06x02 - Compulsion

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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06x02 - Compulsion

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, I don't believe it.

Stewart, please.

Why can't you get undressed

in the bedroom?

I'm not undressing.

I'm getting comfortable.

Want another drink?

First I have to put your things away.


Big Bernard.



Cricket? I thought she dumped you.

Cassy, I can't talk, I'm going running.

Besides, if she dumped me

would I have answered the phone, "cricket"?

Hope doesn't spring eternal
from you, Tom... it gushes.

Come on, you were in denial for three weeks

after we got divorced.

I think you thought I was just suffering

from some hormonal imbalance.

I did not.

And making sure you're okay

is not denial, cassy.

When a relationship ends

doesn't mean the caring has to stop.

See, Tom? Hope.

Lipschitz called.

We have a double homicide, main.

Tom: So what do we got, Harry?

Two males, both g*nsh*t victims.

Newspaper delivery guy
saw the front door open

went inside and called us.

Ooh... smells like

an open case of Scotland's finest in here.

Harry, were the lights

on or off when you got here?

Lights were off.

All right, the victims are

Stewart defore, Lance crenshaw.

They've been living together here

for the past ten years.

Lead fashion designers.

Part owners of rivers crossing.

That's a swimsuit manufacturer.

Arriving officers found

shattered drinking glasses, broken bottles.


And, uh...

. caliber s&w.

Now, apparently

victim "b", uh...


Lance... shot Stewart, and then

turned the g*n on himself.

Ernie, besides the prints

see if you can figure out
what's engraved inside of here.



Pictures are on all the shelves.

So they are.

What, because they're not broken?

Come on, guys, that's way too thin.

Who knows how fast this argument came up?

Stew says "blah."

Lance says "blah blah."

Stew throws his glass at Lance.

Lance pitches his glass at stew.

There's a g*n, a blam

and an end to the "blah blahs."

Maybe, Harry.

Is this how you and cricket

broke up?

With cricket, clothing was optional.

Just the clothes

on Lance's side are cut up.

One guy gets ticked at the other

and the wardrobe is the victim.

I find it hard to believe

that Lance would sh**t Stewart

and then cut up his own clothing.

Who says Stewart didn't do the slicing?

The shoes.

/ , extra wide.

Stewart's. He wouldn't
take them off after he did it.

It's still a stretch.

Lights were off. Hard to
sh**t somebody in the dark.

Their co-owner is a
lady named rikki rivers.

Here's the address.

I was kind of hoping

this was a domestic dispute.

Me, too.

We should call for back-up.

No, that's okay, I'll be all right.

Men are so simple.

I'm sure they're on their way.

Miss rivers, cassy St. John.

Tom Ryan and I are with

the palm beach police.

Could we speak with you?


Give everyone five.

Yes... this way.

Okay, that's five, everyone.

This is very nice.

Your design?

Most of it.

Stewart and Lance helped greatly.

When they get here... I'm sure...

Miss rivers.

Stewart defore and Lance crenshaw

are dead.

I... don't...


Well, they both died of g*nsh*t wounds.

Was it su1c1de?

Did they have a reason to commit su1c1de?

No, I just can't imagine who would...

Did they drink?

Only champagne.

As far as I know, never to excess. Why?

No why, just asking.

Who else were they friendly with?

They were very private.

The circle was me

chance, and Judith.

Chance Reynolds is my ex.

Judith millay is in
charge of quality control

for the company.

What a tragedy.

Can I get back to rehearsal?

I'd like to keep myself busy.


Thank you for telling me in person.

What did you get?

I got...

Control, strength, some shock. You?

Yeah. A little pain, maybe some anger.

Like she was thinking, then reacting.

Hiding something?

It's a thought.

Excuse me.

Are you Judith millay?

Did you, uh, find them, Mr...?


No, I... I didn't.

Please, call me Tom.

Have we met before?

Not that I can remember.

Who is taking care of Bernard?

You got to help me here.

Who's Bernard?

Their dog?


