01x06 - Oscar and the Oscarbots/Picture Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x06 - Oscar and the Oscarbots/Picture Day

Post by bunniefuu »



- Coming up next on Odd Squad...
- You cloned yourself?
- No! What am I, crazy?

They're robots.
- Oscar!
- Some of them were missing!

- I'll never forgive you.
- I'm gonna get kicked off
Odd Squad.

- My name is Agent Olive.
This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is my toothbrush.
But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization
run by kids that investigates

anything strange, weird,

and especially odd. Our job
is to put things right again.


Who do we work for?
We work for Odd Squad.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.
The problem is my bathroom.

It's easier if I just show you.

- Very odd.
- We can fix this,

but not on this side.
If you'll excuse me.

- Should be
just a minute.


- This should do it!
Meet you back at headquarters.

- Wow! Thanks, Odd Squad!

Let me show you out.

- Yeah, we can't fix that.

- (both): O'Scarlett.
- Good evening, agents.
- Is it already that late?

- Better question: where did
O'Scarlett get the donut?

- Donut room. Have a great
night, you two.
- You as well.

- There's a donut room?
Why wasn't this the first
thing you ever told me?

Even before your name!
- Let's go.

- I thought this was
the bagel room.

How could I have been
so foolish?

- Hey, guys!
I need your help.

- No! Donuts!

- I have to wait
till everyone's gone.

So, bye! See ya! Great!

Everything is... great!

- All clear.
- Good. So, Ms. O asked me
to build a top secret machine,

and it was really hard, but I
couldn't ask anybody to help me
'cause it's top secret and all,

so to help me build it,
I made these guys.


- You cloned yourself?
- No! What am I, crazy?
They're robots.

- Mm-hmm.
- Number One.

Each Oscarbot has a special job
to help me make Ms. O's machine
work. Like,

this is Number One.
He does the first part.
- One, one, one!

- And Number Two does
the second part.
- Two, two, two!

- And Number Three, he does--
- I think we got it.

- OK, last night, I lined up
all the Oscarbots,

One through Twenty-Five,
and Ms. O's machine worked!

Then we went to the movies
to celebrate.

But when we got back
to headquarters, some
of them were missing!

Ms. O's machine doesn't work
without all Oscarbots!

If this machine doesn't work,
Ms. O will never forgive me.
- I'm sure that's not true.

- Is this machine doesn't work,
I'll never forgive you.
- Point taken.

- What am I gonna do? I don't
even know which Oscarbots
are missing!

- I have an idea.
- We are going
to the donut room.

- Not even close.

- When I see them all lined up
like that, I realize I really
do need a haircut.

- Watch this.

All the Oscarbots
are under their numbers.

Now, we just look for the gaps
and we can find

which numbers are missing.
- Found one. It goes:

one, two, three, five, six.

Four is missing.
- So is Number Eight!
Look, it goes...

seven, then nine.

- Nine, nine, nine!
- Oscarbot Nine is right!
There's another gap! It goes:

Nine, eleven, twelve.
Oscarbot Ten is missing too.

- The last Oscarbot is Twenty-
Three, which means Twenty-Four
and Twenty-Five got loose.

- So there are five Oscarbots
missing: Four,

Eight, Ten, Twenty-Four
and Twenty-Five.

(cell phone ringing)

- Oscar, I'll be heading
back to the office soon.

[Are you finished
with my machine yet?]
- Uh, just making

some final adjustments!
- [Well, hurry!]

Nothing has ever been
more important. Nothing.

(whispering): Nothing.


- Ah! We've gotta
find those guys.
- But how?

- Hey, Oscarbots! You're all
under your numbers, right?

(They all shout
their own number.)

Maybe if we find the missing
Oscarbots' numbers,
we'll find them too.

But where would you see a , ,

, and ?
- Hmm...

... ... They sell donuts
in a dozen! A dozen is .

- A dozen is , but nice try.

- Polly Graph is having a sale
of hot chocolate! A cup
for a quarter!

