01x04 - In the Name of Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Silk Stalkings". Aired: November 7, 1991 – April 18, 1999.*
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Series portrays the daily lives of two detectives who solve sexually-based crimes of passion among the ultra-rich of Palm Beach, Florida.
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01x04 - In the Name of Love

Post by bunniefuu »

people get off on conversation.

Some people do it with a look.

Until you've had an intimate
relationship with an exercise

machine, you can never really
appreciate the appetites

aroused by pumping iron.

Of course, they'll tell
you that the equipment was

scientifically designed by some
physical therapist with a phd

from mit.

That's lies, all lies.

Only someone who truly
understands the pleasure

of pain could have created
such exquisite machines

of t*rture, like
the Marquis de sade,

or my boss, captain hutchinson.

Lance, we just got a call.

We got a dead body down
on east palm drive.

Give it to Decker.

Can't do that.

Deckon works in downtown.

Put in a code five.

You're it.

You're talking to the
wrong party, skipper.

I just got off shift, remember?

Besides, my partner's
on a hot date.

Well, I don't care if he's got
his zipper stuck in a toaster.

, block, east Paul.

And the caller says
this guy's laying

beside the wheel of a Mercedes
with a meat hook in his chest.

What, a meat hook?

Obviously a psychotic
who ran out of b*ll*ts.

Either that or a
near-sighted butcher.

Pick up your partner.

Meet me down there asap.

Yeah, right.

Hi, Chris.


You're already here.

Let me help you with this.

Yeah, I had Sam drop me as
soon as we came off shift.

What's this?

Well, you said you wanted
to make pasta tonight,

so I thought I'd surprise you.

You went shopping?

You know, you... you
didn't have to do that.

I picked up everything we need.

The linguine.

Actually, i... I usually
make my own linguine.

The marinara sauce.

Marinara sauce.

You make your own.

You... you know,
it's... it's no big deal.

I remember you saying
something about shallots,

but they didn't have
any, so I got onions.



- Did I do something wrong?
- No.


But maybe we can
put this stuff away,

and I'll make a run to
the store later myself.

You're doing it again.

Doing what?

Everything always has
to be exactly your way,

or it isn't right.
- No, no.

It's not that, really.

It's everything is
going to be just fine.

Be honest.

I'm being honest.

Are you sure?

You know, why don't we just skip

straight to the dessert, huh?

- Don't do that.
- Do what?


You know I can't concentrate
when you do that.

Sorry, Sam!

We've got a on east palm.

I thought you called her Sam.

I do.

Oh, this better be good.

Sounds like a silk stalking.

I've got to go.

What about the pasta

uh... uh...

I'll be back.

Sam, i...

A lot of police

work is a numbers game.

A code five is a stakeout.

A - is as a
probable dead body.

That usually means whoever found
it was too spineless to find

out for sure, so they dialed
emergency instead,

and called palm
beach pd, that's us.

You know, I'm really
an easygoing guy.

But it's stiffs like you
that really tick me off.

Would you look at this guy?

Geez, I hate it when
rigor mortis sets in.

You have any idea
how long it's going

to take me to put him down.

How long has this guy been dead?

Oh, about eight hours.

Maybe more.

Whoever did it used a meat hook.

No, I don't think so.

What would you call it?

Well, it looks like a bail hook.

A bail hook.

What's the difference?

Well, meat hooks come from
abattoir slaughterhouses.

They use bail hooks
down at the docks.

Oh, ok.

See you, rog.

See you.

You're late.

I hope we didn't keep you from
anything pressing, Lorenzo.

Well, actually, we were just
getting to that part, captain.

I bet you were.

Hey, who is this guy?

He's ID'd as a
Quentin kirkland III.



Kirkland and bowles.

You know it?

I went to school
with his daughter.

Well, we were pretty close.

Did you ever meet him?


Her mother was his first wife.

By the time I met her, he
was working on number four.

- Ooh, three ex-wives.
- No, no, no.

Try four ex-wives.

He was busy puppy.

He has a current, too.

So what else we got?

Well, you got nothing
until lab gets finished here,

then I'll get you a report.



A parking stub.

First downtown.

Thank you.


He's well protected and well
connected, do you know that?

This thing could get messy.

So look here, look.

I want you two to close this
as fast as you possibly can.

You understand me?

All right?

And I'll go downtown
and run interference.

All right.
I'll go talk to his daughter.


