02x10 - A Greater Porpoise

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x10 - A Greater Porpoise

Post by bunniefuu »

Syrus: jaden?!

Hassleberry: front and center!

Both: your best friend's lookin' for you!

Tell him it's me, jay!

Yeah! Let half-pint here know that I'm your number one!

Remember all our good times, jaden?

Ya know, like fighting shadow riders,

And, well maybe that wasn't so good,

But you know what I mean!

Jaden's my wingman! Got that, twerp?

Oh, yeah?!

Well, who's known him longer, huh?

If you could count, you'd know it's me by a year!

And you're just a dumb rookie!


Take that back! Grr!

Need I remind you two jaden's lost!

Well, he started it!

Did not! Tattletale.

Deep breath. Have you even started looking?

Uh! Guys!

We're searching for our friend, not a hamster.

Chazz: you fools will never find jaden!

Haven't you heard the good news?

He's given up dueling! You know why?

'Cause he refused to embrace the fundamental truths

Of his own destiny!

In other words jaden didn't see the light,

The society of light!

Well, it looks like he's finally gone awol.

Not me. Maybe jaden!

After all, he left the island yesterday!

That loser's probably lost at sea by now!

Ha ha ha!


He finally went off the deep end.

Aah! You'll see.

You'll all see.

The light is the answer!

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Captioning made possible by kids productions

Sartorius, thinking: how could jaden's soul have eluded me?

Only the cards can explain it.

Strange. This card has fallen on a diagonal.

The reaper of souls.

When upside-down, it indicates a rebirth.

When right-side up, it signifies destruction.

But this pointed in neither direction.

What could this mean?

Why didn't I pack a few snacks before I ran away?

I wish...

Things could be like they were last year...

Back when I could still see my cards...

Back when losing a duel didn't mean losing your mind...

Back when I still had the will to duel.

But that's all in the past.

What am I supposed to do now?

Hey, up there! How about givin' me a sign!

Should I give up or duel again? Tell me.

A sh**ting star? That's a great sign!

Now all I have to do is figure out what it means.

Oh! Uh, I changed my mind! I don't want a sign!


Where am i?

Check it out!

Monsters from all my old duels!

Alexis: you can't leave us, jay!

Syrus: jay, we still need you!

Bastion: you have a greater purpose, jaden!

Zane: jaden, your biggest test is yet to come!

[Echoing laughter]


Guess I floated back to academy island.

Ugh! Or not.

Breathe deep, jaden. This is all just a dream.

Yeah, that's it. A super realistic dream.

Couldn't I have dreamed myself

Into a fast-food joint or something?

Hold on! This whole thing can't be a dream!

'Cause to do that, I'd actually have to fall asleep.


Oh, unless

That sh**ting star did hit me and now I've bit the dust!

Oh! Wow. Talk about your major bummers!

Ok. Calm down.

So this is the great beyond, hah?

Oh, great! Just perfect! I forgot my swimsuit!

Well, they better have cable up here!

Don't you realize television rots your brain?

That's weird. There's nothing here but birds and dolphins.

Hey, fish breath,

Can you talk?

Of course. Does that surprise you?

It figures. I'm in dolphin heaven.

No. But not a bad guess,

For an ape, that is.

And a particularly hairless primate

At that.

A dolphin with legs?!

Wait. So is that where fish sticks come from?

Hee hee! Fish sticks.

Don't you get it?!

Yes. It just wasn't that funny.

Now, I'm what you'd call a super evolved neo-spacian aqua dolphin.

But you may call me aquos.

All right. Afterlife,

That I can handle!

But alien dolphins, no way!

Well, at least we take baths.

Now, then shall I tell you why you're here?

Sure. It can't get much worse!

Jaden, the universe is in danger.

For in all things, there exists neo-space: a balance--

Earth and air,

Light and darkness.

Without one, the other cannot survive.

Like fries and ketchup?

Like fries and ketchup.

But now the balance has tipped and we need you!

Who? Me?

Yes, you!

That's great.

But this isn't really a good time.

So good luck with all that!

Please hear me out.

Jaden, there's an organization that's called the society of light.

And these humans are destroying the darkness,

Thus destroying the balance.

So what?

"So what"?

Jaden, look, did you understand what I said before?

Not really.

There was something about french fries.

But to be honest, the rest is all a blur.

Oh, wait!

There was something about ketchup, too! Right?

Well, it looks like they found us.

They did?

Wait. Who did?

The society. They must have sensed your power, jaden.

They want it!

Jaden, you alone can save our worlds,

For you have a gift.

Save the world? Sorry. Been there, done that!

I'm gonna have to take a rain check this time.

If you fail to accomplish this mission

And they win,

Then life, all life, will fade away!

What if I can't?

What is that?!

Why, that is your next duel.

Now, go out there and get your game on!

What?! But I don't even have my deck, dolphin-boy!

Besides, even if I did have my cards, I can't see 'em.

So what's the point?

I know. However, have a look over there.

You might have more luck with those.

Wait. With what?


Oh. Big deal.

So it's a pile of space junk.

What's this?

Is this what I think it is?


Remember, true strength isn't about winning.

It's about getting back up when you fall down.

Huh? Where did you hear all that baloney?

A fortune cookie?

You once loved dueling with all your heart.

Tell me, what happened to you?

I lost.

Then perhaps this is your chance to start over.

All right. I guess it's time,

Time that jaden got back in the game!

Sweet. Just like back home.

Of course! What did you expect?

Humanoid opponent identified.

