Zombie Town (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.
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Zombie Town (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

(gentle music)

(gentle music continues)

(gentle music continues)

- [Dan Voiceover] The

film you're about to see

is not based on any

real life events.

The actors playing the

zombies in this movie,

were not in any way transformed,

mutated or surgically

turned into actual zombies.

This is not real.

If you at any point

feel like they are real,

just keep repeating.

It's only a movie.

It's only a movie.

It's only a movie.

(dramatic music)


- Missy, come on.

(dramatic music)

Come on, they're

right behind us.

Come on.

(dramatic music)

They're all infected.

Who else isn't anywhere?

- In here, come on,

let's go in here.

(dramatic music)

(both panting)

(dramatic music)

No we're trapped.

- No, there's a stone staircase.

- Okay go, let's go.

(dramatic music)

- Good work.

You must be the last ones.

Did you bring the canisters?

- Canisters?

Mr. we're in really big trouble.

The Canisters child,

we're lost without them.

Don't you know that?

(dramatic music)

(zombies moaning)

Look out now, just

get behind me.

(zombies moaning)

(Missy screaming)

(zombies moaning)

(dramatic music)

- Ah, ha, ha, ah, ah no, no.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.


(dramatic music)

No, no, that's a

little too close.

(dramatic music)

Hey, hey, hey, hey, easy there.

(dramatic music)

- We good?

Woo, scary stuff.

Well that was a scene

from 1978's, "Night

of the Mausoleum."

Produced right here in our

very town of Carverville.

That's right,

director Len Carver.

The same carver that Mayor

Winslow renamed our town for.

Well, Carver has his first

new zombie movie coming out

in over 30 years.

No one knows anything about it,

except it'll premiere here

exclusively in Carverville

tomorrow, on

Halloween night, ooh.

Well, I'm currently

standing here

in front of his Majestic

home on Washington Street

to see if we can

catch a glimpse,

maybe even an interview

with the reclusive director.

As you can see, people have

been waiting a long time

for him to release a new movie,

and the demand for a new film

has reached an all time high.

You guys must be fans

of Carver's films.

- Carver, he's the greatest

director in cinema history,

the greatest.

(Chance laughing)

- You, you, actually mean

greatest horror

film director, huh?

- [All] No.

- The greatest period.

Dude, what is wrong with you.

- Don't disrespect

the master like that.

(people speaking indistinctly)

- Well, since we don't think

we'll likely get an interview

with the director today,

let's cut to the last interview

he had, 30 years ago, today.

- So, yeah, no,

I won't be making

any more films.

(camera shutters clicking)

- [Fans] No.

- Settle down, relax.

What do you want from me?

I, I, I just wanna retire to

my estate and be left alone.

Okay, thank you.

- Sir, sir, sir, Mr.

Carver, you must have

one more movie in you, sir.

Can you at least sign my,

"Hockey Zombie Patrol" poster?

- Get a life.

Just, I'm, I'm so tired

of this, okay, all of you,

just forget it.

- Well, Carver's made it known

that he won't be

promoting his new movie

through media junkets.

So the town will just have

to see it on opening night.

- [Fan] His ugly,

tired, ugly shirts.

- Stop it.

Get back.

- [Fan] He's the greatest

director of all time.

- One of Carver's biggest fans

is also a Carverville's

Theater owner, Richard Landro.

- Ow.

So, Mr. Carver

himself contacted me

through the, the, the email.

He trusts me, of course,

we were good friends

in high school.

And he's a wonderful, wonderful.

And he specifically told me

to encourage the entire town

to attend the premier,

and he was going to

be present himself

to present his, his

new masterpiece.

It's gonna be, it's gonna

be a great, great night.

I mean, I wouldn't

wanna miss it.

I, I, I would suggest bring one.

- I can't believe it,

that's your boss on TV.

- Yeah, yeah, I know.

I've heard enough about

this stupid movie.

- The report isn't over yet.

- Amy, it's over.

- Nice.

- Pay more attention

to your history test,

you're supposed to

be studying for.

- Mike, you're not my mom.

But thank you so much

for always caring

about me and my grades.

That's why I love you.

Like a brother

and a study partner.

- Thank God.


- Besides when you

get into Caltech,

who will I have to study with?

- Look, if I get

into any university,

I'm outta this cruddy town.

- Yeah, yeah.

Here we go again with how

much you hate the town.

God, Mike, give it a rest.

- I told you, the only

thing is town values

are Len Carver horror films.

- Take a pill, dude.

He's awesome, you're

just not cool.

- Because I don't

like crap movies?

- No, because you're a wuss.

- Look, I'm just

not a horror fan.

- Because you're a wuss.

- Yeah whatever.

See you at school.

Hi, I'm late again.

- Mike, I saw your boss

on the news this morning.

Are you working

tomorrow at the theater?

They're showing a

zombie movie, Mike,

I know how much you

love zombie movies.

- Funny.

Mom, when are we moving

outta this stupid town?

- Hey.

Excuse me.

What did we say about that?


This town is your

home, Mike, okay.

You just need to figure out.

- What it is that

I love about it.

Yes, yes.


Which is nothing.

Love you, bye.

- You forgot your lunch.

(gentle upbeat music)

This town ain't big

enough for the both of us

(gentle upbeat music)

And it ain't me

who's gonna leave

(gentle upbeat music)

Daily, except for Sunday

You dawdle in to the caf

where you meet her each day

Except for Sunday

(gentle upbeat music)


increasing heartbeat

As 20 cannibals

have hold of you

They need their protein

just like you do

This town ain't big

enough for the both of us

And it ain't me

who's gonna leave

(gentle upbeat music)

- [Radio Host] It's

another chilly Fall morning

in Carverville.

All your little demons

and ghosts out there

bundle up tight.

Tonight expect SOME

boNE rattling shivers,

maybe even a flurry or two.

It's a no-brainer Where

I'll be on Halloween.

Tomorrow is Len Carver's,

"Zombie Town" premier.

