Deliver Us (2023)

Horror, Scary, Halloween Movie Collection.

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Deliver Us (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Priestess: (breathing shakily)

(heavy footsteps)

- Priestess: (grunts)

- (body thuds)

(breathing rapidly)

- Priest: (gasping)

- (shudders)

(body thuds)

(breathing shakily)

(body thuds)

(breathes shakily)

(foreboding music playing)

(foreboding music intensifies)

(foreboding music concludes)

(church bell tolling)

(reading in Russian)

(in Russian)


(glass clinking)

Reporter: (speaking English

indistinctly on TV)

Sister Yulia: (praying

in foreign language)

(door creaking)

(unsettling music playing)

(groans loudly)


(groans harshly)

(gasps, panting)

(gasping sharply)

(grunting in pain)

(gasps, grunts in pain)

(door thuds)



(unsettling music fades)

(water running)

(breathing deeply)

(electrical crackling)

Sister Yulia:

(breathing shakily)


- (suspenseful music playing)

- (breathing shakily)

(yelps in pain)

(gasping, coughing)



(groaning in pain)


(suspenseful music intensifies)

(suspenseful music concludes)

Father Fox:

Forgive me, My Lord. I can't.

Russian Bishop:

You would refuse the call?

This nun, Sister Yulia,

has asked for you by name.

Father Fox:

I have given you plenty notice.

Stayed on months longer than

I should have, at your request,

performed exorcisms

I don't believe in...

Well, this isn't an exorcism.

This is verification

of a divine event

- and some translating.

- Father Fox: Bishop, I'm sorry.

(in Russian)

Father Fox: (in English)

My Lord, I saved that girl

from her family, not the devil.

I was fighting mental illness.

You healed her

when nobody else could.

Do you deny that?

I did what all priests

are supposed to do.

I gave her my love

and attention.

I made her realize

that her life had value,

that she was a child of God.

That is when

her illness stopped.

Russian Bishop: Mm. Perhaps,

but Sister Yulia's case

seems to be different.

Local priests have confirmed

its authenticity.

It's time for me to move on.

To be a good Christian

rather than a bad priest.

Russian Bishop: You really

shouldn't feel so guilty

for what you have done.

Priestly celibacy

is rooted in tradition.

Not Catholic dogma.

If it were just an affair

and I planned to end things,

it would be different. But...

(chuckles) ...I love this woman.

And the child she's carrying

deserves a real father.


Speaking of love,

this nun, Sister Yulia,

is pregnant with twins.

She claims it's immaculate.

She says her two unborn kids

talk to her,

and that she knows

that one of them is good

and one is evil.

Take a read, would you, for me?

Father Fox: (sighs)

Cardinal Russo will personally

oversee the verification.

He's an expert

in ancient languages,

just like you.

Why's the Vatican

sending a famous scholar?

I mean, someone

like Cardinal Russo

could be Pope someday.

It shows you how seriously

the Vatican is taking this case.

Laura: (gasps) Look.

- (dog barks)

- Laura: (laughing)

- Come here, Plato. Hey.

- Laura: Hi.

Buddy, come here.

How did it go?

Father Fox: As well as expected.

How you feeling?

Laura: A little sick

this morning, but I'll be okay.

(church bell tolling)


abusive childhood...

immaculate conception.

(exhales heavily)

This woman needs help.

You should go.

You know she's not

actually possessed.

Laura: I know that, but...

isn't this being

a good Christian,

rather than a bad priest?

- Making fun of me?

- (laughs) I'm not.

I'm saying that even if you

have to pretend to be a priest

to help this woman,

that's Christian. No?

Well, technically,

I still am a priest.

But... I have

a different purpose now.

I don't want this

to take me away from you.

It won't take me away from you.

(pensive music playing)

I have to go to Estonia

for work.

You'll probably be back

before I am.

And when I get back,

we should talk about Canada.

I think Edmonton would be

a great place to raise a family.

