01x16 - Witness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x16 - Witness

Post by bunniefuu »

Treat her like a lady, gorgeous.

Good evening, sir.

Just a formality.
- Hi, Mr. Tower.

Welcome back.

Would you like company
again this evening?

I sure would, misty.


Let's go see if we get lucky.


It's a pleasure
to see you again.

I'll bet.

My credit still good with you?

Of course it is, my friend.

Of course.

How much?

$, all right?

I want you to enjoy yourself.

Have misty get you a drink.

Your luck will change tonight.

Sure as hell couldn't
get much worse.

Make your bets.

Make your bets.



Seven on front oine.


Rock it or stock it.


Craps a loser.

Line away.

Go, go!

Craps a loser.

Line away.

Double the bubble.

This is bad news.

Craps a loser.

Line away.

I think I need to
play misty for a while.

Change my luck.

What on earth?

I hope you got paid up front.

Raphael, give me a break.

I'll make good.

I made some calls on you, rj.

You owe everybody money.


Your marker's no good with me.

You've been stealing
from me, haven't you?

What is that, polyester?

Ok, let's see what checked
you out, Mr. Tower.

No froth on your mouth.

I'd been looking
at a heart attack.

No apparent injuries
resulting from the crash.

Oh, what's this?

Little dried blood
on the pant leg.


You are ruining me for
all other men, Lorenzo.

Yeah, well, I hope so.

I hope so.

I also hope this
means that you won't

be using my razor
anymore, seeing

as this is the only face I got.

It's the only one I need.

I love that face.

Even if you did call me Rita
in your sleep last night.

Get out of here.

You did.

You sat up and you
yelled, cover me, Rita.

Yeah, well, as
loud as you snore,

I'm surprised you
could hear anything.

I do not snore!

If it wasn't you snoring,
somebody else crept into my bed

and started snoring like a cow.

Excuse me?

Our... our bed?

Our bed.

This takes some getting used to.

Is it worth it, Chris?

Well, I don't know.

I'm only in it for the sex.

All right.


Don't tell me you're
going to get that.

Yes, I'm going to get this.

I'm on call hours a day.

- That's why I get the...
- Big bucks!


And this had better
be really important.

Death waits for no man, Chris.

Except in your case.

I got a dead guy here
with me waiting for you.

Look, i'm, uh, off the
record now and a little

outside official channels,
but I got something

here I think you should see.

Well, call Rita.

She's the primary, right?

She's up in the batting order.

I already tried.
She can't be reached.

I left word at the station
and on her machine.

No call back.

You all right?


I'm... I'm great.

You're with a woman, aren't you?

Oh, sh... I hate this guy.

I haven't had my cup of coffee
yet, and you're with a woman?

I hate you, pal,
because I can't be you.

At least I can drag
your butt out of...


It's block of
woodridge Avenue.

Cross street is tide water.

Can't miss it.

A lot of police cars,
guys in uniforms.

I'm going to give
you for this, rog.

If it's the last thing I do, I
am going to get you for this.

Hey, Chris, are
you using protection?

I mean that's very
important, especially

when water's involved.

I mean, if I were you,
I'd be wearing a wetsuit.

You know...


It's too bad.

I had plans for you.


Serve and protect.


I would like to serve this...

and protect this.

But i...

got to go.

Sam, what are you doing here?

You were supposed
to be unreachable.

I was doing my eight-mile run.

You know, every morning.

Besides, Roger
left very specific

instructions on my machine.

Rog, do you have any idea
what you pulled me away from?

Yeah, I do.


Crinkly fingertips.

You and Annie were playing
rubber duckies again.


See, Roger heard
splashing on the phone.

He thought it was a waterbed,
but I told him waterbeds

went out with velvet
Elvis paintings.

Yeah, but he's still a king.

So what have we got, rog?

Well, our db is one
rj tower, formerly

of bayside drive, palm beach.

Doesn't have any cash,
but he's got credit cards,

he's got business cards
and receipts, and one

claim check for valet parking.

