07x14 - Rage

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x14 - Rage

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: Come on, Terry, please.

Terry, please!

You're not crawling, Freddie.

You know what I want.

And I know what you want.

So crawl, baby.

Make it sexy.

Terry, I have earned this, okay?

To be honest with you,
Freddie, I found our last round

just a little mundane.

I was hoping you'd be
just a touch more exciting

fully coked up.

Maybe next time.


Leave, Freddie.

I'm bored.

Uh... toes, two.

Okay, let's see.

Um... reproduces , lives ?

Ah, great.

Let's see...

Males are black...

Females are gray.

Cass, cassy, I need you.

Hang on one second.

Um, succulent plants...

Fruits and grasses.

Cassy, I did something stupid.

Okay... um... stupid?

No way.

Idiotic, maybe.

Stupid, never.

I told roebuck I'd do it.

Well, I take back what I just said.


I was cornered.

Help me come up with a reason I can't.

No way, I got my own rails to split.

I met this guy this weekend from Texas.

We are talking gorgeous.

Filthy rich, single.

That's great, cass.

And here he is.

He's visiting palm beach
to look at real estate

and I run into him.

That's terrific.

Listen... so...

I'm thinking he's got to be a developer

from Dallas, a rancher from amarillo.

It turns out that he's a rancher.

I told this guy I'd do it Saturday.

A rancher. I am in heaven.

I spent my whole childhood

learning the difference

between holsteins and longhorns.

And valuable knowledge that is.

And you know what he raises?


Now, I've never seen
an ostrich in my entire life

except in dumbo.

I'm just a little concerned here.

I need your help.

Ah, I see.

So my diving out of an airplane

has taken second place to the intricacies

of rearing a flightless bird?

So I made up these flash cards.

It's the pertinent facts about ostriches.

I'm willing to beg, here.

All right, you big baby.

Exactly what is your problem?

I've narrowed it down to the...

Just the falling thing.

That's it?

Pretty much.

The falling thing?


Okay, get up.

Now stand on your desk.


Come on, up, up.

Let's go.

Now bounce.

Come on.

All right.



There. How'd that feel?

A little humiliating.

Well, that, amigo

is about how hard you land

with a modern parachute.


Yeah, try again.

Get up there.

This is nuts.

Do it with your eyes closed.


Okay, and I guess I'll bounce again.

Yeah, keep bouncing.

I'm bouncing.


All right, then...

Here I go.

Perhaps later we can get you two

some milk and Graham
crackers for your nappy time.

There's been a homicide.


Rumor has it that you
told roebuck you'd jump.

Oh, yeah.

I'm just sorry we weren't able

to coordinate our
schedules a little sooner.

I'd rather French kiss
a cobra than skydive.

Aren't you scared a little?


Tom? This is Jason tremaine.

Tremaine was retained
by the harrisons' attorney.

He's a lawyer with a
specialty in forensics.

Tom Ryan, from Florida state?


Didn't think

I'd ever see you again.

May I?

Is that the tremaine
who played for the bears?


Both mandible and maxilla
are severely fractured

flail chest and fracture of c through c.

Tear patterns and contusions of the skin

suggest blunt force trauma.

Maybe brass knuckles.

I agree.

Time of death...

:, : in the morning.

Lividity and body temp should confirm it

but that's what I had.

Did you bag any other dr*gs at the scene?

We weren't currently
aware there were any dr*gs.

I thought you saw the vial

underneath the glass shards.

Henley, can you get me a collection bag?

I'll get that.

Been a long time, redshirt.


Well, looks like an act of v*olence to me.

What do you think?

Drug deal gone bad?

Debt collection?

Random hit?

Uniforms interviewed one of the neighbors.

Harrison was with a
woman earlier this evening.

Do you want to do the
parental interview with us?

No, in case there's

some civil or criminal action downstream

I better hang in here

and oversee the evidence collection.

It's good to see you again, Ryan.

Yeah. Yeah, you, too.

Let's go, cass.


Did your son have any
close friends, girlfriends?

Martha and I thought that having a child

in our middle s would be...

A rejuvenation for us.

Martha died when Terry was .

I wanted to be an
athletic father for my son.

I wanted...

Understanding of his needs and wants.

But I wasn't.

Is there somebody that we
can call to be with you, sir?

I hid is what I did.

I knew he was using dr*gs.

I knew he didn't have
any goals in his life.

But I was so afraid, I hid.

Terry and I found ourselves on a path

to nowhere.

It allowed us to speak

but not to talk.

If we could just take a look

in his room, we might be...

He spent a lot of time

with a young woman whose
name is Freddie Benton.

