06x05 - Pre-Judgement Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x05 - Pre-Judgement Day

Post by bunniefuu »

- Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.

Ted, Ted, lose the gum.

You look like a grouper trying to kiss her.

I mean, you're making love, okay?

A woman likes to be seduced.

- Thank you.

It's really hard to get in the mood

when someone's slobbering
cinnamon all over your leg.

- Some people like it.

- Ted, just remember, try to be romantic.


You're in a beautiful place
with a beautiful woman.

You know, nothing else
you would rather be doing,

and no place else you'd rather be doing it.

- Gotcha. - Anything?

- Just that we get it finished.

I know that look, I don't like that look.

- The public is clamoring

for seven more secrets of world-class sex.

I don't wanna push the release date.

- Don't worry, we'll get it done.

- That is what you said last time.

And then we missed the release date,

and that screwed up the ad campaign.

And, that probably cost us , units.

Now, hurry up and get changed.

We've gotta be at the bank in minutes.

- What are you talking about?

The meetings not till Friday.

- Chick, I told you last week
we moved it to Tuesday.

- Oh, you know, can't you do it?

- If we wanna go through
with this turlanian deal,

we need their money, and we need it now.

End of story.

- Just tell 'em I'm sick, okay.

Tell 'em I have to finish the video.

- Chick, I am tired of you

always backing out of these things.

- Robyn, enough, I'm not going.

- You are such a...

- no, I mean, you want
me to finish the video,

I'm finishing it.

Robyn, we have to talk.

- I can't, I have to get to the bank.

- Robyn!

- So, this is where he works.

- Oh please, the guy's a sleazeball.

- Cass, chick Chandler is up there.

He's up there with hef, and Bob.

To a lot of people he's a legend.

Satin dreams played a very important role

in the education of the American male.

- Well, no wonder sats are lower.

- Okay, well, I'll admit, I'll admit,

in the s he was politically incorrect.

Fast cars, fast women,
fast planes, fast you name it,

he did it.

- And you admire that?

- No, I don't admire it.

Well, I mean, everybody
has their fantasies.

By the s, he turned it around.

He settled down, he got married.

In short, he grew up.

- I guess you missed that class.


- Sergeant.

- Too bad she wasn't driving a t*nk.

- Or taking her own car.

This was her husband's.

- Oh, they picked the wrong day to switch.

Any word on why?

- They had a spat, he
threw her the keys to his car,

she took it.

You guys were married.

- Yeah, it's all too
frighteningly familiar.

- It smells like dynamite.

- Probably.

Either they buried it, car drives over,

or they stuck it underneath.

Either way, sayonara.

- Chandler was here when it happened?

- Yep, he's inside waiting to talk to you.

They were filming a better sex video.

- No, don't give me that look.

- to one there's red velvet on that set.

Mr. Chandler.

Sergeant St. John,

this is sergeant Ryan.

We have to ask you a few questions.

- Sure.

- You had any threats lately?

- Well, we get them all the time.

You know, not everybody agrees

with our interpretation
of the first amendment.

- But nothing stands out?

Hasn't been excalation
of threats or actual acts?

- No, not really.

Well, except a couple of weeks ago

somebody tried to break into our house.

- Did you report it?

- No, nothing happened.

Really, we get weirdos and crackpots

coming around here all the time.

Always think there's a
perpetual orgy going on.

- But there's not.

- Sergeant, I own three TV
stations, one satellite service,

newspapers, and six magazines.

Only one of which is adult.

- So, no one has threatened you recently?

- Stephanie turlanian
threatened me yesterday.

But that's only because

I'm buying her family's magazine group.

- Someone did make an attempt then,

on your life, Mr. Chandler.

- She's very opposed to this deal.

- Well, we'll contact you
if we find out anything.

- You've got quite a setup here.

- That was all Robyn.

She took care of everything.

- Oh, well it looks amazing.

- She was, she had
beautiful skin like yours.

- Okay, thank you.

- If I need a new spark plug, it's $ .

If I need new tires it's $ .

If I need my ashtray emptied it's $ .

Am I making my point here?

Ah, no, no, no, no.

I wanna buy five

or I'm doing a expose on mechanics.

Yes, I want it delivered, good bye.

- We're uh... - yes, yes, I know.

Look, I didn't do it.

So, what else can I do for you?

- You seem really broken up about it.

- Ah, sarcasm.

