02x17 - Night Games

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x17 - Night Games

Post by bunniefuu »

What’s her story?

Wild Turkey--
straight up.

She a player?

I don’t know.

It’s her first time
in here.

Send her a gobble.

We’ll see if she
spreads her feathers.

( Chuckles )

You got it.


Hi, yourself.

So... what are you doing
the rest of the afternoon?

Aren’t you supposed
to ask my sign first?

I’ll bite.

What’s your sign?

Will have sex for money.

How much money?


Sounds cheap at twice the price.

Good. Then make it ,.

I don’t come cheap.

( Moans )

Oh, baby.

( Laughing )

Yeah, well, I don’t care

if the crane operator
is nervous.

I want that
-story iron

hung by next Friday.


Yes, miss Kurtz?

Mrs. Henshaw is here.

Thank you.


Yes, Mr. Henshaw?

Have I told you lately
you have a beautiful


Your wife, Mr. Henshaw?

Send her in.

( Sighing )

( Door closes )

Hello, gorgeous.

Hi, handsome.

That was incredible.

It was amazing.

Course, you nearly
k*lled me.

Yeah, I did, didn’t I?

Yes, but you know,
I'm not dead yet.

Wait till you see
what I have planned

for you tonight.

I’m not saying anything
till I see my lawyer.

would be great.

They have great seafood
at the crab kitchen.

Should I pick you up?

I don’t know
what time I'm going
to get done here.

Why don’t I just meet
you there at :?

Okay, great.


What happened
to :?

Car broke down.

It what?

My car broke down, okay?

Don’t tell me
the Detroit magic
turned on you.

Very funny.

Chris, this is
Bob Johnson.

Bob, Chris Lorenzo

my partner.

Uh, anybody have
a latex glove?

Uh... nice to meet you, Bob.

Nice to meet you
too, Chris.

Hey, you’re busy.
I’ll see you tonight.

Okay, I'm looking
forward to it.

Yeah, so am I.

Hope to see you again.

All right, Bob.

Who is that?

Oh, just a guy that I met
at a forensics symposium

in San Diego
a couple months ago.

He’s going to be in town
for a couple of days.

Didn’t look like
just a guy to me.

Well, actually, Bob is a captain

in the San Diego
police department.

( Whistles )


So you two, uh...

You really hit it off?

What are you, a cop?

Miss Kurtz.

Hello, mark.

Afternoon, miss Henshaw.

So how’s the master architect?

I’m still fooling them.

You’re much too modest.

I know.

You hate smoking.

It’s your body.

Is the big man in?

No, he’s at the zoning board

but he should
be back any time.

I think I’ll wait.

Damn it.

I think I broke my heel.

( Door opening )

Hi, baby.

What are you
doing here?

Hi, husband.

I thought this was
your day for tennis.

Yes, but I need
to talk to you.

Any messages?

Yes, on your desk,
and mark Richards wants

to go over
the south court mall plans.

Okay. Give me five, mark.

What’s up, honey?

I couldn’t wait
till tonight.

I want you right now...

Right here
on your desk.

You’re an animal.

I know...

And you’ve got me
in heat, baby.

Miss Kurtz, hold all calls
for the next minutes.

( Board creaks )

( Screams )

No! No!

Shut up!

You’re going to get it,
you slut

like you never
got it before.


Foster, help!

( Laughs )

I like this even better

than the quarterback
and cheerleader.

God, foster

you’re so exciting
to be with.

Come on, baby.

Come on.

Ravish me.

( Creaking )

Foster, wait.


Do you hear that?

Hear what?

The dining room door
just creaked.

This isn’t
part of the game.

somebody’s in the house.

Please, foster...

Be careful.

Who’s there?

Get the hell
out of my house!

( g*nsh*t )

( Grunting and thumping )

Please, no...

( Grunts )

( Grunts )

What are you
doing here?

I heard the call
on the scanner.

Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

I thought that you’d be down
to slow dancing by now.

What happened to Bob?

Well, Bob and I--
we had dinner

then we went back
to his hotel, and...


No, wasn’t
what I thought
it was going to be.

Well, what was it?

He offered me a job.

