01x29 - Doomsday Day, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x29 - Doomsday Day, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »

Man: our enemies have been tested.

Our allies are in place.

The hour is upon us.

It's time to cover the world in shadow.

Which of you will lead us to battle?

I'll be the first to go, master...

Nightshroud...so be it.

I will not fail.

Academy island's prize... Will be ours.

Captioning made possible by kids productions

♪ Chilling out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never looking too hard ♪

♪ Back at class, they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Generation next

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow

♪ Yeah, yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on


And so...it begins.

The fight...the w*r...

Ha ha ha!




Room for... One more?



I really don't get it, chum...

There's thunder, lightning...

How can jaden sleep?!

Uh, sy?

Forget the guy who can sleep...

Think about the guy who can't!

Hold me!

Ohh! Time to get up.

For the next class?

Of course not! For lunch!

Oh yeah... The one subject

I can't get enough of!

Just a moment there, jaden.

I'm afraid your lunch will have to wait...

It seems chancellor sheppard wants a word with you.


Jaden...i'll watch your lunch for you.

'Specially if you have a side of grilled cheese in there!

You wish!

Chancellor sheppard?

Aw...jaden... What'd you do?!

Maybe it's good!

Like an award!

Heh heh! No way.

It's never good news with sheppard.

You are so busted.

Actually, chazz... He wants to see you, too!

He wha?

And two others...

You, bastion... And you, alexis.

This doesn't sound good...

Jaden: uh, we're not gonna make a run

For it professor banner...

You don't have to escort us

To chancellor sheppard's office...

Yes, I do...

You see, he wants to see me, as well!

Crowler: well, well!

Look at this convocation of students!

Some of the best duelists in the school, I see.

Uh-oh! Which one of these

Is not like the other...

Clearly someone here is a little bit lost.

He is not. Chazz was invited!

He means you!

Three sacred what cards?!

Beasts. And due to their immense power...

Their colossal might... They've were hidden here.

Sweet! Like, under someone's mattress or in a cookie jar?

Hey! Let him finish!

They're not in a cookie jar.

They're actually much closer than you'd ever think.

Right below you.

[All gasp]

You see, this academy was built in part to protect

The sacred beast cards.

They were buried deep underground,

Their powers sealed safely away.

After all, legend says if these cards

Ever see the light of day, terrible things will happen...

Buildings will crumble.

Light will fade.

Souls will fall.

Our world will be no more.


No more?


So where are these cards?

I say we take 'em out for a spin!

Haven't you been listening?!

So this why the seven of you are here--

To protect these three cards from the wicked ones.

The wicked ones?

That's right.

Seven duelists known as the shadow riders

Who covet these cards.

And I'm afraid one of them is already here.

He arrived in the thick of last night's storm.


Okay. So how do we protect these cards?

By protecting... The seven spirit gates.

To get to the cards, one must unlock them...

And to unlock them one must gain the seven keys for each gate.

That is how we will protect those cards.

By protecting the keys.

And here they are.

One for each of you to guard.

[All gasp]

Wait, so... We hold the keys?

Won't that make us targets?

It's true... With these keys....

The shadow riders will seek you out.

Uh, seek us out?

You mean take us out.

Only...in a duel!

A duel?!

[All gasping]

That's right, fortunately for our side,

The keys can't simply be stolen!

An ancient edict commands the keys must be won in a duel.

And so, I've called on our school's seven best,

To take up this challenge and fight the good fight!

Well...five best, really, but I needed seven so, you know...

He certainly doesn't mean me!

Of course, if any of you don't think you're up to it...

And feel like backing out...

I won't blame you.

After all, these shadow riders...play for keeps.

So...who feels like saving the world?

Hmm. Hmm.

Hmm. Hmm.

Ha ha! Count me in!

How 'bout that!

It's my size!

I too, accept.

Hmm. It would be my honor.

I don't want you boys having all the fun!


How could I refuse?!

I mean, our very world is at stake!

Our way of life!

The future of the school!

And, if I said no, I wouldn't get

This very posh piece of jewelry!

Yes, well...good to know you're doing it

For the right reasons, kind of...

Well then! I'm the last one!

Hmm. Hmm.


Well let's get started!

I think that the best duelist should go first

So that would mean... Well, me!

You?! You couldn't beat a drum!

Obviously, I should duel first...

If not, I say zane.

After all, he did beat jaden.

Yes, that's right!

I know all about the little match you had with zane.

And I say little because...

I heard you lost to him in no time at all!

How pathetic!


Eh, forget 'em both.

I'm clearly the best choice.

There's no choice!

This isn't some tournament where we choose

Who goes first!

This is w*r--you can be att*cked by your enemy

At any time, at any place!

So, my students, be on guard.

So that's pretty much the story, guys!

Pretty sweet, huh?!

So now, I just wait!

Aren't you scared?

No joke!

Creepy shadow guys looking to beat you

So they can destroy the entire world?!

I mean, that's pretty intense!

And not to mention exhaustin'!


Which is why...i'm gonna hit the hay!

What?! Wait a sec.

You can't just go to sleep right now!

I mean what if a shadow rider shows, jaden?

Huh? I'm sure they'll wake me up.

I only hope... It's not before ten--

Actually, make that eleven,

So I have time to shower and stuff.

Wow, jay... You sure seem chill.

Hey, no wait... Maybe twelve.

So I can have breakfast, too.

The fate of the world's in your hands...

Maybe you can skip breakfast?


