01x08 - Curtain Call

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x08 - Curtain Call

Post by bunniefuu »

In the land of
the rich and famous,

money makes for
strange bedfellows,

and sleep is not necessarily
the sport of choice.

In fact, it's golf.

A game that requires a good lie.

And frequently it's
not where you lie

but who you live with
that determines the score.

Darling, I feel like
some drinks poolside.

Why don't you go and makes
us a batch and I'll join you.

I've got to make
a few phone calls.


These past few months
have been incredible, Terry.

And you, my darling
Sarah, are insatiable.

Only for you.

Thank you.

To you.

And to you.

And to you.

And to us and special surprises.

What kind of surprises?

Hmm, let's see.

Six feet, broad
shoulders, years

old, and absolutely delicious.

We don't have to play
these kind of games.

But sweetheart, it's
a game that you enjoy.

You'll enjoy it like I do.

As a matter of fact,
before long you'll

want to play again and again...

Don't talk like that.

It makes me feel dirty.

Sarah, it's fun to
be dirty, remember?

Why are you doing this?

We have something
special together.

Look, sweetheart, my lover.

This happens to be my party.

And once you get thrown
off the guest list here

you just don't get invited back.

Don't be naive, Sarah.

I have done for you.

I've given to you.

I have put you in my movies.

Now it's time that
you do for me.

Is that all I am to you?

You think I'm with you because
I want to work in your movies?

I care about you.

Then prove it.

Come on, do this for me.

If you don't, we're done.

You're done.

As a matter of fact, you won't
be working in anymore movies.

You won't be working period.

How dare you.

How dare you!

You bitch.


Get out!

Get out of here!

Get out of my sight!

You frightened me.

I knew you'd be back.

You like it when I play rough
with you, don't you, baby toy?

You forgive me?


Excuse me, do you
have any bandages?




What are you doing here?


What about you?

I didn't even know
that you were in town.

How long has it been?

Eight years.

I'm on vacation.

No television, no newspapers.

It's a long story.

What happened to your head?

Oh, nothing really.

I cut it this afternoon.

It bled a little
then it stopped.

I just wasn't thinking.

I went to take a
shower and wash my hair

and it started up again.

I'm going to take these too.

Oh, it's no big deal.


Let me do this.

You don't have to do this.

Hold still.

There you go.

Good as new.

Kind of a statement.

Oh, thanks.

My pleasure.

It was nice to see
you again, Sarah.

Yeah, you too.

So what kind of
work are you doing?

Palm beach pd.

A policeman.


No kidding.

Yeah, that one's
a long story too.

You know, why don't you
give me your phone number

and maybe we could go out.

I'll give you mine if
you'll give me yours?

Something like that.

Um, I'm down at the beach.



Ok, bye.


You live in the
area, miss vannoker?

Yes, I live right down the road.

Terry and I were
supposed to have lunch.

This is awful.

Yes, ma'am, it is.

You didn't notice anything
unusual last night, huh?


There was a car.

A car.

What... what kind of car?

A convertible.

It was late.

I was on my way home.

And she came out of
the driveway so fast

I thought she was going
to run me off the road.

Shia, are you sure
it was a woman, ma'am?

Actually, no, I have no
idea if it was a woman.

I saw the house and I
associated with Terry.

I assumed it was Terry.

Ok, thank you.

You've been a big help.

Let's go and give your name
to the officer at the gate.

We might need to get
back in touch with you.

I talked to the housekeeper.

She said that she heard an
argument out by the pool

yesterday afternoon.
She went outside to look.

She saw her boss and
some woman fighting.

Can she give us an ID?

Well, she claims that it
was a friend that Terry Kelsey

brought back from Los Angeles.

She just finished a movie.

Now, this woman is young.

tops, no name.

Oh, get this.

The housekeeper, not
that she gossips,

but she thinks that Terry Kelsey
and this woman were real close.



According to Terry
Kelsey's husband she took

a lover on her last picture...

A woman named Jerry.

Jerry is the one the housekeeper
saw her arguing with.


