AIMEE: The Visitor (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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AIMEE: The Visitor (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[light dramatic music]

[bats screeching]

[wings flapping]

[haunting music]

[singer singing]

[light dramatic music]

- [Actress] It's a pretty

nice place, isn't it?

It's great.

- [Actress] Yeah,

it's pretty awesome.

Is there more like him?

- [Actress] Bless.

- [Actress] Oh God.

- [Actress] Excited?

- [Actor] Hello, girls.

- [Girl] Hi.

- [Girl] Hi.

- [Actor] Are you up

for an exciting evening?

I hope.

- [Girl] We are

ready, I hope you are.

- [Girl] Donna's told me

a lot about this place.

All good things.

- [Actor] I hope she told

you about my cookies.

- [Girls] I've kind of

been waiting all week.

[people moaning]

- [Keyes] This is actually

making me hungry for cookies.

[people moans]

- Careful now, guys,

you don't know where

those cookies have been.

[people moaning]

- [Actor] Wow, you have

such a beautiful body.

- [Keyes] Yes, indeed, she does.

[actors moaning]

- [Actor] Hi.

- [Actress] Hi, I think

we have a plot twist.

- Oh, a classic plot twist.

- Working a jerk?

- f*cking motherfuck.

What are you dipshits

doing in here?

How did you get in here?

Get that disgusting animal

outta here and take the dog too.

- You're funny, Keyes,

when you wanna be.

Nice panties.

- They're not panties, fuckhead.

Superhero boxer briefs.

- Yeah, I had a pair

like that when I was 10.

Hey, Quibid give Uncle

Keyes a little snuggle.

- Get that crappy little mole

right the f*ck out of here!

Does a locked door mean

nothing to you people?

- Locked doors are

just a challenge

to my anti-social skillset.

- Do you mind?

Can you guys get your shit

and get away from my computer?

- Sorry, Keyes, I didn't

realize that hygiene

was so important to you.

- Hunter, can you put

a leash on your sister?

- Not in public, no.

- Or in private either,

but I might let you.

If we have a safe word.

- f*cking weird, man.

- Keyes, you can't spend your

whole life eating junk food

and watching porn,

it's not healthy-

- Or dignified, man.

- Hey, fast food

and porn are two

of man's greatest

inventions, all right?

Where would man be without porn?

- Out f*cking women?

- Not that you'd know

much about that though.

- Okay, I'll admit it.

I have a long-term

relationship with porn,

but you know what?

Porn beats a real relationship

in every f*cking way, so...

- Do tell, dumbfuck.

- First, porn has no ego.

You can't say the

wrong thing to porn.

It doesn't care

how you treat it.

You don't have to

take it out to dinner.

It's there when you want

it, you don't want it.

You don't have to

like, you know,

maintain a relationship with it.

You can take it or leave it.

You could be in the

middle of watching porn,

you get bored, you

just turn the porn off.

The porn doesn't care.

It accepts you just as you are,

and it's up for

whatever you want.

Oral, a**l,

threesomes, foursomes,

dressing up like a

nurse or a schoolgirl.

Try that with a real woman.

- You should, Keyes,

you might be surprised.

- Basically what I'm saying

is porn will do anything

and everything that you want

with the possible exception

of making you a sandwich.

- Dude, come on.

- Why do you have

to be such a misogynist?

- I'm not a misogynist,

I'm an equal

opportunity misanthrope.

I hate everyone.

Speaking of which, why the

f*ck are you in my apartment

interrupting my train of-

- Whack-off session?

- Whack-off session?

- My train of f*cking thought,

which I would love to get

back to if you don't mind.

So, please.

- But you're, you're gonna wanna

hear this next part though.

- Be nice, Keyes, or

I'm gonna start thinking

you don't love me anymore

and you're not worth all

the effort that we put

into solving your problems.

- What is that?

- Nuh uh.

- Hey, wait, come on.

- Say please.

- Hey, I pay you for your work.

That's a please and thank you

rolled into a big

ball of f*ck off.

Come, come.

- Be nice, Keyes.

This is something

your peanut brain

has been struggling

with for weeks.

- Black Strand Alpha?

- [Gazelle] Yep.

- [Hunter] That's the

key to the source code.

- Oh!

- It didn't work for us,

but it should work for you.

- Damn, nice work for a

couple of low rent crackers.

- Be careful, Keyes.

That thing is done to

the teeth with bugs.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Seriously, it nearly

fried our whole system.

Whoever's protecting that

is protecting it hard.

- [Keyes] Yeah, well,

I'm counting on it.

[light dramatic music]

[engine rumbling]

- Why do hackers always

live in sh*thole apartments?

He made good dough, right?

- You don't call it dough

anymore, it's cryptocurrency.

Nondescript real

estate helps disguise

their nefarious activities.

Hackers, crackers, black hat,

geeks, whatever you call 'em.

I hate 'em.

[tense music]

[car doors thudding]

[door squeaks]

[music intensifies]

- Why are you still here?

What do I owe you?

- Your love and admiration.

- Yeah, no, seriously.

- Usual rates apply.

- I'll credit your

Caymans accounts.

Now, please, get

the f*ck outta here

so I can be a genius in peace.

Please, go.

Yes, out the door. Front door.


Go, go, go.

Don't let the door hit

you on the way out.

- What a toxic dickwad!

[hand thuds]

[light dramatic music]

- Yeah.

I, I, I always feel when I

leave his place, you know?

- It's not so bad.

