01x03 - The Big Picture

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Closer". Aired: June 13, 2005 – August 13, 2012.
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A CIA-trained interrogator originally from Atlanta, Georgia, Brenda has a reputation as a closer—an interrogator who not only solves a case, but also obtains confessions that lead to convictions, thus "closing" the case.
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01x03 - The Big Picture

Post by bunniefuu »

Brenda: 2005 3-2-9-0.


2005 3-2-9-0.


2005 3-2-9... 0?


2005 3-2-9-0.

Excuse me, ma'am.
What are you doing?

A good morning to you,
too, sergeant gabriel.

I'm checkin' toe tags.

I can't reach the
ones over there.

2005 3-2-9-0 Is the
winning number.

You're supposed to let a
morgue attendant do that.

Uh-huh. Well, they're not here
right now, sergeant, are they?

So... 2005 3-2-9-0.

Start over there, please.

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

You know, if I knew who
we were looking for,

This might go a little faster.

No name, young lady, prost*tute.

Been in here 3 days already.



Sorry. I'm sorry.

Brenda: 2005 3-2-9-0. Oh...

Oh, I found her.

I found her.

I just need some
help. Just move this...

Move this guy.


So what makes a
hooker such a high... Oh!

Priority all of a sudden?

Her client list, as
disgusting as that sounds.

Robbery/homicide just
got it off her computer...


Watch out. Ohh...

Which is why we are so
late gettin' handed this case.


Ok, miss 2005 3-2-9-0.

Let's see if you look
anything like your photo.

What the hell's goin' on here?

Yes, but the m.e. Said this
girl had sex before she died.

What I want to know is if
anyone at robbery/homicide

Had the foresight
to get a sex kit on her

Before she was
dumped at the morgue.

Yes, I'll hold. Thank you.

[Knock on door]

Anything on the i.d.?

No california record.

I could go national.

Go international.

I just got the crime
scene inventory.

Her taste in
furniture was eclectic.

Excuse me, ma'am.

If you're going to accuse
my people of doing bad work,

Would you mind
doing it through me?

Captain taylor, let me be
extremely clear about this.

I was not accusing
your people of bad work.

I was accusing them of apathy.

I have a m*rder victim
here who's been dead 3 days

And I still don't
know who she is.

I have 43 active
cases. You have one,

And, of course, we ran
a sex kit on the body.

We found here naked.

So why don't I have
the dna results?

Is it because all your department
saw was another dead hooker?

No, ma'am.

It's because it
takes at least a week

For the dna results
to come back.

Unless, of course,
someone is willing to spring

For the extra thousand dollars,

Which no one was willing to do

Until that girl's
client list turned up.

Now suddenly everybody cares.

Let's not forget it
was my boys and girls

Who discovered that
client list in the first place.

But you know what
really gets me, ma'am?

Every morning, you and i,

We see the exact
same homicide report,

And I didn't hear you
calling that girl's death

Some high priority, either.

Maybe it's because all you
saw was another dead hooker.


Flynn: look, she was
doing judge weigert.

The guy's 80 and on a walker.

Congressman hilton? Whoa!
There's over 200 names here.

We can narrow that down.

Put the client list away
for a moment, please.

Thank you.

Our young lady here has
multiple s*ab wounds in the back

From a 6-inch serrated blade.

The m.e. Can tell from the
angle of the knife wounds

That the k*ller was
taller than the victim.

She was just shy of 6-feet,

Which should eliminate
most of her customers.

We think it was one
of her regular johns

'Cause there was no sign of a
break-in, robbery, or a struggle.

Sergeant gabriel?

Our victim was one of
the many available ladies

At an internet escort service.

This is her web page:

Lollipop? Looks more like
an all-day sucker to me.


Brenda: all right,
I would appreciate

If we could remember that
this girl's a m*rder victim,

And, unfortunately,
strawberry lollipop

Is all we have to call
her at the moment.

Now, uh, inside her web site,

She had a booking program,

And on the computer from
her house, we got a calendar.

Now, in december,
she had 65 clients.

In january, 71, february, 68.

Then in march, miss lollipop
moves into her new house

And drops to 25 clients.

She was down to her regulars.


Which is why we have to
interview these men first.

5 Of them are over 6-feet,

3 Of whom have been dubbed
by the lapd brass as vips.

And here is the crime scene.

Now, the estimated time of death

Is last friday night
between 8 p.m. And midnight.