And if Roger tells us that
Terry's death is a m*rder?

We got ourselves
a silk stocking.


Approximate time of
death was midnight.

She'd been drinking.

Bruise marks around her neck,
trauma to the esophagus.

So she was strangled?

No, but she definitely
fought with somebody.

My guess is whoever it
was probably held her

under water till she drowned.

Only, it wasn't in the pool.

It was in the hot tub.

I ran an analysis of
the water in her lungs

against the water in the pool.

Chlorine contents don't match.

But the hot tub does.

Right on the money, Chris.

So maybe we should go back
out and take another look.

Yeah, I'll go by first
thing tomorrow morning.

Anything else, rog?

Yeah, scrapings from
under her fingernails

turned up a small amount
of tissue, right hand only.

Already sent it out for typing.

What about anything that
might suggest sexual as*ault?

No, nothing like that.




Just make yourself at home.

I rang the bell...



You said sorry.

Funny, I never thought i'd
ever hear that from you.

I'll just get dressed.

No, you don't have to
get dressed on my account.

It's ok.

Same old Chris.

You know, you should
really keep your door locked.

How did you know where I lived?

Actually, ever since high school

I kind of wander from
apartment to apartment

hoping that you'll be there.

I'm serious.

It wasn't listed
under your name.

The condo belongs to a friend.

I told you, I'm just visiting.

So what have you been
doing with yourself?

Nothing was keeping me here
so I decided to move to la.

Did some modeling, little
acting, some stunt work.

The usual.

Now you're back.

How long are you staying for?

Not long.

In fact, I just talked
to a friend in la

who said I could crash with
her if I wanted to come

back and share the rent.

Oh, well, what do
you say before you

go back we go out, get some
dinner, catch up on old times?

I don't think so.

Why not?

Some memories are more
painful than others.

I've changed.

So have I.

Come on, give me a chance.

How about tonight?



Come on.

It'd be great, and all
you have to do is say yes.

I don't know.

Close enough.

I'll pick you up at :.

Yes, officer.

Oh, you should have been there.

It was good.
- I bet.

There's nothing like
a little bumper cars

to get your blood going
early in the morning.

It almost made me remember
how fun this job can be.

Oh, yeah.

So anyway, I'm flying across
traffic and this guy comes in...

Whoa whoa, you
keep saying the guy.

You keep saying this guy.

You said you couldn't see the
driver because the windows were

too dark.
- No, it had to be a guy.

I mean, no woman
drives like that.

I don't understand.

This guy knew how
to handle a car.

Yeah, well, I know
how to handle a car.

That's different.

You are not the average woman.

That's very true.

And are a chauvinist oinker.

Don't... don't start
with the sexist stuff.

Well, if the snout fit, Sam.

The snout fits.

Our prime suspect is Terry
Kelsey's mystery lover.

And that lover is a woman,
so it's not such a leap

to think that the driver of that
Van that played tag with you

is said female suspect.

Somebody must have seen you
nosing around the Kelsey

mansion and gotten nervous.

Did you find anything?

Yeah, this.

Found it at the bottom of the
hot tub near the drain plate.

Millbrook academy class of '.

It's got jv engraved inside.

Well, Millbrook's
a military school.

It's not coed, so the
ring doesn't belong to one

of Terry's female flames.

Some guy could have given
it to our mystery lady

or given it to Terry.

Maybe, and maybe it's got
nothing to do with anything.

But Terry died in the hot tub.

We found the ring
in the hot tub.

I'm going to run
out to Millbrook

and see if I can't
find anything out.


You ready for that self-defense

class this morning?
- You bet.

I studied all night.

Yes, it's definitely
one of ours.

And as you can see,
it's got the initials

jv engraved on the inside.

So it does.

The average class
size is well over .

Most boys buy a ring.

Miss Parker, is that
the right annual?


We're going to need their
address too, miss Parker.

Jv, jv, tager, utrecht, Winston.

I'm sorry, there doesn't seem
to be anyone with those initials

in that class.

But this is a school ring.