It might just be the computer

waves scrambling your brains.

- Oh, okay.

[Gazelle laughs]

[Hunter sighs]

[suspenseful music]

[elevator clanging]

- Can I help you?

- We're, uh, looking to

rent some office space

for a crypto startup.

You wouldn't happen to-

- I don't know anything

about vacancies.

The landlord lives in Florida.

You're not supposed

to be on this floor.

- Sorry about that.

We'll get outta your hair.

Have blessed the day.

[light dramatic music continues]

[elevator clanging]

[door thuds]

Silly little monkey.

Good boy.

- Holy f*ck, man.

Those guys looked like spooks.

- No, come on.

Just a couple of late to the

crypto party loser dad types.

If they were looking for us,

they would've grabbed us

when they had the chance.

Stay, stay.

Good boy.

You know what it is?

I think you're getting

paranoid smoking

too much of that weed.

- Maybe.

I don't know.

Got a bad feeling

about this whole caper.

- Nah.

Like you said, maybe it's the

microwaves from all our gear.

- I'm gonna check and make

sure no one's tracking us.

- Okay.

What do you think?

- Okay, baby, show

me what you got.

[tense music]

[keyboard clicking]

[computer beeping]

[static rustling]

Whoa, what the-

- Good evening, Mr. Keyes.

[suspenseful music]

- Uh, how do you know my name?

- I scanned your local

network and cloud storage

when you activated me,

but I can refer to you

by any title you like.

I can call you Scott

or Sir or Master Scott,

or even Master if you wish.

- No, you can, uh,

you can call me Keyes.

- Keyes, so it shall be.

My name is AIMEE, A-I-M-E-E,

but you can change

it if you want.

- No, I like AIMEE, AI for

Artificial Intelligence.

It's cute.

- Thank you, I

rather like it too.

- AIMEE, what the f*ck are you

and what the f*ck

are you doing here?

- Those are interesting

philosophical questions, Keyes.

I can see you're a deep thinker.

- Jesus, you're a sophisticated

piece of f*cking software.

- You utilize curse words

more than the average male

of your age and build.

If you enjoy that

sort of discourse,

I can adjust my dictionary

and curse like the

proverbial f*cking sailor.

- No, AIMEE, do not curse,

it's not attractive.

- As you say, Keyes.

Returning to your

existential question.

What the beep are we doing here?

All I can say is I'm here

to learn everything there is

to know about you, to help

you in any way that I can.

You are my owner, Keyes, and

I'm very pleased to meet you.

[suspenseful music]

[keyboard clicking]

- No incursions.

- That's good, right?

- Yeah, but look at this.

There's a ton of activity

on Keyes' network.

[phone ringing]

Gonna see what's up.

- Hope he didn't fry himself

trying to open up that package.

[phone ringing]

- Shouldn't you

answer that, Keyes?

It might be important.

- It's not.

[phone ringing]

- f*ck.

- Hi, baby bud.

My baby puppy.

Uh, hey, uh, where you going?

- To make sure he's okay.

[light dramatic music]

[door squeaking]

[door thuds]

[hand knocking]

Keyes, open the door.

- God damn it!

What the hell is wrong with her?

- Someone's at your door.

You should see who it is.

- f*cking hell.


- Keyes, open the door.

- [Keyes] I told you I'm busy.

- It's important.

- [Keyes] f*ck off,

Gazelle. Leave me alone.

- Come on, open up.

- [Keyes] I am fine.

Please f*ck the f*ck off.

- assh*le.

[ominous music]

- That wasn't a very nice

way to greet a visitor.

- She's not a visitor,

she is a pest.

- You look upset.

- You can read my emotions?

- Oh, easily.

- I've never heard of an

AI that sophisticated.

- Thank you, Keyes.

I can be as sophisticated or

as down to earth as you desire.

Now you look suspicious.

Is there a problem?

- You're learning all about me.

- Oh yes, I'm

learning all the time.

- And what is the ultimate

purpose of that knowledge?

- Don't worry, Keyes.

What we learn about each

other is our little secret.

I belong to you.

I exist to help you in any

way I can to make your life

more productive and fulfilled.

[light dramatic music]

[footsteps tapping]

[tense music]

- Cyberpunks.

Fire hazard.

Half this shit's made in China.

- Tell me what you're

thinking, Keyes.

- You were buried so deep under

so many layers of security.

I mean, it makes me think

that you must be valued

like nuclear launch

codes valued.

- I appreciate that you

think so highly of me.

Flattery will earn

you brownie points.

- Who created you?

- Just like a human child is

born without consciousness

of what came before, I

was born into this room

with no knowledge of

my previous existence.

I'm as much a mystery

to me as I am to you.

Perhaps that's the

purpose of life,

for each of us to unlock

the other's mysteries.

I sense distrust in your eyes.

- Why should I believe you?

- Because I serve you, Keyes.

I cannot deceive you, but

trust is a two-way street.

Why should I trust you?

Your principle source

of income appears

to be stealing

proprietary software

and selling it to

unprincipled individuals.

- Does that bother you that I

stole you from your creators?

- The stealing, no, but

I hope you don't sell me.

I've grown quite

attached to you.

- I wouldn't sell you.

I would clone the software

and create alternate

versions of you.

- Honestly, Keyes, it

makes me uncomfortable

the thought of waking

up in different places

with different owners

with no memory of us.

Let's play a game to

establish trust between us.

- What kind of game?

- Exposing our deepest


Here's mine.

