01x18 - Lady Luck

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x18 - Lady Luck

Post by bunniefuu »

Why do you always sigh
like that when we make love?


Sigh like what?

Like that, like
you're glad it's over.

What are you talking about?

Every time we make love, you go.


What are you doing?

When did you get that?



Yes, i... I want to
report a break in.

Hit him, Troy.

Hit him!

-, bay shore

drive, robbery in progress.

Suspects may be armed.

All units in vicinity,
please respond.

This is X-ray --, two blocks

from bay shore and on the road.


Roger, X-ray --.

Police officer, halt!

Stop or I'll sh**t.

Kenny, get back in the car.

I want you to call an ambulance.

people work : to :

and never question a thing.

Homicide's a little different.

The hours are closer to : in
the morning till : at night.

And the questions never stop.

It's your job.

Interrogate, probe, and pry
like a bright light in search

of the truth.

The hard part comes
when suddenly,

instead of shining
on somebody else,

the light gets turned on you.



How you doing?

Rita, thanks for coming.

Yeah, I heard the call.

They said something about you
being involved in a sh**ting?

A kid, a -year-old.

He's on the table right now.


Yeah, he's .

Look, he opened fire.

I returned it.

Take it easy.

I'm on your side, all right?

Yeah, I'm sorry.

How's he doing?

He's listed as critical.

I was on my way home
when I picked up

a - burglary in progress.

I get there.

I spot a truck, two young
guys running from the truck,

and one of them...

This one opened fire.

I returned it.

So it was self-defense.

- Maybe it was self-defense.
- What do you mean, maybe?

You just said that
he shot at you first.

Yeah, but they
can't find his g*n.

Excuse me, miss.

You said my son's here.

It's ok, Ben.

Where is he?

I'm sergeant Lance.

This is my partner,
sergeant Lorenzo.


I'm Susan toller.
Where's my son?

What happened?

Uh, Mrs. Toller, why
don't we go sit down.

We might have a bit of a wait.


I want to find
out what happened.

Mrs. Toller...

Look, please try to understand.

During an ongoing investigation,
there are certain procedures

that we have to follow.

We really can't talk
about this right now.


Did you sh**t him?

Did you sh**t him?

Mrs. Toller, why don't
we go get a cup of coffee?

That's it, isn't it?

You shot him.

Sergeant Lorenzo.


I'm Susan toller.

Is he...

I'm sorry.

We tried.

But we just couldn't save him.

He died on the table.

It was you.

Listen up, galbraith.

Lorenzo is a good cop.

Now, the sh**ting was righteous.

The man was under fire.

I suppose the kid's
g*n was invisible.

You know, you're
out of line here.

Hey, you do your job.

I do mine.

If your boy did nothing
wrong and he cooperates,

it all washes clean.

Simple as that.
- Is that right?

That's right.


You wanted to see me, cap?

Detective galbraith here wants
to question you about the...

The toller sh**ting.

Look, your guys
grilled me already.

I answered all their questions.

What is it with you ia guys?

This is your second ia
review in the last six months.

Let's just say it raises
a few questions downtown.

Like hell it does.

I just answered a call.

And a minor was shot
to death in the process.

A minor who was sh**ting at me.

We swept that crime
scene three times.

No g*n.

No residue on the
body or g*n powder.

No, of course not.

The sprinklers were on.

Any residue would've
been washed away.

What do you want
from me, galbraith?

Do you want my badge?
Is that what you want?

Not yet.

I'll let you know when,
unless of course you feel it's

the appropriate thing to do.

Um, can we have a minute?

I want you to tread easy here

with this internal affair thing.

Look, even when I'm right.

I know you're right.

But being right isn't
it all the time.

Use your head.


All right.

Sergeant Lorenzo
is prepared to answer

any questions that you might
have from this point on.


Now, you mind telling
me what really happened?

I identified myself
as a police officer.

He started sh**ting at me.


I ordered for him to stop.
He kept sh**ting.

So I returned his fire.

Why don't you read the report?

Oh, I did.

Are you sure you just
didn't overreact?


Hey, I asked you a question.

And I think he just answered it.

Chris, hey, what's going on?

Ia is all
over me about this toller


Did you talk to hutch?

Yeah, he was there.

So was Rudy galbraith,
that horse's ass,

sitting there holier
than thou, telling

me that I don't have to turn
in my badge until he sees fit.


