Exorcists, The (2023)

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Exorcists, The (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, I brought

last night's scores.

Let's see.

The Dodgers played the Rockies.

They won that game 6-1.

And the Padres, who are not

too shabby at all this season...

-Father Ryland?


You don't know me, but your

reputation precedes you.

Well, that can be

a double-edged sword.

I'm Father Raul Cortes.

Father, glad to know you.

-This is the boy?

-Yes, this is he.

Terrible tragedy.

A failure.

You did what you could.

And I failed at it,

and that's why I don't

do these things anymore.

Actually, that's why I'm here.

Father John Murphy

passed away a week ago.


Oh, no.

Before he died,

he told me to come see you.

Oh, that's hard news to take.

We had lost touch.

I haven't heard

from him for years.

Was he alone?

He died in my arms.

I presided over his funeral

in Boston.

In Cuba, where I grew up,

priests were like superheroes.

Everyone, even the

soldiers, looked up to them.

Now you're a soldier for God.

In a sense, yes.

Father Murphy was my general.

Mine, too.

You were in

the seminary together?

Uh, no.

John was my mentor.

And he was my friend.

His parish sponsored me

in seminary school.

He was one of the best.

That's what

he always said about you.

He almost brought you in to

consult on our current case,

but he knew you had

taken some time off.

Was it heart failure?



You know why heart disease

is the leading cause of death

in exorcists?

Because this is where

it all comes from.

The engine, the shield,

the spark of life.

It's what makes us human,

and they hate that.

But still we fight.

Still we fight.

Okay. So, to what do

I owe the pleasure?

What are we dealing with here?

Her name is Huxley Hendrix.

She's 14.

Has a father,

her mother is a deceased.

By su1c1de.

They're Catholic,

but not practicing.

And has she undergone a full

psychiatric evaluation?

Exhaustive, yes.

The bishop has signed

off as well.

Or else, you know, Father Murphy

wouldn't approach it.

Previously, I was just

assisting Father Murphy,

but I've been given

the go ahead by the bishop

to continue the exorcism

as lead.

As long as I have a seasoned

pro by my side, that is.

It takes a piece of you,

you know, every time.

A little piece of you dies,

until eventually there

are no more pieces left.

She's dying.

I think I can save her.

We can save her.

Do you got any pieces left?

As a matter of fact, I do.

Right here.

One enormous chip

on my shoulder.

The best of me is gone,

but you can have

the rest of me.

Do you know what

my favorite word is?


The sound of victory.

And I'm almost there.

Take your time.

Try to be two steps ahead

when reading the board.


Oh, good one.

That's a sticky situation

you've put me in.

Sacrifice your pawn,

Dr. Beckett.

My apologies.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

I'm Sister Caroline.

I work for the

Sacred Heart Charities.

I have seen your billboards.


We do the Lord's work.

I'm sorry for tracking

you down like this.

I realize it's unorthodox

on your day off and all.

If it's a psychiatric

matter, please, call my office.

We can schedule a time that's

more convenient for both of us.

Yes, your office did say

that you would be away

for about three weeks.

At a chess tournament.

I fly out tomorrow.

Okay, well, I'm terribly sorry,

but my particular

problem is pressing.

It's a child.

A young girl.

She needs your help.

I don't mean

to be rude, Sister.

And I do have

colleagues that I can...

No, it has to be you, Doctor.

I'm sorry, but I must insist.

[woman sighs]

If you already have two priests,

why do you need me?

Three priests to

represent the Trinity.

Round-the-clock exorcisms.

A marathon exorcism?

Of a sort, yes.

Okay, let's hear it.

-[Man] Who are you?

-[Demon] I am Gog and Magog.

I am w*r. I am famine.

I am pestilence.


You are nothing but pitiful.

You're pathetic.

[Demon] Not as pathetic

as an 80-year-old virgin.


I'm here to help you, Huxley.

Stand by your side until

my last breath.

If you can hear...


[Raul] Father Murphy?

That's enough.


Help, please!

When do we start?

How soon can you pack?

Sobering, isn't it?

To see all the

names of the dead.

Sobering is a

good word for it.

You must be Dr. Olivia Beckett.

I must.

Father Patrick Ryland,

Father Raul Cortes.

I thought I recognized

that voice.

Why am I not surprised?

-Good to see you again, Melody.

-You too.

Well, it looks like they

dusted us both off.

And we are the last line

of defense yet again.

So help me out here.

I'm coming in a little blind,

and this is my first exorcism.

What exactly are we

going to be doing today?

Are you a believer?

I'm a little low on blind faith,

to be perfectly honest.

Well, then this is going to

be very illuminating for you.

Oh, good.

You've all met.

I'll show you inside.

We'll have a brief discussion

before we begin.

Follow me.

Right this way.

I need to mention that

there is no cell service

inside the building.

Something to do

with the kind of rock

used to make the walls here.

Not to worry,

we have land lines.

Why isn't this happening

in a hospital?

