Haunted Harmony Mysteries: m*rder in G Major (2023)

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Haunted Harmony Mysteries: m*rder in G Major (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

You good back there?


But really, I don't mind

sitting up front.

Oh, no.

Royalty always

sits in the back.

And royalty, it's...

it's a bit of a stretch.

I teach music.

You win "All-County" for us,

you'll be trading out the house

for a castle in no time.

Aye, welcome to Ireland.

Small roads, big hearts.

Get-- Get-says-me?


Mispronounced my entire life.

It's Gethsemane.



Has he got it in?

There he goes...

Don't all applaud at once.

...and he finishes in the end.


Story of my life.

Take what I can get.

Do what you gotta do, lads,

and get it done!

It was a mile offside.

You still good back there?

Probably just

a little jetlagged, and...

with the time change.

What time is it

back in Virginia?

You've done your research.

Small town, big gossip.

And what exactly

are they saying about me?

You graduated top of class

at Stellenbosch,

and you're the conductor

who's going to finally

put our town on the map.


They're saying that?


St. Brendan's

will be lucky to have ya.

Ah, you know me, Doc.

I'm just tryin'

to live my best afterlife.

No alarm clocks, no bills.

Oh, never weighed less.

You see?

But I have to say,

if I'd known

this was going to be

my permanent ghostly outfit,

I might have chosen a suit,

you know?

Or a nice comfy pair of shoes.

Even then, my lovely Orla's

up there somewhere,

and I'm stuck down here,

a soul without a soulmate,

with no one to see or hear me.



My Uncle Eamon left it to me,

and I've kept it

just the way he had it.

Now, some of the guests

seem to really like

the Eamon McCarthy aesthetic.


your uncle is Eamon McCarthy?

You're a fan?

Who isn't?

Study any of the great Celts,

he tops every composer's list.

His song "Will You Be There?"...

...it's helped me through

a lot of hard times.

Me too.

When the school

set up the house,

I had no idea it was going to be

the house of a legend...

...let alone two!

Orla's poems,

lyrics equally unmatched.

Each other's muse, I heard.

Yeah. Well, such

a tragic accident.


Don't believe the press,

all right?

Eamon would never push

the love of his life

off any cliff,

and when the wind

tragically swept her away,

a part of him went with her,

couldn't bear

to live without her.

But I'd read--

And they took me in

when my mother passed,

like second parents,

so I chose to believe the best.

I get it.

You know, some guests

swear they've heard

Eamon's piano playing at night,

not to scare you.

It doesn't.

Well, you don't believe

in ghosts?

Well, I believe some people do.

To each their own, right?

Well, fair enough.

I like to think of them

as Heathcliff and Catherine,

out there

wandering over the moors.

Emily Bronte.

All right.

So you're a romantic, then?


I'm romantically impaired

at the moment.

Sorry to hear it.

So, my full-time job

is property maintenance,

so if you need anything,

just ring,

and I have an extra key

if you get locked out.

Any questions?

Wasn't there

supposed to be a car?

The school said

transportation provided.

Orla's own.

Got her into town every day

in less than 20 minutes.

It's not exactly a car.

Yeah, but think

of what you'll save on gas, hmm?

No, Uncle Eamon's car

was recently stolen,

so until

insurance comes through...

Oh, so I should keep

my things locked up, then?

Better safe than sorry.

All right,

I haven't really ridden

a bike in a while,

but I hear it's a lot

like riding a bike.

Oh, a bell.

Gethsemane Brown?


That is exactly how you say it.

I'm Inspector O'Reilly.

Come in.

You said

someone was maybe in your house.


I was, uh, I was sleeping,

and, uh, but woke up

hearing these four notes.

Came down, nothing here,

then the piano lid

just slammed on its own,

and then

there was someone out there.

Unnerving, for sure.

I had a little look

around outside

and there's no trace of anyone.

The ground's fairly soft,

but not a single footprint

besides my own.

Okay, but what about the piano?

Hammers get stuck sometimes,

shake loose

when the humidity changes.

Okay, well, maybe you're right.

I just keep hearing

all about Eamon and Orla

and the whole accident thing,

and it must have got

stuck in my head.


If you're uncomfortable,

I can recommend a hotel or a--

a B&B.

No, I'll stay.

Maybe I just need some air.

I'll join you,

give a gander

around the property.


Not many people

are really using that anymore.

I'm bringing it back.

This is just beautiful.

I know.

It really is.

So what do you think happened

between Eamon and Orla?

It's not really my place to say.

I mean, just the basics.

It just feels like

I haven't gotten

the whole story.

Well, it was before

I took a post here,

but around 9:00 p.m.,

Eamon finishes his recital.

A Garda,

what we call a cop over here,

pulls him over

around 10:00 p.m...

Next day,

they're both found deceased.

You think he pushed Orla

over these cliffs

and then poisoned himself?

That's what

the official report says.

A fairly dark subject

for such a stunning view.

That it is.

I might not have been talking

about the sunrise.



I see what you did there.

Sorry, I'm a bit

out of practice.

Well, thank you, Inspector.

For the compliment?

Thank you for coming here

and making me feel better.


I really should go get ready

for class.


Oh, yeah. Nice one.

Really smooth.


Our donors are

especially excited to have you.

Uh, Liam Byrne,

one of our main donors,

is a choir alumni

who lost to Bishopstown

every year.

He's hoping to live vicariously

through his son Rian's

first win.

I see.

No pressure, though.



Ladies and gentlemen

of the choir,

positions, please.

It is my extreme pleasure

to introduce to you Miss Brown.

Well, I'll leave you to it.

