01x27 - Grave Risk, Part 1

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX". Aired: October 6, 2004 - March 26, 2008.
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Taking place several years after the events of Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX follows a new generation of duelists including a young boy named Jaden Yuki who attends Duel Academy, a school founded by Seto Kaiba, where aspiring duelists train in the field of Duel Monsters.
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01x27 - Grave Risk, Part 1

Post by bunniefuu »


That's the last time I mix chili sauce with ice cream.

Oh, whoops. This isn't the bathroom. Huh?

Kagemaru: you are not here to ask why.

You are here to obey.

But jaden is one of our best students!

He could be buried alive!


If the tomb shall be the end of jaden yuki,

Then so be it,

But his true potential must be tested.


[Thinking] tested? In a tomb?

Where could be buried alive?

Something tells me this test isn't midterms!

♪ Chillin' out with the crew in the schoolyard ♪

♪ Finding trouble, never working too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class they never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs

♪ We'll take 'em on together

♪ Right now, let's go!

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx, generation x

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ We'll make the grade and win this fight ♪

♪ We'll make the grade somehow, yeah! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh! Gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, you better play your cards right ♪

♪ Come on and get your game on ♪

Banner: so, as you can see,

We can learn a great deal about dueling from alchemy.

For just as you might combine two monsters to create another,

You can combine two compounds

To create something equally impressive!





And equally devastating...


[Bell chimes]




Mornin', guys!

Learn anything good today?

Sure did...to duck!


Oh! I almost forgot!

I'm, uh...planning a little field trip!

Great. To where?!

Circus, carnival?!

Even better!

We're taking a -mile hike!

All the way to the excavated ruins,

Where we'll be taking geologic core samples!

Saturday at a.m.

Don't be late!

Banner: only ?! Where is everyone else?

Syrus: they're probably sleeping, professor.

You know, in their nice, warm beds?

With their nice comfy pillows.

Chumley: just like I would be doin'

If banner didn't thr*aten us with detention

If we didn't show!

It's a.m. In the morning!

I need my beauty sleep!

Hmm. I'll tell ya what the secret

To gettin' up early is--

Stayin' up all night long!

To tell you the truth,

I could hardly sleep, either!

These ruins we're going to

Used to host the shadow games!

That's sweet!

Maybe you'll find some clues, then!

Ya know, about your brother!

Yeah, that's kind of what I'm hoping for...

Now we must be careful as we approach the ruins.

Inside is an ancient tomb!

[Thinking] a tomb?!

Jaden, I need to talk to you!

But i--whoa!

Syrus: I think banner wants to bury you!

He was talkin' about that tomb, and you in it!

Just 'cause I fell asleep in class?!

Does the school board know 'bout this?

Jaden, I heard him say it last night!

Sy, this is starting to sound

Like another chili sauce nightmare!

Ok, everyone. Let's go!

Don't say I didn't warn you...

Chumley: are we almost there?

My feet really hurt!!

Can we take a bathroom break or somethin'?

I hate climbing!

I hate crawling!

I hate hiking!

Are we there yet!?

I'm hungry...

Banner: well, chumley,

I saw some red berries a while back that--

Oh, look! We're finally here!

All: ohh...

Isn't it just amazing!

Ohh! Ohh!

They look all ruined!

That's cuz they're ruins.

Banner: it's beautiful!

You can still make out the faded remains of the oculus!

Ooh! And the fastigium!

No doubt inspired by amenemhet of saqqarah!

He sure seems excited to see some rocks.

Yeah, well I'm excited to sit down.

Yeah, and while we're at it,

How about... We chow down!

I don't see why not...

And then...we'll hit a few cenotaphs,

Some caryatids, a couple sarcophaguses.

Or is it sarcophagi?

Hmm...no matter.

Time to eat. I just love pizza!


You get pizza while we're stuck with...

Whatever it is I'm holding?!

I'm your teacher!

I need a big meal to, uh, teach you all.


Hmm, that's funny.

I don't remember a fur topping on my pizza.



You were supposed to stay at home,

Not hitch a ride and eat my lunch!


Maybe you could share your lunch with me?

Sorry, we're your students.

We need these to learn!

Hmm! Hmm!

Chumley: yeah, like learn you weren't gonna share!

Banner: but of course I was going to share...

Alexis: share what?

Pepperoni breath all day?

Look, I have mints!

