02x23 - Taken By Storm: Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x23 - Taken By Storm: Part I

Post by bunniefuu »

Sarina: tempest wind and arctic squall,

The time has come, so heed my call.

What can I do for you?

"What can we do for you?"

That's what I meant. Yeah, right.


Our targets will arrive in the town of domino today,

So find them and give them a warm welcome.

Then bring them before me.

Yo, I'm all over it.

Those punks are walkin' on thin ice.

Chill out, frosty. This is a team effort.


This will be your toughest job yet.

From what I hear, jaden is no ordinary duelist.

In fact, according to my brother,

He may be the one.

Awesome. Right on.

Settle down and take these.

What are they?


Should your own skills prove to be too weak,

Subdue your opponent with those.

Now be gone.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

We're here. Took long enough.

So this is where yugi grew up. What to do first.

Find a bathroom.

I'm sorry. Not a big boat fan.

Bonaparte: may I have your attention, s'il vous plait?

It's time to review our schedule.

Sartorius: I beg your pardon, hmm?

But my dorm and I have our own agenda today.

Now, if you'll excuse us...

But the regulations clearly state--

Good day, sir.

Hmm? Hmm?

Well, I'm not babysitting them.

That much I can tell you.

Don't look at me.

You're on your own.

If you need me, I'll be back at the hotel.

Me, too. Room service, here I come.

Well, this is just great.

Abandoned in an unknown city.

Who cares?

We don't need those guys holdin' us back.

Exactly. We're in the coolest place on earth,

So we all gotta make the most of it, right?

That's right.

Luckily, I brought a guidebook.

So did i, and mine is more updated.

Aster, tell me,

What's this sartorius planning to do?

You must know something.

After all, he is your manager, isn't he?

Not anymore.

The cards tell me you have a question.

What're you doing at this school?

I should be asking you the same thing.

You despise duel academy, yet still, you linger.

Because of you.

You said it was good for my career.

You know better than that.

This has nothing to do with me, aster.

What's that mean?

Have you forgotten everything that I've taught you?

We're here because it is the will of destiny.

You and I had no choice.

No one escapes fate-- well, almost no one--

For I found someone who defies destiny.

You're talking about jaden.

That's right.

It seems as if all the pieces revolve around him.

Pieces? To the great puzzle.

Aster, it's time you knew the truth about me.

Not long ago, thanks to a twist of fate,

The direction of my life changed.

I formed a secret society.

You mean the society of light.

Is that why you convinced me to enroll as a student here?

Is it?

You were using me to brainwash people?

And to think, I trusted you all these years.

Aster, you must understand.

It was for your own good and the good of the world.

Mankind is destined to see the light.

You and I are merely pawns of destiny.

Ya know, I used to believe everything you said,

But those days are gone.


I guess you're not who I thought you were.

Just level with us.

What's sartorius planning to do?

Even if I knew, I'm sure a duelist

Of your caliber wouldn't understand.

See here. I'm top caliber.

My grades are high, and my record is impeccable.

Oh, yeah?

Then why hasn't the society of light come for you yet?

Oh! Sorry, pal,

But sartorius told me that he's targeting

Duel academy's top students,

So he must not think too much of your dueling skills.

Oh! Hey, guys, back me up here.


Uh, jaden? Syrus? Hassleberry?

Where are you?

Syrus: check it out.

It's a famous battle city landmark.

This is the spot where yugi and joey--

Where yugi and joey dueled to their doom.

Boys, we're standing on sacred ground.

According to my guidebook,

Pegasus handcuffed them to this pier.

Get your facts straight.

It was marik, and he chained their ankles to an anchor.

Let me lead.

At least I'm up-to-date on my yu-gi-oh history,

And I didn't find my guidebook on the discount rack.

What? How'd ya like to relive the past--

Just you, me, and an anchor?

Why, so I can beat you again?

At ease, dweeb.

Chill out, guys. This is s'posta be fun.

Now hug and make up so we can move on.


All right. I say we go to yugi's house next.

Both: I'll lead the way.

Jaden: whoa, we are so not worthy to be standing here right now.

Hello? That you, yugi?

Oh, I'm sorry.

I coulda sworn I heard my grandson.

Is that-- it sure is.

You're yugi's grandpa. You're like .

Uh, we're over here, sir.

This is such an honor.

Will you please autograph my guidebook?