Thank you.

So I could use

a whole game-day pep talk,

but, like my Dad always said,

sometimes, it's better

to just rip

the Band-Aid right off.

I'm going to play a note

for you,

and I want you

to sing it back to me.

Now you.

It's a start.

I just want to say,

my Da' really wants me to solo

for the All-County,

and I would do anything not to.

Rian Byrne, I'm assuming?

Oh, no.

He already got to you.

We'll work on him

together, Rian.


Guessing you're not a student.


Um, wondering if you could

keep the doors closed

while in session?

We're doing exponents

across the hall.


Of course.

Welcome, by the way.

Thank you, by the way.


Across the hall

if you ever need anything,

even when you don't.


Very much appreciated.

Okay. Pardon me.

Thank you.

Now, where were we?

Can I help you?

Hey, I'm Seamus.

I do local deliveries.

Billy asked me

to drop you in the basics.

- Gets?

- Gethsemane.



The basics?

In these parts, yeah.

Yeah, so that Riordan's

is premium, so just take care.

A bottle's a few months' rent.

Just going to put these

in the kitchen.

I'm not

much of a drinker, but...

Billy was saying

that Eamon and Orla

used to drink

when they wrote together, and...

and when he, uh...

you know that story.

Well, I heard the official one,

but I definitely prefer

the new take.

Do you know, that's the--

that's the last thing

she ever wrote to him.

What is your take of it all?

Oh, I'm not into getting into

other's people's business.

You know,

just let sleeping dogs lie.

I will, uh, I'll see you around?

Thank you for the groceries.

You're welcome.


That is...

that's nice.

It's my dad's Renaudin.

It's premium,

a few months' rent as well.

Oh, I bet.

Anyway, it was lovely

to meet you...


Gethsemane. Okay.




That I am.

Good ear.

What are you doing here?

You can hear and see me?

Whatever you want, just take it.

Take it?

It's already mine.


What is...

What is going on?

I'm still figuring out

the ghost rules myself,

but you're probably

scared, too.

Look, I didn't m*rder Orla.

You're totally safe.

Everything's fine.

Let's start again.

I'm Eamon, and you're...



We smashed that.

Jet lag, lucid dream,

subconscious projection--

you're fine--

but you are talking

to yourself.

What's the craic?

Pardon me?

What can I get for ya?

Oh, whatever your house red is?

Pint comin' up.

Oh, no, no, no, I...

I don't need a pint.

A glass of wine.

Just messin' with ya, luv.

You're the teacher

staying up at Eamon's old place?

Small town, big gossip?

That, and I see things.

See things?

Tarot cards, tea leaves.

The women in my family

have always had a talent,

a special sight.

Are you sure you're all good?

Does look like

you've seen a ghost.

Just tired,

a little stressed.

Siobhan reads things

other than tea leaves, too.

What was the headline

in yesterday's paper, Siobhan?

"New Teacher Promises Gold

For St. Brendan's."

Hey, I also predicted

the Rovers win, so...

Thank you.

Oh, and what's "the craic"?

Oh, it's our "what's up?"

Response, "divil a bit,"

means "not much."


I'm Dr. Elizabeth,

Mary, local physician.

Gethsemane Brown.

My practice

is just across the street

if you ever need a check-up.

Thank you.

I just might.


Ghost guy?

Subconscious projection

of my own inner turmoil?


Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

That's a Riordan's Reserve.

You don't put it on ice.

You don't even drink it.

You just look at it in awe,

then put it away.

Please. Listen to me,

listen to me.

I am a nice ghost.

I'm actually harmless.

Papers say different.

They don't know the full story.

What do you want from me?

To solve my Orla's m*rder.

Yeah, then maybe mine,

if ya have time?


So you're saying

Orla was k*lled by someone else.

You were poisoned,

and now you're hassling me

so I can solve it for you?

It does feel like a bigger ask

when you say it out loud,

all right.

Love makes the world go round,

but whiskey makes it go

twice as fast,

especially when

it's been poisoned.

No, no, no, no,

the one I drank.

Yeah, probably

should've opened with that.


Coroner thought the poison

was foxglove.

Grows wild in Kilternan.

Very popular in gardens.

Not dangerous in small amounts.

How do you know that?

Had front-row seats

to both autopsies.

Okay, this doesn't

make any sense.

Very little here does.

You could've picked anyone.

Why me?

I didn't pick anything.

I've been plunking

these same four notes in jest

for the past five years...

...and you're the first one

to get the reference--

and the only one

to play the notes back to me.


maybe you've unlocked something.

Well, re-lock and go back

into whatever you came from.

Look, I'm a ghost, not a genie,

and genies don't ask you

for the wish, do they?

Look, I feel like

we've got off on the wrong foot.

I'm Eamon.


You see, this is why I need you.

How's that?

I can walk through walls,

but I can't move anything,

apart from

the piano lid and keys,

for whatever reason.

I have to say,

limbo is not the fun

dance-party game

it's cracked up to be.

You're stuck between worlds?

Can't even leave town.

I mean, I've tried,

but every time

I cross that bridge,

it's like hitting

smack into a window.

So if you want to leave

and get out of limbo...

I have to solve your m*rder?

Yes, and Orla's.

It's classic

unfinished business.

Please, can you help me?

I'll humor myself.

What evidence do you have?

Well, Orla was

uncharacteristically late

for my opening night.

When I came back home after,

she wasn't here,

so I found her the next day

at the base of the cliffs.

She had these marks

on her neck,

like studded imprints.

From what?

Coroner thought

it could have been evidence

of strangulation,


it was written off inconclusive.

Well, then

how did you get poisoned?

