02x13 - Overkill

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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02x13 - Overkill

Post by bunniefuu »


The movie's ready,
and I got dinner

Set up on the coffee table.

Fritz: I'm coming. Oh...

What happened?

[Brenda sighing]

What's going on?

You left the patio door open,

Which I have told
you one billion times

Not to do.

Where's kitty? Kitty?

Here, kitty, kitty kitty, kitty.


Kitty, where are you?



Psst, psst. Kitty.

To eat.

To eat.

Let's to eat, kitty.



Kitty? Kitty, kitty.

Psst, psst, psst, kitty.

To eat.

To eat, oh...

Kitty, kitty, kitty.



To eat?

She's not in the back.


Kitty, kitty,
kitty kitty, kitty...

Kitty, kitty,
kitty, kitty, kitty.

We'll walk the block.

Poor kitty.

He's probably terrified.

She... She's probably terrified.

And while we're out,
we'll leave the door open

And we'll put some
food out for her.

Kitty! Oh!

Oh! Kitty?

Kitty? Fritz, I told you
not to leave the door open!

Oh, kitty.

Come back here this instant!


Kitty, kitty,
kitty kitty, kitty...

Kitty? Kitty?

[Cell phone rings]



Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.


Hey, jerry, what's up?


Oh, no.

No, not yet. Why?

Kitty! Yeah, ok.

Yeah. I can work
this case for you.

[Sighing] oh, I see.

He's there already?

No, no, no. Put him on.

Somebody tried to
m*rder a protected witness

At one of our safe
houses here in l.a.

k*lled the guy's wife
and an fbi agent instead.

Gabriel is there, and
he wants to talk to you.

Good evening, sergeant gabriel.


All right, where do
you need me to be?

Captioning made
possible by warner bros.

You have a safe house
next to a race track?

It's not mine. It's the fbi's.


Let me get tim hecht,

And I'll find you in a minute.

So, sergeant, what
do we have here?

A big mess.

Possibly a sh**t.

We've blocked off the crime
scene and set up our equipment.

But the fbi investigates
the death of federal agents,

And they aggressively

Do not want any
more of our help.

They actually drove
through our crime scene tape

And put up their own.

Daniels: fancy, isn't it?

So we're all gloved up

And no place to go.

Isn't one of the victims

The wife of a protected witness?

Yes, ma'am, and I
thought that made it

Partly our case,

But apparently...

The protected witness

Is sitting over
there in the garage.

Some old mafia guy.

He was in the back of the suv.

Saw the whole thing.

I'm guessing we have

A little jurisdictional problem.

No. We don't.

[Southern drawl] miss
scarlett to the rescue.

Excuse me, ma'am.
Excuse me, ma'am?

Deputy chief johnson, lapd.

Ma'am, excuse me,
please. Please stop!

You're interfering with
a federal investigation.

I am?

Oh, excuse me. One second.

Lieutenant tao,

Would you please have s.i.d.

Shut down our
work lights, please?

You can't do that.

We need the lights on so
that we can do our work,

All right?


Hey! Hey! Hold on!

You'll be needing
this, I believe.

Special agent tim hecht,

Meet deputy chief
brenda johnson.

Charmed, I'm sure.

Hecht: that's agent doherty

In the driver's seat.

He was baby-sitting
my protected witness

Martin deluca.

That's deluca's wife, michelle.

Her husband was
seated behind her.

Where were they going?

It was their third
wedding anniversary.

We'd arranged a dinner
at a nearby restaurant.

It wasn't just business
with the delucas.

They were more like family.

I'm so sorry, agent hecht.

I suppose that's
partly why you arrived

At the crime scene so quickly.

Marty telephoned
me. I told him to call 911

And to sit still

Until your people
could get here.

Does this safe house

Come equipped with
a monitoring system?

Yes. Apparently,
it was disabled.

How did that happen?

We're looking into it.

So you said that agent doherty

Was baby-sitting the delucas.

Where were you?

I had an appointment

With the u.s. Attorney's office

About the upcoming trial.