Well, I'm sorry to Bob,
but you already got a job.

Big promotion

major bucks...

Only thing is
it means relocating.

To San Diego in California.

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

It’s a great
job offer.

It’s great.

So what do we got
in here?

Uh... the owner
shot an intruder.

What did you tell Bob?

What do you think
I told him?

I told him I would
think about it.

That you’d think...

Well, not too hard, I hope.

How many b*llet wounds
are there, Arthur?

definitely two.

I was coming down the stairs

when I saw him
coming out of the lower hall.

I yelled at him to stop

The guy shot me.

Mrs. Henshaw:
It was awful.

I went down
and he just stood there.

I thought he was going
to sh**t me again

and then I saw Callie

at the head
of the stairs

and I think he saw her
and he started that way and...

I felt numb all over
and I managed to...

Raise my g*n up and...

I shot him.

All right.

Thanks, Mr. Henshaw.

All right.

Let’s see what
we have here.

Oh, my god, foster...

It’s mark.

You know him?

Yes. Mark Richards.

He worked
in my office.

Really? Well, I guess
this wasn’t

your basic
random intrusion.


How long has mark Richards
worked for you?

Over a year.

He was an architect--
bright, talented

a little strange, maybe,
but I never thought

he’d do anything
like this.

Strange-- what do you mean?

What way?

Kind of a loner.

He never did anything
with my staff.

But I didn’t know much
about his personal life.

Mrs. Henshaw,
did you know him?

What do you mean
by that?

Come on, foster.

Not very well.

I mean, I knew him
to say hi to.

I know everybody
who works for foster.

Do you think
there was maybe

something in the house
that he wanted?

Certainly not money--

not with the salary
I was paying him.

It just doesn’t make sense

that he would start back up
the stairs after sh**ting you

instead of running
out of the house.


Maybe he was after me?

Well, why would
you think that?

I’ve been getting
these obscene phone calls

for about a week now.


Please don’t get mad, foster.

They seemed harmless enough.

Why didn’t you tell me?

I didn’t want
to upset you, okay?

I know how jealous you get.

I just thought they’d pass.

Do you think
the messages were from mark?

I don’t know.

The voice sounded familiar,

I don’t know.

When did you receive
the last call?

I didn’t get it personally.

It was on the answering machine
when I got home this afternoon.

Where’s the machine?

I want your hot little body.

Tonight I'm going to have you.

I’m going to hold you down
in your own bed

and kiss that fantastic body
of yours

from the top of your head
to the tips of your toes.

I’ll make you beg for more

and when you do

I’ll move slowly up your legs

Stop it!

I can’t believe you...

I can’t believe you didn’t
tell me about this filth!

It was the same
every time.

I don’t even know

if he knew who
he was calling.

Mrs. Henshaw, now that
you think about it

do you think that was
mark Richards’ voice?


You’re damn right it...!

You’re damn right it was.

All right, we’ll look
into mark Richards’ life

see if anything turns up

but for now, looks like
a justifiable homicide.

I just have one more question.

What were the two of you doing

when you heard
the noise downstairs?

What difference does that make?

Come on, foster

they’re just trying

to do their job.

We were upstairs

making love.

So you got up

and dressed for combat

and then went

This was your idea.

Why don’t you
tell them?

We were just playing
one of our little night games.

Night games?

Yeah... sometimes
we dress up in costumes.

Is there any law against that?

No. No, absolutely not.

It’s all right.

Are you quite through, officer?

Yeah... yeah, for now.

Uh, thank you.

Good night.

This guy’s got
a serious g*n collection.

Look at this.

Makes you wonder
how he missed, doesn’t it?

Yeah, the only thing
he didn’t miss

was any edition
of bottoms up magazine.

( Knocking )

Yo, mark!

Hey, man,
did you forget our game?!


I tried to call you, but...

Who are you?

Sergeant Lorenzo

palm beach police department.

Who are you?

Uh, I'm Billy Cole,
friend of mark’s.

Where is he?

He’s in the morgue.


Come on in, man.

Let’s talk.

I guess it was about
six months ago.

I met him
at the g*n shop.

g*n shop?

