Couch, The: Black Girl Erupted (2023)

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Couch, The: Black Girl Erupted (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

[air whooshing gently]

Really y'all don't know this

You're in danger, I'm

a threat, I'm a threat

Gamble with your life

'Cause you know that

it's a bet, it's a fake

You know I ain't letting up

My foot is on your neck

Take my word for it

That's promise and a threat

Yeah, really y'all

don't know me

You're in danger,

I'm a threat

- I need to hear that

snap, crackle and pop.

Let's go.

Yeah, good job, Reina.

Okay, put those punches up.

There we go.

Good job, Reina. Good job.

Jillian, come on now.

Listen, don't give up on me now.

Come on. I need you.

Let's go.

Turn those punches over.

Turn it, turn it.

There we go. Good job.

All right, let's go, Jennifer.

Come on, from the hips.

I need to hear that snap.

Hear that snap.

All right ladies, drive

those elbows into that bag.

Pretend you are fighting

your worst enemy.

Hey, it's either you or them.

Life or death.

[Reina grunting]

- Piece of ass.

Finally, get to whoop your

face and beat your ass!

You ruined everything.

In my face, with that

smug look on your face.

Well, smile now.

I don't see you smiling.

You're not smiling no more.

You stupid,

stinking, fancy face.

Drive now, jackass.

- Reina! Girl.

[instructor claps]

- Slow clap for

Reina right here.

See, that's what

I'm talking about.

She understood the assignment

and passed with flying colors.

You look like Charles Barkley

beating on Shaq down there.

Really, y'all

don't know this

You're in danger, I'm

a threat, I'm a threat

Gamble with your life 'cause

you know that it's a bet

- Reina, slow down.

Now, girl, I know you hear me.

Why you walking so fast?

- [Reina] What?

- You know, I'm trying to

catch my breath from class.

What's going on with you?

- Nothing. Nothing

is going on, why?

- Uh, the way you

just went ape shit

on that body bag with that

crazy look on your face.

- It's kickboxing class.

Everybody has a crazy

look on their face.

- Nuh-uh, not like you did.

Oh, wait a minute.

It's the law firm

again, isn't it?

- Okay, I was envisioning

beating up my boss.

- Horrible Horowitz? Whoo-hoo!

Girl, you was putting

a hurting on Horowitz.

Yes, you were.

- You saw me, right?

- Yes. Girl, I was

envisioning beating up my ex.

Oh, sh**t.

My credit's still bad

from that scamming n*gro.

Don't worry.

Anyway, Mr. Colonizer must

have really pissed you off.

What'd he do?

- Okay, so he's

supposed to promote

an attorney to partner, right?

- [Jillian] Yes.

- But he is just dragging

this decision out for weeks.

And I am so on edge,

J, 'cause I want it.

I need this.

- Girl, you've been

kicking ass there for what?

Seven years now?

If anybody deserves a

promotion, it's you.

[scoffs] Even though I think

that place is r*cist as hell.

- Okay, J., do not start.

- What? It is.

Oh, okay, come on.

All those racial


you have to deal with there.

Okay, remember the time

where they reprimanded you

for missing a meeting that

you weren't even invited to?

- Yeah, that was ridiculous.

- Yes, it was. Super ridiculous.

So how much longer are you

gonna put up with the nonsense?

[Reina sighs]

Okay. Alright.

See, I can tell this is

really starting to bother you.

- This promotion will

skyrocket my career, J.

No, I've been paying my dues.

Like I just have to hang

in a little bit longer.

That's it.

- But at what cost

though? Your sanity?

I mean every opportunity

is not good for you.

I mean it may be

in the beginning,

but you can't put a price

on your peace of mind

and mental health.

- Would you stop trying to

be my therapist, please?

Don't you have enough patients?

- Yes, I do.

But I'm about to

squeeze your butt in

and give you an invoice.

Oh, okay.

Look, will you just promise me

that you'll talk to

someone so you can,

you know, deal with

the anger and anxiety.

- That is what kickboxing

is for and you.

- No, that's not

gonna be enough.

You have to deal

with these emotions.

Girl, you can't keep

suppressing them.

So tell me that you're

open to seeing somebody.

