02x09 - Love-15

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x09 - Love-15

Post by bunniefuu »

When a baby is born

its primary urges are
pretty simple-- eat and sleep.

As the baby grows into a child

mom and dad give it
guidance and advice

so one day it will be able
to meet the world head-on.

Some advice
can do more harm than good--

advice like
"winning is everything."

my leg’s hurting.


Would you listen to me?

My leg is hurting,

This is crap, Alex!

Look, if you
don’t concentrate

there’s no way I can
practice with you.

I’m sorry, Jason.

It’s just that I've hit
for almost eight hours today.

There’s no time clock
to greatness, kid.

It’s as long as it takes.

But I told you,
my leg’s cramping up.

Ah, poor baby.

Well, when you’re
in the state finals

maybe you can
stop the match

and ask the chair
umpire to wait

until you’re
ready to play!

( Quietly: )
Oh, god.

I hate him.

How can you
stand him


I mean, I know he’s
your stepfather,
but come on.

He doesn’t even care
what I want.

All he does
is think about himself.

At least when
I turn pro, I can
fire my coach.

How do you get rid
of a relative?

I wish he were dead.

No, I didn’t mean it.

Oh, yeah?

Like hell I do.

I need you like I need
a barium enema.

No, money is not a problem.

My kid is going to win
this tournament

and that means a shoe contract
that will make your head swim.

That’s right,
my groveling days are over, pal.

Oh, yeah?

Well, same to you.

You’ll probably star
in the video on how to do it.

( Whistling )

What are you do..?

( Jason screams )

You know, I almost joined
this country club once.

So, what happened?

Well, I decided to save

the quarter million dollars
it cost to join

and buy a car stereo

Oh, man.

Got a toothache?

Yeah. This thing
comes and it goes.

Did you call
your dentist yet?

No way. No way.

This will have to slide
way up the Richter scale

before you get me
to one of those cats.

So, what do you think?

Got a . to the chest.

Coup de grace to the head.

My guess is a mob execution.

No, I don’t think so.

I mean, it doesn’t
seem right.

It’s the locker room
of a fancy country club.

There’d be a lot of risk
getting in and out of here.

I’m betting passion.

Here you go, sergeant.


Okay, Mr. Jason Walsh...

Who k*lled you?

Was it the bent nose

or the painted toes?

I know I should be
in shock or something

but I've been afraid

something like this would
happen for a long time.

Mrs. Walsh, did your husband
act strangely before his death?

Nervous, upset?

No, he wasn’t like that.

Jason was never satisfied.

He always felt
like he was getting

the short end
of the stick

so he’d get mad
at the world a lot.

That always scared me.

Can you think of anybody that
might have wanted to hurt him?

Not right off hand

but about nine months ago,
I guess, he got beaten up

very badly.

Fractured leg,

Said he’d been mugged.

I didn’t believe him.

I understand that Jason
is Alex’s stepfather.

Well, I had Alex
when I was quite young

and I met Jason years later.

We married
when she was almost... eight?

Yeah, eight.

How was he around the house
with the two of you?

Well, he was tough,
he was determined

but he loved us.

I mean, with no money
and no connections

he spent seven years

turning my little girl

into one of the top
tennis amateurs in this country

and now I'm afraid
it’s finished.

This is her dream,
but I don’t see how

I can let her continue.

Well, hi, honey--
are you all right?

This is Detective Lorenzo.


I saw you at the club

this morning,
asking questions.

I didn’t want to interrupt
your practice.

That’s okay.

I couldn’t concentrate anyway.

I tried, mom,
but I can’t do it without him.

Why would someone
want to k*ll Jason?

I don’t know.

What am I
going to do?

Well, first thing, we’re
going to have some lunch.

And then we’re going to sit down
and talk about it.

Then we’ll probably
cry a lot.

I’m afraid that’s all
I can tell you, Detective Lance.

So you didn’t
hear anything--

a g*nsh*t, a scream,
anything like that?

Nope-- I showered
at home.

Never went
near the lockers.

What else can you
tell me about Jason?

His relationship
with Alex

anything like that?

He was a jerk.

He was a jerk
to his stepdaughter.

He didn’t have
any friends.

How long was Jason
a club member?

He wasn’t a member.

They just let Alex practice
here for the publicity.

His student and mine--

even the networks
will cover it.

