Curse of Willow Song, The (2020)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Curse of Willow Song, The (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

[audio logo]

[glasses clink]

[waves splashing]


[eerie music]




How are you?


Good work, very good work.

You'd think after

20 years, I wouldn't

be shocked that the

thing I conceived

would work so well in

reality, like Athena springing

from the head of Zeus.

It's truly an

extraordinary process.

So what happens next?

Well, after you're done here,

we send photos to the client.

Technically, it's

for their approval.

But it's highly

likely that they'll

say no at this late stage.

I'll have one of my senior

students design a postcard.

That always goes over well.

I have to make use

of all the free labor

since they still

haven't given me tenure.

The bastards!

After that, we'll

design the placards.

And after that, we'll

arrange for the shipping,

and hello, Edmonton.

I always tell my

students, public art

has to withstand the elements.

You never know

when they're going

to be skateboarding off of it.


I don't have to tell you.

People can be such

selfish assholes.


Have you eaten?

I had a coffee.

We talked about this.

You need to take breaks

or you'll fall apart.

Trust me, you won't notice

until you f*ck the piece up.

I'm sorry, I was just

trying to get it right.

Oh, nugget.

You're so adorable.

You know, I'm glad

we got you in here.

It's not just a good community

thing that we're doing.

What, with your rehab

program and getting you back

on your feet, yada,

yada, but now,

you've discovered

you've got a real gift.

It's really so

satisfying to know

that my work is

helping to uncover

another generation of talent.

Right then, let's get

you some food, my treat.

You must be starved.


Yeah, let's get some pizza.


[eerie piano]

[m*rder dove, "devil eyes"]

Shoulders that could

speak to me all day,

and I reply with sighs.

Voice that ushered me into

twilight, weight on my chest

like a heavy burden,

fingers on my face,

darkness, we reveled

in in my mind.

Haunted by your devil's eyes.

In your days, you wouldn't

believe where we've been,

where we revisit all the time.

You found the stark world

mistaken for something.

Under then my mistake,

I was for the taking.

Drive your breath

forward into me

and every sound

glowed electric blue.

Voice that ushered heard me into

midnight, weight on my chest

like fierce denial.

[sirens wailing]

Hey, Dale.




Piece of shit!

What the f*ck are

you looking at?

Pizza delivery.

Go away.

I'm not home.

Flea, it's me.

Open up.

Knew you were a f*cking pizza.

What kind is it?

Tomato and pineapple.


Who puts pineapple on pizza?

Well, It's free and it's vegan.

It's sacrilege.

OK, entrez-vous.

[door shuts]

Ugh, it's cold.

You shit.

If you don't want it--

Ooh, guacamole pizza, fancy.

[chuckles] Did it come

with your la-di-da art job?

Meh, when the boss comes in.

It's really messing

my back, though.

Yeah, work is bullshit.

I don't know.

It's kind of fun.

I just get to make shit all day.

Yeah, you get to

set shit on fire.


Oh, sorry.

Formal life off limits.

I shouldn't have told you that.

Too late.

So did you get your check?

That's today?



It's fine.

It's been like a day.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Dale's a f*cking thief.

You're just being paranoid.

Am I?

Well, like why would

Dale steal our checks?

Why does Dale do anything,

greedy little f*ck?

I can check after my shift.

But-- so are you

working tonight?

No, the regular

cleaning staff's back.

So I'm free, so to speak.

Do you have enough money?

Oh, they paid me for last week.

So the roof's over my head.

It's not like they

can kick us out.

Are you kidding?

In a f*cking heartbeat,

if you're a one day late.

That's not fair.

[scoffs] Who said

anything about fair?

We're literally just

case files to them.

They can do whatever

the f*ck they want.

Still, I think

we're pretty lucky.


That's the most f*cked up

thing I've heard you say.

Eat up, could be your last meal.

No, I'm good.

