06x19 - Three Weeks of the Condor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x19 - Three Weeks of the Condor

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, that smells so good.

You know, you always were a good cook.

I got to admit that.

We should take another
shot at this atwater m*rder.

I still like the first wife for it.

This kind of reminds me
of when we were married.

I remember we used to
work on our files together.

After we did our homework,
we'd curl up on the sofa

with a fire... a little wine.

A little bad poetry.

So what about this atwater case

you want to stay on it?

Sure. Remember what I
gave you for your birthday?

Yeah. You gave me that music box

that played that Debbie Boone song.


That was Valentine's day.

Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right.

The box with the candy kisses.


Do you remember?

Yeah, yeah, um...

Little coupons inside.

Little hand-made coupons

good for one smooch on demand.

Yeah, I gave that back.

It was a, a very...

Romantic idea.

Inexpensive gift.

I made that box myself.

And you never redeemed the last coupon.

Well, you know, we were

in the middle of divorce court.

I just thought it was
a little... inappropriate.

Well, they're... they're
good for a lifetime.

You can't be serious.


Don't give me that basset hound look.

Because I could never resist that look.

You're not going to throw away

this valuable gift of affection, are you?

You were always the
best kisser on the planet.

How about it?


But just get that darling
goofy look off your face.


Kiss me.

Somebody better get that.

Tom Ryan residence.

Sergeant St. John speaking.

Give me the address.


What is it?

Some guy just got gonked.

Found him in that movie producer's bed.

You know, the one on bay shore drive?

Monti storm?

I never heard he was gay.

What's a guy doing in his bed?

I don't know, maybe he was

redeeming his coupon.

Mr. Pearlmetz?

I'm, uh... monti storm.

That's monti with an "i".

And this is my associate

Randy Lynn starr.

According to the Hollywood narcotics squad

you're monty pearlmetz.

That's monty with a "y".

I have no on-going drug problem.

I don't care what the l.A.P.D. Said.

What did they say?

You slam everything from
speedballs to flea powder.

I practically spent

all last spring in Betty Ford.

That addiction is way behind me now.

Let's stay with the dead
body you found upstairs.

Uh... Randy Lynn and I got back

about an hour ago

and we found this guy.

I've never seen him before.

This is so horrible.

I can't believe this happened.

Well, unexpected death is always difficult.

I'm sergeant St. John.

This is sergeant Ryan.

You've done runway work

am I right, dear?

I did a drug case

at Miami international.

The powder wasn't on the runway

it was in the baggage handlers' shed.

That's not what I meant.

I know what you meant.

You called us to look at a body

why don't we stick to that?

Did you touch anything in the room?

Are you kidding?

One glance at him and it was

"gone, good-bye, get outta here."

We had just come back from a party.

Well, more of an event.

You see I'm raising money

for my next big picture

three weeks of the condor.

It's a $ million epic

a-list people all the way.

It's being scripted by Trent
lockwood and derby kline.

It works on five different levels.

It's insightful but not preachy

a delicate souffle

of metaphor and allegory

set in the midst of

the Irish potato famine.

Well, that sounds tasty.

You've got to get that recipe.

As much as I'd like to hear about that

I think we should take a look at the body.

I'm going to wait down here.

There's that awful medical odor

and I think it's on him.

Monti: What is this stranger

doing in my bed?

Huh... no wonder

I never liked the guy's flicks.

His movies are overdone

just like his decorating.

Well, let's check out the guest of honor.

Whew! Whew!

That's embalming fluid.

Uh... that's a y-cut.

Looks like Dr. Death's stitching.

Why don't you check his foot

see if there's a coroner's number.

What's this jerk trying to pull?

This isn't a body, it's a cadaver.

It's been dead for almost three weeks.

It's already been frozen.

What is he doing here?

Lot of people died in
the Irish potato famine.

Maybe he's auditioning.

Well, you got me, Sherlock. I'm stumped.

Think we're getting our leg pulled here?

Why would he call us?

This will cause a confetti
storm of paperwork

and a headache for everyone, including him.

Publicity stunt for three
weeks of the condor.

Gets him on hard copy.

I recognize that look.

You're either about to pass gas

or you've got a significant thought.