I'll finish up here, and
then I will catch a ride

out and talk to the widow.

I'll meet you there.

All right.

Thanks for coming down.

I am sorry that you
had to be the one.

It's ok.

I'm sure my father is
just as emotional in death

as he was in life.

That's him.


Are you ok?

I need to ask you
some questions.

When was the last time
that you saw your father?

A couple of weeks ago.

It wasn't like we were very
close or anything like that.

You know, I hardly ever remember
my dad when he and my mom

were married.

And then after the
divorce, it was like we

were complete strangers.

Is that why you
never talked about him?

It was awful, because, you
know, I just kept thinking,

why doesn't he love me anymore?

I'll never forget that sleepover

that you had at your house.

And your dad, he came in, your
stepdad, and he leaned over,

and he kissed you.

And I remember
thinking to myself,

I wonder if I asked him,
would he kiss me too.

He's a great guy, my stepdad.

You know, it's funny.

I always thought you
were the lucky one.

When my father
called, needless to say,

I was a little surprised.

Why did he call?

He wanted to talk to me
about my sister, Megan.

She's my half sister.

I used to spend the
holidays with my father,

and so she always
kind of thought

of me as her big sister.

She was just a little kid then.

How old is she now?


Megan and my father were
having a lot of problems ever

since he married the bitch.

Wife number four.


Her name was Whitney.

She has a lingerie
fetish, like Madonna.

I mean, it was pathetic,

because this man is in his s.

He wanted me to tell my sister
about the facts of life.

Either she stopped seeing
the guy she's bumping,

or else he was going to
cut her out of the will.

A real romantic, huh?

So we had lunch a week later.

She said she was in love.

The guy worked for my father.

He cleaned the pool.
He's a Cuban kid.

His name is Ricky.

I... I don't remember.

And your father
doesn't like Cubans.

My father is just fine
with acquaintances,

he just doesn't like
anybody he knows.

Mrs. Kirkland?


I'm sorry to keep you waiting.

It's just such a shock.

Ever since they called
to say that he was...

I realize that this
must be tough for you.

If it's too much, I
could come back later.


I'll be all right.

It just seems so strange.

I just don't understand
how someone could...

Could k*ll him like that.

I really appreciate
your cooperation.

Do you know where
your husband was

going the night he was k*lled?


He called earlier to say
he would be working late.

He do that often?


He's a workaholic.

I mean, that is, he was.

Look, I apologize for
putting you through this,

but did your husband
have any enemies?

Anyone that might have
wanted to see him dead?


I... maybe.

I... I don't know.

Want to clarify that for me?

You see, I was
Clinton's fifth wife.

And by the time we met, he
truly didn't trust women.

He asked me to sign a
prenuptial agreement.

And then he...

What... what type of
prenuptial agreement?

The kind that tests
your commitment.

In the event of
Quentin's death, I

get to keep my car and
my clothes and $,

to help me start over.

That's not much by
today's prices, is it?

I loved him.

I never thought
this would happen.

I understand.

It's tough.

I want to thank you for
your help, Mrs. Kirkland.

Here's my card.

If you can think of anything
else, please give me a call.


What are you doing there?

Police officer!



You're sergeant Lorenzo?

Um, I'm looking
for Mr. Martell.

It's ms, not mister.

Please, have a seat.

With a name like Michael,
I was expecting a man.

Well, with a name
like sergeant Lorenzo,

I was expecting a
balding, overweight n*zi

in reflective shades.

Now, what can I do for you?


Do you handle the
banking for Quintin

kirkland of kirkland and bowes?

Sergeant Lorenzo, here at
first downtown bank and trust,

we do not discuss our
customers' private business.

How about late customers?

I beg your pardon?

Mr. Kirkland had a
little problem last night.

Went to sleep with an
eight-inch steel suppository

embedded in his chest.

He didn't wake up.

He what?

He was m*rder*d.

Now, Ms. Martel, we
have reason to believe

that he had some dealings
at the bank, here yesterday.

My god.

You know, I tried to
talk him out of it,

but he wouldn't listen to me.

- So he was here.
- Yeah.


A little before :.

Mr. Kirkland is one...

Was one of our oldest
and largest investors.

He kept both his personal
and corporate accounts here.


Yesterday, when he was
here, what did he want?

To withdraw $ million
in small denominations.

Nothing larger than a $.

A million dollars

is a lot of money,
certainly enough

to k*ll for, assuming
you know somebody

who carries that kind of cash.

