06x11 - Appearances

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x11 - Appearances

Post by bunniefuu »

Down with down!

Down with down!

Down with down!

There are some who would say

offensive lyrics are the price you pay

for freedom of expression.

I say, tell that to the parents
of a young man and woman

who were brutally k*lled in
a Baltimore park last night

by a lowlife listening to gangsta rap!

Yes! Yes!

Uh-huh! That's right!

We have marched into the lions' den

not to call on the righteous,
but the sinners to repentance.

Inside that million-dollar house

lives one of the biggest perpetrators

of cultural garbage in this state.

Like a junkie quivering towards a fix

down records simply cannot resist

cashing in on the amoral
singers who work tirelessly

to tear the culture apart,
glorifying v*olence, brutality

and the most hateful
attitudes towards women.

People like Mustafa selassie

and his group, strike clique.

Ahh! I don't think he likes you.

Protesters: Down with down!

A line has been crossed...

Not one of taste, but
of decency and dignity.

Well, I say to you, Mr. Mel Rafferty

owner of down records

we are here for the duration.

We are front-line warriors
in the w*r against this filth

that tears apart the
very fabric of family life!

And we will not yield!

Protesters: Will not yield!

Will not yield! Will not yield!

I think he just pushed
your c.D. Past platinum.

He don't recognize, the more they hate it

the more the kids drop their ducats on it.

Mustaf, I want to party, baby.

Later, baby.

Dupree's gunning for you, man.

He's going to be all over
you like white on rice.

Not any more.

That was his farewell address.

He's just another grandstander

angling for a fat gig in D.C.

And I got him all wrapped up

and under the Christmas tree.

It amazes me how your mere presence

can k*ll a party

in five seconds.

Oh, relax, Mel.

I'm not going to make a scene.

Maybe once.

Look, is there any way

to get those...

People away from the front gates?

If I could, I would.

But my lawyers keep
telling me it's a free country.

Anyway, try not to run
them over... we'll get sued.

Don't worry, honey, I won't.

I plan to get every penny
that's due me when I leave you.

What's up with that?

She filed for divorce.

You got a prenup?

Never figured I'd need one.


Yeah. So I'm late, so what?

Yo, I'm out, that was my broker.

I was supposed to have lunch with him

half an hour ago.

He ain't going nowhere, though.

Take these two with you.

I got to lay down a rhythm track

by tomorrow.

Okay, ladies, get your clothes on.

Let's give the man some room.



Yeah, sorry to call you on your day off.

Did you have anything major planned?

I notice you're using the past tense.

Sad but true.

Ever hear of a guy named Mel Rafferty?

You kidding me?

I sent him an audition tape

when the was the head
of a&r at regalia records.

Ah. Well, he's dead.

He took three to the chest from a . .

Cassy's already on her way.


All right, thank you.

Great way to spend your day off, huh?

I can think of worse ways.

Well, not off the top of my head.

So what's the story?

Bettina the maid found him around : .

Cigarette he was smoking

set off the smoke detector

she called - - .

Dispatch confirm?

Call and the time.

She brought Rafferty his lunch

in the studio around :

then went back to work.

Where's the Butler?

They don't have a Butler.


He was my first suspect.

So he could have been k*lled

somewhere between : and : .

Yeah, but the odd thing is

bettina was cleaning the
front window all afternoon

and she never heard a thing.

This place is probably
completely soundproofed

being a studio.

Two entrances, one from the house

one from outside.

There's no signs of forced entry.

Security system's pretty extensive.

An inside job.

Like the wife, maybe.





This system.

State of the art echo unit.

Crossovers are prime.

You got any idea what I could do

with equipment like that?

Write inane songs beautifully recorded.

Somebody was having a good time.

Oh... look at this board.

The r.C. Unit is still in the record mode.


Don't tell me you found the m*rder w*apon.

Not quite.


Have someone run a check in here

for latents a.S.A.P.

Did we get lucky?


Mel was recording when he was shot.

The tape was on.

We may be able to fix
an exact time of death.

We may even have
the k*ller's voice on tape.

We never get that lucky.

The decibel meter just went to zero.

That must be where the Mike was yanked.

You see the way the Mike's placed?

Rafferty must have
had his back to the door.