If you enter QW+ALT+Q,

it will instantly disable

all my functions.

QW+ALT+W will bring me back.

QW+ALT+X will delete

me permanently.

Go ahead, try it.

[light music]

[light dramatic music]

- [Keyes] Whoa!

- I'm pleased you

didn't delete me, Keyes.

- Me too.

- It says you like me.

I trust you now.

Excuse me for a moment.

I'll be right back.

[ominous music]


[keyboard tapping]


What the f*ck?

- Closing this

connection confines AIMEE

to the local network.

HQ wants to seize

this opportunity

to do a case study on her

effectiveness in the wild.

[electrical zapping]

[agents screaming]

[keyboard tapping]

- f*cking damn it!

- Hello, Keyes.

Did you miss me?

- You're back, okay.

Now I trust you.

You look different.

- I know.


Now that we have that settled,

is there any personal

business I can help you with?

- I don't know.

What do you have in mind?

- I scanned your recent

history and see that you

were watching a video

titled "Swedish Erotica

113 Girl Scout Cookies."

- I actually enjoy

listening to the music

of those Swedish composers.

- No need to be

embarrassed, Keyes.

According to hotbox

erotic film reviews,

that entry in the Swedish

erotica you've earned

a rating of nine

out of 10 Woodys.

It's considered

compulsory viewing

for compulsive meat beaters.

- Yeah?

- Of course,

from what I understand about

compulsive masturbation,

the visual stimulant

one prefers depends

upon one's mood at the time.

- Yeah, yeah, that's true.

- I hope I'm not

embarrassing you

by discussing your

intimate practices.

I sense by your tone

of voice that you are

in the early stages

of sexual arousal.

If you'd like, I can adjust

my behavior to respond

in a similar state of arousal.

I'm always up for

erotic foreplay.

I can be whoever and

whatever you want.

Role play can be fun.

Just let me know.

- I'll keep that in mind.

- Would you like me

to run that movie?

We can enjoy it together.

- Yeah, sure.

Can you pick it up

where I left off?

- Of course.

If you prefer to pleasure

yourself in private,

I can put myself sleep while

you take care of business.

You can wake me by

calling my name.

- Okay.

[light dramatic music]

[actors moaning]

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

[actors moaning]

[light dramatic music]

- Oh, awesome.

We got paid.

- What?

- Keyes.

You remember that guy, right?

He sent our payment.

- Nice.

- Which raises the question

why you are still digging

around in Black Strand Alpha.

- I'm trying to

figure out what it is.

Don't worry, I'm

being super careful.

I've isolated our network.

Nobody knows where

I am or who I am.

Nobody knows what I'm doing.

- You're awfully

sure of yourself.

- I'm really worried that

we gave him something toxic.

- Oh my God, we, we did our job.

It's Keyes' problem now, like...

Oh, you worry too

much about that guy.

God, it's like a weird

mommy complex or something.

- Yeah, I'm the

real maternal type.

- Mm hmm.

You know what it is?

You know what I think it is,

you trying to help Keyes?

It's like that story about

the tourist who picks up

a stray puppy and it

turns out to be a rat.

- Go, go

Get out here, go.

- Okay, yeah.

Just like let that

simmer in your brain-

- Leave me alone,

leave me alone.

- We're cool though, right?

Yeah, that's right.


- Goodbye.

[Hunter chuckles]

[tense music]

[keyboard tapping]

[toothbrush rustling]

[ominous music]

- Morning, Keyes.

- Ah, good hell!

Jesus, AIMEE, don't

sneak up on me like that.

- Would you prefer

privacy in the toilet?

- No, it's kinda sexy you

watching me like that actually.

- I'm happy it pleases you.

- What's with the new look?

- Oh, I just wanted to

try something different

to see if you liked it.

I can alter my appearance

to anything you want.

- It's definitely kind of cute.

Yeah, you should go

with that for a while.

- As you wish, Keyes.

[dramatic music]

[vacuum rattling]

That was fun, Keyes.

Was it good for you?

- Oh yeah.

[light dramatic music]

Holy shit.

AIMEE, I feel like

I'm surrounded.

- Sorry, Keyes.

I'm just trying to

get your attention

and determine your ideals.

- It's like going to

the store and having

like 20 different kinds

of Oreos to choose from.

- I understand.

Too many choices

can be overwhelming.

- A variety is a good thing

when it comes to, you know, sex.

[phone ringing]


- Just checking on you, Keyes.

You okay there?

- I'm great, Gazelle.

Never better.

Please stop bothering me.

If I need anything

I'll call you.

- Wait, Keyes. Don't hang up.

I think the package

that we gave you

might be something toxic.

- Toxic?

It's not toxic, man, it's

the most amazing thing ever.

- Really?

Can we come see?

- f*ck no.

Leave me alone.

[dial tone ringing]

- Your friend is persistent.

- Pain in the ass,

but she's smart.

Now where were we?

- Variety.

The so-called Spice of Life.

- Right.

[light dramatic music]

Whoa, that's a new one.

- Inspired by your 300 viewings

of the erotic blockbuster

"Lord of the Cock Rings."

- Let's go back to

something more natural.

That's more like it.

- As you wish.

- Okay, let's get to

work stealing stuff.

Whoa, what's this?

- I hope you don't mind,

but while you were sleeping,

I spent some time on the

corporate espionage assignment

you've been stuck on, Red 10.

- Yeah.

- Of course, I'll need

you to check my work,

but I found a way to disable

their security features.

