03x09 - Ladies Night Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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03x09 - Ladies Night Out

Post by bunniefuu »

( Bawdy jazz music playing )

Champagne and
in fives, candy.

Your table’s ready.

Enjoy yourselves, ladies,
it’s your night.


$ in fives and
a bottle of Cristal

for Miss Covington
and her guest.

All right! Hey!

This is her third night
here this week.

Look at her
drooling over Franco.

A shame to let all
that heat go to waste.

I expect her
at the mansion tonight.

No regrets, candy.

I’ll see that she
arrives safely, Jack.

It’s particularly bad form
to outwit

your fencing

Yes, well, when I see an
opening, Michael, I go for it.

You taught me that.

It was me, wasn’t it?

You know, Rita,
there’s no telling

how much criminal butt
we might have kicked

if I’d got
partnered with you.

But your wife seemed
like the jealous type.

That marriage didn’t
survive anyway.

Yeah, my wife definitely
was jealous of you

but maybe she had
reason to be.

Yes, maybe she did.

You know, you always
were a terrible flirt.

As I recall, it didn’t
seem to bother you

all that much.

No, what bothered me
was that you were married.

I told you how it
was with my wife.

How it was, was that
you were married.

Yes, but I’m not
married anymore.

This is true.

You think it’s too late
for you and me?

Maybe not.

Is lunch ready, Maria?

I’ll say it is.

You set
a lovely table.

Who the hell are you? Maria!

Oh, I rang, but no one answered.

Do you hear the vacuum?

I think she’s doing
the upstairs.

I know you-- from the club.

Very good, Ms. Covington.

I’m flattered you noticed me

considering I’m
the only man in the
place with my clothes on.

I just need some of your time
if you’d kindly step over here.

I want you out, now!

Come on, Didi, have a look.

You didn’t know you were

a movie star,
did you?

A hundred
thousand dollars

prevents this movie
from showing up

in your local
video store.

Amateur tapes are
all the rage now

aren’t they?

It turns me on

but hardly
grand worth.

I’ll go as high as ,
maybe bucks

but you’ll have to include
the cute little player.

Do you think
I’m kidding, lady?

No, I just think
you’re stupid.

Maybe the cops will
make you a better offer.

How are things?

I’m telling you, Diana

fencing is
a great workout.

It’s more intense
than step aerobics.

I bet it is.

Has there been a workout
after the workout yet?

You have
an evil mind, Diana.

There is nothing going on
between Michael and me.


I saw the notice
on the bulletin board

and I tried
something new.

Taught by detective
Michael O’hara.

You and five
other lady cops

how you wanted

to take up
sword fighting?

This is me, Rita.

You’ve got it
so hot for this guy

I could toast
a marshmallow on you.

Ohhh! Is it that obvious?


My last teacher’s crush
was in high school.

Looks good on you.


( Phone rings )

Dr. Roth.

Yeah, Sergeant Lance.

Yes, okay.

Well, just tell Chris
I’ll meet him there.

All right, thanks.

Got a homicide.

You drive?

Yeah, I’ll drive.

So the victim’s name?

Didi Covington.


This is Michael
O’hara’s ex-wife.

Yeah, the
maid said

that Michael was
by earlier.

She served him
coffee out here.

He left about ,
minutes later.

The victim walked him out

then came
back out here.

It was
the last time

the maid saw
her alive.

Found the body about
minutes ago.

So she was probably k*lled

between :
and :.

still warm.

Death by strangulation.

I’d guess a right-handed man

and strong.

Got major love bites
here and there.


I’ll scrape her nails for skin.

She put up
a hell of a fight.

You okay?


I got officers looking
for witnesses.

All right.

So she’s sunning over here
on the chaise, right?

She gets up to get
herself some lemonade.

He jumps her
and they fight.

Or she knew the k*ller.

The maid said she didn’t
let anybody in.

The doors were locked
from the inside

but she could
have let him in

or maybe he had a key.

Dust and bag these
glass fragments.

Check the carpet and
the doorknobs inside.

Yes, sergeant.

So if she was

and answered the door

there will be traces
of suntan oil.

Then there’s
the second theory.


A yard creeper who
came over those bushes.

