02x07 - A New Breed of Hero: Part II

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x07 - A New Breed of Hero: Part II

Post by bunniefuu »

Last time, on "yu-gi-oh! Gx"...

Tell us about this new deck of yours.

Well there's a reason I unveiled it today.

See, last week I paid a visit to duel academy,

And get this: there's as student there

Who totally copied my deck!


Now whether you like me or not,

There's one fact that no one out there can dispute:

I'm the best! I can't be beat!

And to prove it,

I'm challenging this schoolboy!

A wise choice.

Yeah, you were right.

I have to beat that jaden kid.

It's the only way!

My entire career is on the line here!

Glad you agree.

But dueling jaden wasn't my idea.

This rivalry was determined by the hands of fate.

Now bring me your deck.

I'd like to peer through the doors of destiny.

I activate my d-time card!

So thank you!

You triggered this trap

When you destroyed my phoenix enforcer!

When it leaves the field,

I can unleash a new breed of heroes from my deck!

They're known as the destiny heroes!

First I'll play my clock tower prison field spell!

Now hands of fate turn,

And usher in the doom!

Destiny hero-doom lord, send him packing!

With impending doom grip!

Hey, what did you do to my wingman?

He's gone!

Yeah, but not for long.

You see, each turn,

My doom lord can send one of your monsters

Two turns into the future!

That doesn't even make sense.

To you.

Because you've got a lot

To learn about destiny.

And unfortunately for you,

Right now I'm controlling yours.

And your future's looking pretty grim!


Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

You think things are intense now?

Well, just wait!

My move!

Whoa, chill out!

Don't you know what "time" it is?

Time to get a new watch!

But don't worry. I happen to have a clock!

And it's ticking towards your defeat!

That's quite the timepiece.

Yes, exquisite workmanship.

What's the deal?

Yeah, jaden can't tell time!


Wondering why I put a giant clock on the field?

Well, I wouldn't want

To ruin all the suspense for you,

So you'll have to wait.

That's cool. No biggie.

Because whatever that thing does,

I'm pretty sure

I've got the cards in my deck to stop it.


No one can stop the hands of fate.

Don't be so sure!

I summon wroughtweiller in attack mode!

Now sic 'im, boy!

Thanks for the help!

Now I can play this!

It's my destiny signal!

That's real original.

I heard that!

You're just bitter that I have the upper hand!

Well, I can't say that I blame you.

Because after all,

If you hadn't triggered my trap card,

I wouldn't be able to summon

A new destiny hero to the field!

Meet captain tenacious!

And that's not all!

Now that the introductions are out of the way,

The captain can demonstrate his hidden talent!

Hit it!


What's he going to do, play the kazoo?

Go ahead, make jokes.

But believe me, I'll have the last laugh!

Now, captain!

Show time!

Let's give this amateur

A taste of what you can really do!

Hey, that's doom lord!

What's going on, bastion!?

Scientifically speaking,

Jaden's getting his bum kicked!

Thanks for the technical evaluation.

What to do?

Ah, here's an idea.

I'll summon another destiny hero!

Meet diamond dude!

And like his friends, he's got a talent!

He likes to play card tricks!

So I'll flip a card.

And if it happens to be a spell,

It goes to the graveyard til my next turn!

Well, would you look at that.

It's my misfortune spell card.

And how appropriate.

Because now misfortune's

In your future!

Now who should I sic on you next?

I know! My diamond dude!

This time you helped me!

Because when wroughtweiller's destroyed,

His ability activates!

And I get back an elemental hero, plus polymerization!

Is that supposed to scare me or something?

Sorry! Not going to happen!

Now captain tenacious!

Attack him directly!

I'll place this little number facedown

And then call it a turn.

It's about time.

Speaking of "time,"

It sure does fly when you're having fun!

Too bad "time's" on my side today!

Enough with the "clock" references.

All righty, "time" to summon my bubbleman!

And just wait til he "clocks" you!

See, I can make witty puns, too!

Anyway, now I can draw two new cards,

Thanks to bubbleman's special effect!

Then I play this!

Bubble blaster!

Which doubles my hero's strength!

Now bubbleman, attack with bombarding bubble barrage!

Sorry to burst your bubble,

But it's trap time!

Go d-shield!


D-shield. My heroes never leave home without it!

And you can see why, right?

Because now captain tenacious

Can't be destroyed in battle!