But tell the bishop

it's the last one,

and that you mean it.

(music builds, fades)

(somber music playing)

(crows cawing)

(somber music continues)

(in Russian)

(door opens)

Sister Sniger: (in English)

His Eminence, Cardinal Russo.

Your Eminence.

It's such an honor.

(in Russian)

(in English)

I have read all of your work.

I can't tell you

how flattered I was

to be referenced so often

in your doctoral thesis

on the cuneiform alphabet.

You read my thesis?

It seems no matter

how old one gets,

there's always

something to learn

from the next generation.

Now if you don't mind,

I'd like to show you something.

Cardinal Russo:

What is it, Father?

You have doubts?

Father Fox:

I'm sorry, Your Eminence.

The colder it gets outside,

the more hot water we use,

and when hot water

passes through cold air,

you get condensation.

Have there been any developments

outside the initial report?

Sister Yulia refuses

to talk with anyone...

except you.

Father Saul: Do you have any

idea why that might be?

Ah. Father Fox, please allow me

to introduce Father Saul.

I, uh, suppose

what happened in Murmansk, or...

perhaps because there are

so few Catholics in Russia.

I see.

Sister Sniger: (in Russian)

(door creaks open)

(in Russian)

Sister Yulia: (in English)

Good afternoon, Father.

(in Russian)

(in English) You speak English.

Sister Yulia: Yes.

They didn't tell me that.

Where did you learn English?

(exhales heavily) I didn't.

Uh. The only reason

I'm able to speak English

is so that I can speak with you.

Why don't you tell me

why you became a nun?

For purpose. At first.

Then as time goes by,

you realize that you have

come here to die.

But in my case, God said, "No."

And that is why

he's given me children,

because he wants me to live.

You don't think that

these children are from God.

I think all children

are from God.

Well, I suppose

that you are right.

Why did you ask to speak to me?

Sister Yulia: Uh...

They... they tell me things.

Things I would have

no other way of knowing.

And they told me about you.

What did they tell you about me?

They told me you are

the only one

that can keep the bad thing

from happening.

You think something bad

is gonna happen to you?

Sister Yulia: I didn't bring you

here today, Father.

The Church didn't bring

you here.

God brought you here.

They are trying

to stop His plan.

(door creaks open)

They think they know better.

Um. We're not finish--

Old Nun: (in Russian)

(in English) We need your help.

Father Fox:

Hey, Sister. We're not...

(door creaks open)

(reporter speaking on TV)

Father Fox: (in Russian)

(reporter speaking on TV


Father Fox: (in English)

You wanted to see me,

- Your Eminence?

- Ah.

Father Fox. Please come in.

- Uh, help yourself to a drink.

- Father Fox: I shouldn't.

As you wish.

Do you recognize this language?

It's cuneiform, obviously,

but it's not Sumerian.

It's not Akkadian.

It's a syllabary

I've never seen before.

I believe this to be

a secretive language

used by an elite class

of Zoroastrian priests.

Kind of like the lost language

of the druids.

And this is the original text,

transferred from

person to person

for thousands of years.

Father Fox: What, uh, kind of

material is this written on?

Cardinal Russo:

There are others. Look.

All of these

are telling the same story.

Hebrew, Coptic, Arabic,

Avestan, and Akkadian.

"A virgin will give birth

to twin boys,

one good, one evil."

"Before the Messiah

can learn to love,

the Antichrist will try

and k*ll his brother."

"He will use the holy man... "

Both: "...the soldier,

and the father."

I don't think this word

is supposed to mean "virgin."

I think it implies

that the Messiah

will be born a virgin birth,

but that the devil

will have to enter her

through free will.

She'll have to choose

to have sex with a man.

Of course.

Why didn't I think of that?

(unsettling music playing)

(unsettling music fades)

You think this prophecy

might be real.

It's quite possible.

Sister Yulia

is carrying twin boys.