Would anyone like a mint?

See? I'm sharing!



Jaden: what's going on?

Syrus: what is that?


Chumley: that's one powerful mint!

Is anyone else... Seeing in triplicate?

Chumley: this is the most licious field trip ever!

Oh, wow... That's neato...


What was that?

We should run?!



But it looks so cooool...

Quick, children, head for cover!


We'll find safety over in that sepulcher!

All: the what?!

The thing with a hole in it!


Come on!

You must hurry!

Jaden! Jaden!

You guys stay in there!

I'll lead this storm away!


Where's he goin'?!

He's going nuts!




Think I took a wrong turn...


Yeah, we're not in kansas anymore, kuriboh.


Hey, what's that?!

It's the entrance to the ruins,

But it's not...ruined.

I'm in some wicked crazy dream, kuriboh!

Too bad you can't just pinch my cheek

So I can wake up, huh?


Jaden: ow! Whadaya, sharpen those?!

How 'bout a manicure once in a while?!

By the way, kuriboh...

Since when... Can i...feel you?!

Whoa, this is a first!


This is sacred ground.

You must leave here immediately.

You are in very grave danger.

Wow. What dorm are those clothes from?

I wanna join!



Quiet! Or do you wish to share the others' fate?

What others?!

Shh! Huh?

They dress weirder than dr. Crowler!

What's goin' on here?!

I speak of the strangers who share your dress.

They have been taken

By the gravekeeper chief

And will be punished for entering his most sacred tomb.


No way, not on my watch they won't, lady!

Take me to 'em right now!


So be it. You were warned.

Tell me, stranger, by which means did you arrive here?

Uh, the name's jaden.

And I don't even know where here is!

But I bet it's someplace you could get a great tan!

You will wait here.

No, I won't!

I wanna see my friends!

I will find them.

Believe me, if you're found walking about,

You will be of no use to them.

I'll be back.




What's taking so long?

Is she ever gonna come back?!

Wait a sec!

What if she's workin' with this gravekeeper?!

That would mean we're all in big trouble!

Alexis: someone! Help us!


Alexis?! Is that you?



Oh, no...huh?

Get down!

Move towards the sharp object?

You gotta be kiddin'.


All right, all right. You ever hear of a handshake?!


I guess not...

Oh, where's my manners?

Introductions first. I'm jaden yuki!


And your name would be...

I'm the gravekeeper chief,

And you have traversed upon the sacred tomb

That I protect.

Hey, sounds good to me, pal!

So how about I just go and grab my friends downstairs...

We'll say our good-byes to you...

Then zip back to the dimension we came from...

That is not possible.

But why not?!

Because, fool, you have tread upon my domain.

And you will be punished,

Along with your friends.

Come on! Can't we just pay a fine or something?!

You cannot.

Oh, yeah?

Then you can't point your spears at me!


You show some spirit, stranger.

I shall pardon your trespasses...

Given you can survive my challenge.

What is your answer?

Well, what's the challenge?

A duel?!

Now you're speakin' my language!

You're on!

But only if you pardon all of my friends along with me, deal?!

So be it, if you win.

Ha. For my friends?

There's no "if" about it, pal!

I'll win.

But if you don't... You will be punished,

You will be buried alive!

Aah! Buried alive?!

But then who will save my friends?!

Fear not...they will be buried along with you!

Ha ha ha!

Banner: good luck, jaden, we're all rooting for you.

Very, very much so.


Come on, jaden, save us!

Don't worry! You'll all be fine!

As long as I beat this guy...hmm.

All right! Get your game on!

Get my game on?

What do you speak of?

Sheesh. It's a figure a' speech!

Ya know, like slang?

It's like slang?!

How dare you speak to me with the rotten tongue

Of a filthy serpent.

I play a card facedown in defense mode,

Thus ending my turn.

And startin' mine! Ha!


Hey, winged kuriboh!

It's good to see ya, bud!

Now watch this!

I summon elemental hero bubbleman!

And he's got some pop!

Cuz if I summon him when there's nothin' else out,

Then...i'm allowed to draw two more cards from my deck!



[Thinking] I hear ya!

With these two waitin' in the wings,

It's just a matter 'a time before the wingman shows up!

All right...

Next I'll throw down a facedown and end my turn!


Gravekeeper's spear soldier!