Mine, too. After all, you did write it.

I did?

The mind ain't what it used to be.

Oh, it is you.

Does yugi still live here?

He went to the market to get some olives...

About years ago.

Ha ha ha! That's yugi.

Probably on some adventure,

But I could've sworn I heard him.

You know him?

Well, not personally, but we're big fans.

As a matter of fact, we're here on a school field trip.

Huh? "Feel like taking a dip"?

Sorry. Don't have a pool,

But I do have a card shop,

And you're welcome to look around.


Hassleberry: sam hill,

Will you look at all those rare cards?

What an awesome collection.

Whoa, you have a blue-eyes white dragon?

Is it a real one? It sure is.

Hey, gramps, you see my best friend over there?

He's the next king of games.

Whose best friend?

Really? You don't say.

Well, I hope so.

He rocks.

Hassleberry here

Wants to be just like him

When he grows up.

Why don't you boys let me take you

On a tour of the town?

Are you serious?

You'd do that for us?


I just hope you youngsters can keep up.

Grandpa: this is where the tournament began...

Or was it there?

Eh, you get the point.

Wait a sec.

You're tellin' me this is the spot

Where yugi dueled his first rare hunter?

Grandpa: yup, and this is where he faced

His first egyptian god card.

Know which one it was?

Jaden: of course. It was slifer the sky dragon.

That duel is legendary. This is so cool.

Come on.

The best sights are yet to come.

I'll race you there.

You're goin' down, old man.

Eat my dust, sonny.

A little more hustle there, gramps.

Right behind you.


Oh, I could've beaten them,

But they're just kids, so I may as well let them win

And then catch up with the little tikes later.



Oh, not again.


Looks like we lost grandpa.

Game time.

Let's split up and look for him.

Sarina: guardians of thunder, rain, and hail,

Cover this land in a darkened veil.

Let your reign of fear begin

And keep all spirits trapped within.



That's weird. It was just sunny.

What's up, winged kuriboh?

Can you not see them?

Can I not see what?

The source of this power.

Look more closely.


But that's not all.

There and there.

Oh, what are they?

Ancient duel monster spirits.

What are they doing?

It's simple.

They're creating a spiritual barrier.

Therefore, if the person controlling those spirits isn't defeated,

Then we'll all be trapped in this city forever.

Yeah, but who's controlling them?

Any sign of grandpa?


I didn't look in those dark alleys over there.

Why don't you check 'em out?

Don't boss me.

Why don't you go poke around back there,

Unless you're scared

Just like you're too scared to duel me again?

I'm not scared.

Then let's throw down right here.

What is that thing?

It's grandpa's headband,

And it's frozen stiff.

What did you do to him?

Who me?

I didn't lay a finger on the old geezer,

But if you dorks ever wanna see him again,

Be on the roof of that building in minutes.

The clock is ticking.

Ya know what I think?

I think yugi's gramps was kidnapped.

Yeah, duh!

We've gotta get up there.

Come on. We've only got minutes.

Syrus: you up here?

Hassleberry: grandpa?

Now what do we do?

Hold on. I've seen this place.

Oh, yeah.

This is where kaiba and yugi dueled as a tag team.

It's in my battle city guidebook.

Look. Two duel disks.

I bet some sicko wants to recreate that duel,

But back then, the losers

Were banished to the shadow realm.

That's just a myth.

What's that?

Frost: it's a magic shadow box.

Thunder: yeah, just like back in the day.

We've got company, private.

Syrus: and not the kind you invite over for milk and cookies.

Who are you?

Speak up.

You can call me frost.

Yeah, and I'm thunder.

What'd you guys do with grandpa?

Oh, him? He's takin' a rest.

I'd be more worried about yourselves

'Cause you guys are coming with us.

And why would we do something like that?

Simple. 'Cause if you don't,

Then you boys'll be taking

A one-way trip to the shadow realm.

There's no such thing.

Both: time to find out.

Get your game on.get your game on.

Real cute. One problem.

Cute doesn't cut it

When you throw down with the light brigade.

A'ight, yo. Kick it.

Not a bad start. I activate side attack.

Check it out.

This spell card was made for tag-team duels

'Cause now each player can only attack

The person directly across from them.

Of course, we get a slight advantage.

If you preppies are runnin' low on monster cards,

Then our crew is free to attack you directly.

A card made for tag duels?