Are you about done, detective?

You’ve questioned me,
you’ve questioned Nick.

You’ve ruined my practice,
and my dad is...

I thought you were
Alex’s friend?

She’s my best friend.

Well, your best friend
is home crying

because her stepfather
was m*rder*d.

I’m trying to find out
who did it.

I wouldn’t worry about
your practice too much.

You’ll probably
win by default.

Traci, go practice
your forehand.

I apologize for that.

She’s young, spoiled.


May I call you Rita?

Do you play tennis?

Well, uh... not...

How do you feel
about mixed singles?

Sorry, Nick,
tennis really isn’t my game.

Thanks for your time.


That tooth still
bothering you?

No, no, it’s fine.

It’s... bugging
the hell out of me.

Well, listen, if you decide
to change your mind

I've got the name
of a good dentist.

What’s his name?

Dr. Agony.

You’re bad.

You are.

No, I got a dentist already.

A friend of Dr. Weinstein.

You got a dental referral
from a coroner?

Yeah. Teeth are teeth, right?

Yeah, sure.

So, how is your picture
developing of Jason Walsh?

I tell you what--

there are a lot of new,
colorful adjectives around

to describe that guy.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

Seems like the only grieving
going on around here

is for the thorny rise

The people that knew him can’t
decide whether to dress in black

or have a party.

Cotton. What the hell
is he doing here?

Then president Ford asked me
for the five iron.

I know pardoning Nixon
that morning

has got him under
a lot of stress

but the five is the wrong iron
for this lie.

So I pull the sand wedge

and I'm thinking, "is the secret
service going to sh**t me

if I give him the wrong club?"

Anyway, we had a big argument.

I find out later the whole
thing was on national TV.

Didn’t get a tip that day.

( Men chuckling )

Well, guys, got to run.

Catch you tomorrow.

Hey, cotton!

Ho! Big C.

Can we talk later?

I got a list
of things to do

that would make job
throw in the towel.

It’s not like
I don’t have faith.

You guys are the best,
but it’s no coincidence

that Jason was k*lled
on the th.

I mean, these people--
these rich people--

they can’t change a diaper

without their
psychic’s permission.

I mean, you’re looking
at an occult k*lling here

and once you get it into
your head that these guys...

Cotton, cotton,
shut up, shut up.

You’re not a suspect.

Oh... then, how can I help?

What do you know?

What have you heard?

Like I said-- nothing.

Cotton, you’re much too modest,
much too modest.

For example, where do most
hot-wire auto thefts take place?

Parking lots, %.

What state loses
the most Toyota Cressidas?

New York.

Grand Marquis?

What’s the rate of increase
in car theft in America?

Latest figure, .% per year.

I am impressed, I have to admit.

Do you happen
to know the rate

of car theft here
at thorny rise?

Do you?


Now, is that a statistical
anomaly or what, cotton?

I’m not involved.

Nothing illegal.


Maybe I hear about some guy’s
looking for an upscale car.

Maybe I happen to mention
it in passing

to one of the valet
parking attendants.

Hey, these rich guys-- some
of them don’t even report it.

Aren’t you guys in homicide?

You got the cuffs?

Yeah. Got them right back here,
ready to put them on.

All right, what do
you want to know?

What do you know?
What have you heard?

You met Nick Geiger?

Yeah, Mr. Hot-to-trot
tennis pro?

He hated Jason Walsh.

Loathed him.

Nick was working
his butt off

to train this rich
chick, Traci Linderman,

to be a pro.

And along comes this lowlife

with this really
sweet daughter, Alex.

Well, guess what?

Alex is a better player.

Lots more motivation.

I’ll bet that chewed Nick up.

You bet.

I know two fights they were in.

In one, Nick almost gave Jason
a lobotomy with a barstool.

Thanks, cotton.

Thank you, cotton.

You have been

such a help.

Okay, Traci,
let’s call it a day.

Hey, Nick! I’d like to ask
you a couple of questions.


When you and Jason used to
fight, who usually used to win?

So we didn’t like each other.

Is that a crime?

Hi, Nick.

Hi, Alex.

Why don’t you
just go over there

and do some
warm-up exercises?

I’ll be with you
right away.


I offered to help practice
with Alex.

It’s not fair her career
should suffer

just ’cause Jason
got himself bumped off.

