02x17 - Cherry-on-Top-Inator/Sir

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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02x17 - Cherry-on-Top-Inator/Sir

Post by bunniefuu »

Coming up next on Odd Squad...

[Otis] Are you destroying
the Cherry-On-Top-Inator?

A totally worthless gadget
that nobody will miss.

That gadget saved my life!

It helped me through
a really rough time.


My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is Checkmate.

But, back to Otis and me.

We work for an organization run by kids

that investigates anything strange,


and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.



You need to tell me where you are.


Who do we work for?
We work for Odd Squad.







- [scream]
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

- What're you doing?
- Destroying a gadget.

I need the parts
to build other gadgets,

and destroying this one
will be good fun.

But that's
the Cherry-On-Top-Inator.


A totally worthless gadget
that nobody will miss.

Now, if you'd please step aside.

Wait, Oona.
That gadget saved my life.


Yeah. It's a wild story, man.

Let me paint you a picture.

Oh, you're really doing this.

I was out in the middle of nowhere,

trying to get back

to the edge of somewhere...

When suddenly,

I spotted a creature
that didn't like my vibe.

This thing was part horse,
part chicken,

and all chasing me.

I couldn't shake it.

I tried to jump away,
but it jumped right after me.

The problem is

I didn't know if this was

a chicken horse or a horse chicken.

I had to figure out which one it was

so I could stop it.

I did know that chicken horses

are afraid of jazz music,

but I was too out of breath

to play the sax.

I also knew that horse chickens

like fettuccine Alfredo,

but I was out of Romano cheese.

I had to do something.

Luckily, I knew exactly what to use.

Dramatic pause.

Is this where you used
the Cherry-On-Top-Inator?


This is where I used prediction.

My best guess based on what I know.

You see there are only

, chicken horses in the world,

but there are only five horse chickens,

so while it'd be possible

that the creature chasing me
is a horse chicken,

it was much more likely

that it was a chicken horse,

so that was my prediction.

Luckily, I had something

that could stop a chicken horse.

The Cherry-On-Top-Inator.

Aha. Continue.

With the creature closing in,

I held up the gadget
and threw it against the rock.

And because chicken horses
are afraid of loud noises,

it ran away.

That's how this guy

was saved by that guy.

That isn't using the gadget.

You could've thrown anything
to make a noise.

Drop the mallet.

Why, did this gadget
save your life, too?

Let's not be so dramatic.

But it did get me out of a big jam.

Okay, I am happy to save this gadget

if it really helps somebody.

Let me spin you a yarn.

What are you doing?

Knitting sock puppets
to tell the story.

So, I was walking through
headquarters one day...

La, la, la, la, la...

When I saw Miss O, and she said,

"Orchid, I need you
to bring me a centigurp."

Okay, after we have a dance party.


Dance party! Dance party!
Dance party!

- Dance party!
- That's enough. Now, go!

I was looking all around for centigurps

and then I found them.

I was trying to reach them,

but then I remembered
centigurps like spheres,

so I made a prediction.

It was likely if I found
something sphere-shaped,

they'd come running.


I see where this is going.

You used
the Cherry-On-Top-Inator

because it makes cherries,
and the cherry is a sphere.

That's exactly...


I used the Basketball-Inator.

I fired off the gadget.

That made a basketball.

My prediction was right.

The basketball attracted
the centigurps.

Yeah, and I saved the day.

That's why you should not
destroy the Basketball-Inator.

I'm not destroying
the Basketball-Inator.

Mission accomplished.

- Okay.
- Say "goodnight."

Are you destroying
the Cherry-On-Top-Inator?

Oona, you can't.

That came in so handy on a case.

All right.
Let's hear it.

Miss O sent us out to
follow the Puppy Master.

We heard she was playing
something odd with Evil Knight.

So we decided to go undercover

and find out her plan
in order to stop it.

- Thank you, guys.
- For what?

For telling a normal story
in a normal way.

- Oh, it's not normal.
- It's a musical.



This is our story. ♪

It's a likely story. ♪

An apron... ♪

-A notepad.
- A pencil. ♪

Some extra straws. ♪

This little thing.
I don't know what it's for. ♪

-There's danger.
- We'll face it. ♪

♪ We're fearless.
We have a cause. ♪

We've got to learn
what those two have in store. ♪

Can we start you off
with something to drink? ♪

Hold it.
You know what I think?