That means you street punks have an unfair advantage.

That ain't cool.

We never said this was fair,

So why don't you just chill out?

And this guy should help.

It's my ice knight.

Here's the deal.

For every water-type monster he hangs out with,

Ice knight gains points.

Settle down, soldier.

My move.

Gilasaurus, report for duty.

Guess what, hoss? You're plum outta luck

'Cause that was a special summon,

Which means one thing.

I can sacrifice gilasaurus to summon dark driceratops.

And since he's in my front line,

I may as well play jurassic world.

Now all my dinos

Gain extra attack and defense points.

I'll place this face down and rest up.

Listen, boys. Hear that?

It sounds like thunder to me,

My thunder knight, to be exact,

And get this.

Whenever a thunder-type monster appears on the field,

He gets a -point jolt.

I'm done, but this is just the calm before the storm.

What, that's it? Watch this.

I, um--i mean-- well, i--

I summon truckroid.

Then, well, I guess I end my turn.

Now that we've broken the ice,

Let's move on.

Round two. Awesome.

I sacrifice my ice knight.

You ready to get the chills?

'Cause I play mobius, the frost monarch...

And with the king of cold in my corner,

Two trap cards or field cards

Are automatically rendered useless.


Go. Freeze play.

So much for your jurassic world.

It's no biggie

'Cause your snowman still doesn't have

What it takes to stop my dino.

I'm not done.

Next, I activate this card--mobius castle.

Bad news.

It looks like the ice age is here, bro,

And since dinosaurs don't dig the cold,

Your friend loses attack and defense points.

But that means-- it's extinction time.

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Frost monarch, make a popsicle outta that thing.

Ice lance.

The iceman cometh,

And your life points goeth.

I'm in command,

So I activate pot of greed.

This lets me draw twice,

And now I play my earthquake spell.

This'll shake things up.

All monsters on the field switch to defense mode.

And now archeonys takes the field...

But not for long 'cause now I play this guy.

It's my new ultra evolution spell card,

And it allows me to trade in my feathered friend for a dinosaur.

Black tyranno, front and center.

Dude, we're in the ice age, remember?

What were you thinking?

I guess you weren't

'Cause look at your little friend now.

I think he's feeling a little under the weather.

So? He's got plenty of fight left.

Now, tyranno, make a meal outta him.

Forward march.

Yo, you are as dumb as you look

'Cause I got this, my bit sh**t trap,

And it lets me summon a monster to the field.

So check out my reflector bit.

My soldier just launched an attack on the wrong target.

Bingo. He was distracted,

So my rflector bit took the hit, instead,

But I don't lose any points.

My tag team partner does.

So you just caused your own teammate to lose points?

Frost, that is not cool, but I've got protection, too.

Go, bit sh**t. Fire reflector bit.

Another one?

That's right, little man,

And mine has a trick, too.

Whenever it's att*cked by my partner's reflector bit,

The attack is negated.

Oh, yeah, and you lose points.


Man! Sorry about that, private.

You came to the party unprepared.

Reflector bit is a tag duel card.

Since we've got two out there,

They pretty much create an invincible barrier for our team.

You can't touch this.

Thunder: hey, ice for brains, you're lucky.

Next time, how 'bout a little heads up, pal?

I coulda been nailed.

Dude, chillax.

I knew you had the reflector bit ready to go.

Don't sweat the small stuff.

Hmm, whatever. My move.

I sacrifice my thunder knight.

Know why?

So I can summon zaborg the thunder monarch.

Whenever this bad boy shows up to throw down,

You're outta luck 'cause one of your dudes bites the dust.

Thunder crush!

My truckroid.

Thunder: I wouldn't wanna be you right now.

Now, zaborg, direct attack.

Aw, man.

Don't worry, little dude.

It's all good 'cause I activate my trap--

Revolving stage.

That card allowed me to flip the script.

Now my opponent takes the hit.

Aah! Aah!




Ha ha ha!

Sorry, thunder. Couldn't resist.

Hassleberry, they don't seem to get along.

Maybe we can use that.

Iceboy, did you forget what sarina said?

We're s'posta be working together here.

Sarina? Who's that?

Fess up. Who're you boys workin' for?


Oh, snap. I thought you knew.

Thunder, tell 'em.

Have you two preppies ever heard of the name sartorius?

Both: sartorius?

According to master sartorius, his sister lives here.

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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