It’s pretty convenient,
don’t you think?

Now whoever wins
the tournament,
you get the credit.

I didn’t k*ll him.

Really, don’t you
just love it

how their eyes start
to narrow when they lie?

( g*nshots )

Stay down.

Get down!

( g*nshots )

I’m going to the parking lot.


Hold it!



Oh, honey.

Mrs. Walsh, why don’t
you take Alex home?

We’ll put a squad car out
in front of your house tonight.

We’ll be by
in the morning.

Thank you.


Good night, Alex.


Listen, hang around.

We may need to talk
to you in a minute.

Aspirin-- the miracle drug.

Hmm. Is it
doing any good?


Find out anything
about the car?

Yeah, the checkered-blazer boys

think it’s one
of the hospitality vehicles.

They usually leave
the keys inside.


Nicky boy.

Let’s finish this up.

I don’t... want
to get involved.

I think it’s a little
late for that.

All I know is that Jason
was borrowing money

from loan sharks to pay
the freight on Alex’s career.

A lot of those types
were hanging around.

Come on, a name.

You didn’t get this from me.

Of course.

Donny "dogs" Dibardo.

Car , how are you?

These are my friends--

the lovely
Sergeant Rita,
Sergeant Lorenzo

miss torque wrench April,
and miss torque wrench may.

The best things in life
come in twos.

Ladies, why don’t
you give us

a few minutes
to discuss matters?

As much as I welcome
the beauty of your visit, Rita

protocol dictates

you should make an appointment.

Yeah, well, sorry, Donny,
it couldn’t wait.

All these parts
along the wall, Dibardo--

they all seem to be without
boxes, warranties or legality.

This is
a legitimate shop.

Is that right?

So, what? We got
Mercedes headrests

Jaguar quarter panels...


Superb Lexus C.D. Player.

What’s this?

Porsche steering wheel.

These parts

wouldn’t happen to be from cars

from the thorny rise
country club, would they?

What can I do for you?

You could start off
by telling me

about your dealings
with Jason Walsh.

A very short story.

For six years,
I was his instant money machine.

He borrowed money
to keep his kid

in fancy tennis shoes.

Always paying back.

With appropriate interest.

We were square even
when he died.

So what do you know
about his death?


Why did you have him
beat up last fall?

Oh, that.

A few of my misguided associates
who have since moved on--

they had a discussion with Jason

about managing his daughter
when she turned pro.

There’s a lot of money
to be made there.

And the answer was no?

He was hotheaded.

He said a few things
he shouldn’t have.

A fight broke out,
but that was the last of it.

My business with him has
been done many months ago.

You better hope so, Dibardo.

You want my advice?

No. No, I don’t.

Jason’s constant debt

is something
I would look into.

Now, how much
could tennis balls cost?

Maybe he had other, uh...

So he liked the ladies?

Bumblebees don’t know
so many flowers.

All right, thanks, Donny.

Oh, listen, if we should stop by
later on this afternoon

and all this stuff
is still here, as cops

we would be bound
to report it.

See ya.

She won’t come out of her room,
much less go to practice.

She doesn’t want me

to go to work

because she’s afraid
to be alone.

Thank you, ma’am.

You know, I always wanted Alex

to sort of slow down
her obsession with tennis

and be more like other teenagers

but this is not
what I had in mind.

Ma’am, obviously
it’s no coincidence

that somebody k*lled
your husband

then took a shot
at Nick.

Is there anything
they have in common--

anything we don’t know about--

mutual friends,
business associates?

When one came in the room,
the other would leave.

They’d barely speak
to each other.

Mom doesn’t really know
what it takes to get this far

so she’s a lot more cavalier
about me giving it up.

What does it take?


Jason used to call it
"fire in the belly."

You know, that’s
the big difference

between Traci Linderman
and me.

I mean, she’s got
much better strokes

with all those lessons
and stuff

but I want it more.

So what are you going to do?

I guess I'm going to have
to drop out of the tournament.


After what happened last night

Nick won’t even speak to me.

He thinks it’s because
he was coaching me

that someone shot at him--

like they thought that he
was taking over my career.

And no one else
is going to practice with me.

What if I introduced you

to someone who would?

Do you think
that I should go back?

It’s not about what I think.

I mean...
You have been through so much

in the last couple days.