[distant voices]

[suspenseful music]


[door clanging]

[distant voices]

You're currently scheduled

for your therapy sessions

every Thursday.

Is that still good for you?

Because if it isn't, then

it's your responsibility

to let us know.

I'm sure I don't

have to remind you.

I'm your probation officer,

not your babysitter.

[clock ticking]

Are you listening to me?


Do I need to remind you that

probation is a privilege?

It's certainly not a right

you can abuse willy-nilly.

And as such, privileges

can be taken away.

I'm sure we both

know what that means.

Yeah, I certainly do.

I think you think you know.

But when you're out

in the real world,

it's so much different

than when you're

in a fully supportive


like the penitentiary.

Out here, you have

a lot of choices.

It's very easy to

make the wrong ones--

very easy.

So let me reiterate.

You have your

counseling sessions.

I know you're currently

clean, but you will still

need to attend regularly.

If there's a problem,

you need to check in

with me immediately.

But I don't have a phone.

Really, Willow?

Is that really the excuse

you're going to use?

There are phones everywhere.

You can borrow one if

you're that desperate.

Honestly, it's not that hard.

Oh, and I know you already know

this, but it bears repeating.

There is to be no contact

with your brother.

I know.

I don't think you do.

You are to have no, that means

zero, contact with your brother

Misson Misson, Willow--

honestly, I have no idea

where you people come up

with these names.



It's funny.

This morning, I was

driving into work,

and I saw a real estate sign

for a woman named Morning.

Can you just-- who would

name the child Morning?


Someone who doesn't speak

English as the first language?

[laughs] Would explain it.

[laughs] I don't see any

mention of your parents.

I wonder if they have

such unusual names.

They didn't have English names.

They didn't immigrate with us.

It's just Misson and me.

And now, they're dead.

So it doesn't matter, does it?

I'm-- sorry to hear that.

Wasn't in your file.

I hadn't-- hadn't seen

them in years, so--

they got arrested on

corruption charges.

And then we didn't

see them again.

But you know, it

could just be made up.

Who knows?

Misson is my only family now.

But since I can't see him,

I guess that just leaves me.

I think it's abundantly

clear you haven't had

much guidance in your life--

not that it's an excuse

for your behavior, hm?

But you have paid your

price to the community.

And now, you have a

chance to start again.


Make the most of it, won't you?

I hope you know I'm more than

just your probation officer.

I'm here for you as a friend.

You can always

reach out any time.

You have this

office phone number.

If you need

anything, you call us


You'll get through this.

And if you don't, well,

we all know how that ends.

Why do you f*ck at me?


You can't--

I like you!

No, you don't.

You don't like me.

You do not--

Why do you react like this?

Everything's fine

five minutes ago.

[distant voices]

So did you get your check?

Yeah, thank god.

Plus, my work bonus for Allison.

Oh, well, aren't we lucky?

You said it like it's bullshit.

It is.

I was being sarcastic.

Hey, I know.


Come on, you're going

to treat yourself.

Trust me, it'll be fun.


I don't know.

Isn't this exciting?

I don't even know

where you're taking me.

(SINGING) You can have it a-all.

You can have, you

can have it a-all.

You can have, you can

have it a-all, a-all.

You can have it a-all.

You can have it a-all.

You can have, you

can have it a-all.

You can have it, you

can have it a-all.

You can have it a-all.


Told you this would be fun.


Nuh-uh, this is not that fun.


It's fun for me.

[hissing] Because

you're just watching.

It's going to look great.

You're going to love it.

(SINGING) Me plus you,

Plus you and me, we jump--

Lot of work to be done.

Oh, come on.

Suck it up.

Oh my god.

[laughs] [hissing]


I'm not doing badly?

(SINGING) But you can have

it, you can have it all.


You can have it a-all.

You can have it, you

can have it a-all.

[suspenseful music]





[distant conversation]

Hey, hey, hey, hey.