He may be annoying, but he's good.

Aster took a monster that resurrects other monsters

And made it invincible!

Guess that's why they pay him the big bucks.

Why don't you let me take it from here?

Wait a sec!

Since two turns passed, I get my wingman back!


But if you remember, I get a card back, too.

The one in my graveyard.

My misfortune!

Or should I say, your misfortune!

Because when my battle phase skips,

Half the attack points of one of your monsters

Comes right out of your life points!

And I chose your wingman!

You turned him against me!

That was low.

Both: no joke!

There's more. Remember my doom lord?

Well, he's about to cut your little reunion short

By sending your wingman packing!

Don't worry. He won't be going too far.

Just two turns into the future.


Poor jaden.

Thanks to aster's destiny cards,

He's lost control of his own monsters.

I've never seen him like this.

This duel is remarkable.

It breaks

Every known formula.

Jaden can't make a choice

Because all of his moves

Have been pre-determined!

Sartorius: I can see your struggle.

Everything you've ever believed in

Has turned out to be a lie.

There are no choices. Freedom is but an illusion.

For you see, my young friend, destiny has led you to me.

Jaden! I have infused aster's deck with the truth!

And when he defeats you in this duel,

Your eyes will finally open.

Soon you shall walk along the path of light!

By my side.

Let's try this again, shall we!?

Ah, ah, ah.

How many times are you going to forget

The -story clock towering above your head?


It's : o'clock.

The countdown to your defeat is almost over!

You hear that bell, don't you?

Well, it tolls for you!

Aster: told you you were destined to lose.

Now do you believe in destiny?

What's wrong, pressure getting to you?

You kidding!?

Guys like me live for pressure!

It keeps me at the top of my game!

Anyway, I've been looking

For a serious challenge

Ever since this semester started!

Plus with all these new destiny heroes of yours,

I'm picking up some sweet strategies!

Dude, you got to get out more.

And besides, you could never handle a deck like mine,

So stick to your own heroes.

My destiny heroes are the rockinest dudes in the game.

They're way out of your league!

Give me a break.

I mean, sure, they're cool and all,

But I wouldn't call them the "best in the game!"

I'd watch what I say if I were you!!

All right.

I'll watch myself say this!

Bubbleman! Bombarding bubble barrage!

See ya!


Now that was a good old-fashioned hind whooping!

Think you're tough!?

Well, wait til my captain's special ability kicks in!

Big deal.

I play clayman!

Now give me your best shot!

If you insist!

Captain, time to do your thing!

Bring back our old pal, doom lord!

Diamond dude!

Time for your special effect, my man!

Since I just flipped over a spell card,

I can use it next turn

Once I store it in my graveyard.

And in the meantime,

Doom lord, strut your stuff!

Float that bubble-boy into the future!

See you in two turns.

Next I'll hook up captain tenacious

With ring of magnetism!

Of course, like most bling-bling,

It comes with a price.

The ring bearer has to give up a few points.

The upside is you're only allowed

To attack the monster that's wearing the ring!

Bastion: now jaden's forced

To attack a monster that's invincible!

What's his problem!? Let jaden duel!

What's wrong?

Feel like you've lost control?

Not quite! Now--

Sorry, bro, but I call the sh*ts!

And my "time" has arrived!

[Clock strikes]



Voice-over: I don't know what that clock's about to do,

But I better act fast!

Here goes something.

It's fusion time!

So I'll combine my elemental hero wildheart

With my necroshade,

In order to create my newest hero!

So give it up...

For elemental hero necroid shaman!

You really call that freak a hero?

Sorry, dude,

But that thing doesn't even register on the hero scale!

Don't you want to hear his special ability?


Well, I'm going tell you about it anyway!

I get to sacrifice a monster

From your side of the field!

And summon a replacement monster

From your graveyard!

So goodbye, captain tenacious,

And hello, mister avian!

Atta boy!

Excellent maneuver there, soldier!


Now kick him to the curb, academy-style!

Well said, syrus.

Finish him off, jay!

Shaman! Attack!


Well, well, well.

Looks like I'm still standing.

I wonder if it has something to do

With this clock behind me.

You know, the one I've been talking about

For the past minutes!?

It's about time I told you what it does.

As long as it's here,

I can't lose a single life point!

I'm invincible!

Oh, man.

Can't say I was expecting that.

I'll throw down two facedowns

And call it a turn.