They stopped coming over

when I bought him a townhouse.

It was easier...

To be less afraid when he wasn't around.

I think I have her number.

Cassy: If you don't mind

we'd still like to take a look at his room.


Freddie's just getting changed.

She'll be down in a moment.

You played with McMahon and the bears, huh?

Yeah, a couple years.

Till a roll-up block
damaged my femoral nerve.

Doctors wanted to stick this in
my leg to help keep it straight.

I decided I'd rather limp than
be able to predict the weather.

You were awesome.

"The raging back from haversack."

I always thought that
was a stupid nickname.

Didn't you get in

some fights on the field?

Professional football is

a game of controlled v*olence.

Too much or too little
and they cut you loose.

It seemed like every third Sunday or so

I'd run to the side of too much.

Freddie: Dad?

Oh, hey, baby.

Detectives St. John and Ryan

this is my daughter, Freddie.

Hi, Freddie.


Cassy: Know why

we're here, Freddie?

Um, yeah, because of Terry.

Cassy: Were you with him

last night?

No, I was here with dad.

Tom: You, you're positive?

Because one of Terry's neighbors

thinks that they may have
seen you at his house yesterday.

I've been there a lot,
maybe they made a mistake.

Did you know Terry

was a cocaine user?


You saw him use coke?

Excuse me, officer.

Mr. Benton, if your
daughter knows of Terry's

cocaine use, she may
also know his connections.

My daughter does not
hang out with cokeheads.

Do you, Freddie?


You never saw

anyone deal to Terry?


Withholding evidence

is a crime.

Get out of my house!

Get the hell out

of my house!

Back off, back off right now!

What the hell is wrong with you?

Me? Me?!

You accuse my kid

of being a drug addict?

What do you mean, what's wrong with me?

I, I, I...

I don't want... I, I'm sorry, I...

Forget it.

Where are you going?

He assaulted a police officer.

He, he's just protecting
his daughter, cassy.

It's no big deal.

You call me if you want to talk.

She's got nothing to say.

You can voice your opinion

to an assistant D.A. in deposition

or me in an interrogation room.

Which would you prefer?

Excuse me.

What happened in there?

I was showing restraint.

Oh, that's an interesting word.

It's not the one I was thinking of.

Latin name for ostrich...

Struthio camelus.


Cassy St. John, ostrich expert.

Phone call for you, mademoiselle.

Oh, thank you.


Oh, what are you doing?


Oh. Well, when it's hatching
time, it's hatching time.


No, not a problem.


Sure, thank you, bye.

Thank you. Could I have that
glass of chardonnay, please?

Tout de suite, mademoiselle.

Make it snappy.

Here you are.

Thank you.



Are you eating alone?

As of a minute ago, yes.

How about you?

Yes, when I'm on the road.

Well, have a seat.


Enjoy a meal courtesy of an ostrich farmer.

Am I supposed to be following this?

Oh, no more than I am.

Tremaine: Not only was I seeing stars

I was seeing entire galaxies.

So, McMahon calls a sweep to the right

gives me the ball

I drop it, and out of nowhere

Benton comes diving for the ball

scoops it back into the air to me...

Wait, wait, wait, wait... Roy Benton?

Yeah. So, I cut back to the left...

Roy Benton, who lives here in palm beach?

I don't know, I kind of lost track of him.

Big guy, walks with a limp

has a daughter named...

Freddie. Freddie.

Roy Benton is here in palm beach?


Damn. I mean, a small world and all.

How do you know him?

We think his daughter
was with Terry Harrison

the night he was k*lled.

Sometimes the world is too small.


Do you mind if I talk to him?

No, but be careful.

He's got the disposition of a fire ant.

I remember.

You know, this was great fun.


What are you doing tomorrow night?

Nothing I can think of.

Okay, you tell me where
the best seafood in town is

and that's where we'll eat.

Okay, here's the situation.

Jason tremaine, who I
had dinner with last night...

Now, it wasn't an arranged dinner

but now he wants to have
a real arranged dinner.

And I don't want to do it, but I said yes.

Now, given that you have lifted
excuse-making to an art form

choose one of the following:

A. My aunt Cora...

You don't have an aunt Cora.

And we're cranky this morning


The truth is?

I don't give a flying rat's ass

what you say to him.

I got a m*rder to solve.

What does that mean?

I'm not working on this case?

I didn't dine with tremaine

so you take it any way you want.

I take it something is biting your butt

and you're taking it out on me.

Apparently the only
thing I'm taking from you

is your social time.

This is some passive-aggressive things...

Shove the freudian act, I got work to do.

Like what?

