07x06 - Guilt by Association

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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07x06 - Guilt by Association

Post by bunniefuu »

Woman: I was fantasizing about this

throughout the whole ceremony.

You are so bad.

You may kiss the bride.


Oh, that feels good.

Yeah, well, get used to it

because you're stuck with me now.

Until death do us part.

Oh, god, I love it when you do that!


You are so beautiful.

All of me?

Especially your teeth.

You have very talented teeth.

Well, my uncle James was a dentist.

You probably had regular
checkups three times a year.

Uncle James told me that there was no visit

that was good enough
without a thorough examination.




Tom, hi.

I hope you haven't been waiting long.

No, I just got here.

Have a seat.



I understand you sell advertising.

I do.

You're a cop.

Yes, I am.

Like it?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, sure.

How about you?

My business is competitive,
cutthroat, vicious...

I love it.

Don't I look

like a corporate carnivore?

Oh, yeah, that was my first impression.

This week is brutal.

The magazine is close to pressing

and I have open orders to fill.

Listen, if today is inconvenient...

Oh, please, lunch with a civilian

is a welcome relief.

Well, we can order a few things and share.


Okay, what looks good?

We could start with
the... eggplant versailles.

I'm not... I'm not big on eggplant.

Okay, what do you suggest?

The potatoes julienne smothered
in three cheeses looks good.

Sorry... I'm not into cheese.

Okay, no cheese.

How about the potatoes julienne

smothered in the versailles sauce?


You got a nice laugh.

Thank you.

So we take a client out on the boat

put up the sails, and boom, we're off.

I love sailing.

I've been sailing since I was a kid.

"I'm sailing!"

That's from that movie, what about Bob?

We couldn't have been out minutes

when the client gets seasick!

Excuse me.

That's work.

I got to go.

I'm sorry.

Stay, please, finish.

I'll get the check.

Thank you.

That's very sweet.

We should get together again sometime.

Well, I like to be spontaneous
about these things...

Let's see how it goes.

I'll call you.

Just pry it open.

See this?

It's still soft, it's recent.

The bumper's still straight.

This was either a low
impact collision or a push.

Why the hell would somebody

whack someone

on their wedding day?


We got any names yet?

Still running it.

How long do you think
the car was in the water?

No fish bites, no bloating.

A few hours.

How do you think the car

got in the intercoastal?

What do you mean?

There's no sign it coming
down any of the banks

there's no tire tracks anywhere.

How did it get here?


Is your marital status still quo?

Yeah, she was nice.

Just not for me.

How many times have I heard that before?

You're just too picky.

As a matter of fact

she just gabbed on and on and on all night.

Herself, clients, her job, you know.

And she might have asked

two questions about me in an hour...

Oh, and men aren't just
as selfish and insensitive.

I wouldn't know.

I've never dated a man.

But have you ever gone out with somebody

it's going well

you feel really comfortable with the person

you expect that they'll
want to see you again...

But they don't.


Railing's not even broken.

Well, if the car didn't crash through it

it would have had to have hurdled it

which is highly unlikely.

No scratches anywhere.

So the only way

it winds up under feet of water is if...

It's lifted up and dropped over.

Why would somebody want to do that?

Tom: I am open-minded

I'm open to many
different possibilities, cassy.

That's why all these women

that you meet

they last one date and then they're out.

Oh, you're keeping score?

Hello... I'm not the one who's complaining.

Hey, hey, maybe I don't
find them all that interesting.


Or... is it interested?

Your problem is

you're a little rusty.


Rusty... it's been a while

since you've flown the
friendly skies, hot shot.

It has, huh?

You're like Roy hobbs, Tom!

When you played, there was no one better.

But now, on your comeback

the players are younger,
pitchers are faster

and the rules have changed.

They have?

Yup, but you're a natural.

You just need a good trainer.

Are we still talking about dating?

Who's your trainer, hobbs?

Who's that guy that's going to get

those fast-twitch muscles twitching again?

Who's going to put that
stride back in your stroke?

Brad Pitt.

Well, I was thinking

that maybe it would help if it was

someone that you knew.


The victims were Billy chartwell

and Sandra Parker.

They were married three days ago

at her home, the Parker estate.

Is this the, uh

department store Parkers?

You got it.



Are you okay?

You notice anything different about me?

No, unless you count the
rapid eye blinking and tears.

Come on. Contacts.

No more having to wear glasses for me.

I just got them.


Yeah, they look really comfy.

It's just the adjustment period.

What did we get on the groom?

He's a solid citizen.

What about you?