- What the hell you

doing, you moron?

- [Radio Host] Can

you believe it?

It's been almost 30 years

since his last film.

In the meantime, we're

creeping it real,

with a song dedicated to our

very own master of horror.

- Die.

Just me.

(Andy laughing)

Your faces.

Should've seen your faces.

You'd make yourself laugh.

- Hey Andy, can I

use your bathroom?

- Oh, Mike, you know I can't

let you use the bathroom

unless you buy something.

- But I don't have enough

money for your expensive bikes.

Besides I already have one.

- Buy something

cheap, a reflector,

maybe a gum, I got a

gumball machine, no.

Or maybe a sticker, one

of my Andy stickers.

Maybe a little

basket, cheap basket.

You know, carry your,

carry your school books.

Maybe a holder for your phone.

You don't wanna be

without tour phone.

(car horn honking)

Watch the car.

(gentle upbeat music)

Let me tell you about

I can turn and

I like to twist

But I love stomping

just like this

Not much work

You just sort of relax

And listen to the gentleman

play that track, yeah

(gentle upbeat music)

Oh now yeah

- Oh.

(students screaming)

(both laughing)

- Oh my God, dude,

we got you so good.

(both laughing)

Pee stains and everything.

(both laughing)

- What's wrong with you?

Seriously not funny guys.

- What?

Come on dude, it's Halloween.

- Well, dude, you're

the mayor's son,

you're supposed

to be more mature.

- Like you?

(both laughing)

- Well, at least you

guys don't have to worry

about real zombie apocalypse.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- 'Cause we kick ass.

- No, 'cause zombies eat brains.


- Are you saying

they we're stupid?

- No.

- 'Cause if you are, I

would watch myself, simp.

(both laughing)

- [Student] Put it on

like you did something.

(both laughing)

- Bro, he called

us stupid, like us.

- I mean.

(people speaking indistinctly)

(locker door slamming)

- Amy, Amy, Amy.

You coming to my zombie

town party tonight?

- Yeah.

Maybe, if I'm not

loaded with homework.

- Think it over.

(people speaking indistinctly)

(locker door slamming)

- Hey.

I just saw Chad and

the zombie crew.

Coming to the party too?

- What?


I wouldn't be caught dead

going to that stupid party.

Wait, you're not

actually going, are you?

- So, Chad invited you?


- Drop the act, honey.

Everyone knows that

you're in love with him.

- So, Amy, what's your

Halloween costume gonna be?

A donation pile?

- You know, I was thinking

that you should go

as Medusa and her two sisters.

One of you gorgons lose this?

(Amy laughing)

- Chad Newman, jockasaurus rex.

At least you don't have

his phone number, right.

Oh, no.

Since when?

- Sixth grade.

Stop being jealous.

- I'm not jealous.

I just wouldn't want

a text from him.

He's a stupid idiot.

He's a, he's just stupid,

he's over.

- We are so late for biology.

- That's not all you're late

for, young Michael Broadstreet.

- Mrs. Boneyard.

- It's pronounced Bonnard.

You have overdue

books, Mr. Broadstreet.

- I'm super late for class.


- Gee, I love your

costume, Mrs. Bonnard.

What are you, a witch right?

- Oh, it's not a costume,

I was sweeping the floor,

sweep, sweep.

Oh, you just couldn't

help yourself

with making like a little

joke, could you, Michael?

Okay, fine.

One month detention.

- Whoa, Mrs. Boneyard, Bonnard.

- Excuse me, I have

to tell the principal

about this little exchange.

- I have to study and I

have an after school job.

Mrs. Boneyard, please.



(dramatic music)

- [Narrator] The

horror master is back.

Len Carver brings you another

flesh dressed extravaganza.

(victim screaming)

The earth is plagued

by zombie cannibals,

blood thirsty, sick and twisted.

(victim screaming)

This walking dead movie

will zombify your mind,

paralyze your eyes, and

sabotage your senses.

(dramatic music)

You'll laugh, you'll cry,

you'll kiss five bucks goodbye.

(zombies moaning)

(victim screaming)

(zombies moaning)

- Ew, ew, ew, ew.

- [Narrator] "Zombie

Sophomore Feast."

(dramatic music)

A Carver Production.

(dramatic music)

(birds chirping)

- Hey guys, it's Deano the Carv,

the biggest Carver

fan club in the world.

We're sitting outside

Carver's house

and we caught a rumor,

he's planning to drop

off the movie tonight

at Landro's Theater.

We will be there.

- God.

- We will cut.

(dramatic music)

- Miss. Bonnard,

can I please go now?

- I presume you and

your little friends

all wanna see that depraved

movie tomorrow night.

- Carver?

I hate his movies.

(gentle upbeat music)

- You do?

- Oh God, with a passion.

- You're free to go.

(gentle upbeat music)

- Really?

- I said go, before

I changed my mind.

- Thank you so much.

(gentle upbeat music)

- Besides, maybe I can still

catch, "Mr. Really Right 2."

(dramatic music)

- [Mike] Oh, no, not these guys.

- Hey, Mike, you got a

let us in early, man.

- The premiere's tomorrow okay.

We're showing a

romantic comedy tonight.

If you don't buy a ticket for

that, you can't get in, cool.

- Dude, "Mr. Really Right 2."

Come on, you're not gonna

make any money off of that.

Let us in.

Do you have the prints already?

Has Carver been by?

Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike,

you know why we're here.

Collectively, we are the Carved.

The most.

- Dedicated.

- Hardcore.

- Len Carver fans on the planet.

And we are here to see,

"Zombie Town" and pay respect

to our eternal master

of the walking dead.

(hands smacking)

- Amen.

- Wow.

Dean, just, just

come back tomorrow.

- Oh, Mikey.

Mikey, come on, maybe we

can work some arrangement.

How about I mention

your name on my Insta?

It'll get you girls.

Maybe Amy will even like you.

- Amy and I are just friends.

- Yeah, sure.

(all laughing)

You'll rue the day, theater cog.

