01x04 - Blob on the Job/Party of 5,4,3,2,1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Odd Squad". Aired: November 26, 2014 – July 8, 2022.*
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Series follows the exploits of Odd Squad, an organization run entirely by children, that solves peculiar problems using math skills.
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01x04 - Blob on the Job/Party of 5,4,3,2,1

Post by bunniefuu »



- Coming up next
on Odd Squad...

- (Olive): Code Ruby!
There's a blob loose!
-We'll handle it.

- We're gonna find it first.
- Now!

- (Olive): It's getting away!

- Let the games begin!

- My name is Agent Olive.

This is my partner, Agent Otto.

This is my least favourite
hat... But back to Otto and me.

We work for an organization run
by kids that investigates

anything strange, weird, and,
especially, odd.

Our job is
to put things right again.

(theme music)


- Who do we work for?
We work for Odd Squad.

- Odd Squad, thanks for coming.
The problem's this way.

Every time I try to go inside,
this happens.

(engine starting)

(car horn honking

- Hmm, the old house-car
switcheroo. Otto?


- Try her again, ma'am.

(doorbell ringing)
- Finally!

Thanks, Odd Squad!

- Just doing our job.

- Bye!

- That was easier
than I thought.
- Yeah.



- Oh, no.
- If it isn't Olive, and her

new partner, Ewtoo. Back from
another failed case.

- Actually, it's "Otto".

- And we just solved a case.
- You hear that, Olaf?

"We solved a case."

We solved a gazillion cases
just this morning.

- Yeah, well, "gazillion"

isn't a real number...Oren.

- It is if Olaf says it is.
- (Olaf): It is.

(alarm blaring)
- Code Ruby!

- (Ms. O): Will someone
shut that off?

(alarm stops)
- (Olive): So, what's going on?

- The blob has escaped!
- (Otto): What blob?

- The blob that we have? I wrote
about it in the newsletter...

Are you guys not reading
my newsletter?

- How did the blob escape?

- Well, it's a long story...

I was in my lab, doing
complicated technical work

that only I knew how to do,

when suddenly, the blob escaped!

(glass shattering)


Huh, guess that story
wasn't so long.

- The important thing is,
there's a one-gallon blob loose

in headquarters!
- Sorry, um, what's a gallon?

I thought we measured
in inches and feet?

-(Oscar): Actually,
- fun fact -

a blob is a liquid.
When you're measuring a liquid,

you don't use inches or feet,
you use gallons, quarts --

- Quit talking about

- There's a blob loose!
- We're on it, Ms. O!

- Ha! Don't make Olaf laugh!
This is a real problem,

and you need real agents.
- We'll handle it, Ms. O.

- We are "real agents",
and we're gonna find it first.

- I don't care who does it, but
someone better find that blob!


- Let the games begin!

Come on!

- Yay...
- Come on!

Hee-yah! Hee-yah!

- No blob.

- No blob.

- No blob.

(whispering): There it is!

You go there, I go here!

, , ...

- I got it!

- And it got you!
- Ugh, disgusting!

But worth it!
- I know.

I can't wait to see Oren and
Olaf's faces.

Let's go!

- (both): WE GOT THE BLOB!
- We got the blob!

- What?
- We have a blob! No fair!

(blowing air horn)

- The blob can split apart!

That's how you each
have a part of it!

- (OREN): We still win,
'cause we have the most blob!

- We have containers,
you only have one.

- You may have more,
but ours is bigger.

- There's only one way
to settle this.

We're all going to the Mathroom.


- Yay!
- Shh!

- Greetings, agents!
- Hi, Carol.

- "Carol"?
- Mathroom and I go way back.

Now, the only way to tell
who has more blob

is to measure your blob and your
blob in the same kind
of container.

Carol, do your stuff.

- Generating two
one-gallon containers.

- Wow! There are two of them.

- Let's start with
Olive and Otto.

- Measurement equals
one quart of blob.

