A Haunting on Dice Road: The Hell House (2016)

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A Haunting on Dice Road: The Hell House (2016)

Post by bunniefuu »

We've been here...

Been 38 years.

We bought it in 1978.

- Went by and saw the for sale sign,

and decided to take a look at it.

- I know when we first went by it,

I recall it being the haunted house.

- Louann still has a high school friend

that was divorced and dating a gentleman

that was a part-time policeman

with the Saginaw County
Sheriff Department,

and we went fishin' one day,

just on a whim and a
prayer on the way home

I said, "Hey, maybe next weekend or so,

"we could have you guys over
to our house for a barbecue."

And he said, "No."

Okay, what do you mean, no?

He says, "I'm not going to your house."

I said, "What do you mean,
not going to my house?"

That's all I'm sayin'.

Said "I will not go to your house."

And come to find out he had been here,

through the county sheriff department.

So that threw up a red flag.

Well, something apparently
had gone on here.

- I know my granddaughter and
my grandson they were here

and happened to see a flash
of light that went by.

She thought it was kind of
bluish yellow, I think it was.

That's one thing recently
that she told me about,

then my other two daughters,

they mentioned a few
things to us recently,

but at the time I don't recall
them telling us about it.

- My parents went out to dinner,

and we were here alone,

and we were sitting in
the main living room.

We saw a flash outside and
then our dog started barking,

got up on the bay window
and started barking,

and then we looked and some guy

put his head up into the
window and peaked in like this.

- It was like a white face.

- Yeah.

- It was literally like a glow.

I mean, you couldn't
really see much of anything

except for a round white head

with his hands like this.

- So we came running into the other room,

and Bridgette called our neighbor,

and it was snowing and there
was no footprints or anything.

There was nothing.

What did you know,

whether it'd be a little or a lot

about the past of this home?

- I knew a little growing up,

but as I got older we heard much more.

Things that would scare us,

but we didn't know if it was true,

it was just rumors, hearsay,

and then my Dad had an
article that he showed us,

and we read that and that's
when it really spooked me.

- I was sleeping one night,

and I was woken up by like a flash.

As soon as opened my eyes, my
dog was at the end of the bed,

growling at nothin'.

- Back in February, my daughter, who's 11,

had a same experience.

She saw a flash of light go through.

There was no lights on,

and she just seen it just
kind of go by her eyes.

I would like some answers
and some clarity to it,

because it's always in
the back of my mind now

and that my kids are here quite often

and now they're questioning
things, you know,

and a little bit scared.

To comprehend
the magnitude of these events,

you'd have to know the whole
story, how it all began.

- Hi, I'm Terry Pomeraning,

son of Harold and Mabel Pomeraning.

My parents built this house back in 1951,

had their first child in
1953, my brother Duanne,

and I was born in 1955.

Been livin' here out in the country,

it was just the best.

Started helpin' my Dad,
my grandpa on the farm

when I was eight years old.

Closest neighbor is maybe a
quarter, half mile from ya.

My parents lived here for 20 years.

My brother 19, myself 17 years,

we never ever had any
problems in this house.

What was your first encounter

with the Pomeranings?

- Now we have to go back about,

I'm thinkin' 40 years.

The first call I got was prowlers.

Went on a prowler call.

Mr. Pomeraning, we got
to know him very well,

and we called him Harold.

He knew us and later on

he didn't call us such pleasant names

because we couldn't solve
what his problem was.

Harold would tell us that as
soon as he would come home,

noises would start.

There would be pounding
on the walls outside.

We would check the exterior of the house,

we'd find nothing, no damage to the house.

We would check for footprints

and other evidence of
someone prowling around,

but we could never locate anything.

Had you known Harold Pomeraning

or any of the Pomeranings
prior to this event?

- You knew everybody in this community.


You didn't maybe know him personally,

'cause I don't have a cup of
coffee with everyone of 'em,

but you knew everybody,
you knew their name,

you knew who they looked like.

They were, he was a shop
worker, and very cordial

and down to earth people.

- They came over to our house quite a bit.

They always come over to
the kids' birthday party,

and like I said, she'd
bring baked goods over

and stuff like that,

but after it all got really bad,

I was too scared to come over.

- The second contact I
had with Mr. Pomeraning,

I was going to position myself
not too far from his house,

and wait to see if he called.

That was about a half a mile,

and sure enough I got
dispatched to his house.

I hit it with my spotlights,

and I saw absolutely nothing.

Dispatch kept saying it.

Was someone still beating on his house?

And I'm saying I'm right
in front of the house,

and I see absolutely nothing,

so just tell him I'm out and
I'm gonna be right in there.

Well, the minute that I
pulled into his driveway,

he had an outside light.

Well, the light went out,

but as the light went
out I heard some noise,

so when I got out of the
car and I looked at it,

it was not only out,

but it had exploded,

and the noise I heard was shrapnel

from the glass hitting my car.

I went in and talked to Mr. Pomeraning.

He said, "Well, you better go check."

He was very adamant that
I go outside and check.

I said, "Well, you wanna come with me?"

He said, "No, I don't wanna go out there."

I said, "Well, okay."

I go out and I walked all
the way around the house

and I saw no evidence whatsoever of anyone

that would be walking through his yard

or around his house.

So I went back in and talked to him again.

And just before I left,

a picture on the wall actually
dropped down, straight down.

I looked at the picture frame.

The holder was still intact,

and the holder on the
wall was still intact.

I don't know what made it drop

and just slide down,

but it did.

I can attest to that.

I will swear to that.

- Right now I'm in the kitchen
of the Dice Road residence,

and one could say that the
entire case started right here.

This cutout to my left was once a window

overlooking the backyard,

and obviously the family
room here is an addition.

And, late one night while the
Pomeranings were fast asleep,

it was midnight or one
o'clock in the morning.

There was a pounding at this window.