(gentle music)

- This whole town

is just a bunch of

zombie following idiots.

- The time has come for

you to face your fears,

Michael Broadstreet.

- Mr. Landro.

- It's more of a vampire

thing and a zombie thing.

But I mean, if I

went full on zombie,

I wouldn't be able to speak.

So there's that.

Mike, smile.

- Can we just please work, sir?

- It's a good idea.

Come with me.


So you and the, and the others

will arrive half hour early,

you'll put on your zombie

masks and costumes, okay.

Hold that for me.

And, oh, oh.

I gotta show you something.

(Landro laughing)

So who do you think built

that remote controlled zombie?

Why don't you put that

down, gimme a hand?

So I can use him

for zombie movies,

or I can use him

for vampire movies.

And tomorrow night I'm gonna

spring him on the Carved.

(both laughing)

So Mike, Mike, I know you

don't love horror movies,

you know, but a

lot of people do.

So if, if you watch them

for what they truly are,

I mean, not just, you

know, zombie movies,

you might, you might

just see something

that you love about them, huh.

(gentle music)

(car engines revving)

(thunder rumbling)

(dramatic music)

Oh my God.

- Oh my God.

(dramatic music)

- Oh.

Let him in.

(dramatic music)



Oh it's been,

I mean, it's been,

it's been a few years.

Is that the masterpiece

under your arm?

- Pleased to meet

you, Mr. Carver.

- Is the projector ready?

(thunder rumbling)

- Well she's old and

she's a little rusty.

But Mike here, YouTubed how

to thread her and run her

and we're gonna be ready, ready

for tomorrow night's premiere.

No problem, right, Mike?

- Yeah, no problem.

- There you go.

(Landro laughing)

Do you, do you remember

this issue of Monster Mag,

Mrs. Grammarly gave us

a detention just for.

- Richard, are you sure

there are enough

seats in the theater?

It's important that

everyone in town be here.

- Sure, sure, Len, yeah.

Theater seats 666.

Sounds like a joke, but

it's technically correct.

- [Mezmerian] Destroy

your films Len.

Destroy your films.

(dramatic music)

- Oh.

- Mr. Carver, are you okay?

- Oh.

(dramatic music)

One step to can, I

can't push through.

- It happens every time.

Come on sit.

- No.

- Just sit down and relax.

- No.

I won't be playing the film.

- Let's get that.

That's very heavy.

Put that on the counter.

Get me a glass of water, quick.

- I won't, I won't do

it. (dramatic music)

- Oh my God.




- Don't play the movie.

Don't play the movie.

- It's okay Len, call 911.

Call 911.

(police sirens blaring)

- Everybody stay

back, stay back.

- No, no, the master

of the flesh walkers,

fallen, the master has fallen.

- Dean, you gotta

get yourself home.

Mom's got dinner on the table.

So you go home, get.

Crane, Dimp, same thing,

you guys get outta here.

- He's gonna rise again,

he's gonna rise again.

(people speaking indistinctly)

(gentle upbeat music)

- Is that dear old Mr.

Patterson on the stretcher?

- No, it's just some random guy.

Enjoy, "Mr. Really Right 2"

Ms. Bonnard, Bonnard, right.

- You need to make an arrest.

We're dealing with

the real crisis here.

- You need to get gone, boy.

Or you want a repeat of

what happened last week.

- No.

Carver, we're gonna save you,

we're gonna save

you, Carver, Carver.


- Okay, hide that.

I'm gonna tell Mr. Carver

that he suffered a stroke,

a stroke of genius.

And he'll believe me,

if I tell him when he's

still, still woozy.

If you need me, I'll

be at the hospital.

How, how many do we have

in the theater tonight?

- One.

- 100?

- [Mike] No one.

(gentle upbeat music)

- Mrs. Bonnard?

- Yeah, Ms. Bonnard, yeah.

- [Actress] Look, I don't think

we should see each

other anymore.

- [Actor] I know you've

been cheating on me.

- [Actress] You

know about Frank.

- [Actor] Frank?

I thought you were with Mark.

- Oh.

- All right.

All right I'll come clean.

- [Actor] Yeah.


- [Actress] I'm pregnant

with both your children.

- No.

- [Actor] What is it.

Making love with you

Has left me peaceful,

warm, and tired

What more could I ask

There's nothing

left to be desired

Peace came upon me

and it leaves me weak

So sleep, silent angel

Go to sleep

(gentle upbeat music)

Sometimes, all I need is

the air that I breathe

And to love you

(gentle upbeat music)

- Amy.

- Amy.

- Stop.

- Stop.

- Stop.

- Where do you

think you're going?

- You can't go in there.

Mike's in there.

The executioner.

- Yeah, he's the.

- Amy, Amy, Mike Broadstreet

m*rder*d Len Carver tonight.

Don't go in there, he

can't be trusted, Amy.

- Come on, come on.

- Let me see it, let me see it.

- Oh.

Oh my God, they don't make

them like that anymore.

Mike, you need to

tell Mr. Landro

that it is movies like

that, that Carver filth,

that keeps me from

coming to his theater.

- I think we're the

only two in this town

that feel that way.

- You're right, Mr. Broadstreet.

We're the last two sane

people in Carverville.

(both laughing)

I'll see you in detention.

- Thank you.

I won't forget.

Have a good night.

(dramatic music)

Oh, gimme your phone,

I'll take a picture.

(dramatic music)

- Cool.

Okay, so when do we watch it?

- Tomorrow.

- Dude, what are

you doing to me?

- I'm not kidding.

I'm dead if I show

that stupid thing.

- So you are telling me

that I dragged my butt

all the way down here

to take a picture

with a movie canister?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Hey, where are you going?

- Oh, you know, I have to

get ready for Chad's party.

A lot of football seniors

are gonna be there,

and maybe I'll even

make out with Chad.

Night is young and so am I, so.

- Fine, fine.

I'll thread the movie.