How much is that?
- A quart is a smaller

unit of measurement
than a gallon.

You need quarts
to equal one gallon.

- Now, Olaf and Oren.

- Measurement equals
one quart of blob.

- It's a tie!
- Yay!

- No! It means we didn't win.
- Boo!

- Wait a minute,
look at the chart!

There are quarts
in one gallon.

You only found two quarts.

- You have two quarts
left to go.

- So that means...half the blob
is still out there!

- What are you waiting for?

- Ms. O, is everything okay?

- Carol, I'm having one of
those days. Help me relax.

- Does this help?

(loud dance music playing)

- Where can it be?
We've searched everywhere!

- Shh, shh!

All right.

- Gotcha!

- Oh, man!

- It's getting away!

- There it is!

- There it is!

(all yelling)

(gong ringing)



- Amazing! You got two cups
and you got two cups!

- You're still tied!
- Wait, I know what a gallon is,

I know what a quart is...
What's a cup?

- I think he's talking
to you, Carol.

- A cup is another unit
of measurement.

It is smaller than a quart.

There are cups in one quart.

- We have cups...
We have a quart!

- Right, and one quart plus
these two quarts

is quarts.
- But that's not full yet!

- Because,
as was already established,

there are quarts
in a gallon.

You only have .
Therefore, in conclusion,

there is still
one quart of blob out there.

(weakly): Yay...

- Get out of here, so I can
dance again!


- Well, come on, partner,
we gotta keep on looking!

- What's the point?
We've been searching for hours,

and I'm tired
of getting slimed!

- Otto, you're a genius!
I know where the blob is.

- Well, where is it?

- It's right here.

- You're right! All we have to
do is look inside our hearts.

- No...

It's on your suit. Let's go.
- Yeah.

- (Olive): One quart exactly!

- We won!
We found the most blob!

(slow clapping)
- Well done.

You caught the blob fair and
square. Too bad Olaf grabbed it

while you were watching me clap!
- (together): WHAT?

- He's over there.


- (Olive): No! Ms. O! Wait!
- (Otto): Ms. O, listen to us!

- (Ms. O): Shh!

- You're coming
with me, blob!

- Congratulations,
Oren and Olaf!

- But they--
- Forget it. It's not worth it.

- You know, you two are so good
at blobs, I'm sending you

on a month-long blob-counting
mission to Blobsylvania.


Olive and Otto,
I know you really

caught the blob.
Good work, agents.

- Wait, but if you
know the truth,

why did they get to go
to Blobsylvania?

- Trust me, you do not want
to go to Blobsylvania.

- (Oren): , , ...
(wolf howling)

, ...

- How many you think there are?
- At least a gazillion.

- , ...
Or was it ?

Ugh, we have to start
all over again!

- Yay!
- Will you stop saying that?

- The Odd Squad uniform is an
agent's most powerful tool.

It can blend into
your surroundings...

Hey... Where'd he go?

Play music...

(Beethoven playing)

(Beethoven stops)

(dance music playing)
(both playing)

You can even cook on it.

But the only thing
your suit can't do

is get out an ice cream stain.

But not to worry.

You can make a new suit!

First get one gallon of water.

How much is a gallon?

It's the same as a jug of milk.

And one gallon is also the same
as quarts.

Since there are cups
in a quart,

another way to think
of a gallon is cups-- Ugh!

That's gonna hurt
in the morning.

Once you have your water,

simply drop in your
new uniform capsule...

...and voila.

Enjoy your new suit.

Thanks for coming, Odd Squad.

Everywhere I go, I hear
the same song, over and over.

- Sounds like Gerard.

- Not a what, a who.

Have a look.


,- Whoa!

- HEY GERARD! You mind
switching it up a bit?

- Sure thing, Olive!

(playing same song faster)

- Oh... This I can get behind.

Thanks, Odd Squad!

- (Otto): Crazy.

- Oh, yeah.