Steve! Check out
those bushes

when you’re
done inside.

Got it.

So let’s get started
on the house.

Oh. I think somebody
better notify Michael.

You think that somebody
better be you?


Rita! Your
victim wasn’t

sexually assaulted
before death.

No recent sexual activity,
no traces of semen present.

So what about the
hickeys on her neck?

She must have picked
those up last night.

Fingerprint techs
ring any bells?

They pulled
two partials--

the victim’s and
her ex-husband’s.



Listen, thanks, Diana.


Any prints besides mine?


Was she r*ped?

No! The guy must have slipped
over the side fence--

a prowler that figured
nobody was home.

She surprised him
and he panicked.

Fence-- any prints on the gate?

It’s wiped clean.

This guy was very careful.

I’m your best suspect, Rita.

Come on, you told me
why you were there.

You needed her
to sign papers.

Which proves diddly.

Rita, this is
an election year.

The county attorney
might as well hang this on me.

I can’t account for
my whereabouts at the time

of the m*rder.

The maid saw you leave.

She said that
there was no trouble.

You were laughing.

Come on,
Michael, relax.

( Sighs )

If I’d stayed a little
bit longer, you know

she might still be alive.

You know what?

The ifs are going
to make you crazy.

All we can do
is focus

on the facts right now.

It will be okay.


When did you last see
Mrs. Covington?

Last night.

We had a few drinks

kind of a ladies’
night out.

I just can’t believe it.

Where’d you go?

Be specific, if you can.

We had margaritas at Raoul’s.

We were there till
about : or :.

And then Didi took me
to this place called

the sterling
silver club.

Sterling sil-- the male strip
club over on bay shore?

Yeah, it was my first time,
but Didi loved the place.

She went there all the time.

Anything happen there
you want to tell me about?

She went home
with one of the dancers

and I took her car home.

It’s out back.

Do you know this dancer’s name?


Would you recognize him?


All right.

He fits Kelly’s

doesn’t he?

Yes, he does.

Palm beach police.

Would you identify
yourself, sir?

I’m Franco.

Franco, got
a last name?

Lapuma-- Franco lapuma.

the problem?

You left
last night

with Didi

She was m*rder*d.

We’d like to ask
some questions.

Yeah, I don’t know
any Covington.

We’ll make
a dental cast

to see if
your teeth

match the
on her neck.

You bit her
too hard, Franco.

Don’t move, dancer boy,
all right?

Roll over.

Put your hands together.

That dental impression
thing was good.

When they
won’t cooperate

we help them
see the light.


I leave New York...

It’s late, but you
said to call you.

If we heard

I was awake anyhow.

Damn loud rock music
from the rec room.

Kept me awake.

Frannie wanted
to call the police.

She forgets--
I am the police.

Can’t you call
her parents?

I could deal with.

They got respect
for the law.

Maybe it’s
just fear.

Doesn’t matter
either way.

Fear works, but
these old farts

they laugh
in my face.

They’re like vampires.

They never sleep.

They play
it loud

so they can
hear it.

All right, I’m here,
so brief me.

So we got Didi Covington.

She had a midnight

with a stripper
from the sterling silver.

The dancer is on
a -hour discretionary.

He’ll squeal
and deal.

The club is
a front

for party boys.

A whorehouse for women?


What kind of slime ball runs it?

A slime ball named Jack pike.

Check the fine print

in his rap sheet.

He ran a penny ante
shakedown racket

in Atlantic city
a couple of years ago.

Now, he also ran a string
of adult book stores.

Check this out.

He had the peep booths rigged
with video cameras.

Those thrills got
expensive for some.

Yeah, but he beat the rap--
"charges dismissed."

So why quit a winner?

Then he opens up
the sterling silver club

he doubles his dancers
as hookers.

He rents
out a mansion.

He puts in hot
and cold running hidden cameras

and puts a squeeze
on his customers afterwards.

We think he gave Didi Covington
a visit this morning

only the squeeze he put on her
was around her neck.


some coffee.

Let’s take this
down to small pieces.

I would love some black,
no sugar.



No, no, there’s no way.

There’s no way I’m doing that.

I am shocked.