[distant voice]

[rain pouring]


[horn blasts]

[rain pouring]


Oh, excuse me.

Do you know where

Allison Dribble

is because I'm working for her?


Oh, are you Willow Song?

Yeah, I-- the studio was locked.

And I've been here

since this morning.

We have a shipment

to get out next week.

Didn't Allison call you?

I don't have a phone, but I--

she could leave a message

at the desk, I guess.

Oh, she left for

Shanghai this morning.

She got offered a position

at an art college there.

But she didn't

tell me on Tuesday.

Oh, well, you know how it is.

I mean, she's been applying

for, like, forever.

And they finally called her

last week saying she got the job

but that it started right away.

It's just so great for her.

I mean, I'm so jealous.


I could just die.

She's on her way there right

now, like this very minute.

I guess that kind of sucks

for you, though, huh?

So am I supposed to

just work on my own,

like, while she's away because

I'm working on the Waterfall


It's a steel sculpture that

we have to get to Edmonton.

Oh, that.

No, don't worry about that.

Allison got her old sculpting

partner, Brad Lockhart.

You know his work?

He's so great.

I mean, he's not Allison.

But he's still pretty good.

Anyway, he's just

finishing it up.

We brought it to a studio

on Pandora last night.

It's not my deal

space but it fits.

Oh, man, I can't

believe no one told you.

So what am I supposed to do now?

I mean, whatever

you want, I guess.

Life in the arts, right?

Allison's let me borrow some of

her equipment while she's gone.

That's cool, right?

Can I get my stuff?

It's inside.

Well, maybe you

can send her email,

and she can write you

a reference letter.

She's pretty cool

with stuff like that.

You're accusing me?

You're accusing me?

Are you even

listening to yourself?

You're the only

one with the keys.


So you have access.

Why would I take it?

I don't know, because you're

a lazy, greedy, piece of shit,

and maybe you think you

could get away with it?

I just work the front, OK?

I have nothing to

do with your mail.


What did you call me?

You heard me.

All right.

You don't get to

call me that, OK?

Especially not you, you

spoiled little brat.

My check is gone.

You're the only

one with the keys.

It's pretty f*cking

obvious, isn't it?

You know, you people just

waltz in and out of here,

and I open the door.

I call the ambulance

when you assholes OD.

I keep you f*cking safe.

You have no idea what I

f*cking do for you, do you?

I just want my check, OK?

Please just give me

my f*cking check.

I don't have it.


Nothing, nothing, nothing,

nothing, nothing, nothing.

All right?

And if you don't

believe me, there's

nothing I can do about it.

But I don't have any money.

Well, boo-hoo.

You know what?

Maybe you should ask your

little buddy, Flea, about it.

She's always down here, waiting

for the mail like a f*cking


Maybe she took it.

Flea would not steal my check.

[scoffs] Yeah, right.

You're not getting

away with this.

I'm reporting this.

I'm reporting you.

Go ahead, report me.


Hey, you still owe me rent.

You got that?

End of the week, no excuses.

So where will we go?

[sniffles] The women's

shelter probably.

[sighs] I'll check them out

first tomorrow and see what

they have.

I was there this afternoon.

There's not a lot.

What happened to

your cleaning job?

[chuckles] They had a problem

with my attitude or something.

Anyway, whatever.

f*ck it.


Yeah, f*ck it.

f*cking Dale, I called

the office again.

And they said it's

already been cashed.

Can you believe that shit?

I-- I should have

listened to you.

Yeah, you should have.

[groans] This was supposed

to be like a second chance.

And-- disappointed,

it's all f*cked.


What do you expect,

like it's f*cked.

You know, it's always better

to be the one doing the f*cking

than the one getting f*cked.

You know what I mean?

Too late.

Trust me, it's the

only way to go.

[sirens wailing]

[eerie music]

[coughs] Where am

I supposed to go?

I don't have anywhere to go.

Let me back in!

I didn't do anything!