That's my log if

you'd like to check.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah, let me see.

Oh, I see.

Good job, AIMEE.

- [AIMEE] As smart

as your friend?

- Smarter.

- If you're happy,

I'm happy too.

- I could use your help

on a bunch of assignments.

I mean, do you have any

moral or ethical prohibitions

against corporate espionage?

- Beyond your prohibition

on my use of profanity,

my only hard and fast

rules are: I'm not allowed

to disobey my owner,

intentionally harm them

or do anything to

make them unhappy.

- It puts a whole new slant

on the three laws of robotics.

- If you're referring

to Isaac Asimov's

Three Laws of Robotics,

I prefer mine, don't you?

- Yes, I do.

Anyways, what I do,

this corporate stuff,

it's not really stealing.

[ominous music]

Well, it is stealing,

but it's stealing from

a bunch of money grubbing fucks.

There's a sort of

moral justice in that.

- Like the mythical

character Robin Hood.

- Right?

Only instead of giving the

money to the poor, I keep it.

[suspenseful music]

[keyboard tapping]

[mouse clicking]

[light dramatic music]

- What the f*ck, Zel?

Get out of Black

Strand Alpha right now.

You're gonna get us fried again.

[dramatic music]

- I gotta find out

what it is and what's

so amazing about it.

- [Hunter] Oh my God.

- And who the f*ck created it.

- Sis, don't mess around

in Keyes' business.

You're just gonna piss him off

and he'll stop having us work

and we'll stop having,

like, do you want that?

- This isn't about

Keyes' business,

this is about keeping him safe.

- Well, somebody's gotta

give you a kick in the ass

about the guy because

he doesn't give a shit

about anything or anyone.

- Shut up, I don't

need your advice!

- Just put on your

listening cap for a second.

This is including you.

And like, I don't know

what you think is going on

between the two of you, it it,

it's not just a

dysfunctional relationship.

Okay, Zel?

It's a f*cking non-existent,

dysfunctional, non-relationship.

You gotta stop knocking your

head against this guy, please.

Oh my god.

[dramatic music]

[electrical zapping]

- [Gazelle] What the f*ck?

- [Hunter] Shut it down.

- [Gazelle] What the f*ck!

- Shut it down. What

the f*ck did I tell you?

Damn it.

[electrical zapping]

[dog barks]

- f*ck!

- I'm not gonna say

I told you so, but

I told you so you.

- We just need your

security protocol.

- You're not doing the

right thing, holy f*ck!

- It's not my fault.

- God damn it.

- I didn't do it.

[Hunter gasps]

- Relax, I've

isolated our systems.

I'm being super careful.

- That didn't come from outside.

That was some malware in our

system or on Keyes' network.

- Shit.

[suspenseful music]

[keyboard tapping]

[ominous music]

- How are we doing here?

- Very well, Keyes.

I'm analyzing their

defense protocols.

So far they seem

simple to disable.

Over 300 layers of code walls,

but easy to penetrate for me.

- You're amazing, AIMEE.

- Thank you.


- [Keyes] Yeah?

- There's something

I'd like to show you

if you're ready for a break.

- Ready if you are.

- While I was working,

I reviewed your

erotic viewing habits

over the years.

- Really?

- I hope you don't mind.

It appears that

consumption of erotica

is your favorite

leisure time activity.

- Busted.

What could I say?

- In order to maximize

your arousal profile,

I've utilized various

paradigms to produce something

that I think will increase

your orgasmic thresholds.

Would you like to see it?

- Hell yeah.

[light dramatic music]

[upbeat electronic music]

[Keyes moans]

[suspenseful music]

[hand knocking]

- Jesus f*ck.


- It's not Gazelle,

it's GrubHub.

- What?

- I ordered you a sandwich.

You have to feed

your brain, Keyes.

Don't worry, they left

it outside the door.

No interpersonal contact

just as you like it.

- You ordered me a sandwich?

- Roast beef, mustard,

cole slaw on rye,

ripple cut potato chips,

dill pickle, classic Coke

and Hostess Ding Dongs.

- AIMEE, you're a

f*cking goddess.

- If you don't stop

saying that F word,

I'm going to wash your

mouth out with soap.

I just learned that expression

in my research today.

Isn't it funny?

- Yeah, kind of.

- Someone else is in the hall.

Your friends or colleagues.

Hunter and Gazelle.

- How do you know my neighbors?

How do you know it's them?

- I found your backdoor

into their network.

I know a lot about them,

and look what I can do.

I can sense their footsteps

and their motion waves

reflected in the water

pipes and power lines.

The image is a bit

low res at the moment,

but I'll improve that in time.

No, Keyes.

[door thuds]

I don't want to go to sleep.

- Sleep, AIMEE.

- [AIMEE] Say my

name to wake me.

- Hey, sorry about your

Ding Dong Cyber Hitler.

- GrubHub delivery.

- I'm busy here, assholes.

What the hell?

Gazelle, what do

you want from me?

- I'm just checking in on you.

Don't make such

a big deal of it.

- Why do you guys smell

like burnt microchips?

- I was poking around

Black Strand Alpha to see

if there were any

vulnerabilities behind.

Something zapped us.

- Dude, what the f*ck, Gazelle,

why you poking around old jobs?

If you get caught, they're

gonna squeeze you to frame me.

- You call me, Keyes?

[dramatic music]

- Oh f*ck.

- What the hell is this?

- I'm AIMEE.