Yeah, I work at S & K
over on bay shore.

He used to come in a lot.

We got to talking.

Were you guys
good friends?

Yeah-- I wouldn’t say
we were best of buds

but we hung out,
played some tennis

sh**t a little skeet.

Mostly he was caught up
in his job.

The guy was
a brilliant architect.

Billy, did he ever talk to you
about any of his girlfriends?

No, there wasn’t any

but he was caught up
on this one chick.

You remember her name?

He never said

but according to mark,
she was one spicy meatball.

Did you ever see her?

Yeah, once.

She came by the shop
to pick mark up

after his car broke down.

What a babe.

What’d she look like?

About ’", maybe ,
long blond hair

and a set of jugs on her

that could knock
your pockets out.

Thank you

for that information.

What kind of car did she drive?

Green jag.

Come on, Rita, you’re not
listening to me.

Everybody is leaving California.

Why would you even
think about taking
a job out there?

I told you, I don’t know
what I'm going to do yet.

When some handsome guy
offers you a job

you’re going to drop
everything you’ve
worked for

and you’ve worked
hard for.

It has nothing to do
with a handsome guy.

I am a cop; Now,
that’s what I want to do

and the structure in palm beach

by nature means
slow advancement.

You’re going
to accept the offer.

I don’t know.

You ever had a tofu burger?

Very funny.

Here she comes.

I got to hand it to her

the lady can shop.

Does she fit Billy Cole’s
description or what?

Yeah, especially the jugs part.

I mean the jag part.

What is it with men?

Why are they so hung up
on women’s breasts?

No, it’s not a hang-up.

It’s appreciation...
Double-fisted appreciation.

Good, hanging
in the window.


You think she made us?



I’d say she made us.

Where the hell have you been?

I’ve been waiting here
for two hours.

Baby, you came home
for a nooner, huh?

What a nice idea.

I asked you a question.

Honey, it’s Wednesday afternoon.

I’ve been shopping.

Wait till you see the hot
leather g-string I bought.

You could’ve bought
those before.

Are you seeing someone else?

Foster, please, come on

don’t go into another one
of your rages, okay?

Honey, I was shopping,
that’s all.

Callie, don’t forget we have
a prenuptial agreement.


I was the one
who insisted we have one

so just quit shoving it
down my throat, all right?

I mess around,
you divorce me

I get nothing.

The maid burns the toast,
you divorce me

I get nothing.

I fail you in any way

I'm pushing
a shopping cart.

It’s just that I worry.

I want to know

where you are.

Well, Wednesday afternoons

just call
the credit card companies.

They can track me
for you.

Honey, I'm sorry.

I just... I love you.

Oh, I love you, too, foster.

That’s stupid.

How could I be unfaithful

when I'm married
to the biggest stud muffin

of all time?

I did it again, didn’t I?

Yes, you did.

Sometimes your jealousy
is a big pain.

But nobody has ever loved me
like you do, foster

and I'm really
trying my best

to be everything
you want me to be.

I know, honey.

I know you are.

So... help the spoiled
little rich wife

carry her packages
up to her bedroom.

She may tip you
very generously.

Who am I?

A horny little box boy.

You sure?

the differential.

What else?

No, I just bought...!


No, I...

How much?


That’ll be fine.
Thank you.

Well, the charger?

I prefer not to discuss
the charger right now.

So what did,
what did Miami say?

Well, Callie Henshaw
used to be Callie Flanagan.

According to Ron Olsen in Miami,
she had four vice busts

she ran
a high-end book

and she moved to palm beach
about three years ago.

Forwarding address?

Yeah, does Francine rose
ring a bell?

What are you rousting me for?

I thought you were off vice.

I am.

And we’re not rousting
you, Francine.

We just want to know

what you know about
Callie Flanagan.

Tell us, and we
will go gently
into the good night.

Callie Flanagan...

Look, we know that
she worked for you.

Not long enough.

Now, there was a woman
who could keep them coming.

I’ll bet.

Figuratively speaking,
of course.

She was my best girl.

It was a real double tragedy
when she fell in love.

Why double tragedy?

She married my best customer.

Foster Henshaw.

They got married
about two years ago.

