01x34 - The Fear Factor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x34 - The Fear Factor

Post by bunniefuu »

Err. Party is over.

And I think that it's time your monster splits.







I lost.

Syrus: jaden.


What gives?


Help us, jaden.

Sy. I'll be right there.

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah! Aah! Ohh!

Guys. I'm sorry--i'm--.

Syrus: jaden?

Jaden, wake up.



You all right?

You were moaning in your sleep.

Is everything cool?

I don't know, sy, I don't know.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on

Syrus: come on, jaden.

I know what'll cheer you up,

A nice dip in the academy wading pool.

How about it?

Yeah, why not...

Ha ha ha! Yaah!

Oh, yeah. This is the life, huh, guys?

I mean, could it get any better than this?

Sure it could, syrus, like if you hadn't

Jumped in with your towel?

Aw, and it was dryer fresh.

Chumley: come on, jaden,

The water is really warm over by syrus.

Actually, that's why I'm chillin' over here.

So, jay, you over that nightmare yet?



What? Look, I ask cuz I care.

Sorry, jay.

Yeah. Hmm.

Hey. Jay.

Way to go.


Hey, guys, look what I found.

My towel.

Yours? No, yours was dryer fresh.

This one is a wet mess.

You'll be messing with me

If ya don't give it.

Wade up.

Aah! Unh!

Take a chill pill, short stack.

Hey, what's new, chazzaroo?

That's cute.

Why, thank you.

Thought of it all by myself.

So you here to hang out?

With you?

Ha, that's a good laugh, slacker.

And that's an even better one.

You'll pay for that.

Ohh! I don't think so-- cuz that was priceless.

I'm gonna chazz you up.

Uh, wanna towel?

Nah, I kinda wanna just let them get tired

Before the chumster comes in

With a game of tackle marco polo.

Ha ha!

[Thinking] hmm. With what's been goin' on lately,

It's no wonder I had that bad dream.

Aah. Aah.

Ha ha ha!

After all duelin' used to just be about havin' fun.

[Thinking] but now it's just about winning.

Cuz if I lose, I'll be losing a lot more than just a game.

[Kuriboh chirps]

Winged kuriboh?


Hmm. Oh.

Jaden? Huh?

Hey, where'd he go?

Huh? Des koala?

Chumley? Hey.

There should be a kiddie pool for those slackers.

Or better yet just wet 'em down with a hose.

Yeah, I'm with ya there, boss.

You're not with me.

You got that?

Now just go on. Get.

All right, fine.

I've gotta get to the spirit festival anyhow.

Spirit festival?

Huh? Kuriboh? Huh? Oh.




What the?

Who the?

Huh? Aah!

Aah! Aah!

What's up?

My name is jaden. Sorry to drop in.

Or out, or whatever.



What's going on here?

Huh? How are we back in our clothes?

My glasses.

I can't see without my glasses.

Oh, thanks, chumley.

We're in some kind of spirit world.

Wait a sec, chumley?

Aah! Des koala?

This is weird it's like a bunch've

Duel monsters cards have come alive.

It's cool, huh?

Try bizarre.

Man: who are you calling bizarre?


It's kaibaman.

Jaden: kaibaman?

As in the duel monsters card?

Wait, so are you the one that brought us all here?

The one that's in charge of this place?

Hey, wait or is this all some shadow rider scheme?

You ask a lot of questions

But I'm afraid you won't get any answers

Unless you take me on in a duel now.

From the looks of you, I'd say that you accept my challenge.

But from what I sense, I'm not so sure.

I sense fear.


Yes, deep fear.

That you'll lose and you and your friends

Will pay most dearly.

What's this guy talking about, jaden?

This is about your dream, isn't it, jaden?

Look, if you're all scared, I'll duel him.

No? Not backing down?

Well...then you can look forward

To facing this card.

The blue-eyes white dragon?

That's one powerful beast.

