01x05 - Reindeer Games

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x05 - Reindeer Games

Post by bunniefuu »



- Coming up next on Odd Squad...
- What's more important

- than Christmas?
- You're on my naughty list.
- Help me be nice!

- Santa needs our
help delivering presents.
- Hurry, it's almost Christmas!

- I love Christmas!

- My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is my th favourite colour.

But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization
run by kids that investigates

anything strange, weird,
and especially, odd.

Our job is to put things
right again.

(theme music playing)

- Grrr!
- Yeah!

- Heyyy!
- Aaah!

- Who do we work for?
We work for Odd Squad.

- Olive, it's Christmas Eve!

-Stop and smell
the candy canes, would ya?

- Can't stop.
Important business.

- What's more important
than Christmas?

We shouldn't even be at the
Odd Squad today. We should
be at home,

hanging our stockings with care,
waiting for--

- --Him?

- Oh, ho ho! Hello, Otto!


- Wait, what are you doing here?

- Oh! Well, my elves, of course,
can build just about any toy,

but occasionally I get
a rather odd request.

- So he comes here for help.
- Mm-hmm.

- Hey guys! Spaghetti bike
coming through!

- Oh! Ho ho ho!

- Check out the meatball horn.
(horn squeaking)

- I don't know whether
to ride it or eat it!

- How do you even fit that
in your bag?

- Oh! Easy, with this
shrinkinator that Oscar gave me.

Ha ha ha!

Watch this!

- Now grab a bag, partner!
Someone's gotta help Santa

bring all this stuff
to the North Pole.

- I love my job!
- Ho ho ho!

- Save some of this for lunch...

- Hey, Big Red!
Glad I caught you.

- I'm working late, so you can
just drop my Christmas
present here.

Oh, heh... About that, Ms. O,

there's a teensy-weensy
little problem.

- Talk to me, Kringle.
- Well...

You're on my naughty list.

- But... But how was I naughty?
- Well...

you sometimes raise your voice.

- Ahem...

- Sorry to interrupt, I couldn't
help overhear Ms. O raising
her voice.

- Oscar...

- Santa, check your paperwork.
- Oh, well...

You see that symbol there?

That's a greater-than symbol.

Now, the number of naughty
things you've done - -

is actually greater than the
number of nice things you've
done - .

And that's why--
- Don't say it!

- --you're not getting
any presents.

- He said it.
- But hold on, it's only

Christmas Eve. What if Ms. O
did a few more nice things

to turn that symbol around?

- Oh, certainly. If you can make
that number

greater than that number,
well then, I...

I'd gladly deliver
your presents. Heh, heh.

- (Otto): You comin', Santa?

- Oh! Be right with you.
Gotta run. Toodles!



Help me be nice!

- I mean, please and thank you.

- O'Shea, send us
to the North Pole.

- Preparing to squishinate!
(Santa chuckling)

- I love this part!
- (Otto): Me too!
- Squishinating!

- Wahoo!

(Santa laughing)

- Welcome to my workshop, ha ha!

Well, the barn part, anyway!
Ha ha ha!

- Whoa! It's a reindeer!

- There's Rudolph!

- Need help, Santa?
- Ooh, Lloyd!

- An elf! Oh, you're an elf!

- You can call me Lloyd.

- Lloyd the Elf!
- ...Or just Lloyd!

- (Santa): Uh, Lloyd, would you
kindly take this shrinkinator

into my office, please?
Oh! Ho ho!

Heh, heh, good thing
that didn't go off!

Oh... Oh!

I spoke too soon, didn't I?

- It's okay, we can
regrow them.

- Oh! Heh, heh.

Oh! If we can catch them!

- (Otto): Come back!
Rudolph, come back!

(all shouting and clamouring)

Ho... Oh, no...

Without my reindeer,
I can't deliver my presents,

and, well, without
my presents...

- (both): Don't even say it!
- Christmas will be ruined.

- He said it.
- My reindeer, they, they...

They fly so quickly that, well,
they could be anywhere
in the world by now.

- Well, you're in luck.
We have Odd Squad agents

all over the world.
(Santa chuckling)

- Well, except in Moldova.
Nothing really odd
happens there.

- I've been there - she's right.

- Happy holidays, Mr. Jackalope!

- Nice, nice... What's nice?