- So?
- So a quarter is cents.

Let's go.
- All right.
I'll just look at me.

Don't any of you move!

- Twenty-five!
Twenty-five, twenty-five!

- Yes, those are quarters.
And if you give me one,
I'll give you

a hot chocolate, Oscar.
- Twenty-five! Twenty-five!

- Polly, that's
not Oscar.

It's an Oscarbot.
- That's the most surprising
thing I've heard all day!

- Number Twenty-Five,
you're coming with us.

- I think I just found
Oscarbot Ten.
(plane buzzing)

- Ten, ten, ten!

- He's gonna be so disappointed.
- Twenty-five.

- Nine, ten, eleven.

- And twenty-five.

- This is great, but
we're still missing ,

and .
- Hmm.

- There's a
Club downtown.

What? I have a life
outside of work!

(techno music)

- Twenty-four! Twenty-four!

- See you around, Olive.
- See you, Tony!

- Twenty-four!
- Hold on, not you...

- , , ! Now we just need
to find and .

(cell phone ringing)

- Yello!
- [Sorry I'm late, Oscar.]

Time flies when
you're having fun. Ah-yah!

[But I'm headed back
for real now.]

Are you finished
with my machine?
- Uh, actually,

if I could have a little more
time, that would be great.


- Looks like you just got

an extra seconds.

Bring it on!

- It's over. I'm gonna get
kicked off Odd Squad.

Even if my life is ruined,
I'm sure Four and Eight
are happy together.

- Together?
- Yeah, Four and Eight,

they were like best buds.
They did everything together.

- Then maybe we shouldn't be
looking for eights and fours.

- Hmm?
- If they're together, then
we should add eight and four.

Eight plus four is...

nine, ten, eleven, twelve!
- Twelve is a dozen! And we know
what comes in a dozen.

- Eggs!
- Donuts. Let's go.

- I guess that too.

- Eight, eight.
- Four, four!

- Eight, eight,
eight... eight!

- Four, four, four, four, four!
Four, four, four, four, four!

- Eight, eight, eight, eight!
Eight, eight, eight, eight!

- Gentlemen, I'm going to have
to ask you to come with me.
- Eight.

- Four.

- Go ahead.

- Yay!

- Three, four, five!

- Seven, eight, nine!

- That's all of them.
- Mm-hmm. Good job.

I said stay!

Is my machine ready yet?
- You bet, Ms. O.

Oscarbots, assemble!

In my lab.

- One!
- Two!

- Three!
- Four!
- Five!

- Twenty-four!
- Twenty-five!

- OK... here goes!
(activation sound)

(chainsaw roaring)

- You created twenty-five
Oscarbots to make a juice box?

- The perfect juice box.

- I can't believe
we stayed up all night--

- That's OK, partner.
I know what will cheer you up.

The cake room. Let's go.

- There's a cake room?!
- I guess I should have also
mentioned that the Oscarbots

also form a giant robot.

- Good, something else
to fight. Ah-yah!

- I joined because
bunnies should hop,

not open a restaurant
in Nebraska.

- I joined because there should
be one sunless sky,

not .

- I joined because my reflection
should do what I do,
not... that.


- We are...
- We are...
- We are...

- We are Odd Squad.

Since the beginning of time

-and we're talking way back-

we've been fighting odd.

In our spare time, we also like
to draw pictures of ourselves.

We really like this one.
There's no case

too big, no case

too small. At Odd Squad,
we do it all.

And yes, that is
flying broccoli.

- Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.
- What's the problem, Ronny?

- Well, we're having people over
for the big game today,

except my brother Donny is
taking forever making

(electronic interference noise)

- This is the saddest
thing I've ever seen.
- I think the remote control

should do the trick.

Uh... let me try again.

Whoa! Wrong button again!

Let me fix this.
- Wait, wait, wait!
Can you leave him like this?

- Really?
- Yeah, the people coming over,

they're really big eaters,
and this is good.