Is that supposed to throw me off my rhythm?

Make me crack, let slip a vital clue?

- Sometimes it works.

- Miss turlanian, did you actually

thr*aten chick Chandler yesterday?

- I thr*aten everybody.

Sergeant, my family built this company,

I would do anything short
of m*rder to keep it alive.

Where were you this morning about : ?

- Oops, you got me there.

I was here, alone, working.

- And before that?

- In a taxi coming back from
that black hole of spending

my Mercedes dealership.

I have a cab receipt,
would you like to see it?

- You arrived at?

: , : , I don't remember exactly.

- Did you know the chandlers well?

- No, we spent most of our
time screaming at each other.

- So, Mr. Chandler has a short fuse?

- No, Robyn does, did.

- So, aside from you,

who else do you know that
might wanna k*ll Mr. Chandler?

- There must be dozens.

But off the top of my head, Artie sayles.

- Who is?

- President of the printer's union.

He and the chandlers are...

Oh, I'm sorry I keep saying that.

He and chick are currently involved

in what we call in the journalism business,

bitter contract negotiations.

Chick wants some rollbacks
on health and wages

for new hires,

and Artie doesn't wanna give 'em.

- Should he?

- A year ago, Artie and I went toe-to-toe.

He called a strike on our company.

Ultimately, I paid a lot of
money, brought in some scabs,

and we broke him.

Which didn't make Artie look
too good with his constituents.

Nearly split the union.

Lot of people wanted to settle early on.

Well, now he's dealing with chick,

and he can't afford to lose twice,

he's up for re-election.

Funny thing is we lost so much
money because of that strike,

that weakened us, made
us ripe for a takeover.

- By the chandlers? - Mm-hm.

- Who do you think is gonna
blink first, Artie or chick?

- I think a b*mb might make
anybody blink, don't you?

Nope, I disagree.

- How can you say that?

Easy, with my mouth.

- Practically gives us
the guy on a sliver platter.

We get too close, she
points us in another direction.

- So, that makes her guilty?

- No, it makes me suspicious.

It's in her eyes.

- Oh, I'm surprised you got that high

the way you were ogling.

- Oh god, that's very funny.

And, you were so right
about Mr. Sleazeball.

Face it cass, you're o for two.

The guy turned out to be a nice guy.

- He probably makes sex
videos in his own jacuzzi.

- Maybe he takes his work home with him.

Plenty of people do.

- Yeah, but how many involve lubricants?

- You're the most black
and white person I know.

Facets cass, people have facets.

- Does that include watching
football in your underwear?

Or when your eyes roll
back just before you...

- okay, svengali, what
does Artie sayles look like?

- Average height, a little shorter.

s, muscle gone to fat,
kinda on the stout side.

Just like all the union guys
my dad used to hang out with.

- Well, read 'em and weep.

Mr. Sayles, sergeant Ryan.

This is sergeant St. John, palm beach pd,

we spoke to you earlier.

- Right, yeah, about the Chandler thing.

How do you do? - Good.

- I hope you weren't looking for me inside,

I needed to fix that latch before I forgot.

- No, we just got here.

- Oh, good.

Mr. Sayles, where were
you this morning around : ?

- I was out surfing.

I drove my kids to school

and then I headed for the beach.

It's a hobby of mine, it's how I stay fit.

Anyone who can attest to that?

My wife saw me leave, other than that, no.

Where'd you go surfing?

By riviera, near cocoa plum.

- You stop for breakfast,
buy a paper, get gas?

- Nope, sorry, I just drove right there

and drove right back.

- You still have a full t*nk of gas.

- Yeah, well I filled it up last night.

It takes a while for it to register.

Look, I was nowhere near her place.

I'm sorry Mrs. Chandler
was k*lled, that was tragic.

- But it might help in your negotiations.

- You don't pull any punches now, do you.

- Not when somebody's been m*rder*d.

- Look, if chick Chandler
had been in that car

a lot of people around here

would've been happy, myself included.

But I didn't do it.

- And you don't know who did.

- Did you try Stephanie turlanian?

He was trying to buy her company.

- Thanks, we'll look into it.

- Any time.

- He was awfully quick to
give up Stephanie turlanian.

- Yep, there's no love lost there.

I think it took him almost a nanosecond

to come up with her name.



"Attest to".

Where did you get that, law and order?

- Facets cass, facets.