Now I’ve come to expect
excellence from you.

Commitment above
and beyond the call.

I’m not, I’m not going in there

as a dancer,
no way.

Don’t tell me you’ll feel
cheap and humiliated

like some
sex object

dancing in front

of drooling

That would be such
a bad thing, huh?

Lorenzo, we won’t crack
this thing from the outside

and you know it.

Hey, but, wait,
tell you what.

It’s your call.

Why don’t you go home
and get some sleep?

You think about it.

If you can rest

knowing that
somebody got away

with m*rder, while you
stood by and did nothing

hey, terrific.

Modesty over m*rder,

I can’t dance.


I can’t dance!

I think we both know someone
who could teach you.

( Groans )

And one, two, three, four,
five six, seven, eight.

And one, two, three,
four, five, six

seven and rest.

Very good, you guys.
Great workout.

See you next week.

Rick, you look great.

So do you!

Mmm, you feel good, too.

Funny how the mind

remembers the shape
of the body.

How long
has it been?

A year,
year and a half?

About that.

Feels like
a lifetime.

What brings you here?

police business.

Am I under arrest?

Only temporarily.

Teach me how to dance

and I’ll release you
on your own recognizance.

Mmm, sounds dangerous,
but I’m interested anyway.

What kind of dancing
do you want me to teach you?

( Clears throat )

I want you to teach me
how to strip.

It drove you crazy
that I worked topless.

Now you’re going
to do it?

Shh, keep it down.

It’s not something
I’m thrilled with, so...

How do you know?

You haven’t done it.

Oh, and the tips.

Wait till you have
all those women

stuffing dollar bills
down your jock.

You make it sound
so romantic.

So... you
still stripping?

No way.

It was too degrading.

Just kidding!

But, no, I am not
dancing anymore.

I saved enough in the
six months that I did it

to open
my own studio.

So you want me to teach you
how to strip.

( Big sigh )

I hate to say it,
but, yeah, I do.

Then let’s get started, officer.

( Slow, sexy jazz music )

This is stupid.

Oh, let’s
forget it, then.

No, we can’t forget it.

Okay, game face.

Okay, relax.




Good, okay.

Now, move
your hips, nice.

Good-- keep your
upper body moving.

Fluid-- nice.

Now, take off your tie.

Good, keep your
lower body moving.


Good, all right.

Okay, now, unbutton
your shirt... slowly

and sexually.


( Baby crying )

( Music stops )

( Crying )

I’m a mother, Chris.

I didn’t even know
you were married.

I’m not.



Come on, I’ll introduce you.

Here we go, oooh, yes!

This is Joshua.


Joshua’s ten months.

You can hold him
if you want.

I’d love to.

Hi, how you doing, huh?

So who’s the father?

Some guy who’s not ready
for the responsibility.

But he knows he has
a son, right?


( Cooing: )
Yes, yes.

We’ll turn
the music down

so you can take a nap.

Okay, sweetheart?

That doesn’t seem fair, Ricki.

It’s his
son, too.

Getting me pregnant doesn’t
make him a father--

just a donor.

Now, let’s get
back to work.

Oh, oh, that’s good.

Oh, yeah.

Oh... ohhh!


( Moans )

You know,
I had no idea

what hard work dancing was.

Mmm, well, you’ve
been at it all week.

So you think
you’re going to pass

the sterling
silver auditions
tomorrow night?

Don’t worry,
I will have my game face on.

It’s not your face
they’ll look at.

( Feigns laughter )

That’s all you get.

( Groans )

So are you and Ricki

keeping your relationship
strictly business?

All you’ve been
talking about

is that baby.

I knew this was k*lling you.

I knew you wanted
to know about this.

Please, your love life

is not a huge fascination
of mine, you know.


You know,
Joshua could be my son.

So how do you feel about that?

Excited, scared

all the above.

I wish I knew,
one way or the other.

So why don’t you ask her?

I tried, she wouldn’t tell me.

So does that mean
that it isn’t mine

or that it is?


I think only Ricki
can answer that for you.


Ladies, give a palm beach
welcome to rocky

the long arm of the law.

( Wolf whistles )

( Slow bluesy rock
with guitar lead )

( Cheering )

( Music speeds up )

Excuse me, officer!