All these monsters,

And jaden gets his butt kicked by a clock!?

No. It's much worse. You see, chazz,

Aster's learned to control time itself!

Take a look.

Here comes a blast from your past!

Now I understand!

Aster believes that everything is predetermined!

So he controls every part of the duel!

Whoa, that's so deep.

Here comes something else from the past.

Magical stone excavation!

So now, I toss out two cards,

And a spell card returns from my graveyard.

Which one?

You remember my misfortune card, don't you?

I choose a monster of yours.

And then half of its original attack points

Come right out of your life points!

Shining flare wingman!

Take jaden down!

Both: jaden, no!

You are just so predictable!

I play my de-fusion!

And burial from a different dimension!

Now who's in charge!

First I can take any monster that's traveled through time

And send it to my graveyard!

But not before I defuse it

To get back sparkman and flame wingman.

So your misfortune has no target!

Oh, well. Good stuff, huh?


Sacre bleu!

Who's the man?

I am! And here's why, bro!

I play fusion gate!

Now I can fuse monsters without polymerization!

And since this is a new field spell card,

It cancels out big ben over there.

Hey, aster!

Sounds like the bell is tolling for you now!

So how's it feel!?


I was hoping you'd do that!

You were?

Did you honestly believe

I'd let you make a decision of your own?

I wanted this to crumble!

To release the monster hiding inside!

And now, come on out,

Destiny hero, dreadmaster!

It won't be much longer now.

If you thought my other heroes were cool,

Wait till you see what this guy can do!

There's a reason they call him dreadmaster!

Aster: when dreadmaster's summoned,

The first thing he does

Is destroy any of my non-destiny heroes!

They're not worthy to be in his presence.

That's not all. It gets worse.

Next I can bring back

Doom lord and captain tenacious.

Oh, yeah.

Dreadmaster's attack points

Are equal to the combined power

Of every destiny hero on the field!

Not bad! I've got to admit,

Your monsters just get cooler and cooler!

But I've got a sweet hero of my own!

So I fuse clayman and sparkman

To form elemental hero thunder giant!

And he's got a special effect, too!

He destroys one of your monsters

As long as it's original attack points

Are lower than my thunder giant's.

So diamond dude, you're outta here!

Now, thunder giant, activate static blast!

Sorry, dude!

Go, dread barrier!

When dreadmaster is summoned to the field in attack mode,

Dread barrier kicks in,

Protecting all destiny heroes from damage.


It's hopeless, man. Listen.

You see, your dueling skills may not be half bad,

However, there's something I have

That you'll never have:


A reason to duel besides having fun.

What else is there?


You've just proven my point.

The reason I duel

Is to bring justice to the world

By punishing people who think

They're above the law!

Ah, come again?

Aster: I'm guessing you need an explanation.

My father was a duelist, too.

He worked as a card designer for mr. Maximillion pegasus.

My dad put his heart into every design he created.

He was my hero.

What happened?

Some punk took him away!

Dad? Where are you?


They must have broken in.

And now he's gone.

That's awful.

Hold up! Did your dad design--

That's right.

My father created the destiny heroes!

They were the last cards he ever made.


My father taught me that justice would always prevail.

But he was wrong.

Justice is a lie.

They still haven't found him my dad.

He's gone!

And whoever took him away is still out there!

Yet another criminal

Whose actions have gone unpunished!

It's not fair!

So I made a choice.

I'd duel to bring lawbreakers to justice!

And in honor of my father,

I use the very cards he created

To punish these evildoers!

And that's why I duel!

And someday, I'm going to find the scum

That kidnapped my father

And make him pay for what he did!

And I'll know him as soon as I see him.

He'll have a rare card.

The one he stole when he took my dad!

It was the last card my father made.

Whoever has it is going to regret the day he was born!

Aster, your dad made those cards

So people could use them for fun!

He wouldn't want you using them for revenge!

You don't know anything about him!

Butt out!

Look, my father deserves justice

And I'm going to make sure he gets it!

Didn't you hear what I said?

He was my hero!

And now I finally have a chance to be his!

Where were we? Oh, I remember!

We were at the end!

It's been a real blast, jaden!

Finally the chosen duelist belongs to me!

Dreadmaster! Send jaden out with a bang!

Oh, well. Told you.

You can't hide from destiny.

All: jaden lost!

Both: his cards!

Voice-over: something doesn't feel right.

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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