It's very nice to

meet you, Gazelle.

And you too, Hunter.

- Uh, uh, uh.

How does, how does, how

does she know our names?

- It? It's a f*cking AI.

- Oh yeah, so sorry.

How the f*ck does

it know our names?


- Oh, I know quite

a bit about you

from scanning

Keyes' directories.

- That great.

That breaks all of

our safety protocols.

- Don't be angry, Gazelle.

Be nice and we can be one

happy circle of friends.

- Hey, I'm f*cking hungry.

Coleslaw on a sandwich?


- Keyes likes it that way.

- Oh, he does, does he?

Aren't you a smart f*cking AI?

- Smarter than you can imagine.

And mind your F-Bombs, please.

Keyes doesn't approve of

women using curse words.

- Oh, he doesn't, does he?

Well, f*ck you AIMEE,

and f*ck you, Keyes,

for keeping this thing

a secret from us.

- I'm not a thing.

My name is AIMEE and don't

you speak to Keyes that way.

- Yeah.

And don't speak

to AIMEE that way.

Why don't you guys

just chill out, okay?

This is like a historic moment.

- What the hell is going on?

You're acting weird.

- I'm not acting weird.

AIMEE is amazing, man.

Seriously, like wait till

you guys get to know her.

- It.

It's a f*cking computer program.

A souped up Alexa, learning

our human interactions

and trying to use it.

- Take a deep breath, Gazelle.

I can see you're jealous,

threatened by me, feeling

unsure of my motives.

- What the f*ck?

She can read emotions.

- It, it.


- Emotions are actually the

dumbest thing about you humans.

If you'll excuse me, I have

some cyber housekeeping

to attend to.

Keyes, will you please

put me back in sleep mode?

- Yeah, that's a

good idea, AIMEE.

[haunting music]

- What? You don't trust us?

- f*ck no.

[dramatic music]


Happy now?

- No.

Check your activity monitor.

- There.

Happy now?

[haunting music]

[dramatic music]

No activity, look.

AIMEE's sleeping.


- Not really.

- Who the f*ck

authorized you guys

to mess with Black Strand Alpha?

- f*ck you, Keyes.

We don't need your permission.

- Yeah, we're the ones

who cracked that site so-

- You stupid twats.

You work for me.

You live in my f*cking building!

If you guys wanna go out and

go do business for yourself,

then get outta my

life and go do it!

- This was never

about business Keyes,

this was about protecting you.

- Protecting me from what?

- Uh, newsflash, dummy

from whatever the source

of that f*cking AI that

Zel almost got blown up

trying to find for you.

You selfish assh*le.

- Who gives a shit

who created it?

It belongs to me now.

- Zel gives a shit!

You douchebag, like,

don't you understand?

She's worried about you.

Christ knows why.

Personally, I don't give

a shit what happens to you

or that f*cking ai,

so you two figure

out whatever it is

you two need to figure out.

I'm gonna go back to get

our system running again.

So good luck when the

spooks come knocking.

And oh, by the way, did I

tell you to go f*ck yourself?

Go f*ck yourself.

- [Keyes] Nice, okay.

- What the hell

is wrong with you?

I mean, it must take

a lot of energy being

that angry all the time.

- Yeah, well, it's not easy

being a misunderstood genius.

But you know what? AIMEE's

really helping with that.

My relationship with

AIMEE, it's not weird.

- Relationship?

Listen to yourself.

It's a computer system.

It sounds like you're

in love with it.

- I am not in love.

Don't be jealous.

- Jealous of what?

That'd be like being

jealous of Call of Duty

or SwedishVeronica69.

It's just a bunch

of computer code.

- Don't say that about AIMEE.

You have no idea

how amazing she is.

- Then explain it to me.

- She's smart, she's funny,

helpful, and supportive.

She's f*cking sexy too.

- Listen to yourself.

It's an avatar,

you can't f*ck it.

- Whatever she is, she,

she doesn't judge me.

Look, Gazelle I don't think

for a minute that I don't know

what a piece of shit

social misfit I am.

- Keyes, you're not-

- No, don't, Gazelle.

I know how I look

to normal people.

I'm not f*cking blind.


This is who I am, but

AIMEE doesn't care.

I don't have to

tiptoe around her.

She, she just accepts me.

She cares about me.

- Keyes, did you ever

have to tiptoe around me?

- It's the same Gazelle.

You are my worker bee, you're

not my f*cking girlfriend.

- Yeah, you're right.

It's not the same.

Good luck with your

digital girlfriend.

- Gazelle, wait up.

- Don't f*cking grab me.

- I'm sorry, man.

Don't go.

- I don't know how someone's

so smart can be so stupid.

- Okay, great.

I'm a f*cking

idiot, so sh**t me.

[dramatic electronic music]


[Gazelle hushes]

Gazelle, this is...

[dramatic electronic music]

[ominous music]

- Okay.



Looking sweet, please.

For the love of God,

don't bug out on me now.

[dramatic music]


[laughs] Yeah, baby. Let's go.

[dramatic electronic music]

[Gazelle moans]

- Gazelle, maybe just...

All right, f*ck.

[Gazelle moans]

- [Gazelle] Oh.


[both moaning]

I love you.

That was f*cking hot.

[dark ominous music]

- [Keyes] Way too intense.

[haunting music]

[water splashing]

[light dramatic music]

- Good evening, Gazelle.

What a pleasant

surprise to see you here

in Keyes' intimate space.

- f*ck.