The pounding was so hard it
actually shattered the glass,

the glass dumping here into the sink.

Harold sprung out of
bed, grabbed his shotgun,

and began clearing the home

thinking somebody must've broken in.

Well, needless to say,
nobody actually broke in.

The Saginaw County
sheriff's department came,

investigated and filed the report.

The family had no idea
that from that day forward,

every single night the
police would be called,

that the pounding would continue
and reach epic proportions.

What really came in that
window was actually an evil

to the likes in which this
community has never seen.

It wasn't long before we had captured

our first piece of evidence on camera.

A radio in the kitchen

had unexplainably turned on by itself.

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- The family was complaining
about knockings or loud noises

as if somebody was hitting
the side of the house

with baseball bat.

- It was more of just a banging noise.

You know, just a...

Oh, somebody had taken a tub upside down

and hit it with a wooden
stick or something like that,

just a bang.

- You knock.


It was like, it was
going every five minutes,

but even 10 times harder.

That's what it sounded like.

Just a boom boom boom.

- You could hear it but
you couldn't see anybody.

- If it would been somebody inside,

the drywall would have been broke.

- The activities that I
performed while I was here

was to to do a thorough search
for any electrical device,

noise-making device,

something that would cause the pounding

or the appearance of
pounding through sound.

We'd find no wires, no devices,

and had to conclude

that there was no
physical evidence present.

What was that like for you?

I mean, wondering who was
outside, why they were doing it.

- It was scary, really.

I mean, just the thought of,

once it gets dark, you know,

it's gonna start up tonight again.

- So right now we're on the
east end of the property here

at Dice Road.

This is the original aluminum
siding from the house

when it was built in 1951,

and what's really interesting,

if you go off the infrared

and turn on your standard color there,

you can see dents still remaining

here on the aluminum siding.

So, whatever was pounding on the house

had enormous strength,

and even more bizarre, was never detected.

Prior to starting the
investigation, Terry Pomeraning

had given us a tour of his childhood home,

recalling the numerous
incidents in great detail.

Upon entering the kitchen,
he explained that the faucet

would often turn on by itself.

- Every night when the
pounding would start,

my Dad still called the Saginaw
County sheriff department.

They came out every night,

some nights multiple times they'd come out

and never see nothin'.

- It was gettin' to a point where

a lot of guys didn't
even wanna go out there.

It was the same thing over and over.

You could have probably at
one time taken one report,

and every time you went out
there, ran it on a copy machine,

turned it in, it'd be the same thing.

This is a report that
myself Deputy Duanne Graham,

who is now deceased,

took 9-9 of 1974

at 12:44 in the morning.

Mr. Pomeraning had called
the sheriff's department

and stated that he had heard someone

walking around outside his house,

and that someone was beating
on the side of his house.

He reported this has been
happening for sometime,

and he's beginning to
wonder why this department

has failed to catch someone.

The area was checked
with no signs of persons

being around the house or
in the area could be found.

Same thing happened on 9-1,

same thing, somebody beatin' on the house.

They checked, they could find nothing.

9-10, the next night, same thing.

A report someone was beating on his door,

and this time these officers
did hear a thumping noise

near the house,

and they hit the house with spotlights

and there was nothing.

9-13, three days later, same thing.

Complaints say someone
was banging on the house,

area was checked, nothing found.

9-14, next night, same thing.

- They were gettin' very irritated.

My Dad was upset with
the sheriff's department.

It was just gettin' on
everybody's nerves really.

- This is Tim conducting an
EVP session in the dining room.

Have you been here longer
than this house on this land?

Is there something about
this land in particular

that draws you to it?

Was it your land?

Be careful.

Look at that.

Black pellet powder.


They used to make their
own amm*nit*on back then.

It's interesting just
how things have changed.

A super heavy feeling in here.


Look at that structural damage.

We have to really, really be careful.

- Were you mad that Harold
built a house on this land?

Is that why you tormented
them for so long?

How long have you been here?

- That's about to give.

Residents in the area claim
to see dark shadowy figures

emerging from this barn at night.

Are you perhaps one of the
original family members

who bought this land?

Got a creepy old desk there.

This way, go this way.

I was surprised to hear footsteps

coming from the old hayloft above.

You can actually see dust and
debris falling all around me

as the heavy steps occurred.

Due to the severe structural damage,

I was unable to investigate the hayloft.

Instead, I placed infrared
cameras all around the perimeter

in an attempt to capture
whatever had been lurking

in the old barn.

- When Steven first reached out to me

and made contact I was pretty lerry,

but after speaking with
him, I did agree to meet,

but at that time I still wasn't
willing to share this story.

My name is Mark and I served
23 years in law enforcement

and am currently a retired
homicide detective.

When I was 12 years old, my
father worked with Harold.

They worked in the Midland area.

My father basically came home one night

and said that a man
that he new down at work

was having some problems with his house.

The gentlemen asked him
to come over to the house

and see if he could explain

some of the things that were goin' on.

So, naturally as a 12-year old boy,

I became very interested in it,

and thought, well, what's
wrong with the house?

Is it haunted?

Well, my father didn't know.

In fact, he said that Harold

did not really believe in ghosts,

and he thought it was something
that he could explain.

When we arrived at the house,
I remember Harold coming out

one of the side doors.

There was a doberman pincher that he had.

My father asked Harold is the dog okay.

The dog was okay now,

but at one time it could be aggressive.

One night he heard something knocking

on the outside of his house,

and he let the dog out and
it ran around the house,

and it was barking like there
was something out there,

and he said it sounded like
the dog was getting beat.

It's never really been the same since.

From there, my father and him

basically would discuss certain,

I guess you would call them theories.

I remember at one point
during their conversations,

he produced a set of tapes,

and I remember him playing
those tapes for my father,

and you could hear the pounding.

I also recall that as the evening wore on

I could sense that Harold was becoming,

I guess the word you would
want to use was embarrassed,

because according to him this took place

many times in a day.