That's just one of the
things you've overlooked.

I always hate these lunch
hour meetings with duralde,

why can't he just call us on the phone

or leave a note on our
desk like a normal cop?

- Rhip.

- Rank has its privileges.

I gotta get some of that.

- Almost.

We found a few pieces
from the triggering device.

It's a remote control job.

Pretty simple, actually.

- How far away could the k*ller be

and still set it up?

- Won't know for sure until
we get a few more pieces,

but my guess?

Pretty close.

Two, three hundred feet.

- So the k*ller could see
who was driving the car.

- He was aiming for Robyn.

- Yeah, that's what I was thinking too.

- What else can you
tell us about the bomber?

- Right now, it could be anybody.

The detonater was pretty simple,

you could get it off the Internet.

Then all you have to do is go down

to your local radio land and buy the parts.

- Great.

- Good thing you didn't
know that before our divorce.

- One thing you have
to understand, sergeant,

is that I loved my wife.

I loved the way she walked,

I loved the perfume she wore,

I love the way she crossed her legs.

The way she laid in bed, asleep.

The sheet half falling, half following

the curve of her breast.

I loved everything about her.

- So there was no talk of divorce.

- We were a team.

Now most people don't know this,

but Robyn was the brains
behind "satin dreams".

I mean, she had a gift for business.

I ran the creative side,
she handled the finances.

Together we built this.

- Mr. Chandler, you still haven't answered

sergeant Ryan's question.

- I was afraid she was having an affair.

You know, it's funny.

Most people think I'd be the one.

I admit, in my single days,

monogamy was not in my dictionary,

but when I met Robyn, I gave it all up.

- But something made you suspicious,

something tipped you off?

- She seemed more distant recently.

You know, when I touched her,

she didn't respond the way she used to.

And a touch is such an intimate thing.

- And when you confronted
her, she denied it.

- I guess part of me didn't believe her.

- But part of you did,
because there was no proof,

there were no mysterious phone calls,

no unusual charges on her credit cards,

no jewelry that she was wearing

that you didn't remember
buying for her, right?

- Exactly.

- Just the same, we need
to look at her phone bills

and her credit card statements

in case you missed something.

- Fine, whatever you need.

- One more thing, Mr. Chandler.

I know you said you gave up the wild life

once you got married,

but people do slip.

- Or make mistakes, or
cheat, or any other euphemism

you care to use, but I didn't do that.

Why do you keep asking me this?

- Because it's possible that
you could've had the affair

and she found out.

- What she means is
that these type of things

happen all the time,

and well, it's important
for us to look at both sides.

Sometimes the wife will file for divorce,

and then there's a case number,

before long, we're looking into it.

- I'll messenger over those
records and statements

when I get them together.

- Thanks.

- Yeah.

Thanks a lot.

What the hell was that all about?

- He was too smug, I
was trying to rattle him.

- Yeah, you were about
as subtle as a crow bar.

Maybe the guy was telling the truth.

Not every guy cheats on his wife, you know?

- Well, maybe it's just
another fascinating facet of him

we haven't discovered.

- Cass, you've had a Jones
for this guy since we've started.

What's the deal?

- The deal is, his wife is dead,

and he is a sleazeball.

- Really?

Well, he said that she was
the brains behind the operation.

Wouldn't that make her a bigger sleazeball?

- Duralde said whoever set off that b*mb

had to be close.

I think we should look around the studio

to see if we can find something,

like where he stood, or a
monogram cigarette butt,

or maybe his latest copy
of psycho bomber monthly.

- And Mr. Sleazeball?

- He could've paid somebody.

Here's five grand, whack-a-doodle-doo.

- That's what I love about you.

You're devious.

That's about right there.

- You got a pretty good view from here.

- Yeah, but do we have a clue?

- Find something?

- No, I'm watching these
ants carry this beetle.

How do they do that?

They're so tiny.

- They've had a lot of
experience carrying dead weight.

- Do they were aqua socks?

- Huh?

- Shoe prints.

- The kind of shoes a surfer
might wear to the beach.

- Hey.

Thanks for stopping.

- No problem.

What can I do for you?

- Well, hopefully nothing.

- Mr. Sayles, you said you were up surfing

at cocoa plum this morning.

- Yeah, that's right.

- Then how do you explain
the set of aqua socks prints

we found yards from the expl*si*n?

- I have no idea, there's probably a

thousand explanations.