Was the front door left open?

Matter of fact, it was.

I've got to go find him.

Please, I'm sure

he's with the neighbors or something.

That's it. I got it.

Do you happen to know a guy
who goes by the name chipmunk?

Sure. I've been to a couple
of his th of July parties.

That's where I've seen you.

I wanted to talk, but you left early.

I don't even know why I go.

Parties aren't really my scene.

Try the berblingers.

Bernard might be with them.

Well... we'll get somebody on that.

Do you feel up to a few questions?

I guess.

Did Lance and Stewart have
a good relationship with rikki?

Yes, for the most part.

Lately, it was a little strained.

They were stressed before the line debut.

More than usual?

Well, Stewart and Lance designed

and rikki marketed.

The guys were positive

the world was ready
for their concepts but...

Rikki was more cautious.

They fought about it before every show.

They just... punched themselves out

or did they have somebody
referee these matches?

Are you kidding?

Even spectators needed full metal jackets.

But, after a few days

it'd always be hugs and kisses.

When they fought, I'd go to the beach

and watch wave after wave hit the rocks.

All the crashing never seemed to bother

either the water or the shore.

And I'd think, it was just like them.

Well, I'll give you a call

when we find the dog.

Thank you.

Wow... and I thought I was compulsive.

Say hello to the poster girl.

What are you talking about?

Tom, somebody who rearranges

a row of chairs that is already straight

that's the definition of compulsive.

Lighten up. People in shock
show displacement behavior.

Displacement behavior lasts for a second.

Realigning chairs does not.

I got an address on chance
Reynolds, rikki's ex. Let's go.

You counted the chairs?

I don't get it, you know.

'Cause I can see , ... but ?

I mean, why the odd number?

Does that ever bother you?

You counted the chairs.

I think you're being stubborn

about this ride-sharing thing.

I don't.

You the police?

You're probably looking for me.

I'm chance Reynolds.

The, uh...

Last time I was in this kind of shock was

when I realized that my
divorce from rikki was final.

When was the last time you
talked to Stewart and Lance?

Uh, a while ago.

Rikki said you were very close to them.

Uh, I was.

Even though they never

took a side during the divorce

I could... I could feel
the strain it had created.

Do you have any idea who did this to them?

I didn't say anything about m*rder.

Well, rikki told me that they died

of g*nsh*t wounds.

They did.

Somebody must have k*lled them.

The arriving officers pegged
it as a... double su1c1de.

Now, look, I'm not trying
to be a wiseguy here

but... over what?

The last time I saw them, they were...

Perfectly healthy,
financially secure and...

Very, very happy.

Forensics confirms there
was gunpowder residue

on Lance crenshaw's hand

and the g*n was coated with his prints.

No answer yet on the shells

but they found two
initials inside the ring: C.R.

Chance Reynolds.

Yep, and he claimed

he hadn't been over there in a while.

Yeah, but he didn't say

that he'd never been.

It says Judith millay, cassy.

What did you do?

Did you hit on her during
a homicide interview?

That is so sleazy.

No, I did not ask her out.

I simply told her that if we
found Lance and Stewart's dog

that I'd let her know.

You know what, Tom?

Bad poets make bad liars.

That's true...

But I'm a good poet.

St. John.

Thanks, Ernie.


b*ll*ts inside the g*n
have a different set of prints

than those of Lance crenshaw.

They say whose?

Rikki rivers'.

Uh, sergeants St. John and Ryan

this is my lawyer, Abram gersh.

Mr. Gersh.


We found some discrepancies

at the m*rder scene.

Do you mind if we ask some questions?

Rikki, do you own a g*n?


Can we see it?

Do you have a search warrant, officer?

Mr. Gersh, I'm simply
asking to see the g*n.

If you have a search
warrant, she'll produce it.

We're not trying to be hostile, Mr. Gersh.

Do you or do you not have a warrant?

Well, I don't.

Cassy, do you have one?

As a matter of fact, I do.

This is a limited warrant.