It's been deemed

to dangerous to move her.

We tried. Twice.

But, um...

She's caused near fatal

accidents both times.

She's comfortable here.

Huxley's father owns

the grounds,

so it's safer for all involved.

This place is amazing.

It's really something, isn't it?

Over 137,000

people interred here.

And where is Huxley?

Well, you'll see her in time.

Let's have a brief

discussion first.

Why don't we come back

when they're open?

Yeah, I'm sure they'd be

cool with us

setting up a Spirit board

during visiting hours.

Can we get arrested for this?

Shit, yes.

This is stupid.

You don't have to prove

anything to us.

You asked for this?

-I didn't.

-She really didn't.

I was there.

She did not.

Regardless, tonight is

the night I open your eyes.

Tonight is the night

I'm going to prove to you all

that there is life after death.

Welcome, everyone.

Thank you so much

for being here.

Everyone, this is Mr. Hendrix.

Please, call me Whit.

I'm so grateful for you all.

This chapel will be our home

away from home for tonight.

Please, feel free to place

your things right there.

All the comforts of home.

Excuse me.

Will I be able to speak

with Huxley one on one

before we get started?

Oh, I don't think

that's a good idea.

Oh, I thought that I was

brought in as a second opinion.

If I'm not here to discern

whether she's medically

or psychiatrically

impaired, then what?

Well, she asked for you.

We're close.

We're really close to ridding

Huxley of her affliction.

My predecessor was sure of it,

and Sister Caroline,

who has been aiding

the family since the beginning,

also believes it to be true.

As a matter of fact,

she was the one who

came up with

tonight's master plan.


We've attempted marathon

exorcism sessions

with priests trading off

to provide a constant barrage

of prayer against

the possessing entity.

And it's proven effective

in other cases.

Despite the stubborn

nature of this attachment,

we believe that a

lengthy, intense exorcism

can finally shake

the demon's hold on Huxley.


What was that?

That was her.

She knows you're all here.

It remains unnamed?


Believe me, we've tried.

It's been our primary goal

with the exorcisms

to extract its identity.

The demon's identity?

The game is won

if you can get the demon

to admit its real identity.

You gain power over it.

Easier to evict it that way.

It has to stop pretending,

and that weakens it.

And what does the demon

ultimately want with Huxley?

Her soul.

I've read the reports.

But she could just as

easily be suffering

from some sort of psychosis

or a severe form

of disassociative

or personality disorder.

Possession is a

spiritual issue, Dr. Beckett.

Not a medical one.

The criteria for

establishing true possession,

Doctor, are as rigid as

a medical diagnosis.

Is she currently on medication?

The files I received

weren't clear on that.

We've seen no efficacy

with medical trials.

She's been on everything

under the g*dd*mn sun.

Might as well be bubblegum

for all the good it did.


She just wants attention.

It's getting antsy.

Well, let's not keep

it waiting, shall we?

Dr. Beckett, I wondered

if you might be interested

in helping me out

with a little experiment.

I think it might be quite

an eye opener for you.

Of course, and please,

call me Olivia.

Olivia, one of these bottles

contains holy water.

The other, common tap water.

A double-blind experiment.

I'm impressed.

I only want to impress upon

you the seriousness

of what we are doing here,

and sooner rather than later,

for your own sake.

I had to rig up new

sleeping arrangements

since it came to nest.


That's what it says.

Set up a nest inside of her.

Would you allow me to perform a

prayer over you, Dr. Beckett?

I wouldn't want you to

enter the room un-guarded.

Thank you for the offer.

But I'll be fine, Father.

This is barbaric.

What have you been

doing to this child?

It's for her own good.

Her own good?

It looks like child abuse.

We realize that her

condition is startling.

I've seen prisoners in isolation

for years look healthier.



Hi, Huxley.

My name is Dr. Olivia Beckett.

I'm here to help you.

Doctor, please.


Hello, Huxley.

Do you remember me?

I came back and

brought some friends.

She's dying.

I know.

That's why we're here.

Be careful.

She bites.

Hello, sweet girl.

Don't worry.

We're here.

Can you hear me, Huxley?


You don't scare me.

What's being given


Just a hypotonic solution.

We need to keep her hydrated.


It refuses to eat.

Except for spiders and flies.

She likes spiders and flies.

Dr. Beckett.

The bottles.

What are you doing?

What is that?

It's all right, sister.


I'm just going to pour a little

bit of this on your hand.

Was that supposed to hurt?

I wouldn't if I were you.



Are you okay?

She's not.

No one's going to be okay.

Get her down.

Get her down.


Olivia, did...

did you hit your head?


I just hit my shoulder.

It took the brunt of it.

How many fingers

am I holding up?


She doesn't like holy water.

She hates it.

It's like acid to her.


Did you put something

in one of those?

Vinegar or salt?

Taste them.

I wouldn't cheat you.

I have nothing

to gain from that.

There's nothing.

Not nothing.

