10x24 - Still Water

Episode transcripts for the TV series, "Heartbeat". Aired: 10 April 1992 – 12 September 2010.*
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British police procedural period drama series, based upon the "Constable" series of novels set within the North Riding of Yorkshire during the 1960s.
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10x24 - Still Water

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why do you miss

♪ When my baby kisses me?

♪ Heartbeat

♪ Why does a love kiss

♪ Stay in my memory? ♪

Gentlemen, lot ...

Below pedigree but not registered.

£... £... £.., £....

£., £.

£.. £.. £.

£.. Going at £..

Sold at £.... £..

Mr Carter.

SUTTON: Gentlemen, lot nine.

Six Suffolk cross hogs.

Fit, as you can see.

£... £...

£.... £.... £....

£.? £.? £.

Any more? £? £? £..

£., £? £. £.

All done at £? Selling at £. £.


Sold. Thank you, Mr Jamieson.


Aidensfield Police. Hello?




- Sutton. - Yes?

You're a crook, Sutton.

Mr Dyer, isn't it? You know me well enough.

You didn't get the price you wanted?

Damn right, I didn't. Neither did a fair few others.

We all take a chance in the market.

Not when it's rigged, we don't. We're losers from outfield.

You take your hands off me.

You're on the take from the big boys.

I know it, everybody knows it.


I suggest you walk out of here before you get thrown out.

Watch your back, Sutton.

It'll be the Chief Constable checking up on you.

How many is it now?

Five times in the past week.

Probably the telephone exchange on the blink.

Bradley, a local farmer's run amok outside the livestock market.

Smashed up a couple of cars.

An everyday story of country folk.

- Make some enquiries, will you? - Right, Sarge.

The suspect's name is Bill Dyer. His farm's on your patch.

Better keep your crash helmet on, then.

VERNON: Hello, Dilys, love. How are you?

DILYS: Fit as a flea!

I called on the off-chance your hens are still sulking.

Oh! not half!

You know, David's tried everything from best corn to hypnosis.

But none of them's dropped an egg since Claude Greengrass left.

That's hens for you. I wouldn't take it personally!

No, I won't!

- Is that the kettle I can hear? - Funny you should say that.

- Mr Dyer? - Aye.

Truth is, I think the hens are past it.

I keep telling David to get short and start again. But, well...

They're like friends to him.

I can see how they be on on his wavelength.

Besides, their barren patch gives me an excuse to call on you, Vernon.


Talking of old birds, it were my birthday yesterday.

Oh, aye? Many happy returns!

And not so much of the old!

You'd be surprised! Guess how many candles.

Oh, now you're asking, Dilys!



? Never! You're having me on.


I'm amazed! What's your secret, then?


Not teetotal, are you?

No! But I drink spring water from the farm.

Everyone who's lived and worked there's reached a grand old age.

Except me husband, of course, but that were an accident.

- Water, eh? - That...

..and always having a bit of what I fancy now and again.

So, what happens now?

It depends whether they wanna press charges.

The owner of the car you mistook for Mr Sutton

will probably accept compensation.

What Mr Sutton will do is a different matter.

I was so riled, I couldn't help meself.

You say the market was rigged. How?

There are usually three or four big buyers at every auction.

Agents for pet food companies and burger bars.

They fix it among themselves to take turns.

So there's only one buyer bidding?

Aye. While t'others sit on their hands.

Why are you blaming Mr Sutton?

He either turns a blind eye or organizing it.

Either way, he's taking a cut.

Why don't you take your sheep to a different market?

The same agents turn up everywhere. And so does Sutton.

So you don't want to press charges?

- That's correct, yes. - Any reason why?

I haven't got time to be bothered with the likes of Bill Dyer.

He brings his ragtag sheep off the moor and expects top dollar.

He's just another disappointed punter.

He said he was a victim of a rigged market.

- Did he? No! - Was he? Does it happen?

No. Not on my watch it doesn't.

Look, if Dyer wants to pay me compensation, that's fine.

Tell him to give £ to charity. As long as I don't see him again.

Well... that's gonna be a little awkward.

You see... I've agreed to come with him to the next auction.

Soak up the atmosphere for myself.

Well, it's a free country, constable.

Just make sure he leaves his crowbar at home, would ya?.

Thank you, Gwen. Put him through.

Mr Sutton?

Jackie Bradley. How can I help?

How do?

