02x12 - Three's Company/Behind Enemy Mimes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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02x12 - Three's Company/Behind Enemy Mimes

Post by bunniefuu »

MS. O:
Coming up next on Odd Squad.

Power cube
is fried.
Where am I
supposed to work?

You can work at our desk.

I am seeing so many things
to improve upon down here.

One, two.

My name is Agent Olympia.

This is my partner, Agent Otis.

This is what I look like
with a moustache.

But, back to Otis and me.

We work for
an organization run by kids.

That investigates anything strange,

weird and especially odd.

Our job is to put things right again.




Hurry Olympia!

I'm coming, Miss O!


Who do we work for?

We work for Odd Squad.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, ma'am?

Please, call me Rebecca.

You see this shirt,
it's got all these stains on it?

Um, yeah.

So, I dump a glass of orange juice

into the cereal box,

then, I put the shirt in,

and I kind of...

mix it all around, and...

it's clean.

How did you figure that out?

Hey, you gotta try stuff.

You know, they discovered
French fries by accident.

I don't think that's true.

Ma'am, do you have an odd problem?

No, I am giving you

an odd solution.

Use it whenever you want.

Okay, thanks.

Don't forget this.

It only works on this one shirt.

Believe you me, I've tried.

I'd walk you out,

but I'm soaking my feet in paint.


I don't know... Yet.

French fries.

♪ Something's happening.

Congrats on another solved case.

Thanks to you, the moon is back.

We started taking pictures
of the moment you solve a case

like they do for roller coasters.

Well, that's nice.
I like that.

I need you to complete
the case work for this,

so I can file it.

Ms. O, I think
your monitor's broken.

Ugh, I'll call IT.


Here's your problem, right here.

Power cube's fried.

Great, so get Miss O a new square,

and she'll be good to go?

Cube, not square.

It's a type of rectangular prism.

This here is three dimensional,
or D for short.

It's got height, width and depth.

D only has length and height,

and is flat.

Oh man, how much is this gonna cost me?

I'll give you the kid discount,

it's totally free.

Okay, let's do it.

Great, I'll pop in
a new one of these bad boys

and have this thing back up
in , minutes.

Where am I supposed to work?

You can work at our desk.

Excellent idea.

Is that a good idea?

It's only for ten minutes.

Hey, to .
Don't take away my wiggle room.

Hey, Ms. O,
our desks are down there.

I know, I'm the boss.

Yes you are.

Hey guys, how are you.

Don't answer that, I'm already
on to my next question.

Why is Ms. O
sitting down here?

Her office is getting fixed.

She can't be here,

whenever she's here
I get nervous and drop things.

♪ Everything's cool.

She'll only be here for minutes.

Thanks Olympia and Otis,
for letting me sit here.

No problem.

As they say in France,
"Mi casa es su casa."

That's Spanish.

There are Spanish people in France.

How about we focus on our case work?

Is that the paper you're using?


You need better paper.
This is too flimsy.

But, Ms. O, that's the only
paper in the building.

Then we'll make our own.

Now this is what you call paper.


So helpful.

Go ahead and try it.

Uh, actually,

I'm gonna go check

on how your office is coming along.



Is that the pen you're using?


You fixed the monitor, awesome.

I'll go get Ms. O.

Hang on, we've got bigger problems.

Turns out Ms. O
has a blob infestation.

Uh, can't you just put the wall back up

and not tell her?

Sure, what's your name.

Olympia, why?

When the blobs take over in a month,

and Ms. O asks who told me
to put the wall back up,

I'll give her your name.

Ugh, fine.

How long is gonna take?

Two minutes, tops.

Okay, I can do that.

But first I need a new part,

which is gonna take at least
six to eight weeks.


I have to order a new
power rectangular prism.

Power rectangular what?

This here's another
D rectangular prism,

it's made up of one, two,
three, four rectangles,

and one, two squares.

It's fried, that's why
the room lights are blinking.

I don't see any lights blinking.

That's because you're blinking

exactly when
the room lights are blinking.