Well, we think the k*lling occurred

somewhere other than
where we found the car.

Think it was a whack by two professionals.


The windows were partially down

and both victims had a
single b*llet to the head.

Tom: And no one was coerced.

Had to be two triggers.

But I'm going to talk
to the bride's parents.

It's just everywhere.


It's the adjustment.

Woman: Everyone loved her

here at work.

Why would anyone want to k*ll our child?

We'll find out.

I need to ask you about Sandra and Billy.

You know, the wedding was magnificent.

Everybody was there.

The governor was there.

She was so beautiful.

Aren't they a beautiful couple?

I'm very sorry about your loss.

Can you think

of any reason why someone
might do this to them?

No, of course not.

They were just...


How long had they known each other?

They went to college
together at Florida state.

That's where they met... and fell in love.

She was such a good girl.

Sandra was a giver

always put everyone else ahead of herself.

All this would have been hers.

The car they were driving

was registered to Paul stover.

Do you know who this is?


I was supposed to drive them

but Paul offered to loan them his car.

Mrs. Parker: He was Billy's best man.

Billy had never driven a Jaguar.

He was really excited about that.

I'm truly sorry about your loss.

Man: Having problems

with your TV?

No, we're fine.

Thank you.


No, we didn't find it.

But neither will anyone else.

Hang on.

Sandoval wants to know if
you're up for a "watch no k*ll."

We'll play.

Drop it, black.

Take it easy, white.

If I did...

You wouldn't like it.

I don't know, Tom. It's not like

it's a science or anything.

Travis, it's been a year and a half

since I seriously dated.

The laws of natural selection

have changed out there.

The laws haven't changed.

The species has mutated.

Generous, kind and sensitive

has become extinct.


And I am forever to be alone.

Of course not.

You're money, Tommy boy.


I must be an undervalued foreign currency.

What's the world made up of?


Prey... and predator.

Which are you?

You're a wolf, Tom.

You're a money wolf.

I am.

You're at the zoo.

There's a bamboo rat exhibit

and a wolf exhibit.

Which will you go see?

What is a bamboo rat?

The wolf, and why?

Because it's dangerous.

It's evocative, it's...

It's powerful. It's
regal, it's... beautiful.

No, it's a predator

at the top of the food chain

and all below are either a meal

or afraid.

Now, be the wolf, Tom.

Be the money.

Travis, why can't I meet
an interesting woman

just being myself?

You want to be yourself, see a shrink.

Not every woman can love the wolf.

What about guys with... brains

and a sense of humor?


Hi, Travis.

How long have you and the ape man

over there been going out

three years.

And who was the guy before Hercules?

Oh, you mean David.

David, right.

A very nice guy

wasn't he?

How long were you with him?

Two very long weeks.

Man: Heather!

Are you spotting me or what?

Get over here.

Coming, honey.

Thank you.


Mm, best man is waiting for us

in the interrogation room.

Lab report.

On the, uh, Jaguar.

Is there... something different about you?

Stop it, cass.

It's me without the rust.

That's all.


So... the paint scrapings were recent?

Uh, yeah. Check paragraph four.

Frame members were cut open?


As were the inside wheel Wells.

And the, uh, engine compartment panels.

What do you want to do about him?

dr*gs, jewelry, money?

Well, he's young.

Let's go for dr*gs.

Let's go.

Have a seat, Mr. Stover.

I'm sergeant St. John

and this is my partner, sergeant Ryan.

I saw it on the morning news.

You pulled my car out of water?

We did.

Oh, man, that's salt
water, it's got to be totaled.

Can I see it?

We'll let you know when we can release it.

We understand you were a friend of Billy's.


We were in school together

from kindergarten to college.

What do you do, Mr. Stover?


Of what?

Primarily kitchen items.

Dishware, place mats,
flatware, things like that.

Was Billy involved in anything illegal?

If he was, I was unaware of it.

Which one was the cokehead?

Did you find cocaine in the car?

Just answer the question,
please, Mr. Stover.

Neither of them. Why?

You never saw Billy using

marijuana, speed, cocaine, anything?


I mean, we all partied good

when we were young

I guess Billy more than most

but I don't think

Billy was a user.

And what about his job?

Could he have any enemies there?

He sold jewelry.

But I don't know much about...

Did he ask you to loan him your car?

No, Sandra said she wanted to do

something before making the plane.

Where were they stopping?

She wasn't specific.

Well, what do you think?

Sandra ran hotter than the car.

Are you saying that they
stopped for a quickie?

I feel bad even saying it.

Cassy: So weird.