Don't mind Wilf. He's short on pleasantries.

I can see that.

A tower of strength to me and my late husband,

and to his father. years he's worked here.

- ? Are you sure? - Yes. Why?

That would mean he was in nappies when he was set on.

He were a lad of .

- But that would make him... - . I did tell you.

So, when would you be thinking of transferring your files?

Over the next few weeks. It's quite a bit of work in progress

with our present solicitors.

Well, of course.

I've spoken to the senior partners,

and they're delighted at the chance of working with you.

Would you be... handling my business yourself?

I could certainly retain overall supervision,

but the work would be shared between a number of people.

You can be rest assured,

but our contract and conveyancing staff are the best in the district.

Well, that's... That's certainly food for thought.

Well, thank you for seeing me at such short notice.

It's my pleasure, Mr Sutton.

- Good heavens. Is that the time? - Have I kept you? I'm sorry.

No, not at all. I'm out for dinner tonight with my husband.

- You going somewhere nice? - The Mitre.

That's one of my favourites. You have a nice evening.

- Thank you very much. Goodbye. - Goodbye.



Yeah, he's just gone.

I think we've got it!

Two glasses, eh?

At least two every day, and enough to rinse my face.

You've found the spring of eternal youth, Dilys.

Flattery will get you everywhere, Vernon.

Come on, David. Try it.


Well, it's like water.

It's, er... cold.




- Runny? - Doh! Give it here.

Clear, sweet, and invigorating!

I think we're onto something here, Dilys?


I've got the nous, you've got the source.

- Together, we can make... - Whoopee?

No, Dilys. Money.

Oh. Lovely.

- Struggling? - A bit.

You said it was good.

Oh, no, it is. It's me. I've got no appetite.

Don't keep eating for my sake.

I'm sorry, Mike.

Is, er...

Is there something you're not telling me?

Like what?

- Well, aches, pains... - No.

It's just... ever since you got back from London, you seem to be

in another world.

I'm sorry.

Stop saying sorry, and just tell me what it is.

- Has madam finished? - Yes, thank you.

The sweet trolley will be with you in a moment.

Not for me, thank you.

Nor me. Just two coffees, please.

Thank you.

I'll be back in a minute.

Thank you.

Thank you.

- And thank you. - Thank you, Mr Sutton.

- All right? - Yes.

We'll just finish these up and go.

- Could we have the bill, please? - Your bill has been settled, sir.


With Mr Sutton's compliments. He was in the bar.

I'm sorry. We can't accept it.

- There's nothing to pay. - Just a second.

Mike. Leave it. Thank you very much.

- It's a gesture to me. - To you? Why?

Well, he's a prospective client at the practice.

Well, you didn't say anything.

It's not final, but if he does come to us,

he'll bring a lot of business.

Jackie, whatever he had in mind, I can't take gifts. I'm a policeman.

And I'm not. Look, a refusal would be taken as an insult.

Loosen up, for goodness' sake.

Bye, love, and thanks for the bevvies.

Don't spill any of that, David.

What's the fuss about? We could fill them up from our tap.

I don't want those contaminated.

One of those is going to a boffin in Leeds for analysis.

Then maybe you'll realize what we are dealing with is not just water.

It is liquid gold!


- Jackie... - Yeah?

Have you seen my keys anywhere?

No. Have you tried your coat pocket?

- Do you want some toast? - Yes, please.

- Have you found them? - Er... Yeah.

- What's that? - I don't know...

It must have been put there last night

while hanging in the restaurant lobby.

Obviously a mistake.

- Unlikely... - What do you mean?

Sutton must have put it there.

Why on Earth would he do that?

To keep my nose out of his business.

What are you talking about?

I shouldn't have accepted the meal last night.

Mike, you are jumping to conclusions!

It's him. Believe me.

Where are you going?

Sutton's. He's gonna get it back with interest.

What time will you be arriving?

No, I'll rejig my diary.

Yeah, I'm positive. I need to see you.


I've got to go. Bye.

What happened?

I gave it back.

- What did he say? - That I'd made a mistake.

Did he say he'd put the money in your pocket?


Then suppose he didn't?

He did. You just have to go along with me.

Did you say we'd be at The Mitre last night?

- Yes, but... - I'm sorry, Jackie, he's a crook.

Inconvenient, I know, you want his business.

What about innocent till proven guilty?

- Oh, give it a rest! - No, you give it a rest!