An apron, a notepad,
a pencil, some extra straws. ♪

You've got the props,
but there's something amiss. ♪

I don't think
you're waiters. ♪

We're waiters. ♪

Your plan has flaws. ♪

What would you say
if I ordered like this?

Could you bring me out ♪

my favorite dish? ♪

And bring him a tuna melt. ♪

He eats whatever
I tell him to eat. ♪

♪ What are we going to do?

♪ How do we know what
her favorite dish is? ♪

♪ What are we going to do?

♪ I don't know.
There's just nowhere to turn. ♪

I'm afraid that
this is the end ♪

♪ of our likely story.

, pieces of paper ♪

here in this box. ♪

♪ I've got ,

previous orders. ♪

Nothing was lost. ♪

♪ It's not normally
part of my job ♪

♪ to keep records,

♪ but I heard a voice
back on opening day. ♪

It said,
"Chef, fill this box. ♪

Fill it with paper. ♪

Fill it with orders." ♪

Fill it with hope. ♪

Fill it with answers. ♪

♪ Fill it with data.

♪ Data.

♪ The answer was sitting
right in front of us. ♪

♪ We got to organize.

♪ Going to need
every one of us. ♪

Quick, pick the slips.
No, we don't need them all. ♪

Divide them into categories.
Stick them up on the wall. ♪

Now, this is everything ♪

the Puppy Master's
ordered before. ♪

She's got the fish ten times♪

with the big salad more. ♪

♪ -I count thirty.
- What? ♪

That's right.
You heard me count it rhymes. ♪

♪ Are you ready
to do spaghetti? ♪

Yo, check it two times. ♪

It's possible.
She likes spaghetti or fish. ♪

It's possible, ♪

but neither one is the dish ♪

that she chose the most. ♪

No, that would be
the big salad. ♪

We predict that it's the one
that pleases her palate. ♪

Case closed.

Here is your order. ♪

It's your favorite order. ♪

How could I have
doubted you waiters? ♪

Your hearts are true. ♪

Your tuna melt
will be out in a sec. ♪

♪ Now for my story.

♪ It's an evil story.

♪ It starts with a dog,

♪ a puppy, of course,

♪ but one so immense

♪ who doesn't behave.

♪ He chews up the world
like a giant slipper. ♪


Could you pass the pepper flakes?

Thank you.

That's how we heard Puppy Master's plan

to destroy the world.

Whoa, did you stop it?

Is the world still here?


You guys didn't even use
the Cherry-On-Top-Inator.

Of course we did.

See, when we were making the big salad,

we had a big problem.


I can't reach
the salad bowls. ♪

You can stand
on this thing. ♪


The end. ♪

I want to sincerely thank you both

for making this decision so very clear.


You can't destroy that gadget.

It helped me through
a really rough time.

Ohlm, is there a cherry in your story?

So many.

And you physically hold

the Cherry-On-Top-Inator
and use it?

- Of course.
- You may continue.

It was a dark and stormy night.

I was working late on a case

that was harder to crack

than one of those weird pistachios

that are closed.

You know those?

Those are so weird.
Why are they closed?


Anyway, the pistachio metaphors
were making me hungry.

I needed a snack,

and that's when I laid eyes on it.

Bite sized and colder than
a polar bear's left front paw.

Even though it was Tuesday,

this agent had sundae on the brain.

It was a true beauty,

but one thing was missing.


So you used the gadget to
make a cherry for your sundae?

That idea honestly
never occurred to me.

No, I went to the grocery store.

Luckily, I had a coupon.

Then I found three more coupons

in the grocery parking lot.


The only thing I needed for my
Tuesday Sundae was a spoon.

Luckily, I had the

- Nice one, man.
- You're one smart cookie.

Thanks, I still have
some leftover cherries,

if anyone wants any.

- Me, please.
- Right here.

Okay, I have a prediction of my own.

I heard four stories.

And how many of those
stories was this gadget

used to make a cherry?

- Ocean?
- Zero.

Therefore, while it's still
possible that somebody

at some point will use this
gadget and fire off a cherry,

based on what I know,
that's not very...


Thus, while it's still possible

that destroying it may be a mistake,

it will probably be

the smartest decision of my life,

so if everyone would please stand back.

The sound is likely to be loud.


You guys, that hole is
the exact size of a cherry!

I think we know what we need!

Stand back!

♪ [triumphant music]

Yeah, you can destroy that thing.

- Totally.
- Crush it.