The k*ller came in

Rafferty had his headphones on...

Never heard him.

Or her.

Or her.

The k*ller came in

disconnected the microphone

Rafferty turns to see who it is...


You know, that is the beauty of digital.

It's so accurate.

Mel was k*lled at : .

So what was that noise

right before the tape went dead?

The police want to have a word with you.

Thanks, Henry.

I'll be nearby if you need anything.

Oh, please.

Thank you.

Tom: First of all

we'd like to offer you our sympathy

for your husband's death, Mrs. Rafferty.

Thank you.

We understand you were shopping

at bay's department store
when you were informed.

I was in the lingerie
department when they paged me.

I rushed outside

and Henry brought me home.

How many people have access

to the codes to your security system?

I don't know.

That was Mel's area

but I could get a list of people for you

from the alarm company.


You and your husband
were planning a divorce?

The last time I saw my
husband, he was licking salt

off the stomach of one of
Mustafa selassie's groupies.


We were getting divorced.

Was there a prenuptial agreement?

Sorry to disappoint you

but you see, Mel was broke when we met.

I had a small trust fund from my father

which we lived off of for the

first three years.

So if anyone should have
had a prenup, it was me.

But that was ten years
ago, and we were in love.

Who filed for divorce?

I did.

Adultery, physical and emotional abuse.

You would have got half the estate.

Now I get everything.

How much might that be?

I'm not really sure.

$ million, $ million?

You can get the exact
figure from Gordon Keller.

He's our business manager.


We will.

Thanks for your time.

You're welcome.

Henry Carlisle, isn't it?


We'd like to ask you a few questions.

You drove Mrs. Rafferty

to the department store?

Yeah, that's right.

What time was that?

About : .

Bettina called me

on the car phone about : .

I went into the store and had
them page Helen on the P.A.

So you were outside the store

between : and : .

That's right. It's my job, isn't it?

Well, uh, if you don't mind me saying so

you're not like any chauffeur

I've come across.

You don't wear a chauffeur's outfit

and you're on a first-name basis

with your employer.

Well, this is a part-time gig, you see?

I'm really a musician.

I met Mel at a party.

He was looking for a driver.

The deal was I would
work for room and board

and he would help me
put together a demo tape.

How's it coming?

Well, he never seemed to have time.

And now he's dead.

Yo, yo, whas up?

Uh, what's up is that

we need this tape analyzed.


Where's marnie?

In the Caribbean... kickin' it.

She's on vacation?

Jamaica, mon, mm-hmm.

She gonna learn to talk
like one of the brothers

you know what I'm sayin'?

Or... maybe not.

I don't quite recall... I
was studying for my lsats.

Had you, didn't I?

Derrick Monroe.

Tom Ryan.

How you doing?

Cassy St. John.

Hey, cassy.

What are you looking for?

Oh, there's a noise at the front of it.

We'd like to know what it is.

"What it is"?

Is that some kind of black reference?

I'm kidding, already... come on.

Look, this whole politically correct thing?

It's way over the top.

So, the noise that you need analyzed...



There, that's it.


What I'm going to do

is compare the sound waves

against sound samples
that we have on hard drive...

Try to find an oscillation match.

It's metal against metal.

That's the jingling sound.

And the pitch duration is . seconds.

Which means...?

Bracelets, or Santa claus.

Mel Rafferty wear bracelets?

No, but his wife did.

She's still got an alibi.




Seems like inappropriate behavior

for a grieving widow.

You won't be grieving when we're done.

It's just... before Mel
was dead, it was fine.

It's fine now.


Hey, can I help you dudes?

We're looking for Mustafa selassie.

He's in with miss Crocker.

You look familiar to me.

You know, I was thinking deja vu, too.

You worked at radio land.

Yeah! I got laid off, you know

but it worked out okay by
me because I snagged this job.

And I'm a musician. I wrote this song

"petting heavy."

Mmm, that's great.

Could you tell us

where miss Crocker's office is?

Last office... down
the hall... to the left.

I should probably call
and let her know, huh?

Tom: This is great.

Being here at down records.

You're built, sugar, now use it!

You got to keep banging, banging.

Oh! Yes! Very nice!


Send them in.

Carol city infamous...