The godfather.

You remember the godfather?

They put that horse in the guy's bed?

Oh, come on, that's the movies.

No, life imitates art.

Maybe somebody's trying
to send monti a warning.

I've read about this guy.

The tabloids say he runs on turpentine.

Maybe monti forgot to make a complete stop

at some moral or financial intersection

and somebody got pissed off.

This is the warning.

Storm: You know, if you're

looking for representation

I could hook you up with sky Conway.

She has a condo down here in palm beach

comes down every year for the season.

Conway models are in demand

all around the world from
New York, Paris, to Rome.

Look, I have an eye for talent.

That's my business.

I spot it, I nurture it, I fine-tune it.

You've got that "it" factor
that I'm always looking for.

That inner radiance from inside.

How about that, Tom.

I've got the "it" factor.

That's what I was telling you.


Carriage, style.

A badge.

This is the office

where Randy Lynn has been doing her work.

Tom: Is Randy Lynn a recent

acquaintance of yours

or an old friend?

Now, that's a tough one, isn't it?

You tell me.

You can go into a bar

and meet someone

become friends in a few seconds.

Then you can know someone your whole life

and they're a complete mystery.

Let me ask you a
question that's not so tough.


Do you think you can stop

screwing around with me?

Somebody stole a body

broke into your house

put it in your bedroom.

You can't shrug that off.

Okay, Randy Lynn is not what you would call

a longtime acquaintance

but she is a dear and trusted friend

and has been made co-producer

of three weeks of the
condor... you want to know why?

She's an expert on the Irish potato famine.

She happens to have
simply marvelous connections

and has been priceless in helping us seek

the financial help...

In other words...

She has the "it" factor
in financial matters.

It's possible somebody
you're in business with

is unhappy and that body
was put there to let you know.

You have problems with any investors?

We'd like to look at your files.

That can't be done.

I can get a subpoena.

But then I'll have to do all that homework

and that'll ruin my inner radiance

and I'm going to get really pissed off.

Okay. Uh... you can look at it... here.

I'm going to check on Randy Lynn

because she's been very stressed out

about all this.

Calm down. There's no need
to ride him around piggyback.

I hate oil spills.

Let's get to it.

All right.

$ , from Mr. Hardy holyfield.

$ , from Mr. Arnold Stanley.

$ , from Mrs. Matilda Wright Peterson.

Wait. These are short dollar deals.

He's going to have to sell

the whole palm beach phone directory

to get to $ million.

Check this out.

Not only is this a scene from the godfather

but here is the godfather.


Right here in black and blue.

Gino alfonse cappizzuto.

He's in this epic tale for a million bucks.

He retired down here last year.

Well, I think we should go by tomorrow

and talk to gino and
check out his "it" factor.

You going to explain this to Harry first?

Yeah. Tomorrow, I told you.

Let's go.

Tom: Skip.


You got a minute?

Yeah, sit. I was going
over the beef sheets.

How's that m*rder squeal
you and cassy caught?

Any progress?

He was definitely dead.

From what, m*rder or natural?

Been cut open.

Looked neat, like a surgical wound.

That's monti storm's place.

What's your take on him?

He's in the diamond Lane to rehab

but he's not a suspect.

Had the body been moved?

We can say without fear of contradiction

that it definitely had been moved.

How cold?


Are you holding back

something here, Thomas?

I got a few hunches.

There were some

distinguishing marks on the foot.

Cassy's working that angle.

Monti storm is a celebrity.

I don't want this in the paper

and then not be able to solve it.

You put this case down
before it hits the news

and I'll authorize extra vacation time.

You're kidding.

That's big of you, Harry.

Good. Wonderful, just, just
clear the case first, okay?

Go ahead, go... go.

I'm surprised Harry would let us

work a case that's not a homicide.

Tell me again.

What did he say exactly?

He said, "solve it."

Or words to that effect.

Said if we got the case to fall quick

he'd give us extra vacation time.

I just left out an itty-bitty fact.

Don't worry, he's happy.

What was the itty-bitty fact?

Well, I may have forgot to tell lipschitz

that the body had already
been through the system.

Ryan and St. John, palm beach P.D.

Geez, what have I been
k*lling lately, except time?