Only the trouble with people
today is even in palm beach,

you m*rder some
guy for his money,

you better take
American express.

Unfortunately, for
Quintin kirkland III,

he'd apparently left
home without it.

The man was a collector, arts
and antiques, wine and women.

If you'd told my grandmother
a guy had five wives,

she would have told you
it was four too many.

In kirkland's case, number
one died in a car accident.

Number two lives in Spain.

Number three remarried
a French diplomat,

currently living in China.

Number four became
a harikrishna.

And number five beat the system.

Some women have all the luck.

That reminds me of a
girl that I once dated.


You dated an artist?

That's... that's real
impressive, Sam.

So what did she work in?

Oil or water colors?
- Oil.


Preferably Wesson.


Lou boswell.

I handle security
for the family.

Is there something
I can help you with?

You're in security.

I bet you can help us
find Mrs. Kirkland.

She's resting right now.

She doesn't want
to be disturbed.


I bet going downtown
will disturb her.

Or we could do this here.
It won't take long.

Follow me.

She looks real exhausted.


Mrs. Kirkland, these...

These officers would
like to talk to you.

You know, actually,
you might want

your lawyer present for this.
- Why?

Have I done something wrong?

No, no.

Uh, according to the bank,
your husband withdrew a million

dollars in cash yesterday.

He left with it in
a leather briefcase,

gold initials on the side.

Since it wasn't
found with the body,

we were wondering if you
knew something about it.

I was afraid of this.

Three nights ago, Mr.
Kirkland's daughter, Megan,

didn't come home for dinner.

It wasn't the first time,
so nobody made a big deal.

Until this arrived.

A ransom note?

A million
dollars in small bills.

Why didn't you say
something about this before?

Because I advised her not to.

Free advice is worth
what you pay for it.

You want to tell us why?


Because until last
night, we considered

this whole kidnapping
business a hoax.

Excuse me?

Megan had gotten
in with a young man,

a Cuban kid named Ricky vargas.

He worked for the
kirklands as a pool boy.

And when Mr. Kirkland found
out, he fired the kid.

Then Megan disappeared.

So we figured that
she had gone with him.

So you thought the ransom note
was sent with his daughter's



A ploy to make money,
pure and simple.

Apparently Quentin
kirkland didn't agree.

No, wait a minute.

I spoke with him
yesterday afternoon,

and we both agreed that to meet
the demands of this ransom note

was a bad idea.

Well, obviously,
he changed his mind.

Megan is very manipulative.

She's always known
which buttons to push

to make Quentin feel guilty.

When we heard about the m*rder,

I told Mrs. Kirkland not to say
anything about the kidnapping

on the chance that
we were right,

and that Megan would
come home on her own.

I guess I made a mistake.

Yes you did.

Can you describe Ricky vargas?

He has dark brown hair,
brown eyes, mid s.

Oh, and he has a tattoo,
a butterfly on his arm.

Yesterday, a man
fitting that description

was hiding in the bushes
out front when I pulled up.

We chased him, but he got away.

He was here?

Look, we'll put
an apb out on him.

Keep your doors locked.

If he comes here
again, give us a call.

Maybe we'll get lucky,
he'll make a mistake,

and we can pick him up.

Mrs. Kirkland, do you
have a picture of Megan?

Of course.

I'll be right back.

Do you think he's hurt her?

Let's hope not.

We'll be in touch.

She's soaking up rays,
boswell's in street clothes.

Lou seems like
the type who would

lend a hand to a widow in need.

Ooh, I love it when
it starts getting lurid.


I love the smell
of formaldehyde in the morning.

Nice tie.


You don't like this?

Oh, did I say that?

Well, it's not what you
said, it's the way you said it.

Nice tie.

Like you wouldn't be
caught dead wearing it.

In here?



I'm sorry, really.

So you finished the
autopsy report on kirkland?

Yeah, about an hour ago.

Any surprises?

No, it was pretty

Let's see.

Male, Caucasian, age .

Let's see.


Well, he didn't do dr*gs, but
his alcohol level was ..


Sounds like the
guy had a buzz on.


By the looks of
his liver, my guess

is he probably never noticed.

You're not giving us
anything we can use, Roger.

Hey, just giving
you the facts, ma'am.

This isn't creative
writing, you know.

Roger, you know, you find a guy

with a bale hook in his chest.

I mean, it's not exactly
news when you find out

that that's what k*lled him.

