02x03 - Social Call

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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02x03 - Social Call

Post by bunniefuu »

Your bath is drawn, Mrs. Kelly.

And I've popped a Dom ’

from Mr. Kelly’s
private stock.

Your beluga is
beside the tub.

Thank you, Harvey.

Will there be
anything else

before I leave?

( Laughing sensuously )

Honey, honey, no.

I’ve got a meeting
in an hour.

Great. A quickie.

Nothing rumpled above
your cummerbund, I promise.

A little bubbly first,

I would fire my real Butler
for that.

Mmm, that’s good champagne.

You did get that
from Roland’s stock, didn’t you?

He would die.

I’ll replace it.

Don’t bother.

There will be a lot more

than his high-class
champagne missing

when he gets back.

Like maybe his wife.

Harvey, don’t joke around
about stuff like that.

I’m not kidding, angel.

This is our ticket
out of here.

Enough dirt on a certain
palm beach biggie

to make him pay dearly.

That’s why I'm going
to this meeting tonight.

What are you talking about?

Who is this biggie?

It’s a surprise.

I’ll tell you
when I get back.

You’re talking about
blackmail, aren’t you?

I’m talking about us
flying out tomorrow

and writing our dear Johns
on the way to Paris.


Just be careful, okay?

I love you.

I love you, too.

We’ve got seven minutes
to spare, madame.

We don’t have any minutes
to spare, Harvey.

We’re going to use
all of them.

All right, just a quickie,
but then I'm history.

When a high point
in your social life

is trying
a new kind of frozen pizza

a night out can be
a very big deal.

And the next morning
is not the time

for an early wake-up call

especially not from the guy
that you see regularly.

Strictly on business, that is.

Almost always ugly business.


Oh, Rita,
you look like hell.

Are you sick?

I put in for this day off
a week ago.

One lousy day.

I’m so... I forgot.

Why didn’t you say
something when I called?

Yeah, well,
it hurt to talk, Sam

and it
still does.

Uh, big night?

Who was
the guy?

Why don’t you tell me?


Oh, uh, guy’s name
is Harvey Lane.

Found his business card
in the car.

He was shot once
right in the pump.

Sam, I want you to go home
and get some sleep, all right?

I’ll solo.

No, no, no, no, no.
You would...

You wouldn’t have called me
at : a.m. any day of the week

for a routine robbery-homicide.

No, I wouldn’t.

Why would this guy be
at the beach by himself

in a tux, huh?

And time of death was
between :, : last night.

No way.

This place stays busy
at least till midnight.

This guy was not shot

in a crowd.

You got it.

You up for coming to his office
with me, check it out?


Just, uh, take it easy
on the turns, all right?

Stop off and get
a chili dog somewhere.


Looks like Harvey
does all right.

Hustler for the idle rich.

( Loudly ):
How’s your headache?



I can move my tongue
without it hurting.

I think I’ll live.


Take a look at this.

Wait a minute.

Wait a minute!


A lot nicer
than his wife.

What makes you sure
that’s not his wife?

Husband, wife...



Let’s check
for photographer I.D.

Huh. Solonge.

( With French accent ):
It is so nice seeing you again.

Anything I can do for you,
Detective Lorenzo

it will be my great pleasure
to supply.

What’s going on here?

I’m propositioning you.

No, no, no,
you misunderstand.

No, this...

Oh, you, Rita.

You are so pretty,

no, no, solonge,
I'm talking about...


This is a magazine commercial.


You like?

It’s a very big sh**t for me.

Love big... sh**t.

I’ll bet you do.

Solonge, do you
always dress like
this for work?

For some jobs
I do not dress at all.

I’m very talented.

You like French cuisine?

I cater your next party.

Actually, that sounds great,

but we just need some names
to go along with these faces.

Oh, one of George’s galas.

George Bingham.

Bad lover, good citizen.

I donate art sculpture

to his annual
charity art auction.

May I sculpt you both
in the nude?


take a pill.

More names,
if you would.

Harvey and Ann Lane.

Mon amie Carla.

Carla and Roland Kelly.

Is that like
the French town, Calais?

No, no, no.

No, it’s k-e-l-l-y.


I sleep with Roland

He and Carla don’t get along?