- All right.
- (both): Have a good day.

- All right!

Go, daddy, go!

- I'm so excited to get
a new photo for my ID.
Check out the one I have now.

- Ooh...

How long is this gonna take?
- Oscar takes this stuff
pretty seriously.

- That's good. All right.

Now pretend that there's
a hungry wolf chasing
after your family.

- How many people
until it's my turn?
- Uh, well, let's see.

Oscar's on , and you're...? OK.

- Ten.
- So we're trying to figure out
plus how many equals .

Let's rearrange it so that the
thing we're trying to figure out

is after the equal sign, like
what we're used to.
- Whoa!

You can just do that?
- Yeah. If plus something
equals ,

then minus will
get you the same answer.

- So minus , , , ...

equals . Six more
people to go. Pfft!

That's nothing.
- There you two are!

Something very odd has happened.
Report to the park immediately.

- Sure, Ms. O. Right after
I take this picture.

Now. Now's good.

- Thanks.

- Whoa! All right, let's do this
fast. Where's the odd?

- Uh... I think I found it.

- Hi, Odd Squad.
- Looking great, man!

- Sir, please
tell us what happened.
- Well, I was just sitting here

having a picnic when... gong!
Plaid everywhere.

Please help. I don't know where
my blanket starts and I end.

- No biggie. We'll just use
the Plaid-Takeawaynator.
- No such thing.

- The Plaid-Go-Bye-Bye
machine thing?
- Yes.

But it's broken.
- Maybe I can help.

With my Glenn Gushers.
Ten Glenntastic flavors!

All of them are Glennalicious.

- I'm guessing
your name is Glenn?
- I'm guessing you're thirsty.

- Thanks, but we're busy.
- Ugh! We're about
to get busier.

- Odd Squad, help!

- I think she's gonna
make us walk to her.

- I was sitting here,
having a picnic,

when... gong! Stripes!
Now I don't know where
my blanket starts and I end.

- OK, step : you two,

switch blankets.

- Oh, I like this! Much better.
- Oh yes, that's nice!

- I'm not sure what
step is. Otto?
- One second.

- Orchid, hi. Uh,
what number is Oscar on now?

- He's about to call me.
I'm number .

- What? But... is only
away from ! You have
to stall him until I get back.

- But I'm not good at stalling!
- Please, Orchid!

- I'll try.

- You both turned colors
when you were having a picnic.

Maybe it was something you ate.
- (both): Ohh!

- Great! You guys stop eating,
I'll get my photo. Case closed.

- Otto, how about you, um...
go get a Glenn Gusher!

On me.

- Oh, OK. Thanks.

- Now, can I see
your picnic baskets?

- Okeydokey, Agent Orchid.
I should have you out
of here in no time.

- What do I do? What do I do?


- What are you doing?

- Buttons!!
- Agent Orchid,

it's gonna take me forever
to clean this up!
- Yes!

- All right,
how about...

Berry Blue ?
It is Glenntastic!

- Eh...
- OK, um...

Fruit Punch ? It's Glenntastic!

- Eh...

- Grape ? It is Glenntastic!
- Eh...

Maybe you should just go.

- Give me something Glenntastic.

- Wish I could do that.

- You ate different sandwiches,
different snacks.

The only thing
you both had were...

Glenn Gushers.

Oh no!

Otto, stop!

(gong sound)
Huh! It really does go "gong"!

- I can't take
my picture like this!
- Don't worry, we'll fix it.


Your drinks are making
people change color!!

- I know.
- (all): You know?!

- Yeah, why d'you think I said
that they were Glenntastic?
I mean, look at you!

You look Glennderful.
(all yelling at the same time)

Everybody just Glennax, OK?
Look, you drink Melon

and you'll be back to normal.
(all gasping)

That was the last one.
- (all): Aww!

- But I can give you any other
flavor for free, huh? OK.

Here you go.
- Well, I couldn't look worse.

(gong sound)
I'm back to normal!
- How's that possible?