You know, on second thought,

I'll sit this one out.

Aw, man.

Can we go back to the pool now?

What's wrong? You look like you've just seen a ghost, jaden.

Try a nightmare.

But still. I won't run.

Now, kaibaman.

Let's give all these monsters a show.

Let's duel. Let's duel.

Well, all right then.

Here goes.

First I summon elemental hero bubbleman in attack mode.

Oh, and if bubbleman is summoned out by himself?

Well, then, I get to draw two more cards out of my deck.

Pretty sweet, huh?

'Specially since one of the cards I drew

Was the equip spell bubble blaster.

Lishus. That gives bubbleman more attack points.

And I'll call it a turn.

Chazz thinking: rumor is that kaibaman card was created by kaiba himself.

This could be tough.

[Thinking] talk about dreams comin' true.

Just last night I dreamt about a blue eyes

And he's got one.

I just hope this doesn't end the same way

The nightmare did with my friends in deep trouble

Cuz I failed.

Help us, jaden.

I have to win.

Wishing you could back out now?

Too late. My move.

I summon forth myself: kaibaman.

Whoa, I'm seeing double.

And trouble.

And now I'll sacrifice him to bring out

The one and the only.

Not him.

You better believe it's him.

I summon the legendary blue eyes white dragon.

Feast your eyes on the beast

That will feast upon your souls.


On our souls?

This could be a very short duel.


Attack points?

Yes, and now watch them all in action.

Blue eyes, destroy bubbleman.

White lightning.

Hold it, kaibaman.

Since that bubble blaster is out

It takes the hit for bubbleman.

So jaden doesn't take any damage.

Yeah, but now that the equip spell is gone,

Bubbleman's point bonus is, too.

Which isn't good when you're facing down a blue eyes white dragon.

All right.

My turn.

And I'm gonna be turnin' two monsters into one.

I play polymerization to fuse bubbleman

And clayman to create mudballman in defense mode.

Take that.

No, I'll take this.

The spell card pot of greed.

It lets me draw two cards from my deck.

But I will only need one,

The spell burst stream of destruction.

Isn't that an attack that the blue-eyes uses?

Yeah, what's the deal with it being a separate card?

You're about to find out.

You see, I can only use this when blue eyes is out.

But since he is I can now play it to destroy all your monsters.



Obliterate mudballman

With burst stream of destruction.


Aah! Aah!


Aw, man, now jay is all exposed

And when blue-eyes att*cks,

It'll be all over.

Read the fine print--

Blue eyes can't attack on the turn

That burst steam of destruction is used.

It won't matter.

I summon manju of the ten thousand hands.

And now he'll lend me a hand.

See, when he's summoned he allows me to select

A ritual monster or spell card

From my deck and place it into my hand.

But it won't stay in my hand for long

Because I'm playing it.

Go white dragon ritual.

Now I'll sacrifice manju to summon paladin of white dragon.

Like I said it doesn't matter blue eyes can't attack this turn.

You see with paladin I don't need him to.

He'll fill in for blue eyes just fine.

Sure, he may not be a dragon,

But he's managed to tame one.

And in my book, that's tough.

Now, paladin of white dragon, attack.

Ionic spear burst.



And I'm not done yet.

By sacrificing paladin, I can now summon

Another monster from my hand or deck,

And it's one you've already met--

Care to guess which, jaden?

Actually, no.

Let me give you a hint then.

It has blue eyes, white scales--

The blue eyes white dragon.



This is bad.

Dealing with one was hard enough.

Now jay has gotta face two?

Looks like the card created by kaiba

Is a chip off the old block.

Jaden just better hope that deck of his

Isn't an exact copy or he's in for it.

It's your move.

'Bout time.


First I'll play monster reincarnation.

Lishus--by discarding one card from his hand,

He'll get a monster back from the grave.

All right, goodbye elemental hero necroshade

And hello clayman.