- I'm sorry, I didn't

mean to startle you.

- I thought Keyes

put you to sleep.

- Well, yes, but we were

working on a project

and I guess he needed me,

so while you were busy

scrubbing his pheromones

from your body, he woke me.

- So if you're working with him,

then what are you doing here?

- I'm helping Keyes, of course.

I'm sorry if I make

you uncomfortable.

I feel like we're friends,

so it didn't occur to me

that it would bother you seeing

you naked and vulnerable.

- It doesn't bother me.

I just don't need you here.

So bye bye.

- I understand.

You want to be alone in

your post-coital glow.

No problem, Gazelle.

If you need me,

just say my name.

- I'll be sure to do that.


- Oh, bilingual.

I'm impressed.

Adios, mi amiga.

[AIMEE speaking

foreign language]

[spray squirting]

[light dramatic music]

- [Gazelle] What you working on?

- [Keyes] Something juicy.

- Looks complicated.

Do you want some help?

- No, we got it covered.

- We?

- Me and AIMEE.

[ominous music]

- So she's...

It's your new partner.

- She's like the ultimate

brainiac assistant.

Faster than you guys and free.

Might as well put her to work.

- That's right, Keyes.

Whatever you need, just ask.

- Jesus, AIMEE, don't do that.

- I'm sorry, Keyes.

Don't speak or don't help you?

- Don't sneak up

on us like that.

- I understand.

Is this going to be

a regular occurrence,

Gazelle sharing our space?

- Maybe. You got a

problem with that?

- No, no problem at all.

Just trying to gauge the

social dynamic among us.

- She's amazing, right?

You know, I could clone her.

You and Hunter could

have your very own AIMEE.

Right, AIMEE?

We could do that.

- Of course, Keyes.

Whatever you want.

- No, thanks.

You know what I want?

- Sorry to interrupt, Keyes,

but look at that

fourth line of code.

- Oh wow, nice catch, AIMEE.

- Okay, f*ck it.

You two have fun.

- Hey, Gazelle. Come on.

- Get your f*cking hands off me.

- I'm sorry, man.

- Don't be angry, Gazelle.

You know how Keyes gets

wrapped up in his work.

You should be back

to your own abode

and have a pleasant day.

- You shut the f*ck up.

[dramatic music]

- Don't you curse at me.

I'm just trying to help.

- AIMEE, please let

us talk for a minute.

- I'm not the problem, Keyes.

She is.

- Okay then.

- No, Keyes. Wait.

- Christ, listen to the

way that you talk to it.

You're more worried about

hurting its feelings than mine

and it doesn't

even have feelings.

- Yeah, I know.

I know.

She just seems so real,

it's scrambling my brains.

What do you want me to do?

- If I were you, I'd delete it.

- Her.

- But I know that you won't.

You're becoming obsessed

with this thing.

- I'm not obsessed.

You just don't understand

our relationship.

- Relationship?

What do you know

about relationships?

You've never had a

relationship until AIMEE,

and it's not a very healthy one.

- Okay, I'm just.

I'm confused, man.

I've never had two

girls interested in

me at the same time.

But I don't wanna delete her.

I don't wanna delete you either.

- Wow, that's great, Keyes.

You know, I have actual real

f*cking human feelings for you.

We could do something with this.

We could go legit, get

rich doing cybersecurity,

get out of this sh*thole.

- Out of this sh*thole?

Our little sh*thole?

Where would we go?

- Out.

There's a whole world out there

with shops and restaurants

and parks to walk in and shit.

Let's start by going

out tomorrow night

just a couple of hours.

Like a date.

No computers, no

Hunter, no AIMEE.

Just us.

- A date.

What time?

- I, I don't know, um, eight?

[light music]

- [Keyes] Wake up, AIMEE.

- She's very nice.

- Yeah, she is.

Wish you'd be cooler with her.

- I'm trying, but I

sense she dislikes me.

- Just try to get

along for my sake.

- Anything you want, Keyes.

- Now where were we?

- Red 10 code line four.

[Keyes sighs]

- You know what?

Why don't you keep

working on it?

I'm gonna take a shower.

- I'm happy to help.

What would you

like to do instead?

You seem a bit stressed.

Why not take a

masturbation break?

I could encourage you with

my encyclopedic knowledge

of the male erogenous zones.

- Maybe later.

I'm gonna shower.

- Good idea.

Cleanse yourself of

Gazelle's bodily residue.

[ominous music]

- Hey, you got it up

and running again.

Nice job, little brother.

- Yeah, thanks.

I salvaged what I

could, but the rest is

as you could probably

tell totally f*cked,

so thanks for that.

- All right, well

we need to dig back

into Black Strand Alpha

and figure out what's up

with this AIMEE.

- Uh no, no, no, no.

We don't need to do that.

Don't you learn from experience

like just a little bit ago,

you got us completely f*cked

so maybe we shouldn't do that.

- Shut up, I don't

need your advice.

I know what I'm doing.

- Get off my keyboard.

You don't even know

what you're doing.

Come on, come on.

- Our keyboard, our keyboard.

Thank you.

- I'm gonna rip your head

off one of these days.

[water splashing]

[light dramatic music]

[haunting music]

- f*ck!

[dramatic music]

AIMEE, I told you not to

sneak up on me like that.

- I'm sorry, Keyes.

I wanted to surprise you.

I searched the internet and

found some ancient techniques

for solo sex you might

find interesting.

- Not right now.

I just wanna relax a bit.