You've got a guy
named Bob in your head.

- Wait, what?

- You're listening
to KODD DJ Kberg,

coming at you live on the last
day before the New Year,

where we're counting down
the top songs.

We just listened to numbers
and , now here's song .


- I hate New Year's...
but I love it!

But I hate it...but I love it!

- What are you talking about?

- Every year, I make a New
Year's resolution.

You know, things you want
to get done during the year.


- You started at ...

You only have left!

You're almost done!
- Yeah,

except the rules are
I have to get all done

before midnight tonight.

Maybe if Ms. O doesn't
call us on a case--

- Olive and Otto!
In my office!

- I knew that would happen.
Let's go.

-(agent): Hey!

- You wanted to see us, Ms. O?
- Yes.

Something very odd has happened.

But, before I get to that,
I'm gonna brag, big time.

Mayor Macklemore has asked me

to do the official
New Year's Eve countdown.

Tell them, Mayor!

- I've asked Ms. O
to do the official

New Year's Eve countdown.
- It's a big deal.

Tell 'em, Mayor!
- It's a big deal!

- Was there something
you needed?

- Something odd is going on

at Tommy Banfield's birthday
party. Check it out...

...but be back before
the clock strikes midnight,

or you'll miss me doing the New
Year's Eve countdown.

And it's a...
- (all):...big deal.

- Everybody's talking about it.

- Yes, they are.

- So, as I was saying,

the only way I'm going to finish
all of my resolutions is to do
them while we're on the case.

I already did , so...
": Learn Spanish."
Me llamo Olivia.

- (NAME): Psst!
Odd Squad! Over here!

- What seems to be the problem?
- Thanks for coming.

- De nada.
- We've been playing

hide-and-go-seek for days,
because Tommy never found us.


- , ...

- We don't know what to do.
We've run out of cake to eat.

- You guys have been hiding
behind a couch for days?

- We can't come out
'till Tommy finds us.

It's the hide-and-seek rule!

- Well, I'm not a doctor,
but it seems like

Tommy's stuck on the number .

This isn't how
it's supposed to be.

He should be able to count
backwards from to to .

- I'll handle this.
- ..., , ....

- Come on, Tommy!
You can count down.

Like this: , ...!
- ..., , ....

- I can't count down either!

- , , ... Neither can I!

- But why would this happen?

(playing violin ominously)

- Sorry. Resolution :

Practice more violin.


- Sounds like we have
a countdown crook.

- A countdown crook?
What's that?

- It's a rare condition where
someone counts down so much

that they stop everyone else
from counting down.

It's a big problem.

If we can't count backwards
by ones,

rockets won't be able
to take off.

- , , , , ...

- Racers won't be able to start.

- , , , ...

- Definitely won't be
any rocket races.

- , , , ...

- (gasping): Oh, no! Tonight is
New Year's Eve!

- So?
- Mayor Macklemore, tell 'em!

- Oh... Uh, earlier today,

I asked Ms. O to do the official
New Year's Eve countdown.

- But I can't count down unless
we catch this countdown crook!

I'll be standing in front of
everybody saying,

", , ..."

- Um, how do we find this
countdown crook?

- Right. He or she will be

the only person who can still
count down.

GO! Go like the wind!
- Let's go.

- Mayor, tell me
something wonderful.

- Something wonderful.

- (Olive): Okay, so whoever
can still count down

is the countdown crook.
- But that could be anybody!

- (DJ Kberg): You just listened
to songs , , ,

on KODD...
- Did you hear that?

- Agent Olson, stop that car!
- What's happening?

- Turn up the radio.
- Next up are songs
, , and .

- DJ Kberg is counting down.

- She must be the countdown
crook. We have to stop her!

- Agent Olson, we're
commandeering this vehicle.


(toy revving sound)
- Let's go catch us a crook.

- But... But that's my car!

- Wow, they don't make these kit
cars like they used to.


Thank you. Argh...

