02x11 - Irreconcilable Differences

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x11 - Irreconcilable Differences

Post by bunniefuu »

This is the last straw.

I refuse to put up with it.

You can’t force me.

( Glass breaking )

It’s not fair.

It’s just not fair.

You have humiliated me
in the press.

"Billionaire dismisses
wife’s servants

as divorce escalates."

Erica, this is business.

If you contest
the prenuptial

you can’t expect cooperation.

Cooperation is one thing

but is decency

too much to expect?

You’re a lawyer right down
to the bone

aren’t you,

Ronald has every right
to seek

what’s in his
best interests.

Then I have every right to seek

what’s in mine.

Say what’s on
your mind, Erica.

the prenuptial agreement.

I want what’s fair,
and if I don’t get it

I'm instructing my lawyers
to do everything they have to do

to tie up every dime
you’ve got.

You won’t be able
to buy anything.

You won’t be able
to sell anything.

You’ll be lucky
if you can even cash a check.

Won’t do much for
your big-time real-estate deal

with the Japanese,
will it?

And considering your
present financial condition

it will just about ruin you,
wouldn’t you say?

You can’t extort
money from me
like that, Erica.

Then I will see you in court.

You wait for me here, oui?


Oh, it’s a very nice house.

She was nothing

but a two-bit,
no-talent TV actress
before she met me.

I’ll bury her!

If she goes to court,
we are dead, Ronald--


The Japanese
won’t come near us

if they smell even
a hint of litigation.

She’s not going to court.

How can you be sure?

There’s a billion and a half
dollars on the table.

For that much money

I'm not going to let

anybody screw it up.

Oh, hello!

No, no press, no press!

I’m here to take pictures
for the realtors.

Let me give you my card.

You must want it for one
of your parties, or something.

Would you give this to...

He would probably want...

There are bigger fish

in the ocean than you...

Although I don’t know
who they are.

( Car drives off )

Oh, it’s nice.

( Whistles )


The door was open.

I hope you don’t mind.

I am the photographer--

You know, I'm really
not in the mood today.

Could you
come back tomorrow?

Oh, um...

Do you mind?

You know, it’s
really a shame

the way this man
is treating you.

You know?

You should break
more than his photograph.

I was just about
to have some tea.

Would you care
to join me?

I would love to join you.

The swallows, look!

The swallows are up, too.

They are getting
their morning worm.

Isn’t the air wonderful?

Don’t you just
want to breathe?

Breathe very deeply
from your diaphragm.

Doesn’t it feel good?

You know,
it’s barely :.

She’ll probably call
the cops on us.

Wayne, true art
knows no limit

even though we use it
to sell real estate.

But the light... the light,
Wayne, is so perfect

in the early morning,
don’t you think?

I’m going to get us
some coffee and doughnuts.

Wayne, just wait
a moment for me.

This will not take long. Ha!

( Camera clicking )

( Camera clicking )

Wayne! Wayne!

As a rule, a man with money

figures it’s his
and his alone...

Until he marries

and then it’s half his
and half hers.

But sometimes
there is a contract

a prenuptial before marriage.

That means if the marriage
hits the rocks, too bad--

she gets just
what the prenup says

and not a penny more

unless she’s got leverage
or nerve or both

and even then, she can lose.

Sometimes she can lose big.

This is incredible.

What’s up, doc?

I envy any woman

who can grow
nails this long.

Like armor plate,
and natural.

Mine. Well...

We won’t even discuss mine,

Suffice it to say we
intone a pejorative.

Any doughnuts out there?

Uh, I didn’t see any.

What have we got
here, doc?

Come on, detective.

You can tell
a crushed windpipe

when you see one,
can’t you?

I apologize if
my x-ray vision

isn’t working today.

So what is it?
Is it a frontal as*ault?

No, a surprise from behind.

Do you like this color Polish?

Uh, could be darker.

You got a time of death?

:, : maybe.

Educated guess.

k*ller used

an electric cord.

w*apon of opportunity.

Extension cord to what?

Anything electric.

You missed a spot.



Well, it’s, uh,
good to see

that you could make
it there, detective.