- AHH!
(blocks scattering)

- I wanna say that
you're getting colder.
- Well, I've got to do something

to flip that symbol from this
to this or this to...this.

I can't think straight anymore.

- It depends on which number's
where. I like to think about
it as an alligator mouth.

The alligator's always eating
the bigger number...

(gnashing teeth)

Don't ever do that again.
- Okay...

- I need a juice.
- Excellent idea!

- Agent Olaf?
- I'm Olaf!

- Ms. O would like to share
a juice box with you.

- But I don't have any left.
- Really?

(car horn honking)

(angelic singing)


- See? That wasn't so hard!

(slurping loudly)
- Piece of...


- Hey, look!

- The number of nice things went
from to !

Ms. O, uh, heh... Can I have,
heh, a juice?

- NO...YES! Make sure you
get me one too.

- Santa, we made some calls.

Good news: there have been a lot
of reindeer sightings.

- Ooh! Heh!
- Bad news...

Otto ate your candy cane phone.

- (Santa): What...
What... Otto!

- Sorry. Sorry. Really sorry.

- Your reindeer are travelling
in groups of two:

Dasher and Dancer,
Prancer and Vixen--

- -- Except for Rudolph.

He flies alone.

With the wind through his
antlers, not a care
in the world...

- Otto?
- Yeah, I'm back.

- If we study
where they've been,

we can figure out where they're
going next and catch them.

- Hmm!
- Santa, you have a world map?

- Oh, ho! Does Mrs. Claus
love boughs of holly?

(laughing uproariously)

- ...Does she?
- You... The answer is yes.

Oh! Uh, Lloyd... There we are.

- That should do it.

- Now, let's put a grid on it.

- Why do you need
all those lines?

- All those lines make a grid.

It would take us forever to find
where in the world

the reindeer are because it's
such a big place.

But with the grid, we can locate
the very spot where they were
last seen. Otto?

- First place Dasher and Dancer
were spotted

was at coordinate H.

- So, I go across to
the number on the bottom,

and I follow the line up.

My other finger traces from
the letter H on the side.

And where they meet is
coordinate H.


I like to make a "ding" noise
when I find a coordinate.

- Good work, partner.
- Thank you.

- Next coordinate: F.

- Thanks for asking to taste my
homemade Christmas cake.

It means so much to me.

- I can't!

...Wait to try it!

- Really good, Agent O'Shea.

- The trick is, I used
different kinds of worms.

- (Ms. O): Get me a bucket!

- Very nice, Ms. O!

- Earthworm?
- How'd you know?

- Were you not at
the Great Worm w*r?

I was there.

- (Otto): That's the last
coordinate Dasher and Dancer

were spotted.
- Do you guys see what I see?

- They started here,

and then they went here,
here, and here.

- They're flying in a
square pattern!
- Yup.

- Yeah, but those dots don't
form a square!

- Well, if they're flying
in a square pattern,

then there's going to be one
more dot to make the square.

- Which means the next
coordinate they're flying to...

- France!

- (Olive and Otto): Ding!
- (Santa): Ding!
- Ding!

(accordion playing)

- Olive, je suis desolé. I do
not see le Dasher or le Dancer.

"Rassure ce chemin", Odelette.

Cette information doit être
correcte, car je l'ai vérifiée
plusieurs fois.

- She's speaking French.
- Hmm.

- Attends une seconde...

- Odelette? Qu'est-ce que c'est?
Qu'est-ce que c'est?

I have them, two petite

Oh, fantastique! Please use
your regrowinator

and send them back
through the tubes. Merci.

- We did it!
- Yay!

- Hold on a sec, now.

We still have more
reindeer to find.

Let's not crack open
the egg nog just yet!

- So put this back
in the fridge?

- Yup. Ahem. Awkward...

- To be continued...

Greetings, agents! Here in
the North Control Room,

a group of highly skilled
technicians look for

odd activity around town.

Like these trees with no trunks,
and this trunk with no elephant.

- With so much odd activity, it
really helps to keep track

of the cases that are
solved and unsolved

Right now, there are
unsolved cases,

and solved cases,

so that means the unsolved cases

are greater than
the solved cases.

I like to think of the
greater-than/less-than symbol

as a hungry alligator that
always opens up its mouth
at the greater number.