Give me something I can use.

I'm sorry it isn't
what you want to hear,

but I mean, I don't k*ll
them, I just cut them.

And I can't give you
what I don't find.

Besides, a bail hook is not
exactly your average w*apon

of choice in this town.

Oh really?


g*ns, knives, dr*gs, ropes.

Yeah, I mean, I see
that all the time.

But in all my years as a doctor,
this is my first bail hook.



But, you know, there's a first
time for everything, right?

Like dinner.

You and me.

Thanks for the work up.

Yeah, that's the one.

Give it to me.

Ricardo dominiquez.

Got it.



I owe you one.

Autopsy was a bust.

- What, he didn't really die?
- No.

He died exactly the way it
looked, from a puncture wound

to the heart.
- That's great.


What's so great about finding
out what we already know?

Well, I just spoke to the lab.

They pulled a partial
print off kirkland's car,

ran it through the computer.

It's a perfect match on
one Ricardo dominguez,

small time hustler who did one
to five on attempted m*rder

in Louisiana.

Was released after
serving months

on a work furlough program.


New Orleans.

Worked as a longshoreman.

Where he got a lot of
practice using a bail hook.

You got it.

He even has a tattoo.


Right upper arm?

So where is he now?

That was his parole officer.

He hasn't seen
him in six months.

He thinks he might
have skipped state.

He's going to wire us a photo
and a full set of prints.

Sounds like the
kind of kid that would

steal the shirt off your back.


Linda kirkland, my
partner, Chris Lorenzo.



How is everything?

Could I talk to you alone?


I gotta go down to
missing persons anyway.

It was nice to meet you.

What a hunk.

I finally realized
why you got into police work.

It has its compensations.

So what's up?

My sister, Megan, she called.

She did?

Late last night.

She sounded very worried about
what happened to my father,

and she needs somebody to
talk to, and I suggested you.

What about Ricky vargas?

She didn't say.

You have got to promise me that
you're going to meet her alone.

Nobody else, not
even your partner.

And when it's over, it's
over, and you let her go.


Linda, your sister's
in real trouble, here.

You have got to promise me
you're not going to arrest her.

As long as she didn't k*ll
him, I'm just here to talk.

All right.

There's a small park
near the Marina.

Here are the directions.

She'll be there at :.

You come five minutes
late, she's gone.

I'll be there.


Megan kirkland?

Who are you?

Rita Lee Lance, palm beach pd.

Your sister said that you
needed to talk to someone

about your father's m*rder.

Are you alone?


Your family believes you
may have been kidnapped.

You want to tell me about it?

It wasn't supposed
to be like this.


What was it supposed to be like?

A pretend kidnapping?

You and your boyfriend get your
father to pony up a million

dollar going away gift?

Whose idea was that
anyway, Ricky vargas'?

He said it would be easy.

My father wouldn't miss the
money, and we could go off.

Where is he now?

He didn't do it.

Well, then he's got
nothing to worry about.

But if he doesn't come
forward and clear himself,

there is nothing I
could do to help you.

Talk to me, Megan.

Why didn't my father
just understand?

I tried to explain to him
how we felt about each other,

but he wouldn't listen.

He fired Ricky, and he told me
I could never see him again.

So you ran away and then
sent the note asking for money.

But it wasn't like stealing.

I mean, I would have inherited
the money eventually, anyway.

And then Ricky went
to meet your father

to collect the money.

He got there late.

My father was already dead,
and the money was gone.

He got scared, and he
came straight back.

Look, I know this sounds
like I'm making this up.

But I'm not.

You've got to help us.

Then you've got
to help yourself.

You've got to convince
him to turn himself in.

That is the only
chance that he has.

There she goes.

Do you think we should move in?

No, let's give it a minute.

Maybe she can convince
him to do the right thing.


You know, I believe her.

She believes him.

I'm just not sure I believe him.

You have that wonderfully
uncomplicated way

of seeing things.

So assuming this Ricky
vargas isn't the guy,

then who stopped the
clock on kirkland?

His wife?

No, not with the prenuptial.

She's got too much to lose.

You know, Sam, what
about your friend, Linda?


I mean, she may have hated
him for the kind of father

he was, but not
enough to k*ll him.

Not like that.

Which brings us
right back to Ricky

vargas, or dominguez, dominquez,
whatever the hell his name is.

He's a con with a record.

He violates his parole.

Gets lucky.