I carried her back in.

I called the police.

I didn't know what to do.

The note she left...

"Drink to

our never-ending love song."

So I did.

The glass was poisoned,

but no, not by her.

Again, I mean,

can you prove it?

What-- What...

Please, please,

I just want to see

my girl again,

and I think the only way I can

is to figure this out.

Can you help me?

This is a lot to digest.

Can I sleep on it?


I'll be here.

I think I've just been stressed

with my job,

my leaving my ex-fianc

back home,

haven't been sleeping well.


Not exactly.

What's not exactly?

I've been having

an annoying hallucination.


Tell me about

this hallucination.

He claims he's a ghost.

A ghost?

It's all probably in my mind

because I'm staying

at Eamon McCarthy's house.

I'm sure you've heard of him.

I have.

Actually, he and Orla

were friends of mine.


This is probably not the--

Oh, it's fine.

Was hard seeing

the world without him, but...

I think of them every day.

Any history of hallucinations?

My Dad had said

he "saw things,"

but we never believed him.

That's probably

in the back of my mind, too.

Losing him was...

has been...


This ghost has to be

a stress-related projection,



Strong possibility,

but let's get you settled in,

and if you're still

having trouble in a few days,

I'll send you for an MRI.

And in the meantime?

I'll write you a prescription

for sleep aid.

Give that ghost a rest.

Sorry about your Da'.

I guess that's both of us

right now,

two people

not wanting to let go.

If I see him

when I get up there,

what do you want me

to say to him?

I don't know.

You'd do that?

You help me solve all this,

I'll do anything you want.

Look, he gave you

a supernatural gift

for a reason.

All you have to do now's

allow your mind to open it.

In a way,

you'd be honoring him.

True, but I have no clue

if you're even real,

and if you were,

there's no evidence that...

Don't mind him.

...You're not lying

about k*lling Orla.

What if there was evidence?

Would we have a deal?

I would still

have to think about it.

Okay, come on.

Let's go.

I'll prove it.

You may be dead,

but I still

have to make a living.

After class,

we can check it out.

Alive, alive, oh

Alive, alive, oh...

Crying, "Cockles and mussels

alive, alive, oh..."

Too sharp, too flat,

and this one's just

mouthing the words, I think.


Oh, no, not you.

Okay, Rian...

show me an "E".

Miles Davis said,

"Don't fear mistakes.

There are none."

So try again.

That's not fair,

that wasn't even an "E"!

How did you know that?

My dad made me take

piano lessons since I was six.

It's so boring.

You may not have a voice, Rian,

but come.

Can you play this?

But you've got an ear.

I think we have just found

our accompanist for All-County!


There are no mistakes.

Well done, Gets.

Thank you,

but don't call me Gets.

Matti, sing me a "C".

Well, you can't win them all.

Okay, stop right up here.

I can't leave town.

I'll show you.

Now, Einstein said

energy is neither created

nor destroyed.

So if humans are energy,

where do we go?

You know where?


Meet its newest resident.

Speak up.

See? I told you

I was telling you the truth.

That doesn't prove

that you're not a figment

of my imagination

or that you didn't k*ll Orla.

Fact check my opening night.

The storm,

any news on this bridge--

Narrows Creek Bridge.

Narrows Creek Bridge...

If there was a downed tree

blocking this bridge...


Would there be

another road in town?

A backroad that circles

around from the east.

The weather was bananas,

so that's the way I took home.

Because this bridge

was impassable.


Other route would add

an extra hour 50

onto a really long drive.

And that means?

An officer couldn't've

pulled you over in Dunmullagh

anywhere near the time

they said.


The official story's wrong.

You couldn't have gotten back

at that time...

and k*lled Orla.

So that means...

an officer

is covering up something.


Well, then don't you

just hover into

a police station,

teleport into the filing room,

spy on your suspects,

and find the k*ller?

A) I don't hover.

B) How would I tell the police

I'm not the k*ller

when they can't hear me?

C) If the piano keys and cover

are the only thing I can move,

how I would I physically

open a file?

D) You're the only one

who can hear and see me.


Sorry, I lost

where I was going with that.


if an officer's

covering up something,

what are they covering up?

I think

O'Reilly needs to hear this.

Sounds to me like we have deal.

That we do.


What else?

Garda questioned Seamus Ashley

'cause he delivered

the whiskey that night.

Sat in on it myself.

Which puts him at the scene...

And he could've poisoned

the whiskey.

Or the whiskey

could've been poisoned later.

He did mention seeing

somebody arguing

with Orla on the doorstep.

A shorter person.

Male or female?

Haven't been able to ask.

Detective O'Reilly, please?

With the bridge washed out,

Eamon couldn't've been

in Dunmullagh

when the officer said.

Come here.

You're implying

a Garda's covering up?


You need to reopen the case.

It's not my case to reopen.

Why does this even

matter to you?

If Eamon didn't do it,

the k*ller is still out there.

We've had

no similar crimes recently.

A few break-ins, sure,

but no murders.

Please, I--

Miss Brown,

I appreciate your concern,

but I strongly recommend

you leave these matters

to the police.

I'll try.

I will.


Pull the Eamon McCarthy file

for me, will you, please?

What for?

Oh, I just want to give it

a quick gander.

It was you!

What have you got?


So we have Seamus

and an unknown shorter person

arguing at the house.

On top...

Officer Declan

lying about pulling you over.

Not to mention

Declan falsified a report

and destroyed it.

He could also be

the house suspect.

Mm, too tall

if Seamus is telling the truth.

Anything suspicious

about Seamus?

