Bell Keeper, The (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Bell Keeper, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Ooh... Shit!!

Ooh ! Ugh !!

Ooh ... No ! No !

No ! No !! No !!!

Noo !!!

Gary !!!

Gary run!!!

Please!! Gary run!!!



- Ugh !!...


Oh! Ugh!!...

Oooh!! Ooooh!!!

Aaaahhhh!! Huhh!!

Huhh!! Huh!!!

You shouldn't

have rung the bell.

- Aaah !!!

- Ah !!

Oh , ooh ...

No !! No ! No !

Ooh... No!

Ah , ha ,

ha ... Aah !!

Please!!... Gary?

What did you

do with Gary!?



No! No, please!!






Ahh, well...



Did we awake you?


Mmm, no. Aah...

It's, um...


Holly, you remember

my brother Liam.

We really appreciate you

lending us your wheels.

Well, technically

gramps left it to both of us,

so he really didn't

have a choice.

- Ugh.

- Yeah.

Make yourself

at home.

Dude, you could've

at least cleaned up.

This is clean.

And they actually

play on camera...

It's got


Hey! I can get

that for you.

- I got it .

She's... Uh...

Really self-sufficient.

I think that's


How about these!?

These what?

These nuts!!!

Hilarious, Gabriel.

Where's my

leading lady?

You know Megan, always out

taking a selfie somewhere.

No! No way.

Jo, she's right.

Straight, they ain't

gonna make it to the lake.

They gonna make it to

the gas station back.

You guys!

Come on... This is going to be

the perfect mobile command


We got...

Plenty of space... We got

outlets to charge our equipment.

I guess we could

set up my editing bay

back here in the

kitchen. Look!

- Let's see .

Okay , well I'm using

hair and makeup .

Do you have

a bathroom ?

Oh, yeah! Sure.

Down the hallway

to the right.

Oh my God!

Ugh... Ladies

must love your ride!

Oh, I, I'm

not really...

- Into girls.


Look, I don't

hate what you do.

I am all about

sex positivity.

I did a

girl once.

Oh Bro, I

love this story.

You say that your so open

minded, yet you're obsessed with


Which we all know

as a social construct.

Newsflash, boys

can dance ballet,

and girls can

play baseball.

Okay, well I'm

allowed to like pink.

Look! look!

I, I like girls.


I'm, I'm just

not... Really...

- Great with them.

- Ooh...

It's okay

little Bro!

I'll teach you

my ways.

I got myself

a keeper.

Blink twice, and she's

forcing you to say this.

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

So... Aah...

Matt says you're

making a movie?

A documentary.

I'm directing.

Your brother is

my camera man!

I'm the host.

And I'm

her fluffer.

Ha ! Ha ! Ha! Ha!


What's the... Aah...

Documentary about?

Urban legends.

Rumored hauntings

across America.

It's about how sociologically

information contained within

mixed offers insights into

societal fears and anxieties.

You said this was

just like some road trip...

Not some creepy

ass ghost hunt!

Yeah, well,

it's both.

Give me

the keys.

Ah, no.

I'm the only

one who drives.

Wait, aah...

Do you want to

come with us?

Dude, yeah, I mean, I

have lived here.

What about

the dorms?

I dropped out.

Are you

serious Liam?

What the f*ck? Do

mom and dad know?

No! Not yet... Mr.

Judgy, I'm still...

Exploring other

career paths, okay?


Speaking of

paths, it's...

Time we

hit the road.

Yeah, and that,

you're correctly?

Your weird little brother

is coming with us?

Shut up dude .

He's chill.

Hey! Where can I

plug-in my ring light?

What's that smell?

Oh my God! Aahhh!!

Maybe your brother

is not so bad after all.

Hey mom !

I stopped at Gary's

apartment earlier ...

Maybe I'm overreacting...

I know he's taken

off like this before, but

now there are some

without checking-in...

And I just thought... Maybe

I'd find some answers there!

So, I checked his

computer history...

And I found results about

this place called Bell Lake .

Anyway, Ooh, I'm

heading there, so... Ooh...

I'll be in touch.

Love you.

Miss you.

That is...

Good shit.

- Yeah ?

I've been ... Ugh ...

Experimenting with different

strains, when... Ugh...

Our granddad... He

had cancer, and I,

you know... Toyed

around a little bit to see if

I could help

ease the symptoms.

I mean, even the right

pocket helped manage anxiety.

I don't know, maybe one day I'll

open a dispensary, or something.

Ooh... WOW!!!

You grow good weed,

and have a good heart!?


You want to become

my favorite brother Liam?

Sorry Dog.



First stop...

Bell Lake .

Where it's set in the

1800's... 3 virgins were

sacrificed under a full

moon by a satanic cult?...

And now their evil

spirits haunt the lake.

People go missing all the

time around these parks.

Recently, a family of 5 was

seen entering into the park...

But they never

came out.

Yeah, there's

something like...

200 reported missing persons,

in- and -around Bell Lake .

I can't wait to visit

the Insane Asylum .

75 patients were k*lled

over the period of 5 years.

Oh well, the asylum

is 5th on the list.

