02x20 - Oona and the Oonabots/The Ninja Situation

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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02x20 - Oona and the Oonabots/The Ninja Situation

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming up next on Odd Squad...

Ms. O will not be happy
when she finds out

there's a Stone-Turner
on the loose in headquarters.

There he is!

The creature's coming!
Stand back!

How're we supposed to catch it now?

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is a monkey's uncle.

But back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.


You need to tell me where you are!


Who do we work for?
We work for Odd Squad.

How did this happen, exactly?

You know how Olympia and Otis
are always so helpful?


So they were helping me
catch this creature...

'Cept the creature's
called "the Stone-Turner,"

- and if you touch it...
- You turn to stone?

That story was getting long.

Ms. O will not be happy
when she finds out

there's a Stone-Turner
on the loose in headquarters.

Oh, she found out.

Ocean, this is so bad.

We need to tell Owen
and his security team

so they can catch this thing.

I already did.

The Stone-Turner got them too?

Is anyone left that isn't stone?

Of course, dude. You and me!
That's why we're talking.

So it's coming for us next?
We need to get away...

or figure out a really good
pose in case it catches us,

like this, or this, or this.

Oona, it's not coming for us.
He's after blue stuff.


The creature's blue,
and it likes eating blue stuff.

You only turn to stone if you touch it.

THEY tried catching it.


how do we make all
our friends not-stone?

I can make a cure using
the creature's spit.

Would you like to know more?

- No thank you.
- Copy that.

Problem is,
I can't get the creature's spit,

because that'd mean touching it,

and it turns every
living thing to stone.

- What did you say?
- Problem is...

- After that.
- ...to stone.

Just a tad earlier.

- "Every living thing?"
- That's the one.

I have an idea.

Are you...
gonna tell me what it is?

Oh, yeah, sorry.
Follow me.



You have a twin sister?

Yes, but this isn't her.

This is my Oonabot,

a robot I made in my own image.

- Why?
- To help out around the lab.

I got the idea from
my old boss Oscar...

plus, for dance parties.

♪ [bass-heavy
electronic dance music] ♪

♪ [bass-heavy
electronic dance music] ♪

♪ [bass-heavy
electronic dance music] ♪

♪ [bass-heavy
electronic dance music] ♪

I also programmed her to
laugh at all my jokes.

[robotic laugh]

She doesn't always know what jokes are.


I'll turn that part off now.
[laughter ends]

How can this help us
catch the creature?

You said the creature turns

anything that's alive into stone.

But Oonabot isn't alive.

[metallic knock]


It's the perfect plan.

I will fix that.

[Stone-Turner squeaks]

There he is!

Turning on Oonabot...

She can capture the creature
without turning to stone.


Go get 'em, robot dude!

No... Oonabots can't
think for themselves.

So then how do we get her to move?

So we need to go back here...

and program her.

What's that?

Programming is a series of
instructions you give a machine

so it does what you want.

So we need to program Oonabot

to walk from here to
the creature and pick it up.

[Oona] Exactly...
So first we program her to walk,

then turn...

then walk a little bit more,

and that should get her
to the creature.

Now we press "go."

- [Ocean] Yeah!
- [Oona] Go!

- You got this!
- Dude...

Where is she going?

I wasn't specific enough.

I programmed Oonabot to walk,

but I never told her
when to stop walking.

And now she doesn't know
when she's supposed to turn.


Oh, great!

She went into the bottomless pit door.

So are you saying she's
just gonna fall forever?

If she doesn't, then I'm going
to have to rename that door.


The creature's coming!
Stand back!



How're we supposed to catch it now?

Don't worry.
I have...

...another Oonabot.

I use this one if
I want a healthy snack.

You just reach in her ear...

A carrot?

And I can make ranch dressing
come out of her nose.

That's okay!

We should focus on
capturing this creature.


So it likes to eat blue stuff.
I know where it's headed next!

Follow me.


Yeah, that's blue,

but not the specific blue
the creature likes.

Specific blue?
How many blues are there?

