02x03 - A Hassleberry Hounding

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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02x03 - A Hassleberry Hounding

Post by bunniefuu »

Jaden: this is so unchill!

I sleep through one of crowler's boring lectures,

And he makes us lug replacement duel disks across campus!

Why's everyone losing theirs, anyway?


Huh? You know something, don't you?


Come on, spill it!

I don't know for sure.

But I've heard things.

You know the west river, right?

Over by the main bridge?

Yeah, what about it?


There's this bully who hangs out over there--

Ah, so I hear--

And he forces you to duel him.

Uh, so I'm told.


And, if you lose...

His g*ng takes your duel disk away!

What else d'ya know? Come on.

I'm just tellin' ya what I heard!

He might not even exist.

For all I know, this guy is just a myth.

The big, ugly musclehead.

Hey, where's your duel disk?



Sy! Did you duel this guy and lose?

Yes! And he took my lunch money, too!

In that case...

I say we take the long way home.

Ha ha ha!

Wait! Do you mean--

I sure do! Let's go!

We've got some duel disks to win back!

Oh, boy.

I was afraid he'd do this.

Be careful! He also gives wedgies!

Ah...so I hear!

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Hassleberry: stop right there, civilians!


That's him, jaden. That's the guy.

Maybe we should just go.

Who needs lunch money, anyway?

Draw your duel disk!


Hold on. Aren't you scared?

Of a duel? No way!

Now let's throw down!

But I haven't given my speech yet!

What speech?

My intro!

Now, then. Name's hassleberry!

Codename: tyranno.

Whatever you say.

Hey! What's with your goon squad?

Show some respect!

That's right.

You tell 'em, sarge!

State your name!

Well, i--

Was just leaving!

Roll call, boys!

Who are we?

All: troop tyranno!

Ok. They're nuts.

That's what scares me.

Sound off! Ready!?

♪ Sarge tyranno is the best ♪

♪ He likes to wear his jacket as a vest ♪

Sound off, one, two!

Sound off, , ! Now let's go!

Hold on!

You look like the kid whose undies we hung on the flagpole yesterday.

Yeah, what's your point!?

Does it really matter? Let's just throw down.

Well, first...

Lemme lay down the rules of battle.

Ya see those duel disks?

You lose, them things is mine.

And if I win...

You give me... The ones you stole!

Say what?!

All: who are you?

Just another wimp!

Hey! Take that back!

Hear me!?

Easy, sy.

No one insults my best friend!


Control your subordinate, will ya!?


All: yeah!

Or else we will!

Forget that pipsqueak. Eyes on the prize.

[Thinking] when I'm done with this runt,

They'll have to scrape him off the ground with a squeegee.

All right! You got a deal!

And a duel.

Huh? Huh?

Are you always this dramatic, bro?


Time for combat, sarge!

Clearly you're not the only one.

Hassleberry: ready for boot camp, son?

Hey, you! Stop calling him "son!"

He's in his second year!

Then he's number two!

And who's one!?

All: troop tyranno!

Will you give it up!? You're not in the army!

Who's the best? Troop tyranno!

And who's gonna win!?

Troop jaden!

Am I the only one here who hasn't gone insane?

Rally up! All hands on deck!

He just answered that question loud and clear.


If you can't beat 'em, you gotta join 'em.

Game on, general!

You mockin' me?! I'm a sergeant, junior!

And this ain't no game! This is combat!

All right, then get your "combat" on!

Ready, chief!? I declare w*r!

By summoning elemental hero wildheart in defense mode!

Now I'll call it a turn.

Who's the best? Troop jaden!

All: hmm?


Ya call that a cheer!?

Well, step to the rear!

[Cheering and laughter]

Trench warfare time! Here goes!

Gilasaurus, front and center!

It could be worse.

And now things are about to get a lot worse.

'Cause that right there was a special summon,

Which, in layman's terms,

Means I can play another monster!

So, gilasaurus, you are dismissed!

Now, dark driceratops,

Report to the field in attack mode!

Not bad!

You played a monster with , attack points in your first turn!

This is w*r!

Don't give the enemy any props!

It's time to go commando!

Dark driceratops, attack!

Flying phantom nose dive!


At ease, private!

Ha ha ha!

You ok, jay!?

Get up, son!

My prehistoric patrol isn't through with you yet!

But since I'm nice,

I'll give you a chance to recoup.

But not for long.

I'll be layin' on the hurt soon enough!

That's what ya get when ya mess with the best!

Hassleberry, hassleberry!

He's our man!

If he can't win...

We will!

Now take it down a decibel!

Sorry, little man, but the sarge needs support!

If it's too loud... Then get lost.

Go, sarge!

Beat the khaki pants off this guy

So we can shut them up!