You b*mb over there,

shouting the odds without any proof, whatsoever.

What next? Your gonna tell Craddock about him

and hammer the final nail in for me?

ALFRED: Not a success, then?


The Mitre's supposed to be top-notch.

Well, there's nothing wrong with the food.

- More the atmosphere, eh? - Yeah, yeah.

And the bill.

Well, yeah. Pity, really.

We haven't had much chance to get out recently.

What you and Jackie need is a good holiday.

Oh, there speaks the sage with a fat wallet.

Exactly. I'm not that flush.

All at ease, any news on the farmer who went berserk, Bradley?

Yeah, it's almost settled, Sarge.

One of the car owners accepted compensation.

And the other wasn't bothered about it.

That's very magnanimous. Well, ours not to reason why.

Any chance of a coffee this side of Christmas?

- There you are, sir. - Thank you.

- Is this the balance? - Yes.

Is there possible to see a more detailed statement?

Not immediately, I'm afraid.

We can have one prepared by close of business tomorrow.

Right. Thank you.

- Well? - Definitely the first one.

- The first? - Definitely.

Try again.

Oh, no, Mr Vernon. Not again. I'm getting waterlogged.

David, try again. You're staying there till you get it right.




Oh, Mr Spicer. How's the analysis going?

Really? Oh, well, you will put that in writing, won't you?

Excellent. Thanks very much.

Bye, now.

That was the boffins from Leeds.

Oh. Is it going all right?

It's going better than all right, David.

They say, the experts, say it's excellent.

Oh, good.

Look, can I go and pay a visit now?

- Oh, all right. Go on. - Thanks.

Excuse me, Mr Vernon.


So you haven't decided yet?


It is your decision.

Yeah, I know.

Anything I can do to help?



Sorry to interrupt, Mrs Bradley. Mr Bradley's here.

Oh. Er...

I did tell him you were in a meeting with Mr Miller.

Er... yes, right.

- Would you excuse me? - Yes, of course.

Thanks, Gwen.


Sorry. I know you're with Adrian Miller.

- Do you think he'd mind? - No, it's fine. What is it?

You haven't transferred money into my bank account recently, have you?

No. Why?

I just checked my balance. It's been a bit sick lately.

But... I just got a pleasant surprise.

Haven't they automated the police payroll?

Maybe you got paid early?

That's true. I'll ask the lads. Thanks.

- Adrian all right? - Seems to be, yes.

Look, I'd better go and say hello, eh?


- Adrian! Hi, there. - Mike. Hello.

- Sorry to interrupt. - Not at all.

What brings you back to Yorkshire? Business or pleasure?

A bit of both.

It's good to see you, but I've got to dash.

Sure. Nice to see you.

Mike, if you were short of money, why didn't you ask?

Well, no need. See you later.

Well, I'm not asking.

I'll ask them.

Evening, gentlemen. What can I get you?

A bottle of water, please, Gina.


Malvern will do nicely.

Right. What can I get you, David?

He'll have the same.

What's going on? This is a pub, not the Water Board.

Gina, if they want water, take them out and give them some.

- Thrown from a bucket. - No need for that, Oscar.

Raised voices?

Only Oscar's, he's embarrassed

because he hasn't stocked up properly.

Do what?

No good coming here if it's water you want.

Shame on you, Oscar.

Luckily, we've got our own.


- What's this? - A prototype.

'Aidensfield Spring Water'?

The elixir of youth.

Bottled, labelled, and available at a pub near you.

I should have known there was summat going on.

Vernon and me are in partnership.

They say this is, all the rage in London.

Down there, they drink pints of water.

With water chasers.

Never heard owt so daft in my life.

Keep your ears open, Oscar.

And you'll be ahead of the game for once.

Odd tooth gone, like you, George.

Who'll start at £? £.

£.? £.?

£., £., £..

£. £. £.. £..

£., £.. £. So, at £...

All done at £.

Sold at £. Thank you, Mr Mitchell.

- And... What lot's this? - Thirteen, sir.

Lot , gentlemen. Two Suffolk ewes in lamb, due mid-March.

I think you'll find the good Lord is expecting me.

After you, I think.

Now, I don't need to teach Your Lordship how to suck eggs.

With your refined palate, primed on best-end plonk,

won't need telling that it's chock full of natural goodness.

As confirmed by scientific analysis.

'Water quality excellent.'

That's as may be, Scripps.