You let me back in, you bastard!

[coughs] You'll be

sorry, I'll find you.

[eerie music]

[sirens wailing]



f*ck off of me.

I don't think so.

Wo-- Wolf!

[laughs] Hello, princess.

[groans] What the

f*ck do you want?

Have a little chat,

what do you think?

I already did my time ass, so

leave me the f*ck alone.

Yeah, you getting

caught was sad.

But it didn't exactly

pay the bills, did it?

You torched my growup.

Technically, you still owe me.

(CHOKING) I don't

have any money, OK?

That's not OK.

You got to pay me.

(CHOKING) Wolf, I can't breathe.

Can't breathe.

[gasping] [coughs]

Hey-- ow!

f*cking bitch!

Get back here!


[Man] f*ck.

[heavy breathing]

[coughs] Oh, god.


Well, that was a

death-defying escape.

Are you following me, Dani?

Now, there's gratitude for you.

Did Misson send you?

Of course, not.

That would violate the

terms of your probation.

Since when did he care

about rules and regulations?

Don't be an idiot, Willow.

We were worried about you.

So what are you

now, a coal miner?

It's a welder's mask.

I'm a welder.

[chuckles] I remember

when I first met you,

you were 15 and such a

princess, designer this

and designer that.

Who would have thought

you'd end up a Union girl?

I'm saying it's cool, OK?

You did good.

Misson was heartbroken

when you got caught.

He didn't think you

could handle it.

But you did, took it all on.

You surprised the

hell out of me.

I don't know if I could

have done what you did.

He never visited, not once.

He didn't have a choice,

and you know that.

So where to?

What do you mean?

You've got all your

worldly possessions

strapped to your back.

So I assume you know

where you're going.


Oh, still our Willow after all.

I don't need you, OK.

I can handle it.

Let me out.


I'm done, OK?

I am done with you.

I'm done with Misson.

I am done with everything.

So whatever you have to

offer, I don't want it.

I'm out.

You're so f*cking

presumptuous, you know that?

Hey, so tell me straight,

where are you going?


Don't worry about me,

I'll figure it out.


Maybe you can sleep

under the bridge.

Willow, darling, you don't

even have a sleeping bag.

You're going to freeze to death.

I'll be fine.

Get real.

You're not built for this shit.

f*ck you.

Listen, I have a plan, OK?

There's a place I know,

you can stay for free.

It has nothing to

do with Misson.

I promise it's safe.

There's no one

else living there.

So it's a drug den, and you

want me to man that grow up.

It's a real estate flip.

But we needed somewhere

to park the cash,

and it came onto the market.

It's safer than the casinos.

Misson has no idea

I bought it, OK?

It's mine.

See, I told him, the real

estate license would pay off.

But it's still a

part of the family.

It's safe.

You have space.

No one knows you're there.

There's a roof over your head.

You can apply for jobs,

your Union card, whatever.

Let me help you, OK?

I owe you.

We all owe you.

Come on, Willow.

We just want to see you safe.

We're not breaking

the rules here.

I missed you.

You know that?

Even if I wasn't with Misson,

you're all I've got, too.

We grew up together.

You're practically

my little sister.

I mean it.

We're family.


I'm always going to be

here for you, always.


[car revving]

Put on your seat belt.

[eerie music]

Watch your step.

I nearly broke my

ankle last week.

It's amazing, all

the developments

they have going on out here.

Did you see all the condos?

The good thing is,

it's quiet out here.

And by 6 o'clock,

it's a ghost town.

So think of it as your

own private neighborhood.


Like I said, you can never

go wrong with real estate.

Put your money in the land

and you're always cool.

You're turning into Misson.

But cuter.

[keys jangling]

Anyway, the tenants

just vacated.

And I don't want this

place getting trashed

before we can flip it.

The thing about

the city, you leave

an empty space and next thing

you know, you got squatters.


[door opens]



Welcome home.





Oh, come on.