That was Rafferty's breakthrough group.

First album went platinum in three weeks.

Turned the industry on its ear.

Dutch elm disease...
They got a great drummer.

You actually like this music?

Hey, cass, we're all musicians.

We all like different things

but that's what makes the world go round.

strike clique...

That's Mustafa selassie's group.

Their first single was " - - - - "...

That's street code for k*lling a cop.

That's charming.

The guy we're about to question

has more attitude than
a rhino with hemorrhoids.

Great image... I'll have to keep

that in mind.

Nice work, jeanine.

What do you think?


Great. See you Thursday.

We're auditioning

for Mustafa's next video.

I'm c.K. Crocker,
vice-president of down records.

Soon to be president.

The king is dead.

Long live the queen!

I'm sergeant St. John

palm beach P.D.

This is my partner, sergeant Ryan.

My pleasure, miss Crocker.

Everyone calls me c.K.


And this is Mustafa selassie.

Cassy: Mr. Selassie

you were one of the last people

to see Mel Rafferty alive.

No, that'd be the k*ller.

By the time Mel got hit, I was long gone.

I got witnesses.

We'd like their names.

Talk to my lawyers.

You want attitude, I'll
show you what attitude is.

It might be easier to ask the questions

here at the office as opposed to...

You'd be wasting your time, sergeant.

See, I was one of those witnesses

that Mustafa mentioned.

He was in this office all afternoon.

We were talking about his future with down.

You hear what she's saying?

So step off.

Tom: This is Mel

Rafferty's office?

Yeah. We needed a big
office for the... auditions.

Has anyone listened to the messages?

Not that I know of.

Dupree: You can run, Mr.

Rafferty, but you can't hide.

Gangsta rap is evil, it is vile.

If you continue to peddle this filth

to the children of america

you will pay the ultimate price.

Yes, I left that message.

We are all answerable to god, sergeant.

I never met Mr. Rafferty

but I'm sure his soul will
burn in hell for eternity.

You can't get any more ultimate than that.

You think I was
threatening him with m*rder?

The thought crossed my mind.

Sergeant Ryan, this coalition

follows the principles of non-v*olence

as so eloquently stated
by the reverend king.

Those who heed the call to v*olence

have no place in this organization.

Cassy: Maybe one of

your followers

got a little carried away.

Took harassment to the next level.

It's not harassment, sergeant

to make these rappers aware
of their moral obligations.

The civic society belongs to all of us.

And with this ownership

comes the responsibility for its health.

People probably said the same thing

about Elvis Presley years ago.

I recall Elvis singing about
hound dogs and Teddy bears.

Those are the lyrics

to strike clique's newest single.

Don't you find them
offensive, sergeant St. John?

Don't you find them demeaning to women?

What I think is immaterial.

What time did you stop protesting?

Around : .

And shortly after, the media
packed up and moved on?

We are urban crusaders

fighting for the survival
of the American family.

High profile

full media exposure.

Did you and your crusaders
come straight back here?

No, they grabbed some lunch

and I stopped at a local church

for guidance, prayer and strength.

Then I went back to my hotel.

What time was that?

Around : .

I was there for the remainder

of the afternoon.

I'm sure the concierge

will be able to confirm my arrival.

Are there any more questions
that I can answer for you?

No. Thank you for your time.

You have a good day.

Tom: Okay, thank you.

Hotel confirms that dupree
was back there at : .

In his room, alone.

Not very solid.

So what do we make...

Put it back.

What do we make of this guy?

He's a born politician...

Ambitious, smart, going places.

Could jail be one of them?

Not for a guy pushing
to be the next drug czar.

And why put three b*ll*ts into Rafferty

after leaving a threatening message

on his answering machine?

So where do we stand, guys?

I'd like to stop by bay's...

Check out Helen Rafferty's alibi.

Ugh, why do I drink this stuff?


Pick up a little something
for yourself in lingerie?

Yeah. I also got yesterday's
surveillance tapes

from the store manager.

Would you like to compare notes?

Thank you.

So we can place her in swimwear

at : .

And she bought
pantyhose in lingerie at : .

Yeah... and nothing in between.

Well, Rafferty was shot at : .