But aren't people satisfied with what they get from the tap?

Do you drink much tap water, sir?

No, can't say I do.

No. Very wise. If you saw it under a microscope,

you wouldn't bathe your bunions in it.


What exactly do you have in mind?

You saw it with your own eyes.

T'stock were % shy of a decent price.

It's not an exact science, Mr Dyer.

Science? Give over. It's bare-faced robbery.

I'll have a word with Mr Sutton.

Aye. Me and all.

Thank you, but I'll deal with it myself.

Well, make sure you do.

Mr Sutton.

Constable Bradley.

In mufti.

And keeping very bad company.

I'm surprised you have time to notice.

I'm an auctioneer, Constable Bradley.

Never miss a bid, or a bobby.

So why weren't you more careful?

How's that?

I'm no expert, but there was collusion among your bidders.

- Right. You're not an expert. - So there wasn't a concert party?

You shouldn't concern yourself with things you don't understand.

Understanding fraud is one thing.

Smelling out something rotten is another, even I can do that.

I intend to report everything I've seen here.

Now, I think that would be very, very foolish.

You haven't been too... careful yourself, have you?

What do you mean?

You make trouble for me,

and your little bit of recent good fortune might come to light.

Think about it.

I'll be in touch, then. If everything is as you say,

I might consider making an investment.

I guarantee you'll be on a cert, Your Lordship.

There was a deposit of cash into your account on the th.

- Cash? - Yes, sir.

- How much? - £.

- £? - Does that help at all?


I'm sorry, Mr Bradley. She's out.

Oh, right. Thank you.

Jackie! I need to talk to you.

- Er... Come on up. - Who was that?

Adrian. He bought me lunch.

Whoever it was filled in a paying-in slip with my name on it,

and, hey, presto, I'm £ better off.

It's the amount you took back to Sutton same day.

He was making sure I kept it.

Doesn't the cashier remember who paid it in?


Can you prove you took the money back to Sutton?

Well, don't you believe me?

Of course, I do. Why should anybody else?

- I don't know. - What are you gonna do, Mike?

Well, it can't go on any longer. I'm gonna have to call his bluff.

I'll see to this later, Joan. Thank you.

Offering a police officer a bribe

is a very serious offence, Mr Sutton.

Accepting a bribe is also a serious offence, I imagine.

Would I be stupid enough to pay bribes into my own bank account?

A picture of you giving me the envelope?

Or of you receiving it? It's hard to say, isn't it?

Feel better now, do you?

- It's not going to work, Mr Sutton. - You try me.

I don't start things I can't finish.

I'll say how you threatened

to spread false rumours about my auctions.

You demanded cash to keep your mouth shut.

And I gave in to save the business

and the jobs of my staff.

There's another one. Go on. Tear it up.

But it won't go away.

Thanks for coming over, Oscar.

No trouble.

I only wish I could come up with a pain-free solution.

The moment you let Sutton pay for that meal,

you were compromised.

I didn't want to spoil it for Jackie.

Would have been a feather on a cap to get his business.

And I feel I've been holding her back.

You and Jackie have chosen a tough road.

Conflicts of interest at every turn.


Still, as long as you haven't spent any of the money.

Well... I thought I'd been paid a week early,

so I put a deposit on a holiday.

Oh, dear. Mike...

Look, I know. I know. But...

..I wanted it to be a surprise.

What do you think I should do?

What you've already decided to do.

No real choice, is there?

For some coppers, yes, but not for you.

You'll be suspended, pending an investigation.

- What are my chances? - Hard to tell.

You're bang to rights for accepting a free meal.

And it may be hard to substantiate your story about the bank deposit.

But, whatever happens to Sutton

you could end up the real victim in all this.


Vernon, love! Come in.


By 'eck, something smells good!

Chanel No..

- Oh, yeah. What's the other smell? - Lamb hotpot.

Ooh! One of my favourites.

Just right with a bottle of stout!

- Here. You're pushing the boat out. - I said it were a celebration.

Steady on, Dilys. Lord Ashfordly's investment isn't in the bag yet.

Just to have got this far is cause for celebration.

I must say, it does look promising.

You don't know what it means to have a man in charge again.

Wilf's all very well for outside work,

but a woman needs things done indoors,

which only a fitter man can do...

Who the blazes...

I've put your milk bottles in the barn.

Is he staying?

Aye. But don't worry.

He's brought his own beer.