This ambush wouldn't
have happened

On my watch.

Martin's here to testify?

In 48 hours.

He's testifying against
joseph dellamonte.

He's a big-time mob boss.

She knows who

The dellamonte
crime family is, tim.

Marty deluca worked for
joseph dellamonte's father.

Well, first thing's first.

We need to get mr. Deluca

Transferred to our...

Hold it. Hold it. Hold it.

You're not taking him anywhere.

He is in federal custody.

I need to question him.

Excuse me. Wait a minute.

We are responsible
for deluca's safety.

You're doing a bang-up job.

Chief pope, a federal
agent is down.

That makes this
crime scene ours.

Is mr. Deluca's wife
a federal agent, too?

No. Lieutenant provenza,
lieutenant flynn,

If you'd take charge
of the witness, please?


Special agent howard
and agent hecht, right?

My office in two hours

After chief johnson has a chance

To interview deluca.

Will, I can't agree to this.

If you don't agree, don't come.

That sound fair to
everybody? Good.

Pardon me.

Flynn: let's go.

You never m*rder your own blood.

You never k*ll a guy's family.

You never take out a
federal agent... Never.

This new dellamonte

They're like t*rrorists.


Can you walk me through exactly

What happened
before the sh**ting?

Um, michelle and
i... That's my wife...

We got ready for dinner.

Agent doherty was driving.

Nice kid.

Very respectful.

We entered the garage
through the kitchen,

Got into the suv,

And I usually sat up front,

But michelle's stomach
hasn't been right

Since she lost our baby
a couple of weeks ago.

So, anyway, i...
I had her take...

Ohh... Excuse me.

I had her take my seat.

And then?

Agent doherty opened the garage,

And as we started to back out,

Some guy stepped
out in front of us

And started firing.

So, I guess, doherty's
foot hit the gas pedal,

And we backed down the
driveway and hit a tree.

And he was dead.

So I grabbed his g*n.

And as the k*ller
came toward me,

I fired at him, and he ran off.

Then I heard his car
start and drive away

As I tried to get to my wife.

Did you see his face?


I didn't recognize him, though.

This joey dellamonte's
got all these new people

Surrounding him now.

But the sh**t
stepped into the headlight

Right before he opened up on us.

And I saw him.

I called, "watch
out!" To my wife.

But there was no
place for michelle to go.

I ducked...

And she died.

Anybody else would've
done the same thing.

Chief, we've got him
looking through photos

Of known associates
of the dellamonte family.

As soon as someone
pops out at him,

We'll have gabriel
start looking.


Pardon me.

Thank you so much, sir.

Taylor: agent hecht
has all the casings,

b*ll*ts, and the m*rder w*apon

Collected from the crime scene,

And he's refusing to share.

I told you already,
commander, you can have

Access to all the
evidence you want

When you return deluca to me.

Ok. Let's just talk about
exactly how we might run

This joint investigation.

Wh... There is no
joint investigation.

I'm afraid you'll have
to return deluca

To agent hecht.

I'm sorry. Deluca stays here.

What? Where do you get
the authority to hold him?

He's in my building

Surrounded by hundreds
of police officers.

I think that's all
the authority I need.

That's extortion.

Yeah. Take a minute
and get over it.

Chief johnson,

If special agent howard
ultimately agrees

To a joint investigation,

Have you given any thought
to how we might proceed?

Uh, well, first, we
need to figure out

How the m*rder*r

Could have known of
mr. Deluca's whereabouts.

So I need the fbi to obtain
phone and email records

Of everyone with access
to that information.

Then I'd like to question
joseph dellamonte,

Who's currently in
federal detention.

And I'd like lieutenant tao

To examine the b*ll*ts,
casings, and weapons involved.

Oh! And a list of everyone

Against whom mr. Deluca
agreed to testify.

That would be nice.

You're kidding.

She's not, actually.

And in return,

We will share custody of
deluca with agent hecht,

Who may stay with him
at an lapd safe house,

Which will be the
cheapest two-bedroom

Hotel suite we can
find on short notice.