So, that gives her an hour to
drive home, pop three into hubby

and get back in time
to establish her alibi.

No, she never would have made it.

You know what?

It's : ... let's go for it.

Oh, ooh, my bag, my bag.

Tom: Come on, come on.



Take off five minutes
for catching the bridge.

I did. That leaves her minutes

to get in the house, k*ll Rafferty

drive back to the store, buy pantyhose.

The answer's got to be someplace else.

Well, we tried.

Sergeant Ryan.

Here's the list of people

with access codes you wanted.

Helen, you didn't have to come here.

It was no bother.

I mean, I... I had some
business I needed to attend to.

Well, um...

If you need anything else...

I'll let you know.

Who's on the list?

Half of palm beach.

Gardeners, pool cleaners, maids...

Pest control company...

Mustafa selassie.

There's a name with a
glimmer of possibility...

Gordon Keller.

Helen said he was their business manager.

What comes second after love

in the top-ten list of m*rder motives?


Back to number one:

What about love?

Makes you do crazy things.

Yeah, there's a way a man looks at a woman

that says something.

The way Helen looked at Henry.

What is that look? And what does it say?

Forget it!

He had motive.

Rafferty was supposed

to give him his big break.

Or he was in love with Helen.

He had opportunity...

Parked in front of the store by himself

and he had plenty of
time to get there and back.

Okay, you're right, we
shouldn't rule him out yet.

But first we should pay a visit

to the business manager of the music world.

I'd love to visit Mel's studio

and punch up my demo reel.

You really think that makes a difference?

Cass, music is mixing.

Better equipment, better mixing.

Look at Phil spector and his wall of sound

or Jimmy iovine, or...

Where would the Beatles
be without George Martin?

They'd just be another normal band.

Hey, but with his
equipment, e.M.I.'S money...

Number one in the world.


I wrote their checks,
controlled their investments

gave them advice...
financial and otherwise.

In short, I succeeded in
making myself indispensable

to the raffertys...

The job of a good business manager.

You also handle selassie and c.K. Crocker?

I handle most of the down crew.

Any friction between you and Rafferty?

When it came to financial management

Mel trusted me implicitly.

I meant personally.

The reason I ask

is that we ran a check
and Rafferty was cited

as the co-respondent in your own divorce.


That was several years ago.

I learned that Mel and my
wife were having an affair.

I was quite devastated at the time.

Now it's water under the proverbial bridge.

But you kept Rafferty on as a client.

A sad reality of business.

Multi-million-dollar clients
are thin on the ground.

Seems pretty cynical.

Look, I know you're
investigating Mel's m*rder

but I have a pretty good idea

who should be at the
top of your suspect list.

Care to enlighten us?

Mel was never one

to take a threat lying down.

When Isaac dupree started his
campaign against down records

Mel hired the best p.I. In town

to look into Mr. Dupree.

And he hit pay dirt?

The mother lode.

Dupree had five felony
arrests as a juvenile

mostly for violent street crimes.

Juvenile records are sealed.

I told you, Mel hired the best p.I.

He hired the best of everything.

Wouldn't look good on the resume

of someone angling for a
high government position.

Did dupree know?

They met yesterday morning, right here.

Mel told him unless he
quit the Spanish inquisition

a press release would be put out

to every newspaper and
magazine in the country.

Dupree lied to us.

Good evening, Mr. Dupree.

Closing up shop?

The battlefront has shifted, sergeant Ryan.

After Rafferty's death

any further protests against down records

would be inappropriate.

We know about your meeting
with Rafferty... you lied to us.

There are greater issues here, sergeant.

Issues far more important than
the veracity of my statements.

Not to me, there aren't.

I'm against v*olence

because that's where I came from.

Maybe the past has paid a return visit.

With hindsight, maturity and education

I understand the pain
I caused as a juvenile.

But I'm afraid forgiveness

is foreign inside the beltway.

So Rafferty blackmailed you.

Drop the campaign against him

or I'd be history in Washington. I agreed.

Just like that?

In the struggle for the hearts

and souls of our children

Mel Rafferty was but one villain.

You went to his house for the protest.

The event was planned.

Rafferty and I agreed

pulling the plug on short notice

would seem odd to the media.

It's probably the only
thing he and I agreed on.