It meant something to her.

I think I must

be losing my mind.

Keep them.

You never know when a little

holy water may come in handy.


Told you I had a key.

So this is called

breaking and entering.

And it's a felony, FYI.

Guys, I really don't

feel comfortable in here.

Now, where's Granny?

Hi, Grandma.

Guys, this is Grandma Mary.

Hi, Grandma Mary.

Let's take a look properly.

[door closing]

Holy shit.

Is there someone else in here?

It could be zombies.

Would you not be an

idiot for once?


How did you get into exorcisms?

Well, for one

I'm not Catholic.

Catholics don't ordain

women as of yet.

I'm Baptist.

And Baptist exorcists are even

more rare than female priests.

And I met with

demonic oppression early on

and it changed the course

of my life.

Okay, now that we have an

idea of what we're dealing with

and considering the state

of Hux's medical condition,

I think we should begin.

Who would like to go first?


I'll do it, I'm ready.

Duty calls.

Uh... Can I watch?

I'm intrigued.

No, no, I think

it's best you waited

until after the priests have

had their first session.

I should at least observe.

Please, Dr. Beckett.

As Huxley's advocate,

you have to follow my rules.

And you can't go in there

until she's ready.

And not without me

or her father present.

Why, are you afraid

I'll talk her out of it?

Just be patient

with the process.

When she's ready for you,

you'll see her.

You've got this.

I learned from the best.

I would really like

to pray over you, Dr. Beckett,

if I could.

No offense, Father.

I'm okay.

I want to speak with Huxley.

I demand to speak with Huxley.

Oh, she's burning up.

Oh, Heavenly Father,

who keeps His covenant

for those who love

and obey His commands,

let Your ears be attentive

and Your eyes be

widened for the voice

of this humble servant

who is praying for the soul of

this lost child, Huxley Hendrix.

She is Your servant who

You shall redeem

by Your great love,

by Your gracious hand.

Give me, Your humble servant,

success today

by granting me favor in

the presence of this evil

that has corrupted this child.

It hurts! It hurts!

Oh, my God.

This is why I keep

a first aid kit here.

Thank you, Sister.

Grandma Mary, we're

reaching out to you.

Grandma Mary,

Amanda is here.

She wants you to know

she misses you very much.


No, I'm out.


I'm not touching that again.

Sophie, come on,

it's a board game.

No, no, I'm gone.

I will wait for you

guys back in the car.

-Sophie, don't.

-Let her go.

Her energy would throw off

the vibe anyway.

Nathan, will you walk

back with me, please?

I don't really want to walk

around here by myself.

Uh... I kind of want to see

what happens here.

Be a gentleman for

once in your life.

-Go with her.

-I want to meet your granny.

Fine, whatever.

Sophie, hold on.


-Okay, okay.

Sophie, wait.

Where'd she go?

The power of Christ

compels you to leave this child.

I demand it by the authority

of the Most Holy Father.

You do not belong here and

she does not belong to you.

If you confess with your

mouth that Jesus is Lord

and believe in your heart that

God raised him from the dead,

you will be saved.

For it is with your heart you

believe and are justified.

And it is with your mouth

you confess and are saved.

Give me your name, demon.

You are compelled.

I command you to release

this child to live in peace.

You are compelled.

You have been driven

into a corner.

Now free this child.

You are compelled.

I order you by the might of

God to reveal your name.

You'll not have it!

I will remain undaunted.

You will not shake me.

The power of Christ

compels you to yield.

I will remain steadfast against

all the foul deeds of...


You must take it easy, Reverend.

Or else you'll have an aneurysm

like dear old daddy.

[Male voice] You don't want

to end up like me.

Do you, sugar plum?


No, no.

No, it... it...

Oh, God! Help!

If exorcism works, then

why does Huxley need more?

Why didn't the first one

do the trick?

Exorcism isn't magic, Olivia.

No prayers are a

waste of time, Doctor.

Exorcism is like boxing.

The prayers are there

to weaken the demon over time

so that the person

under the influence

can gain strength and

fight back.

Assuming they want to.

Assuming they don't suffer from

disassociative identity disorder

or a form of epilepsy.

Even the bruises,

they could be explained

by a form of

psychogenic purpura.

We have specific benchmarks that

pinpoint demonic attachments.

We wouldn't be here if

she didn't meet the criteria.


And I guess

I just don't understand.

If the Vatican or whatever

is so sure,

why am I here?

Bit of an issue here!

She started bleeding from the

nose and then she collapsed.

Give me some pillows.

Is she okay?

Her heart rate is fine.

Pupil response is normal.

She may have just fainted.

Here, put those

underneath her legs.

-Okay, I got it.

-Raise it above her heart.

What happened?

She was just talking to Huxley.

That's all.

Where the hell am I?




Sorry, I know we're

not supposed to be in here.

But I got locked in.

Can you show me

where the exit is?


Hello, Mr. Caretaker?


Who's there?