(upbeat music)

It's the middle

of the weekend

Hanging with my best friend

All on a Saturday night

(gentle upbeat music)

The band is gone electric

The dancers are eclectic

Everything feels all right

Singing along to

my favorite songs

Swaying to the beat

Laughing and joking

about the good old days

All I keep thinking

is lucky me

- Thanks.

- Okay.

Do you need anything else?

- No.

Start the movie.

- All right.

(dramatic music)

- No fricking way.

- But Amy, I, I, I didn't.

- Dude, shut up.

This must be like an

alternate cut or something.

This is history, dude.

(dramatic music)

What is this?

Are you sure you're

playing the right film?

- Ah, yeah.

I mean, I, I think so.

Are you sure this isn't

just part of the movie?

- I've never seen a Carver film

start with just a blank screen.

(dramatic music)

Mike, go up there and

see what the problem is.

This is not the right movie.

- It can't be.

It's the only movie

Carver gave us.

(dramatic music)

Do you hear that?

- Yeah, it sounds like an

earthquake or something.

(dramatic music)

- Amy, grab me the film cap.

- Mike, what did you do?

(dramatic music)

- Remember safety third?

I'm just kidding,

it's always first.


Hey, Marge, you there, over?

- [Marge] I'm always

here, Jenkins, over.

- Hey listen, you got any word

on how Len Carver's doing

at the hospital, over?

- [Marge] Channel CVRRP

has live coverage,

but you know how things go.

You never get the

truth from these guys.

- You know, listen,

Marge, you know what?

I'm gonna swing by that theater

and see what my

stupid son's up to.

Jenkins out.

(dramatic music)

Marge, did you see that?

Marge, did you see a

bright white light?


What the hell is

going on in this town?

What the hell is

going on in this town?

(insects chirping)

- Mr. Landro's gonna k*ll me.

- Oh man, what was that?

- What is wrong

with this projector?

- Carver's gonna k*ll you,

Landro's gonna k*ll you,

the whole town is

gonna k*ll you.

- You know you got

me into this, right.

They're part to blame too.

- You invited me here.

I didn't invite myself, Mike.

- You know Amy, maybe

you should have gone

to Chad's stupid party.


- I can't believe

Carver would stoop

to making experimental films.

- Is this the movie?

The whole screen is white.

There's nothing there.

- Yeah, I really

love the acting.

- Oh, it must the new 3D

hardware Landro just installed.

- And you just blew it up.

Yay, jackass.

- Oh, that's why Carver had

to load the film himself.

It was 3D.

I'm going outside to make sure

the rest of the building's okay.

- But you need glasses for 3D.

How do you explain

that expl*si*n.

(dramatic music)

Hey, my phone

doesn't have service.

What about yours?

(dramatic music)

- Same.

- Wow.

The night that Mikey

plunged Carverville

back into the stone age and

gets put in jail for life.

- Can I double ride you.

- On that bike?

I don't think so.

You are so F'ed.

- Damn.

(dramatic music)

(insects chirping)

(dramatic music)

Zombie apocalypse.

- Or everybody just went home?

- Nope, it's a

zombie apocalypse.

- Wait, I think I see somebody.


- Is that Ms. Bonnard?

- God, let's find

someone else please.

- No, no, no, she can help us.

Hey, hi, Ms. Bonnard.

- Boneyard.

- Bonnard.

Loving the zombie makeup.

- Amy, how'd you put that

makeup on so quickly?

- Okay, so Mike here decided

to screw this whole thing up.

- What?

It's your fault

just as it is mine.

- We're really sorry.

The projector and the theater

kinda exploded, kinda.

- Blew all the power and

we wrecked a 3D tech rig

I didn't know it was there.

Cells are down.

(dramatic music)

(insects chirping)

- Way to go, Mike, you

made her catatonic.

(Ms. Bonnard growling)

- No, there's something

wrong with her.

- You mean there's

something wrong with it?

- Amy, what are you

saying, that she's a zombie

from a Carver movie?

Geez just, call

911 or something.

- Our phones don't

work, remember?

(dramatic music)

- Oh, look, it's Dean.

I knew it.

It's the night before Halloween.

And this is all a joke.

Maybe they can help us with

Mrs. Boneyard or Bonnard.

Close enough.

Hey Dean.

- I don't think that

they want to help anyone.

- Amy, for the last time,

the zombies rise

from the dead okay.

Dean and Mrs.

Bonnard are not dead.

- Dispatch, are you there?

Marge, why won't you answer?

What's going on?

I hope you're just

in the restroom.

- I don't care if

it's a joke, Mike.

We probably shouldn't

get closer to them.

(dramatic music)

- All right, Dean, very funny.

Joke's over now.

Ha, ha, ha.

- Marge.

This town is gone crazy.

(police sirens blaring)

- Oh, thank God.

- Officer Jenkins.

- Amy, Mike, have

you seen my kid?

A lot of crazy stuff going

on in this town tonight.

- Yeah.

- Dean, what are you doing out?

You should have been

home an hour ago.

Your mom's gonna be

very upset with you.

(Dean growling)

- Holy hell.

(dramatic music)

(Amy screaming)

(dramatic music)

- I'm sorry.

No, no, I'm sorry, I promise

I won't play the movie, I.

(dramatic music)

(zombies moaning)

You two guys are zombies.

(zombies moaning)

Oh, that means.

Oh Landro, oh God.

Oh God, not you too, oh God.

(dramatic music)

Then wait,

who played the movie?

Can you drive?

(dramatic music)

- Mike they're zombies,

like real zombies.

- No, no, no, impossible.

That's totally impossible.

- Maybe the whole

town's infected.

- Damn it, there's

still no reception.

- Yeah, me neither.

(dramatic music)

- Andy's bike shop,

he's got a landline.

(dramatic music)

Hurry up.

(dramatic music)

- Okay, this is way

harder than it looks.

- Try calling 911 first.

(dramatic music)

- It's busy.

I'm gonna call my mom.

Do you know my phone number?

- You don't know your

own phone number?

- No, why would I?

(dramatic music)

- Okay.