We still have to go

to the UFO crash site,

and the Haunted

Mine Shaft.

- My shaft is haunted!

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

Your ass shaft...

Ha! Ha! Ha!


You guys

are nuts.

Why are you so

spooked by this?

He's spooked

by everything.

Look ...

Exhibit A)...

I am the stoner.

I mean...

I guess we're

all stoners, but...

My point is...

I am the one supplying

the mobile pot laboratory.

And I think that

qualifies me...

To be the principal

stoner of the cast.

I don't know how

I'm a character,

or type of person

for these stories.

Well, everyone

love whore.

I'm a sucker for a

strong female lead.

I totally be

a final girl.

- Oh my God!

- Okay Holly!

Uffff!... Jo!

Dude! Get that off

my face... I'm driving!

I am so wrecked!

Ooh, thank you!

Jo, you guys...

Am I just really high?

Or is that car like...

Really small?

- Oh my God !

It's tiny !

- Jo Liam !

Race this dude!

Hey! I hope this

thing is built for racing.

- It'd be so cool.

- I know.

Yeah, this thing, it

tops out like 20.

- That's a terrible idea.

- Come on!

You said you

dropped out,

so you're not

completely lame, right?

- Do it !

- No.

Either you race

him, or I will.

- Do it !!!

- Come on Liam , do it !!!

- What?...

- An A for efforts.

- Yeah .

Great, now we need to

get gas, or something.

I don't have

any signal.

I do...

I mean I have a signal

booster in the back somewhere.

You need

to find it.

Yeah I just

signed on.


I told you...

It was a

tiny car.

And it kicked

your ass.

Okay! Password?

Show the word!

No! No! No!

This is the film

Gods intervening.

I need everybody

to focus.

Let's just get this

first day in the can,

and then we can lose

ourselves to social media.

Google the

closest gas station.



There's a town like

8 miles from here, but

Bell Lake is away

only couple of miles.

Wow! That's worse.

Hell no!

What in the Hillbilly

hideout is this!?

Dude, we have

to go inside.

Well, I got

you Boo.

I need

some Fritos.

Babe! Be careful with this

Lipault! It's from Paris.


- Lipault .


Don't forget

my bathing suits.

Alright, I got you.

I'm gonna grab some

beer ya'll... On me odds.

Um , Liam ? You

want to put the gas ?

and ladies you can

stay in the vehicle.

You already know

by saying that,

you're basically asking me

to pump the gas myself?

Good point.

Eeh , Eeh ...

- Got it Holly, grab it.

- Seriously?

- Okay, grab it.

- Ew!

Oh Gosh!

You're suffering.

It's funny!!

Ah, ha, ha...

- Hey!

- Hello!

Stupid kids.

At least the

locals are friendly.

- Dude, they can trap me.

- I know, right?

Good luck... There's no

one behind the counter.

Ooh, you, you're

going hiking? Or...

Oh, no... My brother actually

went missing around here,

sometime in

last two weeks?

Sorry, we

haven't seen him.

She's going to

the same lake.

Alright, keep

an eye out...

My number is at the

bottom of the flyer.

- Her number

is on the flyer!

- Her number is

on the flyer! Okay!

- Ha, ha.

- Yeah.

Give you her number.

See that?

- Ew.

What are

you doing?

Trying to figure this

ancient thing out!


Can't make

it work?


Let me see.


I'll do it myself.

Oh! Oh!!

Sorry !

Sorry , hi .



- Hi

- Hi.

What's up?

Are, are you... Um,

going to Bell Lake too?

Apparently... That's

the place to be.

It's my brother. Do you

think you've maybe seen him?


No, I, I

haven't... Sorry.


Do you need a ride? Or

like any help? Or anything?

No, no, no.

I'm good.

Have a few stops, on the way

to these locals to mingle


- Bars to hang, plus

your friends are superb.

- They are not

my friends.

They are

brother's friends.

The only reason they brought

me along was cause I...

Got this

bad boy.


I'm Brittany.

Sure are.

Hhm... I'm Liam.

Nice to meet

you Liam.

Man, sometimes...

I swear Megan is a

vegan, just to be difficult.

That, I guess, it helps to


to hold niche of extra


What I'm hearing

from you...

Is your girl doesn't

like to eat meat.

Boy! If that

was a case...

I would no longer be

a pescatarian man!

- Ooh.

- Ew .


Ooh, shit!


Oh, officer... Have you

seen my brother?

I saw the

flyers... Sorry.

I haven't

seen him.

I'm sure

he'll turn up.

Do you want

to take one?

Yeah, sometimes I wish

my brother would go missing.

Ha! Ha!

Oh my God!

I'm so sorry.

I should not

had said that.

Yeah. Well, um...

Maybe I'll see you

around the lake Liam.

Okay, not if I

see you first!


my God! She's dope.

- What the f*ck was that?

- It was nothing, let me do


Oh my God!

You've been

waiting long?

- No sir .

We called out, but

nobody was there.


Where you at ?

You've got

customers out here !

Sorry gentlemen! I

was in the latrine.

Just give

me my stuff .


How's your

day going?


And yours?

That all depends.

Oh!... Question...