Did my ancestor
Marie Antoinette

get along
with the guillotine?


Carla is middle-class.

Roland is palm beach society.

He does not accept her,
so things are very, very bad.

Poor baby.


Oh, yeah.

That feels great.


You’re really good.

You don’t know how good.

I give you both

full body treatments
tonight, oui?


We’re going
to be tied up.


Fine, if it turns you on.


Yeah, a friend called
and told me.

It’s really awful.

Roland and I were very...

Fond of Harvey.

Is your husband home,
Mrs. Kelly?

No. Uh, he’s in Europe.

Why do you want to talk to him?

Why do you even
want to talk to me

for that matter?

We were just

Is that right?

What the hell do you want?

Harvey’s m*rder was made
to look like a robbery.

Any idea why?

The royal palms,
our esteemed upper crust--

they don’t like scandal.

Why don’t you write it off

to some of your little
riffraff doings, okay?

Why are you even here
checking it out, huh?

Is this just for show?
Is that it?

Sounds like your
royal palm buddies
talk to you, not us.

Those snobs

don’t talk
to me.

But I know their power.

So did Harv.

And he wouldn’t
stop fighting them.

If you had been k*lled,
he definitely would be trying

to help us, right?

Look, it wasn’t
just a fling, okay?

We wanted to leave a year ago,
but Harv wanted money.

Ann owned him.

He didn’t have a dime
to his name.

Their maid said
that she’s in St. Croix.

Yeah. What do you want to bet

she doesn’t even make
the funeral, huh?

She’s got a place there,
you know?

She has a place.

I tried to tell Harv
that money didn’t matter

but, you know, he just...

So, uh...

He had dirt on some
big name, okay?

Dirt-- that’s all I know.

He had a little disk,

and he went to George
Bingham’s last night

to try and hit on somebody big.

This Bingham--
he’s a big fund-raiser?

Yeah, he’s a creep.

Tries to feel me up
all the time.

He’s got
a filthy mouth

and all this
sister Teresa stuff.

Mother Teresa.

He’s still a creep, okay?

I don’t know
if he could do that to Harv

but if you’re really going
to go after whoever did it

I'd really like to help

because I think
I really do owe it to Harv.

I don’t think so.

It’s risky--
leads are thin.

it could be a disaster.

Lieutenant, we’ve gone
undercover with less.

The crime scene
was faked.

The victim’s office
was tossed.

And plus we’ve got
Carla Kelly’s story.

Are you sure you
aren’t made yet?

The only person
that knows us is Carla and...



Wait a minute--
solonge who...

Or what?

This could be good.

This could be it.

She could be our way in.

Wait a minute-- would somebody
please tell me who solonge is?

She is a photographer.

She’s practically
a celebrity.

She is a regular
in the social swim.

And I have a feeling
that she will cooperate.

You have a feeling?

I have a big feeling.

Okay, okay.

Going to have
to set some things up.

You need a credit history,
family background

and I want you two
to go easy on this.

Society crime
is delicate here.

This society crime is
a m*rder, lieutenant.

Just remember,
this is palm beach.

You do this,
you have to stay cool.

After all, you’re going
to be a very wealthy

young couple.

I guess that’s why
our check-in was delayed.

They needed
to emboss this.

No, they needed
to check us out.

You need more than cash
to get into this place.

You need a pedigree.

Well, you
have to admit

we have definitely
pulled worse duty
than this.

We never played
husband and wife before.

No, we haven’t.

Kind of strange.

( Knock at door )


Oui, oui.

Come in.

Very nice.

Very nice, very nice.

Yes, you look very
nice, too, solonge.

Are we in?

I try so hard
to be close to you, Rita.

Both of you.

But we never seem to... make it.

I don’t know why I'm trying
so hard to help you.

Could be that little incident
that we pulled you out of.

I think the D.A. Called it
corrupting public morals.

Yes, the four men,
the open convertible--

you remember

That was performance art.

It was a good performance.

Not to mention the snake.

If the S.P.C.A.
Found out about that

they’d be all over your... case.

But you don’t seem to mind.

Yes, George Bingham knows
that Jack and Sheila Wellman

of the Scarsdale Wellmans
are here.