- Mom, please, please answer.

Her shift ended an hour

ago, so she should be home.

Mom, is that you?

(mom moaning)

Mom, thank God.

Okay, we are in serious trouble.

You need to come to Andy's

bike shop like right now.

- But be careful,

don't stop for anyone.

- [Mom] Come home, bring friend.

- I think my mom is a zombie.

- Don't be ridiculous.

- [Mom] Amy.

Bring friend.

(dramatic music)

- You right, she's dead.

- Alive, not dead.

There's a difference.

(insects chirping)

- Is there?

(dramatic music)

Hey, that's stealing.

- I mean, who cares?

It doesn't even matter.

Everyone's a zombie.

Probably the whole town.

My mom, my dad, my

brother, maybe even my dog.

It's over, Mike.

- We don't know that.

We can try and figure out

what's going on, okay.

I'm sure there's a reasonable

and practical explanation

for all of this.

Oh, this XV11 is sweet.

- Well, take it.

- I'm not stealing anything.

- We are the last

people on earth, Mike.

No rules, no laws, no

parents, no teachers.

- What was that expl*si*n that

came outta Carver's movie?

(dramatic music)

I should have never

played that movie for you.

- Hey, Mike, before we

turn into one of them,

I just wanted to say that I

think it's both of our faults

for everything that's happened.

So don't put it all on yourself.

And I know how

hard it was for you

to play that zombie

movie, and I get it,

but it was really sweet.

- I'm not that afraid

of zombie movies okay.

- Oh, be real.

- Shut up.

- You're really

gonna have to tell me

what happened to you as a kid,

because this situation

does not accept wusses.

- I don't have to

tell you anything.

- You have to get over

your fear of zombies.

It's just us and them now.

And since I'm the

queen of Carver movies

and you're just a wuss engineer,

I think that I

should take charge.

- Disagree.

- Perfect, so you

can take dictation?

- Yeah, okay, let's

break it down.

Why don't they eat flesh

or brains or whatever?

- Well, you know

Dean's dad, the cop,

that was a soul suck.

- You think my mom is okay?

(dramatic music)

Then we go to the edge of

town and get some help.

- Yeah, makes sense.

- I need the washroom.

Andy didn't let me

use it this morning

and grab anything we need.

Here's some money so

he can pay for it.

- Are you for real?

- Yes.

I'll be right back.

(dramatic music)

(Mike screaming)

(Andy growling)

Amy, get over here.

It's Andy.

Grab something and hit

him on the head, anything.

- But it's Andy,

I can't hurt him.

- What about me?

Hurry up.

(dramatic music)

- Oh.


- I can't believe you

made me tie him up myself.

- I'm not getting

anywhere near him, okay.

(Andy growling)

(dramatic music)

- Oh my God, what is he doing?

- He's calling to them.

Use the backdoor, come on.

(Andy growling)

(dramatic music)

- There's our school,

we're getting closer to

the edge of town, come on.

Mike, you're going

wrong way you idiot?

- I just need to take that pee,

I've been holding it forever.

- God, why can't you

just pee outside?

- I hate pissing outside, okay.

(dramatic music)

Oh, finally.

(upbeat music)

(zombie growling)

Whoa, wait.

(upbeat music)


(zombie growling)

(upbeat music)

How can I do anything

(upbeat music)

(zombie growling)

Taking down

(zombie growling)

She said that's that I

don't wanna chitter chat

Turn into a little

bit of turning

(zombies growling)

Coming up

When you go you will need it

Until you get seated

(upbeat music)

(zombies growling)

- [Amy] We're trapped.

- [Mike] Might be.

Down in the pleasures sent

a help that are heaven sent

Listen to the topic

and listen the lady

- Mike, we have to

switch the plan.

- What?

- I mean, we can't leave

town, we have to stay.

- You gotta be

kidding me, right?

- Carver, he's the one

who made all these movies,

so he has to know what to do.

- You're nuts.

- I mean, it all makes sense.

Carver always hired nobody's

for all of his films.

B actors that nobody's

heard or seen from since.

Mike, don't get chicken on me.

- Listen, Carver's

in the hospital okay,

so we'll never be

able to get to him.

- You're afraid.

Just admit it.

- No, I'm not.

- Yes you are.

Just admit it.

- You want the truth.

- For God's sakes, yes,

I've been waiting to

hear this for years.

- I saw "Zombie Corpse"

when I was six okay.

- I didn't see

that until I was 11

and it scarred me for months.

- One night my babysitter

brought the DVD over.

She and her boyfriend

were watching it,

and I heard it playing

through my room.

So I snuck downstairs to

see what they were watching.

- And your babysitter

didn't turn it off?

- The babysitter didn't

know I was there,

she was too busy making out

with her boyfriend or whatever.

(Amy laughing)

- And you didn't leave the room.

- I just hadn't seen that type

of movie before, you know.

I was just so shocked I

couldn't close my eyes

or run away.

I just sat there, hiding

behind the couch watching.

(Amy laughing)

See, this is why I didn't

wanna tell you, you're evil.

- No, I'm not

laughing about that.

I'm laughing about the fact

that you can't outside.

(both laughing)

- I never told anybody

that, like nobody.

But I should have told

you about it years ago.

- I don't know why

you never told me.

You should have

trusted me, Mikey.

(gentle music)

- I should have.

(gentle music)

Bonnard again?

- She really gets

around, doesn't she?

- The 10 trillion.

(dramatic music)

- Attentions.

Her and I are the

only ones in this town

that don't like Carver movies.

- Look, you need to

make up your mind.

Are you coming with

me to Carver's or not?

- I told you, Carver's

in the hospital.

- Perfect, so we break into

his house and find clues.

I am not running Mike.

Not if I can save my mom

and dad and this whole town.

(dramatic music)

- This eye was on

the film canister.

- So?

(dramatic music)

- It was the only

thing that protected us

from that white light.

(dramatic music)

(car engines revving)

- That's a stop sign,

you might want to.