I know I have a powerful motive

but I didn't k*ll him.

You said you were in your
hotel room from : on?

That's true.

Well, maybe you can tell us

why the hotel operator said

each time she called
your room that afternoon

there was never an answer.

Where were you, Mr. Dupree?

In my room.

Tom: Doing what?

None of your business.

I'm afraid it is!

Stop it!

Woman: Tell them, Isaac.

Delores is my alibi.

She's separated from her husband

but they're still married.

Lipschitz: Okay, so dupree's got motive

his alibi is suspect

so maybe that gives him opportunity.

He knew where Rafferty lived

he was at the scene of
the crime an hour before.

I would say bring him in, but, uh...

We, uh...

We got ourselves another contender.

Helen Rafferty?

Security tapes put her inside bay's

at the exact time she says she was there.

I had that new cop, Monroe

run a database search
on Rafferty and selassie.

Am I the only one who thinks
that guy's a real nutcase?

Anyway, according to an article

in one of the industry trade papers

Mustafa selassie has a "key
man" contract with down records.

And that would be, Mr. Music biz?

Selassie's contract with down

is keyed-man to Mel Rafferty.

If Mel Rafferty leaves down...

Or dies...

Then the contract is canceled.

According to this article

labels are scrambling to get him.

His royalty rates

would go right through the roof.

And c.K. Crocker

claims that she was with Mustafa

all yesterday afternoon.

C.k. Crocker also has a vested interest

in protecting her company's biggest star.


It's Gordon.

Yeah, I know it's late.

It's about Mel's death.

I've just come across
something very interesting.

We have to talk, right now.

I'll meet you there in an hour.

Excuse me.

Uh, the receptionist
said we'd find you in here.

You mean my ex-receptionist!

Mustafa and I were just, uh

listening to the dance mix

of "more than you can handle."

So, what can I do for you?

Actually, we were wondering

what Mustafa's plans are
now that Rafferty's dead.

What that got to do with you?

You had a key-man clause in your contract

so now you're free to leave.

You're saying I bust Mel?

How much you make a year?

That's none of your business.

grand, with overtime?

I made twice that last week.

Don't come here talking to me

about k*lling over a couple extra mil.

We all got paid in full in here

so k*ll that noise, sister.

I told you, sergeant

I was with Mustafa all yesterday afternoon.

Yeah, in an office

with a private exit to the street.

Oh, now I'm an accessory.

Well, let me put that theory to rest.

Mustafa isn't going anywhere.

I just re-negotiated
his contract with down.

He gets a bigger royalty

and we get five more albums
over the next two years.

Confirmed by the new president.


I see.

So, did he take much persuading?

Oh... it was a hard assignment

but somebody had to do it.

Now, is there anything else?

Because we've got some mixing to do.

Tom: That's a hard-disk recorder,

isn't it?

Yeah, it's brand new.

No distortion on playback.

It's convenient for mixing.

I know, convenient.

I'm, uh, I'm a singer myself.

I write songs, too.

Oh, oh...

You got a demo?

Oh, yeah.

Send it over.

I'd like to see what you got.

Tom: Let me clear this case.

It's in the mail.

That was a smart move.

There's nothing smart
about it... he's cute.

Why don't you forget about him...

And concentrate on me.

You're really going to send her your demo?

Why not? It's opportunity knocking.

What if she k*lled Mel Rafferty?

Are you going to give it to her

before or after you arrest her?

I don't think she k*lled Mel Rafferty...

Because you're getting hunches

from below your belt.

She was vice president...
emphasis on vice...

And now she's running the show.

I said I'd send it to her

after the case was solved.

St. John.

Okay, we're there.

Ho, ho, Gordon Keller's body was just found

doing the no stroke in
the innercoastal waterway.


Don't tell me... there's a involved.

In the head, but just once.

That's all you need. When?

Oh, m.E. Guesses just after midnight.

All right, check out his
office, check out his house.

Maybe there's a su1c1de
note and a confession.

Maybe he was embezzling
from Rafferty and he gets nailed.

We thought about that.

We stopped by both places on our way here.

Okay, thank you.

Coast guard says

if Keller was shot just after midnight

the tide would have
carried him about a mile.

So, he would have been thrown in where?