With flynn and provenza.

Want to make agent hecht
as comfortable as possible.

Hecht: 10 years of research,

4 Years of active surveillance,

Two years of trial preparation,

Trying to bring the
dellamonte family

To justice.

And in two days,

Martin deluca is required by law

To step into a courtroom,

Raise his right hand,

And tell the truth
about joseph dellamonte!

And custody of his person

Will return to me!

And if you do anything
to interfere with that,

And I mean anything...


What am I supposed to accomplish

In that amount of time?

Solve the case. Please.

Yes, mama, I know some
people take pictures

Of their pets, but I did not.

No. Of course,
kitty didn't run away.

I take very good care of him.

Her. Her!

You take good care of her.

Fritz left the door open.

Give me the phone.

Give me the phone!

Well, he's not used to
having responsibility

For a pet.

You know what?

You are driving
me crazy right now.

Across the board.

Mama, did you take
a picture of the cat

Or not?

Ok, good. I'd appreciate that.

No, no, no.

Have jim email it to me at home.

Ok. You'll be the first to know.

I love you, too.


Gabriel: so, here's
the guy deluca thinks

Might be the
sh**t... Tom cali.

Here's his file.

Tom cali's a soldier/enforcer

For dellamonte.

He's got arrests
going back 10 years

For as*ault and fraud.

Last month, he vanished.

He was reported
missing by his wife.

Sometimes these guys
lay low for a while

Before a hit.


Uh, do we know yet how
the monitoring system

At the safe house was disabled?

Well, the fbi said they'd
get back to me on that,

But they have not.

Let me see what I can do.

Detective daniels,

Do we have the phone
and email records

From deluca's
security detail yet?


In the spirit of
honest cooperation,

I'll make sure

You have all those
things before noon.

Lieutenant tao,
tell me we got lucky

Tracing the g*n
that k*lled the victims.


We did an acid test
to see if we could find

A registration
number... No luck.

No prints on the
w*apon or the a*mo clip.

And we found all 4 sh*ts

From the g*n deluca
took from agent doherty.


How are we doing on our attempt

To interview joseph dellamonte?

We're having a hard
time getting him out of

The federal detention
center for a visit.

Ok. Let me get you a writ.

I've got the judge's
number right here.

You know what I can't stand?

Everybody treats
these mafia hoods

Like they're something special.

Dellamonte, deluca...

If these weren't
white guys in suits,

You would just ignore
them, right, fritz?

That's enough,
detective sanchez.

Uh, hello. Lapd
detective sanchez.

Could you hold
for just a second?

Thank you.

It's for you.

Special agent fritz
howard of the fbi.

To whom am I speaking, please?

Listen, I'm sorry, fellas,

But I'm not very hungry.

We have to put some food out.

You don't want it, don't eat.

What happened, tim, huh?

What happened?

Marty, I'm really sorry.

Look, we got guys
working on this

Every which way,

But you got to concentrate

On your testimony.

Dellamonte has to be punished

For k*lling michelle.

By doing what?

Sending him to jail
for the rest of his life?

What difference does that make

To michelle now, huh?

Whoa, marty,
marty, do me a favor.

Step away from that fence.

And you got to
put on one of these.

Yeah. For my safety, right?

Here you go.

Used to be, you took a guy out,

There were rules.

Don't sh**t him in his house,

Don't hit his wife, and
never your own blood.


Nowadays, it's hard dr*gs,

Identity theft,
illegal arms deals.

And it's coast to coast, too.

No more territories anymore.

And no respect, either.

No loyalty.

No honor.

And on my third
anniversary, too.

What a thing to do.

What a thing to do.

Man: marty was a k*ller,
a guy who shot people

My pop didn't like

In the back of their heads.

I don't need hit men.

My family runs a
legitimate business now.

Joseph, please, don't talk.

Prison food's making me sick.

They followed through
on the pastry platter.

I'll live up to my
end of the bargain.

Mmm. Nice.

I'm not gonna say anything

That's gonna get me in trouble

'Cause I'm clean.