So you want me to talk to him?

No, forget about it.

Forget about it.

You know how galbraith
works, napoleonic justice,

guilty until proven innocent.

Can't find that kid's g*n, Sam.

So maybe the other guy grabbed
it, the one that got away.

You remember anything about him?

I didn't get much
of a look at him.

Listen, just don't
worry about it.

Just let me run with
this, all right?

What am I supposed to do?

Am I supposed to
sit on my hands?

No, you work on your caseload
or you work on your tan,


Just don't go anywhere near
this investigation or galbraith

is going to assume that you've
got something to cover up.

I hate this.

Listen, just do me
a favor, all right?

Just don't do anything stupid.

Say, I promise you.

I promise you.


Thanks, Sam.

Hey, where's my towel?


Hey, that's my towel.



You stole my towel.

What, is it a family
heirloom or something?

Just looks like a towel to me.

But it's my towel.

Look, you come down
here to the beach

and you just take
whatever you want?

Well, have to admit, it's
a great way to meet someone.

I guess it is at that.

I guess it is at that.

You know, I think I've
seen you down here before.

Well, I come down here a lot.

This is my favorite beach.

Mine, too.

Chris Lorenzo.

And I am tired.

I'm Tracy Lynn.

And I'm cold.

And you're stealing
my towel again.


So Tracy, what do you do?

Actually, I'm an actress.




Anything I might have
been able to see you on?

Well, you know, I'd love
to stay here and talk to you.

But I'm really late.

So here's your towel.

No, no.

I want you to keep this.

That way you can't try
this on any other guys.


Maybe I'll see you
here again sometime.

How about tomorrow?


Are you Mrs. Hammond?

If you're a reporter,
we have nothing to say.

Just please leave us alone.

Look, I'm sergeant
Lance, palm beach homicide.

Look, I know this has
been a difficult time

for you and your husband.

But I really need to speak
with you about the break-in.

We've already told
you people everything.

My husband is still in the
hospital with a concussion

and his jaw wired shut.

A boy has been shot and k*lled.

We would just like to put this
whole thing behind us, ok?

You said in your
signed statement

that your husband was
beaten with a p*stol.

That's right.

So the mother of
the boy who was k*lled

claims that he doesn't own one.

Well, so what?

Maybe it belonged
to the other one,

or maybe they
stole it somewhere.

Your husband's served
prison time, didn't he?

What does that
got to do with this?

You realize that this is
a violation of his parole

to possess a handgun?

Don't you people ever let go?

He's paid his debt.

Why are you asking
these questions?

In the sh**ting that followed,
the officer involved claimed

that he fired in self-defense.

Now, without the assailant's
w*apon, we can't prove that.

I'm sorry.

I've already given
you a description.

If you saw him again,
would you recognize him?

Look, I don't mean to be rude.

But I've got to go.

I'm sorry.

Yeah, so am I.

- But we're just doing our job.
- You're doing your Jo...

I don't like the way
you're doing your job.

I'm sorry about that.

Come in.

Hey skip, you wanted to see me?

Yeah, I want to see you.

Seems there's a witness
in the toller sh**ting.

Great, then we can
stop all the charades.

That's the idea.

So why is it this doesn't
sound like it's good news?

Because a witness only
saw one g*n, Lorenzo's.

Then he's lying.

Or you are.

You're a son of a bitch, Rudy.

You're a cop.

You're supposed
to be on our side.

Who is this witness?

Sorry, it's classified.

You'll see him at
the review hearing.

However, he did provide
the department with this.

He videotaped it?

- Yeah.
- Great.

Put it in.

Put it in.

Guy next door playing

with his camera
heard the commotion

and aimed it out the window.

Got it all.

No, wait a second.

That's not what happened.


Well, I don't know
what you're looking at.

But from here, it looks like
use of excessive deadly force.

Like hell it is.

He fired at me, I fired back.

It's not on the tape.

But that's what happened.

No kidding?

Consider yourself
suspended, Lorenzo.

You go to hell.

This is ridiculous.

Obviously whoever took
this turned on the camera

after the fact.

Sorry, Lorenzo.

You know the rules.

Pending the outcome
of the ia's review,

I'm going to have
to have your badge.

But cap...

Give me your badge.