This is Zoroastrian scripture,

more than a thousand years

before Christ.

The others and I believe

that this prophecy

is as divinely inspired

as the Book of Revelation.

It's not Christian.

I was told you were

a bit of a doubting Thomas.

Your Eminence, from what

I've seen here today...

not to mention Sister Yulia's

history of mental illness,

if it were up to me, she would

already be in a hospital.

She saw things as a child.

Visions she didn't understand.

Her parents, doctors,

everyone thought

she was hallucinating

so they medicated her,

when, in fact, I believe

she saw visions from God.

(breathing shakily)

- (clock ticking)

- (door opens)

(breathing heavily)

(muffled scream echoes)

Did you hear that?

(muffled crying)

Thank you, Father Fox.

You've been most helpful.

You're dismissed.

Father Fox: Your Eminence.

(foreboding music plays)

- (music fades)

- (water dripping)

(rats scampering, squeaking)

(door creaks)

(sharp, dramatic sting)

(distant thud)

(loud thud)

(suspenseful music playing)

(loud thud)

(suspenseful music continues)

(clock ticking quickly)

- (wind whooshing)

- (music intensifies, fades)

(sinister music playing)

(whispers) Sister.

(yelling) Sister Yulia!

Sister, stop!

(music intensifies)

Father Fox: Stop!


(sinister music continues)




(gasps sharply)


- (sudden dramatic sting)

- (gasps)

(breathing heavily)

Cardinal Russo:

(whispering) Most of humanity

will be damned to hell.

Father Saul: It will keep her

sedated while we induce labor.

Cardinal Russo: Labor? I thought

this was an abortion.

Father Saul: It is.

But this late in the pregnancy,

this is how it has to be done.

Cardinal Russo:

But what if you're wrong?

Our duty is to the Church.

To the teachings of Christ.

We cannot k*ll the Christ child.

We have to.

If they are born,

they'll bring about

the end of days.

The choice is our burden,

our sacrifice.

That is vox Dei's mission

on Earth, Your Eminence.

Cardinal Russo: God help us.

(footsteps approaching)

k*lling children?

That's what you've been

sent here to do?

The time will come when

the Antichrist and the Messiah

will be born together.

But not now.

What are you talking abou...

You actually believe

this nonsense?

She could not possibly

have known what she knows.

- Those things.

- What things?

Cardinal Russo: Visions she saw

when she was a child.

- The prophecy says...

- Your Eminence,

you are a Cardinal of

the Church of Saint Peter.

If you do this, you will

damn yourself to hell.

I'm sorry, but vox Dei...

Vox Dei? God... God's Voice?

What does that mean?

We are charged

with protecting humanity.

(Sister Yulia groans softly)

Cardinal Russo:

The Antichrist will return...

when mankind is furthest

from God.

Your Eminence,

she's just a girl.

She wants these children.

(groans softly)

(whispers) What have I done?

Cardinal, where did they go?

(distant muffled chattering)

(lamb bleats)

(lamb bleats)

(intense music playing)

(Father Fox struggling, grunts)

We have to go, now!

(slamming, clattering)


(suspenseful music playing)


Cardinal Russo:

Buckle up before...

No, no, no, no!

(suspenseful music continues)

(suspenseful music concludes)

(car engine starts)

(car engine revving)

(breathes heavily)

(train horn honking)

Cardinal Russo:

Three tickets to Kiev, please.

- (speaks in Russian)

- Cardinal Russo: Kiev. Kiev.

(announcement in Russian on PA)


(in English) Laura...

I need your help.

Can you do me...

(train honking)

Cardinal Russo:

There we go. That's it.

Gentle. That's it.

You don't look so good.

Is there anything I can do?

(door opens)

(speaking in Russian)

(in English) Ticket.

Thank you.

These are for Kiev.

You are headed to Tallinn.

Cardinal Russo: I'm sorry.

We must have bought

the wrong ones.

We don't, uh, speak Russian.