If you needed to know

I'd tell you, right?

Oh, excuse me?

Since when do you withhold information?

I didn't have dinner with a lawyer.

You got something to say to me, say it!

Want me to spell it...

What's going on here?

Butt out, Harry.

I will not! What is this?

Ask him.

Cut the crap!

Don't you get it?

I assigned both of you


I will not tolerate the lone wolf cop!

If that's not clear to you

maybe a suspension

for both of you will make it clear!

I told Morton I would work
on an autopsy with him.

Here's a warrant to pick up

Freddie Benton for questioning.

You want somebody
from juvenile to go along?



You are one of two, you got it?

Got a message you were
finished with Harrison?

Yeah, I am.

I've got to tell you.

Jason tremaine hit every Brad on the head.

Types of injuries, time of death

cause of death, everything.

There was cocaine in the victim's blood.

Oh, yeah.

Damage to paranasal
sinuses and nasolacrimal duct

suggests heavy usage.

Your report seems ambiguous

as to m*rder w*apon.

Well, I found leather
fragments ;on the face

on the face...

And then skin tears that are typical

of a fist and blunt force trauma.

Piece of steel, fire poker, what?

Or, as Mr. Tremaine postulated

brass knuckles.

Hmm. What is this notation about hair?

Oh, hair.

I found samples of
negroid hair on the victim.

Once more?

Threw me, too, then I contacted tremaine.

Why, because he happened to be

a black guy at the crime scene?

Yeah, as a matter of fact that is why.

He says that sometimes
he contaminates the cadaver.

Says he has a bad habit of rubbing his head

while he examines the corpse.

He said these hair samples belong to him?

He faxed his d.N.A. Analysis.

A perfect match.

Check the other cases tremaine's worked on.

See if the contamination is consistent.

Already made the call.

Thank you.

What's this?

A warrant allowing me to bring Freddie

to the station for questioning.

Tremaine: Hey, redshirt.

Wh-what are you doing here?

Your partner didn't tell you?


Roy and I played football
together for the bears.

Still be playing if you
hadn't fumbled, tremaine.

You may have been the slowest white man

ever to carry the ball.

Tremaine says you two
played together for the 'noles.

Uh, not really.

No, Ryan here was a redshirt freshman

when I was a senior.

We scrimmaged a little
though, didn't we, redshirt?


Ryan, thank your partner

for putting us together.

It's been what, six?

Oh, no, almost seven.

Seven, seven years since
we've seen each other.

You get a taste of tremaine's temper, Ryan?

Mr. Benton, if you could

get your daughter, please, I need...

Daddy, I'm going to Andrea's, okay?

I'll be back before :.

If you're going to be later
than :, call me, okay?


Let the girl go, you can

do this some other time.

I'm conducting...

As I said, just let the girl go.

You can't...

You don't tell me what to do! Ever!

There's that temper I told you about.

I thought you'd remember

the last time you told me what to do.

Interfering with...

No, no interference here.

All you have to do is just get by me.

Then you can talk to Freddie.

Roy Benton is a friend of mine.

If his daughter has
any pertinent information

I will be the one to tell you.

Do we understand each other?

Do we?

Wait, wait...

Now, Lyle...

I know what you want

and you know what I want, right?

Afterwards, Freddie, afterwards.

How do I know you're holding?


The only question is, are
you holding out on me?

I plan to work very hard

to earn my reward.

Hide the stuff!

Give me a minute!

Is Freddie Benton here?

Who are you?

Your daddy was getting worried

about you, Freddie.

He asked me if I wouldn't
mind checking on you.

I'm fine.

Oh, I knew you would be.

Look, it's getting a little late.

Why don't you take my car and head on home?

That's okay, Lyle can take me home.


I know, but I would feel better

if you would do as I asked.

How are you going to get home?

I'll call a cab.

I mean, if it's all right

if I use your phone?

Yeah, sure.

Shouldn't we walk her out to her car?

Don't forget your bag.

I've got a cell phone.

Are you nuts?!

Where did you get the dr*gs?!


I'm sorry I'm late.

You're forgiven.

Thank you.

So, how close did I come
to being in the same ditch

with that ostrich farmer?

Well, I didn't even
really know you were late.

I mean, I've only looked at

my watch, uh, times.

Calls to the coast.

Do a lot of work out there?

Well, being a lawyer with
a specialty in forensics

pretty much puts in you demand
wherever the crime scene is

and flying my own airplane

is a big time-saver.

Let's see.

Football hero, lawyer...

Evidence expert, pilot.

Is there no end to all this greatness?

Alas, I cannot sing.

Aha! Feet of Clay, feet of Clay.