I didn't even know
marty had a wife.

Who would marry him, anyway?

So this is the guy
who finally brought

A successful version
of the mafia to l.a.

Well, looks like he flosses,
you know, goes to the gym.

Also has an mba

From harvard business school.

And if I'm not mistaken,

Waxes his eyebrows.

Brenda: mr. Goodman,
this is not a courtroom.

Save your speeches
for the jury, please.

Miss johnson,

I am offended by the implication

That I would try and knock off

Marty deluca

When he doesn't know
anything about me.

Besides, I work differently

Than my father, miss johnson...

Not with v*olence,

But by identifying
and exploiting

The weaknesses
of my adversaries,

Knowing the person

Who sits opposite
the table from me.

It's how I win.

Mmm. Come on, come on.

Have one.

So you're not afraid of
martin deluca's testimony?

He's only talking to the fbi

Because nobody
else will listen to him.

He's a dinosaur.

Sipping espresso
with his pinky in the air,

Yapping about tradition,

And just when it hits marty

What a nobody he is,

The bureau makes
him feel like a big man.

Right? Gives him a house,

Takes him around the country

To spread lies
about my business.

We got you on tape to
deluca ordering a hit

On a bartender who
slept with your ex-wife.

Goodman: yeah,

You have martin
deluca calling joseph

In the middle of the night

And attempting to entrap him

While on the federal payroll.

That's tom cali. Does
his name ring a bell?

He's a friend of yours?

Mr. Deluca identified him

As the man who k*lled his
wife and agent doherty.

Tom cali isn't my friend.

In fact, last I heard of cali,

He was hanging out
with agent hecht, too.

Though, I haven't
spoken to anyone

Who's seen him recently.

Have you?

[Cell phone rings]

Oh, sorry.

Excuse me.


Ronald goodman.


[Scoffs] who is this?

Mr. Goodman!

It's for you.

Chief johnson.

I am looking through
the phone dumps of

All the people who knew
where deluca was being held.

You are calling
me on the phone of

Joseph dellamonte's
defense attorney.

Do you know that?

Yes, ma'am, I got the number

From agent hecht's cell records.

Agent hecht's also
been talking to tom cali.

Thank you, lieutenant tao.

I'll be right out.

There is a line between
a vigorous defense

And a criminal conspiracy,

And if I find out that
you have crossed it...

What's with the crown royal bag?

I keep my g*n in it
when I'm off duty.

It was marty's idea.

The bags are supple.
Helps keep the g*n dry.

Plus, it looks snazzy in
the glove compartment.

Yeah? Hey, provenza.

You should try keeping your g*n

In one of these things.

You think?

[Cell phone ringing]


Oh, hey, chief. Uh-huh.

Um, yeah.



No. Why?

Hey, hecht.

Uh, you mind bringing
some of those plates, huh?

Astros beat the cards.

How are my dodger
boys doing, huh?

You want to wash or dry?

Put your hands up
on the windowsill

Where I can see them.

You're making a big mistake.

Yeah. Whatever.

Now, you listen to me real good.

I'm gonna disarm you,

And if you make one move,

Your brains go out that
window, you understand?


Hey, provenza!

You want to come in here?

I could use a hand.

Got a little bit of
a mess to deal with.

Maybe you two
should take mr. Deluca

Someplace else
for the time being.

There's never anyone in the gym.


Mr. Deluca, I'm so
sorry for the fuss.

How you holding up?

This is all a big mistake.

Tim is the only guy
in the world I trust.

He always has my back.

Well, it's been my experience

The guy that's got
your back usually is

The person that
sticks a knife in it.

Yeah. And I love you, too.

Tim was best man at my wedding.

He paid for the
anniversary dinner

Michelle and I were going to.

I help him in his work.

He would never,
ever try and k*ll me.


I understand your
feelings, mr. Deluca.

But there's still some questions

That I need answered.

Tao: chief.

Excuse me.

So... Huh?

Yeah. Yeah. That's it.

Yeah. When you finish
dressing up your g*n

In your little handbag,

You and your pal

Want to join me in the gym?