It was like he was absolutely sure

that when we came over,

that we would hear these sounds,

and as the evening wore
on, nothing ever happened.

He was embarrassed to
the point at this time

that he was actually raising his fist,

and kind of like talking
to whatever was there

and saying, come on you son
of a, you know, show yourself.

That's when something did
happen, is unexplainable.

Right on the side wall of the kitchen,

just massive poundings.

It just bam bam bam.

There was, what I recall,
two plates on that wall,

and that wall, whatever was hitting it,

it hit so hard that those
plates just started bouncing

along that wall,

and I'll never forget looking over

and seeing those plates bounce.

And immediately after that sound happened,

Harold immediately yelled
out, "See, I told you.

"Now explain that to me.

"You tell me what that sound is."

Well, five maybe 10 minutes later,

the very loud poundings in
the ceiling of the kitchen,

not quite as loud, more of a rumbling,

like something was just rumbling

through the ceiling of the kitchen.

Everybody in the house was accounted for.

That was pretty much my
experience at the house.

This is where something
happened to our family.

Probably around a half
hour after we got home,

I was downstairs and we had a
downstairs door at the time,

I was probably five feet
away from that door,

now this is probably around
midnight at that time,

and all of a sudden I hear
three knocks on the door.

Opened it up, there's nobody there.

Those knocks on our door
happened three times

in probably a five or six day period.

Our family took that as I guess
you would call it a warning.

You may not wanna become involved

in something that you shouldn't.

So, we never did go back to the house.

- Up here, Harold's wife
Mable would collect fine china

and antique plates,

and she proudly displayed them right here.

Eye witnesses in sheriff's office,

deputies who investigated this case

would claim that when
the pounding would occur,

the plates would actually sway

right off the wall in conjunction,

that the pounding had that much power.

Now, when one thing's pounding,

naturally, you think a
fist pounding on the wall,

but the pounding was
actually much more powerful

than what it sounds to be.

Another instance,
actually, back over here,

is at the knife block.

Terry Pomeraning stated to us

that a knife actually came
out of the knife block...

Jesus Christ.

Come here, come here.

Did you get that?


What the...

It seemed as though whatever
was inhabiting the home

was growing tired of our
intrusion and gaining in strength.

Perhaps worse things were yet
to come if we did not leave.

- My name's Tim Everett.

Mabel Pomeraning was my aunt.

She was my Mom's older sister.

My aunt was a special woman.

She would've given you
the shirt off her back.

She dropped out of high
school in the 11th grade

to go and work to help support the family.

She met my uncle Harold
at a dance, I believe.

They dated for a while and
I remember their wedding.

I was the ring bearer,

so you can tell it was many
years ago that they got married.

They were farmers.

That was a new lifestyle for her

because she was a city girl.

Harold was a hard worker.

He worked nights at Dow Chemi Co,

and would come home in the day time,

would take care of the farm.

Terry, you would see
right along with his Dad.

He had a very normal
existence in the house

until what happened happened, you know,

when it began,

and then everything changed.

Their lives changed, the house changed,

everything just became hell.

She never, never deserved
to have this happen

to her and her family.

- The number of man hours
attributed to this case

is immeasurable, it's immense.

I never saw this much
investigation done on a homicide.

Myself and another deputy
staked the house out,

and it was raining that night,

I remember it was raining,

and all of a sudden we
did hear some banging.

And my partner says, well,

I'm gonna go this way, you go that way,

and whatever it is, we're gonna go 'im.

So I went to the west side of the house,

my partner went to the
east side of the house.

Well, the noise came, and
I yelled to my partner.

He said I heard it, but
I don't see anything.

So again, we checked, it had been raining,

there was dampness on the ground.

There was rain and the grass was wet.

There was absolutely nothing there

that would indicate anyone
had been walking around

the side of that house.

- I recall being in the car one night

and was listening to the radio traffic.

It was a quiet, quiet night,

just driving around town.

I heard one of the officers

from Saginaw County sheriff's department.

He was telling his officers
to surround this house,

and then I heard him say the
noises are starting to happen.

- We got a radio call
from inside the house

where Captain McGall was,

and said there was
pounding on the front door,

is anyone at the front door.

I did not hear the pounding.

You could hear it from his
radio being transmitted

through his radio into my radio.

We reported back, no, there
is no one at that front door.

We had the other officers check in,

and they indicated as well

there's no one around that house.

- Sheriff's deputies
were out there all armed,

and they couldn't help us.

They all came up to our house

and about 10 minutes later,

and they were all very upset.

There's gotta be someone inside
the house, one deputy said,

that's doing this,

because there was no one out there,

and that's when my Ma
got into it with him.

They just came to a conclusion

it had to be someone inside the house.

It was hard livin' that way,

knowin' that you're being
watched every second.

- So right now we're about
to head up these stairs

to investigate the...

Hey, is anybody investigating

outside right now?

- Negative.

I was just about to head up to the loft.

Up in the
command center with Eddie.

All right, well,

I was walking through the house here,

and could've swore I saw someone
looking through the windows

and standing there.

I took a double take and it was gone.

- You sure it couldn't
have been a reflection

or possibly a car goin' by?

I'm positive,
my flashlight wasn't even on.

I know what I saw.

Do you want me to stop my
investigation and go take a look?

- Negative.

We're about to head
outside and take a look.

Copy that.

One of the infrared cameras

placed in the kitchen had
actually recorded the incident.

Perhaps this validates the
claims from a current family

who inhabits the home

and their sightings of
the strange phenomenon.

- A round white head

with his hands like this.

Josh, come in.


- I didn't see anybody, I
definitely heard somethin'.

The back yard's completely fenced in,

but we have a ladder just
sittin' right up against it

for easy access.

Copy that.

- I wanna get cameras on all the windows

and all the doors immediately.