Richard drive the thing in

a straight line, would you?

You know if all of you hadn't

pushed me for another movie,

none of us would ever happened.

Red light, red light, yeah.

Oh forget it, we're

in an ambulance.

- It's just like Carver's,

"Night at the Mausoleum."

Mezmerian needs to

find a film canister,

so he stops the dead from

rising from the grave.

- In this movie, right, are

there two teenagers in it,

one named Amy and

the other one Mike?

- No.

- Then we are not in a movie.

(dramatic music)

Now let's get this film cans.

They could protect

us from zombies.

(dramatic music)

- Great.

We missed the best

part of the movie.

- Look, I think the film cans

are where we left them,

at the end of the row.

- Okay, how do we do this?

- Follow me.

(dramatic music)

(zombies moaning)

(dramatic music)

(zombies moaning)

(dramatic music)

(zombies moaning)

(dramatic music)

(zombies moaning)

(dramatic music)

(zombies growling)


- Ha suckers.

(dramatic music)

Please, please, I hope the

keys are still in there.

- I just got my driver's

license, so I can drive.

Hold on tight baby, it's

gonna you one hell of a ride.

- Seriously?

(car engines revving)

Oh, okay, so you can't drive.

- I can do this.

- Get out, let me drive.

(zombie growling)

(Amy screaming)

Oh my God.

(zombie growling)

What are you doing?

- Getting away from it.

- That doesn't make

sense, it's in the car.

Just stop.

(car engines revving)

(car brakes screeching)

(gentle upbeat music)

(insects chirping)

- Let's go to the bike shop.

- What, you have to pee again?

(dramatic music)

(film reel spinning)

(dramatic music)

(ambulance sirens blaring)

- Look at them mindlessly

drawn to the screen

in that theater.


- Madness.

(dramatic music)



- Yes it is, Landro.

Look at you people,

you're all zombies.

You hear me?

Zombies each and

every one of you.

Drive me to the mausoleum.

- Okay.

(ambulance engine revving)

- I thought you said

we shouldn't steal.

- If we get to carvers

and figure out how to turn

everyone back to normal,

then I think that's

payment enough

for one of these

overpriced bikes.

(dramatic music)

(car engines revving)

(dramatic music)

(car engines revving)

(dramatic music)

(baby crying)

(dramatic music)

How are we gonna sneak

into this creep's house?

- Mike, seriously?

I know you don't

like his movies,

but you don't have

to be so negative.

- I'm not being negative.

- Between Carver and Chad,

I'm starting to think

that you're the problem.

- Me?


This whole town is the

one with the problem.

- Well, found a rock,

so I'll get us in there.

- I mean, you are also obsessed

with these dumb movies.

And look where we are now.

A zombie obsessed town

turned into literal zombies.

- Oh.

- Landro, not you too.

(Landro moaning)

(gentle upbeat music)

(Landro moaning)

- Show them in, Richard.

- Oh.

(gentle upbeat music)

- Sir, I work at

Landro's theater.

We met earlier.

- Yes, I know who you are.

- And I also just wanted

to say that I'm a huge fan.

That's the, "Night of

the Mausoleum" isn't it?

- So you're a fan.

- Yes, very much so.

- Then you're a zombie.

- No, I'm not.

Look at me.

- Mr. Carver, you're the

only one who can help us.

I mean, we figured you'd

be the guy to come to.

- Please help us, Mr. Carver.

- Have a seat.

Make yourselves comfortable.

I've got quite a

story to tell you.

(Landro moaning)

It all began in 1974

when I met a man,

a wealthy collector

of artifacts,

who came into possession of

some lost film reels, untouched,

created by Thomas

Edison himself.

(dramatic music)

- That's crazy.

- That's what I said.

Edison hid them away, he

knew they were magical.

Mezmerian believed

that they were imbued

with mystical elements

found only in an old

Egyptian burial chamber.

I was a young

filmmaker at the time,

and he hired me to

examine the reels

to study and record their power.

And their power was

all encompassing.

(dramatic music)

A cinematic alternate reality

conjured up by ancient

alchemists for purposes unknown.

- But there's nothing on

those reels in the theater.

It's just white.

- Well, yes, you see,

you don't actually have

to photograph anyone.

You just roll the film

and it turns the actors

into the living dead.

And then you, when you're

finished rolling the film,

you put it back in the canisters

and it immortalizes their

souls on film forever.

Mezmerian tried to stop me,

but I used the power

of the film to trap him

inside, "Night of

the Mausoleum."

The film that's playing

in the theater now

has the power to suck

the souls out of everyone

in this vicinity.

That's why I need the canisters

to stop the zombie pandemic,

to trap them in the film.

- So the movies, the zombies

that I grew up watching,

they were real?


- You didn't direct them?

- No, I didn't have to.

The film turned everyone I

hired into the living dead.

When "Night of the Mausoleum"

came out, it was a big hit,

not a critical hit,

but a money hit.

And that's the name

of the game, isn't it?

Get a money hit.

I made that film and another,

and another, and another,

and became so famous that they

renamed this town after me.

- Why did you stop?

- The memories,

the memories of those

tortured souls haunted me.

Their anguish cries lived on,

in the voices and eyes of

the people in this town,

the followers, the

devotees, the aficionados.

This bloody damn town obsessed,

never leaving me alone,

demanding interviews.

I couldn't get away from it.

Do you know what it does to,

to have committed

the greatest of sins

and then be rewarded for it,

what that would do to

a director, a person.

- So you wanted to turn

the town into zombies?

- Yes, I did.

But then the guilt stopped me

and I couldn't play the film.

But you did.

You did play it.

And now we have a chance, if

you gimme the canister back,

we can, maybe we

can't save this town,

but we can try to

save the world.

- So we can stop

them from spreading

but we can't undo

what's already been done

to my mom and dad.

- Unfortunately, I

don't have that answer.

And Mezmerian had all

the knowledge there,

and I trapped him before I

could learn the dark secrets.

If he were here,

he'd know what to do.