You’ve been working
on your car again?


A little bit
over here.

It was a minor problem,

It was nothing.

Just fill me in,
would you?


It looks like there
was maybe one intruder

but no prints.

Her drawers emptied,
the closet was ransacked

and it looks like
her jewelry is missing.

Pro job?

Let’s just say someone went
to a lot of trouble

to make us swallow burglary.

And you’re not

I didn’t know it showed.

So what do we got,
a little forced entry?

Yeah, we got a broken pane
here on the door

and fresh scratches
on the lock.

It’s very classic stuff.

Why don’t you take
a look for yourself?

Wood trauma caused

by displaced glass
breaking outward.


Pointed ends of glass
turned inward

caused by expl*si*n
rather than implosion.

So the blow was struck
from the inside out

not the other way around.

I thought you said you
slept through that lecture.

I did, I did.



Rita, who, uh,
who found the body?


What was Solange
doing here?

If you listen to her tell it

she and the victim
were best friends.

Best friends, huh?


Come on, come on.

( Phone ringing )

Come on.

( Ringing )


Where they hell have you been?

I’ve been calling you for hours.

I went fishing.

What’s the matter,
what’s the problem?

Erica... has been m*rder*d.


I just wanted to talk,
try to work these things out.

Make her see that what she was
doing was bad for both of us.

Just reason with her...

But she was dead.

Have you talked to the police?

Hell, no, I got a motive
a mile long and no alibi.

What about Leslie?

Look, we had a fight.

She went back to her house.

You got to help me out
of this thing, Gordon.

All right, all right, now,
look, was anyone else there?

Was anyone there
that might have seen you?

Yes, yeah, but... no.

That photographer
from the realty company

she was taking pictures out
back, but she didn’t see me--

at least I don’t think
she saw me.

What time was that?

:, I don’t know,
maybe a little after.

What were you doing there
at : in the morning?

She’s an earlier riser...
Or she was.

I thought she might be
more reasonable

if I approached her alone.

Why the hell was
a photographer doing there?

I didn’t stop
to ask her, Gordon.

Now, what am I supposed
to do here?

Nothing. Don’t do anything.

Look, I’ll... I’ll call you.

Where are you now?

Are you at your office or what?

No, I am in my car

and I'm going to stay in my car
until I hear from you.

( Camera clicking )

Chris, Chris.

It is so terrible.

It is such a tragedy.

I have never discovered
a dead body before.

Chris, what am
I going to do?

And for it to be somebody
I'm so close to...

Solange, one
of the officers said

you were here

Yes, the house
is being sold.

I came to
take pictures

for the
real-estate agent

and to have tea
with Erica.

I understand that
Mr. Bunch was here,
his attorney?

Anybody else?

No, I talked to them
and then I go inside.

What did you and
Ms. Bunch talk about?


Girl talk.

Solange, did she seem upset
about anything?

Uh, was she worried,

Well, she, of course,
was worried and upset

about the way
her husband

was treating her
in the divorce

but not scared.

She was very confident.



Can you tell me
anything else?

I arranged to come here
again this morning

to take more pictures.

Sunrise here is so dramatic.

Thank you, Solange.

And then I left

because, Chris,
I had to make an appointment

with the editor
of the sentinel.

He wanted me to write
an exclusive

on the bunch divorce
from Erica’s point of view.

But I guess that
is gone as well.

Solange, I didn’t know
that you were a writer.

Well... isn’t everyone?

I was hoping to trade that story

for a weekly gossip column
I desperately want to write.

Did he go for it?

He said their divorce
was a dead issue now.

Can you imagine
such lack of creativity?

Well, I think he’s right.

And now the real issue
is m*rder.

But of course.

Well, of course
I thought of that

but I thought, "no,
I cannot take advantage

of somebody else’s

After all,
she was my friend.

It’s not my style.

You know, Solange,
I'm going to
want to see

those photographs
you took this morning.

Of course I will have
my new assistant

bring copies for you.

That’s right.

How is Dwayne
working out, anyway?



Wayne. Wayne.

Um, art can be taught,
but, uh, talent...