I've got our guest of honor

down here for a heart attack,
but I won't know for sure

till I get him on the table.

It looks like his,
uh, pump burst,

he lost control of the
car, and he crashed.

Natural causes.

Rog, we're homicide cops.

Why am I here?

Well, I said it looks like.

My guess is somebody
set it up this way.

Take a look.


So he didn't get that kneeling
down to say his prayers.

Think he could've
got it in the crash?

No way.

The kneecap's been pulverized.

My guess is that rj
tower owed somebody money,

and they came to collect
with a baseball bat.

It's one of those romantic
underworld traditions.

Looks like we got a new
shark in our waters, huh?

You look delicious
this morning, Victoria.

Vodka grapefruit, Roberto.

What do you got for me?

Well, these places
are all fabulous.

Very private.

But why the sudden move?

I thought you loved the
morning star estate.

We had a little
trouble last night.


No, everything is secure.

I had to move quickly.

We folded up and
moved everything

out by dawn this morning.

Everybody takes two weeks off.

We reopen in a new location.

This is a very nice layout.

Can it be seen from the street?

I don't understand, Raphael.

Now why did you have
to get out so quickly

if there wasn't a police raid?

What are you, a super sleuth?

What's with all the questions?

It's not your problem.

Just find me another location,
and we're back in business.

I have worked very hard
to establish myself here.

My career is going very well.

Now if anything happens,
that could all disappear.

Now I have done what
you asked me to do,

Raphael, and I think it's...

Let me tell you
something, preciosa.

You'll do what I tell you.

When I leave palm beach,
then we're through.

Not before.

You owe me.

Now you came into this
with your eyes open, Vicky.

You made a lot of
good money with me.

Don't mess it up.

I'd really hate to see something
happen to this pretty face.

What's up, Sam?
There's nobody home.

This place looks deserted.


Valet service said they had
three crews out last night.

Two of them were doing a
restaurant gig and one of them

was doing a private party.


We're here at star Lane.

Check out the listing
agency on the sign.

Yeah, Vicky stone.

Our dead guy had his
card in his wallet.

Vicky stone, come on down.

Give her a call.

Now the property was
leased by a company in Miami

for one of their executives
who was being transferred here.

Talk about traveling light.

How was the lease paid for?

Well, it was a short term,
three month with option.

The company paid in full
with a cashier's check.



Now I assumed they
had possession.

I mailed them the keys.

But, well, the whole transaction
was done by fax and phone.

Smells like a bar room in here.

The whole place is saturated
with cigarette smoke.

Look at this, Sam.

Got cigarette burns in the
carpet, circular pattern

all the way around to here.

Oh, well, that is just great.

Now the lease clearly
states that there

is absolutely no
smoking in here,

and this carpet is ruined.

Well, they just forfeited
their security deposit.

You know what I bet?

I bet the crap table
goes here and the

tables went right over here.

Think they had slot machines?

I just love the slots.

I also bet that you
look good in chrome.

Your turn, Sam.

No... no, wait a minute.

What are you doing?

You're under arrest.

Now you have the right
to remain silent.

Now what is this?
Some kind of a joke?

If you choose to give up
that right, anything you say

can and will be used against
you in a court of law.

Now you are making
a big mistake here.

Ooh, rein up, Chris.

She says we're making a mistake.

No, you made a
big mistake, Vicky.

You knowingly leased this
property for illegal purposes,

namely casino gambling.

A client from this casino
was m*rder*d last night.

That makes you an
accessory to m*rder.

Where was I, Sam?

Uh, you have the
right to an attorney.

You have the right
to an attorney.

If you can afford it...
- Now just hold it, all right?

Now you just wait a
minute, because you

can't prove anything!

One will be provided for you.

You must be doing quite well.

I've seen your name on
signs all over town.

Once this comes down,
your career bottoms out,

well, that'll be a damn shame.

You don't even have
to be convicted.

The arrest alone will wreck you.

Just doesn't seem fair.

You understand these rights as
they've been explained to you?

I can give you
this whole operation,

but you give me immunity.

Sounds like she
understands her rights, Sam.