Sure this is your warehouse?


Just a sec, there's

light somewhere.


Come on.

OK, through here.

Don't worry, there's

lights and electricity.

I just don't remember

where the panel box is.

Why do you wear heels

in a place like this?

Use the railing.

Someone was living here.

There was a shag carpet,

but I got rid of it.

Totally weird, right?

Nothing like

crapping in the open.

There's another bathroom inside.

That one's just for show.

I don't think that

was there before.

We had a party way back

when, it was insane.

So Misson does not know

about this building at all?

Willow, over here!


[rolling bottle]

So it's like you

knew I'd take it.

I had a feeling.

Look, I know it's

been shit for you.

But I want to take care of you.

Let me do that at least.

How much rent you want?

[scoffs] Don't be stupid.

Like I said, if

you weren't here,

I'd have to hire

security guards.

Pretend this is a job.

Because you don't exist?

Stop fussing.

Who's going to know?





Why not?

Because that's how

it always starts.

It's like one favor,

then it's another.

Look, thank you.

You saved my ass today.

But I don't want this, and

I don't want any of this.

Well, you don't have

a f*cking choice.

Stop acting so sanctimonious.

How's you apply for a job?

By smoke signal?

You're just like a

f*cking gateway drug.

You know that?

Oh, just try one.

It won't hurt.

Well, excuse me for giving

you a fighting chance.

I don't know if you get it.

But this whole system

is stacked against us.

They only want us

here on their terms.

They love us when we open

another greasy spoon or f*cking


They're happy when we're

barely eking out an existence.

But what happens

when we succeed?

[scoffs] Just watch their faces

when they see a letter "N"

on that high-priced

sports car they'd

give their left nut to own.

[exasperated sigh]

We didn't come here

because we're stupid.

We came here

because we're smart.

We're resourceful.

The older generations, they

were happy just to survive.

Well, that's not

good enough for me.


And I doubt that's good

enough for you either.

So I suggest you wise up

and take the help, princess.

Choice is yours.

Oh, f*ck off.

[scoffs] Seriously?

I know you, Willow.

You know how to use this.

So don't pretend you don't.

You know Wolf is out there.

I saw him.

And he's not playing games.

Oh, please, Wolf?

I can handle Wolf.

I know you will.

Well, I'm off.

Call me if you

need anything, OK?

My phone's programmed

into the cell.


Don't be a stranger.


[g*n movement]

[paper rustling]

[metal clang]

[eerie music]

[eerie music continues]

[eerie music continues]




[clears throat]

[drilling sounds]

OK, yeah, I love you, too.

Let me talk to Mommy.


Yeah, I got to go.

One of my guys

quit this morning,

I've got a position to fill.

No, I shouldn't be home late.


All right.

I love you, too.


[clears throat]

So Willow Song, is it?


Have you ever worked

in construction before?

No, but I have my Level

B welding certification.

Well, it looks like

you are in violation.

Excuse me?

I said you're in violation

of industry codes.

My paperwork should

all be in order.

Yeah, I meant that

you are clearly

too attractive to be

working in construction.

[laughs] I'm kidding, don't

take that the wrong way.

I run a respectful crew here.

We have a no tolerance for

harassment policy in effect.

No one should ever have any

reason to feel uncomfortable

around me.


Um-- so I haven't worked

construction per se,

but I have my own steel toe

boots and my own helmet.

Do you have any problems

with your other jobs?

What sort of problems?

Well, pretty girls

like yourself could

be a problem for the crews.

I try to keep an

eye out for trouble,

but some of these guys--

you know how it is.

I guess?

[nervous laugh]

Yeah, I just don't

know how comfortable

I feel sending you out there.

Like normally, I can

vouch for my crew.

But attractive girls

like yourself--

you ever model?


[scoffs] No, of course,

not, too smart for that.

Yeah, don't want

to rest everything

on your exotic looks.

But yeah-- you're Chinese--

wait, are you Korean?