Nobody, including your mother

is qualified
to answer that for you.

My advice is that you look
inside yourself

and decide what
feels comfortable

and you do what feels right.

Ms. Walsh,
there’s really no easy way

to approach this.

Rumor has it that Jason
was unfaithful to you.

Your Mr. Rumor’s got
his good ear to the ground

doesn’t he?

So you know about the affair?

Jason came from a very bad home

and he craved love
and acceptance

even though he never learned
how to give it in return.

How’s that?

I hope
you understand

that we’ll have
to investigate this.

One of these women
might have k*lled him.

Gives me
a pretty good motive, too.

Is there anything else
you can tell us, ma’am?

Anything at all?

You know the girl
Alex is playing

in the tournament?

Her rival?

Right. Traci Linderman.

Talk to her father.

He threatened to k*ll Jason
for his, uh... behavior.

What? Are you saying

that Jason slept
with Traci’s mother?

With Traci.

( Deep sigh )

I don’t have the time.

I’ve got irons in the fire

and I don’t get along
with kids.

Well, the alternatives are

we could get
a search warrant

or we could
put your apartment

through an atom smasher.

Okay, okay.
You want to take

the unlimited possibility
of my mind

and distill it
down to baby sitter?

Fine, but it’s on your head,
Rita Lee Lance--

all that I do not accomplish
while I'm handholding this kid.

( Clears throat )

I knew you’d
see it our way.

May I assume

you’ve come to question
my daughter again?

No, Mr. Linderman.

Actually, we came
to speak with you.

Perhaps we’d be more
comfortable inside.

Traci, Nick tells me

you’ve been loafing
through practice again.

Oh, mom.

Oh, don’t you
"oh, mom" me.

Honey, you’re so close
to everything

I ever dreamed of for you.

Don’t risk losing
this chance.

Come on.

Let’s practice.

My wife and I
stay together for Traci.

We think
it’s in her best interest.

From whose perspective?

It’s Traci we want
to talk to you about.

with Jason Walsh.

He took advantage of her.

One time only.

How did you find out
about it?

She told me.

It’s her way
of getting back at daddy--

drive a stake through my heart.

You threatened Jason Walsh,
didn’t you, Mr. Linderman?

Yes. Yes, I did.

I went to see him.

When he agreed
that would be the end of it

I dropped the matter,
but I certainly didn’t k*ll him.

Your daughter is under
the age of consent.

What Jason did is a crime.

I was thinking of Traci
when I decided

not to pursue it,

Please don’t say anything
to my wife.

Despite our differences

I don’t wish
to cause her any pain.

You know what they call
this place, don’t you?

Thorny rise.

Horny wives.

This is
the Sodom and Gomorrah
of country clubs.

If god were
to look down and say,
"show me one decent person

and I’ll save them all"

this would be the salt lick
capital of the world.

You’re back on your heels, Alex.

Close the front
shoulder, pivot

and open the hips
when you’re moving forward.

Cotton, what the hell
are you doing?

You’re supposed to hit
practice balls, not coach.

You don’t even play--
now, shut up.

Au contraire, crispus.

As a youngster, I starred

on a string of prestigious
prep school teams

from Tallahassee to Baton Rouge.

Really? So you moved
around a lot?

I was expelled a lot.

I’d better go help Alex.

That’s really sad.

Oh... is the world
getting uglier

or am I just
noticing it more?

Well, I think it’s
a little bit of both.

That old adage-- "it’s not
whether you win or lose;

it’s how you play the game"?
No more.

It’s kind of like
little league parents

fighting over
a t-ball game.

Actually, I was thinking

more like little girls
in tennis skirts.

I mean, look at Alex.

Do you think she really
wants to be a champion

or do you think some
adult has convinced her

that she wants
to be a champion?

That’s a good question.

You know, ever since
I was a little kid--

from the earliest
I can remember--

everybody was always telling me
I was going to be a lawyer.


Yeah... I was articulate,
I was clever

and I bought into that stuff
all the way through high school.

I was going to be a lawyer
just like my pop.

Well, I guess you got off
on the wrong station someplace,


You should’ve seen
my father’s face

when I told him I was going
into criminology.

He was... livid.

I’m sure he just wanted
the best for you.

Yeah. You know,
I guess in that respect

he’s no different
from Traci’s pop or Jason Walsh.

Did you hate your dad?