You have to drink number
to get back to normal.

- Hang on. What did you
drink to turn plaid?

- Grape .
- And you just drank a .

Eight plus , ... You made
a with your two drinks!

- Hey!
- So to turn back, we have to
drink drinks that add up to ?

- But how do we figure out which
other number to drink?
- (both): Mathroom.

- I'll bring the drinks.
- OK!

- Hold on.
- Ah!!

- Guess I'll just go.


- [Greetings, agents,
Glenn, striped woman.]
- Are we even still on earth?

- Well, it's more like a paper
world full of math.

- OK, it will take too long
to explain. OK, so,

what drink did you drink?
- I don't know, uh...
it was bright red.

- Strawberry .
- If you drank a ,
we want to know which number

you need to drink
to get to . Mathroom?

- [Generating equation.]

- Wait, I know this! Mathroom,
if you add a number to
to get ,

you could also subtract
from to get the same number.

- minus is , , ,

- Tuna Melon number .

All right, it's not
the most popular flavor.

- Ugh! Ooh!!

- All right, partner, you're up.
- All right,

I had a ; plus what
equals ?

- Also known as minus .

- minus equals... !
I need a !

- A Plum number ! Now,
that is a popular flavor.

I just sold the last one.
- (both): To who?

- Eh...

- (both, in slow motion): Stop!

- No!!


- Yes!!
- I wasn't thirsty anyways.

- Nice going, partner.
- Thanks.

Here goes.

(gong sound)
Mmm... not bad!

- Just in time, Otto.
Let's see here.

Do you want this? Nah.

Let's see here.

I want you to think of... dill
pickles. Half sour, full sour...

(camera clicking)
Perfect! All right,
that's a wrap.

- I finally took a good photo!

- That's the same
as the other one.
- What are you talking about?

They're totally different. See?

In this one, my chin is tilted
a little bit this way.

Funny... where's the cruise ship
in the background, though?

Anyways, aren't we supposed to
grab a bite to eat with Oscar?

- Oh, he's gonna be busy
for the next hours.

At least.

- All right, so I'm just
sitting here and enjoying
this lovely sunset.

Great. And another one.

And another one.
And another one.

Let's see... we do that...

Perfect! Nailed it! I'll do
another one for safety.


Greetings, agents. We have
many pets at Odd Squad,

but one of my favorite furry
friends is this little hamster

right here. The important thing

is how we feed these little
guys. Feed them too little,
and this happens.

Feed them too much,
and this happens.

So to avoid any further
mistakes, let's review how
to feed this little guy.

Every day, he eats
baloney sandwiches.

This morning, he had
baloney sandwiches.

And this agent here is
on afternoon feeding duty.

She has to figure out
how many sandwiches

to feed the little guy
to get him to .

If she doesn't get it right,
things go bad fast.

But how do you figure which
number goes in the blank?

It's tricky, because usually the
blank goes after the equation,

after the equal sign, but in
this case, it's in the middle.

But not to worry. If you can add
a number to to get it to ,

then you can subtract from
to get the same number.

Let's see: minus , ,

equals... .

So this agent has to feed this
little guy baloney sandwiches.

One more thing to keep in mind
when you feed the Odd Squad

is to never, ever,
under any circumstance,
look it directly in the eye.

If you do, you'll explode.

Then reappear. And explode.

And then reappear. And explode.

And then reappear.
And... you get the idea.

- Hi. My name is Agent Orchid.

I've been working
with the Squad for years.

I like dinosaurs.
- You have a lot of time
on your hands.

- Too much. I make friends
really easily.

If you'd asked me that
before I met Sherman,

I would've told you I needed

everything, but now,
I don't need a thing.

No matter what happens,
I always stay calm.


- What are you doing?
- Buttons!

What's the hardest part about
working at Odd Squad? Figuring
out if who I am as a person

is a result of
the way I was born

or if my personality
is primarily influenced
by the outside world.

What I do know is
I build a mean sandcastle!




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