[hammer strikes]



♪ [fanfare]

♪ [fanfare]

Howdy-do, agents!
At Odd Squad, we live by...

Y'know what,
let's do this somewhere else.

Much better.

At Odd Squad,
we live by a simple saying...

"Don't forget the mustard."

But when we're not
talking about hot dogs,

we live by another saying...
"Always be ready."

This is Agent Orchid.

And if I don't get
the gadget she wants FAST,

she will be very upset.


But I can always be ready
by predicting which gadget

she'll be most likely to ask for

by using information
I collected, called "data."

As you can see,

the bar with the Toast-Inator
is the highest.

She's asked for it
seven times this week...

The Upside-Down-Inator,
the least.

She's only asked for it two times.

And the Toothbrush-Inator
is somewhere in-between,

at five times.

So, since she's asked
for the Toast-Inator

more than the others,

it's most likely she'll ask for...

♪ Bum-ba-ba-ba

The Toast-Inator!

There you are.
Something very odd has happened.

Yes, I'm talking to you,
with the heart of a lion.

Take a look at this.

New odd cases are always
popping up around town...

and sometimes the oddness
gets loose at headquarters.


Oddness is everywhere...

Weird happenings
we call "oddities."

Headquarters if full of them.

Things are changing shape,

and floating through the air, and...

it's very odd.

So power up your gadgets and
help Odd Squad put things right

at pbskids.org.

Odd Squad needs you!

[man whistling]

Hey, mornin'!

Hello, Sir.

[Sir] Odd Squad!
What're you guys doing here?

Sir, something very odd
has happened to you.

[Sir] I think you have me
mixed up with someone else.

No, no, no, sir, it's you.
It's you.

You have spaghetti-itis.

I don't have spaghetti-itis...

Oh, there it is.

But I can't deal with it now,
because my boss is expect...

It's your boss that called us.

You're dripping noodles
all over the office!

It's a mess!

Sir, sir, sir.
You really need to come with us.


Listen, I gotta talk to my wife.

She called us, too.


Honey, I want you to
get the help you need.


Sir, sir, sir.
Here, let me scan you.

- [Sir laughs] That tickles!
- Yep.

We have just over ten minutes
before you turn full spaghetti.

[Sir] Ten minutes?!
Wait, how long is that?

I was gonna give this to you
for your birthday anyway.

Ooh! What is that thing?

It's a watch!

I'm concerned you work for me
and don't know that.

Thank you, honey. I love it.

The short hand is the hour hand.

It's on the ,
so that means it's hours.

And the long hand is the minute hand.

See, it's on the two.

So it's :?

Uh, no, when you're counting minutes,

you count each number by five.

So the one stands for five,
and the two stands for ten.

So it's :,

and you'll turn full spaghetti
ten minutes after that at :.

I feel like we're spending a lot
of time talking about time.

Copy that.
Sir, sir...

Come with us and we'll fix you
back at headquarters.

Bye, honey. Bye, Mr. Powers.

So the tubes are right over here.

[Sir] The tubes?
I get to ride the tubes?

Yeah, just, whatever you do,
do not hold your breath.


- I always hold my breath.
- Really?

Yeah, but there's
definitely one thing that

if you do in the tubes, you'll explode.

- [Sir] What?
- Yeah, I can't remember.

- Me neither.
- Oh well.

You're gonna be great.
So good!

[Sir] Hold on,
I have a few more questions,

and I have to talk to
my insurance company.


Whoa, tubes!


Oh, it's my worst nightmare
and wildest dream!

Wait, are we inside the Earth?

I can't...


[alarmed shouting]

Does this ever end?

I hope not.

Oh, here we are.

Oh, you didn't explode!

Sir, sir.
The lab is this way. C'mon.

Oh, hello.

- Watch your head on the...
- [Sir] Ach! Ow.

- Yeah.
- [Otis] Excuse me, guys.

- Please move.
- [Olympia] Excuse me!

- [Otis] Keep up the good work.
- [Olympia] I like your belt.


- Ach!
- Ooh!

Yeah, that one's a little tricky, too.

- Sorry.
- Sir, let me take your coat.

[Sir] Okay.
Be careful, it's my boss's.

- Okay.
- C'mon.

Oona, we've got him.

Howdy-do, sir.
My name is Oona.

- [Sir] Hello.
- This un-pasta-inator

was designed to perfectly
fit your head.

It'll turn you back to normal.

[Sir] How'd you know
what size my head was?