Whatta ya think I'm tryin' ta do?

Let him win?

Hey, lieutenant! My move!

For the last time, it's sergeant!

Now play somethin'!

Monster reincarnation!

So I'll send this to the graveyard

In order to bring back my wildheart!

How da ya like that?

Heh heh heh!

You want that wimp in your platoon?

Negative. But what I do want...

Is this in my graveyard!

Sam hill! That's necroshade!


And I'm guessing you know what that means.

Right, captain?

That I can automatically summon this!

Elemental hero bladedge!

Go, bladedge!

Attack his dark driceratops!

Slice and dice attack!


And that should do for now.

Awesome! Way ta play, jay!

Thanks, sy!

Oh...speechless, huh?

All: huh?

[Thinking] this civilian ain't half bad.

But the sergeant still has a few tactics up his sleeve.


Ra ra ra! Go, sarge!

[Thinking] they try so hard, them boys.

And I gotta show them that even though we're not in the top-ranking dorm,

We're still winners!

When I first tried out for duel academy,

I had my eyes on the obelisk blues.

And when I aced my entrance exam,

I thought I was a shoe-in!

Ha ha ha!

So when they stuck me in the yellow barracks,

I thought they made a tactical error.

Man: here you go, mr. Hassleberry.


Hassleberry, voice-over: turns out you had to go to a fancy prep-school

To be a blue.

So I made do,

And just like my daddy told me I would,

I emerged as a true commanding officer.

He also taught me that the uniform doesn't make the soldier.

And before long, I formed a squadron.

My soldiers.

My platoon. My battalion!

And we let it be known that sergeant tyranno hassleberry,

Son of the great general hassleberry,

Is a giant among men!

A dino-man!

And I guard this bridge to prove that no matter what,

I will not stand down!


All right, enough with the monologue!

Get back to the duel already!


Was I thinkin' out loud again?!

All: mm-hmm.

You're a pretty funny guy, bumble-berry.

It's hassleberry! Sergeant hassleberry!!

Now back to the b*ttlefield!

Excellent! Terrain advantage!

I play this!

It's a field spell card known as jurassic world!

Jurassic world?! No way.

Pretty sweet move!

You ain't seen nothin' yet, soldier!

Now get this.

Every one of my dinos... And winged-beasts

Gains attack and defense points!

And not only that!

They can't be affected by any of your trap cards.

And not only that... Guess what!?

If they happened to be att*cked while in attack mode,

Then they have the right to dig into the trenches

And switch themselves into defense mode.

Now, that's what I call a major advantage!

It's battle time!

Archeonys! Report for duty!

In attack mode, of course!

And thanks to my jurassic world,

My monster gains more attack points!

Only points!? Bladedge can beat that!

That's not the target!


You are, private!

Archeonys can attack your life points directly!


Hassleberry: now!

Debilitate the enemy with screamin' eagle attack!!

Hassleberry: now, archeonys! Do your duty!

Now drop 'n gimme !

Life points, that is!

I'll place one card facedown and defer to you.

Face it, son. It's over.

Before long, you'll be extinct.

Wouldn't you agree, squadron?


You men were supposed to cheer just now.

Uh, sorry.

We were moved internally.

We'll have an outward display next time, sir.


Yeah, and we'll cheer for ya, too.

What am I gonna do with you?

Jaden: hey, major?

Keep those eyes on the prize.

Ready!? I play...

My elemental hero wildheart in attack mode!

That's really strange.

Why would he play that wild--

My ears!!

Ah, whoops. I mean,

Why would he play that wildheart card again?

Much better!

Here's the deal: jaden's the best.

Ya just don't question his strategies.

All: ohh.

This is insubordination!

Jaden: all right, bladedge...

Destroy his archeonys now!

Slice and dice attack!

I'm fortified with this! Amber pitfall!

Any idea what this does?

It deflects an attacking monster

And forces it into defense mode!

Now he's gotta stay like that!

That means no more offensive maneuvers from now on!

But you're forgetting something.

What's that?

I still have wildheart!

Now attack with wild slash!

Now you're forgetting something!

My field spell card!

When my feathered friend is att*cked,

He has the option of switching to defense mode!

What's the point?

The point is: it survives!

But jaden's monster's still stronger!

Not exactly, little man!

Why not!?

'Cause mine gets a defense point boost!

I'll throw down two facedowns and call it a turn!

That'll teach me!

Oh, well. Live and learn.

That's weird.

He's smiling.

Jaden always has a good time,

Unlike the sarge.


[Thinking] my battalion is desertin' me!

This always happens.

I find a troop of soldiers I can trust,

And they end up sidin' with the enemy.


No more mr. Nice sarge!

Now brace yourself. 'Cause I play this!