(Electrical buzzing)


Hang on, you have extra power cubes.

Maybe can combine shapes.

Can't we combine two power cubes

to make one rectangular prism?


Nice one, now all I got
to do is rid the blobs.

So, two minutes tops?

Okay, I was lying.
to .


Olympia, it's been minutes.

Why is Ms. O
still down here?

We had a little bit of a setback,

but we're back on track now.

It's like my hands
are covered in butter.

Nervous butter, not tasty.


Okay, Otis.

What happened to the chairs?

I got rid of them.

The balls are better
for posture and balance.

I'm still finding mine.


I'm seeing so many things
to improve upon down here.

Yeah, it's so nice.
Can I talk to you?

Ms. O made my security cameras
yellow, see?


She says it highlights the odd.

But if everything's highlighted,
isn't nothing highlighted?

Ms. O has to go.

Or she'll know I don't
know how to do my job.

Like, at all.

I'm sure that's not true.

No, I don't know how to type.

Or what a computer even is.

I'm not totally sure what I'm saying

are even words right now.


Help me.

O'Beth is almost finished.

Let's just ride this out.

(All scream)

MS. O: You know,
watching you guys down here,

I realize you don't
get enough exercise.


Alright and keep it up

and one, two, three, four.

One, two, three, four.

Alright, stay in step
while we add the arms

one, two, okay, keep going.

I'm gonna check on your office.

Alright, let's do double-time!
Stop the arms! Let's go!

And arms!

Throw 'er up!

'Kay, I know you guys
can do better than that!

Let's go!

It's fixed.
Wait, wait.

No flashing for real this time.

You did it.
Sure did.

So, Ms. O can come back up here
and leave us alone?


Hold on.

Do you hear that scratching?



Okay, fine, I hear it.

Can we just ignore it?

Sure, you're name's Olympia, right?

I'm gonna take that as a no.


(Loud ominous noise)

It's your black hole regulator,
it's shot.

Every room in headquarters has one.

It's a good thing
we found this when we did

or we wouldn't have
a Ms. O's office to fix.

This power triangular prism
needs to be fixed ASAP.


I feel like this is the part
where you ask me

what a power triangular prism is.

I don't need to know.

It's D, made of one, two triangles

and one, two, three rectangles.

And let me guess,

it'll take you four
to six months to get one?

Nope, it'll be two years.


Is the room fixed yet?
Ohm can't walk.

I'm forgetting how to do things

that I used to know how to do.

It's one foot.

Yes, that foot

in front of the other.

No, the other foot!

It's gonna take two years

before the room is ready.

(Both shouting)

My hands are tied,

I don't have another
power triangular prism.

Can't you use one of these?


I can't stop dropping things!

I am so sorry I broke it.

It's okay, I designed them

so they'd split apart anyway.

No bigs, really.

Yes, it is bigs.

You just split a cube
into two triangular prisms.

So, we actually have
a power triangular prism.

Great news, Ms. O,
your office is fixed.

You can move back.

Thanks O'Beth.

Agents, I'm glad I was able to
help you out so much down here.

(All murmuring)

Uh oh, you have a Gretchen infestation.

Nobody can work on this whole floor.

Oh, we can work
in Ms. O's office.



Ugh, I gotta stop doing that.



Greetings agents,
the Odd Squad tube system

can "Whoosh" you anywhere in the world.

But, before you depart,
here's some safety tips

to make sure your
"Whoosh" is a good one.

First up,
ensure all carry-on items

are securely fastened to your body.

Also, eating during liftoff
is not allowed.

Make sure your badge phone
is turned off.

And any other electronic devices

you may be carrying.

Once in position,
you'll be squished into pods.

Many years ago,
these pods were cube shaped.

A cube is like a square,

except it's made out of six squares.

That's because it's D.

It has height, width,

but also depth.

So, it's not flat.

And you can hold it, like fuzzy dice.

Or an ice cube, ooh, chilly.

But now, they're sphere shaped.