So, is your partner still mad at me?

No. Should he be?

He showed up at the bentons'

to serve a warrant on
Freddie while I was there

and we didn't see eye
to eye on the timing of it.


No, I, uh, thought I
knew this guy pretty well

but lately he's been like a live wire

dancing on wet pavement.

Shocking behavior for a police officer.

Oh, you didn't say that, did you?

Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yes, I did.

And you look dazzling tonight.

I always look dazzling.

Oh, f.Y.I.

The paella here

is world-renowned.

We could...

Get it to go.

I don't think

that's such a great idea.

Well, it could be.

Not for me.

Because I'm black?

Um, could I get a glass of wine, please?


Well, is it?

I don't know.

Or you don't believe in
interracial relationships?

You know, uh...

Growing up in del rio, Texas

you spend a lot of time
riding the back country.

And one morning

I came over this rise and

below was a vision of poetry.

How so?

Just a rider

his horse...

And they were dancing

and the horse was gently moving

to these invisible delicate commands and...

The rider was a -year-old kid named Diego

and his horse, diablo, and...

I don't think I've ever
had a crush on a guy

like I had on Diego.

I'll never forget the look
on my grandmother's face

when I told her

we were going out.

And she asked me if I thought it was right.

I said yes.


One night, I waited four
hours outside the movie house.

He never showed up.

Two days later

they... found him

across the border.

His body was beaten.

Did anybody ever find out who did it?

No, they said it was bandits.

And you blame yourself?

Maybe I crossed some unspoken line.

And he died.

You can't carry guilt for
something you didn't do, cassy.

Well, good, that clears that up.

No, no, I mean it.

I couldn't have played as long as I did

if it wasn't for Roy Benton.

He stayed a year too long

just to teach me the pro game.

At first I blamed myself for his leg.

But it was Roy's choice to
continue playing, not mine.

Diego could have said no to you.

Yeah, maybe.

This is silly.

I thought I'd forgotten about it.

A wound has got to heal clean.

Otherwise, it's septic forever.

Maybe going out with
me will clean the wound.


Would you excuse me for just a moment?


Be right back.

Man: Yeah, Todd, I need you to go

out to the parking lot

and pick up some carts, please.

Marv, we got a clean-up, aisle five.

Marv, clean-up, aisle five.

You wash whites with colors?

I'm sorry, I beg your pardon?

You look like a single
guy who mixes his load.

That's too concentrated.

Everything will turn gray.

..Check register three, please,
price check, register three.

Try this.

It's less harsh.

Thank, thanks.

This is the first time I've seen you here.

It won't be the last.


You want to get off my car?

No friquiado, chico.

All right, get off my damn car.

Como, anglo?!

Why don't you como this, pal?

UN grande hombre con las grandes ostras.

The car's all yours, chica.

Why are you mad?


Hey. No name on the victim yet.


Double shot to the chest, small caliber.

Found these...

And these.

They were in his back pocket.

A uniform popped the trunk.

At least three kilos

of street-grade cocaine in here.

Is this the guy

who k*lled the Harrison kid?

Drug dealer we found

last night was named bartlett.

Morton confirmed the gloves

found at the scene are the same used

in the beating of Terence Harrison.

So, we're closed on the Harrison
kid but open on the dealer.

Cassy: Maybe, but Morton

said something weird.

There were no traces of
hair or skin inside the gloves.

The gloves were custom made.

Tom, did Freddie Benton corroborate

that Harrison and the
dealer knew each other?

Uh, well, actually, Harry...

You know, Tom and I decided

to hold off on interviewing Freddie

until we had some more

solid facts on the case.

Lipschitz: Well...

Looks like now would be a good time.

You two sort out what was between you?

Yeah, everything's fine.

You get that list of
Freddie Benton's friends?

I did.

Why don't you give it to me

and I'll do some prelims

before we do the formal on Freddie.

I'll, I'll do it.

With you, I mean.


What's up?


I am so tired of this crap from you.

It's nothing, okay?

I'll get over it.

Why didn't you serve and bring in

Freddie Benton?

Like you said, cassy

the timing didn't seem right.

You're such a wimp.

You don't even know!

No, you don't know!

Why did I have to find out

from Jason tremaine

that you didn't interview Freddie?

Please tell me what is so wrong with you.

I just, just leave me alone!

No, I'm not leaving you alone

until you tell me.

Just tell me.

Tell me!

I am afraid, cassy!

Of what?!

Of tremaine!


Please tell me.

I first met tremaine at Florida state.

He was a senior.

I was a...

I was a redshirt freshman.

And I knock him flat on his ass

the first scrimmage.