I haven’t recovered since.

Have you talked to her
since then?

Are you kidding?

They don’t bother to call me
once they reach land.

That’s all I know, dear.

All right.

By the way

I'm so glad you’re off vice.

Thank you, Francine.

Great, so where
does that leave us?

That leaves us
with a hooker

who marries
a millionaire

who maybe plays
one of her night games

with one of his employees
who winds up dead.

Which sounds like
nowhere to me.

Yeah, me, too.

( Phone ringing )

Miss Kurtz:
Yes, Mr. Henshaw.

Yes, Mr. Slater’s here.

I’ll send him
right in.

You can go in now.

According to my attorney,
Mr. Slater, you’re the best

but I want more than your best.

If my wife is
fooling around on me

I want it in color

and I want it
up so close and personal

that I can see
what she had for breakfast.

No problem, Mr. Henshaw.

If she’s playing

I’ll give it to you
in sensurround.

I hate to press you
for an answer, Rita

but I've got to fill
this position

in the next ten days

or we’ll lose funding.

I know... it’s just

such a difficult
decision, Bob.

One minute
I think about it

and I think I'm going
to take the job.

The next minute,
I think about everything
that I have here--

leaving my partner.

Sounds like you’re
married to the guy.

Well, in an odd
sort of way, I am.

Chris and I have
left a lot of skin
on the wire, you know?

And what if I
move out there

and I get partnered up
with some cowboy

that I can’t stand?

Well, um... I would
be your partner

at least
for the first year.


You and me?

As a team?


Look, we work
high-profile stuff

a lot like the silk stalkings
detail you’re doing here.

Rita, it’s an important job
in a very big city.

I don’t know
about your partner

but you’re much
too good

to spend the rest of
your life working here.

Captain Johnson.


Just got the toxicology

back from the M.E.
On mark Richards.

He was pumped on amphetamines.

So, that’s probably
why he missed, right?

Looks like you

have work to do.

How about dinner tonight?

Okay. I should be done
about :.


I’ll call you.




You know that
the small, petty,
mean-spirited side of me

would like to go into
lieutenant Hudson’s office

and have him
bar that guy

from recruiting
in the building.

Yes, but the larger,
open-minded, true-friend side

is glad that I have been offered
such a great opportunity, right?

No, that part of me

would pretty much like
to kick his ass.

( Camera shutter clicking )

Ms. Kurtz.

Mr. Henshaw
wanted to be sure

he got this disk
at home tonight.

Thank you.

Please, come in.

I missed you.


Where’s the big man
today, huh?

Zoning commission.

He’ll be busy
all afternoon.


We’ve got some
time, then, huh?

No, Callie, we don’t.

Listen to me.

He’s hired a P.I.
To follow you.


Damn him!

Here’s his card.

He’s out in your bushes
right now.

What do you think
I should do about it?

Work your magic, sweetie.

Shouldn’t be too hard.

He’s a macho slug.

They all are.

Every one.

Really, Mr. Slater.

Don’t you think

you’d be more comfortable

inside the house?

How did
you know?

Oh, but I have spies

You just cost me
a big piece of change.

Maybe not.

Maybe there’s still
a piece in it for you.

I’m listening.

I’ll give
you double

what my husband was paying you.

It would cost more than that.

Shall we say grand?

Let’s say .

Do I get some kind of...

Bonus incentive?

You tell me.

Donovan wants
our statements

on the mark Richards case.

I’m going to take them over.

Man, I hate this.

Something’s going on here.

Callie knew him better
than just somebody

to say hi to.

Not according to her.

And Billy Cole can’t
describe her above the neck

so we have no one to put
the two of them together.

I just don’t dig putting
this down as a "justifiable."

Unfortunately, it’s not our call

and the D.A.’s office

wants to close this
as soon as possible.

So, I’ll see you later

all right?

Yeah, see you.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

This is Callie Henshaw.

I need to talk to you
about mark Richards.

Can you come by?

Yeah, yeah. Sure.

I’ll be by the pool.

The maid has a day off

so just let yourself in
the side gate, all right?

All right.

I’ll be there in half an hour.

Show time, Mr. Slater.