- Your wife told us.
- [Sir] Oh.

Remember when you thought
she was cutting your hair?

- [Sir] Yeah.
- She wasn't.

- [Sir] What?
- She was measuring your head.


Oona, this gadget's broken.

Ohlm, please.
We have a situation.

Okay, maybe I can just leave
this on top of this other...

[others shout]

- Oh no...
- [Sir] Whoa, you guys grew!

No, sir, we didn't grow.
You shrunk...

Because SOMEONE wasn't watching
what they were doing.

Sir, I will find out the person

who did this to you and avenge you!

- Ohlm, please leave my lab.
- Okay.

Big problem...

The helmet won't fit because
his head is so... little!

Sir, how many minutes do we have left?

[Sir] The minute hand
is at two tick marks

after the number two.

Each tick mark stands for one minute.

So it's :?

I only have eight minutes left?

It doesn't matter
how much time we have!

I don't have a grow-inator
to make him fit this... thing.

What if we got a growing potato?

Good thinking, partner.
Sir, hop on.

[Sir] Okay... Whoa, your hands
are surprisingly rough!

Let's go! Look out!
Stay back! Please stay back!

Spaghetti man coming through!

- You alright?
- [Sir] I'm okay.

Alright, okay.

- [Sir] Whoa!
- Sorry about that.

[Olympia shouting indistinctly]

Stay with him.
We're going in.

What? What? Wait!

Uh, so...
Do you like boats?

Oh, yeah. Love boats.

- You?
- No, not really, no.

Did I ask if you like boats?


Well, they're...
not back yet.

It was my birthday
a couple of months ago!

- [Sir] Happy birthday.
- Oh, thanks.

Oh, okay. Here's one.

Let's say you were
stranded on a desert island

and you could only bring one book.

What would you bring?

[Sir] I would bring
an empty journal and a pen.

So you're that guy.

[Olympia and Otis
shouting and cheering]

Thank you!!

Why are you wearing a crown?

I'm kind of the king of Potatoland now.

It's not a big deal.

Please, sir,
take one bite of this potato.

[Sir] This is delicious!

[others shouting]

You guys got little.

No, you got big!

Oona, the helmet!

- Ugh! It won't fit!
- He ate too much potato.

[Sir] Guys, the minute hand
is on the three.

It's :!

I only have five minutes
until :!

Hey, Oona, so would now be a good time

to talk about this gadget?

Ohlm, please.

There is a man turning into spaghetti.

It's up to my waist!


Can't believe I didn't
notice that before.

Uh, so does that mean it's
a good time or bad time?

Bad time, man.


Ugh, if only his head
was a tiny bit smaller!

I get that all the time.

Wait, I have
a shrink-inator in my lab!

[Sir] How do we get to your lab?
Through here?

No! That's the spring door! No!

Whoa! Yow!

[cartoony smashing sounds]


Where am I?

Odd Squad?

Bee door?
That's... [gasp]


There's so many doors here...

How does this place even work?

Where's the lab?

It's got to be through...

Wait, the doors are different.


Both equally terrifying!

It's gotta be through here.

[shout] What?!
[hysterical laugh]

Okay, don't go through that door...

[Olympia, on speaker] Sir?
Sir, it's Olympia and Oona.

It's me! Can you hear me?

You don't have much time left.

If you're still in the building,
please head to the lab.

Between you and me,

I don't think he's going to make it.

- [Sir] Wha...?
- [Oona] Oh, the mic is still on.

But seriously, there is no way.

[Sir] That's not helpful.
I think it's this one.

Hey, sounds like people
are looking for you.

Yeah, they are.

I need to get to the lab.
Where is the lab?

Better question... Do you wanna
join my softball team?

Why would I wanna do that?

They changed the rules
this year, it's super-fun.

It'd be you, me, and this lady
who's half a pineapple.

[Sir] I don't...
Elevator! The elevator!

Hey, think about it!

Oh, dude, are you alright?

You... You work here?

Yeah, my name is Ocean...
like the ocean.

- [Sir] Okay, I get it.
- I run the creature room.

Are you a creature?

No. I'm a man.

I dunno, dude, you look a lot
like a spaghetti creature.

- [Sir] No...
- You should come with me.

- I'll put you in a cool cage.
- [Sir] I got to find the lab.

Hey, wrong way!

- [Sir] Ow!
- [Ocean] Where are you going?!

- Come back!
- Sir, there you are!

No! Watch out!
Dangerous creature!