All right,
I'll get right on that.

- Take a look down here.

Switch it off, see if we can
try to document any footprints.

I don't see anything.

Definitely heard what sounded like

somebody hittin' this fence
or something in this vicinity.

It's kind of eerie when you think about it

because I recall the family's daughters

talking about an instance

where they saw somebody peaking in,

described it as an all white
face, just glowing white,

and I remember reading a
police report from 1974

from the original family,

almost saying the exact same thing.

- There has been knocking
on the Pomeraning house

since July 19th, 1974.

The Saginaw County sheriff's department

has been called to the
house at least 35 times.

- So now you've got a lot of pressure

coming down on the department.

- We did do some fingerprint dusting,

but nothing to identify
someone other than the family.

- So we kind of had him high
up on our list of suspects.

- Terry Pomeraning, the 18-year
old son of the Pomeranings

is listed as a suspect.

- He just gave me the
impression that he knew more

about what was going on in the house

and what was coming out.

- They had me there then
for about four hours

doing polygraph.

They would do trick questions.

You know, they'd ask a
lot of the same questions

but they'd word it a little
bit different each time.

It is the opinion of the polygraphist

that Terry Pomeraning is telling the truth

when he denies being
the one that is causing

the knocking at the Pomeraning home.

I passed that with flying colors.

Then later on the whole
family had to take polygraphs

and everyone passed.

- This is the other side of the fence here

where that ladder was leaned up,

and now that I'm over
here it's really bizarre

'cause take a look at this.

You got this cooler here
with this flat surface

just sitting here,

almost as if somebody
could just step up on it

to get over this fence,

and then climb down that ladder

and come out the other way.

Now, if somebody wanted to
sneak up on the house here

and get into the backyard,

this would be the perfect place,

because number one, it's the
darkest portion of the property

and you got nothin'
back here but farm field

and the old barn.

Kind of interesting when you think about

those police reports.

That's the path that they
thought the prowler would choose,

would be coming back
here from that corn field

and sneaking up to this part of the house,

because they would say the
eastern back of the property

is where the pounding would
happen the most frequently.

Matter of fact,

police brought their most
vicious police dog out here.

I think his name was fury,

and they tied him to a tree
that used to be right here,

and they thought, well,
when that guy comes up

to pound on the side of the house,

he'll have a hell of a surprise.

Interesting enough, the pounding continued

every night that dog was here,

which was nearly a week,

and that dog never even so much as barked.

I thought I heard somethin', I'm not sure.

We're gonna have to get
cameras set up here.

If somebody is indeed prowling
around the property though,

we need to inform the owners,

because I don't know why anybody

would wanna be doin' that out here.

Being in a rural area like that,

better be careful whose fence you jump.

It's a good way to get yourself shot.

The following video contains
extraordinary evidence,

a spirit orb physically
interacting with its surroundings.

Notice how the freezer door
is actually pulled open

just before orb can be seen,

turning the corner and
entering in the living room,

ultimately disappearing into the wall.

Perhaps this validates the claims

from the current family
who inhabits the home

and their sightings of
the strange phenomenon.

- She saw a flash of light go through.

There was no lights on

and she just seen it just
kind of go by your eyes.

- After my parents realized

that police couldn't really protect us,

we were seeking help from our pastor.

He wouldn't even come to
the house, he was afraid.

Then my Ma and Dad turned
to the Catholic priest

the night's after he had blessed our home.

I mean, it just got really bad.

They were just mad at
what he did, you know,

throwin' that holy water
all around the house,

outside and inside.

Made matters worst.

- I'm about to read to you

from a Michigan state police report

written on February 13th, 1975.

During the investigation
of these complaints,

the following departments
and private organizations

and/or individuals

participated in, and to
this writer's knowledge

have no satisfactory answer

as to the strange occurrences

and phenomenon taking place
at the private residence

at Dice Road.

Michigan state police.

Michigan state police
fire marshal division.

MSP intelligence technical service unit.

The Saginaw County sheriff's department.

Merrill police department.

The Jonesfield Lakefield
township fire department.

Duke University.

The Michigan department of health.

Michigan state police
polygraph examination unit.

Michigan Bell telephone company.

Consumer's Power company.

Federal aviation agency.

The tri city airport.

Several churches and clergy
members from the area.

Still waiting data.

One thing I do wanna note

is that when we spoke
to the surviving members

of the Pomeraning family,

they told us that when the
churches would come out here,

they dreaded that because they knew

that as soon as those people left,

the activity in the house
would just go through the roof,

that the pounding would be twice as bad,

and last twice as long.

We're not sure why that would be.

We do know that Mabel and Harold
did try to locate somebody

to perform an exorcism

as they believe that
what inhabited this home

were demonic entities.

To our knowledge, that never took place.

An exorcism was never
actually done on the home.

- Harold had recalled something.

A lady come on over to the house one day

and inquired about possibly
buying his property,

that she was interested in
his property and the house.

- And my Dad said, I ain't sellin',

you know, we're not gonna sell our house.

Why would you wanna buy our house

when you got a brand new
home across the road.

- A couple months later she came back.

At this time she seemed a
little bit more forceful

in her desire to have the property.

- She was just adamant
that she wanted our house

in the worse way.

- And I guess there was
some type of argument

between her and Harold.

But Harold told my father

that he always thought that
she may have been responsible

and did something to the house.

- Then shortly after, we started
having a lot of problems.

- She did tell me that
was an ordained witch.

She in fact
told you she was a witch?

Yes, she did.

That she practiced witchcraft?

That's what
she said at the time.

She was seen several times

coming out of the Dice Road cemetery

at odd hours of the night.

- I can't remember the
gal's name who was doin' it,

but that was the only time we
ever heard of the witchcraft

in this area.

The witch had
occult symbols on our house.

Can you tell us about that?

- Three big black Xs
above the garage door.