I trust you to pay

the difference at the station.

Thank you. Bless you.

Let's try

and get some rest, okay?


(Sister Yulia screams in pain)

(in Russian)

(in English) Sister, you have

to keep your voice down.

- Please. I'm so sorry.

- They are coming now.

Cardinal Russo:

I know what to do.

- (high-pitched ringing)

- Sister Yulia: (groans)

You need to help her breathe,


She needs to breathe in and out.

- In and out. Okay?

- Sister Yulia: (whines in pain)

- (train rumbling)

- (groans)

(scream echoing)

(intense music playing)

(scream echoing)

Cardinal Russo: Push!

- Breathe... and push!

- (straining)

(intense music continues)

Cardinal Russo: It's out!


Sister Yulia:

Why isn't he crying?

(muttering indistinctly)

(sobbing loudly)

(music intensifies)

(music concludes)

(train chugs)


- (gasps)

- I'm sorry.

Our... our luggage was stolen

and, uh,

we need to get to an embassy.

- Baby: (coos)

- You have children with you?

Do you have papers?

Baby: (cooing)

- (breathing heavily)

- (high pitched drone echoing)

Baby: (crying)

- Passport official: (grunts)

- (glass creaking)

Passport official: (screaming)


(gasps, breathes shakily)

You will be okay.

I stitch you while you sleep.

The child survived.

Sister Yulia: Yes.

It was a miracle.

Have you named them?

Samuel and Jacob.

- Jacob. Samuel.

- Every second

is that much closer

to the coming of His kingdom.


- (sniffs)

- Sister Yulia: (chuckles)

(door opens)

- We've arrived.

- (signal bell ringing)

(indistinct chatter)

(foreboding music playing)

(clock ticking ominously)

Sister Yulia: Not that way.

- (high-pitched screech)

- (scream echoing)

Passport, please.

We bring children for adoption.

It seems you're going to make

a couple very happy today.

Yes, we are. God bless you.

(signal bell ringing)

(music swells, fades out)

(church bell tolling)

Reporter: (on TV)

A full solar eclipse

is now expected later

this week.

Scientists have observed...

(Reporter on TV

continues indistinctly)

(bell chimes)

(faint high-pitched sting)

Reporter: (over radio)

Scientists have observed

extreme shifts

in global ocean tides,

likely brought on

by abnormal activity

in the Earth's core

and rotation speed.

These oceanic shifts

have nudged the moon off

its expected orbit.

Such a phenomenon

has been suggested in theory

but never observed in nature.

("Kuud Kuulama"

by Maarja Nuut & Ruun plays)

("Kuud Kuulama" fades out)

My grandfather lived out here

in his later years.

He and I were very close.

- Your family is in oil shale?

- Yes.

We're making the transition

to renewables as fast as we can.

He became very strange

toward the end.

But this place is big, warm,

and should have everything

you might need.

Let me show you.

- (light switch clicks)

- (electricity crackles)

He wasn't always this eccentric.

He started prepping

for the end of the world.

I guess that's what happens

when you get old.

Your world literally

is going to end.

There's food, dried goods,

hunting supplies, you name it.

Cardinal Russo:

This is fascinating.

Is this supposed to be

you and your grandfather?

Laura: I believe he saw

visions of the end times.

That's what he spent

his time painting.

Uh. The other thing.

Because my grandfather

died suddenly,

there are almost certainly

live traps still out there.

But as long as you don't go

off any trail north,

you will be fine.

I grew up hunting.

Do you mind me asking,

how did your grandfather

pass away?

(somber music playing)

It was unexpected.

Of course.

We should probably

put them down.

Let me show you to your rooms.

Father Fox: "God forgive me."

"I will continue to serve you

in this life and the next."

(gentle music playing)

Sister Yulia:

God bless you, Laura.

You really are an angel.

(chuckles, sniffles)

Laura: (in Russian)

(continues talking on phone)

(door opens)

Sister Yulia: (in English)


let me check your wound.