Do you know

how to get to...

Bell Lake

from here?

Is that where

you're headed?

Yes sir.

You know, that old campsite is

closed down for the off season.

Ooh... We're

not going to...

- We have a Winnebago.

- Yeah.

Well, hear the

warnings kids...

Don't do

anything stupid.

You could

end up in jail...

Or worse.

What kind

of... Warnings?

Like... Don't feed

the alligators?

Just don't

go there.

Find somewhere

else. Okay?

They're not gonna

listen to you Eugene.

They never do.

Why can't

we go there?

You don't want

to find out.

Yeah we do... That's

why we're going.


Who comes

out this way...

Only comes out

to ring... The bell.

What bell?

Look on

your faces!

You look

scared shitless.

Kids ring the bell... Don't ring

the bell. Nobody'll ever know.



- Okay .

- Okay .

- Thanks .

- Sorry , excuse me .


How much?

Do you want some

gas with your snacks?

Gas snacks.


Oh... Yes,

please on the gas.


Ha! Ha! Yeah!!

You win.

On the

house ranger.

You kids have

a nice day.


I'll see you


He's real! You

know Eugene?

Too many people go

missing for you not to notice.


Come on!

Is he...

Is he real?

Other than a hundred

year old rumor...

All that training...

And this, my life...

Chasing off stupid kids

from shitty campsites...

What kind of

legacy is that?

Um... Yeah! Veggies...

Ain't no joke!!

Hank is ruthless.

He will k*ll you.

People go missing from

here all the time boy!!!

Why can't they

just arrest him?

You can't arrest

a ghost kid.

He's the unseen.

The giant

of a man...

Gnarly teeth...

Bloodshot eyes...

He was a

satanic priest...

That sacrificed 2

virgins to the devil.

He eats souls...



- Thank you...

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

Jo! Jo! Jo!

Did she say

he shits blood?

That sounds painful.

He needs to get that

checked by a Dr.

It's 'cause Hank

is so pissed off!!

- Yeah!!

- Yeah!!

Holy shit! That

was creepy!!

Okay! I thought for sure you


were getting m*rder*d in there.

What did the

cops say?

Apparently there's

a ghost man...

- Who shits blood...

- And sacrifices virgins.


- Yeah

- They know something's up.

No! Ooh...

It's just a gimmick.

It's just like in

New Mexico.

People say there's

a UFO crash site...

And the town backs

it up for tourism.

- Yeah .

The thousands of people who


out to the middle of the woods


visit the burn

virgins of Bell Lake .

That's the title

of my new book!

" The Burn Virgins

of Bell Lake ".

It'll be a

coming-of-age story.

A companion

novel tear film.

With a bell civilizing a

young woman's vag*na?...

And all the men

stick to find it.

- Ew !

- That's so good!!


We're getting the

hell out of here.

Okay! Buzz k*ll .

- Okay Liam .

- Bell Lake !!

To Bell Lake !!!

- Woo!!! To Bell Lake !!

We're here!!!



Got it.


Liam, come on!!


- Don't bust my laptop!

- Sorry.


I'm going

to get high.


You're hosting a documentary,

not filming a TikTok.

Oh My God! Do you

want me to change?

It's fine !

Okay !

I want genuine first

reactions , let's go !

According to my

research , there's a bell here

which is where the

lake gets its name.

Some blogs,

they write too

that the bell is cursed along

with all of those that ring it.

- It should be


- This way!

In 1876, a farmhand

named Hank...

Sacrificed 3

female virgins,

by burning them alive,

on a wooden pyre.

He did so in

the hopes...

Of opening a

door to hell.

Damn!!! That's crazy!!

Wait a second...

How did you know that

all the girls were virgins?

Dude! It's 1876.

Ha! Everyone

was a virgin.

- Yeah.

- Cut!!


You're ruining

the take!


And for the record, it's


that women were forced to

suppress their

sexuality back then.

Okay, maybe I didn't read far

enough into the script, but...

What happened after

he called the virgins?

I don't know.

Hank simply


The townspeople found the little

girls wrapped in white sheets,

and placed in

shallow graves.

They deem this place an unholy

site, never to remove the


That Hank

rang at midnight.

Ha! Okay!

So... Ring the bell at midnight,

and then what happens?

He clearly didn't

open a gate to hell.

That shit doesn't

just happen.


Ooh , okay ...

So , so they built an

entire campground...

On an ancient

satanic sacrificial site...

Apparently, yeah.

f*ckin' white

people! Bro!

- Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

- Seriously .

- Aah ... Ugh !!

Hey mom!

I made it.

I asked around town,

and so far, no one's

seen Gary yet...

So for all I know he just

went camping with Nadine.

Ooh... There

are people here,

so there's nothing

to worry about.

I am safe.

- Oh! Oh shit !

- Sorry!

Oh, what are you

doing? Why aren't you...

Why aren't you

with your friends?

Or, I mean, your

brother's friends?

Ah, ha!


Maybe I'm

just like really...

High, or


But, ah...

I got a really bad

feeling about this place.

I don't want

to be here.

Also, I'm so sorry!! Did I

interrupt your phone call ?

I ...