It'll cover the g*n.


. long barrel.

It was upstairs locked in a hot box.

And the amm*nit*on?

Also inside the box.

Did anyone else have access to this g*n?

Only with the combination.

Anyone alibi your whereabouts...?

We're outside your warrant

at this point, sergeant.

If you're charging my client

she's entitled to hear her rights.


Thanks for your time.

You hungry?

Mmm, a little.

You want to go home?

I'll wait for forensics.


Oh, why do they have to leave

the air conditioning on all night?

It's midnight, for heaven's sake.


Ahh, there is something so sexy

about the way a man's coat smells.

It's his aftershave.

Oh no, not just.

It's the sweat, it's, uh...

His morning soap,
his car, it's all of them.

It's close to irresistible.


Well, a man's jacket

definitely smells better when it mixes

with the scent of a woman.

We've, uh, been down that road before.

I would know the ruts anywhere.

Uh, what did you get, Ernie?

You're sure.

Okay, thanks.


No prints from the
shell from inside the g*n

we impounded from rikki.

She wiped them.

Oh, come on.

She loads cartridges
emblazoned with the prints

inside the m*rder w*apon,
but at home she cleans them?

Yeah, right.

It wouldn't be the first time

a m*rder*r didn't think it through.

Should we bring her in?

No, not till we know more
about what's going on.

You're right.

I'll ask Judith.


Yeah, she should know something.

She was friends with
chance, Stewart, rikki, Lance.

That's it?


Why don't we haul her butt in here

and take her down to interrogation?

Because she's not a suspect, cassy.

Her roommate alibied her.

This is a very sensitive woman.

She's lost two of her best friends.

I think the words "brokenhearted"

and "tender" come to mind.

Oh, jeez, I knew it.

You're going to Bury something in the sand.

No, I'm not.

You know, Tom

you don't mix well with control freaks

and Judith gets win, place and
show in the a**l-retentive race.

I see... you've known her for a long time.

That's how you know this?

She's just the type of
line you shouldn't go near

much less even cross.

Well, cassy, I know the line, and I know

when I'm going to cross it

so you can just drop the
big sister act, thank you.

Hmm, we didn't even see the line, Tom.

Judith: I love this place.

Well, it's one of my favorites.

All right, Judith, getting
background information

at breakfast is a little
out of the ordinary.

Usually, we do it...

There's your...


Actually, I find it very romantic.

Can I ask you a question?


How often does that go off?

Every minutes.


Old habit, I guess.

It sort of used to keep me on a schedule.

To tell you the truth

if I could figure out
how to reset it, I would.

Want to give it a try?

No, no, I was just curious.

Permanent condition for a cop.

Me, I make schedules
and for some reason I...

They just fall apart.

Well, maybe I can fix that.

Oh, cassy tried, but, uh...

She failed.

I wanted to ask you some more questions

about rikki, chance and Stewart.

They had these fights.

Well, no doubt you
heard about the last one.


It was different, more lethal.

See, three nights ago Stewart called me

absolutely weeping on the phone.

Thank you.

He and Lance had launched
tactical nuclear weapons

at close range with rikki.

He said she was threatening them.

She was out of control
and in one of those rages

that only she could fly into.

So, did she lose it often?



I know this is going to sound weird

but you're combining.

I am?

Apples and cheeses.

You mustn't cross the food groups.

It will wreak havoc on your digestion.

One of the ways I maintain my health

is by strictly adhering to the structure

of the food pyramid.

No, not often, but when
rikki did lose it, wow.

Anything that wasn't
bolted down got thrown.

So, her temper caused
the divorce with chance?

Just half, please.

No, I would say that it was
that chance had a rather

faint loyalty to monogamy.

I see, so chance liked to, uh...

I don't even think he was faithful

on his wedding night.

Personally, I think rikki

was more than generous in the divorce.

How generous was she?

Ah... she gave him %.

That's a third of her %.

Ho... that's a lot better
than I did in my divorce.

Have you decided?

I have.