Ahem. See, another
nice thing about this bag

Is how much it pisses flynn off.

I like it that you
always try to see

The bright side, provenza.

Well, sunny disposition, marty.

That's how I get through

All the bullshit around here.


This is the w*apon that
k*lled agent doherty

And michelle deluca.

The hammer has been shaved down,

So it won't snag if
it's drawn quickly.

And these grips? Custom-made.

So we are dealing with
a professional hit man.

Thank you, lieutenant tao.

That's very helpful.

Hey... If someone
shaved down the hammer

And customized the
grips, isn't it possible

They've modified the g*n
in other ways as well?


When s.i.d. Looked for prints,

Did they also look
inside the w*apon?

They did not.

Could you do it right now?

I might need some help
from s.i.d. Personnel,

And they're really backed up.

Why don't you just give them

Their usual incentive,
and I'll reimburse you.

Hecht flew into
flagstaff two weeks ago.

Stayed 14 hours.

Then went right back to d.c.

But I checked with mr. Deluca

In a roundabout way,

And he said that hecht

Hadn't checked in on them

In a couple of months

Until he came to
drive with them to l.a.

Does hecht have any
other protected witnesses

In flagstaff or the
surrounding area?


So, then, why would
he fly to flagstaff

And not check in on marty?

Why not just wait and
do what he had to do

3 Days ago when he
flew to flagstaff

To take them to l.a.?

Have we figured out how
the monitoring system

On the safe house was shut down?

It was on its own circuit.

Somebody flipped
the breaker about

10 Minutes after
hecht logged out.

So hecht flies to flagstaff

And doesn't check
in on his witness.

He calls dellamonte's
lawyer and tom cali

From his own cell phone.

And then he leaves the
safe house just seconds

After the monitoring
system is shut off.

Well, I don't know
what his explanation is

For all this,

But I can't wait to hear it.

Taylor: washington won't give us

Agent hecht's personnel file,

And they want us
to hand him over now.

And deluca with him.

And frankly, I'm beginning
to think this whole mess

Looks like a problem for
the justice department.

Well, actually,

Maybe this isn't the best moment

For the fbi to
investigate itself.

Well, all I can say
for sure is that

I haven't had enough
time to prepare

For this interview.

We can't hold an fbi
agent much longer

Without some good evidence.

All right, buzz.

Can you get me the
earpiece, please?

Here you go. Thank you.

Lieutenant tao's working
on something for me.

So if he has some good news,

I want to hear about it.

Yes, ma'am. Thank you.

Oh, uh, better if I do this one

Without you.

Why is that?

I'm gonna have to do

A little bit of what
I do to you at home.

What the hell is
going on in here?

Agent hecht,

Would you like to have a seat?

I am an agent of

The federal bureau
of investigation.

You cannot pull me
in here at gunpoint

And question my integrity.

Agent hecht,

I'm trying to clear your name.

Do you think that
the lapd had anything

To do with raising
these trust issues?

Of course not.

This is entirely
the fault of the fbi.

They insisted we disarm you.

In fact, if it weren't
for the lapd,

Agent howard...

So when you're at home,

Does she blame
you for everything?

Well, lately.

Your apartment
and computer files

Right now.

Hecht: why? I don't understand.

You knew where the delucas

Were staying.

You logged out
of their safe house

10 Minutes before
the monitoring system

Was shut down.

You planned their night out,

But you didn't go with them.

I had a meeting with
the u.s. Attorney

About the trial.

After 3 successful
prosecutions together,

And 3 more to come, by the way,

I know how lawyers
need to treat marty

On the stand.

All right, listen, agent hecht,

I'm just gonna be
perfectly blunt

Because your bosses

Are gonna tell
you the same thing

When you go in for
your polygraph...

My polygraph?!

Why am I being given
a lie detector test?

Agent howard has
proposed a theory

That mr. Deluca

Doesn't really know
very much about

The dellamonte organization,

That his testimony

Consists largely of information

That you have given
him to memorize,

That you're suborning perjury.