He's not a creature.
He's a man. Watch.

[Sir laughs]
So much tickling!

He looks the same,
just slightly smaller.

That's because this is
a shrink-inator.

- Oona! Oh, you found him!
- [Sir] Odd Squad...

Well, my job here's done.

Use your helmet and fix him.

Hel... met?

Did you forget your helmet in the lab?

[embarrassed stammer]
Yes, probably.

How long does it take
to get to the lab?

- From here?
- Yes.

- Without traffic?
- Yes!

No less than two minutes.

[Sir] The minute hand is just
two ticks away from :.

I have just two minutes left!

Let's go!
C'mon, let's go!

No, no, there's
a shortcut through here.


[Sir] What? Wait a minute.
How are we outside?

It's complicated.
Follow me!

Sir, we don't have much time.

- Let's go.
- [Sir] It's so cold!

You guys took my coat!

Y'see that door down there?
That's where we have to go.

- [Sir] Way over there?
- Please!

I'm afraid of speed!

Olympia, get in the back.

Okay, push, push!
We gotta all push! Ready? Go!

[Sir] Someone' sitting on my spaghetti.

[Otis] Okay, hold on!
Hold on!

[all screaming]

Hurry up! I'm getting al dente!


That was actually pretty fun.

- [Otis] Sir, get up!
- [Sir] Okay, alright!

Olympia, grab his arms.

[Olympia] I can't tell
what's an arm or leg.

- It's just spaghetti!
- [Otis] Okay.

We're almost there! C'mon!

Sir, you gotta get the door!

Grab the door!
We need to go!

- [Olympia] Go!
- [Sir] Whoa!

I'll get the un-pasta-inator!

Wait, we're back inside?

- [Olympia] Let's go!
- [Ohlm] Hey, Oona.

- [all] Ohlm!!
- We don't have time, okay?

Look what's going on right now!

Okay, okay, I'm just
worried 'cause this

keeps going off.


[all scream]

Oh, no!

Yeah, this is really bad!

[Ohlm] No, I meant, "Oh, no,
I didn't feed my hamster!"

I forgot to this morning!

[Sir] Why do you guys
have so much paper?!

Isn't everything digital now?!

Get the helmet on his head!

I'm trying!!



- Sir?
- Sir, are you alright?

[panicked gasping]

[sigh] I'm great.
Thanks, Odd Squad.

Our apologies.

That didn't go as, um,
smoothly as we would've liked.

If there's anything we can do
to make it up to you...

Y'know, I am still hungry.

Otis is a great cook.
Maybe he can make you something.

Anything but spaghetti!

[continuous, exaggerated laughter]

[continuous, exaggerated laughter]

[continuous, exaggerated laughter]



♪ [fanfare]

♪ [fanfare]

Greetings, agents.

This is a Clockhead Lady.

She can be you best friend...

...or the most annoying
person on Earth.

Stop it.
Stop it!

The easiest way to
get her to be your friend

is to tell her what time it is,

which is easy,
because it's on her head.

The small hand tells you
what the hours are,

and the long hand
tells you what the minutes are.

There are minutes in each hour,

so when you count the minutes,

each number represents five minutes.

So that's ,

, ,

, ,

, , ,

, minutes...

Except when you get back to the ,

you don't say "."

You say "o'clock."

So right now, it is ,

, , ,

, minutes.


Before you leave,
ask the Clockhead Lady to dance.

Clockhead Ladies know many dances,

like this one...

♪ [dance music]

This one...

♪ [dance music]

And this one.

But my favorite is this one.

♪ [dance music]

♪ [dance music]

Stop it!
I thought we were friends!

♪ [dance music]

There you are.
Something very odd has happened.

Yes, I'm talking directly
to you, Daniel Berryman.

The rest of you can listen, too.

Odd Squad agents are
getting strangely sick.


Report to Doctor O's office
at pbskids.org.

Odd Squad needs you!

My name is Otis.
I am agent who works here.

Oh, you want more.

I'm an agent who
works here during the day.

Still more?


Maybe you should talk
to my partner, Olympia.

[device humming in background]
Oh, you did.

Did I say I work here?

Oh, wow.
No... No memory of that.

[awkward chuckle]

I dunno what else to tell you.

I'm just an average, normal person

that does average, normal things.



♪ [dance music]

I have something.

I ate a piece of
dry toast this morning.

Nailed it.

I'm gettin' the hang of this!
How much more time?
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