We need alibis from every man
on that list taller than 6-feet,

Starting with the most recent

And working our way back.

Maybe one of her johns
became her sugar daddy

And bought her the house.

Or someone she
cut loose got mad.

Detective gabriel, if
you'll check and see

If the m.o. Of the knife wounds

Match any other
recent homicides,

Especially relatin'
to prostitutes.

Detective sanchez, if you
could start setting up interviews

With her customers.

What if they don't
want to come in?

Tell them we'd hate
to visit them at work

To talk about their sex lives.

But if we must...

Lieutenant flynn, a warrant
for her phones, please.

Detective daniels, if you
could meet me downstairs.

If any of her customers
pop in while I'm gone...

Lieutenant provenza?

If you could talk
to 'em, please.

Thank you.

Yeah, ok.

I can be disgusted
all afternoon.

Why not?

Brenda? What?

Where are you going?

Aren't you going to
interview the johns?

Lieutenant provenza
can talk to 'em.

Ok. Really?

Provenza? I don't want
any feathers ruffled.

Excuse me. I'm confused.

Is prostitution a
crime in los angeles?

I just don't want
anybody's career ruined

If all they did was
was pay for sex.

That means no prying
into their private lives

Unless you think they're
good for the m*rder.

Are you talkin' about someone
particular on that client list?

Yeah. Danny booth.

He's an immigration and
customs enforcement agent.

I've known him 8 years.

Are you his alibi?

No, more of a character witness.

Danny's a...
Basically a solid guy.

He helped me with the
financials in my divorce,

And he's getting
married next month.

Well, I'd hate to ruin what sounds
like such a promising marriage.

Um, your friend mr. Booth was one
of my girl's few remaining regulars.

He saw her last thursday,

And he's over 6-feet.

Um, sorry. He's comin' in.

All right. I want to be there.

Ok. Off the books.

No. On.

My office, 8 a.m. Tomorrow.

Nice place.

Except for the m*rder.

Well, we all have a past.

How does she afford all this?

$500 A dance, 4 times a month,

And her accent was russian.

That's all I knew
about her. Sorry.

Provenza, on speaker: where
were you last friday night...

Your honor?

Are you seriously looking
at me for this m*rder

Because of my height, detective?

Only time that I
was taller than her

Was when I stood up straight,

Which I have not
done since 1993.

All right.

Last friday night...

My girlfriend and I went to
santa barbara for the weekend.

I would rather you confirm
that through the hotel.

So did your friendly
neighborhood whore

Ever talk about
other boyfriends?

I didn't pay that mouth to talk.

I only cared what it
did to me in her bed.

[Cat meows]

[Meow meow]


My dog was hit by a car,

And so we were at the vet's.

The whole family, my wife, kids.

I'm sorry about
that, congressman.

Your dog make it?


So, uh, who all
knows about this?

What kind of information are
you letting out to the press

About this girl?

I can see you really
care about her.

You know what? Screw you.

She has a boyfriend.
Go after him.


Mr. Lollipop. How
the hell do I know?

You should talk to
some contractors.

Uh, he was remodeling
her kitchen.

Granite countertops,
custom cabinets,

Stainless range...

Expensive stuff.


I'd like to order 2 sweet
and sour chicken dinners

To be delivered, please.

Uh, 707 edgemere.

You might have my
credit card on file.

[Cat meowing]

There's a cat in the bedroom.

It looks, uh...

I'll call the pound.

Oh, that's great.

Um, I'm sorry. May I ask, um...

The name on the credit card,

Is that mine or my boyfriend's?

Flynn: meet nick koslov,

Illegitimate son of ivan koslov,

Top guy in the russian mob.

They're pretty new here in town.

Captain taylor is
our resident expert.

Rather have him brief you?

Not really.

Their chief business
is heroine distribution.


Nick does not seem to be
too much involved with that.

All we got on his rap sheet's

And old as*ault and battery
charge, which was dropped.

Daddy has good
lawyers. Where are they?

We offered him
counsel and he declined,

Although he did
say he was thirsty.

Brenda, on speaker: deputy
chief brenda thompson.

You want something to drink?

Thank you.

Nicolai koslov.

Did I pronounce
your name correctly?

Perfectly, but
people call me nick.

[Opens soda]

So, nick, this is a
sad occasion for you.

Woman you know was
k*lled the other night,

Stabbed in the back.