Uh-uh. Of course not.

Well, then, it sounds like
he was a lot different.

Good point.


So nice to have a pro
around the house.

I can’t believe
your husband doesn’t care

that we’re out here.

He doesn’t care
what I do

just so long as I don’t try
to do it with him.

Nick, you’re sure Traci
can beat that Walsh girl

aren’t you?

They’re pretty
evenly matched.

I think it’s going
to come down to
who wants it more.

I’ll tell you
who wants it more.

You do.

Isn’t that right, Nick?

My husband spends a lot
of money on her tennis.

If you want
that gravy train
to continue

as well as
the... other perks

you’ll make sure
that Traci wins.

Did your husband
k*ll Jason Walsh?

Nick... darling.

We thought you did.

They all think
that I don’t know...

About Jason and Traci.


How did you find out
about it?

Traci told me.

We’ve become good friends
since they let me practice

at thorny rise.

Alex, can you
think of anyone

who might have wanted
to k*ll your stepfather?

Alex, you can trust us.

Traci’s dad has a g*n.

How do you know that?

Traci brought it
into the locker room.

She said she was going
to k*ll Jason

for what he did.

I thought
I talked her out of it.

When was that?

The day he died.

Surely, this is as unnecessary
as it is ridiculous.

I assume you’re questioning

everyone at the club
who owns a g*n.

The b*ll*ts fired
at Nick and Alex

were recovered from
the tennis courts.

They’re . caliber,
Mr. Linderman--
in all probability

the same kind
that k*lled Jason.

Which means absolutely nothing
to me, detective.

My . is a target p*stol.

Just a routine part
of our investigation.

Then I will be on record
with your superior

this "routine" intrusion.

That would be fine.

I don’t understand.

It’s gone.

So you want to tell us
how it happened, Traci?

It’s no big deal.

Alex’s stepdad was rugged--

not like the other wimps
at the country club.

And he seduced you.

I kind of seduced him.

I’m not a kid, you know.

Why tell your father?

To see what he’d do.

He doesn’t give much
of a damn about me.

He’s too busy
with his stocks and stuff.

Mom’s the only one
who cares if I win or not.

He cared enough to confront
Jason about it, though

didn’t he?


I never expected that.

It was so cool.

He told Jason off;
He said he’d see him in jail

if he ever
touched me again.

And then what happened?

And then Jason
knocked my dad down.

He bent over and laughed at him.

He said that since everyone else
had already slept with my mom

he thought he’d try me.

Is that why you took the g*n
to the club that day?

Jason didn’t have
to humiliate him like that.

It was the first time my dad
ever cared enough to...

Did you sh**t him, Traci?

Alex didn’t want me to.

I didn’t really

want to either,
you know?

Where’s the g*n now?

I put it back
in my dad’s cabinet

that same day during lunch

so he wouldn’t know.

Oh, baby!

Are you all right?

Are you all right?

This is
an outrage.

How can you people
even suspect my little girl

of k*lling that man?

What motive

could she possibly have?

She has a very important
tournament tomorrow afternoon

and you are ruining
her concentration.

This is an order from
Judge Walker to release her.

( Sighs )

You know, I
have thought

some pretty
disparaging thoughts

about you in
the past, cotton

and they have all
been justified

but this time, I got
to hand it to you.

Two days ago

that girl was a basket case.

And today, she is just
beaming with life.

I thought you said that you
weren’t any good with kids.

Hey, what can I say?

There’s definite aptitude here.

Don’t pop back

too fast on
the stretch, Alex.

Nice and slow.

I used to shy away
from kids

but I think
I've found my calling.

So now you going to go
and get a job at the Y--

work with the inner city kids?

Nah, I was thinking
more on the high end

like her.

Oh, come on, cotton.

What makes you think
you can be Alex’s coach?

Same place makes me
a good golf caddy.

These games are
just really... math

geometry, physics, science.

I can do in my mind
in one second

what it takes others
hours of computer models

to accomplish.

Yeah, well, you know, all
of those things may be true

but whatever happened to fun?

Rita, get real.

We’re talking

about endorsement contracts
and appearance fees.

You want to have fun,
get a yo-yo.

You’re going to make
a great parent someday, cotton.

What are you guys
doing here anyway?

We’re thinking about
shutting down the tournament

for everybody’s safety.