I hope your bubbleman's draw provided you

With two very good cards

Because already he's outmatched in battle.

And he is soon to be outnumbered, as well!


I now summon... In attack mode...

Gravekeeper's guard!

And his effect lets me return a monster

That's out to its owner's hand.

And the monster I choose...

Is bubbleman!

Ooooooh, red!

That's not a good thing, chum!


He's back?

And now that you are unguarded, jaden...

I'll attack you directly!

Gravekeeper's guard!

Blazing blade strike!


Uhh! I felt that!

This is real!



Hello! No joke it's real!


And now, gravekeeper's spear soldier,

Wage your attack!

Lunging spear as*ault!





Ok...i think that I'm gettin' it now.

This duel isn't just about life points,

It's about my life!

Gravekeeper chief: yes...and theirs!


I'm claustrophobic! For real!

Yeah, so am i!

If it'll get me outta here!

It's my turn!


Hmm. And I play the spell card...


Avian and burstinatrix combine to create...

The flame wingman!


So did bubbleman give me two very good cards?!

Well, see for yourself!

Because... From both of them...

Came him!

And this next attack!



Don't even think you're outta the fire yet!

Cuz for every attack point spear soldier had...

You now take damage for!


Next, I'm gonna summon on up wroughtweiler in defense mode!

And that'll do it.

Nice job, jaden!

Way to play, jay!

If we're going to make it through this thing, sy...

It's the only way he can play!

Because if he makes even a couple more mistakes,

We're through!

Jaden: all right! Make your move!

Cuz the quicker I can win this thing,

The quicker I can get my friends back!

Or the quicker they'll be sent to their doom!


I change my gravekeeper's guard to defense mode.

And then I'll place a facedown monster

In defense mode, as well!

Guess you don't know rule number one in duel monsters!

Ha! A good defense is a sweet offense!

And who better to teach you the rules than flame wingman!

Now! Here goes!



Infernal rage!



Oh, yeah!


I activate... Pot of greed!

Now I can draw two cards from my deck!

I shall summon gravekeeper's assailant in attack mode.

And she will be joined by the mysticism

Of gravekeeper's curse!

And now I activate the effect of gravekeeper's curse!

An effect that will deliver to you points of damage!

That sound...uhh!

It's worse'n chum's snor'n!

Banner: it's a good thing I have those mints.


You gotta do better than that!

Very well, then!

Perhaps this card will suffice!

I cast...necrovalley!

Uh...not good!

As long as this card remains on the field...

The power of the necrovalley

Will add attack and defense points to my gravekeepers!


Gravekeeper's assailant, attack flame wingman!

What, you got sand in your eyes or somethin'?!

Can't ya see wingman still has more points?!

Unless you got some sortaaaaaaa...

Special ability?

Yes, the assailant does, actually.

And it allows her to change the battle mode

Of your wingman from attack to defense!

Oh, man!

Boy, you can really duel!

The best has yet to come!!

Attack him!


Assailant: ha!


And now,

My gravekeeper's curse will destroy that cur!

Take him down!

Uhh! Whoopsie, forget his special effect?

When he's destroyed, I get two cards back from the grave--

An elemental hero and polymerization!

You have the wisdom of dirt.

Necrovalley negates that effect!


Any spell, trap, or monster effect involving the graveyard...

Is completely useless!

Just as you have proven to be in your attempts

To rescue your friends!

Don't you see?

Both you and your cards are futile here!


No, I refuse to believe it!

I know jaden can find a way!

I hope! I hope!

Oh, no. It's no use. We're done for!

That's not true, professor banner.

Jay's still winning!

Just look at the life points!

Forget the life points, look at the field!

Jaden has no monsters out!

And the gravekeeper's chief has two!

Ha ha ha!

[Thinking] how did this happen?

We set out lookin' for ruins...

And suddenly we're about to become some!

This is no joke...

If I don't get my game on...

We're all gonna be long gone!

Heh heh heh.

Ha ha ha ha!

♪ Finding trouble

♪ Never looking too hard ♪

♪ Well, back at class ♪

♪ They never taught us this ♪

♪ Some things you gotta learn hit or miss ♪

♪ Tough times, hard climbs ♪

♪ We'll take 'em on together ♪

♪ Right now

♪ Let's go

♪ Yu-gi-oh gx

♪ Game on, get your game on ♪

♪ Come on, come on and get your game on ♪
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