Oh, you tore a stitch.

I think you'll be okay.

Oh, I can come back if...

- Father Fox: No.

- Oh, no.

It's fine.

Let me walk you to your car.

How long can they stay here for?

Laura: As long as they need.

This place is on company land

and I have no use for it.

Thank you for doing this.

You mentioned Canada,

raising our family there.

Laura: Yeah?

Father Fox:

I think a fresh start

would be good for us.

Really? You mean it?

I don't think we can go back

to Saint Petersburg.

I'm sorry to put us

in danger like this.

No, no, no, no.

Don't apologize.

A person who saves one life,

saves the world.

Baby: (crying)

Laura: Are you sure

you don't need to see a doctor?

No, I'm fine.

Sister seems to know

what she's doing. Go.

I love you.

I love you, too.

Get some rest, okay?

- Mm-hmm.

- Laura: I'll be back tomorrow.

Baby: (crying)

(tense music playing)

Baby: (continues crying)

(baby's cries echoing)

(tense music continues)

(Father Saul inhales)

(tense music fades)

- Father Fox: Thank you.

- Sister Yulia: You're welcome.

You know, um, I think

we will be very happy here.

I have never been this happy

and this at peace anywhere else.

(soft chuckle)

(fawn crying)

(fawn crying)

- (fawn crying)

- Whoa, whoa.

Hey, hey, hey.

It's okay. It's okay.

(fawn snorting)

(pensive music playing)

Hey! That's our dinner.

(fawn cries)

Ah. (laughing) We need the meat.

We get used to the comfort

of this life

and forget the beauty

of this world

is equal to the brutality

it takes to live in it.

Oh, the old man, he left a map.

Shows where the traps are.

He left markings on the trees.

There are nets and springs.

The springs are

the dangerous ones.

(exhales) I feel so free.

Don't you?

I haven't felt this good

in 20 years. (chuckles)

Come. Help me find

the rest of these traps.

We're going to need to

if we're going to have children

running around here someday.


(ominous clock ticking)

Man: (in Russian)

(in Estonian)

(in English)

I'm looking for Laura.

(in Estonian)

(in Estonian)

(intense music playing)

Sister Yulia: (in English)

How's your wound?

Father Fox: Oh, it's fine.

We have to make sure

that the wound isn't infected.

Come on. Sit.


This might hurt a little.

(gentle music playing)

Sister Yulia: It's impossible.

It's completely healed.

(breath hitches)

Baby: (wailing)

Sister Yulia:

They're doing this to us.

Father Fox: (sighing)

Sister Yulia:

They want us to be together.

(door opening)

(door closing)

Something smells good.

- (door opening, closing)

- (animal howling)

Cardinal Russo:

Makes perfect sense.

Born in Russia.

Given your location by God.

And look. Here.

See? This is where

you gave birth on the train.

The hallowed elephant.

I believe

this is where we are now.

You will die as a priest...

but be reborn...

as a father of twins.

But this is just one of many.

This is not the prophecy,

but it's a possibility.

It's not set in stone.

It depends what we decide.

You, Father Fox,

you, Sister Yulia...

what you decide.

Babies: (crying)

Cardinal Russo:

They're fighting. Even now.

Neither one is good or bad,

but one is a conduit

for the light.

The other,

a conduit for the Beast.

- (gasps)

- (high-pitched ringing)

Baby: (wails)

(stairs creaking)

(electricity crackles)


(indistinct whispering)

(faint rustling)

(electricity crackles)


Katya: (singing

in foreign language)

- (suspenseful music playing)

- Katya: (continues singing)

(continues singing, stops)

(animal howling)

(suspenseful music fades)

(bell chiming)

Father Fox: (preaching)

At the time he was betrayed

and entered willingly

into his passion.

He took the bread

and giving thanks,

broke it, and gave it

to his disciples, saying,

"Take this,

all of you in need of it,

for this is my body

which will be given up for you."