Oh, definitely.

Sometimes boys we'll
give them to girls.

Perhaps whomever it
belonged to had it engraved

with his girlfriend's initials.

Thank you, miss Parker.

That will be all.

Yes, sir.

Sorry we can't be more help.

Thank you for the time.

All right.

She would have worked on
Terry Kelsey's last film.

Her name was Jerry something.


You wouldn't happen to have
an address and a phone number

would you?

No, I see.

I see.

No, actually, that would
be extremely helpful.

Yes, thank you very much.

I hope you got something
because I completely

struck out at Millbrook.

Actually, I just spoke with
Terry's agent in Los Angeles.

There was a girl that
worked on her last picture

named Jerry rand.

They're going to fax
us a picture of her

by the close of business.

Nice work, Sam.

Thank you.

And since there's nothing
we can do until the photograph

comes in, I'm out of here.

Wait a minute.

Where are you going?

What's her name, Sam?




You truly amaze me.

I just ran into her last night.

We worked until
: in the morning.

I stopped off at
the convenience store

on the way home.


Nothing like a new relationship.

It's not a new
relationship, Sam.

I knew her in high school.

You knew her like in what sense?

- Mm-hmm


Uh... hello.

Pardon me.

But not biblical?


You should have seen her, Sam.

She was so beautiful.

I should've never let her go.

So you're really
hung up on this girl?

No, I'm not.


I never even slept with her.

You're kidding.

- I was young.
- How young?


Still a virgin.

Get out.

Well, I was a
late bloomer, Sammy.

Oh, I wanted this girl so bad.

And she wouldn't do
it with me so I dumped

her for somebody who would.

That was a stupid mistake.

And you haven't seen
her since high school?

No, I went off to college
and never looked back.


Well, I just have
one thing to say

and that's whatever you do
you use you're thinking cap.

Come on, Sam, it's
been eight years.

You're right.

Maybe you should stop by
the drugstore on the way

and pick up a couple more.

It's really good
to see you, Sarah.

Do you remember the time
my mother threatened to sh**t

you for bringing me home late?

Yeah, I never understood that.

I mean, I told her that I would
have you home by midnight.

I had you home by midnight.

Somehow I don't think parking
outside the house for two hours

was exactly what
she had in mind.

Boy, that was a good night,
up until the point when your mom

dragged you out of the car.

Is that why you stopped calling?

No, no, I stopped calling i...

I didn't know a good
thing when I had it.

Big mistake.

I don't know about that.

You must have gone out with
every other girl in the school.

Yeah, I guess I was
kind of an overachiever.

It took me a long
time to get over you.

I'm sorry.

I'm not.

I wasn't ready and you were.

Just bad timing.

It's a lesson.

How about now?

What about now?

You think our timing's improved?

You think so?

It's worth a shot.


Can I use your phone?



Hey, Sam, it's me.

Hey, how's choir practice?

Very intense.

What's up?

I just thought
you'd like to know

we just got in the faxed
photo of Jerry rand.


You know, Terry Kelsey's lover.

You want to stop
back by and see it?

Why don't you fax it to me?

Uh, -.

I'll send it right out.

See ya.

Chris Lorenzo: See ya.

Come back to bed.

Just as soon as
this fax comes out.

What's wrong?

Look, I don't care what
her housekeeper saw.

I didn't k*ll her.

I didn't even know she was dead.

But you had a fight
with her that afternoon.

What about?

What did you and Terry
Kelsey fight about?

A man.

What was his name?

She never said.

What, you don't know the guy?


You come to blows
with Terry Kelsey over some guy

you don't even know?

Was she's seeing him?

You jealous?

Is that what happened?


God, Sarah, I know that you
and Terry Kelsey were lovers.

Now what happened?

She was seeing some
guy on the side.

You got jealous and
confronted her, is that it?

No, it wasn't like that.

Then what was it?

What was it like?

She... she wanted me to
do a threesome with her

and this -year-old kid, ok?

A line even you won't cross.

Look, Chris, I don't expect
you to understand who I am,

but don't you dare judge me.