That is a lie!

Martin deluca

Is the only member of
the dellamonte family

To ever turn state's evidence,

And I'm the one that
convinced him to do it.

Hey, don't get mad at me.

I'm just the messenger.

Marty and I tell each
other everything.



There is no coaching necessary.

And then there's
the stuff with you

And tom cali.

Tom cali.

What does he have
to do with this?

Marty picked cali's
photograph out of

A packet of known
dellamonte associates

And identified him
as the sh**t.

And agent howard
has learned that you

And tom cali were
spending time together.

Cali's got nothing
to do with this.

Do you know where he is?

Have you seen him?


Why did you go to
flagstaff two weeks ago

And stay there for 14 hours?

Michelle deluca
had to visit a doctor

For a female thing,

And the fbi screens

All professional
contacts like that.

Physicians, dentists...

Mr. Deluca said
he didn't see you.

Is he lying?


And I thought you
told each other



I've just got one last
bit of business here.

These are your
cell phone records,

And along with, um,

Several calls
made to tom cali...

3 Days ago, you apparently made

Contact with ronald goodman,

Joseph dellamonte's
defense attorney.

And I was wondering

If you'd like to share with me

What you and ronald goodman

Had to discuss.

Buzz: chief,

Lieutenant tao
found a thumbprint

Inside the m*rder w*apon.

I am not gonna answer that.

And if you ask me
one more question,

I'm invoking my
right to counsel.

If you need a lawyer,

I hear dellamonte
has a good one.

And you already have his number.

Chief, lieutenant tao

Found a clean thumbprint
on the m*rder w*apon.

It was on the frame
underneath the left grip.

Pristine. Ran it through afis.

Got a match.

Oh, this just gets worse.

You know this man?


He's a professionally
trained k*ller,

But not by the mob.

Then by whom?

By the united states government.

He was a sn*per,
honorably discharged

After the first gulf w*r.

Now he's a small
arms entrepreneur.

Basically, a
licensed g*n dealer.

So if you know him,
maybe hecht does, too.

Has the bureau been
actively tracking

This man's whereabouts?

Yeah, well, sort of.

Tao: you don't have
to go too much

Out of your way.

Moran keeps a schedule
on his web calendar. See?

It's a list of g*n shows
he's appearing at this month.

Gabriel: moran gets around.

Is he in san diego now?

Maybe not last night.

He doesn't look much
like tom cali, does he?

Maybe he just sold
tom cali the w*apon.

You know, I can impress
on the san diego pd

How much we want
moran picked up.

How soon?

That would be very
much appreciated,

Commander, thank you.

We don't have time for this.

It'll take hours for
moran to get here,

And I can't download stuff.

It's just a picture.

But I have to print it out,

And it's always a problem!

Look, if you want to go
home and look around

And see if kitty has come back,

Why don't you just say so?

I want to go home

And see if kitty's come back.

See? That wasn't so hard.

[Elevator door dings]

Oh, chief.

Are you leaving?

Uh, no. I'm... No. What?

What is it?

I got the report
back from the morgue.

I don't know if it
means anything,

But the autopsy
showed michelle deluca

Didn't lose her baby after all.

She had an abortion?

Thank you, detective daniels.

You think that's important?

Agent hecht thought so.

Now we'll just have
to figure out why.

Computer: you've got mail.

Oh! Gosh. Oh, sorry.

It's ok.

Look at how easy this is.

Now, for
identification purposes,

Pictures aren't that
good, even for people.

But here. Why
don't you try this?

Oh, can't you just do it for me?



There. See how easy that is?

Can you, uh...

Copy it into a thingy and...

Make a flyer, and
put our address on it?

Oh... Hey.

Kitty will come back.

I don't mean to be silly.

He's just a stupid cat.


Just a stupid cat.

Loving her isn't silly.


And by the way,

Did you ever get kitty spayed?


Bad kitty!

Bad, bad, bad, bad!

And look at you. You are a mess!

What have you been doing?

I know you're good
at your job, honey,

But I don't think kitty's
gonna answer you.