I'll come with you tomorrow.

What for?

To corroborate your story.

You'll have to cancel appointments.



Couldn't have come at a worse time, could it?


Thanks, Alf.

It's a bad do.


Well, you mustn't blame yourself.

Why not?

I was flattered by Sutton's approach.


Well, he's a clever operator, I hear.

- Blame us for the holiday idea. - You, you mean.

Yeah. Sorry. Me.

He seemed a bit down. It's just something you say.

Not if you've got any sense.

Please come in, Mrs. Bradley.


Where is he?


- You saw the money? - Yes.

What did you say?

I thought someone put it in the pocket by mistake.

But you knew different, rushed to take it back to Sutton.

- Yes. - Why didn't you rush here instead?

I don't know.

He didn't want to make things difficult for me, Sergeant.


I thought I could stop Sutton there and then.

Can you prove you took it back and not to the bank?

- No. - You're a fool, Bradley!

Yes, Sarge.

The regulations concerning favours are crystal-clear.

An officer can accept a drink

or a sausage roll without it being a hanging offence.

But a slap-up meal in the best restaurant in town is different.

Yes, Sarge.

You should never have investigated this man without my say-so.

Mrs. Bradley, I leave your involvement up to your conscience.

MICHAEL: It was my decision.

- My mistake. - Whatever.

You have given this man everything he needs to entangle you further.

What do you mean, what are my intentions?

It's plain enough,

that's been toying with Dilys's affections.

- To what end, mister? - I'm in partnership.

- Oh, aye? - To sell water.


In bottles.

Bottles of water?

- I thought it was a daft idea too. - Shut it, you!

You must think I've come down in t'last shower.

But her's not like me.

Dilys puts her trust in t'jack rabbits

that come looking for a cosy settle.

Now, just a minute.

It's a business partnership I'm on about.

And summat else, I fancy.

What else?

Cows' eyes. Canoodling.

Who, me?

I made a pledge to her Jack and her father afore him,

to see no advantage were ever taken of her.

And that's why we're here.

This sorry business will have to be referred to Division.

Yes, Sarge.

If you've nothing further to add, go home and await their decision.

- I have something to add, Sargent. - Oh, yes?

Both of us have taken our share of the blame

and you've made your feelings more than plain.

That's fair enough.

But you haven't indicated a shred of support for Mike.


No! Let me finish. Mike is a good copper.

He's honest and hard-working and always puts duty first.

The least he could expect is a word of sympathy from you.

I'm not a nanny, Mrs. Bradley.

My officers must be held accountable.

You have put your faith in Mike on many occasions.

He's never let you down.

Please show faith in him when you talk to Division.

You owe him that, at least.

I'm afraid there's nothing I can say that'll make much difference.

It is almost inevitable that you'll be returning

here this afternoon to surrender your warrant card.

Hope that you have had that for a while.

Look, why don't you let David put it in a corner.

Leave it be.

Wilf, is there anything we can do to make you rest easy?

How can I rest when she's been blarting into t'bolster all night?

Crying? Why?

How should I know?

Too much stout, perhaps.

Too little appreciation, more like.

Hang on a minute! We both cleaned our plates. Didn't we, David?

But that didn't ask for seconds.

Well, I was full to bursting.

That should have asked for seconds!

Thanks for coming with me and saying what you did.

Pull over, Mike.

- Where? - It doesn't matter just pull over.

What's the matter?

- I've got something to tell you. - What?

Is it so bad, Jackie?

Are you ill?

Well, if it's... If it's about us...

It is.

Well, do you really think this is the right place?


But I have to tell you before somebody else does.

Tell me what? What is it?

I've met someone.

What... What do you mean?

I met someone through work a few weeks ago, and...

..at first, it was just business,

..and then it became personal.


No, Jackie, look...

You're scaring me here. What are you saying?

You want to be with this someone?

You want to leave? What are you saying?

I've fallen in love with him.

- What? - I'm sorry.


Jackie, no!

You can't mean it.

I'm so sorry, Mike.

Look, it's happened. I wish it hadn't, but it has.

You're going to give up on us, just like that? You can't!

I won't let you. You're my wife.

I tried, but I feel suffocated here.

How can you feel suffocated?

It's not what I want, Mike.

Then what?

What do you want?

I want to be with him.

Who is he?

Jackie, who is he?

It's Adrian.


Adrian? You hardly know him!

I'm in love with him.