Jaden yuki.

You know it. Let's do this!

Aquos: good luck, jaden. The universe is counting on you!

Society of light member: commence dueling competition.

Wish me luck.


My card! I can see it!

It looks familiar.


I gotta check on something!

This isn't space junk!

It's a kaiba corp satellite!

Seto kaiba: attention, all duelists!

My company will be hosting a global competition.

Anyone who thinks they've got what it takes can enter.

Just create a design for a new card.

Then mail your submission to the kaiba corporation.

Winners will be hand-picked by me.

Then your cards will be launched into space

On a kaiba corp satellite,

'Cause I figure if there is intelligent life out there...

Then let's teach 'em how to duel!

Ha ha ha ha!

This is gonna be sweet!

Jaden, voice-over: I spent months designing my own cards!

I drew every monster I ever wanted!

Come to think of it, it's the only homework I ever did.

Oh. I guess I won the contest.

So these are the cards I designed!

And the best part is, I can actually see 'em!

Correct. The prophesy of my people has come to pass.

You must defeat this android in a duel.

The fate of the universe now rests with you.

Oh, dear.

That's quite a lot of pressure, isn't it?

Don't mess up.

Battle must commence. Battle must commence.

Light must consume all matter.

Hey! Don't go starting without me, chrome dome!

Acknowledged: carbon-based bacteria.

You shall be the first of many organisms

To be scrubbed from my hard drive.

Uh, do you come with a translation button?

Whatever. I summon my chrysalis dolphin!

Your turn, oil stain!

Negative. No leakage detected.

Now transporting two cards to graveyard

To summon candelato, the beast of light!

He's all bark and no bite!

Come on! Not one attack point?!

Negative, you contaminated protein strain.

Candelato amasses , attack and defense points

For each card I hold.

Computation complete.

Total attack points accrued-- ,.


Regulation .,

Subsection c, paragraph two.

Candelato cannot attack on the turn it was summoned.

Your move.

It's about time, motor mouth!

I play dandelion in defense mode!

[Candelato growls]

Jaden, thinking: I totally remember making these monsters up!

Dolphin and dandelion were my favorites!

Who knew they'd actually become real cards?

That's it!

I was so busy feeling sorry for myself,

I forgot why I started dueling in the first place--

To have fun!

So its time to stop moping and start getting my game on!

Well, sparkplug, I'm waiting!

You are at a tactical disadvantage, humanoid.

All right. Fine! Then come and get me!

Syntax illogical.

Probability of victory: .%.

Not quite.

'Cause thanks to your monster,

You're not allowed to draw a single card!

Recalculating probability of victory. .%.

Candelato, attack.

Prism blast!

You forgot one thing-- my monster's effect!

Whenever my dandelion's destroyed in battle,

I get these guys-- two fluff tokens in defense!

Does not compute. Does not compute.

"Fluff token" not found in monster database.

That's too bad. My turn!

First, I activate pot of greed!

So I'll be drawing two more cards...

Then I play this-- my contact spell!

Explanation needed.

Piece of cake. I take my chrysalis,

Send it to the graveyard, and presto chango,

A totally new monster appears--

One that's even stronger!

So say good-bye to my chrysalis

And hello to this bad boy...

Neo-spacian aqua dolphin!


Like him? I hope so,

'Cause he's pretty tough for a fish in spandex!

I'm a mammal, not a fish.

And he's not the only cosmic creature

About to kick your can,

'Cause you remember my fluff tokens, right?

Well, I'm ditchin' 'em to summon this!

Scrap heap, meet my newest elemental hero--

Elemental hero neos!

Jaden is back in action!

And 'll tell ya, it feels great to be duelin' again, folks.

Ya know what?

I haven't been this excited to throw down

Since I was a kid!

Emotions are illogical. Proceed with your move.

Fine. I'll use aqua dolphin's special effect.

By getting rid of one card,

I get to sneak a peek of your hand

And choose one of your monsters.

And if one of my guys,

Like, hmm, say,

Elemental hero neos...

Has more attack points, it's adios.

And then you lose points!

Sonar wave!

Only , points? Sorry, dude. Adios.

And don't forget, with one card missing,

Candelato loses

A thousand of its attack points.

Now let's try that again!

Aquos, sonar wave!

Not gonna cut it!

All right, as they say, third time's the charm!

Sorry, metal head, but no dice!

Neos, turn him into scrap metal! Attack!

Put him away with cosmic crush.

Tell your boss that jaden's back!

Society of light member: systematic malfunction!

Well, that was fun. Guess we saved the universe.

I wish it were that simple, my friend.

This was but one battle.

I'm afraid many more struggles will follow.

They will?

Of course.

You see, we here in neo-space have been waiting for you.

Your visit was predicted eons ago.

And now you're here to restore balance again

By stopping the society of light.


That's "good luck" in dolphin.

Ha ha! You, too, bro! Huh?

Aquos? I'm back at duel academy!

I guess it was all a dream.

It had to be. I mean, come on!

Alien dolphins?

But dream or no dream, that was exactly what I needed.

It reminded me of why I started dueling

And why getting stranded at sea without eating first is a bad idea.

[Dolphins chattering]


No way!

My deck, it wasn't a dream.

Of course not.

You humans are so difficult to convince.

Your new deck is infused with the power of neo-space.

And as long as you have it, I shall be with you

As your ally and as your friend.

Jaden, thinking: thanks, aquos, for everything.

♪ Chilling out with your crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on

♪ Come on and get

♪ Your game on
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