He and my nephew, Billy,

met in juvenile detention.

Billy was there

mainly for

fights and minor theft,

Seamus for break-ins, mostly.

- Mostly?

- And manslaughter.

Next time, open with that.

That charge was from

a car accident, though,

not a potential strangling

and poisoning.

Anyway, they both got

big into hurling since.

They're living the good life.

He's also a handyman.

I hired him a few years ago

to redo my floors upstairs.

Did a great job.


he was stealing.

I saw he was casing the house.

So why do you think

Declan is covering up, then?

Maybe for himself,

maybe for someone else.

Either way...

he definitely knows something.

Left a message at the station.

Haven't heard back.

Doubt I will.

You've never had any issues

with Declan or Seamus?



What about a motive?

Or Declan's connection

to Seamus?

Maybe Seamus

has something on Declan.

Maybe he's lying for him?


But if someone had reason

to hurt Orla,

Deirdre might know.

Deirdre is?

She runs Orla's fan site

over at Milltown.

If you need a break from me,

she'd be a good place to start,

unless, of course,

you like being here with me,

and, uh...


that's actually quite hurtful.

Don't mind me.

Grand here on me own.


Hi. Gethsemane.

I'm over in Dunmullagh.

I'm new to the whole area,

but I heard there's

no bigger fan of Orla O'Dell's

than you.

Word travels, apparently.

A die-hard fan myself.

"Forever and a Day,"

best ode to love written.

That it is.

Pardon my forwardness,

but I heard you have

the collection of collections,

and was just hoping to connect,

trade stories.

I'm not one

to just show up or barge in.

You're a fan

and in Ireland, dear.

My door's always open.

Join me for a wee cuppa?

She was so sweet

in real life, too.

I was absolutely shattered.

How long have you been running

the fan site for?

Started back in 2005.

It was just a little

message board that grew.

But I couldn't keep up

with it at all,

so I turned everything over

to some of the other members.

Not Billy McCarthy?

Billy is only interested

in lining his pockets.

When he's not hustling,

he's gambling.

He has debts all over town.

I heard his buddy, Seamus,

was there the day Orla died.

He says he saw someone else

arguing with her.


Sure, thank you.

I wouldn't trust a word

either said.

What do you think

really happened?


She got too close to the edge,

and in grief,

Eamon poisoned himself.

None of the other theories

ever made sense.

Fair enough.

I mean, who would want

to hurt Orla, right?


Eamon, on the other hand,

he did have some...

possessive fans.


Who knows,

but if Seamus did see someone

at the door that night,

it could've been Orla

shooing off

an eager fan of Eamon's.

Could have been.

Hopefully, there's

nothing more to it, right?

You're another podcast

or a reporter?

No, not a reporter--

I'll tell you like I told them,

I had nothing to do with it.

Oh, I'm just asking--

Well, I'm just

asking you to leave.

She definitely was

a shorter person,

and Deirdre's collection

was a touch obsessive.

I mean, it wouldn't be

the first time

a super-fan k*lled their hero.

If you would've seen

the look in her eyes...

Both she and Declan

are hiding something.

Or maybe Seamus

made up the story

of seeing someone

to cover for himself

casing the neighbourhood.

Or breaking in.

Orla catches him in the act...

...that's motive.

And I hate to say it,

but Deirdre isn't

a super-fan of Billy's.

Says he's exploiting you

and has gambling debts

all over town.

Billy's a good kid.

If you're angling that

Billy did it for inheritance,

he didn't even ask

to be in the will, so...

So he knew

he was in the will, though?

Musicians are worth more

dead than alive,

not to mention his bestie

delivering the poisoned bottle.

Maybe they were

working together,

splitting the inheritance.

Billy is not

a suspect ever, okay?

I'm sorry, but...

I've worked

with plenty of orchestras

that needed a little time

to come together,



I guess I didn't realize

we'd be starting

from the ground up.

Yeah, the St. Brendan's

arts department

has fallen behind

the past few years,

but that's why they called in

the esteemed Gethsemane Brown.

I just can't figure out

how to get them

on the same page.

Half of them can't even

find a tempo on their own,

let alone together.

You know, I had a rough time

when I first started.



It's no fun being the new guy,

trying to figure out

how to get 25 kids

invested in calculus.

What did you do

to get them invested?

Well, I guess,

after a while,

I realized,

yes, I'm teaching mathematics,

but, first and foremost...

I'm teaching kids.

So do you have any other

sage words of wisdom?

Maybe immerse yourself

in the culture a little more.

You should...

stop into the music jam

tonight down at the pub.

I don't know.

That-- that sounds like a date.

Oh, no, no, no.

No, no, no date.

- Here.

- Oh.

Uh, it's like a stop-in,

just a brief hello, no meal.

Everyone's going to be there.

Will there be wine involved?

If you want, yeah.

So a date.

It's a stop-in

with the potential of wine,

no date, no meal.

I won't even--

I won't even compliment you.


You better not.

Let me think on it.


Hope to see you there.

He was definitely

asking you on a date back there.

I tell you, every love song

has a first note,

and Griff is a good lad.

His ex-wife, not so much.


You done with your matchmaking?

Eh, for now,

but I was thinking

we should go to the pub later,

or you should.

It's our town hall.


What is the proper outfit

when investigating

a double m*rder?

Don't ask me.

I'm dead.

The beginnings

of a classic love triangle.

Saw you and O'Reilly

by the cliffs.

Why don't you mosey around,

see what you find?

Message received.

Welcome, welcome.

Looks like you stopped in.

Quick tiny stop.

Don't even know if

it's technically a full stop.

It's a roll-through.