Yes, Terry was my
lover, but that doesn't

make me some kind of a freak.

I was in love with her.

There was nothing kinky
or twisted about that.

I loved her.

She... she tried to turn
it into something ugly.

She broke my heart.

You broke mine.

How do you think I
feel about all this?

Don't con yourself, Chris.

We had a great time in bed.

There's a difference, one
that you never understood.

Why don't you telling me, Sarah?

Tell me what it's like to
make love to her and to me.

It's who I am, Chris.

And I won't to apologize
to you or anyone else.

That's why you wouldn't sleep
with me when we were seniors.

I thought it was because
you had such high morals.

You have a fling with
a cheerleader or what?


You bastard!

We need to talk outside now.

What the hell were you
trying to do in there?

I'm trying to get
to the truth, Sam.

About what?

Terry Kelsey's m*rder*r or
Chris Lorenzo's lost love, huh?

You are so close to
what is happening here

you're letting your
personal feelings

totally block your judgment.

I got a little carried away
in there but I can handle this.

Who arrested her?
- You did, Chris.

That's right.

I did.

You have got to get
a grip on yourself.

A girl named Valerie
Parker called you.

I don't even know
a Valerie Parker.

She said
something about Millbrook

academy or something like that.

Listen, why don't you go call
her and I'll handle this, ok?

Thanks, Sam.

Valerie Parker?


Sergeant Lorenzo.

Thanks for coming.

You want to take a walk?

I'm sorry to bring you
all the way out here,

but if the people at milbrook
academy knew I said anything

I'd lose my job.

Said anything about what?


The initials on the ring.

I'm sure they stand
for James vannoker.

James vannoker?

His picture wasn't in
the senior yearbook.

I checked.

He never graduated.

He was thrown out.

Over what?

An incident involving
a female instructor.

He att*cked her
in her classroom.

See, she'd been working late,
you know, grading papers?


And when she refused
his advances he

grabbed her and threw
her up on the desk.

Then when she tried to
fight back he beat her up.

I don't know what he would
have done if the campus

guard hadn't come by.

Attempted r*pe.

That's a serious charge.

Why wasn't he arrested?

She never pressed charges.

The vannoker's are old
money and old money talks.

Sounds like his pop
covered it up for him.

As I recall his father's dead.

His mother's the one.

The school gave the teacher
early retirement with full pay

to keep things quiet.

That's the way things are done
at a school like Millbrook.

Mrs. Vannoker.

Water looks nice.

Very nice, thank you.

Sergeant Lorenzo, right?


Thank you.

Your maid let me in.

I'm here on police
business, ma'am.

Did you swim in college?

I never went to college.

I didn't have to.

Actually, my best
was in high school.

When I was , I was
ranked nationally.

My father had hopes of
my going..

What happened?

Oh, I was fast
just not fast enough.

What can I do for you?

Actually, I'm here to
talk to your son James.

Sergeant Lorenzo, if this is
about those speeding tickets

I'm afraid you'll have
to speak to my attorney.

No, no, it's not about
speeding tickets, ma'am.

Actually, it's about the
death of Terry Kelsey.

Drowning like she did,
a real waste, you know?

So you knew her well?


Yeah, I guess.

I mean, she used to
come over all the time.

Actually, Terry and
I were very close,

ever since we co-chaired a
telethon for crippled children.

She was one of the most
generous people I've ever known.

Irreplaceable really.

What about you, James?

You feel the same way.


Of course, Terry drank a bit.

Would you say she was
an alcoholic, ma'am?

Oh, no, nothing like that.

It's just that when an
actress of her stature

reaches a point in her
career and younger women

get the parts, it causes stress.

James, that look
familiar to you?

Sure, it's my ring.

I thought I'd lost it.

Where did you find it?

Bottom of Terry
Kelsey's hot tub.

Since leaving school,

my son has been doing
odd jobs around town.

Terry asked him to come over and
do some work for her last week.

The hot tub wasn't
working right.

What was wrong with it?