In a similar way,

when supper was ended,

he took the chalice, and,

once more giving thanks,

he gave it

to his disciples, saying...

"Take this, all of you,

and drink from it."

"For this is the chalice

of my blood,

the blood of the new

and eternal covenant,

which will be poured out

for you and for many

for the forgiveness of sins."

"Do this in memory of me."

(solemn music playing)

(gasps softly)

(solemn music intensifies)


(both breathe heavily)



(music swells, fades)

(birds chirping)

Baby: (coos)


It's how

they communicate with us.

Like the men on the train...

we share the same dream.

- (pensive music playing)

- Baby: (coos)

I think we were chosen.

Like Mary and Joseph.

Baby: (coos)

I think

we are meant to be a family.

- (knocking)

- (pensive music concludes)


- Oh, my God. What's happened?

- Laura: It's not mine.

Some assh*le at the factory

threw blood on me.

(tense music playing)

(hesitates) Are you...

are you sure you're okay?

Babe, I'm fine!

(whispers) I'm fine.

I booked a flight for Canada...

in the morning.

I know it's sudden, but...

sooner is better for all of us.

- (tense music concludes)

- (flames crackling)

(slurps, exhales)

At first, they thought it was

some kind of virus or bacteria,

but now, they're saying

there must be something

in the air or water,

and, of course,

they're blaming me,

saying that I'm responsible.

Is there something wrong

with the water?

No. Multiple tests

have all come back negative.

I don't know what it is.

But it's getting scary

out there.

I've never seen people

act like this.

Sister, hi!

How are you and the babies?

(in Russian)

(suspenseful music playing)

(in English) Wow, he...

These are all

my grandfather's paintings.

Father Fox: Yes, the Cardinal.

There's more in the attic

if he's interested.

Um... (speaks in Russian)

(in English)

Um, I will let him know.

Where is the Cardinal?

Must be hunting.

(suspenseful music continues)

- (suspenseful music fades)

- Baby: (coos)


- Baby: (coos)

- Sister Yulia: This is Jacob.

Laura: Hi.

Sister Yulia:

And this is Samuel.

Here. You take him.



(suspenseful music playing)




(grunts softly)

They're beautiful.

They're beautiful.

(soft music playing)

Reporter: (on radio) a mysterious outbreak

continues to ravage Estonia,

leaving experts baffled.

From nausea to psychosis,

whatever's scanning

to the Baltics

is like nothing we've seen

in all of history.

Some are calling it

a freak plague, others,

the end of the world.

Many believe

the outbreak originated

in the mining region of Kose.

Some theorize a

past conspiracy,

involving the Kuusik family

going back decades...

(continues indistinctly)

(in Russian)

(suspenseful music playing)

(in English) Strange.

Katya was supposed to come.

(suspenseful music intensifies)

Laura: Daniel,

I have some clothes here

I think Sister Yulia could use.

Father Fox: Very sweet of you.

(suspenseful music continues)

(cell phone ringing)


(in Russian)

(in English) Uh... okay.

(in Russian)



- (in English) I... I... I...

- Father Fox: What's the matter?

Laura: (whispers)

Someone's out there.

Father Fox: You saw something?


Someone's out there.

Someone's out here?

Babe, I don't...

I don't see anyone.

(groans) I'm sorry. I don't...

I think

I'm just getting paranoid.

Oh, I'm sorry. (groans)

Father Fox: I understand.

Laura: (breathes deeply)

Thank you.

- I love you.

- I love you more.


Hushed voice:

k*ll the child and save many.

Hushed voice:

k*ll the child and save many.

- I will give you kingdoms.

- Baby: (wailing)

Hushed voice:

I will give you power.

- Babies: (crying)

- Hushed voice: k*ll the child.

I will give you

all the flesh you desire.

k*ll the child and save many.


you have had and lost.

- k*ll the child.