Megan becomes his meal ticket.

Makes sense, except
for the part where

he came back to the house,
and we almost grabbed him.

I mean, if he already
has the money,

why would he take the chance?

Ah, you got me on that.


Speaking of getting you, did I
mention your girlfriend called?

- What, Ursula?
- Yeah.

Something about making pasta.



I completely forgot.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

They k*lled him.

He's dead.

They k*lled him.

They k*lled Ricky.



The girl.

Sure you got the right Cuban?

Yeah, according to his wallet.

We'll know more when
the lab techs finish up.

So ballpark me on this one.

All right.

Got a b*llet to the back
of the head, small caliber.

And visible powder burns on
the neck and shirt collar.

Anything else?


He had a couple thousand
dollars in small bills

stuffed into his pockets.


How small?

Nothing bigger than a $.

How is she?

Oh, she's shaken up.

She really loved him.

The whole kidnap was a scam,
but it sounds like that vargas

talked her into it.


She say where the
rest of the money is?

She claims she never saw.

What do you mean,
she never saw it?

What is this,
convenient amnesia?

We're talking about a
million bucks, here.

I think she's telling the truth.

If you could have seen her
face when we found the cash

on her boyfriend's body.

Give me a theory.

Well, I think that
someone tapped vargas

to front a fake kidnapping.

He got greedy, attempted a
major coup, and they offed him.

Women's intuition, clearly
a superior intellect.

Thank you.

You know, you
sound like my mother.

Don't... don't... don't... don't...
Don't sound like my mother.


All right.

We've got a how, we've
got a why, I need a who.


See you back at the bullpen.

Look, Ursula, don't get upset.

It's my job.

Ursula, listen.

Did I promise pasta?

And have I ever lied to you?

Oh, that... that was different.
No, I can't.

We've got a .

It's a m*rder case.

I don't know.

Just some guy made a
couple of bad choices.

Hey, no.

No, no.
Don't get upset, all right?

I'm a cop.
It's what I do.

Tomorrow night.


Tomorrow night, i'm
going to surprise you.


We'll do candlelight, dinner,
maybe a sensual massage.

You can do that?


I've got to go.

But if I don't call you,
it's not because i'm

not thinking about you.

You understand?



: sharp.

I miss you too.

Not the one, Sam.

- How can you say that?

You don't even know her.
- Yeah.

But I know you.

And anybody that can't handle
being told on the phone

that a complete stranger
has been clipped,

well, she's not
permanent material.

She's sensitive, all right?

I like that in a woman.

Hey, you guys got a second?

That depends.

What's up?

I didn't want to say anything
that might upset the kirklands,

but I've been doing a
little nosing around,

and I think you ought
to know about it.

Like what?

Like this kid, vargas, had
a little gambling problem.

How little?

Word is on the street he was
on the hook for big ones.


Try a bale hook.

You sure it was ?


Plus interest at a yard a day.

You can see how people might
get a little impatient.

Sounds like you have a theory.

As a matter of fact.


The kid needs a deuce to pay off
his debt to the shark, right?

So he uses Megan to
get next to her father.

But the old man
recognizes him when

he comes to pick up the drop,
and boom, the kid kills him.

Then the kid goes to
pay the shark, the...

I don't know... deal
goes south, and boom,

he buys it the same way.

You live by the sword,
you die by the sword.

Where'd you get
all this information?


I promised my source
I'd keep him out of it.

But you'd be willing
to go on record yourself?

Well, I work for the kirklands,

so, you know, anything
I can do to help.

All right.
Thanks for coming in.

We'll be in touch.


I don't know, Sam.

What do you think?

Guy's a real public servant.

We've got a pretty tidy
theory on who iced that kid.

I hate tidy.

It's a messy world.

You know, Sam?

Rita Lee Lance some people

are born to money and power.

Some people rise to take it.

While others should...
Pardon the expression...

Have it thrust upon them.

I'd only met Whitney
kirkland a couple of times,

but I was pretty
sure that she knew

the value of a good thrust.


Oh, I'm sorry to
keep you waiting.

I... I've been trying
to make arrangements

for my husband's funeral.

I understand completely.

We're just running down
the list of possibilities.

I need to ask a few questions.

Well, I'll try to
answer them if I can.

How long did Mr. Boswell
work for you and your husband?

Something wrong?

Oh, no, no.


It's just I wasn't
expecting the question.

Um, well, my husband did all the
hiring, so I can't be certain.