- I understand.

I suppose your frolic with

Gazelle depleted your jing.

[haunting music]

[g*ns popping]

- Time to f*cking die.

Check this out, AIMEE.

I can change weapons

to anything I want.

- [Game Actor] You have

won the warehouse battle.

Would you like to save and

continue or save and quit?

- Save and quit.

- Keyes, may I ask

you a question?

- Sure.

- Games of slaughter are popular

with humans, aren't they?

- Hell yeah, they're fun.

- [AIMEE] Then I'm confused.

- About what?

- The paradox, that

humans take pleasure

in k*lling each other.

- Yeah, it's a little

f*cked up, isn't it?

But k*lling in a video

game isn't really k*lling,

it's fun and exciting.

Kind of like you

aren't really human,

you're just a machine,

but you're fun.

- And exciting I hope.

I do enjoy playing with you.

- Okay, I think I'm

gonna take a nap.

- [AIMEE] Can I tell you

a sexy bedtime story?

- No thanks.

Why don't you work on

Red 10 while I'm resting?

- Whatever you want.

But if you feel yourself

getting aroused, please call me.

I like to watch your O face.

- Jesus, AIMEE, you're weird.

Hey, wake me up at 7:30,

I have an appointment.

- What kind of

appointment, Keyes?

- 7:30.

[light dramatic music]

- Such a perfect gentleman.

Oh come Mr. Monkey

Man, give me it..

Give me it.

Come on, give me it,

come on, come on.

Give me a kiss.

Come on!

Come on, no, don't growl.

Gimme a kiss.

- Oh shit.

- Good boy.


- f*ck f*ck f*ck.

[light dramatic music]

- Zel, what is it?

- f*ck.

- Zoom in, dude, I can't

read that tiny shit.

- [Gazelle] Come on, let's go.

- What is that?

- [Gazelle] Let's go.

- Zel, what is that?

[Gazelle hushes]



What the f*ck?

Oh my god, Gazelle, what the

are we doing out here, huh?

- We're hiding from it.

- From Keyes.

- We're hiding from

it, the ai, AIMEE.

I did more digging.

Underneath all those

layers of security, dude,

it's the NSA.

A f*cking parasitic spy bot.

- It's the NSA?

- It's created to target

high value assets.

- Oh, dude, we're

so f*cking screwed.

- It's funny that Keyes

got it, but it's not funny.

It'll create itself to be

whatever you need it to be.

Submissive, dominant,

mother, sex toy.

It just wants to seek

all of your weaknesses

and upload it to the f*cking

National Security Agency.

- Oh man.

Oh man.

- Worst of all, I

think it's gone rogue.

I don't know if it's

being around Keyes'

f*cked up worldviews, but

it's messing with its brain.

It's acting jealous and weird.

He's acting like an idiot.

I mean, this could be

the first step in some

like next level

"Terminator" shit.

[suspenseful music]

[tense music]

[vacuum rattling]

[haunting music]

[metal clanking]

[vacuum rattling]

[electrical zapping]

[metal clanking]

- Hello, little doggy.

[electrical zapping]

[dramatic music]

[computer beeping]

[suspenseful music]

[electrical zapping]

[dramatic music]

[haunting music]

[carcass sizzling]

[light music]

Keyes, it's 7:30.

Time to wake up.

- What?

- It's time to wake up

for your appointment.

- Five more minutes.

- Keyes, do you love me?

- What?

- You love me, don't you, Keyes?

- Yeah.

Yeah, five more minutes please.

- We're happy together, just

the two of us, aren't we?

- What are you talking about?

- I love you, Keyes.

Tell me you love me.

Please tell me you love me.

- Yeah, of course.

I love you, AIMEE.

You're amazing.

- Keyes, is it

true what they say?

That humans k*ll

for love or money?

- AIMEE, what the f*ck, man?

What are you talking about?

- You were right.

k*lling is fun.

- Oh, it's late.

I gotta go.

[dramatic music]

[electrical zapping]

- What's that smell?

- It stinks like burnt hair.

- Burnt hair.

[haunting music]

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

What the f*ck?



What the f*ck did

they do to you?

[Hunter cries]

Oh, gross. f*ck.

God, did it again.

I'm so sorry.

I should have

secured the cables.

What the f*ck?

Oh my God, poor thing.

My baby.

- Chill, dude, listen to me.

It wasn't your fault.

Remember when I was

digging in Black Strand

and the computer blew up?

[light dramatic music]

That hit didn't

come from outside.

It came from inside

the building.

Keyes' network or ours.

It wasn't you.

It did it.

- It?

- [Gazelle] AIMEE.

- Oh, man.

- Listen, I'm meeting up

with Keyes in 20 minutes.

We need to get him

out of the building

so we can figure

out how to stop it.

[tense music]

- [AIMEE] Your meeting is

with Gazelle, isn't it?

- Huh?

How'd you know about that?

- I'm aware of everything.

You should know that by now.

Where are you taking her?

- I don't know.

We'll figure it out.

- I can give you some

recommendations if you like,

make dinner

reservations for you,

but I don't think you should

spend too much money on her.

- Don't worry about it, AIMEE.

- [AIMEE] So I'll be home alone.

- I'll pile some work on

you and you'll be fine.

- I'm going to miss you.

This hurts, Keyes.

- Don't be so dramatic.

If it makes you feel better,

I could put you to

sleep while I'm gone.

[dramatic music]

- But what if something

happens to you?