So many!
The creature likes powder blue.

Powder blue is like light blue.

- We're looking for light blue.
- Not really.

You just said we were
looking for a light blue.

- You kinda put me in a corner.
- We're going to the warehouse.

There's lots of colors there.

[Ocean] Alright, it's here,
eating more blue stuff.

Let's try this again.

We'll use these squares
to program Oonabot

in exactly how far to walk.

So, walk ten squares...

and turn.

Oh, make sure you program
which direction she should turn.

Nice one.

Turn left...

Two squares...

Now we'll give her
a conditional command.

I don't like to say
"What?" a lot, but whaaat?

A condition command tells Oonabot

what to do in certain situations.

It often includes words
like "if" and "then."

So in this case,

"if" there's a blue object
in front of you,

"then" pick it up.


Go, Oonabot !

- for the win! Yeah!
- [Oona] Go!

She turned.

No, no...

What is she doing?

Oh, I know.

You programmed Oonabot
to pick up a blue object,

but there are a bunch of blue objects.

I wasn't specific enough AGAIN.

And those bars are too heavy
for this Oonabot.

Great, now we'll have to
buy carrots from

the grocery store like a chump.

The creature's getting away!


What now?

I have one last Oonabot.

As you can see,

I had some, uh, problems with this one.

- Can we still use her?
- We could try.

Good news... The creature's
coming to this room.

- Really?
- Ooh! Blue.

Yeah, that's not the right blue.

How many blues could there possible be?

Here's azure blue...

Prussian blue...

Deep sky blue...

You're right.

There are so many specific blues.

I know!

Who names all these?

Usually my husband and I do.

But for blues, I ask my sister.

Every Easter, her and I sit down,

we name all the blues
that came out that year.

- Huh. That's fascinating.
- Yeah, it really is.

Air force blue...

Bleu de France...

- Aqua blue.
- [Ocean] Aqua blue!

That's the exact same color
as the creature!

So that's the color it's eating?

- Right!
- I know where it's headed next.

Wait, so you're not here
to buy any paint?


Bye. Thanks for the help!

Blueberry blue...


The entire floor is aqua blue.

- [Ocean] This is bad.
- [Oona] Yeah!

We'll have to get a new floor!

Yes, and also because under
this floor is the dinosaur room.

[loud roar]

Let's do this.

Oonabot's here,
and the creature is here.

[Ocean] So we program
the Oonabot to walk squares,

but before the hole,

turn right to reach the creature.

- We can't.
- Why not?

There were two reasons
I threw this Oonabot out.

Reason one...

I accidentally programmed her to sing

"Take Me Out to the Ball Game"
every day at o'clock.

How is that an accident?

There is a bigger discussion here

about how much sleep a person needs

to properly do their job.

Uh, what was the second
reason you threw her out?

Because this Oonabot cannot turn right.

[dinosaur screech]

[Ocean] But the only clear path
is straight and to the right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait...

- Can she turn left?
- Yeah.

Who makes a robot who can't turn left?

So we can make her turn right

by making her turn left...

one, two, three times.

Okay, okay.

So we need to program her
to walk squares

and then turn left three times...


[Ocean] So she's pointed
in the correct direction,

then "walk two squares."

And the conditional command is,

"If aqua blue creature
is in front of you..."

"...THEN pick it up."


C'mon, Oonabot, you got this!

Go, robot dude!


Go, go, go!

You've got this!

C'mon... She's turning left!

One, two, three times...

Two steps forward...

She grabbed the creature!


It's gonna eat Oonabot!

No, because I programmed
one more thing.

"If dinosaur att*cks,

then touch it with
the creature."


It turned to stone!

- I like you.
- I like me, too.

[Olympia] Good work, guys.
The new floor looks awesome.

Yup, everyone's back to normal,

except Ms. O.

Still figuring out how to explain

what happened to her
before turning her back.


I was made of stone for so long.

Does anybody know what time it is?

♪ Take me out to the ball game

Take me out with the crowd ♪

But me some peanuts
and cr*cker Jack... ♪

It's o'clock.