You're scaring me?

Who's there?



Should we call an ambulance?


Her vitals are fine.

She just needs to rest.

It's best not to move her.


Buy you a coffee?


I warned you it

would be dangerous.

I think it's more likely

that the reverend suffers

from some

underlying conditions

that we weren't

previously aware of

rather than a little girl made

her faint with her brain powers.

And your incident?

I felt a hand on my back.

I'm not saying that it

was either one of you.

But maybe Whit grabbed me.

He was across the room.

There has to be

a logical reason.

There is.

And what about

the state she's in?

She worries me from a medical

standpoint more than anything.

She needs to be in a hospital.

I concur.

But we must break

the oppression first.

And that's why I think it's time

I had a little

chat with this thing.

Are you sure?

I'd be happy to go next.

She already knows me.

I can continue.

And that's exactly

why it should be me.

We have no rapport.

I am the shock and awe.

God, by Thy name save me.

And by Thy strength

defend my cause

In the name

of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Ghost.


Most glorious prince

of the heavenly armies.

Saint Michael the Archangel

defend us in our battle

against the powers

and principalities.

Against the rulers of

this world of darkness.

And against the spirits of

wickedness in the high places.


Come to the assistance of men

whom God has created

in His likeness

and whom He has redeemed

at a great price

from the tyranny of the devil.

The holy church venerates You

as her guardian and protector

and the Lord has

entrusted unto You

the souls of the redeemed that

You may lead them into heaven.

Offer our prayers to the

Most High that without delay

Thy mercy may come down upon us

-and take hold of the dragon...

-Stop it, now!

And the old serpent that

is Satan and the devil

-and bind him--


And cast him

into the bottomless pit

that he may no longer

seduce the nations!

You couldn't save Corey.

I won that one.

How do you know that name?

Grandma Mary,

do you have a message for us?

Is there anything

you'd like to say?

I'd like to say that I'm bored.

Are you kidding me?

You guys have to have

your eyes closed,

or it's not gonna work.

Maybe it's not gonna work

because it's not real.

You said you'd give it a shot.

I did, it's been like 20 minutes

and nothing's happened.

Continue without me, ladies.

My back is cramping.

You're such a quitter.

No, I know when to quit.

That's different.

That's smart.

That doesn't make any sense.




Did you all hear that?

Can you make sure Sophie

got back to the car okay?

By myself?

Okay, yeah, fine.

But I'm not bailing you out

if you two get caught

down here, okay?

I will never understand

what you see in that guy.

He's kind of cute, right?

For a troll.

Now concentrate

and close your eyes.

Sophie, hey, there you are.

We've been worried about you.

Hey, let's go.

It's cold. I'm bored.

I'm super done with this.

Can we...


Are you okay?

Don't be scared.


I only

want to wear your skin.

Oh, hell no.



In the name and by the power

of the Lord Jesus Christ,

may you be driven away

from the Church of God

and from the souls of

men who are created

in the likeness of God

and redeemed in the blood

of the precious lamb.

I hate her!

I hate this child!

You will!

Most cunning serpent.

No longer will you

deceive the human race,

persecute the church,

or torment those whom God

has brought into His redemption.

You will no longer

sift them as wheat.

In the name of the

most high God,

whom you in your insolence

still claim to be equal with,

you will free this girl!

I will not.

You will free her and

return to the depths of hell.

I will not!


-Father! What's wrong?

My... my case. My pills.


[pills scatter]


You are a Godsend, sister.

If I were to leave,

let this one go.

What then?

You'd win the battle,

but not the w*r.

Never the w*r, my

little frail Patrizio.

I'll be back.

My brothers and sisters

will also be back.

You'd have to

negate my permission.

And do you know what that

would entail, don't you?



Calm down.

Dude, are you the caretaker?

I thought I heard

someone in here.

What are you doing in here?

We're closed, son.

I know.

Yeah, I'm sorry, man.

A couple of my friends

and I busted in here

to do some dumb

spirit board shit,

and now one of my friends is,

I don't know,

some kind of zombie

or something.

A zombie?

Yeah, I know it sounds crazy,

but it's the real deal, man.

Oh, no.

Yeah, yeah, so can

we call cops or do...

No, they just get in the way.

She's not a zombie.

She just accepted

her true lord and savior.


I think it moved.

It's in the same

spot it's always been.

Let me recenter myself and

then we'll try again.

And you want to do

this professionally, right?

Psychics make

big bucks, babe.

Nope, I think we're done.


Grandma Mary never

even liked me anyway.

She was always grumpy.

She could at least come by

and tell you

to go to hell or something.

Don't worry, I'll make

a believer out of you yet.

If a ghost could tell me how

to pay off my student loans,

then I would certainly believe.

Do you think Nathan and

Sophie made it back, okay?


Do you think

they're hooking up?

I hate you.

I see heartbreak in your future.

I'll be going in, then.

You'd better let

Sister Caroline rest.

She wasn't feeling well.