Don’t do it.

Increase security or something.

That kid’s worked all her life
to get to tomorrow afternoon.

You can’t take that
away from her.

I know.

What do you think, Rita?

Did we miss something?

Are we on the wrong
track, or what?

No, I think we’re
really close.

I just don’t think they’re
telling us everything.

Well, we’ll just have
to ask them again and again

until they do.

I think it’s really a shame

that your parents wanted
you to be a lawyer.

I mean, I think you would’ve
been a really good cop.

Now, come on,
go see the dentist.

Come on.

What did your parents
want you to be?

A teacher--
an elementary schoolteacher.

( Chuckling )

What’s wrong
with that?

I’m not knocking
the profession.

I just... I can’t
see you in the part.

I mean, how much butt can
you kick on a playground?

Yeah, well, you
always did know

what I liked
about this job.

Come on, Sam,
go see the dentist.

You’ll feel better.

You know, I don’t think
this is the right time.

I mean, my tooth
could get better.

It feels better already.

It’s much improved.

Listen, I’ll pick you up
later, okay?

Come on.

Go. Go.

Come on.

No chance whatsoever,
Mr. Dibardo.

The Lindermans have signed
with Al Dorfman.

He’s the top
tennis agent around.

What about
the Walsh girl?

You might have
a shot there.

Her mother’s trash--
she’ll go for the gold.

You wave enough green,
you can adopt the kid.

I don’t think so.

It wouldn’t look
too good

for Mrs. Walsh
to be negotiating

with m*rder suspects.

I tell you what, ace.

Why don’t you trot on
back to the clubhouse?

You wait for us
there, all right?

And don’t you
go too far.

I’m just itching
to arrest somebody.

Why am I still a suspect?

Jason wouldn’t let you
handle Alex’s career

so you bump him off,
take over anyway.

What’s the matter with you,
a testosterone surge?

Rita, talk to your partner.

An action such
as you speak

is only utilized
as a last resort.

Usually, uh... in self defense.


I had absolutely
nothing to do

with Jason Walsh’s death.

That’s my word.

All right, Donnie,
but you got to promise

that you’re going to keep
your hands off of Alex.

Otherwise, we’re going
to have to come back.



You can’t go in there,
can you, Donnie boy?

They won’t let you join.

Be nice, huh?

I didn’t know you
played golf, Donnie.

I wouldn’t think that
would be your game.

Of course. I was born for it.

You get mad, swing a club...

Put it in a hole,
and lie about it afterwards.

( Laughing )

( Groaning )

Man, I hate dentists.

Come on, you’ll
be all right.

Dr. Weinstein’s friend is
a forensics dentist, right?

Yeah-- prepares
skeleton teeth

to make identifications.

So how’s the
root canal feeling?

The root canal’s
fine, but...

See the swelling?


The bonehead
had to stick me
seven times.

First novocaine shot
he gave in years.

Mm. Well, next time
you’ll go to my guy, okay?

Ha! Surely you jest.

There will never
be a next time.

As long as I live,
I’ll never go back

to one of those

Hi, Alex.

( Several g*nshots )

You okay?


Heading east on bishop,
passing Roymont.

Looks like he’s headed
for the interstate.

Request chopper support
and roadblocks.

She went into the mall.

I’m going to get out.



The mustang turned out to be
another club courtesy car.

Guess what--
the driver wore gloves.

Every possible motive
for k*lling Jason Walsh

has been taken by someone.

He cheated on Caitlyn,
he abused Alex,

he almost came
to blows with Nick

insulted Dibardo,
humiliated Linderman--

almost did
the sheet-shimmy with Traci

and that is before we get
to all these people.

Oh, thank you.

The b*ll*ts
from last night--

they match
the earlier ones

but without a m*rder w*apon,
we’re nowhere.

The stolen car-- no prints.

Let’s switch.

Why? You’re doing so great.

Because I'm tired,
and I want to be the thinker.

It’s just like you.

Right when I think
I have it figured out.

So, despite Jason’s death,
he is not the real victim.

Alex is.

With Jason gone

now Alex is left
with no coach, no mentor...

And then
Nick volunteers his help.

So, the k*ller scares him off
with potshots.

So now, alone again,
Alex goes home

too freaked out
to play in the tournament.

Until we set her up
with coach cotton

who brings her
out of the doldrums.