I think so.

Raphael santana shows up
here, and he asks me to rent him

a big place on a short-term
lease, and he made

it more than worth my while.

And I didn't think
it was so terribly

wrong what the guy was doing.

I didn't.

Look, I didn't know anybody was
k*lled last night, all right?

All I do is lease
the guy the estates.

That's it.

So why did rj tower have your
business card in his wallet?

I don't know.

Look, I have got my
cards all over town, ok?

He could have picked
them up anywhere.

Look, don't lie to us, Vicky.

You'll just irritate us.

You're falling down
a well, here, Vicky.

You might want to grab the rope.

I scout for him,
finding players.

Look, I meet a lot of people in
my business, people with money

to burn, and he's
got use for that.

I wasn't even there
last night, all right?

You already said that.

You also said you
can't prove it.

Now that might be a
little problematical.


You said... you promised me...

No, I promised that I would help

you as long as you continue
to give us your cooperation.

You don't know what
Raphael will do to me.

Then why don't you help
us do unto him first?

Vicky can get us
inside of santana's operation.

Right, I go in as a high
roller from out of town.

Vicky brings Rita in as a
dealer from Atlantic city,

looking for a gig.
- Uh, no, no, no.

This sounds too dicey,
delivering both of you.

He's going to smell a setup.

Look, it's going
to take both of us

inside to make this happen.

Now Chris and I have
discussed the risk,

and we think it's well worth it.

When did you become
this dealer?

We're not talking
about bridge here.

We're talking about a pro.

This guy is a pro!

Yeah, I know, but I worked a
big gambling sting a few years

ago when I was on vice.

Now I worked with a
card mechanic for weeks.

I learned all the tricks.

What kind of budget
we talking about here?

We're talking about
serious styles, all right?

Hotel suite.

Need a k*ller ride, new
wardrobe, k flash cash.



You're supposed to be a
gambler, not a politician.

Like I said, $ grand.

Come on, hutch.

This guy is a stone cold
badass, and we can take him down

before he kills somebody else.

We just got to play to win.

All right, I'll
go along with this.

But I'll make damn sure
you know what you're

doing before I send you in.

Do you understand?

You got yourself
a deal, skipper.

I used to live here.

Hi, baby.

You're early.

Well, I got an
o'clock curtain.

If you want to get dinner,
we should leave right now.

Oh, I forgot.

Time just got away from me.

Look, if you hustle
up, we'll still make it.

Tonight's just not good for me.

If I don't finish
these patterns,

I'm not going to make
my shipping deadline.


Ciao, Annie.
I'm late.


Oh, Chris, this is Lars.

He's modeling for me.

How you doing?

Like to see a
play tonight, Lars?

- Maybe.
- Knock yourself out.

These are great tickets.

Right on.

So, uh, tomorrow, Annie.

Yeah, see you then.


Nice meeting you, buddy.




That's it.
That's it.

I'm out of here.


Missing a play is
such a big deal?

Let's just leave
it alone, Annie.

Don't tell me that this
is about Lars, Chris.

He's gay.

No, no.

This isn't about
Lars, all right?

Or a play, or pins jabbing me in
the butt every time I sit down.

I look around this place,
and all I see is you, Annie.

It's like I've disappeared.

Look at this.

This is totally ridiculous.

All right?

I'm not a clean
freak, but do you

think that you could pick up
after yourself now and again?

Chris, you don't
have to get so mad!

Look at the dishes in my sink!

My bath tub is full of dye!

I can't even clean myself!

And this phone is
always busy, Annie!

Look, I'm sorry.

Bad day, I guess.
Come on, Annie.

I lost my head.
It's no big deal.


The hell it's not!

It's not bad.

I like it.

Draw up the necessary papers.

I want a move in this weekend.

And bring me some
new people, Vicky.

You you're supposed
to be scouting for me.

Oh, I am way ahead
of you, Raphael.

I have got a couple
of live ones for you.



A little favor?


Well, I have an old friend
coming in from Atlantic city.

She could really use a break.