I joined because popcorn should pop,

not ask for the shortest way
to the zoo.

I joined because every time you say

♪ "Vanessa!"

you shouldn't have to sing
♪ Vanessa!

I joined because when you blink,

you shouldn't hear
a grand slam home run.

The pitch...

[crowd roaring and commentator
shouting indecipherably]

[crowd roaring and commentator
shouting indecipherably]

- We are...
- We are...

We are...

We are Odd Squad.

[Ms. O]
Since the beginning of time...

and we're talking way back...

...we've been fighting odd.

In our spare time,

we also like to draw
pictures of ourselves.

This is our
second-favorite one.

There's no case too big...

No case too small.

At Odd Squad, we do it all.

[men shouting
"Buy! Sell!"]

And yes, that is a herd
of wild businessmen.

Join Odd Squad
at pbskids.org

and you'll get
top-notch training

in the secrets of Odd Squad,


safe handling of laser chicken eggs...

what to do in case of
unusual eye conditions...

the best way to keep
running robots from escaping...

how to gather floating objects
and bring them back to earth.

You can also watch Odd Squad cases.



You're me...

And don't you look beautiful today!

Just today?
I look beautiful every day!

Odd Squad needs you.

...And I need to pull this rope.

It says,
"Well, what are you waiting for?


- You wanted to see us, Ms. O?
- [Ms. O] Hold on.

Ah... Nice.

There you two are.
Something very odd has happened.

An important gadget,
called the Maguffin-Inator,

has been stolen.

What does
the Maguffin-Inator do?

Doesn't matter!

But we need to dress up
like a ninja to get it back.

- Any questions?
- Yes, so many.

I may have left out some details.

These are the Yum Yum Twins...


They stole the Maguffin-Inator

and offered to trade it to
another villain for pizza.

That's where you two come in.

Uh, I still have, like, questions.

I wrote the Yum Yum Twins a message,

pretending to be a villain
named "the Evil Ninja."

Evil Ninja will trade a pizza

in return for the gadget.

Otis, you will be pretending
to be the Evil Ninja.

I don't really feel comfortable
pretending to be a villain...

[hushed] because of the thing
we talked about.

Sorry, I would've picked Olympia,

but she's doing that
"not it" thing with her nose.

Rules are rules.

Fine, I'll do it.

Everything you need to know
about being a ninja

is in this book.

I hope you're a fast reader.

[Oona] Okay, Otis.
The diner's across the street.

We'll be here if you need anything.

And we'll also be here if
you don't need anything.

Your needing of things will
not affect us being here,

- which we will be.
- [Otis] Thanks.

Hey, if you'd like to see them,
can I show off my ninja moves?

We'll let you know if we do.


Okay, people.

We're on.

The Yum Yum Twins are
entering the diner.

Here is your... pizza.

Good luck, Otis.

If Sheila could see me now!


I don't think we're
doing that any more.

Did somebody order a pizza?

Are you really the Evil Ninja?

You're a lot smaller than I pictured.

Yeah, you look a lot smaller
than my sister pictured.

Me, I didn't picture anything.

I have very poor visual imagination.


Are you really the Evil Ninja?

[Otis] What? [Scoff]
Of course I'm a ninja.

The most powerful ninjas
are the smallest.

Fun fact... The most
skilled ninja in the world

is the size of this ketchup packet.

There's a ninja in the ketchup?

That's wonderful.

That's not what he was saying, Earl.

So, uh, you have the gadget?



Then this is yours.

- Yum yum!
- Big-time yum!

What is this?

It's a pizza.

No, this is a round,
doughy insult with sauce.

Excuse me?

We require equal amounts of food.

- The same for both of us.
- This is one pizza.

We need two pizzas
so we get equal amounts.

Deal's off.

Whoooah! Look what I brought.

I'll just use my
ninja pizza-cutter like so...


See? Two halves of pizza.

The same amount for both of you.

- Oh, this deal is on!
- Yeah.

If this is a switch for the deal,

then it goes from "off..."