Talent is another
matter altogether

don’t you think?

If I can help you further

don’t hesitate to call.

Serious nut.

Excuse me, Wayne.

( Dialing )

Jean? Solange.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Jean, listen.

I’ve got the most
incredible idea.

Since I am the one

who discovered
Erica bunch’s body

why don’t I do

an exclusive
on her m*rder?

Yes! Isn’t it?!

I’ll be there. Okay.

Sometimes, Wayne...

It is not enough
to be creative.

One must also
make things happen.

( Phone ringing )


Yeah, it’s me.

Where have you been?

I went back to Erica’s house.

I’m concerned
about the photographer.

She could come back to haunt us.

She didn’t see me.

Look, I don’t want
to take any chances

all right,
I want you to go back home.

When the police get there, this
is what I want you to tell them.

This is your alibi.

( Camera clicking )

( Sighs )

I will see you
back at the lab.

I am finished
for the day. Oui?


( a*t*matic mirror whirring )

I hate to see you
this way.

Is it because of her?

No, no, no, of course not.

Isn’t there
anything I can do?

Come on.

You know I can
be really good

at making you forget
the rest of the world.

Why don’t we
at least try?





( Clears throat )

Excuse me, look,
I'm Sergeant Lorenzo.

This is my partner,
Sergeant Lance,
palm beach P.D.

We’d like to ask you
a couple of questions

but if now is a bad time,
we could come back.

Not at all.

This is my fiancee,
miss hill.

Leslie, honey,
would you ask Arthur

to bring these
nice people

something cold
to drink?

Uh, no, thank you...

Mr. Bunch, this is, uh...
This is a little difficult.

It’s about Erica

isn’t it?

Well, bad news travels fast,
and these days,

people are standing in line
to bring it to me first.

Yes, sir.

Did your wife have
any enemies...

Anyone that might
have wanted

to see her dead?

That’s okay, sergeant.

Erica was still
technically my wife.

The divorce
wasn’t final.

No, I don’t believe

she had an enemy in the world.

Ha! Well, she wasn’t exactly
the nicest person in the world.

That’s true, Leslie,
you’re right.

But m*rder...

I don’t think I
know anyone who
could do that.

I had heard

that your separation

was less
than friendly.

Well, Erica signed
a prenuptial agreement

when we were married,
and now with the divorce

she was trying
to contest it.

Sir, where were you, say, around
:, : a.m. this morning?

Fishing... with my attorney,
my friend, Gordon Tulley.

He’s got a gorgeous, big boat--
twin engines, galley.

The cabaret.

You got a location?

Neptune’s cove.

It is the best kingfish spot
on the entire coast.

How do you do?

I’m Gordon Tulley.

I have the exact location,
if that is what you want.

Sergeant Lorenzo.

This is my partner,
Sergeant Lance.

Why don’t you
just go ahead

and give us
an overall view

of the whole morning?

All right, we fueled up
around :.

We had our lines in the water
about a quarter of :.

Then a little bit before :--
I'd say ten of :--

we received
a distress call from
a -foot Bertram

that was dead
in the water.

We called and relayed
to the coast guard--

I'm sure they have
that in the log--

and then around :, :
we’d had our fill

and we were back
in the slip before lunch.

Any more questions?

Yeah, did you
catch anything?

Well, despite
what Gordon says
about Neptune cove

it was a nice boat ride.


Well, I guess that
just about covers it.

It’s a shame... about Erica.

Despite the problems
with the divorce

I was really had
a fondness of her.

Come on, Gordon,
we already lit the candles

for St. Erica.

So, what, the two of you
didn’t get along?

Well, let’s just say that
I agree with god’s punishment.

I think god had a little help

in this one.

That is a beautiful ring,
isn’t it?


My engagement present.

I’d say it’s, what...

About seven carats?


And you can bet that gigantic
rock on Leslie hill’s finger

is not any part
of a prenuptial agreement

like Erica’s was.

You don’t know that,

It is something that
I feel right here.

I know the type
of woman that she is.

Why is it that when
it comes to police work

you live and die
by hard evidence

but when it comes
to emotional stuff

you just kind
of go on a whim?