No, you.

Okay, I'll have the, uh,
Turkey Swiss omelet

couple of pieces of whole wheat toast.

I'll have... I will have scrambled eggs,

Turkey on the side, Swiss on the side

and three pieces of whole wheat toast.

Two pieces of whole wheat toast.

What a coincidence...

That's exactly what I'm going to have.

All of it?

All %?

Gee, you thought he
would have mentioned that

in his statement.

Cassy, could I see you?

Can it wait?

Oh, of course it can wait, cassy.

That's why I asked to see you now.

Um, I'll meet you there, Tom.

Yeah, bye.


I told Tom that I'd meet him.

You ever met a man
named gersh, Abram gersh?

Not that I can remember, no.

Hmm... he's, um...

He's a very well-connected lawyer.

Maybe I have.

His client is rikki rivers.

I definitely have.

Do you think his client
offed Stewart and Lance?

If I had to call it now, yeah, I do.

Uh-huh, do you think about
becoming a private detective?

No, I like being a cop.

So do I.

Do not make a mistake with rikki rivers.



What did Harry want?

Well, just a refresher course

on arrest procedures.

Gersh got to him.

Harry use the "want to
be transferred" threat?

Nope, the "want to be a private eye" one.

Come on in.

So, what can I do for you?

This belong to you?

Well, only if it's got the letters "c.R."

On the inside of that.

Where did you find it?

Lance and Stewart's house.

You said yesterday

that you hadn't been to
their house in some time.

I'm sensing a little
inconsistency there, pal.

I knew I should have
been up-front with you guys.

I'm sorry, I lied.

I was at their house

three nights ago trying to calm them down.

Why were they upset?

They were crazed after they
told rikki about the arrangement.

She was frothing at the mouth

from what they said.

You mean, you don't know?

They were going to take

the company away from rikki.

How could they do that?

They were all equal partners with rikki.

Each had %.

Well, after I gave them my %

they owned % of rivers crossing.

You gave them control of your shares?

I don't have a head for business

and they said they
could triple rivers crossing

by expanding or selling it.

So, based on your no knowledge of business

you gave away all your
assets to these two guys.

That's... that's a pretty
bold leap there, chance.

I knew I could trust them.


Because the three of us were lovers.

So. Rikki provided the b*ll*ts.

Had the motive and the opportunity.

Why does this not feel right?

Feels like we're being run through a maze?

That's it, exactly.

Guys have been hitting on me

since I was years old.

And I would bet my entire
sexual knowledge of men

that chance Reynolds is not gay.


No guy is going to wear

the "I'm gay" hat unless he is.

Yeah, maybe.

I don't see that we have any choice

but to bring rikki in for questioning.

Let me ask you this.

How extensive is your
sexual knowledge of men?

You should have asked me
that when we were married.

We had substantial differences

over how that company was supposed to grow.

When I found out they
controlled chance's shares

yes, I was furious.

But certainly not enough to k*ll them.

Lipschitz: Can anybody alibi you

on the night of the murders?

I went to bed early.

I thought rehearsal next day

was to be my last as owner of the company

knew it would be physically
and emotionally gruelling.

So I went to bed.

I wanted to be rested and brilliant.

Book her. m*rder one,
with special circumstances.

Lipschitz: Judge, I know all about the law!

It's hard to imagine

someone as good as Harry is at yelling

has high blood pressure.

With Harry it's an act, not a release.

Oh. That's me.

Got to go. Dinner.

You're having dinner? It's : .


No, better:

With who?

It's none of your business.

It's Judith.

It's Judith.

That's right, cassy.

So what do you know about her, Tom?

Unlike you, I don't run

background checks on my dates.

See, I let my relationships evolve.


Take a shape of their own.

If it's good, that's great.

If it's not, I move on.

So leave it alone, all right?


You're late.

A little.

Tom, we said that we'd meet at : .

It's rude to be late.

Well, a-a couple of minutes
isn't rude, Judith, is it?

Of course not.

I'm sorry.