Oh, no... I was just leaving

my mom a voice mail.

Oh , okay .

Was it... Was it

about your brother?

Did... Did

you find him?

Okay .

Are... Are you

guys close?

Umm... Not


Kind of started acting

out over on my...

I mean he just... Kind

of started dating this girl.

She's a bit

of a wildcard.

They're doing... Dare

devil shit together, road trips.

This is...

Right up

their alley.



I'm gonna get going,

before it gets dark...

- But , ahh ... I'm sure I'll

see you in the woods !!

- Oh !!!

Where are you...

Aah... Staying?

Or used to stand somewhere

safer? Or are you...

- Or are you ...?

- Tent.

- Tent !

Got it .


You know... If

you need anything,

I mean, like a

place to stay... Or

I'm gonna stop

you right there.

You're really

sweet, but I'm just...

- I'm not really...

Into ... Aah ...

- Stoners.

- d*ck.

- Got it .

Thanks though,

super flattered.

- Yeah .

Yeah, if you...

But, but the offer

still stands, if you...

need anything, or

you want to come...

Hang out! I

don't know.

Um, the last Winnebago

on the left, if you need...

- Anything .

Aah, ha, ha...

Okay, sounds good.

See you around Liam !

Okay , bye.


- Uh

Alright... What

do you think?

- I love it .

- Oooh, sexy !



Mmmm... Ahh.

- Oh my God!!!

- Aah shit!!!

No! No! No!

No! No! No!



- Wait ! Where

are you going ?

- I'll take a walk !

- Oh my God !

It's over here !

Yeh! Yeh... Eh!

Take it off !

We're snatched,

keep going!

Ooh, shit! I think...

I think my

battery just died.

Does anywhere in this

camp have electricity?

Oh... I don't even know if

it's operational anymore.

- But it could be !

Hey! Did you see Liam's

face when we got here?


You should probably

go talk to him.

- I have talked to him.

- No, you've

bullied him .

I did not

bully him!


You've teased him...

Excessively then?

Come on...

You don't want to feel

like you're using him.

You're right.


Your stomach

still hurting you?


I told you not to eat

the gas station Sushi.

I know you did.

Is there a, ahh...

Bathroom nearby?

Yeah, I saw one

across the campsite...

You big baby.

- Oooh!!!

- Aah!!!

Don't ring the bell .


What's the

matter little bro?

You... Uh...

Still scared

of the dark?

I know this

isn't your thing.


Probably think this

whole ghost haunt is...



Maybe try to

think of it, is a...

Bonding experience .

Bonding experience ?

- Yeah .

Like when you

hid under my bed

until the covers went off

me bonding experience ?

Ha! Ha! We were kids!

I was just trying

to have fun! I was...

Trying to get a

rise out of you.

Ah... You have always

been a scaredy cat .

- Look ...

I know that we haven't

been particularly close.

Especially recently.


Maybe I rag on

you too much.

I'm sorry.

But we have this

Winnebago to co-parent, so...

We should probably

find a way to get along.

A must...

For the baby.

- For the baby!

- For the baby!

- Alright let's

get out of here .

Gabe's firing up the grill,

and I got the munchies.

- Oh shit.


- Ha ! Ha !

- Yeah !

- No , no , no , no !

We only have like 10 minutes

until the bell... You can't

leave .

- Okay , it'll take like ...

- No ! I know you guys !

- All I need is

the same hat ...

- Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

- Oh my God !

- A 1 to 10 .

- All we need

is 10 minutes .

- All I need is , all I need is

more ...

- We do need 10 minutes !

- Ha ! Ha !

- Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

- Ummm ... Look , it

smells amazing Gabe !

- Oh ! Remember ,

no butter online .

- I know ...

- I gotcha .

- You guys ...

There was a T-Rex size

roach in our tent earlier...

In our tent!

And Gabriel...

- Wouldn't do

anything about it .

Oh... Don't

shame me like that!

Shut up!

Why don't you

just tell her yourself?

You need a man to

do everything for you?

- Holly ...

I'm a vegan.

Okay? I would never

harm a living thing.

5 minutes to midnight.

Who's ringing the bell?

- Yeah !

- I'll watch !

- I don't want some satanic

priest rolling up on me.

You know, it

could be 7 virgins.

You know Gabe? It

could be 7 satanic priests.

- Why!?

- Ha! Ha! Ha!

- I don't know .

- Why !?

- Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Ha !

- Ah , ha ! Ha ! Ha .

Hey! I actually

think I'm going to...

Ahh... Call it a night.

Why? You

will miss it.

- Yeah ! No ! I

just , umm ...

Yeah ! - It's , it's

just a bell .

I , um ... Appreciate it .

I'll see you

guys after.

- What ...?

Prank ...?

- It's okay !!

Have fun !!

Seriously !!

Let's go.


Get to work.

Whatever you say.

- Come on !

- Okay !! Okay !!...

Can we only eat first?

- That's a NO.

- Okay! Okay! Ooh... Alright!

- Let's go !

- Yeah .

- Let's not miss it !!

- It sucks !

- Okay ! Okay ! We

don't have to run guys !!


Mmm... Ooh.