You're talkin' about
zoya petrovna, I presume?

Brenda: so you knew her?

Ok, gabriel... Zoya petrovna.

You got a name now.

Nick, on speaker:
she was a whore.

Yeah, if I can spell it.

Do you regularly give whores
access to your credit cards,

Buy them houses,
remodel their kitchens?

Because all that
makes it seem like

You were more serious than that.

Do you know why you think that?


Because you're a woman.


You don't give women money
and jewelry and bullshit like that

Because you love them.

You do it so you can
get off and leave.

So I guess that would
explain why you seem

Relatively unaffected
by her death?

I'm sorry for her.

I am.

It's inconvenient.

I'll have to find
someone else now.

I don't mean to
sound cold really.

She had some
redeeming qualities,

But she's not the kind of girl
you could take home for dinner.

She was just there for sex.


When I wanted it.

Did you want it
last friday night?


In the afternoon.

So I might find
evidence of your semen

In the sex kit we
took off the body?

Well, it depends
on where you check,

But, yeah, probably.

And where were you later, nick,

Between, um, 8
p.m. And midnight?

Unfortunately, I was stuck
at 10080 wilshire boulevard.

The federal building?


On the 14th floor.

Have you ever been there?

You were with the fbi?

From 7 p.m. Till
5:00 in the morning.

Well, that really sucks.



Mmhh, mmhh, mmhh, mmhh, mmhh.


Yeah, I'm a little early.



Oh... Uh... Just...
Just one second.

Ok? Um...

[Clunking] one second.

Gosh, you are really
early. [Chuckles]

I'm sure you look terrific.

Oh, no, it's not
that. I just, um...

I just got home...



H-how was your day?

It was ok.

Good. Are you all right?

Yes. Uh-huh...

Just one second.

Almost ready.


Just one second.



Hey. Sorry about that.

Come on in.

Whoops. Oop. Gotta
find a place for those.


How about your own house?

Well, I don't even know

Where I want to live yet.

I mean, l.a.'S so big.

Well, if you see somethin'
you like, you should snap it up

Because the market's hot here.

Good stuff doesn't stay
on the shelf very long.

Yeah, well...

I just don't wanna
move too fast.

I mean, you know,
it's a big decision.

Yes, it is. Well, you know...

If you're comfortable here...


So... You want the
good news or bad news?

Good news.

I got us a table on a patio.

Oh, good!

Bad news is,

Your guy's tellin' the truth.

Nick koslov was in fbi custody

From 6:30 to 5 a.m.


I was in bed by 9:00 on friday.

Is there an aspirin
around here somewhere?


I had to be at work
at 5:00 on saturday,

So friday's tough for me.

Can someone verify that?

Just my dog. Other than that...

Did you know that you
were zoya's first customer?

Her name is zoya?

Not to burden you with
too much information

About the woman you were
having sex with on a regular basis,

But, yes, her name
was zoya petrovna.

She was an
immigrant from russia.

And when she started keeping
records around january 2nd,

You're listed as her first john.


What's the significance of that?

Because last thursday,

The day before
zoya was m*rder*d,

Mr. Booth was also the last
appointment on the calendar,

Which makes him her
alpha and omega...

The beginning and the end.

Coincidence. Excuse me.

Are you acting as
his defense counsel?

He doesn't need
a lawyer, brenda.

Then he's perfectly capable

Of answering these
questions on his own.

So. You saw zoya
3, 4 times a week?

Was she that good?

I like certain things.

How'd you meet her?

Ad in the l.a. Weekly.

She didn't have an
ad in the l.a. Weekly.

She had a web page.
Your friend is lyin'.

Come on. That...

That's an easy
thing to get mixed up.

So. You like "certain things,"

And these things cost money...

Around $500 an hour.

So you were shellin'
out about $2,000 a week

On a federal salary?

Do I have to answer that?

Ok. That's enough.

Thank you so much, mr. Booth.

We'll meet again under
more formal circumstances.

I'll see you later.

All right.

All right, so the
guy's a bit of a mess.

But you didn't have
to swipe the cup.

He would've given
you a dna sample.

And you're wasting your time.

Danny's innocent.

Well, I don't know
if he k*lled her yet,

But he's certainly not innocent.

Hey, guys lie, especially
about hookers.

Zoya petrovna, will.

Zoya petrovna. She had a name.

She was 18 years old,
practically a child.

And she came here
from russia on a visa.