Good, so he knows
that we’re here.

Are we in?

( Knock at door )

It’s so busy here.


( Clears throat )


Oh, thank you.

The Wellmans.

That’s us.

( Clears throat )

Ah, we have
been invited

to a private party.

Could you tell Mr. Bingham
that we’ll be there?

That would
be great.

What? Oh, yeah.


A dollar?

I didn’t have a five.

( Voices and soft laughter
mingling in background )

( Camera clicking )

To the Wellmans.

Hear, hear!

Here, George.

Move in a little.

A memento of the moment.

Three of my favorites--

George and, uh...


And Jack.


George wouldn’t tell you
this himself

but this little
dinner party for you--

it was all his idea.

To George.

To George.

I’d always heard Jackson
Wellman III was a recluse.

Well, muff changed
all that.

Right, muff?

Uh, yes.

Actually Jackie
and I were thinking

about taking a stroll
on the beach later.

We heard there
was a m*rder.

Is it safe?

If you
want ocean,

we can arrange a yacht
for you tomorrow.

Better yet, I've got
a -foot Yardley sloop

and it’s fast.

Ooh, fast girl.

Sheila, how do you
keep your figure?

Oh... no, actually

I just woke up

with an upset stomach
this morning.

( Whispers ):

You’ve only been married

a month.

Well, Jack be nimble,
Jack be quick.

If you all will excuse me
for a moment.

Thank you, George.

There was a blurb in Forbes
about your marriage.

It said
the Wellman family fortune

could quite possibly
retire the national debt.

I haven’t heard father say
anything about paying it yet.

Thank you very much.

Carla, what are you
doing here?

Hi, nice party, huh?

Nothing but the best
for George, I suppose.

Listen, uh, I came
to tell you guys

that I got
to leave town tonight.

It’s a family thing.

So sorry, no more help
on my end.

Wait-- do you know why bingham
would give us this dinner party?

To see if young Jack has
any real money of his own.

These bashes of George’s cost
about grand a plate, so...

I got to go-- good luck.

All right. Thanks.

So, tomorrow night, huh?

-a-plate donation.

After this bash
George threw this evening

I was thinking

more along the lines
of a plate.

Well! A toast!

To our first

million-dollar donor
of the season.

Hear, hear!

( Blow lands; Groaning )

Come home a few days early
and what do I find, huh?

You slut!

How many
people know?

Nobody knows.

All my friends?

You just had to prove

that they were right
about you, huh?


You love it rough.
You do.

Was dead old Harv
rough, huh?

Come on, precious,
I want details.

You’re hurting me.

Was he rough?!


You want details?

I’ll give you details.

But this one I don’t think
you’re ready for.

Oh, yeah,
piece of cake.

Let’s drop in
on dear George.

I don’t think
this is a good idea.

It’s a game
of follow the cash.

Right now it’s headed
in Bingham’s direction--

this charity gala event
he’s planning.

Solonge said there’s
an annual auction of art.

He gets it for free
and sells it for cash.

Plus Harvey was
headed here.

That’s motive
for m*rder--

charity fund?

If it’s a scam,
it could be big bucks.

Real big bucks when
someone offers ten
times the money.

He said a plate.

In my world
you don’t presume zeros.

Serves you right

for not discussing it
with muffin.

( g*nsh*t )

Stay right here.


No, you stay there, too, Jack.

I am so embarrassed
about this.

It’s these
damn rental cars.

This never would have
happened in the Ferrari.

We were on
our way back

from the beach,
and it just quit.

We had to find a phone
and call for help.

There’s no phone in your car?

No, of course there’s
a phone in our car,

but this is a rental car

and in rental cars
they don’t have phones.

Figure that.

We’re embarrassed.


( Chuckles wheezily )

I am not believing this.

It’s incredible

that you just happened
to wander up to my house.

We were talking
about that earlier.

Stunning, actually,
right, muff?

Really, it’s embarrassing.

I... so, I, uh...

I guess if the matter
is all cleared up now...

Seems like there was
a big misunderstanding.

Yes, of course.

Best to forget the whole thing.

Sorry to have troubled you,

No trouble at all.

Have a good night.

You’ll spend the night,
of course.