Fritzy says

You have the right
to remain silent.

You know, when
you think about it,

Do we ever really
know what kitty's

Doing when our backs are turned?

She's probably
partying every day

While we're at work,

Inviting other cats over,

Smoking catnip,

Scratching herself
in odd places.

[Cell phone rings]


[Southern drawl]

Deputy chief brenda
johnson's line.

[Normal voice]

Hey, sergeant. That's great.

When exactly do you
expect moran to arrive?

Gabriel: we read him his rights,

And he's called for a lawyer.

But we found a fully
a*t*matic w*apon

Hidden in his van,

So his ass is ours.

Oh. Perfect. Thanks.

Now, if you could
get agent hecht

To my office

And keep him there, please.

And, detective
daniels, if you could ask

Lieutenants flynn and provenza

To bring mr. Deluca along.

I want to interview agent hecht

In front of mr. Deluca,

At least to begin with.

Thanks. Mm-hmm.

Want to go see a
g*n dealer with me?

Why? Want to blame
me for something else?

No, in fact, I want
to do for you

What agent hecht wouldn't
dare do for marty deluca.

What's that?

Explain everything.

Moran: I'm not talking
without a lawyer.

If I were you,

I'd waive my right to counsel.

Really? Why would you do that?

Because carrying a concealed
fully a*t*matic w*apon

In your vehicle
is a federal crime

That could have you
doing some serious time.

Mandatory 10-year sentence.

So if you don't waive
your right to counsel,

I'll have to have
agent howard here

Arrest you,

And then it's out of my hands.

Of course, if you
choose to cooperate,

I may need to test this w*apon

To determine if
it's fully a*t*matic,

Make sure it works.

And that could take 5 years,

Depending on how quickly
you get with the program.

Wow. That's a good deal.

Whoops! Now we're
testing your w*apon

In 4 years, 3...

Two... Hold on.

Hold on!

I waive my right to counsel.

That's great.

Your fingerprints
were found on the frame

Under the grip
panel of this g*n.

Is that what this is about,

My prints being
on one of 300 g*ns

That I sold last year?

This one was used in a homicide,

And I was wondering
if you might remember

How many .45 caliber
sigs with custom grips

You sold last year.

7 Or 8 with custom grips.

3 With the hammer shaved down.

Who'd you sell them to?

I don't know names.

You want to show me a picture,

Maybe you have me

Pick somebody out of a lineup.

No. Pictures aren't reliable,

And I don't have time
to set up a lineup.

No, I think I prefer
to settle this issue

With a handshake.

Buzz, do you have your
video camera handy?

Yes, ma'am. Right here.

Ok, I need you to set it up

By the m*rder board.

I have some evidence
I need to film.

And, detective sanchez,

I need you to provide
a police escort for me.

For who?

Right this way, mr. Deluca.

Tim. It's not true, is it?

You had nothing to do with this,

Did you?

Thank y'all so much for coming.

We have quite a few
things to clear up,

And a pretty serious deadline.

So I'm just gonna jump right in.

Mr. Deluca, did you know
your wife had an abortion?

Mr. Deluca, if your
wife had an abortion...

Please don't use that word.

Let's just say she
lost the baby, ok?

So you knew your wife

Was terminating her pregnancy?

She told me after. Yeah.

Two weeks ago, yes?


And when michelle
planned that procedure,

Would the physician have
to have been screened

By agent hecht here?

Well, yeah, but
we didn't always...

This wasn't the kind
of thing that michelle

Wanted to discuss
with anyone but me.

As I told this young fella here,

Tim didn't come
to flagstaff until

The night before
we drove to l.a.

But agent hecht was in flagstaff

Two weeks ago.

And though he might
not have seen you,

He did see michelle.

In fact, I'm pretty
sure he went with her

To the doctor.


He wouldn't.

Did you do that?

Why would you do that?

Marty, she was gonna
have the abortion anyway.

She was gonna have it anyway.

What I did,

I did to protect
you and michelle.

I was protecting you like
I'm protecting you now.