And where's your friend work?
Immigration and customs enforcement.

Last night you were hot on nick
koslov. What happened to him?

During the time of the
crime, he was with the fbi.

They've confirmed that.

Why'd the fbi get
back to you so fast?

I'm still waiting to hear
back on oswald and kennedy.

What do we have
on the phone dump?

Uh... She talked to 3
people almost every day.

Nick koslov, nadia
orwell... Uh-huh...

And a cat psychic
named madame lulu.

Any calls to ossie
e. Or danny booth?

Mmm... No, nothing.

Lt. Provenza, I want a
full background check

On this customs
officer at l.a.x.

Financial, criminal, and
public. And pay special attention

To the fiancée... Where
and what she was doin'

At the time of the crime.
Find me nadia orwell.

The quicker, the
better. And take this cup

And the soda can nick
koslov was drinkin' out of

And rush them to the dna lab.

I know. It's an extra $2,000.

I'll deal with it. Gabe...

Where's sgt. Gabriel?

Ok, let's see. Here we go.

Russian prostitutes...

And we'll add

Some of the breakaway
soviet republics as well.

What's the m.o.?

A 6-inch serrated
blade in the back.

s*ab wounds.

Well, let's see how
this new program works.

Ready to spin the wheel?

Go for it, franny.

You want my homicide analyst,

Your boss is supposed to ask.

Ah. Hey, captain. I...

Only need franny
for 10 minutes, tops.

Well, I'm not sure
if, uh, franny's work

Is up to miss atlanta's
exacting standards.

Uh, frankly, sir,

Miss atlanta
doesn't know I'm here.



I hear she likes pope's friend
from this russian hooker.

Well, I'm tryin' to clear him.

Yeah? Yeah.

Good. Keep at it.

Jackpot! Here we go, sarge.

Another russian prost*tute.

Multiple knife
wounds in the back.

Found about 6 months ago.

Bingo. Doesn't get
any closer that that.

I should be in
vegas this morning.

Yes, you should
be. Mmhh. [Chuckles]

Say, captain, you're
the expert on koslov.

You hear anything that
might help me out with this?

Run along, now, gabriel.

Your boss needs me,
she knows where I am.

Hey, fritz. It's me.

Uh, brenda.

Uh, just wanted to, uh...

Call and say, uh...

Thank you for dinner last night.

And, uh...

See? I can call when it
has nothin' to do with work.

Ha ha ha ha.

[Chuckles] and, um...

I had a really nice time, too.

And I just wanted
to, you know, call you

And tell you that.
So, ok, thanks again,

And I'll talk to you later. Bye.

Um... And have a good
day, now. Bye-bye.


Nadia orwell?

Deputy chief brenda
leigh johnson, lapd.

I need to talk to you
about zoya petrovna.

I do not know this zoya.

Really? She calls
you almost every day.

When was the last
time you spoke to her?

I have american husband now.

We have money. We
pay tax. My baby's...

But you used to work for
nick koslov. Isn't that right?

Don't you think it's strange

That you haven't heard
from zoya since last friday?

I do not know this zoya!

Can you help me? Please?

Did you care about
her at all, nadia?

Did she mean anything to you?

Can you help me?

Please? Can you help me?

I had tried to tell her is
more bad than we thought,

But zoya come anyway.

We all come anyway.

How do you get in?

Is arranged.

Passport and visa come in mail

With tickets to l.a.

We get off plane, show
up for man in airport,

Um... What is it...

Uh, customs.

Did one of these men
stamp your passport?

Sick pig.

We all have to date him.

Zoya his favorite.

She look young, you know?

To him, she was like a drug.

Do you think he
could've k*lled her?

Any drug can make you crazy.

What about this man?

He no do nothing.

Just... Smell feet.


And nick koslov?

He was your boss, right?


His father's a scary guy.

Nothing you say
will go anywhere.

I... I promise that.

I'm just tryin' to
find out the truth.

I just want to find out
what happened to zoya.

Nick like her.

Took her to a party.
Put her in nice house.

Zoya happy at first.

What happened?

She want husband like I get.

Want to become american. Ok?

One day she call, tells me

She coming up with baby.

Next day she cry.

Nick hit her. Says she
have baby, he send her home.

Was she planning on leaving him?

She cannot leave.

Nick keep our passports until
we have money to get them back.

Always is more
money than they say.

You got out, though.

If you give them 3
others, they let you go.