I got a map in the car.

Okay, the tide would have brought him south

and then he would have
been drawn into the waterway.

So, his point of entry

would have been somewhere

around John Douglas state park.



He was shot over by the trees

dragged down to the pier

and dumped into the water.

Body dropped here.

Two sets of tire tracks.

One of these is michelin,
could be a million cars.

The other one is, uh...

That's a star car.

That's a lamborghini, Aston Martin.

You got to be kidding.

Come on. What?

You expect me to believe

that you can identify any brand of tire

by looking at the tire track?

Not any tire, I said "almost any tire."

Allow me to paint a picture for you.

Summer, , Roger's retreads

I load tires hours
a day, six days a week

four bucks an hour in the sweltering heat.

I hate tires, I hate the goodyear blimp.

But I know tires.

Okay, okay, I believe you.

Helen Rafferty's second car's a Ferrari.

That's a star car.

We've proved Helen couldn't
have made it to the store and back.

Besides, why would she k*ll Keller?

I don't know yet.

Let's just get forensics out here.

A boat.

What about it?

There's a Marina

next to the department store.

That's how she got home in time.

She used a boat.

What about the surveillance tape

that puts her inside bay's

at the time the m*rder was committed?

Cassy: She just bought something

in lingerie.

Now she's headed for the ladies room.

It's : .

When does she come out?

She's been in there ten minutes.

Maybe we missed her.

No, no, no, you wouldn't miss that hat.

That's her.

Are you sure?

Yeah, yeah.

She changed her appearance

in the ladies room

so no one would recognize
her leaving the store

but look, she forgot to
take off her bracelets.

Yeah, lipschitz.


Okay, thanks.

Okay, tire tracks were made

by bridgestone expedia - cr .


Relatively new tire
made for only three cars

including the Ferrari testarossa.

Cassy: minutes flat.

Tom: I'll call for backup.

Good afternoon, sergeant Ryan

sergeant St. John.

How's the case going?

Better than we expected.

We're here to arrest you for the m*rder

of your husband.

This is a joke, right?

She was at bay's when Mel was m*rder*d.

Her hat was at bay's.

We saw the store surveillance tape

figured out the quick change

you pulled in the ladies room.

Tom: Then there's Gordon Keller.

The ballistics report shows

that the g*n that was used to k*ll him

was the same used to k*ll Mel.

Hmm, and I suppose you
have the m*rder w*apon?

No, we don't have the m*rder w*apon...

But Henry's got the m*rder w*apon.

This is ridiculous, man.


All right, all right.

Turn around.

Hands behind your back.

What a pity.

I wish you'd known Mel.

You'd probably let me go.

I doubt it.

Sergeant, I was brought up

to believe in marriage.

Mel abused that every chance he could.

When it comes down to it

this really had nothing
to do with money at all...

And everything.

I wanted him dead

but I put a very high price
on deceit and humiliation.

Gordon Keller just got in the way

of the plan that you and Henry laid out.

Well, it's an unfortunate side effect

of doing his job too well.

He paid the bills

saw the receipt for the boat rental

that Henry had his signature on

and he put two and two together.

It's too bad.

He was very fond of you.

Let's go.

How did it go?


Come on, you been talking
about this audition all day.

Don't clam up on me now.

Well, she, uh...

She propositioned me.

She what?

She propositioned me!

She's a...

C.k. Propositioned me.

She said that, uh...

She said she thought I was cute

and that if she could strap me on...

I think that's how she put it...

I have a future with down.

Had she heard your demo yet?


No, that didn't seem to matter.

She said that she hadn't had a cop before.

She said that...

You find this funny?

I'm sorry.

It's just that men have
been pulling that crap

on women for years.

You got to hand it to her.

She's the only person in this case

who has appeared exactly as she is...

A Venus flytrap.

Well, I told her, cassy

that she'd have to accept me for my music

for who I am

not just because...

Someone with a cute set of buns.


So, then what did she say?

Then she said, "just leave the demo with me

and I'll get back to you."

This came for you.

"From the desk of c.K. Crocker."

Open it, open it.

It's my tape.

What's this?

What's it say?

This is appalling.

Well, what's it say?

That's what it says:

"This is appalling."
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