My earthquake spell card!

Now every face-up monster on the field

Is forced into defense mode!!



I'm far from done!

Modified ultra evolution!

This card lets me reverse the whole evolutionary process!

So I'll just sacrifice one of my winged beasts...

To summon a dino!

Ya' see, they say that some birds evolved from dinosaurs.



And so when archeonys undergoes reverse evolution,

It becomes a dinosaur!

A black tyranno, to be exact!

And, surprise!

Thanks to my dino's special ability,

It can attack you directly!


Hassleberry: all right, black tyranno!

You're on!

Nooooow...sic 'im!



Mission accomplished!

Squad member: look!

Look at what?! Huh?

How is it you still have life points, boy?

I activated my facedown card...insurance!

It takes one facedown trap

Or spell card on the field

And returns it to my hand.

Oh, yeah.

When insurance returns to my hand,

My life points increase by !

But it's on the field! Not in your hand, son!

That's true, but...

I've got two insurance cards.

Nice one, jay!

Sergeant jaden is the best!

Deserted! Again.

[Sobs] oh, it's nothing new.

Guess the only person I can trust is me.

Time and time again, it's always the same.

I gather a battalion of supporters,

And when I need 'em most...

They just up and desert me.


But why?

I'm a great leader, and I always win.

Who wouldn't wanna root for me?

Take this duel.

I'm beatin' you the same way I beat my last rivals,

And no one's cheerin'!

Well colonel, maybe they're just bored.

Come on! Bored with my duelin'?

Now, that's just crazy talk.

Think about it, dingleberry.

You said yourself you've used the same moves

For duels in a row.

So...don't ya think it's time you evolved?


Nice dinosaur reference, jay!


I'm not bored anymore!

You were right.

I always am.

Now to prove it!

Ready!? I play pot of greed!

So I can draw two cards.

Now, getting back to the whole evolution thing,

I play this!

My own field spell card!


Sorry, but the stone age is over!

Is this...the ice age!?

Just wait. Huh?

The field's still evolving.



My spell card is called skyscraper,

And it changes everything!

I hate change! Ya hear me?


[Thinking] wait!

That's been my problem all along.

I been stuck in the past...

Always relyin' on the same old tactics

Instead of learnin' from my mistakes and evolvin'!


Don't worry, corporal...

You weren't thinking out loud this time.

But I assumed by the look on your face that you figured it out.

Now, since your field card is gone,

So are of black tyranno's attack points!

And if you like that, you'll love this,

'Cause it's time for some fusion action!

I merge elemental hero avian

With elemental hero wildheart

In order to create... My newest hero!

Elemental hero wild wingman!

And he's got a pretty sweet side effect!

If I toss a card,

Your trap is automatically destroyed!

And now that your amber pitfall is gone,

I can switch bladedge to attack mode!

You don't say!

Ready, boys!? Make some noise!

All: jaden! Jaden! Jaden!

Thanks to my skyscraper card,

Wild wingman's attack points increase by a thousand.

Ok, wingman, get your attack on!

Wing impulse!

That's not all!

There's bladedge,

And he can attack you directly!

Oh, boy.

All: troop jaden rocks!

I still got points left.

Close, but no medal of honor for you.


I'm not finished.

I still have this.


So wildheart and avion can separate...

Which means each of them can attack now.

So there go your life points!

Go, avion! Quill cascade!

What a battle.

Jaden, you've got spirit, solider.

That's game.

I gotta hand it to ya, son...

That was one of the most intense--whoa!


You ok?

I owe you some duel disks.

Heh heh! Oh, yeah!

I was having such an awesome time,

I almost forgot!

Thanks, admiral!

Hassleberry: it's sarg--oh, never mind.

Crowler: it appears project "renovation red"

Is almost complete.

This oughta drum up some publicity.

This is all a faux pas.

We should demolish that dorm,

Not let some rich slacker step in

And give it an extreme make-over!

What in the name...



Not to sound rude,

But is there a reason you dumped your gear

All over our floor?

'Cause I know you don't think

You're shacking up with us, right!?

Chazz: yeah! This place is cramped enough.

We don't need any freeloaders!

Yeah, but...

You're right, chazz.

And you oughta know about freeloaders.

Yeah, well...

What I meant to say was,

We don't need any more freeloaders.

Hassleberry: my mind's made up!

I'm givin' troop tyranno some time off for r and r.

Anyway, jaden showed me that I have a lot to learn.

Oh, no, ya don't!

He's already got a wingman!

Besides, if you wanna learn,

You should really be following me around.

Hello!? Anyone home!?

Hassleberry reporting for duty.

This is truly an honor, sergeant.

You can call me "jaden."

Sir, yes, sir!

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you got to learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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