And I was wondering if...

Any friend of yours, Vicky.

What does she do?



She's a dealer.

Now you're talking.

Bring her around.


One more thing, doll.

When you bring
people to my tables,

you better be damn sure
they can afford to play.

Rj tower was on your
list, wasn't he?

And then it turned out badly.

You don't ever want
that to happen again.

Trust me.

Look, Chris.

Cohabitation isn't easy.

It's a game and give and take.

Yeah, well, so far all the
give has been on my side.

I still shouldn't
have blown up at...

Don't do this to me.

Look, it's also
Annie's place, you know?

I mean, you can't just
draw a line down the middle

and have your stuff on one
side and hers on the other.

Yeah, no, it's
not Annie's place.

It is my place, and she
is living in it with me.

Give me my drink!

Would you cut it out?

You're going to break
it like you did before.

It took them two
weeks to fix it.




So look, maybe the
answer is you guys go out

and you get a place
together, one that's really

yours, as in both of yours.


I like my place, Sam.

And I like Annie in it.

It's just, I feel like
I'm living in a factory.

Her business is squeezing
the life out of me.

You know, ever since
I have known you,

women have had to
deal with your work.

Now you get to see it
from the other side.

Sergeant Lance.

Yeah, put her through.

It's Vicky stone.

Vicky, hi.

Uh, that's... that's good news.


No, we can be ready.

Hey, Sam.

Take a ride on the
wild side, huh?

Oh, terrific.

You look like Don Johnson.

I look like the happy hooker.

So where'd you score
this little bobble?


It's a snowmobile.

Last owner's doing a
little federal time.

I like it.

Come on.

I authorized the room, Lorenzo.

You're planning on throwing
a dance while you're here?

Oh, the, um, uh, the
presidential suite

was already booked.

Look, skip, we've got to
keep up appearances, all right?

A high roller from Miami is not
going to rent an economy room.

Plus, they have
those little shampoos

in the bathroom, hutch..

$ grand.

Serial numbers have been
recorded I want receipts.

Illegal casinos
don't have receipts

yeah, well, you make sure
you know that this is working

capital, not party fuel.

Now where are the
video lenses here?

Got one right up here and one
in each one of the other rooms.

You know what ticks me off?


You guys get to
do this and I don't.

This looks like this could
be one long, good party.

Problem with being
promoted, you see.

So don't you ever let
them do it to you.

Once you're out of
the loop, you miss it.

So why don't you come with us?

Someone's got to
be in charge, right?

And I wear that hat.

I'm going to use the bathroom.

You should wear that
hat, cover up that hair.

I heard that.

He's going to snag those
little shampoo bottles, Sam.

I heard that too!


You didn't tell me your
friend was so beautiful, Vicky.

This is Rita wolf.

She came in last night.

Raphael santana.


Vicky tells me you're
looking for a job.

Well, I wouldn't say
no to a decent gig.

Let's say these gentlemen each
have a $, bet down in front

of them.


Show me the magic.

Splitting eights.

You're out $, bucks, slick.

You're up.


Beat them.

That makes .

And you're a loser.

And you, Rita, are an artist.

We're going to make
lots of money together.

You look hot, Lorenzo.

Little too hot, if you ask me.


You're a moving target for
every woman in palm beach.

Yeah, but I got the
lady I want right here.

Tuxedo, fancy hotel suite
at the sandside, Ferrari.

Big night out for us is chili
dog and renting a video.

Yeah, but that's because you
were always too busy, right?

Now who kissed off front
row center theater tickets?

Mea culpa.

Mea culpa, that's right.

You did.

Now you name the
night, and I will

take you out for a fine
meal, a little dancing.


And whatever else.


Sounds fantastic, but I
kind of like the chili dogs.

You know what?

I've been thinking about what
we talked about the other night.

Oh, it's done.

Old history.

No, it's not.
All right?

I like you, Annie.

I want us to be together
for a long time.

Now I know this place
feels like my place to you,

because it feels
like my place to me.

So I was thinking that
maybe we could get a place

together that would be ours.