Woman: Don't forget

chi-chi's sweater!

Hold on a minute.

I've got a big deal going on here.

Woman: Put the sweater on

before you take chi-chi out!

Cora, you could boil eggs out there.

She don't need a sweater today.

Don't argue, gino!

Okay, okay.

I'm going!

Arrest me now, I'm going to k*ll her.

Married years, she's got me chained up

like an organ grinder's monkey.

Gino, you're in some trouble.

We need to talk.

You ain't going to read me my rights?

You've got the right to remain silent.

If you give up your right...

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I waive my rights, okay?

I ain't got no life, so
I have a perfect alibi.

I was asleep in a chair when it happened...

Whatever it was.

It can't be that bad.

I get up at : , sit
on the pot till : .

Feed pigeons until : .

Run this poor mutt around

in a sweater till her tongue is smoking.

Take a nap till dinner.

Hey, I'm public enemy number one.

Book me for failure to do
one interesting thing in a year.

I'll plead guilty.

Well, you put a cadaver
in monti storm's bed.

That's kind of interesting.

Oh, so it's about that?

You're not even going to deny it?

I did it. I ain't going to deny it.

Chi-chi, you make some business

I'll take you back inside.

You'll explode like Cora's muffins

you stay out here.

You did it.

Damn right I did.

This stoongatz tells me
he wants to make this film.

Tells me Clint Eastwood

wants to play the lead.

"A-list people," he says.

So I put up a million bucks.

Then I find out that nobody in Hollywood

will spit on this putz, so I
asked for my money back.

But he won't give it to you, right?

Right. So I send him a message.

Where'd you get the body?

I invest in charity.

The medical department at the u. Of m.

Endowment, they call it.

They give me the stiff.

They think I'm weird,
but... my checks cash.

I hired some local talent

to place the body in his bed for me.

You're under arrest.

Yeah? What for?


Threat of personal harm.

Bad sense of humor.

I'll think of something.

Grow up, Sonny. I put a guy

a bunch of pre-med students
was about to saw into pieces

into this grease stain's bed.

What is that? What's the crime?

We don't know exactly.

It's a practical joke.

A goof... I ain't no k*ller.

I never even been arrested for nothing.

Not even back in New York.

You want to bust me for a bad joke?

Don't look at me.

The sweater ain't my idea.

We get back, you're going
to jump in her lap, right?

Like nothing happened.

Make me feel like pizza crust.

Are you going to tell Harry

we lied to him

and went down there for nothing?

I'm working on something
a little less direct.

Our song.


Didn't pat Boone sing
that during prohibition?


I thought we both agreed

our song was dancing in the dark.

Bruce Springsteen.

Cass, we had lots of
songs for lots of occasions.

Did you know that today is

the anniversary of the
first day that we met?

April th will live in my mind forever.

Let's celebrate

with a dance.

Oh, you want to dance

you want to kiss

you want to date, what is going on here?

We did this... it was a disaster.

Did you forget that?

Aside from a couple of bad months

you got to admit we had some
pretty spectacular moments.

Throw out more than a couple of months.

We didn't agree on a thing.

From what cereal to buy

to the color of our bed sheets.

I just don't think that
selecting breakfast cereals

for their vitamin content is as
important as what I would call

the music of the bowl, snap, crackle, pop.

And white bed sheets are boring.

But... you got to admit

once we got over the color of the mat...

Our gymnastic performances were a ten.

Oh, yeah, you were a good lover.

I give you that.

And a good dancer.

Come on, we could
dance like Fred and ginger.

Like Frazier and Ali

like Johnny Cochran

and the criminal justice system.

This isn't going anywhere.

Don't tell me that after
taking half my assets

you won't join me in a memory.



It's the office.

If that's another homicide

I'm beginning to think we
have horrible sexual Karma.

Cassie: Randy Lynn starr.

Oh, she's definitely lost

the "it" factor.

Not to mention her inner radiance.

Give me a flashlight.

Thank you.

There's no petechial hemorrhaging.

She wasn't strangled.

Maybe she just drowned.

I think it's time for us to pay a visit

to monti with an "i".

Very beautiful.

Sorry to interrupt.