I don't know what they mean or whatever,

but it was awfully strange.

And can you
tell us what you were told

about what the symbols meant?

- The symbol meant

from the Catholic priest
that came out there

that it was a sign of the devil.

It was evil worshipers.

- They was weird things
goin' on over there.

Dances, things in the
window that people saw.

So I didn't wanna have
anything more to do with her

because if she was the one

that was doing stuff in this house,

then I would be next.

- By the front door there was
a plate hangin' on the wall,

and all of a sudden it
started to ding ding ding

just like a bell ringing,

so I reached up and I touched
it and it quit ringin'.

And I took my hand off it, and started,

like somebody was hittin'
it with their fingernail.

You know, ding ding ding ding.

We looked across the road

and this gal was out dancin'
around her bush out there

in her yard,

and what the heck's goin' on?

You know, just about that time

there was a fairly loud noise,

and the living room ceiling cracked

the full length of east to west.

Just a big crack in the
living room ceiling,

and then she quit dancin'.

Obviously, I believed it.

After going through it,

I believe there was witchcraft there.

Do you think they were targeting

anybody specifically in your family?

- There was me.

I think I was the one.

- She met up with Duane at the corner here

to get the newspaper that one day,

and Duane had never talked to the people,

didn't really want
nothin' to do with them,

'cause he thought they were
strange from the start.

She coaxed him over there,

and he was in their house

for like three hours that afternoon.

He came back home and just started acting

a little funny then, like
something wasn't right.

He just passed right out and almost died.

- And I had a grand mal seizure.

It was pretty bad.

I had to do a tracheotomy,

but she made sure that she cut my hair.

The use of one's hair in ritual

is often found in the dark arts,

particularly witchcraft.

Duane Pomeraning stated
he remembered very little

of the hours spent
inside the witch's home.

He recalled the house
being filled with candles

and strange symbols,

and at one point, she
cut a lock of his hair.

- The attic comes into play multiple times

through the investigation
in 1974 and 1975,

where eyewitnesses reported
hearing strange rumbling,

loud cracks and bangs coming
from this portion of the home.

So, Eddie's gonna go ahead

and place an infrared camera up there,

and we're just gonna
let that roll all night,

as well as a digital recorder,

and the goal is to capture
any data that we can

during the investigation.

I'll hold the ladder for ya.

We're not sure how it sounded...

Whoa whoa!

Are you okay?


Hold on, don't move.

I need somebody here in
the breezeway with me now.

Eddie just fell right onto the concrete.

I'll be right there.

- Don't move, okay.

This could be broken.

Just hang on.

He fell right off the ladder,

hit the concrete hard as hell.

He probably has a broken knee.

You think you can stand?

Yeah, something pushed me.

- Here, lift him up.

Though his injury was substantial,

it could have been much worse.

Falling several feet onto the
concrete could have resulted

in severe injury or even death.

Still in shock, Eddie
continuously repeated the phrase

"something pushed me."

We decided it was best
to leave the attic alone.

There are several police
reports documenting claims

of knocking and banging on
the windows of the home.

Even sightings of a ghostly apparition

appearing in the window before vanishing.

Despite several attempts,

law enforcement was never
able to locate any evidence

nor identify a suspect.

One of our stationary
cameras in the kitchen

caught the following evidence
in the living room window.

In an attempt to gain more
information and perspective,

I decided to bring in a psychic medium

who came highly recommended
by trusted sources

within the paranormal field.

- I'm Kelly MacLeod, psychic
medium, motivational speaker.

I'm from Center Line, Michigan.

In my line of work, I help with cases,

whether it be profiling
potential criminals

as well as some of the cold cases

and trying to put the pieces together,

so I was pretty excited to
see what is this mystery

and what's happening,

and to see if I could get something

in addition to what's
already been reported.

So many different energies,
so many different emotions.

When I first walked in the door,

it was almost as if the
entire family was wiped out.

The person that kind of
was responsible for this,

it's almost as if they wanted
to annihilate the family,

and that's exactly what
they set out to do,

and that's what they did.

So, the entity that's
actually an assigned,

and that's the way I really wanna say it,

is that it has been assigned
by the original person

to be in this house with the family.

It doesn't necessarily
always have to be active.

This entity is always
here, it's always watching.

It was physical, it really was happening,

but if they keep reporting it,

the people, they're gonna get tired.

The township, the police,
the fire department.

Everybody's gonna get tired,

everybody's gonna deem them crazy.

What is the banging?

Why do I keep hearing all this banging?

We'll follow you.

- What is this room here?

That was the bedroom
of the son of the family,

which the activity
seemed to center around.

- Okay, that's the thing.

She used the son as the catalyst.


He's got some issues,

and he is the perfect candidate,
he's the perfect scapegoat,

and that's exactly what she wanted.

She needed to pick
somebody as a scapegoat.

What has happened with the
kitchen, with the silverware,

with the knife block,

what has happened with
things beings thrown around,

things coming out of the cupboards?

Any report of that?

Because when I'm standing here

suddenly as if knives are coming out,

but it's like somebody grabbed a knife

and just threw it right across.

Not gently pulled it out,

they're just whipping it right across.

There is something coming
up through the floor here.

It's almost like underneath.

What is directly underneath this room?


- I keep seeing all these hands coming up

like they're trapped,

like people are coming out of the floor,

coming out of the ground.

The family that lives here
now is not gonna be in danger,

because this is not who they're after.

If any member of the original family

steps foot on this property again,

this will open up the energy vortex

and it will start everything all over

as if it had never stopped.

- On the above time and date,

this officer arrived at
the complainant's address

on Dice Road,

and upon doing so, made a
check of the surrounding area.

He found that nobody or any
vehicle was in the area.

Upon talking to the complainant,

he stated that there was
banging on the walls so hard

it actually broke a hole
directly through the plaster

from one room straight
through to the other.