- (wails)

- (whispers overlap)

- (foreboding music playing)


Cardinal Russo:

(breathes heavily)


- (tense music playing)

- (gasps)

(exhales heavily)

- (growls)

- (tense music fades)

Laura: Hmm.

My grandfather said

it was supposed to be

a portrait of me.

Come on. (kisses)

I have to stop by the factory

before we drop off

the rest of the clothes

for Sister Yulia.

Sister Yulia: (singing

in foreign language)

Sister Yulia: (singing echoing)


Hushed voice: k*ll the child.

k*ll the child and save many.

(intense music playing)

You are what you serve.

(screams in pain)


Cardinal Russo: (screaming)



(groans, sighs)

(panting, straining)

(wolves howling in distance)

Cardinal Russo:

(grunting, panting)

(wolves howling)

- (wolf barking)

- (gasps, pants)



- (grunts)

- (chain clanging)

Young Russo: We can make

all the pain go away...

if you agree

to help us k*ll the child.

All your suffering,

all your fear...

(wolves growling)

- (wolf barking)

- ...will disappear.

Save yourself.

- (spits)

- (growls)

- (exhales)

- (barks)

(wolves growling, barking)

God, have mercy on me.

Have... have mercy on me.

- (wolves growl)

- (grunts, shouts)

(eerie music playing)

Officer 1: (in Estonian)


Officer 2:


Officer 2:

Protestor 1:

Protestor 2:

Crowd: (shouting in Estonian)

- (in English) We should go.

- Crowd: (continues shouting)

I've known these men

since I was a little girl.

I'll be fine.

I'll be right back.

Wait here. Wait here.

(in Estonian)


Crowd: (continues yelling)

(ominous music playing)

(in English) Stop trying

to reason with them!

- (speaks Estonian)

- (indistinct clamor)

Protestor 3:

Crowd: (clamoring)

(in English) Stop trying

to reason with them.


- (shouts)

- (clamoring continues)

(solemn music playing)


Hey, you're gonna be okay.

(muttering) The baby. The baby.

Baby, look at me. Hey.



O holy hosts above...

(continues indistinctly)

(solemn music intensifies)

Let the fire of the Holy Spirit

now descend

that this being

might be awakened

to the world

beyond the life of Earth.

(praying indistinctly)

(prayer echoes)


- Baby: (wails)

- Father Fox: (sobbing)

Man: (speaking indistinctly)

(inhales deeply)

(keys jangling)

(suspenseful music playing)





Where are you, Russo?

(gasps, sobs)

(wolf growls)

Hey! Get!

Get away from him! Hey! Get!

Hey, get away from him!

Hey! (screams)

Get away from him! (screams)

Hey... take it.

(foreboding music playing)

(wolf howling in distance)

(inhales deeply, exhales)

(eerie music playing)

Baby: (cooing)

Father Fox: (praying)

As it was in the beginning,

is now, and ever shall be,

world without end. Amen.

Baby: (cooing)


Hushed voice: k*ll my brother,

and I will give you kingdoms.

I will put you on a throne.

k*ll my brother,

and you will be seen.

k*ll my brother,

and you will be known.

k*ll my brother,

and you will be king.





- Baby: (crying)

- (screams)


- Baby: (crying)

- Father Saul: (pants)

Father Fox: Stop!


Both: (grunting)

- We have to k*ll the child.

- Father Fox: (choking)


Father Saul: (screams in pain)


- (breathes heavily)

- (gasps for air)


(gasps for air)

We need to leave.

It is only a matter of time

before the rest of vox Dei

find us.

(eerie music playing)

(breathes heavily, gasps)

(breathes heavily)

Look at this! It's so clear.

This is us when we escaped

from the convent.

This is Russo. His death.

Laura. (pants)

And Laura's baby. Your baby.

Just look at these paintings!

This is our dream.

This is us as a family.


What else do you need?

What don't you understand?

(eerie music intensifies)



(inhales sharply)

I've wasted my entire life.