But it's been at least a year.
- A year.

And exactly what
were his duties?

He handles internal security
for all of my husband's

business dealings.

And when the trouble with Megan
came up, he offered to help.

So when the ransom note came,
what did he advise you to do?

I don't know.

Megan was Quentin's
daughter, not mine.

He tended to keep
certain things from me.

I'm sorry.

I'm not being much help, am I?

Oh, you're doing fine.

So your husband discussed
the ransom demand over

with boswell, but not with you.

That's right.

Is that important?

No, no.

I'm just doing some checking.

You've been very helpful.

So how is Megan doing?

Considering the circumstances,

about the best she can.

Oh, I'm afraid I need
to speak to her as well.

Oh, the doctor still
has her under sedation.

Maybe you could come
back another day.

- I can talk.
- Megan.

What are you doing up?

The doctor left
specific instructions

for you to stay in bed.

I'll be just fine.

Don't worry.

This will just take a minute.

Well, call me if you need me.

I heard your voice.

I was hoping you'd
come to say you

caught whoever k*lled Ricky.

Not yet.

You want to tell me about him?

He was incredible.

I miss him so much.

What about his bad habits?

Oh, is that what she said?

That he was a bad influence?

Well, let me tell you something.

He didn't drink.

He didn't smoke.

He didn't do dr*gs.

The only thing
that he did was me.

And my father
couldn't handle that.


How about his gambling?


He didn't have any money.

Did you know that
his name wasn't vargas,

it was dominguez.

You're lying.

That he was convicted of
attempted m*rder in Louisiana,

and he jumped parole.

I don't believe you.

No, I'm sorry, Megan.

Sometimes the truth hurts.

He was using you.


Megan, listen to me.


It's just lies!

You're... you're just like
all the rest of them.

Rita Lee Lance in palm beach,

some people will tell
you talk is cheap.

Others will tell you
anything for a price.

After hearing Megan's
version of the truth,

we knew that we needed
a second opinion.

So Chris checked
with his snitch,

and I went to pick him up.

Hey, what did your snitch say?

Same thing the girl said.

Only gambling vargas did
was with social diseases.

- Sounds like a hell of a guy.
- All right.

So if he didn't
gamble, and he wasn't

in hock up to his tonsils
to some loan shark,

what does that tell us?

Somebody was being
less than candid.

Like our friend, Mr. Boswell.


That would be my first choice.

Let's go get him.

Ah, here it is.

Mr. Boswell?

We've got a couple of
questions we'd like to ask you.

What have we got her?

It looks like a
self-inflicted g*nsh*t

wound to the right temple.

Pants are down
around his ankles.

So you think this guy was trying

to kiss his butt goodbye?

Or maybe he was trying
to perfect his golf grip

before he teed off for good.

Except his trouser mouser
waving in the breeze,

it looks like a garden
variety su1c1de.

- What have you got there?
- I've got a note.

How thoughtful.

The old note in the
typewriter, huh?

Sorry to check out this
way, but I'm the one

with the gambling debts.

I k*lled kirkland, then the kid.

Jail is not my style.


That's nice.



What do you think?

- Too neat.
- Too nice.

Well, what do you want?

Guy is part of a silk stalking.

He did us a courtesy.

Tied a few knots before
he pulled the hammer.

You know, I
especially like the part

where he shuffles over to the
typewriter with his bucket

there, and leaves us a note.

Which digit do you think
he used on the spacebar?

Don't forget to
dust the spacebar.

So what do you want us to say?

How about thank you?

Wait, you're buying
this bull snot?

When one dead body closes
the book on two or more

dead bodies, and there's no
evidence to the contrary,

maybe, now just maybe,
the obvious is obvious.

Wait a minute.

Didn't yogi berra say that?

You don't mess with success.

Absolutely right.

Why screw with success?

Makes perfect sense.

Boswell was a gambler.

Played the ponies.

Bet against the spread.

Gets in over his head.

Sees a chance to get even.

Kills a couple of
people along the way.

Then he can't handle it, and...

Are you buying this?


Me either.

Maybe we
need to go to boswell's.


Why would a guy
keep an empty file?

Which while?

Megan kirkland.

Either he kept lousy records,
or somebody lifted it.

Oh, pay dirt.





So what do you got?

I've got the full
scoop on Ricky vargas.

Real name, prison record,
I've got everything.

Boswell knew from the start.

Better than that.