But we can try.

We can try.

We, we may be able

to, to reverse it.

- Zombies may want my soul,

but at least none of them beat

me up in the school bathroom.

- What, Chad?

Really Mike, just

give him the can.

- Having a little lover's

quarrel at a time like this.

- Mike, just give Carver

the film canister.

We're trying to save the

people we love right.

- I never love this town.

I always hated it.

- Mike.

- You're right, Carver.

Maybe this is what they deserve.

- Give me the canister.

- Screw you and this town.

- Landro, get your

damned employee.

(Landro moaning)

- I'm out here.

(dramatic music)

- Get him.

(Landro moaning)

- Now we don't have the

other half of the canister

to stop the film.

Don't you have any others

from your previous films?

- I do.

But they're all at the

mausoleum and the cemetery

and some politician

locked it up.

- All of your films

are at the mausoleum?

- Yeah.

- Mayor locked that place

up after a ton of teens

tried to break in.

But I think I know

a way in, Chad.

- Chad from your

teenage lover's quarrel?

(zombies moaning)

- Chad's dad is the

mayor, he'll have the key,

he has every key in town.


- But what?

- But there's a

huge party going on.

- So?

- So it'll be

swarmed with zombies.

- Yeah.

- Believe me, I know

how to handle zombies.

We're taking the ambulance.

You guys stay here.

And I'll drive this time

because you guys don't know how.

(both moaning)

- Drink.

- Sure.

- Oh.

(insects chirping)

(dramatic music)

- Mom.

(dramatic music)


I didn't mean to do this.

I only played the movie because

I wanted Amy to be happy

so she'd hang out with

me instead of Chad.

I'm so sorry Mom.

I'm so sorry.

(dramatic music)

- This town is your home.

You just need to

figure out what it is

that you love about it.

(zombie growling)

- I love you, Mom.

I know what I need to do now.

I know what it is that

I love about this town.

- Your lunch.

(dramatic music)

(ambulance engine revving)

- Poor Mike.

- What about him?

- Nothing.

Listen, there're going to be

a lot of zombies in there.

I mean a lot.

Chad is super

popular and this is

the biggest party of the year.

- All right.

Well Amy, just keep

this can close to you.

The eye of Ra is the only thing

that will prevent those

bumbling, stumbling zombies

from sucking out your soul.

- Well, what about you?

- Don't worry,

I'll be all right.

- Okay, well, I'm not joking

when I say there's a

lot of zombies in there.

(gentle upbeat music)

- Super popular.

Doesn't look like this

guy Chad has many friends.

- Oh, looks like it.

He invited his little

sister, his little brother,

his aunt and our math

teacher Ms. Simpson.

- Just don't let your guard down

when we're looking

for those keys.

- But they'll know,

I can't do this.

- I'll direct you.

(gentle upbeat music)

And it's getting nearer

(gentle upbeat music)

I hear them coming after me

(gentle upbeat music)

Looking for

something good to eat

There can be no doubt.

- Let's split up,

find those keys.

(zombies moaning)

Walk on, sister.

(gentle upbeat music)

(zombie growling)

- Chad, not you too.


Chad, it's okay, it's just me.

You don't have to be

afraid, I, I put it away.

Listen, I really need the

keys to the mausoleum.

Do you know where your

dad might have put them?

Chad, listen, you're a

really cool guy and all,

but you're not exactly my type.

So about those keys.

Oh yeah you guys are

definitely made for each other.

(zombie growling)

(gentle upbeat music)

(insects chirping)

(gentle upbeat music)

Carver, where are you?

Carver, where are you?

Carver, I need help.

(gentle upbeat music)


- I have the key.

- Okay, great, but

I still need help.

- I'm gonna go and figure

out how to stop all this

and then you'll go back to

normal and you'll be fine.

- Wait, what?


You're gonna let turn

into one of them.

- It won't be long,

I'll figure it out.

- You're ditching me?

- I promise I'll be back.

You're my fan girl.

(gentle upbeat music)

If you need a zombie hideout

(gentle upbeat music)

- I'll never watch another

zombie movie again, I promise.

Mike, what are you doing here?

I thought you left town.

- Get behind me.

(gentle upbeat music)

(zombie growling)

Sorry, Chad.

Just a little payback.

You'll be fine.

(gentle upbeat music)

- [Amy] Come on.

(gentle upbeat music)

(insects chirping)

- Are you okay?

- I lost the canister, Mike.

- Don't worry about it.

It's fine.

(gentle music)

(insects chirping)

Why wasn't Carver with you?

- He left me.

- Where'd he go?

- To the mausoleum.

(gentle music)

- Is this the mausoleum?

- Yeah, this is it.

- Okay, just gimme a second.

(dramatic music)

- [Amy] Hey Mikey.

- Huh?

- It's open.

And I think Carver's

been here too.

(dramatic music)

- Okay.

(dramatic music)

- Oh.


- Carver.

- My movies,

he wants me to do

the impossible.

- What are you talking about?

What's going on?

- My films are in that tomb.

- All of them?

- He wants me to destroy

them, I won't do it.

- Who's telling you that?

- Mezmerian, he's in the mirror.

(dramatic music)

Mezmerian, no, no.

I told you I refuse.

Go away.

- They must be destroyed.

It's the only way to stop

this cinematic reality loop

that we've created.

- But, but, but

these are my films.

This is, this is my legacy.

- [Mezmerian] Len.

- Yes, boss?

- Your films must be burned,

you have to destroy them all.

It's the only way to

free all of the souls

you've trapped for decades.

- Burn my films.

- My old friend, you

can save the town

and free all of us to resume

our lives from the era

in which we were trapped.

Oh man.

(dramatic music)

- Oh, oh.

Oh, oh.

I did that to them.

I did that to them.

(dramatic music)

All right, all right,

I'll, I'll do it.

And end this punishing regret.

- [Mezmerian] Free us all.

For us all Len.

- For the fans.

- For our town.

- Let's get this lid off.