The complainant also
stated that he heard voices

coming from the walls,

saying it was going to k*ll
him and his entire family.

I'm going to attempt to try

and communicate with
whatever may be in this room,

in this home.

Is anybody here in the
room with me tonight?

Why did you seem to target Duane?

Was there something
about Duane specifically?

Did you have a vendetta against him?

Notice how the environment
suddenly changes.

The papers on the refrigerator lifted

from the force of the air.

A mist begins to appear,

taking the shape of a human figure,

then dropping to the floor,

heading toward the hallway.

Deputies and state police troopers

both say the house now is undergoing

a series of strange explosions.

Consumer's Power in Michigan,

they used equipment to locate the source.

Still nothing.

- The other recordings were attempted

by one of the members of the
state police, mini FBI unit,

who's a demolition expert.

He was asked to go to the house

and spend a couple days there,

during which time there
were sounds or explosions.

He attempted to record them.

He was unable to do so
in an interesting way.

He would turn his tape recorder on,

and he'd wait, and he'd
wait, and he'd wait.


Then he'd look and he'd say,
oh, the tape's running out.

He'd turn it off, pull the
tape out to get another one.

Boom, boom, boom.

Then he'd grab the other blank
one, he'd put in, start it.


- Complainant stated the
explosions had been going on

all afternoon.

The last one just prior
to this officer's arrival

was so strong,

he came running back
inside and found the family

all standing together as
though they were frozen.

Further, the explosions were
heard in different walls.

This officer checked the attic

and the space under the house.

- He's no longer with the department,

he left the department after an incident

that he claims happened out there

where he was physically pushed by a force.

Now this deputy was a retired army ranger.

Good cop, he was not scared of anything.

I met him one day when
I was going to court,

and he came out of the sheriff's office,

and I says are you gettin'
your butt chewed again?

He said, no no, no no.

He says I went out the Pomeranings.

He says I told the sheriff
I'm not going out again.

I'm not going out there again.

I says why.

He says there are some
evil spirits out there.

I continued on down the hallway
past the sheriff's door.

The sheriff was Robert
Lupert at that time.

I asked him what'd you do, chew him out?

He said, oh no, no.

He said he was at the
Pomeraning's taking a report

when the explosions went off

and something pushed him in the chest

and pushed him backwards,

and he said he would not
go out there anymore.

Now, I explained to him
if it happened to me

I wouldn't be going out
there anymore either.

- On November 22nd, 1974,
Harold and his family

began experiencing an even
worse phenomenon, explosions.

Witnesses stated it
sounded like a sonic boom

that seemed to come just
from underneath their feet,

even lifting them right where they stood.

Police responded to the
calls about the explosions,

and a Saginaw sheriff's deputy

was actually injured in the line of duty

from said explosions.

Now Josh, when people would feel

an expl*si*n of that magnitude,

wouldn't there have to
be some form of residue,

something down there to
show that this happened?

- Oh, most definitely.

You would have to have a
cracking of a foundation,

potentially cracking of floor joist.

Being explosions, maybe
there's some kind of charring

of some wood down there,

but if it's none of those things,

I'm not sure exactly what it could be.

- I'm gonna send part
of my team down there.

Be safe and to see if you
guys can find anything

that might suggest that there were in fact

explosions down there.

- All right, let's get started.

- Now, again, this is the
first time that this crawlspace

has been entered in an
investigative matter

for over four decades.

- On January 21st, 1975, it
was on a Friday afternoon.

Me and my Dad were out in Hemlock.

We stopped at the drug
store there, looked down

and on the front page it
was a picture of our house.

- Well, someone released it.

They never did figure who it was,

but they released the
information to the Saginaw news.

Saginaw news would come in every morning

and read the reports,

so we would take those reports
and give 'em to the Captain,

so they wouldn't see it,

but somehow someway they got copies of it.

Then Mr. Pomeraning started
being bothered by trespassers

and by people running, honking their horns

and yelling and screaming,

which upset him more, and
I can't blame him one bit.

If he went out there, all he would do

is yell and scream at ya.

Saginaw County
sheriff's department said that

the corner of Dice and Chapin

was the busiest corner of all
Saginaw County that night.

- The traffic was just unreal.

It was car after car after car,

and they had spotlights

that they were shining out in the field

and at both of our houses.

- January 21st, 1975.

After six months, police
still don't have an answer.

Weird sounds and voices, furniture moving,

whole house shaking and jumping,

cracks in the walls, plaster falling.

Police agree there is the
sound of pounding in the walls.

"I was told to say nothing to anybody

"about what I heard or
saw," said one deputy.

"I spend two night there,
I can tell you one thing.

"I didn't sleep from the
beginning to the end.

"One night we had the
house surrounded by cars.

"When the pounding started,

"the cars went roaring to the scene.

"Still, we found nothin'."

Police contend they do not
believe the house is haunted.


- In the 52 years I've
been on this department,

I've never seen anything like
that and I hope I never do,

because it's sad for the
family that lives there

to have to live through
something like this.

- And as far as Harold's breakdown,

I had heard later on
that he had a breakdown.

Whether that caused it, I don't know.

- Harold had a heart
attack shortly after that,

and we were doing mouth to mouth on him

at that time at his place,

but he didn't make it.

- My aunt, like I said,
she was a strong woman,

and she put up a good fight.

She really put up a good fight,

but you could see that
she was losing the battle.

She was one of a kind, she was a saint.

After everything she had gone through.

- I just know that that's why he,

both my parents died at an early age

because of this.

There was times I would pray to God

and say, "Why are You allowing
this to happen to us?"

And I felt the same way even
after my parents both died.

You know, they were both quite young.

Then I just realized I
can't think that way,

I gotta be strong, there's
a reason for everything.

Well, with my brother Duane,

this did affect his life.

I mean, he's really had
no life since, really.

He just went downhill and
I'm just thankful to God

that he's still here.