Please, Jackie, don't do this.

- Please. Think again. - Look, I'm sick of thinking, Mike.

It's too late.

And remember,

I've got my eye on thee.


David, make sure he's gone!

g*nsh*t FIRES



Get down! He's got another round.

- He's gone. - Eh? Well, who was he firing at?


Oh, the g*n went off by accident. He's lucky he didn't sh**t himself!

Lucky for us, and unlucky for someone.

What's that?

Oh, it's a letter. It's got a Leeds postmark.

That'll be from the boffin in Leeds.

I asked for extra information, so I could start me sales pitch.

Sales pitch?

About how Dilys' water is full of this and that...

For a long life.

Is all you wanted then?

Not exactly, no.


Aidensfield police.

Right. Yes, Sarge.

I'm on my way.

SUTTON: Mrs Bradley!

What do you want?

I'm here to suggest

that you try and talk some sense into that husband of yours.

I did warn him not to dabble in things he doesn't understand.

He understood only too well.

You're bringing a good man down, Mr Sutton.

You just tell him to keep his mouth shut.

Then we can all rub along very nicely together.

I'm still thinking of placing my business with you.

You can talk to someone else. Mr Sutton.

I'm no longer interested.

Splitting up? Are you certain?

Yeah. Yeah. Er...

I think so.

I'm sorry, mate.

I always thought you two were as good as it gets.

I suppose I've known for a bit, you know.

I just didn't want to face up to it. This job. Her job...

That house.

Things weren't working out, you know.

Is that why she keeps disappearing south?

Yeah. Yeah, she's...

She's met someone else.

I'm sorry, lad.

It never rains but it pours.


Is Sergeant Craddock in his office?

Er, yes, sir.

Why have they sent Shiner?

Well, at least it's someone who knows you.

Come on, David. Out you get.

We might need to make a quick getaway.

Surprise visit?

Oh, hello, Dilys. Yes, I thought I'd pop over.


I've been taking stock of our little venture.

Taking stock?

Well, I've had another letter from the boffin in Leeds.

You're not getting cold feet, are you?


Has Wilf been to see you?

Aye, he did pop in for a chat.

- I'll strangle him! - No, no.

A tower of strength, Wilf,

but overprotective of my well-being. Fear not.

I don't let him indoors.

You can take that smile off your face, Scripps.

Why? What's up, Your Honourable?

I've had my staff check on this spring water of Mrs. Powell's.


Well, they found the source up on the moors. On my land.

Years back, probably during a drought,

it looks like someone diverted some of it to this farm.

So, in effect, Scripps, you were asking me

to invest in my own stolen water.

Stolen? Hey, steady on.

Mrs. Powell can use the water.

But not for commercial exploitation. I shall be doing that myself.

You're going to nick my idea.

Ideas are cheap, Scripps.

Aye. And so is water.

Not this water.

I shall extol its excellent qualities, as you suggested.

There's been a bit of confusion.


Me and the boffin had our wires crossed.

The report said the water was excellent!

Aye, but not for drinking.

Excellent for softening wool.

Well, Your Lordship. There's always a bright side.

You'll have nice soft woolly socks.

Whenever I've come into contact with you, you seemed a sound copper.

Thank you, sir.

However, the regulations give me little leeway in certain matters.

Experience should have taught you that going off on a lone mission,

without your superior's approval, was a risk not worth taking.

Yes, sir.

So you're in dead lumber, Constable.

Not only because you left yourself open to a charge of corruption,

but because you've blundered in on a CID operation

already targeted on Sutton and his friends.


Yes, Bradley. We've had this man under surveillance for six months.

Luckily for you, we're about to pull the plug on him.

Something of a relief, I imagine.

Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.

All that remains is to bring Sutton in.

Perhaps you'd like to join us?

Right. Have I got time to call my wife?

No, Bradley. First things first.

Thank you.

That's wonderful news.

Yes, very relieved.

Thank you, Sergeant.

£... £... £...

£... £... £... £...

£? £?


All gone at £.

Sold, £, Mr Simmonds. Thank you.

Would you step down from there, please, Mr Sutton?

- What the hell's going on? - I suggest you come quietly.

Giles Sutton, I'm arresting you for conspiracy to defraud,

and attempting to bribe a police officer.

Anything you say will be taken down and used in evidence.

Take him away.

A replacement auctioneer has been arranged

and will be here in a moment.


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