Mrs. Henshaw?

You startled me.

I apologize, ma’am.

I didn’t mean
to startle you.

You want to talk
about mark Richards?

I know you’ve been following me.

I want to know why.

We think that you
knew mark Richards

a little better than you’re
leading us to believe.

Why would you think that?

One of his friends
saw you two together.


Well, he’s lying.

Mark Richards was
just another guy
around the office.

You just get
out of here now.

Whoa-- you hold on
a second.

You called me over here

to discuss mark Richards
with you.

To talk about the case

and about why you’ve
been following me.

Now you come in here
and you accuse me of...

Good question,
Miss Henshaw--
accuse you of what?

Playing one of your
night games that led
to mark’s death?

Now, that would explain
why he shot your husband

and he didn’t split.

Hold it. Take it easy, lady.

All right, take it easy.

I love my husband very much.

How dare you come in here

and accuse me
of something like that?

Just get out of here.

Just go.

All right,
Mrs. Henshaw.

But you’re not
out of the woods yet...

Not by a long shot.

Come on.

I said, "hit me!"

Good, good.

All right.

Great, great.


That’s it.

Take her over
to the lounge.

Keep your back to me, Chuck.


Get on top of her.

Pretend to r*pe her.

Let’s go!

I’m a method actress.

Come on, stud.

Let’s get it on, huh?

I know these aren’t
the kind of pictures

you were expecting

but she never even
left the house.

Then this guy
shows up.

I don’t know
who he was

but your wife
seemed to know him.

I know him, too.

How could you let him
do this to her?

What could I do?

Run in and blow my concealment?

You wanted pictures.

I got you pictures.

She all right?

Okay, I think.

After the guy left,
she went up to the house.

I got out of there

and ran the film
through a one-hour photo shop.

Figured you’d want them
as soon as possible.

( Door shuts )



Callie, are you all...?


What are you doing home?

Good lord, look at you.

I slipped in the bathtub.

I hit my head.

You weren’t going to tell me?

Tell you what?

About this!

Oh, god, foster.

Where did you get these?

Does it matter?

You mean you actually have
somebody spying on me?

How did this happen?

Did you taunt this guy?

No, I didn’t taunt him.

Look at this-- you’re wearing
your skimpiest bikini.

Foster, I was by my own pool.

He just showed up.

He said he had some questions
about the other night.

He just kept staring at me

the way men do--
pretending to look in your eyes

when all the time

they’re just measuring
your cup size.

God, foster,
I told him to leave.

I tried to slap him,
and then he hit me back.

After that,
I don’t know...

He did his little number,
and then he left.

Why didn’t you call me?

I’ve been in the shower
the last two hours

trying to wash that man
off of me.

Why did you try and hide this
from me just now, huh?

Come on, foster.

We both know
I've been around the block.

This is something
I can recover from.

He probably
figured that.

I saw the way he was staring
at you the other night

mentally undressing you.

God knows what filthy things
were going through his mind.

Come on,
foster, please.

Honey, don’t do anything stupid.

No, but there’s one cop
who did something very stupid.

Foster, no!

Man, I'm telling you,
this lady is crazy.

Donovan’s reviewing
the case right now

but he will probably close it.

( Phone rings )

Yeah, Lorenzo.

All right, send him up.

Foster Henshaw

wants to have a rap.

I hope he doesn’t have on
his Peter Pan costume.

What do you make of these two?

I don’t know.

I think she knows a good thing
when she’s got it

and he knows
a good thing.

It’s just if
he can keep it.

Yeah, boy.

That’s weird.
I wonder what he wants.


You r*ped my wife.

Foster, what the hell
are you talking about?

I got pictures to prove it.

You’re not going
to talk your way

out of this one.

He’s got a g*n.

Don’t get down
on yourselves.

You just saved
your partner’s life.

Yeah, sh**ting review board
will green-tag this
in a heartbeat.

We’ve got
enough witnesses

for ten sh**t.

No, it’s not that,
it’s just...

I don’t understand
the guy’s actions.

He comes into a cop shop,
pulls a g*n.

What could he have
possibly been thinking?

It’s su1c1de.