Like a lot of people that know my brother

said that they can't believe
that he's still alive.

- This is the current family
that resides here in this home,

and you'll notice throughout this home

there are so many pictures of them.

They're always happy,
they're always together,

just enjoying life,

and it's so ironic to me

that those children were
born and raised here,

and they had such a good
life and a happy family,

and the Pomeraning family
who built this house

had just the opposite.

They had nothing but
misery and fear and panic,

and they were destroyed
within the walls of this home,

and that being said, you
have a whole nother family

who flourished and thrived
within the walls of this home.


That is the question.

This is much more than,

this investigation is
much more than a haunting.

What happened here in the
past wasn't just activity,

it was tragedy.

You know, that family
really was destroyed.

Lives destroyed.

The radio.

Come here.

Look at that.

That light was not on, that
power light was not on...

We need to get cameras set up in here.


While distracted by the radio,

the two portraits on the wall
had been turned upside down.

The inverted paintings
sent chills down my spine,

realizing that no one is
able to watch their back

at all times.

- Let me introduce myself.

I am Jerry Solfvin,
parapsychologist and psychologist.

In the process of doing what we do

at the Psychical Research Foundation,

we did get a call one day
that interested us greatly,

and that was from the state police

of the state of Michigan.

We at the Duke University

and specifically the
Psychical Research Foundation,

had interest and could be helpful to them

in solving a case that it had

that was problematic.

We immediately got more
information about it,

and they said would you come up here,

and we said absolutely.

When I arrived I was met by the guy

I'd been talking to on the phone,

who was a state policeman.

Now, he works for a small
unit which is a mini FBI.

They had been called into
the case, they told me,

because the local police,
the county police,

had a time of trying to solve this case,

with unusual things happening in this home

just outside of Saginaw, Michigan,

and neither of those police departments

were able, despite putting
substantial manpower towards it,

were able to find out what was going on,

so they got called in,

and they spent several weeks on the case,

at least one week of which

they actually moved into the house.

In any case, he gave me a full briefing,

a very extensive briefing on
all that had been going on

and that they had learned

after about two years of
activities in this house.

He drove me to the house on Dice Road,

the family met us there.

I got to meet Mabel and Harold Pomeraning,

and the two sons, Duane and Terry.

Mabel looked at me and
said, "Oh, I'm surprised.

"How come you don't wear your collar?"

I said, "What?

"Wear my collar?

"Why should I wear a collar?"

"Aren't you a priest?"

Of course, I and to explain
to her I'm not a priest

or a minister nor an exorcist,

however, I do help to
get rid of these things,

and help to them meant simply and only

get rid of this thing.

- In the late fall of 1974,

Saginaw County sheriff's
department began to realize

that what was taking place
in the Pomeraning home

was not actually a criminal matter.

It was prowlers or harassments,

but actually something
otherworldly taking place,

something supernatural.

Now, many of the deputies

from having been out here so many times,

began to have a relationship,

a friendship with Harold and Mabel.

They wanted to to try and
help the family still,

and even protect them
anyway that they could.

One of these deputies came to Harold

and said that he had a friend

that had vast knowledge of the occult.

So, late one night, this
individual came to the house

accompanied by said deputy
who we will not name.

He unboxed a Ouija board,

or, as some refer to it, a witch board.

Harold instantly became reluctant

as he knew that these type of objects

are synonymous with
negativity and bad experience.

But again, being desperate for an answer,

he let the gentleman proceed.

The individual began to
try to establish contact

when suddenly everybody
in the room observed

a knife come out of the knife block,

levitate in the air,

and then throw across the
room and sticking in a wall,

just missing the officer.

In front of me, obviously,
I do have a Ouija board,

and I am about to break the cardinal rule

of a paranormal investigator by using one,

and of course by using one alone.

I am only doing this
because I want to recreate

something that took place in
this home nearly 41 years ago

in an attempt to try
to reestablish contact

and try to solidify the
activity in this home

and identify, if at all
possible, its motive.

I'm attempting to establish contact

with the spirit, the deity,

the poltergeist, that inhabits this home.

You can communicate with
me by moving this indicator

on the board,

and pointing out individual
letters to spell out a word,

or you can also move the indicator

to the yes or the no section
on the board as well.

Are you here with me?

Why did you harass and torment

Harold Pomeraning and his family?

Are you mad that we are in this house?

Whatever was communicating
through the board

had left no room for doubt.

We were not welcome in the home.

After reviewing the following footage,

it became clear that I was not
alone in the barn after all.

As the activity in the Pomeraning home

grew with terrifying intensity,

the bewildered family began experiencing

spontaneous fires in the home.

Each of these fires were
investigated thoroughly

and to this day, cannot be explained.

One of the fires was so baffling,
it actually made history.

- Duane and his mother
Mabel were at home alone.

I had left the house.

It was one of the times when
I had to get more batteries

for the various equipment that I had,

so I told Mabel and she
said, "No problem, go ahead,

"because, in fact, I feel very comfortable

"and uplifted today."

And I said, "Oh, why is that, Mabel?"

And she said, "Because
we're going to church."

Then I went to a photo store in Saginaw,

and lo and behold, a fire has
happened while I was gone.

So I come in, Mabel's now upset.

Mabel says, I'm standing
here looking at Duane,

saying, okay, Duane, are you ready?

He says yes, yes, I'm just about ready,

I'm just finishing my hair.

At that moment, the toilet
paper roll, she says,

burst to flame while she was watching it.

The whole thing,

including that little
cardboard roll on the inside.

Ash, the whole thing,

and yet if you delicately handle it,

as the fire marshal did,

you could actually pick it up.

When he put it in his
chromatography chamber

it was absolutely clean.

Nobody soaked this thing in alcohol

or any sort of flammable
material whatsoever.

He wrote up his report

and in his report he
wrote, for the first time,

in the state of history,

"There are no way that this could happen."