The filter was clogged.

I took my ring off before going
underwater to take a look.

Must have knocked it
in without realizing.

Thanks for bringing it back.

I can't let you have that.

Why not?

It's official police evidence.

Until the case is
closed I'll need it.

James, where were you at
midnight the night before last?




I can confirm that, sergeant.

I was reading.

Ok, thank you.

If you can of think
of anything else

or if you hear anything else,
I'd appreciate a phone call.

You have a nice day.

Sarah, I don't know if
this is as hard for you

as it is for me, but
we... we got to talk.

Somehow I think it has a
lot more to do with listening.

I already talked
to your partner.

I know.

She told me.

She believes you.

But you don't.

I don't know what
to believe anymore.

That's because you're a man.

You think the sun rises
and sets on your ability

to make love to a woman.

What happened between us
last night was special.

I know that and you know that.

Whatever else I am
that can't be changed.

And if you doubt that, then
it's your loss not mine.

I love the way you touch me,
the way you make me feel,

the way you smell.

But there are things
a woman can do,

things she understands
about my body

and my heart that make
me respond in ways

that you will never understand.

Does that make it wrong?

Hey, Sammy.


Did you talk to her?


I just spoke to Donovan.

Sarah's arraignment's today.

They're talking slam dunk.

Come on, all the
evidence is circumstantial.

Well, the housekeeper
made a positive ID.

She was seen arguing
with the victim

just hours before
she was k*lled.

And take a look at this.

Tissue found underneath
Terry Kelsey's fingernails

looked to be a perfect
match of the sample

taken from Sarah this morning.

I'm sending the
samples to Washington

to get a positive
confirmation through DNA.

Come on, there's got to
be something more than this.

You said the ring that
you found in the hot tub

belong to James vannoker.


So I wonder if
they own a white Van.

Now that's a thought.

You go and check out the
dmv, and I'm going to go see

if I can't slow Donovan down.



Lorenzo, whatever it
is the answer is no.

I'm already late.

Is this your car, Donovan?

Which one?

This one right here
in the handicap zone?

Listen, Lorenzo, i'm
supposed to be at judge

winter's court minutes ago.

You know, Donovan,
you got me in a very

difficult position here.

I'm sworn to uphold the law.

You're an officer of the court...

Ok, talk.

Just make it fast.

Sarah lawton.

I want you to postpone
her arraignment.

We've got her cold.

She's innocent.

I trust this is
based on something

harder than I think it is.

Come on, Donovan.

Look, I grew up with this girl.

She couldn't have
k*lled Terry Kelsey.

I just want you to give
me some time to prove it.

Let me tell you something.

Before I came here I spent
seven years as a prosecutor

in Cleveland.

You know what your friends
say when you work for the da

instead of making the big bucks?


They say, are you crazy?

I mean, all those years in
law school and for what?

And you tell them you're
doing it because it matters.

Because these are mean streets
filled with angry people and I

make a difference.

And then I got a job offer
here and I come to palm beach.

And I look around
and everybody's

rich and bored and greedy.

And I ask myself, what are these
people k*lling each other for?

They've got it made.

And then I realized, rich
or poor makes no difference.

Human beings are all alike...

Passion drives us all.

Now, maybe this Sarah
lawton's a vestal virgin.

Maybe she didn't k*ll her.

But don't you tell
me she couldn't

because I know she could.

hours, Donovan.

: tomorrow morning
and not a minute longer.


Oh, no.

Lorenzo, do something.
Don't just stand there.

Come on, you know what they say.

Once she starts writing the
ticket it's sayonara, baby.

You look a little tense.

- Cops.
- Good luck in court!

Excuse me, miss.


How'd it go?

Gave us until
o'clock tomorrow morning.

How about the dmv?
How'd that go?

Well, the record showed
a white Van belonging

to a kl vannoker in tidewater.

I mean, even if we find body
damage, the most we can get

this kid for is as*ault,
maybe attempted m*rder

if Donovan pushes hard enough.

Yeah, unless we can tie the
kid to Terry Kelsey the night

she died.