I mean, flat out on his ass, leveled him.

Guy gets up with a fury

like, tears my head
off, like I've never seen.

It was frightening, cassy, frightening.

The guy gets up

says, "we'll deal with it later."

What did he do?

Two weeks pass

and the guy's saying

"later's almost here, Ryan.

Later's almost here."

Then it comes and, you know

wham! The guy knocks me out, flat.

Flat out, helmet off.

I get up, thinking it's over.

It's all over now, I won't
have to go through any more.

But it's not over.

Couple nights later, he cuts me off.

He's with three offensive linemen.

I'm with some redshirts
coming home from a party

and he cuts me off.

What happened?

He said, "we got to decide

right now, redshirt, right now

who's afraid of who."

I'm trying to talk to him.

He's not listening to me at all.

He's getting more into a rage.

I got to decide, what do I do?

If I back down, I lose the respect

of all my teammates.

What am I going to do?

I backed down

I walked away.

You did the right thing.

No, he caught me, he caught me!

He kept punching me and punching me

and yelling, "are you
afraid of me yet, Ryan?

Are you afraid of me yet?"

God as my witness, I was.

You should have been.

He was out of control.

The thing that that guy did to me

the permanent Mark that he tattooed on me

was fear that I feel to this day.

Right here, right in my dumb, simple brain!

I have never seen it.

But I do!

I do.

The other night I figured it out.

I became a cop because
with a g*n and a badge

I got a shield I can hide behind.

I-I just...

Have to wave my badge.

Show my g*n.

Tom, Tom...

I'm fearless!

Don't do this to yourself.

You know why I didn't serve
Freddie Benton other night?

Because Jason tremaine
scared the hell out of me again.

Just made my testicles
crawl right back up inside.

Stop it, okay?

Just stop it, all right?!

I need to be reassured by you!

From the partnering to the dating

to the marrying

to all of it.

I need you.

And if you keep wallowing in this

you're not only going to break yourself

but you're going to break me.

And I'll be damned if I'm
going to let that happen.


Renee newsome? I'm sergeant St. John

palm beach P.D.

Look, I told Mr. Levinson

you can't serve three-day-old coffee

and call it Espresso.

Relax. I told

him that.

Relax, Renee.

We don't care about the menu.

Are you friends

with Freddie Benton?


Did you know her boyfriend, Terry Harrison?

More friend than boyfriend.

But you saw them together.


Ever meet a guy named bartlett?

I met him.



You sure?

A man that tight gets noticed around here.

Did you see him at Freddie's

the other day?

More like a week ago.

Thank you.

My dad's not here right now.

We need to talk to you.

How much longer am I
going to have to wait here?

Not much.

I didn't do anything.

We know.

Dad is going to go berserk.

Well, we're looking for him.

I thought you were
going to ask me questions.

Well, we, we asked you once.

I don't want to be here.

And you don't want to answer our questions.

I don't know anyone named bartlett, okay?


Well, I guess that's it.

Let her go.

Who can we call to come
pick you up, Freddie?

Um, what about your friend Lyle?

Um, he, he...

He's busy, I think.

Explaining to his parents what

happened to his car, right?

You do know

what happened to his
car, don't you, Freddie?

We talked to him.

Lipschitz: He said he knew


and that you did, too.

Now, the coroner thinks

your friend Terry Harrison was

probably alive throughout
the entire beating.

Figures it took ten minutes to k*ll him.

He felt every blow.

He died because of you, Freddie.


My daddy made me tell him
where I was getting the cocaine

and he said that he was only going

to go over there and talk to him

and I told him that I wanted some help.

And he said that when uncle Jason got home

he would help me.

Jason tremaine was staying

at your house?

Ah, but he wasn't there when you

got home the night of the m*rder, was he?

Find him.

I can't thank you enough, Jason.

All I owe you?

It was nothing.

You just make sure
Freddie gets into a program.

I will, buddy.

Get out of here!

Go on, get out!

Go. Go, go, go!

Here we go again, redshirt.

I guess you forgot.

Jason tremaine, you're under arrest...

You afraid of me yet, Ryan?

Never again, tremaine.

Never again.

You okay?

I'm so proud of you!

Well, I haven't done it yet.

No, I mean the way
you stood up to tremaine.

Oh. Thanks.

You don't have to do this, you know.

You've already proven yourself.

You think?

Oh, I'm sure.

Well, you know, cassy

I never could have done it without you.

Oh, what did I do?

You just gave me that extra bit

to help me overcome my fear.

What did you say?

I said without your
push, I'd still be afraid.

Without my what?



Oh, no, no, no, no!
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