I don’t know,
but I'm glad

you were here
and not in San Diego.

What’s this about r*pe
and the pictures to prove it?

I don’t know, George.

I don’t have a clue.

When was the last time
you saw Mrs. Henshaw?

About / hours ago.

Why? We were going
to close the case.

She called me up-- she
said she wanted to talk.

Well? What did she say?

Nothing. I mean,
I went over there

and she freaked out on me,
so I split.

Man, this whole case
is nuts.

George, I want you

to hold off on
closing this case out.

No-- just until
we can find out

what was behind Foster’s
kamikaze number.

Just how do you plan to do that?

Well, for starters,
I'd like to be the one

to inform Callie
of her husband’s death.

Oh, foster... foster.

You poor, dear, stupid man.

I begged him
not to go.

I told him

there was nothing to it.

He just wouldn’t listen to me.

Nothing to what,
Mrs. Henshaw?

Somebody told him
that you r*ped me.

Gave him
some pictures.

Where are
these pictures?

I, uh...
I don’t see r*pe here.

Neither do I.

Any other photographs?

No. I mean, you were there.

You know you left
right after that.

I tried to tell him that,
only he didn’t believe me.

He just used to get
so insanely jealous.

He even accused me
of coming on to you

and slapped me.

That’s how I
got the bruise.

Who took the pictures?

I don’t know.

He just came in here crazy

waved them in my face, and left.

Did you know that he was
having someone follow you?


Why would somebody
lie to him

about this so-called r*pe?

I don’t know.

This just doesn’t make
any sense, does it?

No, it doesn’t.

Thank you, Mrs. Henshaw.

Well, I got
to hand it to her.

She gives great
grieving widow.

Yeah, you didn’t
believe her, either.

No, not for a second.

Why would a guy
look at these photographs

and go completely wacko?

You and I need to find out
who took those pictures.

Right. Whoever it was

they must have been
working for foster.

Mm-hmm. Let’s go.

Excuse me.

Sergeant Lorenzo,
palm beach police department.

I wouldn’t say that
too loud.

Some trigger-happy cop
just put a lot of people

out of work.

What’s your name?

Ulla Kurtz.

You Henshaw’s secretary?

Yeah, I was.

Do you know if he hired
a private investigator

or a photographer recently?

No, not to my knowledge.

We do have an architectural
photography firm

on retainer, though.

Did anybody you don’t know

come in for an appointment today
between :, :?


You want to look
at your book?

Looks like there were
only two appointments.

One was an employee

the other
a drafting supply salesman.

Mr. Henshaw spent
most of the afternoon

on the phone to New York.

Thanks. Don’t move anything
in his office.

I might need to come back later
on and look at some papers.

You will have
a search warrant?

Oh, yeah.

( Door shuts )

Hi, sweetie, it’s me.

That cop just left here.

Listen, I think we’ve got
a loose end.

We’re talking major
time crunch here.

I left the Henshaw place
at : a.m.

Now, / hours later

Henshaw comes walking
through the department doors

with a handgun.

So, somebody had
to take the pictures

get them developed

then drop them off
to Henshaw.

Henshaw had to drive
home, get his g*n

and then drive all the way
over here to the department.

So what are you getting at?

Wait a minute.

What’s the quickest route

from Henshaw’s mansion
to his office?

Uh, up ocean,
across middle bridge

then take Bayshore

straight to palm drive.

Let’s take it.


Because whoever
took the pictures

couldn’t possibly have had time
to develop them himself.

I got five bucks says we’ll find

a one-hour photo lab
on the route.

I remember this roll of film
very well.

As I'm sure you know,
these are only

the first pictures
on the roll.

What do you mean?

The rest were very pornographic.

I’ll bet you get a lot
of pornographic stuff

through here, don’t you?

Oh, yes. You’d be surprised
what people do for a camera.

And I’ll bet you make
copies for yourself,
don’t you?

Please, sir, I'm
an honest businessman.

Listen, I can
be back here

in minutes with
a search warrant,
and I will

tear this place apart.

No, no, please.

You made copies.

I want them.

You cooperate with us

we won’t go after
your business license.



How did the man pay?