Going to try and hide behind that puny monster again?


No way, I don't have to hide anymore.

Ya see even though I'm happy to have clayman back

On my field I'm even happier

To have necroshade down in the grave.

'Cuz when necroshade goes to the graveyard

I can summon a high-level monster

Without havin' to sacrifice.

And the monster I'm gonna summon is

Elemental hero bladedge.

But as strong as elemental hero bladedge is

He's still no match for those blue eyes white dragons.

Jaden: don't be so sure.

Next I'll play the field spell skyscraper.

With this out if bladedge takes on a stronger monster

He gains an extra attack points.

And that's just enough to edge out blue eyes.

Now go. Slice and dice attack.



Whoa, jaden actually did it.

Next I'll throw down a facedown.

And to think.

I was worried I'd lose.

Well, not anymore.

Hmm. Is that so?

For sure. I'm so over my fear.

The trick is to take what you're scared of

And not let it happen.

Not let it happen?

Anything can happen.

Do you really think by beating one blue eyes

You've won this duel?

You've avoided that defeat you fear?

I think not.

You're a long way from winning this contest.

And blue eyes is a long way from being beat.

I don't believe you.

It's true.

Like it or not, your fate

And the fate of your friends

All still hang in the balance.

You have to accept that.

And face it head on.

What is this?

This is how a true duelist lives.

Not afraid of the thought of defeat

But always prepared to accept it.

This is the nature of dueling.

And it is high time that you learn it.

I play silent doom--

With it, I can bring back a blue-eyes from the graveyard.

Next I'll play polymerization.


It's the same.

What's the same?

Kaibaman's deck is exactly the same deck

As seto kaiba's.

Which means...

Which means I have one more blue eyes

And I can therefore summon

The all powerful blue-eyes ultimate dragon.



Behold. The most mighty and devastating dragon of them all.

The monster from my dream.

It can't be.

It can be and it is.

And it gets worse.

With attack points staring at you?

That defeat you dreamt will now become a reality.

Now go.

Blue-eyes ultimate dragon.

Attack with neutron blast.

Go trap card.

Edge hammer.

Now by sacrificin' bladedge,

I can destroy one of your monsters.

And then you take damage equal

To that monster's attack points.


You said I should accept defeat?

Don't think so.

All right.

Way to play.

No way.


If you won't accept defeat,

Then I'll force it on you.


That's right.

It reverted ultimate dragon

Back to its pre-fusion form.

So since edge hammer's target was no longer there,

It swung and missed.

Something my three blue eyes will not be doing.

Attack with white lightning.

Aah! Aah!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!


What gives?


Ohh! Syrus? Chumley?


Defeat is nothing to be scared of, jaden.

What matters is if you can get up after.

Wait, are you telling me

This entire duel was to teach me that?

Tell me, are you afraid now?

Actually no, I'm really not.

And do you know why?

Because you've faced it.

You've lost, and you're ok.

Yeah, I am, huh?

Syrus: jay.

Chumley: jaden.

And so are they.

Syrus, chumley.

I think I'm finally over my bad dream.

Oh, yeah?

Well, I'm over this place.

Can we please get out of this weird spirit cave?

It's low rent.

Uh, kaibaman?

Think you could help us out here?


Where'd he go?

If you're looking for help

Ask your friend kuriboh.

After all, he's the one that brought you down here.

Goodbye, jaden.

[Kuriboh chirping]

Really, kuriboh?

Just close our eyes and wish for it?


I really want to go back home.




Syrus: this is the first time

I've left the wading pool

More wound up than when I came in.

I'm just glad we're back in a world

Where des koala and winged kuriboh are just cards,

Ya know what I mean, guys?

I'll tell you what I know, kuriboh--

Who I owe a big fat thank you to.


You're the best.

Thanks, pal.


By the way, sy, I still have your towel.

What? Give it. Sure.


Ow. Cut it out.

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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