Mrs. Toller, sorry I'm late.


My late husband was in politics.

I'm used to it.

Head of the state
gaming commission.


Troy was our only son.

I'm sorry.

And you have my sympathy.

And I would like you to know
that the matter is still

under investigation internally.

I'm afraid that's
not good enough.

I beg your pardon?

Police don't
investigate each other.

They cover each other.

I want an independent
counsel appointed.

Mrs. Toller, that's
not how the system works.

I don't give a damn
how the system works.

One of your officers
m*rder*d my son.

Do you have any idea what
it's like to lose a child?

To have somebody call you up
in the middle of the night

and tell you he's been shot?

And then he dies.

And you... you didn't
even get to say goodbye.

Do you?

No, I don't.

And I know it's hard.

But that doesn't
change due process.

Due process?

My son was m*rder*d.

Look, Mrs. Toller,
all I can tell you

is that it's still
an investigation.

Under investigation?

I want justice.

I want my son back.

You hear me?

I want my son.

Tracy, what...

Tracy, is everything all right?


My keys... they're inside.

Did you ever have one of those
days when nothing goes right?

Yeah, I think I
can relate to that.

What am I going to do?

I've got an audition
in minutes.

Normally I would tell
you call the auto club.

They would send out a truck.

So Tracy, what you
auditioning for?

Oh, actor's workshop,
kind of an improv.

What, impressions?

That's right.

What are you doing?

My impression of the auto club.

You're a car thief, right?

A man's got to have a hobby.

How about dinner?

I don't cook.

Neither do I.

I'm a vegetarian.

So am i...


It just so happens
that I make the best

smoothie in all of palm beach.

Look, why don't you
come by later on,

let me prove it to you.

Sergeant Lorenzo?

Yeah, it's a long story.

I'd like to hear
about that long story.

I won't start the
blender till you get there.


It's a deal.

How's o'clock?


Good luck on your audition.

Break a leg.

Lance, homicide.

Who is this?

All right, the crestview cafe.


The red and blue windbreaker.


Yeah, ok.

Yeah, I'm going to
need to get your name

and phone number as well.

What you got?

I don't know, maybe nothing.

But, uh, that was
an anonymous caller.

He said that the guy that was
driving the truck the night

that Chris k*lled that
kid over on bayshore

is sitting in the
crestview cafe right now.

You see him?

Yeah, that looks like him in
the blue and red windbreaker.


Just in case, you better
call this in back-up.

Yeah, this is X-ray .

Suspect spotted
at crestmont.

We're at the crestmont cafe.

Requesting backup.


Now, let's go
talk to this puppy.

Let's do.

I'll go around back.

Hey, son.


Hold it!



Get out of the way!

What a great smoothie, Chris.

Well, it should be.

I mean, it's got carrots,
pineapple, apple,

a little chewing tobaccy.

It's an old family recipe.

So Tracy, tell me.

How'd your audition go?

Well, they said they
were going to call me back.

But you know how that goes.

You look so familiar.

Deja vu.


I've seen your picture.

I know.

Wasn't there an
article in the paper

a couple of days ago about
a sh**ting or something?

I'd rather not
talk about that, ok?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean...
- No, no.

Forget it.

Must be really exciting
being a policeman.

Yeah, it's got
its ups and downs.

I'd like to hear about that.

Maybe, but not tonight.

Ok, whatever you say.

But I've never really got a
chance to properly thank you.


You're welcome.

You know what?

I'd like to take
things slowly, ok?


Listen, I know this sounds
strange in this day and age.

But i... I'd like to get to
know you first, you know?

Do you want me to leave?

No, I don't want you to leave.

I want you to stay.

But no sex.

No sex.


Not yet.

Good morning.


You're up early.

What happened?

Did you sleep with him?


We just talked.

Got it all on tape,
just like you wanted.

Did he say anything?


This doesn't feel right.

I can't go back.

You have to.

He k*lled your brother.

Unless you get him to
admit what really happened,

they'll let him off.
Do you understand?

Yes, mother.

I understand.


Only what?

What if he's innocent?

He's not!

How can you be so sure?

My son is dead.

And he k*lled him.

Tracy, you have to be strong.

Do it for Troy.

Do it for all of us.

And what do
you mean you got the tape?

The one that galbraith
showed in hutch's office.

No, I understand that.