Uh... no, we...

George, look-- we
don’t want to be
any more bother.

We’ll just call a cab.

Not at this hour,
and it’s no bother.

No, we don’t mind.

We couldn’t.

But you must.

I have plenty of room.

You might find you even like it
better than the beacon.

Really, I insist.



if you insist.

Good, then.

It’s settled.

Excuse me.

I’ll see to your room.

( Humming wickedly )

Perfect setup, Sam.

A little too perfect.

He wants us
to stick around

so he can check us out.

Yeah, but he can’t
do that tonight

so I will take watch
on his door,

and you can search.

All right, let’s wait
a couple of hours--

make sure he’s down.

Your room will be
ready shortly.

This is Claudette.

Good evening.

She will assist you
with any of your needs.

Sleepwear, Claudette,
and hurry.

You know, George

you have been so super
about all this.

I mean, first the dinner

and now understanding
about this.

How can I repay you?

You already have--

very generously.

Oh, the pledge.

You know what?

Why don’t we go ahead,
take care of that now?

Muff, what did we say,
a mil?

It was a mil,
I think, yes.

Who do I make
this out to?

Most donors prefer

a bank draft.

Checks are rarely used here.

I’ll call the bank
first thing in the morning

and have them send it to...

We can take care of that
in the morning.


Oh, thank you.

Thank you.

You must be feeling
better, Sheila.


You said

you broke down

on the way home
from the beach.

Yes, actually, uh...

We took
a midnight stroll

didn’t we, darling?

And maybe a skinny dip?

Did you have sex in the water?

George, you are such
a kidder.

I saw jaws five times.

I don’t fool around
in a dark ocean.

Uh, then you must be
very aroused.

I’ll make sure
your bed’s ready.

Thank you.

Hi, handsome.

You look pretty stupid yourself.


Why don’t you come over here?

I’ve got something for you.


It can be so hot.

There’s a camera
on the ceiling.

He’s watching us.

Just move.

Oh, muff,
you make me so hot.

Oh, Jack...

You animal.

Oh, that feels
so good.

Watch where you put
your hand.

You were saying?

Oh, yes, oh, yes...

( Laughing )

( Phone ringing )


George, it’s Roland.


Trouble. I need to see you.


Yes, I understand.

I’ll take care of it.

Great. Be sure that you do.

Too late
for a social call.

I’m going to...

Uh, I'm going
to go check it out.

( Engine starting )

Do you think it’s safe?

It’s a lot safer
than staying up here.


Uh, turn around.


Turn around.


I’m going to put
my pants on

so... turn around.

A little gag.





Did you find anything?

No, not yet.

Looks like Mr. Charity

doesn’t do
much business at home.

Look at this.

This guy must roll tape
on all of his guests.

He’s a real sicko.

Must have his own
cataloging system.

All the tapes have numbers,
but there’s no I.D.

Disk has got to be
around here somewhere.

Bet he’s got cameras
everywhere in this house.

½-inch disk.

Great. Put it in.

Let’s see what we get.

We might get lucky.

Let’s see what’s on it
and get out of here.

This guy could be home
any minute.

He may be gone
for the night.

He may have gotten

so aroused watching us

that he went out
and got a girl for himself.


I know, Chris.

We shouldn’t talk
about it now.

We’re not alone.

Fine. I will call a cab.

Fine. You go ahead
and call a cab.

Mr. Wellman.

Sorry to wake you.

Had to use the phone.

There’s one in your room
by the bed.

I understand that...
But it wouldn’t dial out.

Oh. Uh, I’ll go take a look
for you.

Thank you.

Okay, well, we got
to get out of here.

( Grunting )

I knew I never should
have married you.

My mother was
absolutely right.

If this is the way
it’s going to be

well, no, thank you.

I heard the stories
about you and your aunt.

I never thought
they were true.

You may be able
to get away with that

with an old lady

but I am not going to let you
touch me like that.

You’re disgusting.

You’re a pig!


George, um...

I’m sorry,
this is really rude.

I think it’s best
if we leave now.

Cab is on the way.


Yes. Yes, I understand,
I think...

But may I say I enjoyed having
you while you were here.

Thank you.

I will finish with you
at the hotel.