Okay guys...

In like 30 seconds.

- Eeh !!!

- Uufff !!!

And!... Here we are, just

before midnight, at Bell Lake .

Our brave director is going to


the honors, and we're just


To see what happens!?

I'm so scared!

Oooh! Don't hang on me!

I'm gonna run as fast as

I can if a ghost shows up!

- Behave Gab!

- You kidding!?

- Let's go!!!!

- Woooo!!!!

- Here we go !!!...

- Wooo !!!!

- Don't run !...

- Come on !!!!

- Woo !!!! Wooo !!!!

- Wooo !!!!

Here we go!...

Come on!

Let's do it!

- Woo !!!! Wooo !!!!

- Wooo!!!!

- Let's go !!!!

- Aah !... Aah .



Shouldn't something

be happening?

I'm going to

do it again!

- Yeah ! Yeah !

- Yeah ! One more.

- Come on ! Come

on !! Come on !!!

Oh my God! I can't

take it. One more time!

- One more time!

- Make it big Holly! Come on!!!


- All the muscles .

- Are you guys ready?

- Yep !

- I was born ready .

We're ready for you Hank.

- Ooohhh ...

- What was that ?


- Okay.

- Okay love.

She's lame.

- Sooo ...

- Gabe! Come

on... Let's go eat.

- Maybe it just

takes a second.

- No . Come on ...

- Holly !

Babe ! Come on ...

Nothing's happening .

- Matthew ! Wait !!

- Oh ! Yeah ! Sorry .



And I don't even think

Hank is real, honestly.

I don't know...

It's kinda cool.

See, maybe you could

fix that in the posts.


So don't let the

bedbugs bite.

- Or the roaches .

- Hey !!! Come on !!!


What's with you!?

Nothing is

gonna happen.

I'm fine.

I just... Mhhh...

I kinda feel weird.

I think it's the

Sushi again.

It's not

the Sushi.

Admit it...

- You're scared.

- I'm not scared .

What was that?

Maybe it's

Hank... Ha! Ha!


I have to get creators, so this

footage doesn't feel so



Are you okay?


Yeah, I just...

I actually feel a

little weird... Too.


You didn't have

any Sushi.

I'll meet you

back in the tent.



Aaaah... Pffff.



Aaahhh... Ffffff.

Pfffff... Aahhh.


Is everything okay?


Let me in.

What's going on?

Holly locked herself in the


and she won't open the door.

- Here.

- Holly!?

Babe! I'm coming in.



Ah !

Aahh !!


I feel funny.

I really need to get

her to a hospital.

Yeah... And how do you

expect us to do that?

Just leave Megan

and Grabriel behind?

Okay, hold on.

Give me the keys.

- What !? Why !?!?

- Because , I'm

going to take her in ...

And then you go to the

others what happened.

That's a terrible idea!!!

We should stick together!!


You shouldn't

had rang the bell.

What the hell!?



- Stop !!!

You should'd eaten

the warnings girl.


We gotta go...

Come on!!!


- Barricade the door

with something!!!

Dude... did you

see her eyes?

I know you're really worried

about Holly right now!?...

But I really need

you to focus!!!

Can you do

that!? Can you!?

Yeah... Yeah, I think.

Well then help me, because

I can't hold this on my own.

- Matt !!! Oooh...

- Liam... I... I think

you should go.

What are you...!?

Aah!! Eeh!!!... LEAVE


I think he left.

Matt ?


Wait... Are you okay?

Ring the bell!


Mmm! Mmm!


- Aaaaaahhh !!!

- Mmmm ...

What's going on?



Do you hear






What the f*ck!?




Shut the

f*ck up!!!

- Liam...

- Shhh !!

- Liam? Liam!?

- What are you running from?

- Aahh!


Wait, what

is going on!?

Shit! We have to go right

now! Do you understand?

Wait, wait, why?

What just happened?

It's, it's, it's

f*cking... Demons!!!

And my brother

he... Um...

What? What!?

We have to go.

We have to

go right now.

Your standard?

We have to go, you

have to trust me!

Just come with me.


Wait, Liam... Where

are you taking me ?

- Just come on !!!

Liam, can you please

explain to me in detail...?

What is going on?

What is happening!?!?

Hey Matthew!!


You guys out here?


You rang the bell.


Oooh!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Eeh!! Aaaahhh!!!

- Grrr!!! Grrr!!!

- Aaaaah!!!!

- Gorrr!!!

Gorrr!!! Goarrr!!!

Hmmm!!! Hmmm!!!

- Grrrr!!! Grrrr!!!

Shhhit!!! It's Gabriel.


Oh come on!!

What are they

gonna do Liam?

- Liam ?

- Window !

- Go to the

window ! Go!!!

- Go ! Hurry ! Go ! Go !

- I'm going!!! I'm going!!!

Go !!!


Come on Liam!

Let's go!!!

Okay, say it's really

wrong, okay? I don't know...

But, but Gabe was

fine... Now, he's not...

And, and I saw

Matthew literaly transform...

I don't know what

the f*ck is going on!!

And, and Megan resulted

acting not like a vegan!!!