(gnashing teeth and roaring)

I was just showing them
the, uh...

...thing. Heh.

Man, time flies when you're
solving cases.

Take a look at this.

The symbol turned around.

That's because one unsolved case

is less than solved cases.

And it still opens up its mouth
to the greater number.

Like an alligator! Ha ha...

Hey, uh, what's that last
unsolved case?

- This?

Oh, this is just a puppet. I can
take it off any time I want!


How tight does this thing go?

- And now, the rest
of the story.

- Let's find the rest
of those reindeer.

Otto, who's next?

- Prancer and Vixen were spotted
at coordinates

K, K, and I.
- (Santa): Hmm...

I don't see a pattern!

Lloyd, what do we know about
these guys?

Prancer and Vixen love slices of
pizza and slices of pie.
- Okay.

And they both play triangle
in the North Pole Band.

- STOP! There's
a North Pole band?

- Oh, all Christmas carols
all the time, ha ha.

- So if they love triangles
so much, maybe they're flying

in a triangle pattern.
- (Santa): You're right!

You're right, these three dots
do form a triangle!

- The last two coordinates
they flew were G and G.

- Which means the
third dot Prancer and
Vixen are headed for is...E.

Vietnam... Ring-a-ding-ding.
- Hoo-hoo!

(speaking Vietnamese)

(speaking Vietnamese)
Send them through the tube,

and we'll re-grow them
on our side.

- Hoo-hoo! Well done, Odd Squad!

- Fire's just getting started,
Santa. Otto, who's next?

- Comet and Cupid.
- All right.

- (Ms. O): How am I doing?
- (Oscar): Great,

but naughty deeds is still
greater than nice deeds.

- I need more nice!

- What do you think
about Agent Octavia?
- She's one of my best agents.

- Might be nice
to tell her that.
- You mean with my mouth?

- AHH! What did I do?

Am I fired? I'll pack my things.

- No! I just came by
to say I um, uh...

...uh, think you're great!

- That means so much to me!

I didn't know you were a hugger!

- Well I wouldn't say I'm a--
- Bring it in!

- Ow...
- I love Christmas!

- (Olive): Dasher and Dancer,
Prancer and Vixen,

Comet, Cupid,
and Donner and Blitzen.

- (Otto): The only one left
missing is Rudolph.

- Well, here are all the spots
that Rudolph has touched down,

but frankly, I'm still not
seeing a pattern, though.

- Is there anything else
you can tell us

about who Rudolph is
and what he likes?

- Oh... Well, he's got a very
shiny nose.

You could even say it glows.

- And I remember all the other
reindeer used to laugh and
call him names.

- Mm. And they wouldn't let him
join in their reindeer games.

- Are you just saying the words
to the song?

- Well... Yes. We don't really
know him that well.

- Rudolph keeps to himself.
- Yeah, very reclusive.

- Hang on - just because Rudolph
isn't flying in a shape pattern,

doesn't mean there
isn't a pattern.

- I'm picking up what you're
putting down. Keep going.

- Look, every time
Rudolph flies, he goes a total

of graph squares.
, , , .

And here; , , , .

And wherever he takes off from,
he either goes

up, down, left or right.

- Let's look at the last
coordinate Rudolph was spotted.

- Uh, I... Russia!

- So if Otto's theory
is correct,

Rudolph's next stop will either
be, um,

, , , ...
- (Otto): Sri Lanka.

- Or, uh, , , , - Sweden.

- Or the North Pole.
- How do you know that, Lloyd?

- Because I see him!

(all clamouring)

- (Otto): Run! Run! Go, go, go!

- (Santa): Get that reindeer!

- (Otto): Where is he?

He's coming to us!

- It's time I gave you one of
your presents a little early.

- (Otto): Come on, Olive,
open it! Come on!

Like Christmas morning!
- Come on, honey, come on!

You can do it, Olive,
you can do it!

- (all): Olive?

- Got him!
(all cheering)

- Woo! We did it!

- Ha ha ha... Ho ho ho!

Ho-hold on, now, just for a
second, let's not slice
the gingerbread

just yet, huh?
- Seriously?

- We're running out of time!

If I'm lucky, I can get
maybe half of my presents

delivered by Christmas morning.

(sighing sadly)
- Oh, Olive, Otto,
thank you so much for your help,

but I really think it's best if
you took the tubes back to HQ.