Sister Yulia: What?

The prophecy is real.

- Yes.

- (laughs)

Sister Yulia:

This is the point of all this.

It hasn't been decided.

The devil could win.

He is not fighting against God.

- He's fighting against us.

- (gasps) Oh, my God.

What have I helped you do?

(intense music playing)

- (high-pitched ringing)

- Father Fox: (groans)

(grunts, groans)


(high-pitched ringing continues)

- Father Fox: (groans)

- Laura: (chuckling)

(groans, screams)

Laura: Imagine

what your life would be like

- if it weren't for them.

- (gasps)

How much better it would be.

They took me away from you.

You're raising good for God...

but bad for men.

Whose side are you on?

This battle

has not been decided.

You can save humanity

all by yourself.

You only have to k*ll

the bad one.

It's not too late for us,

my love.

(deep voice) k*ll the child.

(normal voice)

Then, k*ll yourself.

k*ll the child.

k*ll the child.

k*ll the child.



k*ll the child. k*ll yourself.

- (gasps sharply)

- (intense music concludes)

(breathes heavily)

(gasps sharply)


- (banging on door)

- (dramatic music playing)

- (banging on door)

- (gasps)

Father Fox:

Why did you lock this door?

- (grunting)

- Sister Yulia: (screaming)

Father Fox:

It hurts my feelings.


Hail Mary, full of grace.

The Lord is with thee!

(grunts) Mother of God,

pray for us sinners.




Fear no more!


(dramatic music concludes)

(birds chirping)

(in Estonian)

Sister Yulia: (in English)

Help! (pants)

- Officer: (speaking Estonian)

- (in English) Help!

- (intense music playing)

- Father Fox: (panting)

Help! He's trying to k*ll us.

He's trying to k*ll my children!

- Then he wants to k*ll me!

- (wails)

- What did you say?

- (high-pitched ringing)


(high-pitched ringing continues)


Father Fox: Hey, guys,

don't listen to her.

- She's just a crazy bitch!

- What's that in your hands?

- (shouts)

- (gasping)

f*ck! Ah!

- (grunts)

- (screams)

(breathes heavily, grunts)




Father Fox:

This is for your own good!

We are God's vessel on Earth!

I'll only k*ll the bad one.

I know which one is which now.

Hey, hey. I'll show you.

Sister Yulia: We are meant

to protect the Messiah

from his brother!

Father Fox: The world

doesn't have to end!

Don't condemn half of humanity,

because you can't

sacrifice one child.

Think of Abraham and what

he was willing to do to Isaac.

Samuel, he is using you!

Remember those dreams.

- They were a warning.

- That child is the devil!

- (wails)

- If the world ends now,

most of humanity

will be damned to hell.

You cannot save the world alone.

It will take all of us,

all of us together to do that.

- I alone have to.

- Fox... this isn't you.


You must be somewhere in there.

- Please.

- (thunder rumbling)

- Give me the child.

- Please.

Give me the child.

- Please.

- Give me the f*cking child!

God made the world like this

for a reason.

The good and the bad.

And we must save both!

- He didn't save Laura.

- (thunder roaring)

- (sobs)

- What about my child?

- He didn't save him.

- (exclaims)

Sister Yulia: (yells)

Fox, stop!

I think we were chosen.

Like Mary and Joseph.

I think we are

meant to be a family.

(thunder roaring)

Sister Yulia: Fox! No!


(pants, cries)

(solemn music playing)

(breathes shakily)

(praying in Russian)


(praying in Russian, sobs)

(praying in Russian)


continues praying in Russian)



(uplifting music playing)

Sister Yulia:

God has chosen to become man.

To suffer the same desires

and temptations as all men do.

He too will learn

how to love true suffering.

It is up to us to guide him...

and to make sure

that he is prepared

to fight his brother.

We are not meant

to know the why.

Love is the only way forward.

(solemn music playing)

(music concludes)
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