Let me go in with you, then.

I'd like to physically

examine her if I could.

I think Huxley injured herself.

All the more reason

why I should.

And you know,

Whit and Sister Caroline,

they said something weird

when I first arrived.

They said that Huxley

asked for me by name.

She wanted me here.

Yeah, but how could Huxley

or the demon know you?

That's what I'd like

to find out.

If you let me go with you, we'd

satisfy both our curiosities.

Under one condition.

God, Heavenly Father,

protect this woman.

A humble servant that works

hard to protect and keep safe

Your lost children.

She is going to encounter

the Serpent today.

Watch over her and carry

her so she may not fall.



Now we're ready.



How are you feeling?


Doctor, don't address it

directly unless I give the okay.

"It" is a child.

And I'd like to ask her a

few things towards the end.

If I could.

Can you even begin to fathom

the neurobiological consequences

of this kind of

traumatic experience?

Where's Sister Caroline?

She's resting.

You're breaking the rules.

She's supposed to be with me.

Back away, doctor.

Does she have to be tied up?

I wish there was another way.

But it's for the safety

of all concerned.

She nearly tore the eye out

of the nurse a few weeks ago.

Okay, just a minute, please.



[machine whirring]

How is she?

Not great, obviously.

Her heart rate, it's higher

than I'd like it to be

and her blood pressure

is very low.

Is there anything we can do?

I can jab her with epinephrine.

I just...

It may jolt her system too much.

Then perhaps I should take over.

I won't speak without the nun.

I'll make you speak, demon.

In the name of the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Oh, come on!

Did they lock us in?

Probably. Nathan's

a jock assh*le.





Lauren, help!

You think they got caught?

We can't just leave them, right?

No, dummy, come on.

Hmm. Welcome back.

Tea for you.

Tell me I didn't faint.

Okay. I won't.

Are you sure

you're feeling okay?

No harm in calling it

a night, you know.

It knew about my dad's aneurysm.

I think it tried to give me one.

Any luck with the name?

Stubborn little bugger.

It knew about Corey, too.

You're kidding.

Something different

about this thing.

It's almost like

it knows us.

I was getting that

impression, too.

Found some donuts.

Might be a little stale,

but sugar is sugar, right?

Where's Father Cortez

and Dr. Beckett?

With your daughter.


Without Sister Caroline?

She's beat.

Look at her.

No, no, no, no, no.

What's wrong?

What is it?

They've gone in without you.


How dare you!

You were asleep!

What is the big deal?

For the mortal soul

of this afflicted child.

Lord, hear our prayers.

My how you've grown.

For the safety of

her mind and body.

Lord, hear our prayers.

I've missed you

awfully, Olivia.

For the sanctity

of her innocence.

Lord, hear our prayers.

You don't remember me, do you?

You were so little then.

Maybe it was all

just a crazy dream.


Maybe you were crazy.

Stop it.

Don't listen to it.

It's trying to mess

with your head.

Be careful, Father.

Haven't you heard?

She's crazy.

Why am I here?

You tell me.

I need you to tell me.

I don't understand.

Bugs you, doesn't it?

Not knowing.

Makes who feel

like you're going crazy.

Don't listen to it.

Maybe you're already there.

You're already crazy.

Tell me why you wanted

me to come here.

Stop playing games.

More fun to guess, isn't it?

Crazy girl.

Shut up.

Just shut up.

Shut up.

You hate that name.

Don't you?

Dr. Beckett,

don't listen to it.

It's taunting you on

purpose to distract us.

Hold her back, Father.

She's unhinged.

Why am I here?

In God's name, answer her.

I missed you, sweet thing.

I want you back.

How do you know me?

You're compelled

by Saint Michael the Archangel

to answer her.

What do you want with me?

In Christ's name, I compel

you to reveal yourself.

Father, there's not much

left of this girl anyway.

I think it's time.

Who are you?



No, no, no, no.

Doctor, doctor, doctor!

What's wrong?

That's our lullaby, sweet thing.

Do you remember?

I'm not worried.

You're outnumbered.


Doctor, what is it?

You were real.

That means that I wasn't...

No, you weren't

really crazy.

It's you.


What did you say?

What name did you just say?

What are you doing?

You're not supposed

to be in here.

She won't allow it.

You broke your promise to me.

Sister, you were sleeping.

We didn't want

to disturb you. Okay?

Besides, I've been alone

with Huxley before.

Things are different now.

Get out!

Right now!

I think it came from the left.

I swear it came to the right.

[shouting voices]

I am not happy!

Whit, we meant no harm!

She was in need of

medical assistance.

I don't want to hear it!


Amanda, help!

Okay, the balcony circles

back around.

I'll meet you on

the other end, okay?

Okay, hurry!



You guys, this isn't funny!

[man groans]


Oh my God!

Nathan, what happened?

I'm dying.

Oh my god!

Okay, I don't know what...

What can I do?

You know what would make me

feel a lot better?

