sartorius?

That's master sartorius.

Got that, dork!? And he's busy.

That's right, 'specially for your kind.

I'm afraid yellow's just not his color.

Well, this can't wait!

I'm here to challenge him to a duel!


You in a duel against sartorius!?


Stop it! That's enough!

Chazz: didn't you get the memo?

Bastion, only students with talent

Can join the society of light!

So in other words,

You're just not good enough.

What!? But I was ra's top pupil!

Not according to these guys.

Why don't you open your eyes and look around!

Yeah, man. If you were number one...

They would've come for you!

Instead 'a you comin' ta us!


Just go home!

Don't you get it?! No one wants you here!

I'm going nowhere!

Ha ha ha!

Sartorius: wait.


It's you.

My apologies. How rude of us.

Save it! Just duel me!

Me? Why, bastion,

You've shown a tremendous amount of courage in coming here.

You've earned my respect.

Fine, then let's duel.

And when I win, you leave here.


Very well.

That is, as long as you understand the price of failure.

Should you lose, you'll join the society of light.

Oh, please.


Am I to understand you doubt his worth?

Then perhaps you're the one who should duel bastion.

Is this a joke!?


So are you up for the challenge, mr. Princeton?


But I wouldn't call it a "challenge."

Nor would i.


[Ojama whimpers]

I hope the boss beats bastion!

What're you thinking?

We're rooting against the boss!

Both: why would we do that!?

Simple! Bastion wins,

And chazz becomes his old self!


Oh, joy!

Let's go, bastion!

Both: beat chazz!

It's for your own good, boss!

[Thinking] all right.

It all comes down to this.

Game on! Game on!

Crowd: all hail the chazz!

All hail the chazz!

All hail the chazz!

All hail the chazz!

All right. I'll begin!

On guard! I summon this!

My magnet warrior sigma plus!

And one card facedown.

Now you have a go.

Is that all? Pathetic!

I call...beetron-!

Also known as beetletop!

Then I play this! A spell card!

Called frontline base!

Now I can take any union monster from my hand

And summon it to the field!

As long as it's level or below, of course.

So I play this guy!

Beetron-, electric bugaloo!

Ah, what I meant was beetleturbo!

Now I have two beetrons in play,

Which means beetron one gains points!

But that's not all it means!

Beetron one and beetron two,

Join together!

Meet beetletopturbo!

Now...attack! Beetle rush!

You've triggered my trap!

Magnet force plus!

I've reconfigured your beetletop's electrons,

Thus altering its magnetic field!

In simpler terms,

He's become a positively charged monster!

Exactly like mine!

So now the two can't fight!

Oh, come on!

Last I checked, this was a duel, not a science class!

When you duel me, it's both!

[Thinking] his new deck is more challenging

Than I expected.

Luckily, I upgraded my deck as well.

First off,

I send my magnet warrior to the graveyard,

Along with omega minus in my hand,

Which lets me summon conduction warrior linear magnum!

And now, warrior magnum,

Destroy his beetletop!

Well, seems someone needs a refresher course!

Because only one 'a my union cards gets destroyed!

Not both?!



It's hopeless!

That's crazy talk!

It ain't over. So let's make some noise!

You're right!

Gimme a...uh...

How do you spell "bastion"?

I'll place one card facedown,

And that will do.

Well, then, watch...and learn!

I play my...pot of greed!

And with two more cards to choose from,

I play...

A feather of the phoenix!

The spell works like this:

First I have to trash one of the cards that I'm holding.

Then I get a monster back!

Well, look at that.

It's beetron-!

And since I ditched ojamagic,

My ojamas show up!


But--but-- but we don't wanna fight!

[All whimpering]

But that's not all!

Next I activate... Ojama ride!

Now I can summon up to machine-type union monsters

From my deck for a small price.

I hafta send he stooges packing!

All: say what!?

So that's how it's gonna be!?


Now I play...

Beetron- beetleturbo!

And beetron- spider base!

All right, boys!

Join to form as*ault cannon beetle!

What is that thing? Besides bad news!