- Done.
- Wow.

DJ Kberg is way farther away
than I thought.

Why didn't we just use the tubes
to get to her?

- I...didn't think about it.

- Do you...want
to use the tubes?

- Nah, almost there.
- Let's go.

Um... Sorry. Ahem.

- (both): Odd Squad! Odd Squad!
Put down the mic!

- The Top Countdown

with songs , , and ...
- The countdown crook...

She's invisible!
- Not invisible...

Just ashamed.

I wasn't able
to count down from ,

so I'm playing last year's Top
instead. I didn't know
what else to do.

- So if she's not
the countdown crook,

we'll have to keep looking.

So much for taking
a hot-air balloon ride.

It's my resolution number .
- Resolution?

- Yeah, I've been trying to get
through them all day.

I did , , and now I'm on .

- You! You just counted down!

- What?
- You are the countdown crook!

- I knew it! ...No, I didn't.

- All day, you've been
crossing off your resolutions.

You've been counting down.

And it's all
you could think about.

- (whispering):
What have I done?

- You've been counting down.
- I know that now!

Let's go.

- What do you think, Dr. O?

- You want the good news
or bad news?

- Bad news.
- The bad news is
there's no good news.

- (both): What?
- Olive is definitely

the countdown crook.
- Is there a cure?

- Of course. All you need to do
is sit in this pink goo
for two weeks.

- (Ms. O): We don't have
two weeks! I have to be
on stage tonight!

- I'm a doctor, Ms. O,
not a party planner!

- Wait! I have an idea.

Olive is the countdown crook
because she's counting down

her resolutions, right?
- (all): Right.

- So if she finishes
her resolutions, then--
- Then she won't be obsessed

with counting down and everyone
can count down again.

- Right.
- But can I finish

all of my resolutions in time?

- There's only
one way to find out.

- ...How?
- Oh, well, I'm going to do it

really fast with music and
numbers in back of me.

Number : Go for
a hot air balloon ride.

...With a giraffe.

Number : Ride a bicycle
on top of another bicycle.

Number : Jump higher than
I've ever jumped before.

Number : Discover
the lost city of Atlantis.

Number : Learn to use the new
Odd Squad computer program.

- And then to open up a new
database query, you just
have to tick

here, here, and here.

- Ohh...

Number : Do the chicken
dance...with a chicken.

- One more resolution to go!
What is it?

- Resolution number is...

Tell Agent Otto what
a great partner he is.

- Check.
- You're cured!

- Good to go, Ms. O.
- Thanks, Olive.

, ...

- (with crowd): ..., ,

, , , ,

, ...

Happy New Year!
(cheering and whistling)

- The first step in dealing with
a puffer plant is

don't let it puff on you.

If this does occur, some things
will happen over the next
one minute.

- At exactly seconds, you
will only be able to talk Cow.


When the timer hits seconds,
you will turn purple,

grow a lion's tail.

Eek. ...And a beard.

Ho ho ho!

seconds left to go.
, ...

Now, I wish I could tell you
things got easier from now on,

but at exactly seconds,
you'll grow bear claws

and another beard.

While still mooing like a cow.

Not to worry - when the timer
reaches seconds,

everything will
go back to normal.

And that is when you'll turn
into a chicken.

- My name is Agent Oren.
- I'm Olaf!
- There you are!
Something very odd has happened.

- Olaf, this is my interview!

As I was saying, I'm Oren.

I'm not the bragging type,

but I am the best agent
the squad's got,

so one of the things
you might not know about me

is that I'm a very good sharer.

(all bickering loudly)

I'm a hard worker.
- What are you doing?

- What does it look like we're
doing? We're working.

One piece of advice to give to
the other agents:

if Ms. O offers to send you to
Blobsylvania to count blobs,

do not go!

Or was it ?

Oh, we have to start
all over again!

- Yay!
- Will you stop saying that?

I'm still cleaning the blob
out of everywhere.

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