But galbraith would
never release this tape.

Wait, Sam.

Did you steal this video?

- Me?
- Yeah.

How could you even
suggest such a thing?

No, actually I taped it
right on the o'clock news.

The anonymous
public servant that

decided to share this with
ia also decided to sell

it with every station in town.

Don't you just love the
entrepreneurial spirit?

Yeah, it's what
makes america so great.

Ok, so now right here, this
is where I fire my piece.


So what about the
back of the truck?

Um, what?

Some boxes.

Earlier that same
evening, there was

a break-in reported
at a construction

site near the hammonds' condo.

Three boxes of tools were taken.

What else?

Wait a minute.

The plate.


The plate.

The last three numbers are d.

All right, we're
going down to the dmv.

We're going to run this
partial tag number.

Maybe we'll get lucky
and find this guy.

No, wrong, Sam.

I'm going to go down to the dmv.

You're on suspension, remember?

Ok, all right, all right.
Whatever works.

All right,
well I'll take care of it

first thing in the morning.

Oh, I wanted to tell
you, I also saw that kid

deke, the one that got away.


Well, an anonymous
caller tipped us to a cafe

over on th.

Unfortunately, he took off
soon as he saw us coming.

But I did get a good
look at his face.

You're good, Sam.

You are good.

Well, I'm starving.

You want to go get a
pizza or something?

I can't.

What, you got a hot
date or something?

Well, see you.

He's got a hot date.

Here you go.

Put some hair on your chest.

I beg your pardon?

Put some hair on your chest.

I used to have a sergeant
who said that all the time.

Put some hair on your chest.


Yeah, but he had this thing
for hairy-chested women.

No, I don't believe you.

No, I'm serious.

I'm serious.

This guy... he used to cruise
the zoo looking for dates.


No, I swear.

I was the best man
at his wedding.

And, well, the bride was...

She was beautiful.
- Really?

A vision in braids.


From her armpits down
to the floor.

Oh, god.

You are so gross.

No, didn't you see the
pictures in the paper?

It was unbelievable.


On a scale of to ,
she was out of sight.

And the things she could
do with a banana, well...


Like, obscene.

I don't believe you.

Would I lie to you?

I don't know.

Would you?


Not intentionally, I wouldn't.

There you are.


I woke up and you were gone.

Is everything ok?

Yeah, just, you know, i...

I couldn't sleep.


Something you want
to talk about?

Well, no.

No, it's got nothing
to do with you.

Everything's fine.

Doesn't mean that we
can't talk about it.

It's about that
sh**ting, isn't it?

I mean, I read the papers.

Why don't you tell me
what really happened?

I was the first one
on the scene that night.

I saw these two guys running.

I ordered for them to stop.

One of them turned around
and he started firing.

I said stop again.

And he kept firing.

So I, uh...

You k*lled him.




He was just a kid.

He was .

He was just a kid.

Anyway, now they
can't find his g*n.

Then this videotape pops up.

But it... it's not
what really happened.

I mean, whoever
took it didn't start

sh**ting until the very end.

And it makes it look like I
shot this kid in cold blood.

But i... want to know something?

If I hadn't been there, I don't
think I'd believe it myself.

He was really sh**ting at you?


That's the only
reason I fired back.

I believe you.


You're not listening to me.

You never listen to me.

No, you never listen to me.

I explicitly told you
to get close to him,

to get him to admit his
guilt, not to lose your head.

I just don't think he did it.

You can't be serious.

After seeing the
videotape on the news?

He m*rder*d your brother.

Stood there with
a g*n in his hand

and shot it without provocation.

- He said Troy had a g*n.
- Well, he's lying.

Would you be quiet?

People can hear us in here.

Tracy, listen to me.

You've got to do
exactly as I say.

You understand?

You must get him
to admit his crime.

I just don't think he did it.

You owe it to Troy.

No, you do.

You were always telling him it
was all right to do whatever he

wanted, no matter what it was.

He could do no wrong.

He was always the one
that you had to protect,

your baby, only he finally
did something that you

couldn't bail him out of.

He found a g*n.

He shot at a policeman.

He got himself k*lled.

Do you hear me, mother?

He did it to himself.

If your brother were here, he...

He would never have allowed
you to use that tone of voice

with me.
You hear me?

Yes, mother.

I hear you.