I've just been so on edge lately

with everything that's going on.

Here, I bought you something.


You're kidding, you didn't have to do this.

My birthday's not for three months.

This is great.


Thank you so much.

What is this?

It's an organizer.

You can store phone numbers

appointment dates, uh, anniversaries.

The best feature is the multiple alarms.

Great reminders.

Well, this is so nice of you.

Thank you very much.

You said you had trouble keeping a schedule

so maybe this will help.

Ah! Well, maybe if you had one of these

you wouldn't have to have that go off

every minutes.

Actually, I use both.

It's sort of a back-up system.

Is there anything on Bernard?


The dog.

The dog!

Right. No.

No, we're still checking.

Cassy's been asking me

questions about you,
and I realize I know zip.

So tell me

brothers, sisters

what school you went to.

Where you grew up.

I want to know everything.

Only child, Florida state for two years

and mostly south Miami.

I played for the seminoles.

We stunk.

I loved it, though.

Why'd you quit?

You know, I am starving.

And when my body needs fuel, it needs fuel.

Oh, one old piece of business.

Were Lance and Stewart
sexually promiscuous?





How did you get so close to them?

You know, if you keep asking questions

we'll never order.

I ask a lot of questions.

So what are you going to have?

Something vitalizing.

Don't even think about taking that swing.

I got that in the divorce.

How was your date?

It was...

Oh, swell.

Not a first date kind of girl, huh?

Well, neither am I.

Did she tell you anything?

She told me that Lance and Stewart

were faithful to each other.

Hmm, may be that their
relationship with chance

embarrassed them.

What did she say about herself?

Where are you going with this, cassy?

This is going to piss you off, Tom.

But I ran her.

She came up in the computer.

I think you should look at this.

You had no right to do that!

You may be my ex-husband

but you're my current partner.

And it's not only my right

it's my obligation to protect you.

In the line of duty.

In the line of duty.

Good night.

Yeah, good night!

I have not worked
out, I had leftover coffee

and a particularly trying time

with my hair this morning, Ryan

so you better be dazzling.

Hard for me not to be.

Rikki's g*n box.

That's excellent, hot stuff.

This come from memory, or
did you have to make notes?

Ha. Open it.

Since I'm not the one
who came up here with rikki

why not just give me the combination?

Don't have it... yet.

I got this off the computer.

The information the
booking officer took on rikki.

I'm not dazzled yet.

. % of all people have a pin code

that's easy to remember.

Birth date, street
address: Something simple.

Hmm, old news, Tom boy.

Most people know it's too easy

to access those numbers.

For your a.T.M. Or visa
card, maybe, but think:

You have a g*n... nestled in your bed

to defend yourself against an intruder

in the middle of the night.

A noise awakens you.

You're groggy.

In your case... grumpy.

And you're scared.

Now, wouldn't you want to have

the easiest number that you could remember

as the combination to your g*n box?

Try some.

Her d.O.B. Is - - .

Try... , , , .

, , , .

, , , .


If it was that easy for
us, it wouldn't be that hard

for anyone else with the same information.

Would it?

You found Bernard!


Oh, I got him in the animal shelter.

There you go.

Hey, you want to come inside?

No, let's, uh, let's take a walk.


Do you believe in
honesty in a relationship?

I think it's the only glue

that can hold two people together.

Yeah, well, you know,
I'm a really honest guy.

Cassy says too much so.

But I really like that in other people.

Me, too.

Yeah, so why aren't you

being open and honest with me?

I am.

No, you're not.

I would have been able

to handle this a lot better

if you had told me.

It's your arrest sheet, Judith.

What made you do this?

Well, cops have hunches

and my partner had one about you.

Yeah, well, you had no right to look.

Whether you want to accept this or not

you get caught using or dealing

it becomes part of the public record.

I was .

Everyone was doing it...

Purely recreational,
but not for me, all right?

Addictive personality.

Being arrested for dealing

was the wakeup call.

Besides my parents

only Stewart and Lance knew.