Which makes for
a lot smoother of a ride.

One final warning,
make sure when you're leaving

no one else is arriving.

(All groan)

They'll be okay.

OLYMPIA: And now,
an official message from Ms. O.

Has something Odd
happened to you at home,

or in your school?

Have you turned invisible,
or begun walking on the ceiling?

Are things repeating themselves
over and over again?

Are things repeating
themselves over and over again?

If so, Odd Squad can help.

We can fix odd problems
and set things right again.

Call us today.

Our agents are standing by.

(Phones ringing)

Or sitting.

You know what, just go to the website.

Well, what are you waiting for?

I said go!

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

What seems to be the problem, doctor?

Well, whenever I wash my hands...

It's easier if I just show you.


It's been happening for days.

How did you get home last time?

The bus.
Well, two busses.

I live in a neighborhood
that's a bit hard to get to,

so I have to transfer at my first stop,

and then I get on another...


Right, how do we fix this?

Have you considered
not washing your hands?

I'm a doctor,
it's not really an option.

Have you considered
moving to Niagara Falls?

No, but...

There is a state
of the art hospital here.

And it would really cut
back on your traveling time.

You're right, thanks Odd Squad.

Happy to help, have a great day.

You wanted to see us, Ms. O?

There you two are.

Something very odd has happened.

That's my old partner, O'Donahue.

Everyone thinks he's retired,

but he's actually been
working undercover for me.

As this.

Whoa, he's undercover as a clown?

No, as a mime.

But, mime, clown, same thing.

Don't ever let a mime
hear you say that.

They're totally different.

Mimes don't speak,

they just use their hands
to create objects.

We got intel that three mimes,

who call themself "The Thrimes"

were planning something evil.

So O'Donahue posed as one of them,

to figure out what was going on.

O'Donahue had to learn
to walk like a mime,

think like a mime,

even not talk like a mime.

The mimes took the bait,

O'Donahue was in.

What's the evil thing they're planning?

A silence ray.

It'll make the world silent forever.

And they plan on using it today.


That's today!

What can we do?

I just got word from O'Donahue
where the silence ray is.

Cool, so we just show up

and catch them in the act,

and get O'Donahue out of there

before they realize
he's working for Odd Squad.

We're on it.

We're on it.

You're coming with us?

Of course I am.

That's my old partner out there.

Otis, this is amazing.

What is?

Think about it.
Think about what?

You have to stop interrupting me.

How many times has Ms. O
gone out on a case with agents?


I'm just guessing.

No, the answer is barely ever.

Now that she's on a case with us,

she can see up close and personal

what good agents we are.

Or if we make a mistake,

she'll be up close and personal
to see how mistakey we are.

We don't make mistakes,
we're like giraffes.

King of the jungle.

Lion is king of the jungle.

Oh, okay.

No more mistakes, starting now.

This is the address.

So, what's the plan?
Do we just go in?

I think we should knock.



It's all over mimes!

Where are the mimes?

Where's the silence ray?

We're too late.

They must have finished it
and are going to use it.

But how do we bust them now?

If I know my partner,

he likes his orange juice hot,

his eggs raw,

and he always leaves a clue behind.

Breakfast sounds awful.

I found a clue.

The paint's still wet.

I can tell because I just touched it.

And it was wet.

I don't see how
that's a clue to anything.


The mimes are heading to Orange Street.


He must have risked everything,

painting this wall behind their backs.




Orange Street,

but there are many addresses
on Orange Street.

There must be another clue,
keep your eyes peeled.

Okay, let's think
this through.
I don't really see anything.

Over there!

Ugh, how did I miss two mime gloves?

There's another clue.

Four berets.

Oh, and there's one more.

What, where?

Ever heard the expression,

sometimes the answer's
right under your nose?

Me either.

Really, because it's
a common expression.

Like don't judge a book by its cover?

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Ms. O, you said
there was a clue.

Oh yeah, we're standing on it.

The letter x?

The letter x is also
a symbol for multiplication.