Credit card.

We’ll take an imprint
of that, too.

Thank you.

Look at these.

No wonder foster
went through the roof.

I guess Callie
conveniently forgot

to show us
the whole set.

This Van Slater

he must have been
working for foster

and then
double-crossed him.

No doubt
who he joined forces with.

Most of these aren’t you

but Callie is in them
from top to bottom.

She knows she’s got
an insanely jealous husband.

She pointed him at a cop
with a loaded g*n.

She used us as a m*rder w*apon.

Which means this Slater is a guy
who knows way too much.

First, I'm going to do
a nice, slow strip for you.

See, I told you I'd show you
my appreciation, Mr. Slater.

Call me Van.

Van. What a nice name.

( Chuckling )

Why don’t you stand up, Van?

Ooh, you are standing up,
aren’t you?

Mmm... I just love
a big, hot g*n.

I have a surprise
for you, Van--

one I think
you’re going to love.

Yeah, what’s that?


( Chuckling )

I have another surprise

for you, too.

What the hell
is going on here?

This is my fantasy, Van.

I’ve never k*lled
a man before.

All right, enough’s enough.

This isn’t funny anymore.

Oh, but I think
it’s very funny...

Don’t you, Ulla?


You’re crazy.


Drop the g*ns.

Turn around.

Party poopers.

You ruined
my game.

Place your fingers

behind your head.

Turn around.

( Grunting )

Don’t make me hurt you.

You know what I like,
don’t you, baby?

Shut up.

Got anything you want
to tell us

Mr. Slater?

I never met a man
I couldn’t seduce

if I wanted to.

Slater was easy
with a capital "e."

You know, I never
set my sights on you.

Maybe I should have.

I could have got you to do
the big nasty real easy.

No, sir, lady, not me.

I know where you been.

You say that now,
but you’re all alike.

It’s all r*pe, no matter what
they’re whispering in your ear.

They all wear
such big, important fronts...

Wear their macho myth
so proudly...

But when it comes
right down to it

all they are
is scratch and sniff.

My father was like that.

Big man... respected...

Ugly hands.

You all have such ugly hands

and there’s only one place
you ever want to put them.

Did mark Richards
have ugly hands?

He was as pathetic
as everyone else.

You know, he actually thought
that I would leave foster

and run away with him.

I never would
have left foster.

Why? Was he different?

Don’t make me sick.

He was the worst.

But we had an ironclad pre-nup.

I couldn’t get anything
till he died.

So you tricked mark Richards
into coming to your house

in hopes that he
would k*ll foster.

It was easy.

Mr. g*n club.

I told him foster
would be in Miami that night

so we could play
one of our little night games.

I told him to call
and leave me dirty messages

and then pretend
to be an intruder.

But you had foster
playing the same game.


Isn’t that a hoot?

I mean, it didn’t matter
who k*lled who.

At least I'd be rid
of one of them.

You know, it’s always so easy

because their brains
are in their pants.

Take foster.

I knew I could make him
crazy enough

to try to sh**t a cop.

Hey, it’s on
the news every day.

Someone they even
think has a g*n

and b*llet holes later

all that’s left of the poor slob
is a chalk outline.

By the way...

Nice sh**ting, sweetheart.

You’re a sick woman.

Hey, babe, I was just working
with what’s available.

Human nature
did the rest.

Anybody got a cigarette?

So it’s all settled
then, huh?

I’m going to see you
in San Diego.

It’s a date.

Sergeant, it was nice
meeting you.

Yeah, you, too.

I hope you get
that car running.

Yeah, thanks.

You took the job.

No. Actually,
I turned it down.

Somebody has
to stay around here

and save your cookies.

What about the
"I’ll see you in San Diego"?

Uh, well, I, uh...

I thought I would go out there
on my next vacation.

Bob has a boat,
and he wants to show me

a place called Cabo San Lucas.

Cabo San Lucas.

Uh... that sounds like fun.

I’m sure it will be.


Oh, uh...

Donovan called.

He needs you to sign
your statements

before the arraignment.

Okay, okay.

You know, Sam...


I’m glad
you decided to stay.

So am I.

So am I.
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