- Simplest one being that you were there.

- No, I was not there.

I was surfing, like I said.

- Must've been quite a hike from cocoa plum

back to your car.

You're not gonna make
us spend all day tomorrow

knocking on doors, are ya?

I mean, somebody in the
neighborhood was bound

to have seen your truck.

Then we'll have to get a search warrant,

take a print of your shoes,

match them to the ones up there,

then we're gonna be...

- right back where we started

asking you what you were doing up there.

- I was spying.

Look, I wanted to see if any of my guys

were meeting with them.

I am fighting for my life here.

I'm up for re-election,

and there's a large faction of my union

that thinks that we should settle.

I think we should hold out.

I wanted to see if there was

any secret negotiations going on.

- And were there any
secret negotiations going on?

- No, nothing.

And when Chandler's car started to leave,

I realized there wasn't
gonna be any meetings

and I didn't see any
point of sticking around.

- And that's when you left?

- Yeah.

I heard the expl*si*n and
then I ran back up to look and...

Then I came back here.

- Don't plan any surfing trips out of town.


- Yeah.

- Dare I ask?

- We're kicking around
motives for the Chandler case.

- Hm.

Well, maybe if I kicked
your butts around a little bit,

things would move a little
quicker around here, huh?

- Chick Chandler thinks
his wife was having an affair,

so he pulls the trigger.

- Or Artie sayles blows
her away to save the union.

- Unless Stephanie turlanian does her first

in order to keep her family's business

from being sold to senor
sleaze, aka chick Chandler.

- I see.


So basically, we're nowhere.

- Basically.

- Mhm.

And you wonder why you don't get raises.

- There's a relation?

- And this affair angle's a dead end.

Everything seems normal.

- Perfect.

- Well, this is a happy party.

We ID'd some of the
pieces from the receiver

and the detonater, pretty simple stuff.

Can buy it at any radio land

or TV electronics repair place.

- Man.

- That's why he's a lieutenant

and you guys are sergeants.

There's gotta be a million
places in palm beach.

- to be exact.

Happy trails.

- First thing tomorrow
we'll grab some uniforms

and get on.

- We're also running
a partial print we found

on one of the pieces of the trigger.

/ we've got enough to match.

I'll let you know.

- Look at this.

Teamwork, progress, actual detecting!

I want this thing cracked asap.

- Why, you getting some heat from above?

- No, it's coming from me.

I'm the boss, remember?

- Hold that thought.

- Homicide, sergeant St. John speaking.

Uh huh.

Uh huh.

We'll be right over.

Try not to touch anything.

Someone broke in and
ransacked Chandler's place.

Did you notice anything suspicious?

- No, I opened the door, saw this,

then I went back out to
my car and called you.

- Good idea.

- Can you tell if anything's missing?

- Right now, geez, I don't know.

Who knows.

- You know, typically, when
this sort of thing happens,

the suspect's either looking for something

or he's trying to send a message.

- I agree.

Question is, what's he trying to say?

- Anything from "leave
me alone" to "you're next".

- If you like, we'll post an officer

outside your house tonight.

- No, thanks, but I'm not
gonna stay here tonight,

I think I'm gonna check into a hotel.

Let the ghosts settle down.

- Well, let us know if
you change your mind.

- Certainly.

You'll keep me posted, won't you?

- Of course.

What'd you think?

- I think he was pretty shook up.

- I think it's possible he
ransacked his own house

to take the heat off of himself.

- Or the real k*ller weed whacked the place

because he really was looking
for something incriminating.

- Oh, like his day planner?

Wednesday, blow up Robyn?

♪ Her mind was like a convenience store

out in highway ♪

- Why are you singing me a song

that you wrote for Janet angelini?

- Oh, that's what this is about.

That's why you got such a
hammer on for chick Chandler.

- Oh, that is not it at all.

- You?

No, I'm not taking the bait here.

- There is no bait to...

Sergeant Ryan?

- What?

- I was just talking to a
woman down the street,

she saw a black Mercedes convertible

leave here around six P.M.

It was driven by a woman with dark hair.

- Thank you.

I got nothing to feel guilty about.

- Okay.

- Actually, it's midnight blue.

- A car matching that description

was seen leaving
Chandler's house last night

about six o'clock.

- Well then, it couldn't have been me.

I was gone by at least : .