Whines about his car

flatlines about the
death of his... "Friend."

Loans $, car to his best friend

and implies that he might
have a drug problem.

Ooh, would you please cut this out?

Yeah, okay.

Now, whoever ripped open that car

must have been looking

for something that belonged to stover.

And where does a young guy get

$, to buy a car like that?

Tom? Cassy?

We're over here, Mr. Wonder.

Harry, are you sure these contacts fit?

Doc, told me, first couple
of days are going to be rough

but after that, a schtickl strudel.

Oh, yes.

We found the m*rder scene.

Cassy: But we still

don't have a motive.

And if the bride and groom were as nice

as everybody claims then...

This isn't about them.

It loops back to stover.

It's his car they cut up.

Well, okay. Why k*ll the newlyweds?

Why not just knock them out

tie them up and then dissect the car?

"Something is rotten in Denmark."

"In the state of Denmark"

"something is rotten in
the state of Denmark."

Everybody gets it wrong.

You still dating that theater
professor from Florida state?

He took me to see Shakespeare...


You sound thrilled.

Well, it was the third one in a month.

It was a student production of Hamlet...

In mime.


How does that work?

Very quietly.

And boy, was I glad

when everybody died in the end.

Keith, can you grab some
sh*ts of this for me, please?

Came off the main road...

Left the clearing, here.


So what's he like?


Oh, the professor?

He's a nice guy.

Nothing wrong with a nice guy.

He's very insightful.

And he's sensitive

and what I really like about him

is that he listens

to what I have to say.

Sorry, what's that?

Very cute.

Okay, here's where the car is parked...

There's the second set of tracks.

Truck... look at this.

Truck comes in around the front of the car.

Leaves here.

Cassy: There's two set of tracks

coming in...

Both: Only one going out.

Why did you k*ll them, Kate?

Same question I was going to ask you.

Want a drink?

Why would I k*ll him?

Billy was my best friend.

Gee, and I thought I was.

You created the rodeo.

Me, I just saddle the horses.

Two people are dead, Kate.

That's a big clue that
things are getting dangerous.

Now... everything was in the car, right?


So, all we have to do is be very still

until they return it to us, right?



Why don't we work up an appetite

and then have dinner.


When are you going to tell me

your real name, black?

This question coming

from someone who calls herself "white"?

Wouldn't you just die

if I told you that my first name was Betty?

Here's their floor.

Travis: Tell me about her.

Tom: Great body.

Impeccable, flawless.

I mean, she must work out every day.

Did I say great body?

No, no, no, Tom.

Tom, you got to be a primo reader of women.

I mean, look at the way she moves.

Her body language.

Never met a mirror she didn't like.

Very demanding.

You can't handle it, you're history.

You know her that well?

Don't know her.

Why are we doing this?

This is the hunt, Tom.

You must know the prey before you stalk.

Only a reckless predator

goes after the impossible prey.

Quit making eye contact!

I'm not.

Yes, you are!

It's very bad technique.

Send the vibe.

Let her know you're money.

Let her scent your danger.



Straggler from the pack.

Unprotected from the rest of the herd

and without a mate.

That's very good.

It's close to insightful.

I'd say she's down-to-earth

honest, not pretentious

but still fun.

Open to new possibilities.

She's the perfect target.

And cassy scoffed at me

for watching the discovery channel.


Are you hitting on me?

So, I'm holding on to this bar

and I'm running like a banshee

and suddenly there's no ground underneath.


I'm , feet in the air.

I'm hang gliding off of a mountain.

It was amazing.

I was so turned on.

Did I say something wrong?

Oh, no, no.

Every day I'm , feet in the air

with no ground underneath.

What do you do?

I'm a cop, Meg.

A homicide d*ck.

Well, I think that's awesome.



Hazard of the job.

I was att*cked by a professional boxer

with a tire iron.

It was either sh**t him in the knee

or I could fight him.

I gave as good as I got.

Of course, I don't remember

spending three weeks in the hospital.


You know, I've never
really kissed a cop before.

Well, we don't bite unless we're cornered.

Call me.

Will you stop it, Paul?

It's not your fault.

Who else is there to blame, Kate?

The car was hot.

There's no way

you could have known what would happen.

I should have been smarter.

After what we've taken from the Colombians

it was only a matter of time

before they came after us.

It's done.

All that matters now is the money.

Did you get the passport and the tickets?

Should be at my office.

When do you call sandoval?

Five minutes.

You want to leave town right now?


No, there's too much money involved.

Just another hours.

Sandoval and I will
conclude the transaction.