It looks like he set the kid up.

Look at this.

Expense receipts.

Hotel, clothing, food...

- Condoms.
- Condoms?

Where do you see condoms?
- Right there.

Right next to the
shampoo and the hair gel.

Oh yeah.

They probably
practiced safe sex.

He'll give her a wash, dry,
set, all in the same afternoon.

What a golfer.

You know, this doesn't
make any sense, Sam.

I mean, why would boswell
pay this kid's way?

Unless they
were on the same team.

So how about this?

He gets vargas a job
as kirkland's pool boy.

Arranges it for him
to meet his daughter.

She wants to wave
a rebel flag, so he

gives her a pole to hang
it on, and together,

they up a revolution.

Father disapproves.

Vargas convinces her to fake the
kidnapping for a million bucks,

intending to split it with
boswell the entire time.

Only boswell double crosses him.

Assuming we're right so
far, who kills boswell?


No, no, no.

She's just a kid.

Yeah, well, she's an angry kid.

How would she have figured
out that it was boswell?

We did.

It's a good theory.

We're gonna need more.

What time's the autopsy?

Uh, as we speak.

Let's go to the y.


Well, there you are.

I've been calling your
office for half an hour.

Oh, about boswell?

What did you find?

Well, nothing unusual.

I really hate it when
the obvious is obvious.

Except the total
absence of powder burns

on the victim's right hand.


The one holding the w*apon.

- Correct.
- What else?

An extreme angle
of entry that could

have only occurred if
he pulled the trigger

with his right thumb.

Ah, but he was gripping
it with his index finger.


So he didn't commit su1c1de.

So anything else?


Seminal fluid on the
front of his shirt.

Sounds like somebody
got him excited.

Well, let's just say he
was definitely preoccupied

with whoever hit him.

My guess is she was doing him
when she pulled the trigger.

Oh, right in the chair.


Posture's so important.

Listen, you go get the warrant.

I'll take a ride and
go talk to the girl.


If that's the cab, tell him
to start loading the luggage.

I'll be right there.

Sorry, the cab's not here yet.

You going out of town?


Well, considering
the circumstances,

I needed to take
a few days away.

Looks like more than a few days.

No, not really.

But you probably travel light.

Actually, i'm here to see Megan.

Oh, I'm really sorry.

She's still under sedation.

She can't be disturbed.

Doctor's orders.

You're leaving her here alone?

With the servants.

I'm sure she'll be fine.

Maybe you can have Mr.
Boswell stop by and make sure.

Mr. Boswell.

Good idea.
- Here.

Why don't I help
you with your bags?

Oh, no.
That's all right.


Your late husband's?



Quentin kirkland.

Oh, well, I guess it must be.

You know, I had to pack
a few last minute things,

so I just picked it up, and...

Do you mind if I see?

Yes, I do.

I'm afraid i'm
going to have to ask

you to open the briefcase.

Do you have a warrant?

Well, actually,
my partner has it.

He should be here any minute.

Step back.

Set the briefcase down.

And your purse.

How did you know?

Trapped in a bad marriage
with a prenuptial agreement,

you needed a way out.

Take boswell as your lover.

He pays vargas to seduce
Megan and fake the kidnapping.

Does that sound right so far?

Very impressive.

Then what, you ask?

Well, then he
kills your husband,

and he grabs the money, because
he thinks the two of you

are still an item.

He snuffs vargas, you snuff him.


Why split a million dollars
if you don't have to?

My thoughts precisely.

There's the warrant.

Or the taxi to the airport.

Either way, it's over.

It is for you.

You're under arrest.

Sammy, are you ok?

You all right?



Get on the phone.

Dial --.


Awake at last.

Hi, Sam.


I hear we got our man.

Yeah, wrapped,
stamped, and delivered.

How's your shoulder?

Oh, sore.

I think I better have a look.

Hey, what are you,
some kind of pervert?

- Me?
- Yeah, you.

You're probably the same
guy that sent me the roses.

Actually, I got
those for your surgeon

for doing such a good job.


This is for you.


Anything else I should know?

Well, Linda kirkland moved back

into her sister's place to help
her through the rough spots.


Did you ever make pasta
dinner for what's her name?



She got tired of waiting around,
sent out for Chinese food.

Sorry, Sam.


Oh, careful.

Forget it.

So I guess that means you gotta
break in a new golfer, huh?


Beats the hell out of
breaking in a new partner.
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