Get you that wine?

Too date-y.

- I got it.

- Okay.

You know, I was about

to compliment you,

then I remembered

you told me not to.

Smart man.

Join us if you like.

We're dead, Seamus.

That's 50 grand

down the tube.

We could double down

on Thursday night's game.

If not, there's always

my side-hustle.

Come on.

Let's get another round.

Call it-- heads or harps?


You're buying.


What's the craic?

Divil a bit.

She's a quick learner.

Let me get you a snakebite,

help you fit in better.

A what?

Bit of beer, bit of cider,

one glass.

Works for me.

Hey, I heard you're kind of

the go-to for local news.

Did you hear anything

about Deirdre--

she ran Orla's fan site--

before she stepped down?


it's not really stepping down

when you're fired.

Something about selling

fake autographs

through the website.

Orla wasn't having it.

When was this?

Not long before the accident.

What about Eamon?

Any problems with him?

Half the women in this town

were always after Eamon.

I know he and Orla had

more than a few fights about it,

but Eamon never strayed.



Did you know Deirdre

was fired from the fan site?

- No.

- Fake autographs.

But your idol turning on you

is definitely motive.

And Orla was apparently

a jealous type?

Wasn't her fault.

I mean, people were always

trying to drive us apart.

Sure, who could blame them.

Look at me.

Didn't expect to see

such a special guest tonight.

See? Everybody loves me.


I mean...

sheesh, this is good.


Um, who's the special guest?

Well, you are.

Well, you are

a well-regarded musician,

aren't you?

And we don't usually

have performers of your pedigree

at Trad Night.

"Trad Night"?

Traditional Irish music.

It's where a group of locals

get together

and play songs everyone knows.

Come on.

In the merry month of June

From me home I started

Left the girls of Tuam

nearly broken-hearted

Saluted Father dear

Kissed me darling mother

Drank a pint of beer

Me grief and tears

to smother

Then off to reap the corn

Leave where I was born

Cut a stout blackthorn

To banish ghosts and goblins

A brand-new pair of brogues

Rattlin' o'er the bogs

Frightenin' all the dogs

On the rocky road to Dublin

One two three four five...

You enjoy that?

Well done!

Siobhan, how about

a round for the band?

On me.

Yer business is music,

so why don't you stick to that?

You know, you've gone around

asking a lot of questions

that I don't think are safe.

I just wouldn't wanna see you

getting hurt or anything.

I just want to know more

about the person you saw

at Orla's that day.

Will you just leave it alone?

Their deaths were accidents,

nothing mysterious.

Is it a stretch

two kids who met in juvie

might've plotted a bigger crime

to claim an inheritance?

No, but a k*ller

strangling someone

feels angry and personal,

with real hurt.

Deirdre was rejected

by someone

she cared deeply about.


Ahh, never saw that one.

"Whatever souls are made of...

ours were the same."

Are the same.

You'll see her again.

That belt.

What about it?

The studded pattern,

that's the same pattern

that was on Orla's neck

when I found her.

Orla was k*lled with that belt.

Thieves drilled their way

into the safe.

I'd already done my deposits,

so they didn't

get anything there.


the security-cam lenses

right away,

so I couldn't get a good look.

Did something happen?

If there was

an Olympic medal

for police interference...


Last night.

Can I at least finish my report?


I will call you later,

Siobhan, okay?

And you, stay out of trouble.

Another one?

This used to be

such a nice town.

Off to school?

Milltown first.

Besides a mediocre rugby team,

what's in Milltown?

Orla's number-one fan.

Be careful out there.

How are you feeling, by the way?

I'm not seeing anything anymore,

so I think I'm good.

You sure?

Getting sleep?

All good.

Thanks, Doctor.

I don't have

anything else to say.

Just-- just one question.

I was going through

Orla's site.

I saw this picture of you

in this gorgeous studded belt.

I was wondering

where you got it from.

I don't remember any belt.

It's definitely unforgettable.

Oh. Uh, it was a gift,

so I'm not sure.

I should--

That belt matches strangle marks

on Orla's neck.

Strangle marks?

If you were there that night,

and that's your belt,

the police are going

to talk to you.

With me, it's off the record.

I know you didn't do anything.

Let me help you.

I was ashamed

after stealing from the site,

from her.

It wasn't Orla's fault

I never had money.

So I went by.

She'd given me that belt

as a gift,

but it didn't feel right

keeping something

that expensive,

so I gave it back,

like a down payment.

I'd never hurt Orla.

I couldn't.

Then who could've?

Let's get you

off the hook here.

When I went to her place,

there was someone else there,

someone inside.


I couldn't see.

It was only Orla's car

in the driveway.

I wanted to tell the Garda

for years,

but I was worried

that others could get hurt.

What others?

Look, someone's been watching me

since you were here,

maybe listening,

and if they're watching me,

they're watching you, too.

Please be safe.

Who was with Orla that night?

I shouldn't've said anything.


- Headed to lunch?

- Headed to the field?

Yeah, I promised Coach Hingerty

I'd help him

with the scrimmage.

What's your sport?

Parents discouraged sports

or anything non-music.

Worried I'd have fun.

Ah. Mine thought that it would

distract me from my studies.

I only picked up

hurling recently,

but other than that...

Have fun.

Bon appetit.

Hey, Deirdre.

Whoever was watching's here.

They think I said something.

Deirdre, if you're in danger,

hang up the phone

and call the police.

They're on the way.

Look, the person at Orla's,

I didn't see them,

but they took a call.

The cell had a ringtone like...

Why do I know that tune?

I saw their shoes.


Male or female?

Deirdre! Deirdre!