You and I will be on a
plane to the Caymans.

Do you want me to talk to sandoval?

No, I square it and everything's cool.

From your lips.


Tom: Hey.

Remember me?

It's Tom Ryan.

If it isn't my Mick cop.

You can't call me a Mick anymore, Fred.

That's not p.C.

You know what p.C. Really stands for?

Public conduct.

What p.C. Really does

is make the person talk differently

not think differently.

Well, if you walk the walk,
maybe you'll talk the talk.

Jim crow is dead, Rosa Parks is celebrated

Martin Luther King has a holiday.

And I still have to
show three pieces of I.D.

To cash a check at the market

I've been going to for ten years.

That's probably because

you're one of the greatest
forgers ever to live, Fred.

Was a forger.

I paint cars now.

All above board.

All above board.

Never sh**t a single
layer on a hot car anymore?

Never do, Mr. Po-liceman.

Still take a rush job?

Where you headed with this, Ryan?

There's been a homicide.

The victims' car was hit
and pushed by a truck.

Lab says that the color's a perfect match

for the U.S. post office.

We don't think they're involved.

It's illegal to replicate

a government-coordinate color scheme

without prior approval from said agency.

And a fine law that is, Fred.

Sometimes you do get too busy

to double-check the approval, don't you?

You do?

Did I ever tell you

I did not like Mick cops?

I'm the only cop you do like.

I had a rush job a couple of days ago.

There was a company
doing an audition commercial.

They were trying to
land a federal contract.

They wanted a semi tow truck
painted in the color scheme.


Acme something.

Thank you.

How's my son?

Well, it probably wouldn't k*ll you

to ask him yourself.

It's kind of late to be
swinging back into his life.

He's doing great, Fred.

You'd be proud of him.

I am.

Excuse me, I've got to get in there.

It's my lunch hour.

What can I do for you?

Palm beach police department.

Is there a Mr. Applegate
that works in there?

He pays my checks.

I'm Amber.

Ryan, Tom Ryan.

Detective Tom Ryan

and I'd like to speak to Mr. Applegate...

He's not there.

Is he out of town?

Could be.

I've never seen him.

Does he ever come in?

Not since I've worked there.

How long has that been?

Two years.

Is this his office?

It is.

And he never comes in?


Is this his signature?

I wouldn't know.

And you've worked here two years?

Three months and two days.

Doesn't he get letters?

Answer phone calls? Write checks?

There's never any mail.

The phone never rings.

And no business gets done that I know of.

How do you get paid?

A check is slipped under
the door every Friday

before I get in.

Pardon me for asking, but
what exactly do you do there?

My nails, mostly.

Occasionally, the young and the restless.

And... something I might
be willing to share with you

once we know each other better.

You didn't rent out a truck, did you?


My turn.

Do you like being a cop?

Oh, yeah.

Do you carry a piece?

Of course.

You know how to use it?

I'm an expert.

I would love to learn more about you.

I think that could be arranged.



If you're nice to me.

Hmm, I think that can be arranged.


Hey. Ready?


Thank you.


Why not tip the d.E.A. To sandoval?

Well, he's letting us live, Paul.

We hack on him now and
he'll contract us from prison.

But that would take time.

You and I would have
completely vanished by then, Kate.

This is good.

Get the car.



Did you get the delivery?

What do you mean, no?

Oh, damn her.

All right, look

give me a couple of
hours to find Kate and I'll...

Thanks, Kate.

I owe you.

Is it time?

Let's do it.


What are you thinking?

Oh... nothing.

That's what I do all day long.

You know, I, I really, uh...

I really got to get going to work

how about you?

Mm... yeah.

Today could be the day

the phone actually rings once.

Um... I'll get you coffee
while you get dressed.

What's your hurry?


Well, you know, I really should be...

I was hoping for an encore performance.

Oh. Well, I think

the orchestra is all played out.

Oh... come on.

What happened to that animal

from last night

the one who said he couldn't be tamed?

You know, it was great, Amber

but it, it's, really not me.

Fooled me.

I'm just not that guy, Amber.

So... tell me who you really are.


I'm, I'm a guy who...

Who's still trying to capture
that song in his head.

A guy who lost his wife's engagement ring

in the sand.

And who gave her everything in the divorce

because I thought she needed it.

What a dumb thing to do.

Yeah, maybe.

But, that's me.

And if we're going to be
spending time together

that's the person that you
have to know... and like.

Why complicate things?

We're both adults.

We knew what we came here for.

Yeah, oh, yeah.


But it, just, it...