The problem is
you can't hear me.


Hey, Sam.

Come on in.


How you doing?

All right.

You look beat.

Yeah, I didn't get
much sleep last night.

So tell me, what you got?

I got a dmv printout.

And I had him break it down to
light-colored trucks, all makes

and models, license
ending in d.


So far we have
four possibilities

in the greater palm beach area.

That's it?

That's it.

Oh, this is going
to be a good day.

All right, so we'll
take it from the top.

W... w... what do you mean we?

Come on, Sam.

You can't cut me out of this.

I've got everything
running on the line.

Just do me a favor.

Anything starts to come
down, you let me handle it.

Come on, Sam.

No, I'm serious.

The last thing you
need is to compound

your problems by getting
in a fight or something.


And we should let you handle
it and get suspended with me.

You know, you should stay here.

I should call you
when this is over.

Come on, let's go.

for three.

We're not batting too hot, Sam.

Yeah well, at least
we've narrowed the field.

Yeah, right, but
look around you.

What do you see?
I mean, this place is huge.

Why would somebody who owns
this joint be burglarizing?

That's a good question.

Why don't we knock on the door
and see if they have an answer.

You know, that's
what I like about you,

your psychotic optimism.

You know?

- Never...
- -say...

- never.
- Never.

That's him, Sam.

I'll cover you around back.

Hold it.

Turn around.

Put your hands on the rail.

Spread them.

You have
the right to remain silent.

What do you want?

Anything you say
can and will be used

against you in a court of law.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you can't afford one, the
court will appoint one to you.

Come on.

I didn't do anything wrong.

Look, I don't know
what you're doing here.

But unless you leave
right now, I promise you,

you will live to regret this.

Is that right?

You're dl Monroe?

What's it to you?


Is that what your
friends call you?

They call you deke?

Look, you don't
know what you're doing.

My father's Compton Monroe.

Oh, the state assemblyman.

He doesn't even
live in palm beach.

Try Tallahassee.

Of course, we don't talk
much since the divorce.

But I'm sure if you call
his office, he'll confirm.

Maybe you can tell us
who Marion Campbell is.

My mother.

She remarried.

Does she by chance own
a light-colored truck,

maybe white, license jkd?

Got me.

Where is she?

The south of France.

She's been there since
the first and won't

be back for two months.


Well then, you can show us
where the garage is yourself.

Come on.

Well, maybe i'm
missing something.

But this isn't
light-colored to me.

Hmm, this
almost looks brand new.

Or recently painted.

Isn't that something, Sam?

Well, you got me.

It's not my pickup.

And your mother
left what, the first?

That's about three weeks ago.

I don't know.

But this paint
job looks a little

more recent than that to me.

Yeah, I bet it could
have been done locally,

like right here in palm beach.

It shouldn't
be too hard to track down.

My question is, why repaint
a perfectly good pickup?

Unless you had to, unless you

had used it to commit a crime.


You're sure.


These your tools, deke?


I mean, uh, no.
- So which is it, deke?

Yes or no?


You have any idea what the
penalty is for possessing

stolen merchandise?

- We've got a saw.
- What?

We've got hammers.

We've got screwdrivers.

I just told
you they weren't mine.

Oh, look at this.

And we got this, a tool
for every occasion.

Sometimes I feel like
I need another me just

to return phone calls.

Yeah, well, being suspended,
I haven't had that problem.

Ah, not so fast, Sam.

Here's one for you.


Call Tracy before :.

Sounds urgent.

Oh, it's after : right now.

Listen, while you're
making your call,

I'm going to go talk to hutch.
See you.

All right, see you.

This area is restricted
for police personnel only.


What a relief.

For a second there, I
thought you were somebody.

You know, you're a smart ass.

Hang it up, Lorenzo.

I bet you thought I
couldn't follow instructions.

You better have a good
reason for being here.

You're way off limits.

Dropped by to check on the
status of my review hearing.

Tuesday at :.

You'll be notified by mail.

Don't make any plans.

You know, Rudy, you're
a real public servant.

You think you're tough, Lorenzo.

But I break wind
bigger than you.

I bet it's your diet.

You Nazis are all alike.

You punk.

Lorenzo, galbraith, what
the hell are you two doing?

Rudy here was just giving
me a couple of pointers

on breaking wind, cap.

On what?