Where’d you meet
this guy?


I wish Jack was here.

He’s in Lauderdale.

He’s pressed
for new talent.

He’s increasing
the take-out business.

I want to audition rocky
at the mansion tonight.

Who’s the lucky lady?

I love it! Yeah!

Oh, how do you do, my dear?

By all means.

Yes, indeed, ohh!


We may have a problem.

What kind of problem?

Your wife is here.


My Frannie?

( Music slows down )

Hi, doll!

Hi, Fran.

Is this
place great?

Meet my friends.

This is Phyllis,
and this is...

Uh, Fran?
I’m working.

Oh, I’m sorry.

Yeah, so is Chris.



Oh, I think I’ll
just call a taxi.

Yeah, I think that
would be a good idea.

Yeah, he sure has
one great tush.


I’m going, I’m... I’m
going, I’ll see you later.

Nice meeting you.

How about coming out
to my place, huh?

You got the kind of
sweet stuff I like.

I’m sorry, but we’re not
allowed to date customers.


Sorry, but
it’s house policy.

( Clears throat: )

You’re talented, rocky

but I’m only hiring
specialty dancers.

Well, I’m pretty
damn special.

Are you now?

The brunette
you danced with--

she’ll be
waiting outside

in our
stretch limo.

Make her feel special

and you’ve got
yourself a gig.

We can make lots
of money together.

Is that right?


We just got a change
in game plan, captain.

I got outbid.

I wanted to wear
your uniform.

Did you bring
your handcuffs?

I want to cuff you
to the bed.

I want to do all sorts
of nasty things to you.

No way, lady.

No, I am not wearing
your clothes.

Come on, we’ll
both wear teddies.

It really turns me on
to see a man in lace.

Back to the club.

Look, candy,
this lady is weird.

Let me go with the
first one who asked.

I choose and you lose.

Sorry it didn’t work out.

Yeah, so am I.

Sergeant Lorenzo, palm
beach police department.

It’s cute, but you still
failed the audition.

This is no joke, lady.

You’re under arrest
for pandering.

I have nothing to say
until my lawyer gets here.

I know my rights.

She knows her rights

but I don’t think
she knows

how much trouble
she’s in.

She’s knee-deep
and about to go under.

to years’
worth of trouble

based on convictions
for pandering

conspiracy and
accessory to m*rder.

Now... we can’t make
any promises

but you play on our team

we’ll see
what we can do.

Okay, lady, let me
tell you something.

You are handcuffed
to Jack pike

and he’s going down,
and when he does

he’s going to
take you with him.

Now, the only
key you got

to those handcuffs
is your mouth

so open it
and start to talk.

He was blackmailing her.

She wouldn’t pay
and he strangled her.

I don’t know

I just set
the dates up.

Let’s book her, cap.

I got to get some sleep.

At least we got her
on multiple felonies.

I want the truth and
I want it now!

If he finds out
I’m talking to
you, I’m dead.

Odds are you’re
already dead, candy.

Jack just hasn’t found you yet.

But he will.

You can
count on that.

We’re the only
chance you got

of staying alive.


Let’s take it
from the top.

First she says she’ll wear
the wire, then she balks--

we’re no closer
than we were before.

Yeah, well,
she’s scared, Chris.

She’ll testify.

Her testimony won’t
mean anything

unless you
corroborate it.

We got to work this
from the inside track.

Uh... isn’t
that coffee cold?

I like it cold.

You guys did good work.

Go home and
get some sleep.

Aren’t you going
home, captain?

This is my home.

Come on, it was just
a little harmless fun.


Good night.

We are going to nail the man
who k*lled Didi, Michael

I can promise you that.

Any way you guys
can deal me in?

I don’t think this time.

You’re a little
too close to it.

Are you doing okay?

I wasn’t
in love with her.

I mean, that died
a long time ago.

Aw, hell, I didn’t even
like her that much.

But there is this
ache in my heart.

It is really weird.

You guys had a history
together, right?

I mean, there must have
been some good times.

Few and far between.

But... yeah,
we had some fun.

I was her first cop.

She got off on the job.

Do you believe that?