Oh my! Good girl,

you are so stubborn.

But you know what?

Don't worry about it.

'Cause I'm about to

text you a therapist

that I recommend to

a few of my clients.

- A therapist?

- Uh-huh.

Oh, there. Lock her in.

She's really good

with anger management.

- Anger management?

I don't need help

with anger management.

- Ha! Yes, you do.

Call her. I love you.

- For real, J.?

- Yes.

[Reina scoffs]

[R&B music]

- [Reina] Hey.

- Hey, hey, hey.

[both chuckling]

- Oo, look at you,

looking all hot and sexy

in your workout clothes.

- Hey, don't forget funky now.

- Okay.

Oh, wait, wait,

wait, wait. No, whoa.

No. I don't know

what move that is,

but it definitely ain't funky.

- You!

- Are you sure

you went to a HBCU?

We need to take your

black card back ASAP.

- You are such a hater!

Stop talking about

my struggle twerk.

You know I be trying.

- Yeah, that's exactly what-

- Are they moving?

- They moving',

they trying to move.

- I'm going to take a shower.

Oh, wait, wait,

wait, wait, wait.

Try this first. Try this first.

Just a little pump.

- Mm babe!

That is good.

- Well, you know how I like

to put my special herbs

and spices into my dishes.

Babe, I'm telling you,

one day everyone in LA will

be eating my vegan recipes

in my very own restaurant.

I just gotta keep paying

my dues as a sous chef

and driving part-time for

this ride share company.

- Hey.

- Yeah.

- Don't you worry about

it. It's gonna happen.


And they gonna love your recipes

'cause they so

yummy, just like you.

- Why are you so sweet?

- I don't know.

- Mwah!

So how was work?

- Work was okay.

- It was just okay?

[sighs] Babe, I know you're

not telling me the truth.


That place has been stressing

you lately and I just wanna,

wanna make sure you're good.

- It's fine.

Just let it go.

- Okay. Alright.

Well, you're right

on time for dinner.

- Actually, babe,

I'm not that hungry.

I'm just gonna hop in the shower

and start on these new cases.

- I thought you were

going to ease up

on taking on new cases.

- I know, but I just

gotta get these done

before the meeting.

- You shouldn't feel

obligated to take on more work

just to prove your worth.

I understand this is important,

but I'm noticing

the negative effects

that it's having on you.

- What are you talking about?

- Like you're always

clenching your fists

when you get anxious,

your palms get all sweaty,

your breathing becomes erratic.

I notice all that stuff.

- Okay, babe, I

don't need a lecture.

I get enough of that from

Jillian and my parents.

Oh, I have to have dinner

with my family this weekend.

- Yeah, well you be sure

to tell 'em I said hello.

- Okay. Can we not

start that right now?

- What, the fact that we've

been together for a year now,

practically living together,

and I've yet to

meet your parents.

- It will happen when

the time is right, babe.

I promise.

- Okay.

Okay. Alright.

You promise.

- I gotta take

care of this work.

- Go get in the shower.

- Alright.

- Oo.

[R&B music]

- Hey there. You

still on for lunch?

- [Reina] Uh, no, I can't today.

- What is going on with you?

You look like a total wreck.

And this office. Oo.

How long you been here?

- [Reina] Well, I've

been coming in early

for the last few months trying

to finish up these cases.


- Ah, ah, ah, ah!

Let's see what we have here.

Shall we?

Why is this case

assigned to Chris?

- Okay-

- Are you still

doing his work?

Reins, you should not be

handling other attorney's cases.

Let them do their own damn work!

- Shh! You are going

to get us fired.

- I am not worried

about us getting fired.

We are the tokens in the office.

You know that it's true.

You being a Black

woman checks two boxes.

Me being a gay man checks a box.

We fill the firm's

diversity quota.

- You know what

the difference is?

- [Man] Hmm?

- You have a whole community

that will rally behind you

if you get let go.

Me? I'm gonna be called

the angry Black woman

and they're gonna use that

to justify my mistreatment.

- I get it. I really do.

But you should not be doing

more work than necessary

to prove yourself.

You're the smartest

attorney in this office

and everyone knows it.

I just don't wanna see

you be used is all.

- Thank you.

I appreciate you

having my back, I do.