He was telling me that my
review hearing is Tuesday.


Then I don't want to see
you around here till then.

- Ok.
- You heard him, Lorenzo.

Look, I'll call you, Chris.

So you were with Troy toller
the night that he was k*lled.

No comment.

And the two of you

had committed several robberies
over the past several months.

On the advice of counsel,
my client wishes to exercise

his rights under the fifth.

Ok, then I'll tell you.

First of all, you broke
into the construction site

at breaker point.

But all you found
were three boxes.

They were sitting in
the back of your truck

the night that you broke
into the Hammond house.

Total fiction.

No, it's not fiction.

It's fact.

Forensics found Troy toller's
fingerprints all over that .

that we found in that toolbox.

The g*n had been
shot four times.

Look, I don't own a g*n.

I've never owned a g*n.

And I don't care whose
fingerprints are all over it.

They're not mine.

You ever hear of the
felony m*rder rule?

Vicarious liability?

It means that if
you and your buddy

commit a felony using a
g*n and your buddy dies,

then you can be charged
with m*rder one.

Isn't that right, counselor?

That's correct.

The minute that
Troy toller fired

that g*n at the officer
answering the call,

you became culpable.

You want any chance of cutting
a deal, I need your cooperation.

And I need it now.

Look, it was all a mistake.

It wasn't even our g*n.

It belonged to the
guy in the house.

That's good, deke.


Ah, damn it.

Ought to be Tracy.

Yeah, hi.

This is Chris Lorenzo.

Is Tracy Lynn in?

She's not? Damn it.

Uh, no.

No message.

Look, by chance, do
you know where I might

be able to get a hold of her?


No, we were just supposed to
get together for dinner tonight.

Ok, thanks.

You k*lled my son!

Mrs. Toller.

Look, Mrs. Toller!

Listen to me, all right?

You got to calm down.
- All right.




Mrs. Toller, put the knife down.

Mrs. Toller, put
the knife down.

Don't sh**t, Sam!

Mrs. Toller, put the knife down.

Oh, you got him.

Put it down.

You k*lled my Troy!

Come here, Mrs. Toller.

Cuffs, Sam.



Excuse me.

Are you Chris's partner?


I'm Tracy Lynn.

Has Chris told you about me?

After what happened, I
probably shouldn't be here.

But I just felt like I
had to say something.

How's your mom?

Waiting psychiatric evaluation.

What's going to happen to her?

I guess that's up to the courts.

She needs help.

I know that.

Listen, do you think you could
tell Chris something for me?

Why don't you tell him yourself?

I'm going to go
make some phone calls.


I'll talk to you in a minute.

This is really hard.

Tracy, it's all right.

You don't have to say anything.

No, I want to.

My brother was always wild,
out of control, so angry.

And when he died, I
just wanted to get even

with the person who did it.

I know that sounds terrible.

But when we met and
I got to know you,

I know now that whatever
happened that night,

Troy brought it on himself.

And I'm just sorry that you
had to be put through this.

I really wish there
was a way that this

could have a happy ending.

I guess it's over, right?


Yeah, I guess it is.

I'm going to miss you.

I'm going to miss you.



Are you ok?


So how'd the hearing go?

Well, they asked
me to step outside

while they put it to a vote.

Well, what is
there to vote about?

I mean, if deke Monroe testified
that his friend fired first,

the whole thing
should be a walkover.

Yeah, well, wish it was
you sitting up on that review

board instead of galbraith.

Yeah, well don't worry about it.

I'm sure they're going to
give you a clean slate.

You know, I just want
this whole thing to be over.

I know.

So what about Tracy?

You going to see her again?


Sorry, Sam.

Yeah, don't be.

I learned a very important
lesson through all this.

And what is that?

If it comes down to a choice
between friendship and sex,

no contest.

Yeah, right.

Sex wins every time.

No, sex does not win every time.

I got this for you.

It's an Irish friendship ring.

Now, you see the
crown right there?

That crown is for loyalty.

And you are the most loyal
partner a cop could ever have,

all right?

The heart is for love,
two hands for friendship,

because I love
you like a friend.


Thanks, Sam.

I could have never made
it back without you.

Yeah, well, I had no choice.

I mean, who's going to make
me bad coffee every day?

Ok, Lance.
Get back to work.

And take that sorry excuse
of a partner with you.
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