We got to talk.

No, we do not have
to talk about it.

Come on, Rita, we got to talk
about... that kiss...

About what happened.

( Phone ringing )

Oh, no.


Chris, where have you guys been?

Lieutenant, what, look...
It’s : a.m.

Yeah, tell me about it.

When’s the last time
you saw Carla Kelly?

Uh, what? Rita saw her
earlier tonight

but she had to leave town.

Well, I'm afraid she didn’t.

She just k*lled her husband.

Just thought
you’d want to know.

Well, we had a fight.

Roland and I had
some really bad fights.

You said you were
leaving town.

Yeah, I was leaving town.

I was really scared.

Roland called me from Berlin

and said he knew
about me and Harv.

Except he was probably
not in Berlin.

He probably called from Miami.

Why did he do that?

Just to get me
to do what I did--

just try and scare me enough
so that I would try and split

before he got home.

He had a real fun sense
of humor that way, you know?

But I didn’t make it
in time, and, um...

He caught me.

That’s what started
the fight?


Well, it wasn’t really
a fight, you know.

He was just sort of beating
the crap out of me.

After a few hours,
I decided, "hey, what the hell?"

I just decided
to spill my guts to him.

I told him everything about me
and Harv and everything.

What does "everything" mean?

Well, um, I fudged a little bit

and then I told him
that Harv had some dirt on him

that I was going to rock
palm beach with, you know.

Boy, he really liked that.

That really
ticked him off.

Anyway, then he, um...

He went to his office,
and then I took

some sleeping pills,
and... I went to bed.

What time was that?

I don’t know. I can’t remember.

Um... I just... I woke up

and I thought I heard something,
you know?

And this alarm system
was going really loud

and, you know, I had taken
all these pills and everything

and it was crazy, and then I...
I came downstairs

and I... I was just
standing there

and I had this...
g*n in my hand

and I, you know, saw Roland
there lying on the floor

and he was... shot,
and... he was dead.

Did you do it, Carla?
Did you sh**t him?

Uh... yeah.

Yeah, I guess I did.


I hate to do this.
You’re under arrest.

You have the right
to remain silent.

Anything you say can and
will be used against you

in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed to you.

I don’t understand.

I didn’t k*ll him.

The shot woke me up.

I went downstairs,
I picked up the g*n

without thinking
about it

and then the cops came,
and I figured

"hey, what the hell?

Why disappoint the royal palms,
you know?"

"Carla Kelly,
adulteress and murderess."

It would make their year.

You told us last night

that you k*lled him
after he beat you.

Yeah, that’s because I knew
I'd been set up.

I also know
I couldn’t beat this.

My lawyer says I got
a really good self-defense case.

That’s what I’ll do--
plead guilty


Look, I know that I said I would
try and get them for Harvey

and all that stuff,
but I can’t do it, all right?

I quit.

They win.

We think that bingham
may have committed both murders.

You keep a guilty plea, you
ruin our chances for a tie-in.

You said that Harvey
showed you a disk.

You remember if it
had a label on it?


We found one at Bingham’s
marked "Granger trust."

Turns out it’s a big
charity outfit in Atlanta.

Is that a connection
with Harvey’s dirt?

It could be.

It’s asking
for an entry code

and we haven’t
been able

to crack it yet.

Do you remember,

did it have a symbol,
any names?

Sam, I'm going
to the bullpen.

I’ll see you there.

Yeah, okay.

All right.

Look, um...

You guys are really nice people.

Why don’t you just back off

before you get creamed,
too, okay?

I’m telling you, these people
are ruthless, all right?

They don’t like scandal.

Don’t you get it?

For what it’s worth

I know what it’s like
to be an outsider here.

These people act

like they don’t
see you or hear you.

They make you feel
like you don’t matter.

But don’t you let them

get you to start thinking
like they do, all right?

You fight them, Carla.

You fight these bastards
and you make them see you.

You make them hear you.

You’re coming
to a crossroads.

Make a good choice.

Rita, Rita, Rita.



Look at that!

Any luck?

Not luck, Sam--
brilliant reasoning.

The entry code
was "d-i-r-t."

That’s all Harv
ever called it.

Enough to indict bingham
on fraud, at least.