I remember because the
clock is one of the things

I just had fixed.

- Well, maybe they
didn't do a very good job.

Maybe you were there
looking for a replacement

at chick's house.

- Look.

I stopped by to say how sorry I was.

When I found out he wasn't there, I left.

- Maybe you were looking for something

that would incriminate you in the bombing.

- I didn't trash chick Chandler's house.

- But you weren't there to
apologize either, were you?

- No.

I wanted to talk about the buyout.

I wanted to call time.

He just suffered a tremendous loss,

and I was looking down the barrel at one.

I thought maybe if we took a break

it might take the pressure off,

and he'd cool off on the idea of buying us.

It could be a win-win
situation for everybody.

- Mainly a win for you.

- Absolutely.

- I didn't know that you published

new audio and electronics magazine.

- Going on years.

- I had a subscription
to that thing for years.

Did you ever work on it?

- You mean, did I work on it long enough

to learn how to build a b*mb?

Yeah, I guess.

- "Yeah, I guess?"

- Yes!

Look, what do you want from me?

I have told you
everything, but I didn't do it!

Now, unless you have something else

you want to spring on me,

I have three magazines
going to press today.

- Tom.

- Cass.

We're on a case, let's
stick to the case, okay?


- That's not what I was
gonna ask you about.

- Fine.

Who's our primary?

- Chick Chandler.

- No, it doesn't line.

Stephanie's got the motive and the ability.

- But she ransacks the house

when it's still light enough outside

where everybody can see her?


Besides, she was having her car fixed

when the big bang occurred.

- Then who, Artie?

What's his motive?

The union could've bounced him

when he lost the strike with them.

All he has to do is hang
in, gain a few points.

Chick's not gonna go
bankrupt or be taken over

like Stephanie was.

- That's why it's chick who did it.

- If he knew who her lover was,

why didn't he k*ll them both?

- Sleazeball solidarity.

- Man, you are hard.

The guy does one thing you disapprove of,

that's it, finito, it's over.

- In a nutshell.

- Ladies and gentlemen,
miss black and white,

miss above reproach,
miss "I always obey the law".

No, you never do anything shady.

- It's just a matter of choice.

- I forgot.

You're the woman that
always stops completely

at a stop sign.

I was married to the other woman.

The one that used to roll
through them all the time.

- That's different.

- It's different because it's you,

not chick Chandler.

- Look, there's a certain
line that we don't cross,

and we all know it when we see it.

- Really?

What cereal box did you
get those glasses from?

- Why do you pretend like you don't know

what I'm talking about?

- I nev...

I never went out with her,

I never wrote her that song.

- Give me a break.

- No, you give me a break.

You never admit you're
wrong about anything.

Not about me, chick Chandler.

- I'm not wrong about chick Chandler.

- Fine.

You want to crack his walnuts?

You can go over and talk to him tonight.

But after we've finished
a few of these pages.

- He's your idol, you go do it.

- Who promised him the progress report?

Oh, or is that one of those lines

that we can cross when we want to.


- I was wrong.

Came on this case with an attitude.

I knew your reputation,

I didn't try to look beyond it,

and I pre-judged you.

And what I would like
to say is, I apologize.

And we'll do everything we can to find out

who m*rder*d your wife.

- Thank you, I know
that wasn't easy for you.

- No, it wasn't.

- Well, is there any news?

- We've got some leads,
we're pursuing them.

- But you can't tell me what they are.

- Not at this time.

It's not normal police
procedure to get too specific.

- You mean I'm still a suspect.

- Do I smell something burning?

- Oh, I'm in the middle
of cooking something.

Cornish game hen and
prosciutto, I'll be right back.

Have you eaten?

- No.

Thanks though, I gotta go.

Can I ask you something?

- Oh, I can tell from the tone
of your voice what's coming.

Robyn had that.

She could unnerve me or excite me

just with her voice.

- Well, so, what's the answer?

- Answer is, I believe in a lot of things,

among them, the first amendment.

- But...

- no but.

Law says we have freedom of expression,

but people also have the freedom

not to buy our magazines,

or watch the shows on our TV stations

or buy our newspapers.

But you still think I'm sleazy.

- Partly, yeah.

- Well, what about the part that gave

, to women's rights
organizations last year?

Or airlifted three planeloads

of medical supplies into Bosnia?

Or our make dreams real
kid's cancer foundation.

And we do all of that,

we just don't advertise it.