And you let zoya come...

Knowin' what was
gonna happen to her.

I betray her.


[Sobbing] I try to get
her to change mind

Before she leave.

I tell her not to come.

I tell her... More
bad. [Sobs] i... I tell...


Chief, look what I found.

Unsolved brentwood
homicide from november 6, '04.

Vanya kastanka, 19,

Multiple s*ab
wounds in the back.


Where's the m.e. Report?

It wasn't with the file.


Ok, entered the
u.s. At lax on 9-19-04

On a visitor's visa.

She paid her rent
on time, in cash,

And had unclaimed property worth

Several thousand dollars.

Booth can't afford these things.

On his salary, but I'm thinking
he might do some moonlighting.

Oh, no.

Oh, I do not feel
good about this.

Deputy chief johnson,
sergeant gabriel,

This is bill blackburn
and steven sims

From the fbi.

Pleased, gentlemen. To
what do I owe this privilege?

I'm afraid we have a
little overlap issue

In the zoya petrovna m*rder.

Oh, really? What's that?

Can't say any more than
that. National security.


But if you give us
your files in this case,

We'd greatly appreciate it.

I had nothing to do with this.

Just a lucky break for your
friend danny booth, I guess.

You know what, think
what you want, ok?

I don't control the fbi.

Look at 'em.

Smug bastards
taking all our stuff.

Not all, sergeant gabriel.

Although I do
find it interesting

How an 18-year-old
russian hooker

Suddenly becomes a vital concern

Of our national
security apparatus.

Who are we to question the fbi?

They asked for
zoya, zoya they get.

They didn't, however,
ask for vanya kastanka,

And suddenly I find I got
all this time on my hands.

How many of these unmarked
graves are you gonna dig up?

As many as necessary.

[Cell phone rings]



Are you ever gonna answer that?

It's pope. If I answer it,
he'll tell me to come back

And I have no
intention of doing that.

I know this is
unsettling, father.

No, no. It's my fault.

We bury too many
russian girls here.

dr*gs, aids, su1c1de.

It's too much liberty,
too fast, I think.

I must start a fund
for head stones.

How do they get here?
Why do they come?

I cry for them, but I
don't know who they are.

Ah, here she is.

This is the girl you
were looking for, isn't it?

Yeah, it's her.

I meant to put a
little special marker

On her grave, but I
never got around to it.

Special marker? Why?

Because she was pregnant.

She always sits at the back row,

Usually with a man.

One day she stopped
me after the service,

When the man wasn't there,

Told me she was pregnant,

But was afraid to have the baby.

Maybe I gave her
the wrong advice.

The man she was with,

You recognize either
of these gentlemen?

Yes, him.

He was very, very tall.

Where were you november 6, 2004?

That was 6 months ago.

Wait. Um...

November 6, that's the day
before my mother's birthday.

I was in the hospital.
Glendale memorial.

Appendectomy the day
before. Check it out.

I'll take your word for it.

I don't think you
k*lled vanya kastanka.


Although I'm sure
you slept with her

As you do all the
young girls from russia

Whose passports you
stamp, visas you approve.

Isn't that right, mr. Booth?

Along with the money that
the russian mob pays you,

Don't you also have your choice

Of all the young ladies

That you can legally
allow into this country?

Oh, god.

Oh, god. You know what?

I'd might, uh... I might
need an attorney.

Oh, no, no, no. You
don't need an attorney

Because if you get an attorney,

I plan to sit down
with your fiancee

And have a nice,
long chat with her

About what you've been
doing with your penis.

You'd do that?

You would drag ellen into this?

Oh, I'd do that. I do that and
so much more than all that.

Yeah, I'd hold off
on that deposit

For the caterers, too, man,
because to be honest with you,

I'm just not seeing
it. Your wedding.

It's just not clear to me.

Here's what I want you to do.

I want you to call the fbi

And make an appointment
to talk to them

To tell them what
you do for the koslovs.


I can't do that. I
can't talk to them.

I didn't ask you to talk to 'em.

I asked you to make an
appointment to talk to 'em.

Special agents steven
sims and bill blackburn.

Thank you.

Hi, y'all. Remember me?

Chief johnson, sure.

What can we do for you?

Mind if I come in?

Actually, we have
an appointment.

Danny booth sends his regrets.

May I sit down?

Thank you.

I found another case that
might interest you gentlemen.