% to %
of all these charges

are administrative

mil a year. Jeez!

It may take us some time
to check out the subcharities

but I bet all the
administrative costs went

right into George
Bingham’s pocket.

it would not

be called...


You’re amazing, Sam!

I think you were wrong,
though, about the fact

that we have enough
to link him to m*rder.

No, this is Harv’s disk.

And it’s great evidence
down the line

but we’ll never get
a m*rder indictment

short of a confession--
not as big as he is.

Fine. He’s big.

I got it, all right?

Come on, muff.

Got some partying to do.

Hey, be careful.

You know he’s been
checking on you.

The wellman family is in on this
so they covered for you

but that doesn’t mean
he isn’t watching.

Well, he’s already
watched us.

Come on, Chris.

Smashing... smashing.

You know what?

Maybe you should
come on to him.

Ugh. If that’s
our only choice.

It’s a little risky
with him not trusting us.


( Clears throat )

The Wellmans.
The Wellmans.

( Laughs stuffily )

( Knock at door )

Come on in.

what are you...

I’m, uh, out on bail.

I changed my plea.

What changed your mind?

Uh, your partner, sort of.

I know, I know

and I’ll probably change
my mind again, maybe.

I don’t know.

I had time to think
about what you said

and Harvey and everything.

( Phone ringing )

Excuse me.


The dirt checks out.

The Granger trust was
one big dirty wash.

Bingham gets
all the administrative fees.

I’m shocked.

Want to hear a real shock?

Roland Kelly was
a Granger trust director.

Pocketed five million--
annually, of course.

I think we got the dirt
on bingham.

Thanks, lieutenant.

Well, I think we have
a job for you.

You said that bingham was
always coming on to you, right?

Yeah... I mean,
I don’t know

if I'm special
or anything to him.

One way to find out.

Could be dangerous,
but it’s your shot

at being seen
and being heard.

What do you say?

Yeah, let’s do it.


( Jazz music playing )

I can’t wait to see
these people’s faces

when they find out

that George has
been scamming them

all these years.

I just hope
all the money ends up

where it’s supposed to--

make a lot of hungry
kids very happy.


Smashing party,
really outstanding.

Yes, all the money
that you raise

through charities--
it must just
make you feel...

No, it’s really you and Jack

and all these generous people
who really deserve

most of the credit.


Ah, oui?

Get a party photo
of the newlyweds.

So in love, these two.

I see it
in your eyes.

Your passion burns
for her, oui?

You don’t understand.

( Drunkenly ):
See, I want to talk
to George.

My invitation just must’ve
got lost in the mail.

They always do.

you’re going home.

You’re drunk.

I said

I want to talk
to George, okay?

Excuse me.

Excuse me.


Right on schedule.

Here we go.


Hi, George.

I’ll handle
this, Barry.

You’ll just sleep
this one off.

I’ll have Claudette
show you to a room.

No, no, I want you to.

Please, Georgie.

You show me to your
best room, okay?

Come on, treat me like
a first-class guest.

My apologies.

I’ll see you
in a moment.


They’re headed towards
the master bedroom.

I got it, Rita.

Rooms aren’t I.D.’d,
but I'm looking.

One super video system, George.

Beth, come on over here.

Have a look at this.



Well, bravo,


Come on, George

how many bedrooms
can you have?

Come here, Georgie!


( Giggling )

Not now.

You’re drunk.

I got him.

I’m here on business, George.


You see, Roland cut me
out of his will

as I'm sure you know.

So basically, I'm left
to fend for myself.

But I'm
pretty easy.

What do you say,

A couple million
a year?

Harvey told me he had
a safety disk in his office

and it didn’t turn up,
so I guess you took it.

But guess what,

I got one, too.

You choose a strange time
to discuss this.

Actually, it’s the perfect time.

You either agree to my offer
right now

or I’ll just go out there
and tell all.

Now, Rita!

I’m changing
your business plans-- move!


There are no more
people to put on it.

He must have gotten
out of town.

So the surrounding towns
have been notified?

Look, Rita, we’ve got
a statewide APB,

coast guard alert.

We’ve covered all the bases.

How could he have
gotten out of town?

He didn’t even drive
away from the house.