What day is it, Sam?

It's, uh, Wednesday.


It's trash day.

No, tomorrow's trash pickup day.

Exactly, which means we've
got to get a warrant by tonight.

Come on.

Somebody really hated
these photographs, Sam.

You know what?

It's amazing how much you
can learn about somebody

from their garbage.
Look at this.

Yeah, just like tea leaves.

Not just like tea leaves.

What can you
learn about a person's

personal hygiene
from tea leaves?

Phew, and then, of course,
there's always the smell.

God, I hope we finish this
before the sun comes up.

I would hate for anybody
to see us reduced to this.

Look at this.

Petroleum jelly.

You know what?

The guy who invented
this stuff used to eat

a spoonful every morning.

Lived to be .

That looks like it's
been licked clean.

I wonder if he's still around.

What's that?

Oh, nice.

Kind of sheer, black lace.

I dated a girl once
who wore these.

Exhibit a.

Exhibit a.

For a member of the old guard,
our Mrs. Vannoker may be more

of a golfer than we thought.

Yeah, wait until you meet her.

She's hell in a
lavender bathing suit.

What's wrong?

It's either last week's milk
or the next week's cottage...



There's another piece of
our photographic puzzle.

You know what the problem is?

We've got more than
one picture here.

Look at this, Sam.

Look at that.

Terry Kelsey and our
young master James.

Maybe he's her number one fan.


Yeah, that's the problem with
people like the vannoker's.

No sense of value.

Only somebody who had
too much of everything

would throw away a
perfectly good pair of...

They're embroidered.



Terry Kelsey.

So what do you
think we should do?

I think that we
should wait until dawn,

then execute our warrant
having established

reasonable suspicion.

In short...

We should kick ass.

We should kick ass.


Be careful.











Keep struggling i'm
going to put you out.

I fight a little
hard than Terry did.

You tell me how you snuffed her.


Wait, Jimmy.

Slow down, baby.

Don't rush it.

What are you?

Some kind of tease?

Tease is part of the game.

What's this?

Is this a high school ring?

Ha ha.

Now we're going steady.

She was laughing at
me, making fun of me.


Do I, baby?

Do I excite you?

Oh, god.

You couldn't even
get to first base.

I guess I can't expect
a boy to do a man's job.

Come back when you
grow up, little Jimmy.

So you came back to get even.

She thought I was
coming back for more.

I knew you'd be back.

You like it when I play rough
with you, don't you baby toy?

You forgive me?



James, get out of
the water right now.

Let him go!

James, get out of the water.

Don't think about it, all right?

There's no way out of this.

You put the g*n down.

James, plug in the
sander and turn it on.

I'm very sorry,
sergeant, but James and I

will have to tell the
police that you were dead

when we found you, and that we
had no idea how you got in here

or who left the
sander plugged in.

It is such a tragedy.

Put the sander down, James.

Put it down.


Throw it.

Don't do it.

Put it down.

Move away from the pool.

Put the g*n down and
move away from the pool.





What an awful way to die.

Wasn't worse than what
happened to Terry Kelsey.

You got that right.

Now miss vannoker will
stand trial as an accessory

to m*rder, but
there's no punishment

they can give her that's worse
than what she already has.

I know you're disappointed.

About what?


You had certain feelings,
expectations about who I was,

but that's the problem.

It's who I was, not who I am.

Listen, Sarah,
back in high school

I might have had
trouble with this.

But today, it's still
something special to me.

Regardless of
sexual preferences?

Regardless of
sexual preferences.

As long as you're happy.

Thank you.

What's this?

Just a little
something of yours I

should have returned
a long time ago.

Is something going
to jump out at me?

It's my ID bracelet.

You kept this.

When you broke up with
me because I wouldn't...

I'd told you I'd lost it.

I guess I just
wanted to hurt you.

I know.

I'm sorry, Sarah.

I'm sorry about a lot of things.

Don't be.

It's a wild world and
nobody rides for free.

Have a nice life.

You have a nice life.
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