A gut feeling is not a whim.

I mean, you solve cases
on a gut feeling;

you buy shoes
on a whim.

Do I detect just a little bit
of jealousy involved?

No, the only thing involved
is dislike.

I just never had
much time for women

that go after other
women’s husbands.

Lance, Lorenzo...

What’s on the agenda
for today?

Well, we were going to head
down to the Marina.

We got a couple of people
we need to talk to.

Good, some uniforms
doing a door-to-door

they turned up a woman
who saw one of
the gardeners

tearing out
from the estate

shortly before
the body was found.

When you two get finished
playing with sailboats

you might want
to run that down.

Oh, by the way

you two know a gossip columnist
at the sentinel-- a Solange?


She called, demanded
to speak to you, or me.

She’s a photographer,

She found
Erica bunch’s body.

She wanted
to let us know

that her assistant
had been mugged.

It seems they smacked him
upside his head

took his equipment,
his film, everything.

So she won’t
be delivering
those pictures.

Okay, thanks,

Oh, by the way...

She’s kind of excitable,
isn’t she?

A little.

Yeah, a little.

So, you think he was mugged
for the pictures?

No, I think
he was mugged

because he was some
dweeby little guy

with about $,
worth of equipment

slung over his shoulder--
perfect target for a crime.

Well, we got all
the crime-scene sh*ts

that our photographer took,
so we’re covered.

Excuse me, Mr. Peterson?

That depends on
who wants to know.

Sergeant Lorenzo,
palm beach police department.

What can I do for you?

The dockmaster said
that you were a live-aboard.
Is that correct?

Am I in violation
or something?

No, absolutely not.

Nothing like that.

I’m just trying to find out

were you on your boat
early Thursday morning?

How early?

Between : and :.

I was here.

Did you happen to notice
if that -footer

directly across from you--
the cabaret...

Was she in her slip?

She’s in and out of here
all the time.

Why don’t you go ask
the old bat over
in number six?

She’s always
poking her nose

into everybody
else’s business.

All right, thanks.

Hi. You Al?

Sure am.

Great. I’m Sergeant Lance.

I spoke with you on the phone.

Oh, yeah. Right.

Here it is--
Tulley’s boat, the cabaret.


Yeah, I remember he was waiting
for me when I opened at :.

gallons of diesel number two.

Took on some fresh bait
and soft drinks.

Did he have anyone with him?

Not that I remember.

It’s busy around here
that time of the morning.

I probably fueled
two or three smaller boats

while he was filling up.

I’m sorry, I just
don’t remember.

No, that’s all right.

How much fuel would he burn
on a trip to Neptune cove?

Let’s see... he came back in
right before I closed for lunch

and I filled her up.

It was gallons--

of a t*nk.

That’s about

what it
would take.

Three-quarters of a t*nk.

All right, thanks.


( Knocking )

Anyone home?

( Whistles )

Well, let’s go see
if anybody is at home.

Well, we can’t tell
from here.


Hey, Chris!

What do you got?

Take a look at this.

Very interesting, huh?

Anything on the waterline?

Yup. It’s here, stem to stern.

Let me check...

And it’s diesel fuel.

All right, here it is,
here it is:

Financially strapped husband
gets his loyal friend

to help plan and carry out
troublesome wife’s m*rder.

It’s not original, but,
you know, it plays.



They’re yours.

Well, I mean,
it could be easy
enough, you know?

Maybe Tulley bought the fuel
before the m*rder

so he establishes a time.

Then he goes and
he pays by credit card

to get a record of it, goes
a short distance out to sea.

He dumps enough fuel

to make it look like he
traveled to the inlet

and back.

Did you check with
the harbor patrol?

Three fuel slicks that day--
one just a mile from the Marina.

What about the call
to the coast guard?

That could have been done
from the slip for all we know.

They scan
the ship-to-shore frequency

looking for a distress signal

then relay it
like they were actually there.

There’s no way to tell.

You get my point.

Now see if you can get my point.