If you joined me.

We said one at a time.

We agreed to

the rules beforehand.

Huxley never wanted to be alone.

What's going on?

Everyone, calm down.

We're all on the same side.

She got the name.


Olivia, sweetheart,

do you want to sit down?

I don't want to sit.

Talk to me.

Talk to me, please.

Did you get a name?

No way.


Father Cortez, what was the

name of the priest who died,

the one you were assisting?

John Murphy.

Oh, Jesus.

Did you know him?

He was my exorcist.


Where the hell is everybody?



If you jump out

of the dark again,

I'm going to punch your ass.


Lauren, over here.

Amanda, did you find them?

Sophie, what are you doing?

Hey, are you okay?


Yeah, what's up?

They lied to me.

I'm hurting.

What the hell are

you talking about?

I'm in so much pain.

And it would only be fair...

if I should share it.


I had it drilled into my head

for years by different doctors

that it was all

a psychotic delusion.

Temporary insanity.

Kids used to call

me "crazy girl."

And now I just don't know

what's worse

if I was potentially psychotic

or if I was possessed.

You're going to have

to catch us up here, kiddo.

We're drawing blanks.



It whistled.

That's how I gave itself away.

It happened when I was eight.

I was in my backyard

playing with dolls

or something and

I heard someone whistling.

It was pretty,

so it caught my attention.

I turned around and

there was just this little boy.

He was standing there,

just beyond the fence line.

He was naked.

But he was white,

like snow white.

And he had these

black veins all over.

They stood out

against his pale skin.

He was whistling that song.

And the next thing I remember,

I was waking up in my bed with

Father John praying over me.

I had Huxley's demon in me.

Why didn't you tell us

this from the beginning?

I've been just trying to

make sense of it for years.

And my mom, she was Catholic,

but my father was far from it.

And I saw so many different

psychiatric doctors.

I told myself that it

was just a psychotic break

a disassociated fugue.

So I fled to science

because I didn't want

to be "crazy girl" anymore.

It was just all

a blur, frankly.

But I will never

forget that song.

The one he whistled.

And I'll never forget

the last thing he said to me

before I blacked out.

His name?

He said...

"Hello, Olivia.

"My name is Lamech.

I'm so cold.

And I need your skin."

No, it can't be.

You know it.

Don't you?

You've encountered

Lamech before.

Plagued by him

is more like it.

My oppression was

led by Lamech.

That's what he meant.

The bastard.

He said he won that one.

Lamech claimed the life of

the one and only person

I was unable to save.

Mi abuelita...

She was possessed.

It happened a long time ago

when I was a kid

that she, she tried to

k*ll me in my sleep.

Superhero priest saves

the day, right?


You understand

what this is, right?

It wants us here all

at the same time.

This isn't an exorcism.

It's a trap.

It gathered us all

here for a reason.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

Demons are limited

as to what deeds

they're allowed to perform.

What's it's plan,

to gather us all here

and knock us off one by one?




Holy shit.

Wanna join us?

You know, I always

had a thing for you.



Someone help me!


Who's doing that?


Whit, what are you doing?

I blame her mother.

She did this.

She ruined our baby.

Whit, I know this

whole situation

is incredibly stressful,

but let's not add to it with...

When Huxley was born,

she started hanging out with

a whole new group of weirdoes.

They did something

to my Huxley.

I think they sold her soul.

And we can get it back.

She's not lost.

We can save her now

that we know its name.

Only I can help her now.

See, her mother was weak.

Too sad for this world

and it chewed her up.

So she took the easy way out.

I'm all my Huxley has left.

If I helped

feed Lamech his enemies,

he said he'd let my baby go.

No, Whit, put the g*n down.

No. I won't be doing that.

Whit, please, it doesn't have

to end like this, okay?

For the love of God,

for the love of your daughter,

put the w*apon down.

Had to bring God

into it, didn't you?



No, stop, please.

No one else needs to get hurt.

Please, Whit.

The problem is, there's

nothing else to be done.

My little peach is beyond

your kind of help.

She's gone, gone, gone.

Far away.

And there ain't no coming back.

It's Lamech, isn't it?

Very sharp, Patrizio.

What have you done to Whit?

I'm everywhere, Father.

You cannot escape.

Whit is only a pawn.

You're trying to shake me.

And you won't.

You can't.

You've revealed yourself now.

That matters very little now.

You're outnumbered.

The girl is dying.

And we're at

the end of your days.

This can't be.

A second possession?

It's not outside

the realms of possibility.

You will die, Father.

That's why you're here.

The power of

Lamech compels you.


What are you, bulletproof?

In Jesus' name.

That's what I call

a good book.

Well, what are we waiting for?

We've got a girl to save,

and now that we know

this thing's name,

let's send it back

to where it belongs,

and get the f*ck out of here.



There is no escape.

There is no hope.

There is no chance of survival.

There is no happy ending.


I am everywhere!


She's leaving.