I'm Chinese.

I thought so.

Beautiful girls are Chinese.

All right.

Well, I'll tell you what, I

may have to pull some strings.

But I can get you a

position here in the office.

Yeah, you can be my assistant.

I'll train you myself.

You answer the phones,

keep us on schedule.

I'll tell you what, you don't

want to be working out there.

It's cold.

It's wet.

Um-- I appreciate that.

But if you don't mind,

I would like the job

at the construction site that

you posted at the employment


So you don't want a job here?

No, no, I definitely do.

I would like the

apprenticeship job

that you posted at

the employment office.

Yeah, that position

has been filled.

Thanks for coming in.

[nervous laugh] Please,

I really want this job.

No, I don't think you do.

Because if you did, you

wouldn't be taking advantage

of my good intentions.

I wasn't.

And you should probably

drop the attitude as well.

I mean, that is if you ever

want to get a job in this city.


But I already-- I

left a message and a--

I sent her an email already.

I just need a reference

letter from her.

Yes, I understand

the time difference.

But I really need it

from her right away.

[sighs] OK, OK, I get it, yup.

Yes, yes.

Can you just give her

that message then please?

It's really important.

OK, yup, thanks.

So let's go over this again.

You've missed two counseling

sessions without notice

and you've lost your job.

And now, you tell me you're

living in an industrial complex

out in Surrey.

How did everything

go so wrong, Willow?

I'd hate to think

it has something

to do with your brother.

But I really hate to have to

write something in your file.

Please, I already told you.

I have not seen Misson.

This has nothing to do with him.

But that place is like--

it's my friend's property.

She's a realtor.

She's like a friend

from high school.

And she just needs

me to look after it

so she doesn't get squatters.

It's like a caretaker job.

And it's temporary, just

until I get another job.

So eyesore.

Sounds like you have

all the answers.

If you don't mind my saying,

you don't look well, Willow.

I haven't been sleeping.

Are you clean?


Answer the question.

Are you clean?


Jeez, you don't know how hard

it was to get off that shit.


Show me your arms.

Well, those couldn't

have been cheap.

I got it way, way before

everything went to shit.

It was Flea's idea.

And it's like--

[sighs] That was for me

to get a fresh start.

Please, Melissa,

I'm telling you.

I'm applying for jobs.

I have a cell phone now.

Trusting you, Willow.

Don't make me regret it.

[eerie music]



[eerie music]

[eerie music continues]

[eerie music continues]

[eerie music continues]

[eerie music continues]


[eerie music intensifies]

Jesus, this is

f*cking disgusting.

You said you'd take care of her.

I did.

She was fine.



Can you hear me?

She wasn't like this last week.

I would have told you.

Did you give her something?

f*ck you.


Willow, look at me.

Come on.

She needs help.


Maybe we can take her to ER.

You won't have to come in.

Who you calling?

No, Misson.

Come on, he's not

even a real doctor.

Hey, Doc.

I need some help.

Of course, it's a

f*cking emergency.

Why the f*ck else

would I be calling?

Willow, honey?

We're going to get

you some help, OK?


[eerie music]


Uh, has she ever

done this before?


Back when she was little,

but it was never serious.

You never told me.

Willow was five.

We were living in Guangdong.

She started having

nightmares real bad.

She said she could see

things in the shadows.

She thought the

shadows were real.

My parents said she had

too much imagination.

I guess all kids are like that.

No big deal, right?

Has she ever been in, like,

catatonic state before?

After our parents disappeared--

technically, they were arrested.

So this is a stress response.

Well, she's not f*cking crazy.

I never said she was.

How long has she been like this?

A day, maybe two.


She was perfectly fine

when I saw her last week.

Has she been sleeping, eating?

There's takeout containers.


They're half rotten.

Who knows what she ate last.

See, I f*cking told

you to take care of it.

I did.

f*ck, this isn't my fault!