Deirdre going to be okay?

She's alive,

but she was hit pretty hard

with something.

You shouldn't be here.

She knew if she said anything,

something like this

was going to happen,

but it was going to happen

to others.


It like

she was protecting someone.


Didn't say.

She did mention someone

was at Orla's that night.

Any description?

She saw red shoes

and heard their ringtone.

I-I know that tune

from somewhere.

It's definitely

late '70s, early '80s.


I'll just check

the 3.8 million cellphones

in Ireland

and enter them all

into circumstantial evidence.

I know you're not supposed to,

but we can help

each other out here.

If we were to talk,

it can't be here.

The Narrows Creek Bridge

is on the way

back to Dunmullagh.

It's very picturesque.

I might stop

for a little sightseeing.

My niece!

Deirdre, where is she?

Follow me.


Deirdre's Declan's niece?

Maybe he was the one

she was worried about

getting in trouble or hurt?

Subjective, but possibly,

but we're talking

about the case.

We're not,

but if we were,

I'd tell you

that Deirdre owned the belt

Orla was strangled with.

Where'd you get strangling from?

Declan's also the officer

who reported pulling Eamon over.

Declan is on his way

to the hospital,

but I will speak with him later.

Again, not talking

about the case,

but I have a meeting

with the coroner,

who has both Eamon and Orla's

original autopsy notes,

and the reason

I'm telling you this

is to ease your mind

that I'm doing my job.

But whoever it is,

they know we're on to them.

Which is why you need

to stay out of it.

The reason

I agreed to come here--

Was to ask

what I saw at Deirdre's.

It was to make sure

you got home safe.

Some of the splinters

on the floor

were connected

to what looked like

the black tape

they wrap hurlies with.

Find the broken stick,

find the person

that att*cked Deirdre,

find the k*ller.

It is very picturesque, though.

Why don't I give you

a ride home?

I have a bike.

I know.

I have a boot,

and it's going rain.

It's getting better, guys.

Keep up the good work.

Oh, Matti, come, sit down.

When I was a kid,

I was so shy,

I couldn't even answer

the phone.


It would just ring and ring.

Drove my parents insane.

I was worried

I'd say the wrong thing.

But then I realized,

later in choir,

I was just one

of a bigger voice...

...and we need all those voices

to make that one sound,

so be more brave

with your volume next class?

I mean,

if you lead your section,

they will follow.

You have great pitch

and an amazing ear.

Just put the phone to that ear

and answer the call.

I just don't want

to screw it up.

There are no mistakes, Matti.

Be bold.

I'll try.

I highly doubt

we're going to win All-County.

There are worse fates in life.

Look at me.

But why did you quit performing?

Lost my passion somewhere.

Hoped teaching

might help me find it again,

and maybe because my dad

taught music, too.

I don't know.

You can always fail at

what you don't want to do, too,

so always go for the dream.

That's where the passion is.

Teaching, performing, whatever.

As soon as I pull myself

out of a m*rder investigation,

I'll put "take life advice

from a dead person"

on the top of my list.


But so you don't end up

a fellow dead person,

maybe let O'Reilly do his job.

Aw, look.

You care about me.



Maybe, kind of.


Well, Eamon...

I maybe, kind of, yes,

about you, too...

...which is

why I'm not stopping.

My violin!

What just happened?

Looks like a burglary,

and that looked a lot

like Seamus Ashley.

He must've dropped the violin

when he heard us.

Upstairs doesn't seem

to have fared too badly,

but you're sure you saw

Seamus Ashley in the house?

I sure did.

Not really, but I am sure.

It was him.

I know he's had

a past with break-ins.

He commented on my violin.

He knew it was expensive.

Did you or did you not

see him specifically, though?

I didn't.

I'm sorry you had to go

through this, but I can't go--

I'll lay off.


I'll go down

and have a chat with Billy,

see if I can learn anything.

I'll come back up

and check in on you, okay?

- Okay.

- Okay.

Cute. Who's the girl?

That's Dr. Elizabeth,

lip-synching back in the day,

had our own "band".

Mostly played pots and pans.

Our parents were very patient.

Met Orla not too long

after that, actually.

Two-piece band

became a three-piece.

Well, we're definitely

getting closer.

Then why does Orla feel

further away than ever?

No, I'm the skeptic.

You're the dreamer.

It's going to work out, okay?


I gave that to Orla

after our third year together.

I asked her to marry me.

It must have fallen

in the piano,

been there the whole time.

You-- You didn't tell me

that you and Orla were married.

Oh, she never said yes.

She said being together

was all she ever wanted.


said she'd hold onto it

and promised

she'd say yes some day.

"Drink to

our everlasting love song."

Maybe she finally decided to.


that's the reason

why she was late

to your performance that night.

She couldn't find the ring.

Am I ever

going to get to see her again?

You will.

I promise.

I'll leave it right here...

for when you two

find each other again.


We need to talk.

Why did you lie about

pulling Eamon over that night?

When I got to his place,

Orla had these marks

on her neck,

and I found a belt,

a belt I knew

Deirdre was prouder

than anything

to have gotten from Orla.

It looked like

she'd been strangled.

So you got rid of the belt

so Deirdre wouldn't be

a suspect?

Two people's lives

were already over.

I knew she'd go to jail,

innocent or not.

Do you think

Deirdre k*lled Orla?

I did...

until she was att*cked.

And where were you

the night Orla died?

I was on duty.

Any record

of what you were up to?

No, it was a quiet shift.

And what about

when Deirdre was att*cked?

You think I hurt Deirdre?

I covered for her

to protect her.

Did she know you lied for her?