Guess what?

It's about ta get even worse!

'Cause I activate the spell card ojamandala!

So I pay a thousand life points!

Which lets me re-summon my ojamas!

And thanks to my beetle's special ability,

Every time I sacrifice one, you lose points!

You can't!

All: yes he can!


Our apologies in advance, bastion!

It looks gross, but I don't care!

Me, neither!

I'm starving!

Hold your horses!

Why?! Why?!

It's not done!

Still needs more fish guts.

Aster: what's cookin'?

Or better yet, why are you cooking!?

Shouldn't you be back at the academy?

At ease!

Do you honestly think we're gonna fall

For the oldest trick in the book?!

You just want our grub, doncha!?

I guess you haven't heard, then.

Haven't heard what? Spill it, bro!

Your friend bastion paid a little visit

To the society of light!

Syrus: he what?

The boy's gone awol!

Chazz: you may as well just quit and join our society!

'Cause even if you manage to win,

You'll still be all alone in that dorm!

I'm afraid that's where you're wrong!


How can I be alone with friends like this!?

I sacrifice linear magnum

To summon plasma warrior eitom!

And if I divide his attack points in half,

He's able to attack you directly!

Now, eitom...

Go ahead and introduce yourself!

Atomic blast!

Bring it on!

Now I'll place this card facedown and call it a turn.

Well...guess that's why he never made it past ra.

If it were me,

I would've wiped out his cannon beetle first.

You'd be wrong.


With bastion's move,

He's all but guaranteed his victory the next round,

For even if chazz att*cks,

One of bastion's facedown cards

Will surely reverse the damage.

So if chazz fights, he'll lose this match?!

And if he does nothing,

He'll still lose!?


It would seem that bastion has proven himself.

[Thinking] according to my calculations,

The possibility of my victory is %.

All right, dork,

I activate my front change spell card!

Now I can swap out my as*ault cannon

For my ultimate monster,

The dreaded combat scissor beetle!


Jaden: don't worry, bastion!

We're on our way!

Bastion's dueling?!

That's right.

Said something about wanting to prove himself...

To sartorius!

All: what?!

[Thinking] if my calculations are correct,

No matter what you do next, you lose, chazz.


[Thinking] wait!

But if I win this duel,

That means I'll never have the opportunity

To join the society of light!

Let's duel.

And when I win, you leave here.

Should you lose, you'll join the society of light.

[Thinking] so the only way to prove

I'm good enough for the society

Is to lose!

Whaddya mean he won't win?!

How do ya know?

I'm not saying your friend doesn't have the skills to win.

What I'm saying, jaden,

Is that he doesn't want to win!

That doesn't sound like bastion!

Then you don't know your friend very well.

He wants his skills to be noticed,

And now they finally can,

If he joins the white dorm.

That's sartorius' power.

He preys on the weaknesses of others.

Sartorius: bastion...

You want to prove yourself?

Well, now's your chance.

Lose this duel...

And join my society.

Leave your friends behind.

All right! Scissor beetle!

Attack with cross slicer!

[Thinking] if I play my trap, I'll win the duel!

You're not thinking of trying to activate that trap card, are you?

If you really want to be someone,

Then you know what you must do.

Give in.






And there's plenty more where that came from, bastion!

'Cause my bug's special ability activates!

And you lose a thousand more points!


Jaden: oh, man!


Syrus: bastion lost?!

But he has two trap cards left!

So why didn't he use 'em?!

Aster: it's just like I said.

That's his power.

Sartorius rarely duels against his opponents.

That's why the guy never loses.

Instead, he forces his enemies to duel themselves.

Bastion, thinking: finally,

My talent will be acknowledged and admired.

All: we love you bastion!

You're awesome!

Thank you! Thank you all!

Crowd: bastion!

Bastion! Bastion!

Bastion! Bastion!



Alexis: next time, you might not be so lucky,

Especially with those ojamas in your deck.

You're right.

Why am I wasting my time with them!?

[All whimpering]

See ya!


Ojama black: we'll be together again someday!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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