Wait, wait, wait! Let's hide

inside. Let's hide inside.

Aahh... They rang the

bell... And then they changed.

Into what?

I don't know, they're here to


the virgins' sacrifice, or


And then, and then

they became like...




- Oooh!!!

- Aaah!!!

- Ooh !!

Ooh !!


- Aaah !!!


You k*lled my brother!!!

Who are you?


- Hank ?


As the "Don't

Ring the Bell 'Hank'"?



- You are human .


As are you.


f*ck WAS THAT!?!?

That was a demon.

Holly is a demon?


Holly died when

the demon took over.

Why is this

happening to us!?

Why did it happen

to them?... And not us?

Did you

hear the bell?


I slept with

headphones on.

I did too.

Mystery solved.

You two lock

yourselves in the freezer...

I'll come back for you

after I've k*lled them all.

How many am I

looking for again?

Uh, 4.

It's actually 2 now.

Holly, and Gabriel.

Wait! What if they

k*ll you first?

They won't.

Come on, let's go.

Are you cold?

Aahh!! Aahhh!!!...


I still don't understand

what's happening.

Aahh! Aaahhh!!


Yeah! Okay!... Demons.

Or we're supposed to do

is just like sit in their way?

And when you will get help?

Well Gabriel crushed my phone.

Do, do you have yours?

Oh, yeah! But I haven't

had service since I got here.


What about earlier? You left

a voicemail for your mom, right?

No, um...

It's gonna sound weird... I

don't really want to explain it.

Try me.

My brother and I...

Gary, who I'm out here looking

for, was raised by our single


She was... The best!


Aaa... Year ago,

us had an accident...

That's why I don't

drive anymore.

I'm still a

little weird on cars.

Anyway... I, aah...

I call her... Number still to...

Hear her voice on the


to leave her voice calls.

Um... Especially,

connected to her.

I get it.

Earlier I... Didn't get


I just sort of pretended.

I don't know, so I wouldn't feel


alone in the... Fffucking



You're not alone anymore.

And I'm really sorry

about your brother.

Me too.

He was really...

Doing an effort... On...

Bringing me on this trip.

Look, he was the...

Perfect child.

My parents, you

know, he had the...

Hair, the face, um...


Um... I didn't...


You've never

seen him before.

And now I

wish I hadn't.

But that was a

member there anyway.


Ooooh f*ck!!

I'm so worried

about Gary!!

And that bell is twice

something of the f*cking deal.

He's been acting

since my mom died.


I have a signal booster

in the Winnebago.

Hey! And you're just

remembering this now?

I am.

We should go.

Yeah! Let's go.

Okay Liam... Pick up

the pace a little, okay!?

- Come on!!!

- Oooh !!!

Daddy, help me.

- Aaahhh !!!

- Aaah !


No sign of Gabriel.

Let's say: "book it back

to the RV", "call the cops",

"and drive the

fffuck outta here"!!

Wait ! Say: Hey! These

demons are chasing us

around Bell Lake .

Can you help us out?

Good point.

Come on,

let's go.

Shh ! Shh ! Shh !

Shh ! Shh ! Shh !

Wow! He really

tore this place apart.

It's kinda always

been like that.

Hmm!!! The, umm...

Booster is in the back, and the

sign and details are on the


- Okay , got it .

Okay, come on baby.



- Come on !!!

- It's not working?

Why isn't it going!?


Liam! Demon!!

Demon!!! WE NEED


Yeah! I see it!!!



Come on man!!

Liam ... We need to go now .

I get it! But this thing is


never covered this such road


I don't know

what to tell ya.

Oh my God! Liam, it's going


Liam, it's going, it's going.

Come in.

Emergency call...

Just came in.

No deputy.

It's late. I'm not taking

any prank calls tonight.

- It's one of those .

But if you're bored...

- Aahhh!!... Alright.

Put it through.

One second.



Hey! Hey! Okay! We're being

chased by demons in Bell

Lake ...

You need to come out!

Please we need... Help !!!

Let me guess...

You rang the bell...

And now Hank is

chasing you with an ax.

Yes !!! Yes !!! And

demons!!! We need, we need...

Yeah, I know it sounds

crazy, but it's true!!!

We need, we need

you to come now!!!

If I've heard this once,

I've heard it a 1000 times.

It's always some

dumbass prank.

So my advice... Is to lay off


pharmaceuticals and call it a


Oh! And uh, invest

be going, I arrive...

Because I haven't cleaned

out my holding cell... In


Stupid kids.

He hang up on me.

f*ck! f*ck!!!



Ah hh.

Where'd she go?

Where is she?


- Go!!!

Grrr!!! Grrrr!!!

- Get back , get back !!

- Grrrrrrr !!!

Close the door fast!!!

- Close it !!

- Eeh !!!

- Move ! Move !

- Let's move this !

Let's move this!

Let's move this!

- Aah !!!

Aaahhh!!! Liam...

- Ohh! What!?

- Ooh Liam !!!


- AAAHHH !!!

- Grrraaaaa !!

- Holly ?

It's me.


- Grrrrr !!!

- Liam ??


- Grrrraaa !!

- Liam ?

Liam ?