- February 13th, 1975,

Michigan department of state police.

It should be noted that two members

of the Duke University...

- Physical Research Foundation
here in North Carolina,

have been conducting extensive
testing at the residence

to determine the source of strange noises

and strange occurrences
taking place there.

It is thought by all parties involved

that there is some supernatural phenomenon

occurring at this location.

- And that it also could mean

the cause of the fires
which have occurred.

It is the understanding
of the undersigned officer

that the burning of the
roll of toilet paper

is next to humanly impossible

when it is rolled up in the
normal toilet paper type roll,

as it is unable to get sufficient oxygen

to produce enough heat to sustain burning.

That's a document from the
Michigan State police archives,

chronicling the bizarre
fires with unknown origin

that took place here in
the residence at Dice Road,

in particular in this area
of the home, the east end,

and the bathroom directly in front of me.

We are now going to investigate
this portion of the home.

Converting to night vision.

- That balcony.

This is really comin'
down out there tonight.

The family lost everything

in that last and final fire.

Family heirlooms, photo
albums, valuables, everything.

Why did you hate them so much

that you destroyed the family
and took everything from them?

I'm getting a hit here on the K2 meter.

- Looks like this room
hasn't been used in a while.

It's pretty dusty up here.

Oh my God.

That is so strange.

It seems as if the closer
I get to the floor.

Josh, you guys still in the crawlspace?

Yeah, we're still down here.

Could you possibly
crawl to my location?

I'm in the original bathroom
toward the east room wall.

- Copy that.

Do you think you could
give me a knocking sound

so I know just about where you're at?

One more time, please.

Yeah, I'm right below ya.

I'm getting an
incredibly high reading here

on my K2,

and I tracked it to the
floor of all things,

and it's just solid red

Any wiring or cable underneath here?

None at all.

Nothing I see anywhere around here.

Can you pull
out your EMF detector

and see if you can pick up this signal?

- Copy that.

Shouldn't be having a reading like this.

A K2 reading that high...


Got a reading here on the EMF detector,

displaying on the ground
of the crawlspace.

All right, there's gotta
be something going on here,

because I'm displaying that red

and you're tracking it to the ground

and we're getting a lot
of radio interference.

Could there be any wires or cables

running underneath this house?

You think the
homeowners would care

if I dug in the ground here a bit

and tried to find the EMF
reading I'm gettin' down here?

No, I don't know
that they would mind.

If anything, we might
be doing them a service,

because if that's a rogue live wire

or something that shouldn't be there,

we better let them know about it.

Copy that.

Man, we've gotta
locate the source of this.

I just hope that they're using caution

because it's definitely not
worth getting electrocuted over,

but if it's a live wire
that shouldn't be there...

I think I've
found something buried here.

It's in the...

Is it cabling or wiring?

- It doesn't look that way.

All right,
just try to identify it,

but please be careful.

I found a jar
in the mud down here.

Any wires, anything like that?

Is it a conduit of some sort?


Most of this reading

seems to be coming from this drawer,

left or right of it,

and it goes up and down,

but when I get back over this drawer

the reading goes through the roof.

So you're
telling me that these readings

are actually coming
from the drawer itself.

- That's the way it appears to me.

Meet me at the
entrance of the crawlspace.

I'm gonna head there now.

Copy that.

- Josh, where are you guys at?

- Almost there.

Copy that.

This is an old glass jar.

We got somethin' in here.

What is that?

I don't know.

There's definitely a
bunch of water in here.

I don't know what that...

We can't tell if that's cloth or...

It says Harold.

Three big black Xs.

Sign of the devil.

It was evil worshipers.

There is something coming up

through the floor here.

What is directly underneath this room?


And I guess there
was some type of argument

between her and Harold,

but Harold told my father
that he always thought

that she may have been responsible

and did something to the house.

Then shortly after,

we started having a lot of problems.

- When a police officer comes
to the end of his shift,

retirement, when his tour
is over and he retires,

it isn't the cases that he solved

that he remembers the most,

the cases he remembers are the
ones that he did not solve.

I still remember the Pomeraning case.

- Like I say, there are certain things

that you'll always remember,
and that's one of 'em.

I'm sure I'll always remember it.

- This is a great case

because it really is what we're studying.

This is the heartbeat of what
we study in parapsychology.

- They covered every base
they could possibly cover

and still no one could find out

what the cause of these actions were.

- I guess my regret would be

that I was unable to help them.

I could find nothing.

- I believe there was something there.

- I believe them 100 percent.

- I had no problem at all believin' 'em,

because I witnessed part of it.

How could you not believe 'em?

- I can't explain it.

In fact, nobody's explained it yet.

- The real progress in
explaining the Dice Road case

is gonna come when we get a lot more cases

and we can put 'em together
in that large database

that I talked about earlier.

That's how science works.

- I believe that with
all the police reports,

everything that was put into
this vindicates the family.

- I hope they get some peace with it

up in heaven where they're at.

- I think that they would be happy

that you are doing this

to try to clear their name.

That's exactly
what we intend to do.

- Well, thank you very much.

For anybody
out there watching this,

and anybody that might doubt

that these things happened,

what would you say to them?

- I would say to a doubter,

not to doubt.

There are a lot of things
that happened in this world

that are unexplainable,

and I would also say
that many of these things

we are not to know.

I would pray to God and say

"Why are You allowing
this to happen to us?"

Get rid of the thing.

There's evil spirits.

She was seen
several times coming out

of the Dice Road cemetery.

How could you not believe 'em?

She was one of
a kind, she was a saint.

Harold had a heart
attack shortly after that.

She made sure
that she cut my hair.

Two years of
activity in this house.

Whatever occurred at Dice and Chapel

will always be a mystery
because nobody knows.

There are things in this world

we're not meant to know.

I hope they
get some peace with it,

up in heaven, wherever they're at.
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