Another m*rder, vanya kastanka,

Also a russian
immigrant, also a hooker,

Also stabbed in the back
with a 6-inch serrated blade.

Also in what I can only describe
as an alarming coincidence,

Dating nick koslov.

In fact, dna samples show
that she was pregnant

With his baby at the time
that she was m*rder*d.

Isn't that amazing?

And I began to wonder
if you two might

Also have known where nick was

When vanya got a
knife in the back?

We've had him under surveillance

For a year and a half.

We might be able to
save you some time.

What's the date of death?

September 6,
2004, 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.

He had the flu.
He was home sick.

September 6. It's right here.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I
say september 6?

I meant october 6
between 8:00 in the morning

And 2:00 in the afternoon.

He was in vegas, caesars palace.

And if I picked another
date and another time?

We'll have been
watching him then, too.


Is it clear to you now?

And what about the next time

He brutally murders
a teenage girl?

I said arrest nick koslov,

But make sure
he's with his father.

And sergeant gabriel,

Ask captain taylor
for his help, please?

Brenda, wait!

We should not be
talking right now.

Why not?

Were you lying to me

When you said that
nick was in fbi custody?

I told you what they told me.

Look, brenda, this is a
giant rico investigation.

Ivan koslov owns a
drug smuggling empire

Worth billions of dollars.

I know it's hard, but you
got to see the big picture.

I used to paint
the big picture, ok?

I know what's going on here.

Nick was never in fbi custody.

Your friends flipped him so
he turned against his father

Which is why they've
given him an alibi.

What do you want me to say?

I want you to say that letting
people k*ll teenage girls

Because they got good
connections to the mob is wrong,

I want you to say
that in america

We are all equal under the law,

And I want you to
say that you think

What's going on here is
morally reprehensible.

Brenda, what is going on
here is morally reprehensible.

Thank god for that.

But it doesn't
matter what I think,

It doesn't matter
what you think,

Because this is
what's happening.

They're gonna
stand by their story.

Well, I certainly hope they do

Because that's how I
plan to close my case.

I hope you're not
mad at me tomorrow.

[Engine starts]

Brenda, what is the
fbi calling me about?

Will, I was just about
to come see you,

But first I can help
your friend danny booth.

Forget him.

Sex with a hooker is one thing,

But this other stuff,

I'll turn him in to
the feds myself.

Just tell me why
they're calling me?

I had nick koslov
arrested for m*rder.

He's in one of the interview
rooms right now, sir.

Brenda, you can't do that.

One minute. Just hold on.

And he's got his
attorney with him?

Oh, yes. Andy osterman,

One of the top mob
attorneys in the city.

I don't know why you wanted it

That way, man.

He'll never let
nick talk to you.

Oh, god. One minute.

Just hold on. I'll explain this.

Captain taylor, I'd
really appreciate

Anything you can tell
me about nicholas koslov,

Especially in regards to his
relationship with his family.

Um, all right. Sure.

Nick is from the wrong
side of the sheets.

Son of his father's
second mistress,

An american girl,
I forget her name.

A pro.

She went missing when
he was about 4 years old.

What else might help you here?

All right, he's not
very high up the ladder.

His legitimate brothers get
most of the bigger responsibilities

And the money, nick
just manages the ladies.

He's the family pimp.

If that helps.

Yes, it explains a few things.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.


Why don't you ever
just call me and say

I'm gonna be running
around today

And while I'm out, I might
be ruining your life.

This is an fbi case, brenda.

What do you expect
me to say to them?

Just keep them off
my back for 5 minutes.

Please, just 5 minutes.

I promise I'm not
gonna arrest him,

I'm just gonna ask
him a few questions.

5 Minutes. Pretty please?

Ok, but if you see black
helicopters circling the building,

Wrap it up.

Good evening, mr. Osterman.

Deputy chief brenda
leigh johnson.

Hello, nick.

Andy: you always jerk
people out of family dinners

In handcuffs?

You sent mr. Koslov's
uncle to the hospital

With chest pains.

Not a good beginning
to our relationship.

Oh, this isn't the beginning
of nick's and my relationship.

We're old friends
now, aren't we, nick?

How so?

I talked to him a few days ago

About the m*rder
of zoya petrovna.

Without an attorney?

Offered and declined.

What are you, stupid?
Why didn't you call me?

I didn't do it, that's why.

It wasn't a big deal.

You know what,

This isn't about
breaking the alibi, guys.