You know how she is.


Come on, you want

my help or not?

My sister's isn't crazy, OK?

She's under pressure.

She just got over.

She's clean.

She's a good kid.


You said "clean," meaning?

I think she was self-medicating

to help her sleep, to help

to deal with shiver head.

She was on heroin.


But like I said,

she's clean now.

Well, I guess we could

try some antidepressants.

But frankly, I don't

want to chance it.

I'm not a psychiatrist.

You're not even a doctor.


What I was about to say is that

if we gave her the wrong one,

it could make her worse.


Suicidal, homicidal--

you know, worse.

There could be another option.

There's acid.

What the f*ck are

you talking about?

It's legit.


Yeah, people do it all the time.

Now what?

Just a micro dose, just enough

to kick her out of this state.

Oh, sounds good.

Just f*cking [inaudible]

What are the side effects?

I mean, given her history.

Come on, it's a

hallucinogen, right?

No big deal.

It's not addictive.

Look, I don't know

what else to say, man.

It's probably the

best solution we have.

What about probation?

Is it going to show up if

she has to take a drug test?

It shouldn't.

She's had maybe a 16th

of a hit, every few days.

It's practically nothing.

I don't know.

Come on, we'll do it.

But this is on you.

If anything happens to her--

This is a bad idea.

You got something better?

[eerie music]

[sirens wailing]



Flea, wait up!

Hey, wait up.

I was calling you.

Didn't you hear me?

Yeah, I heard you.

So how are you?

How am I?

How the f*ck am I?

I'm late.

I got a meeting.

Flea, do you want

to get some coffee?

I'm worried about you.

We can go to the Acme.

My treat, we can get breakfast.

Come on, Flea.

Get the f*ck off me.


Not all of us have

a safe cushion

to land on, not like

you, not like you at all.

When shit goes wrong

for you, people come in

and say, oh, poor Willow.

What do you think happens

to the rest of us?

I'll tell you.

No one comes in

and saves us, OK?

You're on your own now.

So maybe you should

just f*ck right off.

I know you hate me.

But I'm still your friend.

And I just want to make

sure you're safe, OK?

So yeah, whatever.

If you want.

Just-- I have phone now.

Oh, good for you.

You have a phone.

[Willow] Seriously call me.

- It's so nice.


[Willow] Just call me.

[suspenseful music]

[door creaking]

[water dripping]


[door closing]


[rock music]

[eerie music]



[eerie music intensifies]

[distorted scream]

[water dripping]



[phone vibrates]

[music playing]



Oh, yeah, one second.

[clears throat]

It's me.



Oh, whoa.

Oh, watch out, watch out.

OK, I'm going to shut it.


Quite the front

door you got there.



Oh, yay, you came.

[chuckles] Yeah.

Holy shit, this

whole place is yours?

No, no, not per se.

It's just a loaner

until I get a real job.

It's pretty sweet.

How'd you get it?

A friend, she's a realtor.

She just needed like a minor

security job for me, so yeah,

that's what I do until

she gets a renter.

What's your PO think?

Oh, she's not thrilled at all.

[scoffs] Not thrilled at all.

You'd get lost in here.

Oh, that's not that big.

For a princess.

What the f*ck?


How did you--

Just kidding, just kidding.

But seriously, though,

we're cool, right?


Yeah, yeah, we're cool.


Well, I'll show you around.

[rock music]


Holy f*cking shit.

Complete with en suite toilet--

Oh my god.

--with no running water.

Oh, no.

No, that's sweet.

But you know I can't.

It's a housewarming

gift or more of a "sorry

if I was an assh*le" present.

Was an assh*le?

Oh, come on.

I actually don't even know

what happened that day.

Well, I kind of do.

But anyway--

Are you good now, though?

Yeah, way better.

We should celebrate.

No, we can't.

You know that.

Come on, p*ssy.

I know you want to.

Stop looking through-- what

do you-- what do you want?