Patrick, please.

I commend you, Melody Bates,

to Almighty God,

and entrust you

to your Creator.

May you return to Him who formed

you from the dust of this earth,

and may Holy Mary, the angels,

and all the saints

come to meet you

as you go forth from this life.

May He forgive

you all your sins,

and may He set a place for you,

amongst those He has chosen.


Goodbye, old friend.

Put in a good word

for me, will you?

You'll need it.

I just wish

I could have done more.

You've done enough.

More than enough.

Rest in peace.

What about our stuff?

Well, we can leave it.

We'll be right back.

Once we're outside,

we can call for help.

The signals should be back

just outside the doors.

No, we can't leave

Huxley for too long.

She's not doing well.

We're not leaving her, but

this has gone out of control.

We need to get out

of this damn building,

call for help, and come

back with reinforcements.

-More priests.

-More everything.

I am so turned around.

Are you sure that this is the

right way to the main entrance?

Very certain.

If Sister Caroline's

possessed as Whit was,

then what are we dealing with?

It's revenge, so who knows?

Multiple entities,

viral possession

can cause a demon to splinter

and occupy multiple hosts.

I've never heard of

something like that.

An entire tribe in New Guinea

had to be exorcised once,

the diabolic infection took

hold and spread like wildfire.


-Who is that?

Is that...


In the name of the Father,

the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Who are they?

Looks like Lamech called

in some favors.

They're just kids.

Yeah, they aren't kids anymore.

They're possessed.

They're not dead.

They're parts of Lamech.

Don't hurt them.

But they're coming towards us.

What do we do?

I'll sh**t one in the leg.

That way.

Damn it!

Are you kidding me?

That's three.

All locked.

Maybe there's roof access?

I think someone should

stay with Huxley, Father.

She's just a child.

I'm afraid someone

could happen to her.

I just don't think that's

the right play, Father.

She's the heart of this, Father.

We cut off the head

of the snake,

we cut the infection,

so to speak.

We have the name.

We can finish it.

And we will.

We're not done here.

I just don't want anyone

getting hurt unnecessarily.

Okay, well, you take Olivia.

Go get help.

And I'll continue with Huxley.

This is what Father Murphy

would have wanted.

All right.

If you insist...

I will...



Find her!


Such pretty, pretty hair.

Such pretty, pretty skin.

I want it.

No, I want it.

What a naughty girl

Where are you going, pet?

Oh, she's not

very friendly for a pig.

But she looks oh so yummy.

What was that supposed to do?

Wrong one!


Stay back! Stay back!

It looks like she's

trying to run away.

Oh, she is a silly

little piggy, isn't she?

We should show her what

her organs look like.

Oh, they're pretty.

Like squishy jewels.


That's not very nice, piggy.

Not meant to be.



Oh, my God.

I'm sorry I have offended thee.

And I detest my sins.

-Because I...

-Father Patrick?

You said you would save me.

You said you would

take the bad thing away.

I hate liars.


Corey, I'm so sorry.

I wanted to take your place.

It should have been me.

I'm mad at you.

I'm so mad at you!

Corey sent me.

You've been following me

this whole time, haven't you?


Father forgive them.

But they know not what they do.


Oh, my God.

Don't abandon me.

No one is listening now, Father.

We win.



Feels good, doesn't it?

Giving pain is a great...


Father Patrick, Jesus, no!

I'm... I'm okay.

Is he hurt?

Did you k*ll him?

Is he okay?

He's alive.

I'm much more worried

about you right now.

Oh, good. Good.

There we are.

Is he okay?

He'll live.

We've got to get

him out of here.

All out of pieces,

my friend.

Just about tapped.

Shall we try the roof?

Oh, he's not climbing on

any roofs anytime soon.

Do you realize where we are?

We're near Huxley's room.

Yes, ma'am.

Now here's my plan.

Leave me and Patrick

with Huxley.

You go.

You'll move faster without us.

Get help.

Okay, I can do that.


It's settled then.

We haven't lost this fight yet.

Huxley's counting on us

and I won't let her down.

They can throw hell itself

at us and we'll keep coming.


If anything, the sincerity

in your voice...

is my victory.

No! Why?

No one gets out alive.

Don't you see?

You all were brought

here to die.



Save Hux.

Get off of me!

Get off of me!

-Take him to Huxley's room.

-Come back here!

Father Patrick, come on.

Please, get up!

You stay out of that room!

You stay out of that room!



-We're losing her!

What's happening?

She's going into cardiac arrest.


Oh, my God.

She's gone.

Oh, no.

Not again.

I haven't given up on her.

Don't you start.

Father, I need your help.

Smear the paddles.

-How much?

-A lot.

That's good. Good.

All right.


-Going again.

-She's very weak.


-Can she take this?

Going again.



I thought...

I thought I'd lost

another one...

To... it!


No, Father.

Father, Father, what's wrong?

My heart.

Maybe... maybe you could use

that thing on me.

No, no, no.