That's a good thing because
it's not gonna happen.

I've got something
new to talk about.

Do you recognize this woman?

Don't answer that.
I'll help you, nick.

Her name's vanya
kastanka, also a prost*tute

With whom you were familiar,

Also stabbed in the back

With the same knife
used to k*ll zoya.

We freely stipulate nick's
attraction to young whores.

This particular whore
might be more interesting

Than the others being
that dna test prove

That she was the mother
of nick's unborn child.

So he knocked up a whore.

It happens.

Yes, it does.

In fact, that's how little
nicholas entered the world.

Isn't that so?

Nothing can change that, can it?

You'll never be part
of the family, will you?

Your brothers will
always come first,

And when your father dies,

You may be cut out of
the business altogether.

Tell me, nick,

Did what happened to your
mom when you were a little boy,

Did that make you think
whores were disposable?

Enough with the armchair
psychology, ms. Johnson.

If you have any evidence,
we would like to hear it.

If not, we will wait for a judge
to throw this out of court.


Since nick here won't tell
me where he really was

During the time of
zoya and vanya's m*rder,

Perhaps, mr. Osterman, you
can tell me where you were?

What does where I was
have to do with anything?

Well, your nick's
criminal attorney, right,

For his whole family?

Yeah, I am. So?

So you were with him last friday

When he was being
questioned by the fbi?


Yeah, from 7:00 p.m.
Until 5:00 in the morning.

Weren't you?

Because I can't imagine
that the fbi would arrest

And question a criminal
suspect for 10 hours

Without his attorney present,

Or that that nick wouldn't
have called for you

Under those circumstances.

And since the fbi provides
your client with an alibi

For both murders incidentally,

My only hope of getting
this case in front of a jury

Is if I can prove that nick
was not in federal custody

At the time of zoya's m*rder.

So can you help me with that?


No, I don't think so. No.

Well, I tried.

You're free to
go, nick. Thank you.

[Brenda clears throat]

Come on, nicky. Time to go home.

This is it, nick.

There's nothing more to do.

No, you wait.

I want to confess. No.

I want to confess. No,
you're coming home...

Get off of me!

I want to confess!
I want to confess!

Get in there! Get in there!

Go! Go!

I confess! I confess!

Help! I confess!

I confess!

Don't do this!
No, get off of me!

I'll tell you everything!

I k*lled 'em both. I
used the same knife.

I was with him. He was
being questioned by the feds.


[Soft] help me.

Help me, please.
You gotta help me.

I'd love to help you, nick,

But I can't break
your alibi, see?

And I just don't know
who the jury will believe,

You or the fbi.

I ought to k*ll you,
too, you damn whore.

Escort him out of
the building, please.

Don't let them do this.
Don't let them do this!

Please, I beg you! Damn it!

I say we call sims and
blackburn at the fbi.

Let them know we
just released nick

And, oh, you call
'em in about 3 hours.

3 Hours, he'll be dead.


He'll be buried in 3 hours.

He'll be dead when
he leaves the building.


What did you just do?

[Knock on door]

Hi. Hey.

Come in.

So, this is the place
you're thinking of buying?

Yeah, it's going
at a reduced rate.

Probably 'cause of
the m*rder, I guess.

The owners are
desperate to get rid of it

And it comes furnished, too.

Not exactly my style,
but I can move in next week.

It's nice.

It's close to work. It's nice.

So, I'm sure you heard

Nick koslov was found
m*rder*d last night.

Had his throat slit.

So, the world is short
another budding serial k*ller.

And the koslov empire
remains standing.

Not exactly.

Meet danny booth,

An immigration and
customs enforcement agent

That your friends
can use to replace nick.

He'll make a deal and he
needs protective custody.

From the koslovs?

Yeah, and his fiancee.

Look, it wasn't my job
to protect nick koslov.

It was my job to seek justice

For those victims,
the teenage girls.

You know what,
maybe we shouldn't

Talk about work for a while.


What do you want to talk about?


I'll let you know, brenda.

You mind if I take that?

No. No.

[Cat meows]


The pound was
supposed to pick him up.

That's what I love
about you, brenda.

That sentimental heart of yours.

Oh, all right. All right.

She must have left
some food around here

For you somewhere.


Here, kitty,
kitty, kitty, kitty.

Here, kitty, kitty.


Come on, you can trust me.

You can trust me.

Come on.

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