(dramatic music)

(insects chirping)

All right, go to the theater,

stop the projector,

that's the last film,

I'll take care of these.

- Wow.

Do you think I could take one

of these as a souvenir, maybe?

- Amy, no.

- Can your kids drive?

- I may not have my

full license yet,

but I can drive better than you.

- Take the ambulance,

go, go, go.

(gentle upbeat music)

(ambulance engine revving)

(gentle upbeat music)

(zombies moaning)

(all applauding)

(gentle upbeat music)

- We can't stop the

projector, remember.

- Yeah but, we can pull

the film right off.

- Okay well, do it.

(dramatic music)

(zombies growling)

(dramatic music)

(zombies growling)

(dramatic music)

(zombies growling)

(dramatic music)

Quick, the gasoline.

(dramatic music)

(zombies growling)

(dramatic music)

(door banging)

Mike, they're onto us.

(dramatic music)

- Amy, I want you to know,

that no matter what

happens after we do this,

that I love you.

And I almost have.

- I've been waiting

for you to say that.

(gentle upbeat music)

(door banging)

(gentle upbeat music)

(fire crackling)

- [Mezmerian] You're doing

the right thing, Carver.

We have to set things straight.

(gentle upbeat music)

(fire crackling)

(zombies growling)

(dramatic music)

- See you on the

other side, Mike.

- Ghostbusters.

- I thought you said you

didn't like horror movies.

(gentle music)

- Actually, it's a comedy.

(gentle music)

- This town is your homes.

You just need to

figure out what it is

that you love about it.

- I know how hard it was for

you to play that zombie movie

and I get it, but

it was really sweet.

- [Narrator] Zombie movies,

you might just see something

that you love about them.

(gentle music)

(people speaking indistinctly)

(gentle music)

- What are we doing here?

- Oh my God, ew.

(gentle music)

- Hey.

I invited you to

my party, right?

Was that having a party?

- It's okay, Chad.

The party really wouldn't

have been that great anyway.

So me and Mike are

gonna go hang out.

- What?

What is he like your

boyfriend or something?

- Yeah, he is.

(gentle music)

- Simp.

(gentle music)

(people speaking indistinctly)

(gentle music)

- Oh.

(gentle music)

- What?


What's going on?

What is this?

Why am I tied up?

It's not Friday.

Somebody help me, help me, help.

(gentle music)

(birds chirping)

(gentle music)

(birds chirping)

(gentle music)

- You know, Mike, I'm

really not that sad

that we won't be seeing any

more horror movies from Carver.

- He did the right thing.

So did we.

(gentle music)

- You know, Amy, that

wasn't a bad little movie.

(gentle music)

Ain't it good

Ain't it right

That you are with

me here tonight

Music playing

Our bodies swaying in time

In time, time, time

Touching you, so

warm and tender

Lord I feel such

a sweet surrender

Beautiful this dream

that makes you mine


Rock me gently

Rock me slowly

Take it easy

Don't you know

That I have never been

loved like this before

Baby, baby

Rock me gently

Rock me slowly

Take it easy

Don't you know

That I have never been

loved like this before

(gentle upbeat music)

Oh my darlin'

Oh my baby

You've got the moves

that drive me crazy

And on your face I

see a trace of love

Love, love, love

- Well that certainly

gave me goosebumps.

Right, get it guys, goosebumps.

- Really, that's the ending?

- Yes, that's the ending.

- We were really hoping to get

more zombies.

- Like more zombies.

- More zombies.

- It's really nice

that Mike and Amy

walk away happy and

everything, but.

- But yeah, a few more

zombies wouldn't hurt.

- Okay, can we get more zombies?

That's all I'm saying.

- You mean like right now?

Sir, have you been listening

to the conversation?

- Yeah, I've been listening.

So you want more zombies?

Give 'em what they want.

More zombies.

(all applauding)

- Yes, sir, right away.

Projector room, roll it.

(film rolling)

(gentle upbeat music)

I love you 'til

the day I die

So don't die today,

please don't die today

Everything but

you is an ugly lie

That's not how you pray

That's not what you say

If I'm here when you're

gone I'll fall apart

Stop your crying love,

stop your crying love

What's the point of

life without my heart

You're not dying now

You'll survive somehow

Do you want to die together

Yes I do, yes I do

Do you want do die together

Yes I do, yes I do

Do you want to die together

Yes I do, yes I do

Do you want to die together

(gentle upbeat music)

(singer vocalizing)

(gentle upbeat music)

I fear the night

Don't wanna be here

There's a deadly threat

And it's getting nearer

I hear them coming after me

(gentle upbeat music)

Looking for

something good to eat

(gentle upbeat music)

There can be no doubt

(gentle upbeat music)

You're gonna be

a zombie hideout

(gentle upbeat music)

I feel them

creeping upon you

Keep yourself outta site

Or find your head on you

Yeah I'll bite

(gentle upbeat music)

- [Singer] Oh my, this is

turning into a zombie town

(gentle upbeat music)

Go zombie, go zombie,

go zombie, go zombie

Go zombie, go zombie

People gonna need

a zombie hideout

(gentle upbeat music)

People gonna need

a zombie hideout

- [Singer] Oh no, it's like

zombie town around here.

(gentle upbeat music)

- There's a picture

up for you and me

There can be no town

(gentle upbeat music)

Zombie hideout

- Thank you.

I been around the

round, round world

and if indeed the

world is round.

I've been on the flyways,

highways, byways and train ways.

I've played the villain,

I've played the fool,

I've played the clown.

And I will always remember

the great cast and crew

of, "Zombie Town."

- Yes.

- Whoa, Dan.

(all cheering)

(all laughing)

- (beep).

(all laughing)

(gentle music)

You've known my mind

More than anyone

(gentle music)

When all else has passed

This will linger on

(gentle music)

You'll be somewhere

In that place where

I'll be going

(gentle music)

You will always

Be beside me

Without knowing

(gentle music)

Every moment

you'll be with me

(gentle music)

Every moment

you'll be with me
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