Just an open casting call

for all the peasant girls.

We're finally in, thank god,
preproduction for condor.

Bold idea.

Getting rid of the corny period bonnets

and going with that slick baywatch look.

I like to see what I'm buying.

I assume your presence
here indicates bad news?

Hopefully not for me?

Randy Lynn starr was found dead

this morning on the bank

of the intercoastal at : .

We're checking the cause of death.

I was afraid this had happened.

Could you explain that?

We had a party last night to celebrate

Michael John Masterson's
inclusion in the film.

He's agreed to play Harley o'meara

the rugged yet sensitive farm boy

who starts the rebellion.

Quite a coup... he's very a-list.

He came to the party last night.

His last film grossed
$ million domestic.

You said you were afraid

something had happened to Randy Lynn.

I think some lines were chopped up

in the pool house last night.

I think she might have done a little toot.

Last time I saw her was about : .

I figured she just went home with a friend.

Wasn't she your girlfriend?

What a quaint old notion.

We live in a hybrid world

where passion is a
byproduct of physical needs.

I never take hostages.

Way to go, bubbee.

Poor Randy Lynn, she was such a darling.

Tom: Was she a darling

with anyone specific last night?

Yes, gino.

Gino... capizzuto?

Yes. He's rented the pickering
house, two doors down.

To be closer to the production.

He is now an absolute
fixture in the production office.

I like this.

I don't know why, but I like this.

Me, too.

Ireland doesn't always have to be green.

They was having a famine and
things turn brown in a famine.

You ain't dealing

with some Hollywood blubberhead.

Now give me a new estimate

and make sure it makes sense.

Sergeant Ryan.

Well, it used to be Ryan

for about six months till I divorced him

now I'm back to St. John.

They got you working with your ex?

They tell me it's a new
world but I don't get it.

How's chi-chi?

Can you believe it?

I come up here to supervise the movie

while Cora goes to Jersey to visit family

and the little furball
goes and catches a cold.

It's the air conditioning.

Should have brought her sweater.

You came here to tell
me that Randy Lynn starr

caught the last bus, right?

It was bound to happen.

She was tooting and sh**ting

and hanging out with the speed players.

I heard you were with her last night.

I might as well tell you, 'cause
you're going to find out anyway.

When Michael John
Masterson agreed to be the star

I improved my position in this picture.

I ain't mad at monti anymore.

I think he's a flake, but I ain't mad.

I'm co-producing the picture.

Well, maybe you k*lled miss starr

to eliminate her as a producer.

Did she have points?

Yeah, two... but they
wasn't in the picture.

I don't k*ll beautiful girls.

We ain't got enough on the planet as it is.

Do you know what she did for a living?

I checked with our vice squad.

She'd been busted for prostitution.

Her real name's not

Randy Lynn starr

it's Gretchen cooperman.

I know all that.

She told me she came from Boston

to get all that behind her.

Boston. Huh, we don't
have that on our sheet.

Am I really a suspect here?

You going to hassle an
old man and his sick dog?

Probably not.

But you sure dress up the suspect list.

Cass, we got to boogie.

Lord and master calls.

With that attitude

I can't figure why he dumped you.

Maybe I dumped him.

Cassy: Um, it was me

that dumped you.

Tom: No, that's not true.

You didn't dump me.

Okay, whoa, whoa.

We had mutual dumping rights.

He told me, Randy Lynn starr

a.k.a. Gretchen cooperman was from Boston.

Now, he already knew she
was in the sisterhood of the towel.

If he knew she was a hooker

he could have run her off.

Why would he k*ll her?

Why are we out here in
the boonies following monti?

I've got a cop hunch.

That's hard for you

because a**l compulsives
get ulcers, not hunches.

But monti gets a phone call

and runs out on his string
of long-legged ponies

like they were standing
in line at an aids clinic.

It's a hunch.

Go with it.

I'm going, I'm going.

Cassy: Oh, wow.

It's Mickey Masterson.

He's a lot shorter than I thought.

Yeah, well, most actors are short.

They... have large heads.

Look at monti, will you?

Ricky Ricardo didn't
wave his hands that much

when he was conducting.

Nobody talks to me that way.

Don't do that to me.