I’ve had some guys react
to me the same way.

That wore off
pretty quick.

Soon she was trying to
change me into something else

and I tried for awhile.

I went to night school
for my law degree, but...

The bottom line is...

I like being a cop and she
couldn’t understand that.

This job plays hell on your
personal life, doesn’t it?

Yeah... it always seems
to baffle civilians.

They always feel like
they’re in second position.

Yeah, well, I guess
that’s because they are.

No matter what we say,
this job always comes first.

I guess that’s the way
it has to be.

It just... doesn’t
seem fair, does it?

Admit it, Rita.

Just for a minute...
You must have suspected me.


Possibility did cross my mind.

Wouldn’t it be nice
just for one minute

to turn off the cop part?

Lady, you figure out
a way to do that

share it with me.


You didn’t come home
last night

and you wouldn’t answer
my phone calls.

You know, I thought maybe
something was wrong.

( Humming )

Okay, you’re mad.

Though why you’re mad
I have absolutely no idea.

I go out with
my girlfriends

on account of
it’s Phyllis’s birthday

and suddenly I’m a criminal.

All right, hesh,
I’m sorry.

I apologize if I embarrassed you

but you’re making too big
a deal out of this thing.

( Humming )




So you are mad.


Now I’m mad too.

You’re nuts.

You got it.

You’re out
of your mind.

You got it--
for you and about you.

Oh, really?

Is that why you go
chasing after
young studs

and stuff cash
in their jocks?

It was for fun,
it meant nothing.

Oh, it meant nothing?

Okay, I’ll
tell you what.

I’ll put a buck
in Gracie’s panties

but it will
mean nothing.

Oh, boy,
are you cheap!

Listen to me!

I love you, Mr. Captain
Harry Lipschitz, yes!

And you are
stuck with me

so you can either
continue being

a colossal
pain in the butt

or you can kiss me

like you have never
kissed me before in your life

because suddenly
I am very excited.

Hi, baby.

This is pac man.

He’s our new bouncer.

I’m candy Grayson,
nice to meet you.

You too.

I need to talk to you
in private, Jack.


Things didn’t go well
at the mansion last night.

So I heard.

You fired the guy,
didn’t you?

I know I should have

but Rocky’s something
special, Jack.

The women were absolutely
wild over him.

He’s hungry but Tammy’s just
a little too bent for him.

She can be
a little scary.

But I trust your
instinct, candy.

If you think you
can score for us

we’ll give him
another shot.

Hand Tammy off
to Franco.

There’s nothing too
weird for that freak.

There’s nothing going on
between you and this rocky

that might upset me,
is there, baby?

You’re more
than I can handle.

Don’t ever lie to me.

I couldn’t live with it.

And neither could you.

Thank you.

( Women screaming )

Excuse me but you’re blocking
my view of the stage.

Could you please just walk away?

Look, I asked you nicely.

Would you please, just move.

Go-- thanks.


Is there a problem?

No, not at all.

I’m just very particular
when it comes to my men.

Let us know when you see
a dancer you do like.


I like the one
on stage.

Do you?

Yes, I do.

Could you give him
this small gift

and tell him that the offer

that I gave him last night
still stands?


Give me
half an hour

then send the
Gilcrist woman

and rocky
to the mansion.

Oh, rocky you are
making me so hot.


( Quietly: )
You watch where
you put your hands.

You watch your hands.

Good day.

We have no calls on the machine

we set up for Jack pike’s use.

I can’t believe we haven’t
heard from him yet.

Yeah, neither can I.

You know, I think

my performance last
night was outstanding.

You mean on stage
or in the sack?

Well, both.

Wouldn’t you agree?

Well, I think
you’re a lovely dancer.



So what is the big deal
with faking orgasms?

Women invented that.



Hey, mark,
thanks, man.

Thanks, mark.

Huh, no return address.

It’s a video tape.


Hi, Rita.

An old friend
wants to say hello.

Remember me, Lance?

I saw him last night,
but I didn’t recognize him.

He tells me you were
the cop who busted him

for dealing coke
about five years ago.

It also turns out

that he wasn’t the only one
who know who you really were.

He’ll k*ll me if you don’t
give him what he wants.