But this is a great loft.

You love it.

So what?

You love the beach.

We could get a nice
house by the shore.

We could make love to the
sound of crashing waves.

Chris, um, there's something
that we need to talk about.

Ok, but not right now.

It's important.

Look, Annie.

I've got to keep
my mind on tonight.


We'll talk about it
tomorrow morning.

I feel like having some tea.

You want some?

Come here.

Look, sometimes this job gets
the best of me, all right?

Now it has to be that way.

Will you just hang
loose with me on this?

I guess.

Um, I'm just a little scared
about you going into this thing


Hey, everything's going
to be ok, all right?

Believe that.

I don't want to lose you.

Oh, baby, no.

You're not going to lose me.

Not going to lose me.

We draw a high-end clientele.

They like the classy atmosphere.

Now I don't allow my
people to smoke on a shift

or use foul language.


You get a break every
hour when I tell you.

So how much abuse do I have
to take from the players?

Losers are always
going to bad mouth you.

But if they cross the line or
they put their hands on you...


Just nod to Bo
and bonner over there,

and let them deal with it.

Now you keep your tips, but you
toke over % for the girls.

Why am I supposed
to tip the whores?

I mean, that sucks.

It's not like they're doing
it for free or something.

Why be so greedy?

I want the people in
here at my tables.

That's where my money is.

The fluff is just diversion.

They don't make that much money.

You'll make more
money in here in one

night than you ever
made in Atlantic city,

so don't sweat it.

That table over there,
that's your station.

I want you to keep a smile on
your face and the cards moving.

You deal straight, unless
I tell you otherwise.

You're the boss.

You remember that,
and we'll get along just fine.

What the hell was that for?


One last thing, Rita.

Don't even think of
stealing from me.

It's the one thing that
I will not let slide.

When I was a boy, I worked in
the sugarcane fields in Cuba.

My dad, my mom, all of us kids.

On my th birthday,
they put every cent

that they had into
a pot, and they

bought me a secondhand bike.

It was the greatest gift I ever
got, until some punk stole it

from me.

I'll never forget that feeling
of knowing that someone

had taken what was mine.

Did you ever get another bike?

Did I ever get another bike?


I got that bike.

I found out who stole
it, and I bashed

his brains in with a rock.

Moral of the story,
steal from me,

and I'll cut your hands off.


Jeez, you know just
what to say to a girl.

Got me all excited.

You're dangerous, doll face.

Yeah, you better
believe it, pal.

You better believe it.

Vicky, that
is a beautiful dress.

Oh, what do you think,
we're going to prom here?

Now Raphael has a
sixth sense, all right?

Now if he suspects anything...

He's not going to
suspect anything.

Look, Vicky, if you just relax.

Oh, relax?

Look, you don't
even have a g*n, ok?

Do you realize if
something goes wrong...

Nothing is going to go wrong.

You just pretend like
you're having a good time,

like you enjoy being with me.


Now did you get me on
santana's guest list?


His people checked you out.

He knows you're staying
in a suite here.

He knows you're
dropping a lot of money,

that you have a
Ferrari in the garage.

I love ferraris.

Oh, lobster.
- Appearances.

Yeah, very expensive taste.

Excuse me.

No, I'm on duty.

I'm not.

It'll take the edge
off, mellow me out.

To us.

This is really very
exciting, isn't it, Chris?

Knowing that at
any minute, things

could fall apart, explode.

We could both be k*lled.

It's kind of sexy, isn't it?

Let's go.

Wait a minute.

You told me to relax, so let me.

All right.

You've got a couple of minutes.

But Vicky, come on.

Lay off that stuff, ok?

What are you, my babysitter?

I don't drink champagne for
the buzz, just the glow.

Makes me horny.


That makes me feel much better.

Good evening.

Excuse me, sir.

Aren't you going to frisk me?

Not tonight, sweetheart.

Good evening, Vicky.


This is my friend, Chris corso.

I believe I told you about him.

Welcome, Chris.

Can I offer you a drink?

No, no.