[goofy noise] ...to "on."
Deal is on!

- Earl.
- What?

- No.
- [Otis] Great.

So just pass me the gadget and...

You get the gadget when we
get the rest of the food.

- Rest of the food?
- You did bring it, didn't you?

Like we talked about on the phone?

We talked on the phone?

You agreed to bring us
macaroni and cheese

for our children.

Maybe you're not who you say you are.

What? [Scoff] Of course I am.

Would you like to see my...
ninja moves?

No, we would very much like macaronis

for our prides and joys.

- Yup.
- [Otis] Right.

I'll go get
the mac and cheese I left, um...

warming in my outdoor oven.

Oh, that's nice.

I feel like that's not a real thing.

[Olympia and Oona]
♪ Pizza Evil Ninja...

Guys, big problem.

The Twins talked to the real
Evil Ninja on the phone.

Uh oh.

[Otis] Yeah, I have
a bad feeling he might be

on his way over here.

That would explain the real
ninja across the street.

[Otis] Oh man, he's gonna
blow the whole thing!

- I'll stall him.
- [Otis] Good idea.

Oona, I need two mac and cheese.

Do you have a

I do not.

I have a Macaroni-Inator,

a Cheese-Inator,

a Butter-Substitute-Inator.

That'll work.

[Evil Ninja gasps]

A wooden board.

You think you can defeat me,
wooden board?


[smug chuckle]


More wooden boards...

[Otis] Two macaroni and cheeses.
Gadget please.

Is this some kind of joke?

I don't like this joke.
I like jokes with word play.

It's no joke. Two dishes...

One for your kids, one for your kids.

Equal amounts.
What's wrong?

We don't have the same number of kids.

I have four kids.
Earl has three.

- Deal's off!
- [Otis] Whoa! I can divide this.

Do you want me to use my
ninja moves to cut 'em?


You have four kids, right?

So what if I make a cut here,

and I make another cut like so...

There, I cut it into four equal pieces.

One for each of your children.

I'm pleased with this.

And you, sir? Three children?

Got a picture of 'em right here.

They're adorable.

This one's David, this one's David,

and then this one is Little David.

I love my girls.

I don't have a camera.


So I'll make a cut here,

and another cut like so...

I cut it into thirds.
Three equal pieces.

This deal...

is [goofy noise] on!

Wait... Not until you bring us
the last and final foodstuff.

- Huh?
- Don't you remember?

We called you back

and asked you to bring us
some coconut cream pie

for our parents and our grandma.

[Earl] You didn't bring us
any pie, did you?

Who are you?

Odd Squad?

Who? What? No!

I have some pie.

It's out there, uh...

cooling in a bush.

I also feel like that's
not a real thing.

I need three coconut cream pies.

Please tell me you have
a Coconut-Cream-Pie-Inator.

I do not... But I do
have a Pie-Crust-Inator.

And I always carry around
a few coconuts.

[phone vibrates]
What is that sound I'm hearing?

It's my phone. It's on vibrate.

Phew! I thought we were
being att*cked by bees.

- [Otis] Hello?
- Are you done? Do you have it?

Not yet... This deal is way more
complicated than I thought.

You need to hurry.

I can't hold off
the Evil Ninja much longer.

- You need to think of something!
- Easy for you to say.

All I have near me
is a store that sells

mannequins and shower curtains.

Wait a minute...

- [Oona] Otis!
- Sorry, partner, gotta go.

Bad news...

I only have enough pie crust
for one pie, not three.

I can work with this.

[Evil Ninja]
Hm. A person with no face...


You brought friends.

You think you can defeat me,
no-face people?

[Otis] One coconut cream pie,
cut into thirds.

Three equal parts for
mom, dad, and grandma.

Deal's off.

You're got to be kidding me!

You're honestly going to give
them all the same amounts?

[Otis] But you like everybody
getting the same.

But we love out grandma twice
as much as our parents!

- She's worked twice as hard.
- She's given us twice as much!

Therefore Grandma needs to get
twice as much pie.

That's two times
as much as Mom and Dad.