Please help me.


What I want is
one million dollars

wired to account

at Atlantic bank
in grand Cayman.

When I verify
the wire transaction

I’ll release candy.

Jerk me around,
she’s dead.

I’ll be in touch.

The minute he
gets confirmation

of a wire transfer
he’ll k*ll her.

Look, the longer
we stall

the better our chances
of saving her life.

She may already
be dead.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lipschitz, what?

Rita, it’s pike.

You tell him we
make the exchange

in person
or not at all.

This is Rita Lance.

I got your tape, pike.

Who says there’s nothing good

on television anymore?

I’m sure you’re wondering
if candy is still alive.

Rita, please.

He’ll k*ll me.

She’s right, Rita.

I’ll call the bank
in minutes.

If the money’s not there,
kiss candy good-bye.

It’s not going to
happen that way, Jack.

You bring candy,
I bring the money

and then we make
the transaction.

Come on, Rita, no one
carries cash anymore.

It’s too easily traced.

Bearer bonds.

All right, agreed.

Right-- go to
the phone booth

at the corner of
Beltline and McKinney.

You have one hour.

If I see anyone with you,
Rita, the game’s over.

( Dial tone )

Bearer bonds.

Everything down here
is so damn complicated.

( Phone rings )


Got the million dollars?

Yeah, but I could
only get it in pennies.

Hey, I thought you had
a sense of humor, Jack.

Not when it comes
to money, I don’t.

I’ve got the bonds,
where’s candy?

Look over your shoulder.

You see the black limo?

Let’s have the wire, Rita.

What makes you so sure
I have one on?

Because you’re not stupid
and don’t assume I am.

Go to the phone booth
at th and Jefferson.

You copy, Rita?

Thanks to wire number two.

Let’s just hope
he doesn’t ask for it.

All right.

Find ma bell at th and Monroe.

You know the routine.

Yeah, right.

You got a
pattern yet, cap?

Yeah, he’s leading her
out of town

in a northeasterly direction.

What’s out there?

A swamp.

Proceed to the airstrip
off old airport road.

A twin engine plane
will be waiting.

Stand beside the aircraft,
briefcase in hand

and wait for instruction.

So what’s the plan?

We make the exchange

and let him
board the plane.

When do you enter the picture?

After he
gets on board.

Let him think he’s
going to make it.

( Plane engine starts )

Come on.

Lose the g*n.


Now, open the case
and let me see.

Candy, walk to me
and get in the car.

Now, come on.

Go ahead.

Bring me
the case, Rita.

Now, or she dies.

Get in the car, candy.

Put the case
down, darling.

I never fly
without insurance.

I hope you’re wearing
a backup wire

so your friends will know
I’m taking you hostage.

Cap, if she gets off
the ground we lost her.

Crank it up.

I want to drop in on
him, you understand?

So where you plan
on taking me?

Come on.

Let’s roll!

Come on.

You stay on it.

So what are you going
to do now, Jack, huh?

Put the g*n down.

You shut up, bitch!

In the helicopter
or she dies.

Let her go, Jack.

My pilot will take you.

Take your
best shot, Chris.

He’ll dump me once
we’re in the air anyway.


That was a little
too close.

No kidding.

You okay?


Always be a gentleman, Josh.

Open the doors for the ladies.

Don’t talk with your mouth full

don’t blow your nose
at the table

and always play fair, all right?

Unless your opponent’s a cheater

and then you have got
my permission

to kick him in the butt

just to let him know
who the boss is.

Uh... you got that all
so far, bud?

Yeah, I know.

Now, what else?

You always want to say
thank you, okay?

And you want to
do unto others

as you would have them
do unto you.


What do you see?

Oh, yeah,
I know, absolutely

and she has got
something good for us.

Thank you.

You guys are
so great together.

You are going to make

a terrific father
someday, Chris.


Oh, I’ve been playing games
with myself, Ricki.

I should have known you’d
tell me if Josh was my son.

Well, part of me wishes
you were the father, Chris.

Yeah, part of me
does too.

But I tell
you what.

I will settle
for honorary godfather.

Come here, Josh.



I think Joshua is
a very lucky kid.
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