- You're not exactly what I expected.

- Well, what do you know?

I'm a human being.

I'm a walking contradiction.

- Touche.

- I said it's just an investigation,

I'm not bringing my
personal life into this.

So just...

Call me tomorrow, at his house.

- No, Robyn was always the
one with the business head,

but she was against
buying Stephanie's company.

Thought it would plunge
us into too much debt,

make us vulnerable for a takeover.

You know, we argued about it a lot.

- Why was she fighting
so hard to buy it back?

I think Stephanie used
to the term "screaming".

- Well, why do people fight one minute

and make love the next, you know?

Or kiss then bite, I mean you shift gears.

But no matter how she felt personally,

once she entered the negotiating room

she was carrying out a corporate decision.

- And you had nothing to do with that?

- Oh no, they're t*rture for me.

It's like watching bowling on TV.

sh**t me, please.

- What about the union negotiations?

- Well, I go to some, but she
handled most of it, you know.

I don't know how she
did it, I mean it's grueling.

They've been going on for two months,

and about a week ago the
union decided to draw the line.

- So, what will you do now?

- I'll...

Excuse me a second.


Is detective St. John there?

- Yes, she is.

Just a second.

It's your partner.

- What's up?

- Cass, you're not gonna believe this.

I was flipping through some
old copies of satin dreams,

guess what I found?

- What, next Mrs. Ryan?

I found an article on chick Chandler.

Uh huh, what about it?

- It seems that he majored

in electrical engineering in college.

His first magazine was
called popular radio,

didn't do so well,

so he moved to his next
major interest, women.


Cass, are you there?

I gotta call you back.

- You left your purse open.

- Chick, just give me my g*n, please.

Just put it down, okay?

- Life and death, just a squeeze away.

- Chick...

Just give me my g*n.

- Sure.


- I better be going.

- Look, I'm sorry about
the g*n, I didn't know.

- No, don't worry about it.

You've been through a lot,

people go crazy when that happens.

- You thought I was gonna
sh**t you, didn't you?

- Crossed my mind.

- Well...

Well, I didn't so, you know,

I must be innocent.

- Maybe.

Or maybe you saw that
the phone was off the hook.

You still there?

- Are you out of your mind?

I've got a dozen units on
the way over there right now.

- I'm okay, really, I'm fine.

Just call them back and I'll call you

as soon as I get home, okay?

I'm fine, bye.

- All I'm saying is that it was just

a stupid thing to do, okay?

- Yes, I know, it was stupid.

We went over this last night.

Can we give it a rest?

- Where, forest lawn?

- Oh, stop!

You sound like my mother.

- Promise.

- I promise, I'll never do it again.

There, satisfied?

- No.

What was going through
your head besides the wind?

- Tom, don't you think I've been over this

times already?

Maybe , .

Maybe I was trying
not to pre-judge the guy.

I let my guard down, it happens, I'm okay.

- Yeah, but the next time...

- Tom.

- Look, I just don't want
anything to happen to you, okay?

- Me neither.

- Good.


Sometimes we can agree on things.

- Can I help you?

Palm beach police department.

- Mr. Timberlake, I was
wondering if you recognize

any of these people.

- Nope.

Nah, I don't recognize her.

What about him?

- No, I never seen him, but she came in.

Robyn Kirby, miss October?

Satin dreams magazine, miss October .

Her favorite things to wear to bed

were pink laze, black naughty things,

and nothing at all.

Her cat's name is Mr. Pumpkin,

and her fantasy dream place to make love

is while sky diving.

- Well...

Sounds like a positive ID.

- She came in about a month ago,

bought some stuff and left.

- What'd she buy?

- A video camera.

One of those, plus some tapes.

- Anything else?

- Nope, that was it.

- I bet she didn't charge it either.

- Nah, she paid cash.

- Do you always remember so many details

about your customers?

- Only Robyn Kirby.

- Maybe she was over her budget

and didn't want it to
show up in her visa bill.

- Or maybe she bought it because

she thought they were going on vacation.

- Or it was a surprise birthday gift.

- How many cases like this
do you think we've handled?

- I don't know, more than
five, less than a thousand.

- You thinking what I'm thinking?

- Yeah, that you're gonna
admit that you were wrong

about me and Janet angelini?

- No.

You wrote that song for her.

- Cass, I wrote that song for you

before we started dating, all right?