It didn't work out the way I'd hoped.

Should I be taking this personally?

Oh! No. No, please

you're... no, you're great, you're...

This is about me.

Most guys would k*ll to
be in a situation like this.


You're a nice guy.

That's what they say.


Good luck.


You seen cassy?

Yeah, she went to meet
some guy from the d.E.A.

What are you doing?

Tom, it's no use.

Every time I get the lens near my eye

I blink.

Harry, I'm not an optometrist

but I got a suggestion.


Don't blink.

You know... this is a
cockamamie idea, anyway.

I read an article about
all of the germs and junk

that gets trapped underneath those things.

Thank god I already didn't
do permanent damage.

Harry, take it from me.

You look great with those glasses.

You think so?

I know so. Just...

Just do me a favor.

What? You got it.

Stop doing that thing you do.

What thing do I do?

That... thing you do.

I do something with my glasses

that irritates you?

My mistake.

Yeah, what?

Yeah... Tom.



Got it.

Security from cypress
vine warehouse found a d.B.

In one of their units.

I'm on it. Call cassy, page her

tell her to meet me there.

Tom, are you sure there's nothing I do

with my glasses that irritates you?


So what's he talking about?


Run this paint.

See if it matches the chip

we got off the Jaguar.



Graveyard shift security guard found her.

Same m.O. On the k*ll?

Single b*llet, huge caliber.

Had to be at least a . mag or a ..

Well, unless somebody
was in town hunting elephants

I'd say it'd have to be our same hitters.

What did you kick up on stover?

Nothing unusual.

Graduated from Harvard business school.

Worked for the d.E.A.,
quit after two years.

Bought himself a $, Jaguar

two months after setting up

his own company.

And people question
the vitality of capitalism.

Harry's got an a.P.B. Out on him.

Rental agreement.

Semi was leased

out of Miami to...

Acme consolidated.

That's a shell company. Paul stover's...


No, no... no, go ahead.

You first. You first.

Um, name of stover's company

was acme consolidated.

That's the same name I got

when I checked out the paint.

But the receptionist
gave me a different owner.

Hey, think stover had a silent partner

he was stealing from?

Cassy: Woman at the warehouse?

Kate donner, owner of
donner jewelry exchange.

Employer of young died-in-his-Jaguar

on-his-honeymoon Billy?

Mm-hmm. He sh**t, he scores.

Let's tell Harry.

Harry, we think

we got it but we want your input.

Well... that's what I'm here for.

See if you like this.

Stover steals from his partner

partner finds out about it

demands money.

Could have a lot of reasons...

Stover stalls, tells
silent partner the money

and/or dr*gs are in the Jaguar.

I'd go with the...

Silent partner buys a pair of thugs.

They take the car

they cut it open, find nothing.

Who, after they...

Thugs tell silent partner, who is miffed.

He tells thugs to k*ll Billy and Sandra

to send stover a message.

But... stover gets


but he decides to frame the... girlfriend?


Go with the girlfriend.

Okay, girlfriend with

silent partner who leaves her dead

for the final message to stover.

There's still a problem.


Where's my stuff?

Exactly. He can't k*ll stover.

So where would stover be?

I don't know.

He'd be near the loot

which I would guess he stashed

with the donner woman.

Yes, I'm calling to confirm

that your flight to Paris is on time.

It is? Thank you.

We're alcohol, tobacco and firearms.

We got a situation on .

Shut down elevator banks two and three

and k*ll the fire alarms.

Other agents will be arriving shortly.

Alert us and send them up on bank one only.

And block any other entry.

Hold the line for us, man.

We don't want waco again.

They're on their way.



Palm beach police. It's okay.

Give me your g*n.

What are you going to do?

Steal second.

Paul stover

you're under arrest.

Hey, Tommy.

You ready for another lesson

from the master?

Actually, I've decided to retire

from the ranks of the wolf pack.

Wait a minute.

What's up?

I've been doing a lot of thinking.

Always a dangerous thing in this game.

You know, I tried this.

It's just not right for me

doesn't feel right.

Trust me, Tommy, you want

the beautiful babes

you got to have the courage to change.

No, what I have to have the courage to do

is be myself, be who I am

just a regular guy, you know.

There's no changing that, Travis.

Somewhere out there there's a woman

who will appreciate that

and I'll just have to be patient

and wait for it.

That's very old school, Tom.

Yeah, but it's me.

You're in for some lonely nights.

Yeah, and a lot more blind dates

I'm sure, but, uh...

It's all part of the adventure, right?

Go get 'em, pal.

We'll see you.
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