They were the ones that,
uh, made me get tested.

Because of shared needle use.

See, before Stewart and Lance got together

they had each lost a partner to aids

and they were compulsive

about getting checked every six months

to make sure they were uninfected.

And that's how you could be so sure

that they wouldn't have
had sex with anyone else.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

It's okay.

It's over, you can move on now.


Why, Judith?

Why? Because...

Because I spend every
day of my life fighting it.

That's what setting the alarm

on my damn watch was about.


Early in my recovery I thought

"hey, if I can just make it

through the next five minutes,

I'll be okay."

And now, I'm up to !

And up until recently,
I was pretty damn sure

I could stretch it to a half hour.


No, if I came home at : in the morning

saying that I had been working late

would you believe me or would you give me

the old visual survey to
see if I'd been partying?

W-Well, trust has to be built.

I, I... maybe I could have.

Yeah, but even if I told you

I still can't trust myself.

I trusted Stewart and Lance

because we shared
something emotional in common.

What do we share besides your suspicion?

You okay?

Yeah, I'm aces, Harry.

Have any idea what happened to the coffee?

We chucked it. Try the tea.

You chucked the coffee.

Why? You love coffee.


But I read an article about green tea.

Did you know that in China

the majority of green tea drinkers

never develop digestive disorders?

Did you know that I don't even have

a digestive disorder?

Study the food pyramid, drink green tea

and you never will.

I have abused my body, Thomas

and now, it is punishing me.

Do not follow in my wanton ways.

Where's cassy?


Guess who's the beneficiary

of Stewart and Lance's interest

in rivers crossing.

Please take off her cuffs.

Abram, why am I here?

I think they want to help.

Cassy: Rikki, it could be

that you're being framed for the murders

of Stewart and Lance.

I talked to their estate attorney.

After I found out they
controlled chance's shares

I begged them to split it
and make us even again

but they wouldn't.

I used every bit of reasoning

I could think of.

Apparently, one of my arguments

finally actually made sense.

Which one was that?

Both of them were
compulsively afraid of dying

if they died tomorrow

who would they want to run
the business, me or chance?

From what their lawyers
said, they chose you.

But Abram tells me they
never amended their will.

But they were going to.

Did chance know about that?

I didn't tell him.

Where did you conduct your business?

I converted the cabana into my office.

Tom: If this place has bugs

I can't find them.

What's this?

The recharger for my cell phone.

Who ever heard of gluing one to a desk?



We'll get a team on this

and find out which direction

this unit was sending.

What have you got for us, digger?

Seems the receiver is south of here

about a mile and a half.

I'd have to sh**t

the signal back from there to be certain.


Chance Reynolds bugged rikki's office.

He'd have known about
the change to the wills.

And rikki's birth date

would have been written

on the marriage certificate.

So he uses rikki's b*ll*ts

to k*ll them before
they could shut him out.

It's a perfect frame.

Good looks and brains.

Too bad he's a k*ller.

Be patient, maybe prison will reform him.

Looks like chance got
himself a new little toy.

I've heard these things ride rough.

You don't buy them for the ride.

No, you buy them if you got a little...

That's what I've always heard.


Chance: Mmm, I don't care

if anyone sees us.


That's a very ' s attitude.

What the hell do you think you're doing?

Asking a question is the answer.

Are you getting a little sunburned?

Chance, cops get upset

when people aren't
completely open with them.

Makes them think they're hiding something.

I'm not hiding anything.

Great. Do you mind if we take a look

in your house?


We've had complaints

that our new precinct transmitter

is jamming radio

and TV signals in the area.

Do you mind?

No, no.


I put a lot of money into that system.

Could you leave it alone?

You use one of those ab machines?

No, just lots of reps.

Is this going to take long?


Cassy, call digger.


Why are you pointing it that way?

The, uh, precinct's this way.

I'll call it in.

Yeah, we got a black Porsche
heading outside the island.

We need some backup.

You live on an island, stupid.

Good work.
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