It seems so obvious from
this side of the table!

[Otis] Okay...
[phone vibrating]

Are we being att*cked by bees?!

[Otis] No!
It's my ninja phone. Hold on.

That's a terrible ring-tone.
I don't understand.

- [Otis] Yeah?
- Otis, he's coming.

The mannequins were no match for him.


You need to get out of there now!

[Otis] I'm trying,
but I don't have the gadget yet.

- Hold him off a little longer.
- Easy for you to say!

All I have near me is
a guy selling titanium.

What am I supposed to do with
the strongest metal on Earth?

I feel like I'm getting
a lot of lucky breaks here.

[Evil Ninja]
Hm. Titanium...

You think you can defeat me, titanium?





Otis, you have to hurry.

The plan is working,

but I only have eight
titanium bars left.

[Otis] Eight!
Eight is the answer. I gotta go.

I know a way to get you
the amounts you want.

First, let's squish the pie
so it's whole again.

Now we cut it into eight
equal pieces, or eighths.

For only three people?

How does eight pieces give grandma

twice as much as mom and dad?

Watch. Mom gets one, two pieces.

Two eighths.

Dad gets one, two pieces.

Two eighths.

But one, two, three,
four pieces for Grandma.

That's four eighths.

Two times as much as Mom,
two times as much as Dad.

[goofy noise]

Boom! Bam!
Bing! Bong!

Switch, flip.
Flip. Table flip.

[imitates guitar riff]

Deal... on?



You have done right by our grandma.

The gadget is yours.


[door opening and closing]

Two ninjas?

You are working for Odd Squad!

Get the gadget!

[Otis] Finally,
I can use my ninja moves.

[Evil Ninja]
Bring it!

♪ [dramatic gong]

[Evil Ninja]



- No! Grandma's pie?!
- Hey!

Crust in my eye!

[Evil Ninja]
Hand it over.




Give me the...


You're good.

Pleasure doing business with you.

Hey, pleasure doing
business with you, too!

You are making this day so much harder.


OddTube will start...


[slow motion]... nooow!


OddTube, OddTube ♪

OddTube, OddTube,
OddTube ♪

♪ OddTube

What up, Oddballs?

Welcome to my th video.

Lots more celebrating after
this word from our sponsor.

OddTube is brought to you
by the number .

It's so much more than that!

It's a two in the tens place!

Two tens!

It's a zero in the ones place!

No ones!

It's four groups of five...

which is also four times five!

It's an even number!

It's a double-digit number!

And it's a friend of mine and yours!

And this guy named Phillip.

Wow. Twenty videos.

I got these balloons to celebrate

and I invited Agent Oba,

because her badge number is !

It's "Obaaa".


Do you have any ideas
about what I should do

for my th video?

You should do a montage video
of all your videos,

and I sing a song for it!

That's a great idea.

Hope you enjoy the video, Oddballs!


♪ We had

♪ The oddest time

♪ But this is not goodbye

♪ We'll be odd again


♪ The past was strange

♪ And the future will be

♪ Weird, my friend

♪ I've got an odd feeling

♪ We'll be odd again


♪ I've got an odd feeling

♪ We'll be odd again

So that's the th video.

Before I go, I just want to
thank all my guests.

And most of all, thank you, Oddballs.

And remember to keep on keeping odd.


♪ [fanfare]

Hi, my name is Ohlm,
and I'm in dog years.

My favorite color's "chairs."

My favorite day on the job?
Don't have one.

But my th-favorite
day on the job

was when I helped Otis
on a big, big case.

So that's Otis running,
and then I come in too.

And I ask him for backup,
but he doesn't need it.

So basically he runs off,

and I can't wait to see
what he got Olympia

for their Happy Half-iversary.

Oh, and that's a dog barking.

What's that?

Oh, you don't want me to talk

when you're showing
the little part from my life.


One other day I liked

was when everyone turned into puppies.

I did it!
I got it!

Well, you said not to talk,

so I decided to point at stuff

so the people watching would
know what was going on.
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