What are you going to do about it?

I'll show you.

What? What?!


Here's your contract!

Say it just once before we chase him.

Fair's fair.

Okay, it's a pretty good hunch.

Pretty good? It's a great hunch.

Man over P.A.: The white zone is

for the immediate loading

and unloading of passengers only.

No parking.

All cars left in the area

will be towed immediately.


I like what I'm seeing.

Cooking and happening.

I'm on my way to Boston, babe.

Do you want to come?

Sorry, pal, I'm not into threesomes.

My heart was in my throat.

Palm beach P.D.

Oh, hey

if this is about little Randy Lynn

I... I don't know anything about that.

I got to go.

Your plane's been delayed.

I don't know anything
about Randy Lynn's death.

So what's your hurry?

I'm out of this picture.

They've got mob investors, dead producers

and monti, monti storm is a sleazoid.

It's a bad-luck flick

and I got a pissed-off
wife who wants me home.

Donna ledare, the swimsuit
model, back from Brazil.

Oh, I see you've been keeping up

with your subscription to star magazine.

No, actually I got that information

from the inter-agency narcotics briefings.

You know, you're a
nice-looking slice of tuna

but you're beginning to piss me off.

Well, I guess that's something.

So, you, uh, quit the
movie, tore up your contract

and threw it at monti storm.

That could be a problem.

A change of attitude in
relation to the m*rder.

It's too bad you didn't get pictures.

Oh, come on, isn't
that invasion of privacy?

It's park land, public property.

There's no law against
taking pictures in the park.

It might be as*ault and battery.

Cassy: You're not leaving palm beach.

Be available for questioning
when we request it.

Are you very clear on that?

You people, you get
a little, tiny bit of power

and you think you own the world.

That gives us something in common, I bet.

Now we have to find out
what the hell is going on

to ask him the right questions under oath.


Don't rev the engine.

You're always red-lining it.

If you say so.

Let me get this absolutely clear this time.

Randy Lynn starr is actually dead.

This is a for-real m*rder

not a homeless person from
the university med school.

Captain, I have to apologize for Tom.


He sometimes gets intimidated by you.

Cassy, don't do this.

He came in here with full intention

to notify you of the cadaver

found in monti stone's bed

and he slipped into high anxiety

and he blew it.

From now on, I'll report for us both.

It was a cop hunch.

What is that, like a spinal condition?

We're on this m*rder, Harry.

We can put this red ball down, right?

Cops get hunches, Harry.

It was just a hunch.

Ask anybody.

It's % of police work.

Meeting's over, let's go.

Cassy, what are you doing?

You're k*lling me.

You tried to turn everything

into a romance novel.

You're talking to him about hunches

that you've got feelings on motives.

He's an old street bull.

He's going to think

you're about to hire a psychic

to read tea leaves.

And you have a better idea?

Much better.

We attack this problem logically

with analytical precision.

Not another chart, please!

I'll buy dinner this time.

Just try to look at
things my way, will you?

Okay, now I've divided
everybody into categories

from least likely with no motive

to most likely with motive.

That's our most probable column.

Waiter, a couple glasses of red, please.

Okay, on our motive list

we have seven classic motives for m*rder.

Jealousy, profit, to cover a crime, uh...

Mercy k*lling, to avoid
humiliation or disgrace

accidental homicide, and homicidal mania.

Cassy, stop, let's reason this out.

Let's not do a drawing of it, okay?

Here's gino, I have him linked
and suspected with a motive

so he's category six.

Now, his motive is either

to cover a crime or greed.

I'm not for sure which, but they both fit.

Cassy, gino didn't k*ll Randy Lynn.

He put the cadaver in monti's bed.

He didn't k*ll her.

He's an old country goombah.

Old world guys don't k*ll women.

I hate to challenge your
feminine drive for equality

but it's true.

He's retired.

You would really have to rip him

to get him to do something like that.

Besides, he... he's very careful.

He's never even been booked for anything.

This k*lling was amateur.

Are you going to listen to me?

Monti doesn't fit any
of our classic motives.

Randy Lynn was his friend.

Her death would only cause trouble for him

so I'm eliminating him as a suspect.

How can you take him off?