Why is a guy who is smart enough
to make millions of dollars

so stupid that
he offs his wife

while the whole world
is watching

his soap-opera

So maybe he didn’t intend

to k*ll her,

Maybe he just
couldn’t wait anymore.

Or maybe he just lost his head.

Maybe he didn’t do it.


So, did you ever check out
the gardener lead?

Yeah, as a matter of fact,
I did, all right?

I ran all the outdoor help
through the department computer

and one name
almost blew the circuits.


David Alan ray.

Now, this guy,
he’s got priors

for residential burglary,
all right?

One for attempted m*rder.

What do you think
the method used was?

Telephone cord.

David Alan ray?!

police officers!

Do you see anything?

He’s going out the back window.

Police! Hold it!

Put it down!


You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can
and will be used

against you

in a court of law.

The rest of the staff
had been fired, Mr. Ray.

What were
you doing there?

I came back to get
some tools and stuff.

So, which is it?

First you said
you borrowed the stuff

and then now you
say it’s yours.

This a little too tough
for you there, Dave?

No, I brought
some tools from home.

Is that okay?

Do you know what
it sounds like to me?

It sounds like
you’re jerking us around.

Does it sound like that
to you, sergeant?

That’s exactly what
it sounds like to me.

I hope to hell
that’s not what
you’re doing, ray

because with your
previous record

and my partner’s impatience

this could get
seriously ugly for you.

You weren’t there

to pick up your
tools, were you?

You were stealing
the tools.

Bunch owed me
for a couple of weeks’ work.

He kept telling me I needed
to go see his old lady

about the money.

She’s telling me
I got to see him.

I just decided to take
some stuff in trade.

A lawnmower,
a couple of trimmers.

So Mrs. Bunch caught you
and you had to k*ll her?

No way, man, you’re coming on
too fast for me.

I didn’t do anything like that.

You were seen highballing it
out of there yesterday morning

your truck with you driving.

No way. I didn’t k*ll anybody.

You guys ought to be
investigating that witch

that was having a catfight
with Mrs. Bunch

night before last.

Time out, ray,
you’re losing me here.

Who was having the fight
with Mrs. Bunch?

Her hubby’s new squeeze.

Leslie hill.

The way they
were going at it

I figured she’d k*ll her
before the night was out.

And you’re sure it was Leslie?

Yeah, I saw her.

I was looking
through the window

you know, ten, minutes.


Ray, what were you doing there?

You had already stolen the tools
yesterday morning.

Well, I got a little
that night, too.

It’s a couple
of weeks’ work, guys, come on.

That’s a lot of tools,
you know?

You wanted to see me?

You didn’t get all the film.

I got everything the kid had.

There are breaks
in the lot numbers--

two, three rolls.

I’ll find them.

Do that.

Somebody’s life depends on it.

Wipe away...

Your thoughts.

Think only...

Of how you feel.

Separate your body.

And give in...

To my touch.

You are completely relaxed
in my touch.

You feel my touch.

You need my touch

to focus in your thoughts...

The mountains of sand.

Dry, white sand.

Touch them with your hands.

Slide your fingers
deep into them.

Push against them.

Feel them move.

Soft and firm

at the same time.

In all that sand

a single grain.

Look at it.

Feel it.

Be that tiny piece
in all the other sand.

Rubbing against it.

Moving with it.

One... moving... thing.

One... big... mountain.

Pieces just alike,
moving together.

One... moving...



I think someone’s here
to see you.

We’ll come back

to this in a few minutes.

Yes, I was there.

And you and Erica argued.


Her real name is myrtle.

Myrtle Wallace.

Yes, we argued.

She was being unreasonable
about the divorce.

I offered to make
a deal with her.

I offered to pay her off.

She agrees to the divorce,
Ronald marries me

and I give her
exactly what she wants--

only later on the Q.T.

Including her damned
seven-carat ring of hers.

Only what she wants

is for Ronald to beg.

And that I can’t deliver.

Means, motive and opportunity.

You had all three right there,
miss hill.

I didn’t touch her.

She was alive when I left,
and I didn’t go back.

Where were you at :,
: the next morning?

I really can’t answer that.