- Grrrr !!

- Liam ...

- Liam, I need

you to wake up Liam .

Liam ?

Liam, Liam I need

you to get up.


Hey!! Hey!!!

Follow me magic...




- That you!!!

- Sorry! Sorry!

What the f*ck

was that!?

What the f*ck!? You

came out of nowhere!!!

No. It's Liam!

Oh my God! I

almost k*lled you.

Yeah, we probably should have

just never left the freezer.

I know! I know! I've

seen that the whole time,

since these

were chasing me.


Did you leave

the freezer?

- No.

- No.

That somehow

feels less safe.

My cabin is

right up here.


What is this? Like your...

Warehouse? Or something?

A few only knew.


So how do we

defeat these things?

k*ll the host body...

You release the demon.

So basically, want to

slaughter all my friends?

They're not your friends.


We can stop

them this time.

But stoping this

curse for good...

That's going to

take some... Magic.

Though, elaborate!

The bell came from

a burn down church.

There used to be a

little town right here.

A very long time ago.

Bell Lake was

a fine little town,

back before the church

burned to the ground.

Back before 1876...

Back before the summer...

of Jackson McDowell.

Most everybody thought....

That Jackson

McDowell stole the bell...

To sell it for salvage.

It could never imagine...

A meanor more solace act,

and stealing a church bell.

But what Jackson really

had in mind... Was far worse.

Elsie was a curious girl.

So my wife sewed

bells under her address,

so we'd hear...

Everywhere she went.

And it was the

case with everything.

Elsie was intrigued

by Jackson.

If only had been

paying more attention...

That kind of man who

steal the church bell,

to get up to

any kind of evil.

But I never suspected

what was to happen.

3 young girls

had gone missing.

My daughter Elsie...

She was the last.

Everyone knew

it was Jackson.

Whatever we

had imagined...

What we found

was worse.

Far worse!

He was sacrificing virgins...

Using their blood

as an offering

to open-up the

portal to hell.

Elsie's blood...

Hoping to

summon up a power

He'd never have

as a mortal man.

Someone say that immortality

is a blessing, but for me...

It became my curse.


Then and there...

I made a bow

to my beloved Elsie.

I swore to k*ll

every monster...

Until the end of time...

For her.

- I'm so sorry .

That is so sad.

Can you tear

down this place?



My faith is

bound to the bell.

Which has absorbed...

All the evil there's been

created by Jackson's spell.

The blood...

It opened the portal...

But when I intervened...

I unwittingly acquired

immortality in Jackson's place.

The bell...

He cursed it.

So that those

that rang it...

Would be transformed.

Into his bidding.

Now while Jackson gone,

banished to hell...

The demons...

They're just a side

effect of the curse.

I chose to destroy his demons

before they could hurt those


may come to

these grounds.

After a few decades I

got tired of the k*lling.

I tried to exercise

the demons instead.

I studied Jackson

McDowell's spellbook.

Read my Bible.


I could still

never do it.

There are demons

everywhere, you know?

The entire world

is full of them...

Seeking... The vulnerable...

The gullible...

The afraid.

They must

be destroyed.

For Elsie.

What is all this?

I tried to honor the

person that they were.


What is it?

Oh my God.

Did you k*ll him?

This one.

Did you k*ll him?

Did you k*ll him!?

DID YOU f*cking

k*ll HIM!?!?

It wasn't

Gary anymore.

Did you?


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry for me.

Half the time when I k*ll a man,

they have begun to change


they look like

normal people.

Eehh!!... Aaahhhh!!

And then their

ears start to bleed.


I Have to know...


Are you a virgin?

Jo!!! What!?!?

Why? Why are

you asking that?

There's power in the

virgins' blood that Jackson

used the curse bell.

I have a theory that we

can use that same power

to break the curse.

Jackson needed 3 virgins.

Maybe 2 will work.

Yeah, so who's

the other one?

Well you're

certainly a virgin.

Certainly d*ck!!!

- Wait, you're

not a virgin?

- No! I'm not a...

What the...!?

Just because I'm short it

doesn't mean I'm a virgin!!

I feel like I'm getting

ganged up on right now.

What do I look like? I,

I, do I look like one?

'Cause I got a list!!

Not on me but I

can, I, I remember it!

No, don't do that.

Okay, finally Liam...

You don't have to admit it.

I for 1, I'm a virgin.


I mean...

At least I've never

been with a man.

Maybe it's a

loophole but,

I'm sure it accounts.

It's good enough for me.

Virgin magic.

Is this is why everyone who has

sex in horror movies dies first?

That makes so

much sense!


Connecting the pieces.

I've been doing this

along for 100 years.

Because this damn

curse, I can't touch that bell.

We 3 go out there together...

I can find out these demons,

while you pull

that bell down.

Once it's free...

I can destroy it.

And then end this

curse once and for all.

Are you with me!?


Let's do this...

For my brother.

For your brother,

and your daughter.

Let's do this shit.



Go ahead...

Flex all you want demon.

Then sending your kind

back to hell for 100 years.

Destroy the bell.


- Ugh!!!

- Aaah!!!


- Hold on! Hold on!

- Okay.