Nothing ever happened between me

and Janet angelini.

You always jump to that conclusion,

but nothing ever happened!

- Cross your heart.

- Cross my heart, hope to die.

Now what were you thinking about?

- Somewhere there's a
tape with something on it

that the bomber wants.

Find the tape, find the bomber.

- I apologize for the distraction,

but we still have a shipping date to make.

- Nah, I understand, it's not a problem.

- Mr. Chandler, were
you aware that your wife

bought a video camera about a month ago?

- No, I didn't.

- So you haven't seen one around here?

- Not that I remember.

Except, you know, the
ones we use for filming.

- This would be your basic, amateur model.

- Yeah, then definitely no.

- We checked with your wife's secretary,

and she doesn't recall
seeing one in her office.

Plus we checked through remains of your car

and her personal effects.

- Then your guess is as good as mine.

- So, you haven't seen any?

Any camcorder tapes,
about the size of a hi ?

- None at all.

But maybe they were taken
when my place got trashed.

- It's a possibility.

We're kind of hoping that your wife

might've hidden them a little too well.

- Yeah, what do you think is on them?

- Probably the clue who k*lled her.

- Your filing system's a lot like mine.

- Actually, it's better.

You don't use the floor.

- I guess you two know
a lot about each other

being partners, huh?

- Oh yeah, way too much.

- Julio iglesias, good singer.

- Lynyrd skynyrd, Lina
Santiago, reverend horton heat.

You sure have a wide range of taste.

- Oh, I don't like everything I have,

but I try to broaden my mind.

The mamas and papas.

California dreamin'.

- Mamas and the papas.

Wait a second.

Mamas and the papas released deliver.

If you can believe your eyes and ears.

They never released California
dreamin' as a double album.

Or this.

- Come on, baby.

Let's do it.


What are you smiling at?

Come on, you look so pretty, sweetie.

Don't be such a tease,

and don't flash your
cute little butt at me.

I can't wait to feel your skin...

- hey, do you mind?

- What, I'm just getting
some milk for my coffee.

- Find a cow.

- Hey, the show's over!

Move it.

- This takes our negotiations...

Artie sayles.

- You are so beautiful.

You know that?

- Get out. - Get out.

- We crapped out on that print.

Not enough points to make a match,

thought you would want to know.

- I've seen enough.

- Mr. Sayles, can we speak
with you for a moment?

- Sure.

- I think this was what
you were looking for

the other night at chick Chandler's house.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- It's a tape of you and Robyn Chandler.

- Did you tell my wife?

- No.

We just asked her where you were.

- Thank you.

You know, it's funny.

You never see things like this coming.

You know, I hated her at first.

She really played hardball.

Then one night, ol'
chick, he's gone as usual.

We leave our office to
finish our negotiations

over a drink.

Next thing you know...

I didn't k*ll her.

- Chick Chandler says you
suddenly played hardball

in negotiations a week ago.

Now, I'm guessing Robyn dumped you.

Must've hurt.

She probably felt she had her little bit

of blue collar fun.

Something like that would never last,

you weren't her style.

You weren't even in the same league.

So, she decided to close the case,

send you one of her home videos.

You either be quiet and
cave on the negotiations,

or she sends a copy to
your wife and your union.

And that's the end for
both of those, isn't it?

- Look, we had an affair.

It ended, it was the
wrong thing for me to do,

but I did not k*ll her.

- Artie, we've got your prints off

the receiver and the b*mb.

- Just let me bring my helicopter down.

- Artie!

- Can you do it?

- Mm, I don't like the sun.

- But can you do it?

- On a good day.

- I'll sit up for now.

- Well, there's only one way to find out.

Three, two, one.

Are you finished playing yet?

You're just ticked 'cause the guy

you thought was a sleazeball

turned out to be a nice guy.

- I'm not ticked.

- She doesn't sound ticked.

See, when she's ticked,

she gets this keen piercing sound,

kind of like metal shearing at high speed.

- And what, did you just
come out to t*rture me?

- No.

I came out to tell you
they found another partial

and they matched it to Artie's prints.

Sorry if it makes you unhappy,

but you did a good job.

- Do you really think
I'm too quick to judge?

- I think you're hard on other people

because you're hard on yourself.

You should give yourself a break.

Maybe people aren't as bad as they seem.

- You're absolutely right.

Sometimes they're worse.
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