The time of the m*rder and
you can’t say where you were?

You should think
about it.

I was getting a massage
in my apartment.

At : in the morning.


I’ll need the name
of your masseur.




How long has this been going on?

According to Solange,
the affair’s been

going on several months.

Where the hell have I been?

Traveling in the wrong circles,
I suppose.

Milk’s bad.


It’s terrible.

( Laughing )

What? What is so funny?

This Ronald guy.

He’s getting his pocket picked

for a rock the size
of Gibraltar, right?

All the while she plays sisters

with the milkmaid.

What do you think
they talk about

you know, uh... after?

Why would you ask me that?

You’re a woman.

Thank you for noticing

but I haven’t
the slightest idea.

But do you think
that it was, uh...

I mean, like, "how
was it for you?"

Like that

or is it more
like, uh...

girl talk?

I imagine that they talk about
the same things you talk about.

That leaves out
the intelligent talk.

I thought it might.

I can’t believe he wouldn’t
suspect it was going on.

Some people just see
what they want to see.

What do you think
he’ll do if he finds out?

Take the ring back.

I know he won’t take it
laying down.

Would you?

Once more for
old times’ sakes, yeah.

I don’t even know why I bother.

( Phone ringing )

Yeah, Lorenzo.


No, look.

Calm down.


You got to call burglary.

They’re the ones that are
in charge of break-ins.

All right,
don’t touch a thing.

We’ll be right there.

What happened?

Somebody broke into her lab.

She thinks she saw the guy.

It sounds like the same one
that mugged her assistant.

And took pictures
of the bunch crime scene.

You got it.

We should go over there.

It definitely
wasn’t a burglary.

Somebody went
through it with
a fine-tooth comb.

What does that mean?

It means he was looking
for something.

Do you think it the film
from Erica’s m*rder again?

I thought he already
got that from Wayne.

Well, actually,
no, not all of it.

I had two rolls in my pocket.

Where are they?

At the processing lab.

You know, why don’t
you do it here?

I have no idea
how to work these things.

That’s why I have Wayne.

He provides me
technical expertise

and I enlighten him
with artistic sensibility.

But he wasn’t here
when I needed him so...


What are you
looking for?

I don’t know.

How can you do that--

look for something when
you don’t know what it is?

We are looking
for anything

that’s out of place
that doesn’t
belong there.

Like the k*ller?

Yeah, that would be
a major plus.

Do, uh... do you have
any idea who it might be?

We’re starting

to narrow it down.

Who do you suspect?

Tell me.

Solange, you are
starting to sound

more and more
like a reporter.

Are you writing an article
on Erica’s m*rder

for the sentinel,
would you, Solange?

Maybe an entree

to a gossip column?

Of course not.

Would I do that?

Would I take advantage
of a friendship

for personal gain?

Yeah, you would,
but it doesn’t matter anyway

because whatever
we’re looking for

it’s not in these photos.

All right, terrific.

Thank you so much.

Okay, bye-bye.


We’re back
to square one.

A neighbor saw Leslie and Heidi
out on their patio a :.

That’s massage time
every morning.

Is he sure it was Leslie?

Yeah, he got breathless
when I asked him that.

Evidently they were nude.


So it takes

to get from Leslie’s to Erica’s.

Even if it only took
seven or eight minutes

to k*ll Erica,
that leaves them out.

So I'm hoping that you
have something better.

The only thing I got
is a big bill

for having photographs
computer enhanced.

The lieutenant

is going to eat my lunch.

Ouch. I am glad that this
was your bright idea

and not mine.

The world’s most expensive way
to uncover hidden sprinklers.

And walkways.

This is really good stuff,
Chris, yeah.

Lots to justify going over
the department budget.

And yet there’s
something there.

( Sighs )

Did you find

let’s hang it up.




Shouldn’t we wait
for Solange?

She’s off catering
the party.

I left word
on her machine.

Tell me that
she won’t mind.

She won’t mind.

We got to get
to these negatives.

Oh, no.

Listen, guys,
we’re really sorry about this.

I had no idea.

Compared to what
I would have done

I'd say she’s taking it
pretty well.