- The tubes!

They go all around the world!
- We can use the tubes

to deliver the other half
of the presents!

- We can do that?
- Sure we can!

- All right, I sent everyone
home early,

dusted Headquarters
from top to bottom, and...

...I gave myself a pedicure.

It's important we do nice things
for ourselves.

- Okay. That brings you to

, , ... nice things!

Your naughty and nice deeds are
the same! They're equal!

Now you only need to do
one more nice thing,

and then nice will be greater
than naughty.

- YES!
(phone ringing)

Gopher O.

- Ms. O! Santa needs our help
delivering presents!

- He shrunk his reindeer--
- --but it was an accident.

- Stop moving your mouth.
You had me at "Santa".

To the Tube Room!

- Santa, I'm in position.
Any presents you can't
deliver yourself,

send them down the tubes.
- Ho, ho! Headed your way!

- But Ms. O, what about
the nice list?

- This isn't about me anymore.

It's about Christmas.

- (Olive): All right, next?

- (Otto): Another one.
- Next!

- Here we go!
- Let's go, guys!

- That's the last of
the kids' presents!

- Excellent, well done! Well
done! Now then, you two,
please, this way!

- Okay!
- Let's go!

- Now we've still got quite a
few houses to hit,

so I was wondering,
would you...

...ride in my sleigh tonight?

- We get to help
deliver presents?

- Seriously, Santa?

- Well, not dressed like that,
you don't!

- Ho ho ho! Much better!

- Otto, I know I play it cool
most of the time, but...


- Ho ho ho! Come on, come on!

- Where's the next batch

- presents to the Davis house.

- Done. Next?

- The Rita Taylor house
or the Kyler house.

- You're doing great, Ms. O.
- Thanks, Oscar.

Give me a juice box?

- Sorry, Olaf drank them all,
remember? How about a water?

- This is going to be
a long night.

(sleigh bells jingling)

- Oh, ho ho! We're over
the Perryman house!

Otto! You're up!

- I think you mean...down!

- He missed the house
completely, didn't he?

- Not even close.
- Ho ho ho. Swing it around,

we'll pick him up.

And the last presents
are the Leggett family.

- Done!

That's it for me, Big Red!

It's up to you now.

- Hurry Olive, it's almost
Christmas morning!

- All done!

- Mom, Dad!

Santa brought me
a spaghetti bike!

- Ho! You did it!
- We did indeed!

(all cheering)

- Hey, Santa!
Now can I eat this stuff?

- You sure can, Otto!
You sure can!

I can't wait to get
this beard off!


Did you give us real beards?

- Ho ho ho!

- Merry Christmas!
(Olive groaning)

- Nice work, Kringle.

- Well, we couldn't have done it
without you, Ms. O.

Oh, by the way, look
under your desk, hmm?

- But I had one more nice thing
left to do!

- Well, if saving Christmas
doesn't count as something nice,

then I don't know
what does! Oh...

If you'll excuse me,
Otto's eating half my workshop.

- See ya next year.

- Congrats, Ms. O.

- Thanks, Oscar. I'm really
lucky to have you on my team.

- You know you don't have to be
nice anymore, right?

- I know. Merry Christmas.

- Merry Christmas
to you too, Ms. O.

- Just what I wanted! An
eggnog-flavoured juice box!

Oh, man, this is awful.

(slurping more)
Like, really, really bad.

(slurping again)

Just gets worse and worse...

I wish I could stop.

(weakly): This is the best
Christmas ever!


- I joined because the Earth
should be round, not square.

- I joined because sandwiches
should be tasty,

not sandy.

- I joined because nobody should
be able to make this noise:

(grinding mechanical noises)

- We are...
- We are...

- We are Odd Squad.

- I'm Olaf! Sometimes I'm happy!

Yay... Yay!

Sometimes I'm sad...

- (Oscar): Ms. O would like to
share a juice box with you.

- But I don't have any left.
- Mm...

- Sometimes I give piggy backs.

- Yay!
- YEAH! Come on!

- And sometimes I give piggy
backs and fall down.

And sometimes I solve problems!

- It is effective because the
Hydroclops monster

has heightened olfactory sense

due to its increase
in nostril capacity!

- (all): What?

- But I'm always Olaf!

(theme music playing)

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