That is a last resort.

Just breathe.



I need a...

I need my pills.

Where are they?

The chapel.

Left everything there, remember?

I'll go.

No, no, no,

it's too dangerous there.

the things out there,

they want to k*ll us.

Listen to me.

You are in no position to move.

and now I believe you're the

only person who can save her.

I'll get the pills.

I need my whole case.


I can give you a shot

of epinephrine.

No, no, no, no.


I'm fine again.


Bring my whole case.

I got this.

Just hang in there.

Go with God, Olivia.

Oh, please, God.

Please, please,

don't abandon me.

Give me your skin.

I need it.


I'm so sorry.

You stink.

I smell a believer.

[clucks tongue]


Oh, where are you

going to run, huh?

Where are you going to hide?


No place.

What happened to you,

Sister Caroline?

Anyone spending too

much time with Huxley.

doesn't walk away clean.


I am one with Lamech.

He works through me.

And he works in mysterious ways.

Have you been possessed

this whole time?

The end is coming.

Hell's angels

have been let loose.

w*r. Famine.


Just around the corner.

It's best you just die now

and get it over with.


Lucky you.

Hey, baby doll.

Pigs don't give up easy,

do they?


They just don't get it.

This is bigger than you.

This is bigger

than the whole world.

Humans are inconsequential.

They mean nothing.

[neck cracks]


The easy way or the hard way.

You will die.

You pick.

You sick bitch.


Because I could.

Because it doesn't matter.

Then what matters?

If not life, then what?

This is w*r, Olivia.

Raging for millennia.

Between my boss and yours.

Winning matters.

He's dying, you know.

They both are.

Maybe you should

get back to him.

Give him his medicine.

But how are you

gonna get past me?

I'll sacrifice a pawn.

What does that mean?

You want the pills?

Take them.


You bitch.

Listen, I'd really like to

reason with you right now,

but you're not in

your right mind.

Right mind?

I'm not even me anymore.

I'm we, and we like it.

I can help you.

Just, please, you have

to listen to me.

What I'd like to do is stick

my fingers in under your skin

and slurp it all away.

Wouldn't that be nice?


Our Father who art in Heaven

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come...

Give us this day... shit!

How does it go?

[Lamech laughing]

Stop! Stop! Leave me alone!

I got it.

I got it.

How are you feeling?

Like my heart is in a vice.

No, no, no.

This is what I want.

What do you mean?

You're not gonna take the pills?

This is my Hail Mary play.

What does that mean?

No, no, no, no, you'll die.

That's the idea, kiddo.

Corey reminded me.

You'll fail again.

Didn't have a doctor

with me last time.

What exactly is

the rites of transference?

I'll accept Lamech.

He'll possess me.

Why would you do that?

That's crazy.

Demons can come and go.

They can be exorcised

over and over,

but if they die

within a consecrated host,

like a priest,

then their time on

earth is ended forever.

We revoke their

passport for good.

Corey's body gave

out before he...


Lamech is trying to k*ll her.

Do what you can to

keep her alive.


Lamech, you have been

named and exposed

before the name of

Almighty God the Father.

By the force of heaven, I

command you to leave this child

and take of my body and

blood as your new vessel.

Stay with me, Huxley.

Begone, Lamech, enemy

of man's salvation.

Give place to Christ

in whom you have found

none of your works.

Give place to the one holy,

Catholic and Apostolic church

acquired by Christ at

the price of his blood.

Stoop beneath the

all-powerful hand of God.

Tremble and flee when we

invoke the holy and terrible

name of Jesus.

This name which

causes Hell to tremble,

this name to which the

virtues, powers and dominations

of Heaven are humbly submissive,

this name which

the Cherubim and Seraphim

praise unceasingly repeating.

This name commands you to

leave this innocent vessel

and hide within my own.

Father Patrick,

we're losing her.

Charge the paddles.

Do what you can

to keep her alive. Please!

Leave her.

She is not yours.

Take shelter in me.

Let her go, Lamech.

I am your cage.

I will not let her go.

I will win this one, too.

I give you my breath

and my skin.

You coward.

Help me! Help me!

Please, please, God!

She's going, Father!

Leave this failing body

and take mine.

I command you

by God's holy might,

by the will of God.

Let her go!

Oh, my God!

She's responsive.

Her heart,

her heart beats steady.


I'm trapped.

I'm trapped!

Get me out! Get me out!

Oh, my chest.

I'm burning.

Give me the pills!

I'm burning.

I can't die.

I can't die.

Don't let me die!

I mustn't die.

Give me, bitch!

You haven't won.

You think you won?

How will you explain this?


They'll call you crazy again.

Sweet thing.

Only this time

I'll know I'm not.

What's happening?

Where's my dad?







Where are you guys?

It's a really beautiful day.



Oh, baby.

Oh, my baby.

I'm so sorry.

Is it over?

Is she okay?

Did we win?

As a matter of fact,

I believe we did.
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