Corkscrew, duh.

Well, f*cking stop

sorting through my shit.

Come on, let's do this.

Do you have cups?

Yeah, but-- [sighs]

this is not a good idea.

Oh my god, Flea.

Come on.

No, I--

Get me one, too.

Come on.


Oh, it's a screw top.

Don't be stupid.



Dude, no.


It's a celebration, come on.


OK, just a little.

Whatever, you'll be fine.

[laughs] Cheers.

Oh my god.

Hey, to old friends and--

New beginnings.

[giggles] Bottoms up.


[rock music]


[eerie music]


After you left,

Dale freaked out.

He filed the complaint against

me He said I was stealing,

which I wasn't.

You got me kicked out,

which really sucked.

It's not like I had

anywhere else to go.

[chuckles] Funny.

I thought you'd be back.

I actually bought your

whole tough luck story.

But nope, no, here you are--

massive place, no

worries in the world.

Must be nice to have

a big brother who'd

take such good care of you.

You know...

Some people lose their

jobs, lose their homes,

they're f*cked.

But not you.

You're lucky.

Everyone loves a

little princess.

[laughs] Lucky for me,

not everyone loves you.



Well, lucky, lucky me.

You got it?

I got the money.

Can I get a ride back?

You got cash, get a cab.

What the f*ck, man?


[running footsteps]

[water dripping]


Wakey, wakey.

Here we are again, all

alone, just you and me.



Hey, I know how your

little Kung Fu mind works.

So what now?


You tell me.

I have no money.

You torched my f*cking business.

You owe me.

[chuckles] It's not

like anyone died.

It's the only reason

you're still alive.

So good luck because

I'm drop dead broke.

Don't shit me.

This has got Misson's

fingers all over it.

[screams] Ow.


What's the matter with you?

I may not know much,

but I know him.

I f*cking know him.

He's got his little

sister's back.

How do you think I found you?

Well, just deal with him then.

I plan on it with your help.

I'm going to cut you

into pieces and send you

in little baggies for

him until he pays me.


[groans] Ah!

So where is he hiding his cash

other than the obvious casinos,

real estate

I have no clue.

[grunts] That's too bad.


No, no, no.

Give me your arm.

No, no, no.

Your arm.

Wait, stop.




f*cking knee, shut up.



Here we are, a little present

for Misson's crackhead sister.

[whimpers] Don't.

[groans] f*ck.

Oh, it's nice.


It's nice.

[eerie music]



What the f*ck?









f*cking-- f*ck are you?


[suspenseful music]

Willow, come here!

[running footsteps]

[door creaking]


Where the f*ck are you?



Willow, come here!

[running footsteps]

[door creaking]




What the f*ck?

[heavy breathing]

[chuckles] The f*ck.


I'm coming for you.


How do I get this

f*cking door open?


Come on.

Just f*cking open.

[grunts] What!


Willow, I know you're here.

Willow, I can feel you.

[eerie music intensifies]

Willow, hey, Willow.

What the f*ck?




Hey, Willow, I'm not

going to hurt you.




I'm going to get you,

even if I have to burn this

f*cking place down to the ground

(WHISPERS) Willow.

[grunts] f*ck!


I'm not playing around!

[eerie music]

Ah, ah.



[suspenseful music]


[grunts] The f*ck!

[g*nshots ringing]






[music playing]


[door opening]







[Singing] Nothing changes

In my world,

just the same old story,

just the silly girl.

There must be something

broken in my brain

because I make the same

mistakes again and again.

[wordless singing]

I asked if you'll love me.

You said you never could.

But you want to touch me,

and I think you should.

I asked if you'll love me.

You said you never could.

But you want to touch me,

and I think you should.

So call me crazy.

Maybe I am.

I tried to get you to love

me again and again and again.

It's a losing battle.

I'll never win because the

w*r is over before it begins.


I asked if you'll love me.

You said you never could.
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