Maybe she was going

to come clean.

I didn't k*ll Orla,

and I didn't attack Deirdre

to save my job.

Look, all I ever did was

try and protect my family.

So no, I didn't do it.

I'll walk you down.

You've got police interference

and obstruction of justice

for now.

Come on.

Don't do it, Gethsemane.

You're talking to ghosts

and yourself now?

Just one quick look in his truck

can't hurt, right?

Declan confessed

to covering up for Deirdre

and lying about seeing me.

But not to the murders?

No, but he's behind bars

until bail's set.

So okay.

Then I can, say,

have a gander in Seamus's truck.


Windy day, wouldn't you say?

Oh, downright blustery.

A broken hurley.

Hmm. This one comes

with blood on it.

The tape's ripped, too.

Wood splintered,

making it look like...

what put Deirdre

in the hospital.

I told you to leave it alone.

I-I will.

I-I'm sorry.

It's too late for that.

Hey! What do you think

you're doing?

Get your hands off me.

A man with your record

should know

it'd look pretty incriminating

if you were to flee.

He says Father Tim

had him come by

to fix the leaky tap

on the second floor.

Those have been leaky

for quite a while.

I'll, uh,

I'll speak to Father Tim

and circle back if I need

any further statements.


We'll be here.




Don't look now,

but you're literally standing

in a triangle formation.



I should get back to work.

Me too.


Absolutely, yeah,

and you have my number if,

uh, you need anything.

That I do.

I'll see ya.

See you.

Alive, alive, oh

Alive, alive, oh...

Crying "Cockles and mussels

alive, alive, oh"

And the phone's ringing.

Pick it up.

That's it!

Well done, everyone!

How did it feel?


We're definitely going

to win the All-County now.

Well, we still have work to do,

but maybe we have a shot.

We could win

if we had a cooler song.

What's wrong with this song?

Okay, I...

guess we could use

something fresh,

something ours,

something All-County

has never heard before.

Like, if Eamon McCarthy

were alive,

what would he write?

No. No.

No, no, no, no, no.


You must have something around.

Uh, did I mention no?

What about expanding

that song from other night?

I just don't know

if I can do it.

I don't know if I can write

without my muse.

Sometimes, the best way

through writer's block

is to write through it.

Hit those blue notes.

No one's going to hear.

I mean, all you can do

is put your heart into it,

find that love, and try.

I've gotta say,

hope looks good on you, Gets.

What did we say about "Gets"?

Okay, for you,

Gethsemane Brown...

I'll try to write through it.

Oh, sorry, Gethsammy.

Meet Mr. Marple.

He's a condo developer

wanting to set up

some vacation spots here.


- Wait, you're selling?

- What?

Excuse us.

This is happening when?

I'm heading abroad for a bit,

so, hopefully,

sooner rather than later.

He's motivated, cash in hand.

Why are you selling

all of the sudden

and leaving the country?

We all have bills to pay,

and I hope you're not

suspecting me

in any of this Eamon stuff.

I'm just worried

that if the house sells

and it gets torn down,

any new evidence of your uncle

might get lost.

Look, you never listened

to Seamus,

but you're going to listen me.

There's not going to be

any new evidence,

so back off, yeah?

I'm sorry about

your scare earlier.

You know, break-ins have been

a problem in the area.

Can I at least ask you

where you were

the night of the accident?

I think it's best

you probably start looking

for a new place.

You know, wouldn't want you

to get pushed out or anything.

Pocket dial.

He could've changed

his ringtone.

Has been five years.

Where can I put this?

I need to keep it safe.

In here.

It's an armoire,

built by my ancestors.

Good idea.



Never seen that before.

And the thief left one behind.

It looks old.

Like a groat coin, maybe.

And that is?

Years back,

when the Brits

came for our property,

the locals would hide

or bury their coins,

so their money

wouldn't be seized as well.

Looks like my ancestors

hid theirs here.

Worth anything?

Oh, I'd imagine.

Because Seamus

was flipping one of these

for heads or harp at the pub.

Who else would know

this was here?

You're going to say

someone who worked

the property, like Billy.

Or like you said,

you hired Seamus

to redo your floors

right before the murders.

He could've found it then.

You're thinking Billy broke in

the night Orla was here?

And she interrupted him.

There's no sign of a break-in.

But Billy

would have a key, right?

That he would.

So they both

could've been there.

Gethsemane, games night

at the pub tonight.

I'll see what I can do.

We'll save you a seat.


Tell your teacher friend

to watch his back.

You okay?


We have no witnesses seeing him

attack Deirdre or Orla

or even being at your place.

Well, I saw him.

What about the broken hurley

with blood on it?

It was mostly mud,

and the little blood there was,

he says was his.

He broke it when

he was tossed out of the game.

Spectators confirmed.


I've still sent it down

to forensics,

but it might not be

what was even used

in the attack.

I found this

by a cracked lockbox at Eamon's.

Seamus broke in

to steal these coins,

and he still has one.

If Orla caught him,

that's motive.

I'll take a look at the lockbox,

but I can't hold him

on a matching coin.

What's it called?

We're calling it

"Orla's Theme".

Not finished.

Who wants to try this out?

Definitely from the late '70s,

early '80s.

What song is that?

I wish I knew.

It's from a ringtone

I heard the other day,

but it's a bit of an earworm,

trying to figure out

the full melody.

"She's a Woman." Cool.

"A Deep Cut," by Rokotto.

Great work, Rian.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

I'm glad you kept

the door open this time.

I heard you earlier

with the kids.

It was...

it was breathtaking.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Okay, um, see you later.

They're just shoes.