Thank you.

Randy Lynn was a professional call girl.

Boston P.D. had a
three-page rap sheet on her.

She was not monti's friend.

She was a tool of his.

Sleeping with palm beach's finest

just to get them to invest in the movie

that was her "it" factor.

He could have k*lled her
after the financing came in.

I'm going to get to Randy Lynn starr.

Okay, she's a hooker
with a three-page rap sheet.

Watch this.



There, see what I'm saying?

Oh, so you're saying

that because Michael John Masterson

and Randy Lynn starr were both beautiful

and both from Boston

that they were probably doing the nasty.


He agreed to do the picture

so his cokehead wife won't find out

that he is sleeping with whores

while she's in rio

sh**ting pictures and dummy dust.

We didn't need the map
of Poland to figure that.

Straight line logic

and correct factual
organization wins the day.

He k*lled her.

With her dead, there's no living witnesses

to his sexual transgressions.

He saves the farm.

He exits the movie.

Now, tell me you like this reasoning.

I like it.

We need a warrant to arrest.

That will take hours.

Well, we can put a
note in judge Miller's box.

I'll call him.

He'll have the paper
to us by : tomorrow.

And in the meantime, I was thinking...


You just look cute as hell sitting there.

I thought we had bad sexual Karma.

You said people die

when we kiss.

Eh, so I was over-reacting.

You just look adorable.

You see, you're just
feeling all dominant and sexy

after your little performance
with the notepad there.


Who's going to get this check?

No! No! No!

The best events were always in here.


Ah, it can't be.

Not again.




We got another one.

You're kidding, who?

Michael John Masterson

motorcycle accident... damn.

You want me to keep

the area cordoned off?

A film about the Irish potato famine.

Insiders tell us they were surprised

Mickey Masterson chose this project

right on the heels of his
academy-nominated role

in king of thieves, another period movie.

Of course, this is no accident.

Of course. No, this one's on us.

Oh, come on.

Just because we were
deciding to have a little romp?

Not because of that.

I'm a romantic... I'm not a drooling idiot.

Well, then wipe your chin.

This one is on us because
we kept this guy in town.

And that helped the k*ller get at him.

We had Mickey Masterson
down as Randy Lynn's k*ller.

But now he's dead.

So conventional wisdom

would say that he couldn't be

the k*ller because somebody k*lled him.


But... I still think

he k*lled Randy Lynn.

I think he k*lled her
to get out of this movie.

See, when he pulled out of
the movie, somebody k*lled him...

Somebody who had a $
million investment and just lost it.

Gino capizzuto.

Let me run the sequence.

Gino capizzuto invests a million dollars

'cause he thinks Clint Eastwood

is going to play Harpo of Ireland.

Harley o'meara.


Then gino pushes his bet to $ million.

He pushes it up because Mickey signs.

But when Mickey tears up the contract...

I think gino's New York
street sense kicks in.

He goes nuts, and Mickey becomes a...

Obituary notice.

Oh, I like this.

An idea?


We won't be able to pin this on gino

without evidence; He'll be alibied.

We need something to give the D.A...

A witness and solid evidence.

We need some original "it" factor...

A witness with inner radiance.

Aha! Monti storm.


I never liked the
storm-capizzuto connection.

They're not from the same fish bowl.

Those two wouldn't get
in business at gunpoint.

So, why are they together?

Something else must tie them.

Oh, I wish I had my
notepad and my magic marker

so I could get an idea.

I have a hunch... allow me.

What if monti moves from
New York to Hollywood

and starts to use hookers to seduce money?

I say we run a deep background
check, and what do you bet

we find organized crime
in his family picture?

Am I cooking?

And happening.

I say we split.

I'll go to the office

start on the check.

You sit at monti's place

so he doesn't run away
with the movie money.

Yeah, good idea.

You just run off back to the office

with the, uh... unemployed actor.


And if you fill up my
car with carbon, I'll...

Cassy on phone: St. John.

He's making a run for it

going south.

Get the warrant, get moving.

Man over P.A.: The white zone

is for immediate loading

and unloading of passengers only.

No parking.

All cars left in this area

will be towed away immediately.

Ow! You're under arrest for

accessory to m*rder.