Sy's right... And I'd be happy

To look after it for ya.

Yeah sure, chum...

Ok, now that that's settled...

I'm gonna settle myself between the sheets...

I'll see you guys tomorrow...

When I save the world...

At least he'll be well-rested...

[Thinking] if what chancellor sheppard said was right

And it's these shadow riders who decide who to duel...

Then odds are they'll go for who they think is weakest first.

And with that slifer red jacket, that's jaden...

I've got to warn him.




Whoa, kuriboh... Can you keep it down?


Huh? Ohh!

Whoa! Guys! Wake up!

Sy! Come on!

Chum! You gotta check this out!






[Nightshroud laughing]

What's happening?!

The first duel is happening...

Ow. Where are we?!

In one very weird dream.

[Both gasp]


Or nightmare...

Nightshroud: it's neither!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

What's goin' on?!

You mean you don't know?!

Call me a slow learner.

And call me nightshroud!


I'll be the one taking that key

You have around your neck!

Wow, you guys don't waste much time, do ya?!


Nice medallion.

The gravekeeper... Must be getting sloppy.

But if you think you'll be able to beat me...

As easy as you beat him,

You have another thing coming.

I'll get that key. And I'll get it now.

Oh, and to just make sure of that...

I brought friends...

What's that mean?


Here! Say hello to syrus and chumley!

Oh no...syrus: jaden!

Chumley: help us!


No!hold on!

Looks like they're in hot water.

Or maybe I should say hot molten lava!

But then, such is the nature

Of a shadow game, key-keeper!

Shadow game?!

Listen...just duel me!

But let them go!

I don't think so!

I need them to insure a speedy match.

After all... That protection orb they're in...

Well, let's just say that it's not exactly built to last.

Oh, and...i'm afraid that there's more, too.

For you see... Also at stake... Is your soul.

Which will be sealed in this card when you lose.

Of course, if I lose... Then my soul will be sealed.

But, hey...let's be honest with ourselves.

Me lose? No way.

Now then...shall we?

You can't agree to this!

Tell that to syrus and chumley!

They're about to become meatballs in a lava stew!

They're my friends, and I'm not gonna

Let that happen to them, or us.

Besides, it's not like this is my first shadow game.

I'm just hopin', it doesn't hurt as bad as the others!



What's happening?!

Ha ha ha!


Attack! With doomsday purge!


Okay pal, you wanna duel? You got it!

Good luck, jay!

And just let us know... You know, if we can help.

Uh, yeah, thanks, chum.

But I think I got all the help I need right here in my deck!


Alright! Let's throw down!

Get your game on!

You wanna see game?

How's this?

He's called troop dragon and I'll have him defend me,

Plus I'll place a facedown while I'm at it.

Not bad. Hyah!

But how's he gonna stack up against my dragon slayer:

Elemental hero wildheart!

Show 'im that big bad sword isn't just for show!



Oh, you know, there was something that I forgot to mention...

The troop dragon's special ability lets me summon

Another troop dragon whenever he's sent to the graveyard!


Aw. Hence the word troop...

That's right... And I'm not done yet!

Now I'll play my facedown: call of the haunted!

This let's me dig from my graveyard...

A monster that was previously destroyed...

Such as... The troop dragon!


But wait! There's much more where that came from!

Now I'll trade in my troop dragons to summon...

Summon what?!

Aw, boy...

The red eyes black dragon!



It's cool, sy... The wall's still in one piece.

Aah! Aah!

Though it's a smaller piece!




Now, red eyes!

Attack wildheart!

Inferno fire blast!






Hey that hurt!

That's right!

And it's about to hurt a lot more, key-keeper!

Because the true pain... Is about to begin!

Come on hurry up and make your move!

I've got a doomsday to start.


Doomsday?! I'm too young!

Come on...

Sorry, nightshroud!

But the only doom that's comin' around here

Is to your monster!

My draw! Hyah!

All right!

I play the spell card: polymerization!

And...with clayman and burstinatrix in my hand...

I'll fuse them to create...

The elemental hero rampart blaster!

And even in defense mode,

She can still blast you

With half her attack points!

So go ahead and let him have it, blaster!

And don't pull any firepower!

Rampart barrage!



And don't forget she's still in defense!

So if ya wanna get to me...

You'll have to get through her.

Pretty sweet there, dontcha think?

Hmmm. Okay...

Maybe not so sweet for you,

But you know what I mean!

Enough! Unh!

You fool!

That blaster doesn't change a thing!

But you can bet this next card will.

It's going to change your life points, jaden.

Oh, and not in a good way!

You see, jaden, your blaster can't

Protect you from my red eyes' attack!

Alright, I'll bite, why not?

Because this time his attack is an actual card!

Inferno fire blast!

A card?!

Look out!

Not lishus!

Aah! Aah!



Nice card, huh?

It's just as strong as my red eyes' attack...

The only difference is, it hits your life points directly!

And I'm not through with you yet, key-keeper!

Next I summon attachment dragon!

But don't worry.

He's not the attacking type, see,

Like his name suggests...

He's a lot more of the attaching type!

Show him, dragon!


Blaster's made a new friend.

A friend that forces her into attack mode!

And because she is... No more direct att*cks!

Oh no...



This thing... It's going gonezo!

Aw, man... So hot!

Now I know what grilled cheese feels like!



All right, my turn!


[Thinking] and from the rate that orb is disappearin'...

Maybe my last chance to save my friends...

And the world!


♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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