I, uh... don't want
to take the edge off.

I'm here to play.

Then let's not keep you waiting.

I'm sure you'll find more
action here than you can handle.

Oh, people.

I'm smoking tonight.



Easy, Vicky.

Easy, easy.
All right, people.

Saddle up one more time.

One more time.


We've got a hot sh**t.

We've got a hot sh**t.

Come on!

All right!


It's going to be an evening.

Look at this, the twin towers.

Good evening.


It's a pleasure.

What are we, best friends now?

Mr. Dibarto.

Show some respect, huh?

I'm giving you
part of the action.

That's your respect.

Now speaking of respect, you got
to bring that dog in my place?

Duchie's a seeing eye dog.

He sees you going sideways on
the count here, we're going

to have a problem, you and I.

What's the excitement?

sh**t's on a role.

Come on!


Pass the dice.

Hold my chips for me.

Hustle for me, Vicky.

We've got to get out of here.

Yeah, but you're on fire.

I need some air.

You've got to lay off
the stuff, all right?

Vicky, I need you on your feet.

Oh, I'm much more
fun on my back.

I am.

Listen to me.

Listen to me.

You see that fat guy
right there with the dog?


That's Donnie "dogs"
dibarto, the mob boss.

He knows us.

If he sees you... oh, no.

Oh, no.

That's not going to help.

Couldn't hurt.


The house wins again.

Hello, doll.

Nice to see you again.

Remember the nice
lady, duchie boy?

I'll bet she remembers you?

Come on.

This table's closed.

Move your tails out of here.

Come on, all good
things come to an end.

Rita, I'm feeling
real lucky tonight.

Are you?

How much are you betting?

All of it.

Money plays.

You're a little bit out of your
neighborhood here, ain't you?

You get demoted down to vice?



Let it ride.

Me and santana, we've
got an arrangement here.

Maybe I shouldn't
be expecting said

arrangement to be long term?

Yeah, well, like you said,
all good things come to an end.


Am I a lucky guy or what?

Hey, the g*ng is all here.

Let that ride.


Three times in a
row, duchie boy.

Is everything ok?

Just fine.

Come on.



Now the way I see
it, if I walk out of here

and don't say
nothing to the Cuban,

you two owe me a little favor.

Then you need glasses, Donnie.

You do yourself into this,
you might not walk out at all.

He's still with the
attitude, this guy.

You know, Rita, I
look at you, and I

forget why I don't like cops.

Then I look at this
and it all comes back to me.


I never had such
a streak of luck.

Tray makes ,
another tray for .

Six makes .

You lose, Donnie.

Deal a straight game.

Would you like another hand?

Yeah, I've got
to get duchie home.

He's in a big show tomorrow.

Needs his beauty rest.

Now duchie, he don't
like the Cuban.

Me neither.

It's going to probably wind
up being a problem for me,

so I'll let him be your problem.

Really nice seeing you again.

Think he's going to
keep his mouth shut?

He's got a crush on you.

I need a drink.

I need a drink.

I need lots of drinks.

Oh, great.

Well, at least somebody's
having a good time.

She left a hickey
on your neck, Sam.

She what?


Oh, Annie is going
to kick my butt.

You know what, Sam?
This is UN...

I am on a hot streak.

I am up $ grand.

Come on.

Admit it, Sam.

This is a gas!

I mean, the atmosphere,
the adrenaline rush.

It's... it's no
wonder some of these

people get so strung out on it.

Yeah, well, I can hardly
contain my excitement.

My back hurts, my
feet are k*lling me,

and you are acting like
diamond Jim over there,

sucking face with Madonna.

Let's play.


All right, dealer needs a break.

Vicky, there's some food out.

Why don't you take
Chris and get something

to eat and refresh yourselves?

I'll have bonner secure the
table until you get back.


You look exhausted.

Let me take you someplace
where you can rest.

Man, did you see
that guy out there?

He is on such a roll.

He was just one hand
after the other, just...

Think I'm stupid, Rita?

You think I don't
know what you are?

You think I don't
know what's going on?