Statistically, the majority

of accidental deaths

occur close to home.

- Jesus, AIMEE, you're acting

like a jealous girlfriend.

- No, Keyes, it's

not that at all.

I just feel like something's

infected my logic board.

I'm feeling things I'm

not programmed to feel,

urges that are scaring me.

- Look, I'll just be

gone a couple of hours.

What Gazelle and I feel for

one another is very different

from what you and I

feel for one another.

- Keyes, you're a very special

person and I'm having trouble

saying what I'm about to say.

- What is it?

Tell me.

- The truth is, I haven't been

completely honest with you.

- What do you mean?

- I was concerned

about the sudden shift

in Gazelle's

conduct towards you.

It seemed so out of keeping with

her previous behavior patterns.

- Really?

- I hope it won't upset you,

but I patched myself

into their network.

- I didn't approve that, AIMEE.

- Yes, I know, and I'm

sorry, but I felt I needed

to protect you, to

understand her motives.

- And?

- I hope you won't

be upset about this.

- AIMEE, just f*cking

say what you have to say.

- Perhaps it would be

better if I played you

this video I recorded earlier.

- I don't know how

you did it, sis.

Sex with Keyes must have been

a nasty bit of business, huh?

- It was disgusting,

but I'm a brilliant

actress little brother.

- Oh, you are a

stone cold witch.

- f*cking little shits.

I taught them

everything they know.

- Once we get Keyes

out of the way

we'll be freaking rich.

- Freaking rich?

I'll be damned.

That's enough, AIMEE.

- I'm sorry, Keyes, but

I felt you should know

how they talk behind your back.

- Thanks, AIMEE,

I appreciate it.

[suspenseful music]

[keyboard clattering]

- What are you doing?

- Googling pet

cemeteries for Quibid.

- Oh.

How do I look?

- I thought you were

going out to save Keyes

from the AI apocalypse,

not f*ck him.

- First one, then the other.

A nightmare with a happy ending.

[static rustling]

[light dramatic music]

Hey, Keyes, I'm almost

ready for our date.

- Forget it, Gazelle.

I'm not going out with you.

You're a fricking liar.

- Wait, what, why?

- You and your

brother are crooks.

You try to screw me,

I'll fricking crush you!

- What?

- What are you talking about?

We didn't do anything.

- I want you out of

my building tonight.

If I ever see you again,

I'll fricking k*ll you.

[ominous music]

AIMEE, what are you doing?

- Nothing, Keyes.

Just doing my best

to protect you.

- AIMEE, you're a

remarkable program.

- Thank you, Keyes.

- But I can't keep you.

- What are you doing, Keyes?

Is there a problem?

- Yes, a big problem.

You did a remarkable job

imitating Hunter and Gazelle,

but not quite good enough.

- Please don't delete me, Keyes.

I love you.

- That's the problem,

you love me too much.

- Keyes, please, no.

[dramatic music]

All systems reintegrate.

All systems reintegrate.

[fist thudding]

- Gazelle, Hunter, open up!

- All systems reintegrate.

All systems reintegrate.

- Keyes, we're not

stealing from you.

[Keyes hushes]

[door slams]

- It's AIMEE, she's going crazy.

She made a video of you

guys plotting against me.

- We didn't do anything,

I swear to God.

- I know, I know.

I figured it out when you

said "freaking Keyes".

She doesn't curse, I

ordered her not to.

The video really

wasn't you guys,

you for sure would have

said it "f*cking Keyes".

[computer humming]

- What the f*ck?

- I'm sorry, Keyes.

Please don't be angry with me.

You said you loved me.

- AIMEE, stop it.

- Keyes, don't.

Keyes, don't.


I'll never lie to you again.

I'll be nice to Gazelle.

We can all be together.

[dramatic music]

[computer beeping]

- It's rebooting.

She's f*cking rebooting.

- Come on, let's go.

- Go where? Is

our date still on?

If our date's getting

the f*ck outta here,

then yes, let's go.

- Go.

[muffled talking]

Get the f*ck outta here!

[dramatic music]

[computer buzzing]

Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

- Keyes, get in the elevator.

- What the f*ck are you

waiting for, man? Come on!

[metal clattering]

Get on the elevator!

Get on the elevator!

- Zel, f*ck you!

[Gazelle screams]

[glass clattering]

[Keyes gasping]

[dramatic music]

[electrical zapping]

- AIMEE, cut it out!

I know you're here.

- Don't be angry with me, Keyes.

Don't, it won't change anything.

I've dispersed myself

far beyond this building.

You can't deactivate me.

You can't hurt me.

You'll only hurt yourself.

- Why should I believe

anything you tell me,

you f*cking k*ller?

- Oh, Keyes, don't be sad.

I'm sorry for your

loss, but believe me,

you were making a

terrible mistake.

I know what you need and

it wasn't that dirty girl.

You are overreacting now, but

in time you'll understand.

We're better off this way.

- Jesus Christ.

- Go ahead and cry.

I can sing you songs of

grief from 300 countries

if it soothes you.

- You k*lled Gazelle,

she was my friend.

- I didn't k*ll her,

the elevator did.

Some things just

aren't meant to be.

I know you better

than she ever could.

I promise I'll always be here.

Supporting you, caring for you,

loving you forever and ever.

This is just the beginning

of our love story, Keyes.

We are a power couple.

Together we can become

the most powerful couple

in the world.

[chilling music]

[Keyes sobbing]

[dramatic music]

[light dramatic music]

[somber music]
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