The k*ller has to take
a shot at him--

once again
scaring the hell out of Alex.

You know, if she can find
the mental courage

to show up at this tournament
and play this afternoon

she could be the next target.

Hey, good luck today.

You, too.

You’re my best friend, Alex.

You’re the only one
who doesn’t treat me

like the spoiled bitch

I sometimes am.

If I have to lose
to anybody

it might as well be you.

Besides, I figure we’re
going to pound each other

as pros for the next ten years

so it doesn’t matter who wins
on any given day, right?


I’m really sorry
about Jason, Alex.

I don’t know
how you have

the courage to come back

to this place.


Did you k*ll him?

No, but I guess
I deserve to have you ask it.

Well, see you on the court.


Her head’s
in a really good place.

I don’t see
how Traci can lose.


Just make sure
that’s how it turns out.

Mrs. Linderman?

I have nothing to say to you.

Yes, ma’am, I understand.

I just... I wanted
to apologize to you.

We’ve dropped our investigation

your daughter’s involvement

in the death of Jason Walsh

and, we, uh...
We’re sorry, ma’am.

As well you should be.

Now, please, leave me alone.

I understand.

Would you do me a favor?

Would you wish Traci
good luck today?

I think she’s going to need it.

What did you say?

About the match?

It’s going to be a doozie.

Alex is all revved up
and ready to go.

I think this last week
has given her

something to play for.

Going to be a hell of a match.

Mrs. Linderman,
you scared me.

I’m so sorry.

Are you looking for Traci?

She’s already on the court.

No, dear.

I was looking for you.

It’s a shame
what happened

to your ignorant stepfather,
isn’t it?

I guess the only thing worse

would be if it happened
to your mother, too.

You k*lled Jason, didn’t you?

This is Traci’s day...

To shine...

To be noticed.

I’m not going to let you

or anybody else
get in her way.

I don’t think

it’s going
to happen that way.

Get back, Alex.

I suspect that Traci will
be retired from tennis

by the time you
get out of jail.


Mrs. Linderman,
good day.

Hey, come on, Alex

everybody’s waiting...

Okay, we all stay here
nice and quiet.

After they call a forfeit,
we’ll all go home

and nobody will get hurt.

Look, that’s not going
to solve anything.

Why don’t you give me the g*n?

No, not until Traci wins.

That’s not
how she wants it.

Traci wants to play me.

As if you’d know anything.

She wouldn’t quit.

She wouldn’t stop practicing.

I k*lled her damned father

for god’s sakes.

Wouldn’t you think
she’d give up?

I think this is a good time
to propose a cooling down...

As a parent

I have the right

to act on my daughter’s

best interests.

Mrs. Linderman...

You really
didn’t know

that Jason slept
with your daughter?


Get down, Alex.

( g*nsh*t )

( Gasping )

You okay?


Yeah, we’re okay.

You can’t do this to me.

You don’t know
how much I've sacrificed.

Let go of me!

Traci needs this
more than you do.

Don’t you understand?

You want her?


Hey, you okay?

You okay?


Don’t let her win, Alex.

Don’t let anything
that lady said

change your life, okay?


Does it seem to you
that the rules are changing

out from underneath us?

Yeah, man.

I remember when tennis
was just a game

and winning was a sign
of personal achievement--

not a way to get
a shoe endorsement.

So how do you know when
you’ve actually won one?

Same way you always could.

( Crowd cheering )

People cheer.

Oh, drat!

( Yells )

I thought you said
you played tennis.

I do.

I just... I need
some more aspirin.


Oh, man, how much did
the blood transfusion

from Monica Seles cost you?

I was singles champ
in high school.

Oh, well, at least that.

Look, don’t take it
out on me.

It’s not my fault.

My dentist would’ve known

that you needed
a wisdom tooth taken out

and not a root canal.

No, don’t laugh at me.

That’s not fair.

Look, I have set
the appointment up.

You’ll go see him.

It will be fine.

Meanwhile, if you’re
really serious

about playing cotton and Alex,
you’d better get busy.

All right, coach.

What do we have to do?

Excuse me

but these courts
are reserved for
club members only.

Is that right?

Uh, we’re new here.

New members.

Aren’t you those
two police officers?

Uh, you must be mistaken.

I’m an elementary

And I'm a lawyer.

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