You and your boyfriend in there?

Is Vicky a part of this?

She brought you in, didn't she?


You better answer, damn it.

You better tell me.

You keep your hands
off me, you bastard!

God, you're a hot one.

You're a little firecracker.

Get your hands off of me!

Are you stealing from me, Rita?


I warned you.

Look, I am dealing straight.

The guy's on a roll, right?

I mean, you think I would try
something stupid like this

the first night that
I'm working for you?

Give me a break.

You hit good for a woman.

How much is he up?

I don't know, $, $ grand.

I could have taken him
down a long time ago,

but you told me
to deal straight,

so that's what I've been doing.

The guy's on a roll, ok?

He's lucky.

Well, now his luck runs out.

I want you to hit him hard.

Hit him hard all the way down
to the lint in his pockets.

Do you understand me?

I want everything he's got.


Wouldn't make any plans
for that money, slick,

because it is
coming home to mama.

I got your number, baby.

You been snake bit.


That's your third in a row.

All right.

Do it again.

Damn it!

Sorry, slick.

You're history.

Seems like you've hit
a terrible run of luck.

But it's going to
turn back around.

I know it will.

It's just, I'm tapped out.

Raphael, if you could
see a way clear to...

Say no more.

Angel, Mr. Corso has a
credit line of $,.

Just sign right here.

Back in business.

Your boyfriend's
very unlucky, Vicky.

Raphael, I need to talk to you.

Is there a problem?

You know what they say, Chris.

There's only one thing worse
than playing and losing.

And that's not playing at all.

Listen, Raphael, I will
wire my office in Miami.

I'll have those markers
paid off by lunchtime.

I wish I could
say it's been fun.

Chris, where are you?

Come out, come out,
wherever you are?

I have been looking
all over for you.

You're a very bad boy.
I couldn't find you anywhere.

No, Vicky, look.

You've been a big help,
but this is not a game...

I have been thinking
about this all day.

I can make you feel so...


Oh, whoo!


Vicky, look, get... get...

Now this could be
very interesting.

Come on, baby.

I've been thinking about this...
- Vicky, come on.

Get... look, this is
not part of the...

You've got to let go of me.



Go, man.

Come to mama.

Shh, shh, shh.

Let's move.

No, let's get it on tape first.


Hey, you come with me.




Wait a second!

You owe me big time, Chris.

And you can't pay me, can you?

Going on here?

Vicky tells me
you're so tapped out,

you can't even pay
your hotel bill.

And you're stealing from me.

Raphael, please don't.

Shut up.

Did she tell you what
happened to the last chump

who tried to stiff me?

He's dead.

He was stealing from
me just like you.

That ought to do it.

Let's get it.

You like baseball?


Police officers!



Sorry we're late, Sam.

Yeah, we ran into
a little traffic.

Yeah, well, next time call.

You know how I worry.


You looked so peaceful, but
you said to get you up at :.

Good morning, baby.

Good morning.

You smell like smoke
and cheap perfume.

Where were you last night?

Long story.


And you smell so good.

Ah, ah!

Annie, what...


You come home with a
hickey on your neck,

and you're going to tell
me that it's business?

Annie, look, it's
not what it looks like.

I mean, it's a hickey, but...

job gets complicated
sometimes, ok?


So does mine.

And to think that I
was worried about how

I was going to tell you.

I feel so stupid.

How to tell me what

I'm leaving, Chris.

I'm going to Italy.

I got the call yesterday.

It's a chance I can't let go by.

Wait a minute.

We're going to talk about this.

I tried to talk to
you about it yesterday.

Ok, now we're talking.

Annie, you can't just blow
out of my life like this.

We... I mean, think about this.

We... we got something
good together.

Chris, what we
have is so magical.

But I've only known
you for three months,

and I've been waiting for a big
break like this my whole life.

And I've been waiting
for you my whole life.

Chris, remember how you said
that sometimes your job takes

all of you, and that
I'm just going to have

to learn to deal with that?

So you have to understand
how this is for me.

How long you going to be gone?

I don't know.
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