Protect me?

Well, you don't have
to do that anymore,

'Cause the deal is off.

I don't testify for
you no more. No more.

Marty, let me explain.

No, let me explain!

I do nothing for you
ever again, you hear me?


Nothing! Nothing!

All right, all right,
mr. Deluca. Thank you.

You can wait outside.
Sergeant gabriel.


Joseph dellamonte
could walk because of you.

You can sit right
here, mr. Deluca.

How you holding up, marty?

I, uh, can't talk
to you right now,

Provenza, I'm sorry.

Sure. It's all right.

I have plenty of
paperwork to do here.

Hecht: why would you end
one of the most successful

Partnerships the
fbi has ever had

With a mob informant?

So you would tell me the truth.

I'm not telling you anything.

You've already told me plenty.

For example, just now,

You said you and
marty were partners.

And earlier today, you said,

"I tell marty everything."

So, did you, for example,
tell mr. Deluca that

You were trying to turn tom cali

Against the dellamonte family?

Did you ask his advice?
Report on your progress?

Did you inform mr. Deluca

That tom cali had gone
missing and was presumed dead,

Because if you did,
it would explain why

Mr. Deluca thought it was safe

To identify tom
cali as the k*ller.

You knew the first time
she asked you about cali

What marty had done.

Didn't you, tim?

And you were at the
deluca house 3 days ago

When the call

To joseph dellamonte's
lawyer was made.

Is it possible, sir, that
you loaned mr. Deluca

Your cell phone
during that time?

Pope: agent hecht? Agent hecht.

I suggest you
answer the question.

Who watches the delucas
when you're not around, sir?


They don't need
anybody to watch them.

Apparently, they did.

Michelle and agent
doherty were m*rder*d

By a professional k*ller.

We know that.

And what is martin deluca, sir?

When your back is turned,

Could he, say, drive out of
state and purchase a w*apon?

Could he have put that
w*apon in his luggage,

Knowing that he
was traveling by car

From flagstaff to los angeles?

Did you search
your partner, sir?

Did you show your partner

How to use the monitoring
system at the safe house?

You can't do this!

We've got a very
important trial tomorrow!

So martin deluca

Could put his wife
in the front seat

Of a federal vehicle,
he could step out of it,

sh**t her to death,

Along with one of
your fellow fbi agents,

Stage the crime scene,

While framing
you in the process,

And you just turn
your back and ignore it

All because you want to
put a mob family in prison?

Sir, I believe you have
lost your perspective.

No, no. He loved her.

He couldn't have
k*lled michelle.

But he had to.

Because to marty's
way of thinking,

She k*lled his child.

And he may be a
little confused about

What traditional
family values are,

But he isn't one to
mess around with them.

And you knew that, agent hecht,

Which is why you took
michelle to the doctor

And you didn't
tell marty about it.

But he knows now.

And your relationship
with him is over.

So I want you to stop
protecting mr. Deluca

And start telling me the truth.

It is your turn, sir,
to be the witness.

Oh, that's a very
good story, ma'am.

But when you get in a courtroom,

You're gonna need
a little evidence

To back that up,

And you don't have any.

Oh, yes, I do.

In fact, he's coming
into my squad room

Right now.

Sorry to meet up
again like this, buddy,

But it was you or me.

Agent hecht. Agent hecht!

Marty! Marty, it's a trap.

Mr. Deluca,

I see you've met
mr. Moran again.

Marty, don't say anything

Until I get you a lawyer.

Marty, what's this all about?

You k*lled my child.

You k*lled my child.

[Muffled] marty! Marty!

Flynn: drop your w*apon.

Everybody, stop,
and I'll let him live.

Provenza: marty.

Drop your w*apon
and I'll let you live.

Stop right there.

Sorry about this, provenza.

Sorry about this.

Hey, marty.

Drop your w*apon.

Can you hear me?
You drop your w*apon!

Detective sanchez,
detective sanchez!

This is commander
taylor. Give me 3 r.a. Units,

10 Black and whites,
third floor now.

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