What motive

would Griff have, anyway?

Do you think maybe

there's a part of you

that wants him to be a suspect

because you're scared

of falling for him?

I'll go wait on the bike.

Just saying,

leave the house alone.


Nobody knows anything.

Anything about what?

I've heard you boys

have been betting

on the matches again.

Few unlucky streaks, yeah?

- Yeah. A few.

- Okay.

So my question is this--

did he k*ll Orla

when she found him in our house,

or did the both of you?

Oh, no, no.

Or maybe--

Orla and Eamon were both

supposed to be poisoned

by the bottle

your friend, Seamus, delivered,

and when he was nicked

for robbery,

you inherit the big lovely house

all to yourself.


is max six months.

m*rder is up to 40 years.

It's your call

what you go in for.

Why did you break in

the other night?

Billy and I

owe some bad people,

and that violin is worth a lot,

but that doesn't make me

a k*ller.

The night Orla died...

...you broke in then, too?

Orla was supposed to be

at Eamon's concert that night.

I went in for the lockbox,

but then she came home in a--

in a rush--

like she'd forgotten something--

something about a ring.

I was upstairs.

I didn't see much.

Billy gave you

the key to get in?

What if I say he did?

Six months or 40 years, pal.

It's up to you.

Billy let me in.


What's going on

in that beautiful mind of yours?

How did the k*ller know

that you were going to drink

the poison as well?

I'm guessing someone

who knew we drank it

when we wrote or celebrated?

When I first got here,

Seamus literally said

Billy told him that exact thing,

so they both know.

Or unless it was meant

to be just Orla who drank it,

so that they could break in

when she was out cold?

Your death an accident's

from a bottle

left behind in a rush?


...but we're still missing

that one last piece.

Billy's selling,

skipping town.

Innocent people

don't usually run.

But we don't have

any real evidence against him.

Maybe we look

for our missing piece

over at Billy's.

It's games night

at the pub later.

He'll definitely be there.

We have a plan, then.


Feels too easy.

Billy isn't going to leave this

just lying around.

But I did find

parts of my stolen car

hidden in a back room,

along with a stack

of newer electronics.

That explains the break-ins,

but this hurley's

clearly planted.

Yeah, but by who?

Declan's in jail, so...

maybe it's someone

off the radar.

Like you said,

a strangling's personal,


a family member or...

[footsteps approaching

Who are you calling?

Someone very close to you.

Gethsemane, I knew you just

couldn't leave this alone.

In your office,

you said it was hard

seeing the world without him...

...not them.

It's all about Eamon,

all about love.

It's a dangerous thing,

isn't it?

Dr. Elizabeth?

Go, go, go!

If I end up dead,

it's Dr. Elizabeth.

Meet me at my house.

It's done.

The cops are on their way.


We're going to get you help.

There's something going on

in that head of yours

I'm worried about.

We'll get you

further checked out.

The duet was supposed to be

you and Eamon...

until Orla came along.

Not sure

what you're talking about.

You've been staying close

to this case the whole time.

The more we found out,

the more you had to cover up.

That's why you att*cked Deirdre.


Let's just talk this through.

You're not well.

You were going to see

Eamon's concert with her,

weren't you?

As Orla's close friend,

she probably confided in you

that she was going to finally

accept Eamon's proposal...

...and that couldn't happen...

And you had no idea

Seamus and Billy arranged

a burglary the same night...

...or that Deirdre would show up

to return the studded belt.

Maybe you proposed

a quick drink...

...a toast,

something to settle her nerves.

But Orla,

she drinks too little,

so you panicked.

You pushed Orla over the cliff

and you ran off.

You saw Seamus inside,

but you couldn't go in.

Either way,

you accidentally

leave the poison behind,

not realizing Eamon drinks it.

Why didn't you just

tell Eamon how you felt?

You're a sick

and troubled woman.

I'm afraid, your state of mind,

you could self-harm.

They'll see it

in my examination notes.

I'm sorry.

You were the one thing

made life livable.

You were my world,

but you never saw me as yours.

My entire life

spent wondering...

why wasn't I enough?


Orla is everything.

Okay, Doc.

Hands where I can see them!

That's it.

That's it.

Stay where you are.

It's okay, Gethsemane.

I've got it.


That's it, that's it.

I thought we did

everything right.

We did.

I guess this is goodbye.

Here we say...


like, uh, farewell.

Do you think you can say it

to my dad for me?

I'd be delighted to meet him.

Tell him thank you...

...because everything brought me

here to this exact moment.




the only place to be

For a true love song

never fades

I adored you then

And I love you now

Forever and a day

I adored you then

And I love you now

Forever and a day


Bravo! Bravo!

You did it,

and with no pressure.

The students did it,

and you should be proud.

Oh, I am.


Um, I, uh,

I did some investigating,

and, apparently,

these are what you give out

after an amazing show, so...

Thank you.

That data coincides

with mine.

I don't know

how you pulled it off.

Luck, and a little fate.

I was about to say

the same thing.

Afterparty down at the pub?

We should do a song together?

Her and I, not me and you.

Mm. I got that.

Let me get my things.



Definitely prefers me.

Now that the whole town

adores you,

more of a square

than a love triangle.

What are you doing here?


your Da' is terrible at poker,

but he has

the most amazing laugh.

He says he loves you,

misses you,

and is very proud of you...

...like I am.

And in his own very big words,

your performance

the other night...

"stupendously prodigious".

He saw that?

We both did.

He says you're right

where you need to be.

To answer your question,

I have some friends

still stuck in limbo,

not living their best afterlife.

They could really use

your help, Gets.

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