I’m telling you, he
didn’t do anything.

The guy just

Are you sure

there’s nowhere on his estate
he could be hiding?

No-- we’ve covered
every inch twice.

What about the people
at the party? No help?

That’s all they are
is party people.

They looked at us
like we were crazy.

loves George.

You mean they did.

Are you kidding?

I’m telling you, half
these people think

that Carla probably
kidnapped him.

But that’s
another possibility.

Maybe one of them’s
hiding him out.

Come on, Chris-- that’s
not a serious possibility.

Why not?

Because the best people
don’t do that?

The man is hiding out
someplace around here.

You don’t just wander around
with a woman at gunpoint.

What makes you think
he still has her?

That thought
crossed my mind
all night long.

Knowing what we did
about bingham

we never should have put
Carla on the front line.

We blew it...

I blew it.

Sam, we
warned her

that this was going
to be dangerous, right?

We get warned things
are dangerous, Sam.

We understand.
We’re cops.

Yeah, we are.

Let’s act like it.

You’re right.

What? Where you going?

To take another look
around ritzy town.

Maybe we’ll
get lucky.

If it were any
other part of town

we’d have a search
warrant for every house.

You know, maybe the rich
are above the law.

Oh, don’t start.

Do you realize

even if we catch
this son of a bitch

we’re still going to have
trouble making anything stick

other than charity fraud?

We never saw him leave
with Carla.

No, but we have our testimony
that we set her up... with him.

She’s alive,

You’re absolutely right.

They’ve got to be
somewhere here in town.

Convince me.

She said she had this disk

called "dirt," right?

He’s not going to k*ll her
until he gets the disk

but it’s not going to happen

because it
doesn’t exist.

Damn! Let’s go.


We got the coast guard

and the whole state patrol
looking for her.

Where’s the last place
they’ll look?

Very good.

You got to let me go, George.

People are going
to be looking for me

and you, too.

That could be a problem.

That’s right.

You see

I spent the night

at Larry Kinman’s.

I brought you home,
put you to bed.

Then my car broke down, so
I just walked over to Larry’s.

It will be sticky.

( Chuckles )

But I've got
so much incriminating footage

on people in this town

I'm sure I can find friends
who will verify the story.

You haven’t found
what you need most.

Don’t force me
to hurt you, Carla.

I think I've
been very nice.

So far.

Look, George,
if you k*ll me

then you’re never
going to find the disk.

You never had
a safety disk

did you, Carla?

Come on, now.

Dream on, George.

( Clears throat )

I know it isn’t
anywhere in this house

but there really isn’t time
to look elsewhere.

So I'm trusting
my instincts.

I want you to write something.

Come on!

( Whispering ):
Maid must be on vacation.


Something to the effect
that you really did love Harvey

but he was breaking with you

so you
k*lled him.

Oh, and, yes

Roland found out
about the affair

and was going to toss you back
to where you had come from

so you shot him, too.

Start writing!

Look, George, um...

I could marry you

and then everything
would be okay.

You’d be safe, right?

And you’d have me.

Just write, Carla.


Drop it.

I’ll k*ll her.

( Carla screams )

Spending a couple of nights
at the beacon undercover--

now, that should’ve been
the dream gig, right?

I got to admit

there was a couple
of times there

that I started to get
a little bit nervous.

I was a little
more nervous

about the undercover
work at the Binghams’.

Oh, Chris, no.

We got to talk
about it.

Why do we "got"
to talk about it?

We got to get it
out in the open.

We’re partners,
and partners shouldn’t kiss.

Not like that,
they shouldn’t.

Wait a minute.

What is "like that"?

What does that mean?

Well, like for us--
we’re partners, friends.

We should kiss like, say...

( Kisses lightly )

I mean, like, say,
kissing a sister, Sam.

So, what is your point?

Are you telling me that you
didn’t feel... anything?


Like, say, electricity.



Wait a minute. Are you...

Are you asking me
if it was good for me?

Huh! No, no, no, no.
No, Sam, no. No.


Yes, I am.

It was intense for me.

I mean... you got nothing?

Afraid not, Sam.

( Imitating b*mb dropping )

No, you’re kidding me!

( Kisses )
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