So, he's telling us
the address on Orange Street

is two times four.

Oh, so two times four is...

two groups of four.

Which is one, two, three,

four, five, six, seven, eight.

Two times four equals eight.

Wait, but if it's the reverse.

What if he's actually
telling us the clue

is four times two.

Still means the same thing.

Four groups of two also equals eight.

Two, four, six, eight.

Either way, the mimes
are at eight Orange Street.

Let's move.

Otis, we're supposed to show
Ms. O how great we are

but we keep making mistakes.

We have to turn this around.

Okay, all we have to do

is figure out what floor
these mimes live on.

Let's just check each one.

Let's use that elevator,
because this one's broke.


It's not broken, it's another clue.

Yeah, an x.

Totally saw that.

And these two
oil paintings.

Those three light switches.


You saw that?


I still can't believe
how much O'Donahue risked

to leave these clues for us.





Bring up the watch.

Three times two.

That means three groups of two.

Which equals six.

Or, you could say two times three.

Because it's the same.

It also equals six.

You taught me that.


Point is, the mimes
are on the sixth floor.

Let's move.

Strike two, one more and we are out.

Can't make another mistake,

no pressure, no pressure.
I'm freaking out.

There's gotta be at least
doors on this floor.

Which one are the mimes behind?

There must be another clue
around here somewhere.

I don't see anything.

Look, a rug.

O'Donahue must've made that.

Start counting the threads in the rug.

The number of threads

is what door number they're behind.

I don't know about this.

Usually he leaves multiplication clues.

Otis, she's been right every time.

There's gotta be thousands
of threads in that carpet.

There aren't that many doors.

I'm just angry I didn't
figure out this carpet thing.

Why can I never...

What is it?

You know the expression,

"Look up when you
don't know the answer?"

Of course, who doesn't?

Look up.

That's the clue.

Now we have to tell
our boss she's wrong.

, , .

Ms. O, hi, um...

We think you're wrong.

Mostly Otis.

Okay, both of us.

Look up.

O'Donahue did that?

Wouldn't have been easy.

Making a structural change
to the building like that.

He would've needed a sign off
from the building inspector

to put in the smoke detector
and the lamp.

He would've needed a firefighter

and an electrician.

Plus, members of the condo board,

who are usually on vacation
at this time of year.

But, we think that's
exactly what O'Donahue did.

One smoke detector, times one lamp.

One times one, must be the clue.

Which is one group of one.

Which is still one.

So, the mimes are behind room one.

Good job agents.

Wait, you're not angry.

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes.

Even the boss.

Now, let's go smash through a wall.

Can you please use the door handle?


It's all over mimes!

O'Donahue, thanks for all the clues.

O'Donahue, missed a spot.

No, the other cheek.

No, like, beside your nose.

The silence ray!
It's powering up.

Um, Miss O, you're not really
pulling on your sleeves.

It's the only way to defeat them.

Agents, it's time to mime.

Bring it on, clowns.


(Strong wind)

(Fishing rods reeling)

(Lassos twirling)


Olympia, shut it off!

(Electronic powering down)

O'Donahue, are you okay?



Sorry, I haven't spoken in five months.

Still getting used to it.



Hi, I'm one of Ms. O's

I get here early in the morning,

to make sure everything is working.

Like her electronics.


It's good to go.

I also test the carpet.

Nice and squishy.

I test her phone.

Hi, I'd like to order a pizza.

No, not a real pizza,
I'm just testing the phone.

Ms. O gets a lot of reports
about odd problems in town.

And she likes them organized
by their operation symbol.

Addition, subtraction,

multiplication, and equals.

Let me show you how this works.

This case is about
a guy who has five arms.


I know what you're thinking,

he started with two arms
and now he has five.

So the solution
is to take away three arms.

Take away is another way
of saying subtraction.

So the case should go in this box.

So, that's what I do.

And when I'm all done,

I like to give myself a little treat.

I'd like to order a pizza.

No, this isn't a test,
this is for real.

I'll have a large pepperoni.
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