What are you doing?

Runway work.

Storm: You can't pull up

in front of gino's house, he's snapped.

Cassy: Do you want to make

a statement...

Seek protective custody?

Tom: Ah! Gino's house is nice.

Cassy: Mm-hmm.

Your cupids are fatter,
but they pee further.

Wow, this is a huge step up

from that two-bedroom in Fort Lauderdale.

More room for chi-chi.

Monti, what do you think?

Should we ring the bell?

Think anybody's home?

You nuts? Let's get out of here.

This guy sees me, he'll k*ll me.

I heard your father

was his father's accountant in New York.

Nice when families help each other.

I want to go!

But, business is business.

And when you screw somebody

even if it is with a friend of the family

retribution is swift.

Let's get out of here, please!

This is very dangerous.

Uh... should we go?

It might be dangerous, he's right.

Cassy: Don't flood the engine.


I flooded the engine.

No. Give it gas!

No, no, no, no

you've already flooded it.

Can't you smell it?

Do not pump it.

Don't pump it!

Well, I'm pumping it...

Okay, I won't pump it.

We're going to have to go back.

I, I'll, uh, walk back there and get help.

Okay, fine, I'll go with you.

What are we going to do with him?

Give me the cuffs.


Well, what the hell are you doing?

Now if this gate moves, jump on and ride.

Storm: Come back, come back!

I'll talk, I'll talk!

He k*lled Masterson.

He told me he was going to.

I tried to talk him out of it...

Come back, I'll make a whole statement.

Who k*lled Randy Lynn? Mickey Masterson?


She tried to blackmail him

to do this picture.

But he hated the script.

Cassy, get a warrant.

You get it. I got the last one.

X-ray six, homicide.

Ryan and St. John.

Or St. John and Ryan.

Capizzuto: They got the putz

chained to the gate.

He's going to give me up.

I should have whacked him.

I'm getting soft in my old age.

Wasn't for his father, I would have.

Let's go, get the car.

We need backup.

coral grove road.

And an arrest warrant
for gino alfonse capizzuto...

m*rder one.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

What the...

Come on, gino!

You're under arrest for the
m*rder of Mickey Masterson.

Hey! Hey! You got to
go back and get chi-chi.

She's all alone, got nobody to feed her.

That's a perfect last request.

Save my little dog.

It's like an herb garden in here.

What are all these bottles
with the French writing?

And what's this bottle
with the purple flowers?

Lavender. I bought it
for my French cuisine.

I use it in my ratatouille.

You eat flowers? I thought
you only sang about them.

Not everything in life
is steak and eggs, cass.

Is that a- and cream cheese?

That's not an hors d'oeuvre, cass

that's... a cholesterol expl*si*n.


It's very good

and I bet you chi-chi would love it.

He's going to need
roto-rooter for his arteries.

Hey, listen, this whole bad
Karma thing is silly, right?

I guess.

Yeah, I mean...

Even if it were true

it seems to be confined

to the people that are
involved in this case

and they're all dead or in jail.

So... it's over.


Sounds right.

Cassy, this is great.

Yeah, it's logical.

See, a tangy sauce

would figure to taste good

on a sweet cheese

and the salty cr*cker

well, that completes the taste triangle.

It's a very logical recipe.

And there's no flowers required.

So if we were to try making love

and nothing happened...

If we got through it

we'd know that this jinx
wasn't on us or ever was.

Hmm, so this is more
than a sporting proposition.

It's metaphysics.

A scientific experiment.


What do you say?

We can't leave it like this, can we?

Guess not.

We got to find out.

In the name of science.

Or in the name of love.


What do you think he wants?

I don't know, he probably found

a dead paper boy under the porch.

I thought you were taking him to the pound

until Cora got back.

Cassy, he looked at me with his...

Little doggie eyes.


I folded.

Now you know how I feel when you do it.

He died at county
jail just ten minutes ago

from a massive coronary.

This just hours

after being arrested for the m*rder

of Michael John Masterson.

Gino alfonse capizzuto was years old.

I'm out of here.

Good idea.

I guess some people just
never were meant to be lovers.

You're still the best partner I ever had.

From now on...

Let's just stick to that.
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