Stay back!!

Grab that for

tearing it down.

- Ooohh!!!

- Aaahh!!!

- Aahh!!!

Aaahhh!!! Fffff!!

- Aah!! Oooh!!!

f*ck man!!!

- You okay?

Yeah! I'm fine...

Hold it, hold it!

- Aaah! Ughhhh!!!!

Aaaaahhh!!! Oooh!!!

- Come on, come on.

Hold it... You're

bleeding too.


- Are you okay ?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm good, alright?

- Are you sure ?

- Knock the shoe, knock the


Get the chains out,

tear this thing down.


Come on m*therf*cker!!!

Don't... Ring... The bell!

- Good point.

- Yeah!

- Hold on to the thingy.

- Okay!

Do not want to

look like Holly.

- Aaaaaaaahhhh !!!!



- Ughh !!!


It's all... f*ck it!


Don't let the

bell ring, okay?

- Okay , I got it .

- I got it .


Ooh, bad angle.


Another bad angle.







- Brittany look !

- Grrrrrrrrrr !

- Grrrrrrrrrr !

- Hold her off , I got this !

- Grrrrrrrrrr !

- Go !

- Grrrrrrrrrr !

- Go !

- Grrrrrrrrrr !


- Grrrrrrrrrr !

Grrrrrrrrrrey !


- Eeeeuu ! Grrrrrrrrrr !

Grrrrrrraaarrraaa !

- Grrrrrrrrrraaa !

- Eeoooohhh!!!!

- Grrrrrrraaarrraaa !


You okay?


You do this?

Where's the other one?

I thought you k*lled him.

What do you mean by

" where's the other one "?

I've been looking for him.

- What !?

- Ooh shit.

- Hank.

Shhhit!!! I missed.

Ooh!! Nooo!!!


- Ah! Ah! Ahhh!

- Grrrrn!! Grrrn!!!


- sh**t HIM!!

sh**t HIM!!!

sh**t HIM!!

sh**t HIM!!


Aaah!!! f*ck!!!

You alright?


Oooh shit!!!

- I'm little late to the party ,

but you want to tell me

what the hell

is going on !?!?

Who are you?

We need to stay focused

to destroy that bell.

Who the hell are

you supposed to be?


" Don't Ring the Bell 'Hank' "?

- Uhuh !!

Holy shit!!

It's been you

all these years?

Alright, can

you help us?

He can't touch the bell...

We gotta take this thing down.

Come on.

Ugh!! Ffff... Aah!

f*cking demons man!!




On 3.

1, 2, 3.

- Oooh !! - Aaah !!

- Oooh !!!

- What just happened?

Shit, it's his blood.

Virgin is.

Wait I'm not a...

Okay, fine.

The portal is opening again.

What portal!?

- Liam ...

- Brittany ...


Old friend!


Your daughter says hello .



AH! HA! HA! HA!!


- Eehwwee!!!

Oooh, ugh!! Ughh!!!

You really think

you gonna stop me?

- Aaahhh!!!

- Oooh!!! Aahh!!







- UGH!!!

- Ahhhhh!!!



- Hmmm!!!

- MMMH!!!


- HHHHM!!!


- Aaaaahhh!!!!



where are you!?!?


You can end this!

What about you?

I can't go back.

You can win...



I love you.

I love you too.


You m*therf*cker!!!

- Ooooh!!!

- Ooooh!!!

- Ooooh!!!





I waited a long

long time for this.


So what now?

I guess this is

goodbye then.

All of you...

You fought and you won.

You achieved the

victory over hell itself.

It's more than anybody on

earth has ever accomplished.

Hold on everyone... Listen.

Last night I saw some things

I never could've imagined.

I mean...

That was the first time that

I ever even shot my g*n!

I can't go back to

normal life after that.


You will... Call me out...

I mean, to be fair, have you

seen the women around here? Ha!


That's beside the point.

I haven't done

much with my life.

But suddenly I want to.

He's right.

You may be more

now just like us, but...

Maybe together we

can make a difference.

Yeah we did make

one hell of a team, ha!

I do that along myself in


Demon hunter!!!

If... Then I'm in.

For everyone we lost.

What about you Hank?

You said it yourself.

There's a world out

there full of demons.

You promised to k*ll

every single one of them.

Come with us Hank.

My work here is done.

My daughter's been avenged.

Curse in Bell Lake

has been lifted.

I can finally...

Be at Peace.

Are we ever going to

get to see you again?

We can certainly cross

this place up your list.

But, um...

One never knows.

Let's go to Denny's...

Papa's got a lot to process.

You don't mind if I, uhh...

Naah! Why not!?

I've never tried it myself.

Then I'll have a

lot to teach you.

Okay !!!

So here's what we got ...

I got the Stanley

Hotel of Colorado .

Which inspired

the shining... Yikes !

Got the... Uh...

Eastern State

Penitentiary in Philly .


The Mothman!...

- Ooohh !

And a crazy ghost town ...

In Pennsylvania .

- Oooh my Guy !!!

- Hey !! I got a joke !... Why

did the demon get arrested ?

- Why!?!?

- Why!?!?

- Possession !!
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