( Clears throat )

Next time
could you call first?


( Clears throat )

Bigger than this?


Bigger yet?

Bigger yet.

Now enlarge.

Hold it right there.

Focus, focus.

What’s that say?



Yes, thanks, Wayne.

( Ring )


Yeah, sure, send him in.

You should give it
a rest, Gordon.

You’re going to work
yourself to death.

Oh, there’s much
too much to do.

You know, I don’t think
you even realize

how big this deal is
that we’re putting together.

Do you ever wonder
if it’s worth it?

What brings you around?

I came by to tell you
that I'm going to the police.

I’m going to tell them
that I was there.

I didn’t k*ll Erica.

They can’t do anything to me.

Oh, yes, they can.

They can pressure you
into making a confession.

It’s fine, you’re here,
you’re now safe.

After they sweat you,
they can sweat you

for eight,
ten hours.

I’m telling you they can get you

to say anything
they want you to say.

I’m fed up with the lying.

I can’t sleep at night.

Leslie and I have split up.

My whole life is a shamble.

This deal is real close.

This deal is going to save
the company.

If you’re arrested,
it’s over.

I mean,
we’re history.

Maybe it’s best this way.

I can’t believe
I'm hearing this from you.

Look, Gordon, I just
can’t do it anymore.

If you don’t care
about yourself

think about me.

I’m your friend.

I’m the one who protected you
from people

who tried
to ruin you.

I’m not going
to let you do that.

What are you
talking about?

Tried to ruin me?


You mean Erica?

I mean Erica.

She deserved
a lot of things

but dying wasn’t
one of them.

She wanted
to destroy us.

I did this for us.

No, Gordon,
you did it for you.

Put it down,
put it down.

Ronald, just
put it down.

Oh... it is so easy
for you, isn’t it?

You had billions, billions,
and you blew it.

This deal was supposed
to be all mine

but you couldn’t
leave it alone,
could you?


You had to
screw it up

just like you screwed up
everything else

in your life.

Okay, Gordon.

We’re going to go
for a little ride now.

I’m sorry.

I really am sorry.

Okay, they’re not
at Tulley’s office.

And there’s no answer
at his home.

The boat!
The boat!

We called the coast guard
to be on alert for the cabaret.

If Ronald and Tulley
were in this together

they were probably
heading south.

Gordon... this is crazy.

Let’s just talk this out.

I’ll give you
half the company

if that’s
what you want.

Just draw up
the papers.

Gordon, you can run it
the way you want.

I want to retire anyway.

Hell, you know that.

Ronald, don’t be foolish.

I wish it could be different

but it can’t be.

In minutes
we’ll be over the reef.

I’ll throw in
a bucket of chum

to bring in the sharks.

And that will be that.

Did you get in touch
with the coast guard?

Yeah, they dispatched
a vessel to the area

and the air patrol
is putting up a chopper now.

Great, tell them to
keep their distance.

There may be g*ns
on board.

( g*nf*re )

He’s gone.


Somebody help me.

You all right?

No, a contract
is a contract.

You put your name
on a piece of paper

you should be made
to stick to it.

Come hell
or high water?

Come hell
or high water.

I don’t believe you.

No, prenuptials
are not ordinary
contracts, Chris.

They’re unfair
to women.

Just as unfair for men.

Show me how.

If a woman refuses
to sign one

she is a gold digger

and if she agrees,
she is bound
to that amount

no matter how much
she may later on

contribute to
her husband’s success.

You make a point,
you make a point.

But it doesn’t matter.

Leslie already gave
the ring back.

She gave? It was repossessed

by that jeweler that was
suing Ronald for nonpayment.

I really hoped to try it on.

You could always try on
the one we found at Tulley’s.

Part of the stuff

we took
from Erica’s.


I think I’ll just keep
the one that you gave me.

The only real value
in a ring

is the love that it represents.

Without heart, a diamond
is just another rock.

That’s nice, Rita.

That’s even poetic.

Well, thank you.

Uh, of course

if you ever did want
to give me a diamond

I like them really big.

I’ll bet you do.
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