- Of course.

Listen, this gorgeous white man

supports you wholeheartedly

and will take down

any Karen or Ken on your behalf.

In the most professional

way of course.

- No, of course.

And I appreciate you, but

it won't be necessary.

- Okay, well, let's

get you together then.

You have got to look good

when you accept your

promotion this afternoon.

- Good?

- Perfect.

Get 'em tiger.

- Okay, everybody,

let's settle down.

No need to draw this out

any longer than necessary.

We have some real

opportunities on the horizon.

Which is why I need my

most competent associate

to be leading the way.

Which is why I have

chosen my nephew Chris

to rise through the ranks

and represent this firm

on a national level.

Chris, stand up please.

Let's give him a round

applause. Why don't we?

[ominous tones]

[group applauds]

- Ugh! Are you serious?

You're giving the

position to this jackass?

He is an incompetent imbecile.

I am the one who has

been handling his cases.

Did you know that? Me!

God, I can't believe I still

work at this miserable place.

You know what? I quit!

[Reina grunts]

[growls] God dammit.

[growls] Screw you!

Screw you, screw you.

You're cool.

And you know what?

And screw you.

[growls] I'm out!

[group applauds]

[knocking at door]

- Who is it?

- It's me, sir, Reina Cole.

- Hey, Reina. Come on in.

- I know you're

busy, Mr. Horowitz.

I was just wondering if I could

speak to you for a moment.

- Cut to the chase, Reina,

I'm right in the

middle of something.

- Right.

I was wondering how

you made your decision

about the partnership, sir.

- I based my decision on

what's best for the firm.

- And what is that?

- Well, in the scheme of things,

I'm planning to

revamp our marketing

and continue to build

the Horowitz brand.

Chris will be the

face of the firm.

I'm branching out into

other territories.

- So you gave him a partnership

based on optics and not skill?

[scoffs] You see, sir,

I have put in a lot of hours

and I've taken on more

cases than anyone here.

You told me that I was

at the top of your list

when it came to

advancement opportunities.

I even trained Chris

at your request.

So I, I just don't understand.

- Reina, your hard

work is not unnoticed.

And it is appreciated.

There will be other

opportunities coming

down the pike.

You need to work more on

being a better cultural fit.

- A cultural fit.

And what exactly is that?

- I love answering

this question.

[phone rings]

Hold the page.


[laughs] Yes, I did.

Of course I can talk.

When did it happen?

Yeah, I did. Sure.

- Dammit! Watch

where you're going.

Sorry. I'm sorry.

Here, here.


I have fallen, I

have fallen further

Than I had before

Now I'm crawling

And I don't have the strength

to get up off the floor

I'm giving into it

I'm living in it

Embracing all of it

Can't run from it

I can't numb it

[Reina yells]

[Reina sobs]

[thoughtful music]

[phone rings]

- Hey, you.

- [Reina] I didn't

get the promotion.

- Babe, babe I'm, I'm so sorry.

You deserve better. Okay?

Everything happens for a reason.

- I'm so sick of people

saying everything

happens for a reason.

When is it gonna be my turn?

- It's going to be

soon, babe. Okay?

I promise it's going to

be really, really soon.

Listen, I planned a

really nice dinner for you

at this new restaurant, okay?

It has a great happy hour.

And I, I think it'll

really cheer you up.

- I don't, I don't

wanna go anywhere.

I just wanna get drunk

and eat ice cream

and lay on the couch.

- No, babe, you gotta

eat something, okay?

- Okay.

- Listen, don't let this one

situation steal your joy.

They're going to be

more opportunities

on the horizon, alright?

- Okay. You're right.

- Okay. I'll see you in an hour.

- [sighs] Alright, babe.

I'll see you then.

[woman singing in

foreign language]

- Were you drinking

before I picked you up?

Babe, how much have

you had a drink?

- Where is the waitress?

I'm ready to order

another drink.

- I think you might need

to take it easy. Okay?

- I think you are so cute.

- Alright, you guys

ready to order.

- 'Bout time.

- Yes.

I will have another

wine and a side salad

and the branzino.

- Okay. [chuckles]

And for you, sir?

- Um, I'll have the bruschetta.

And what do you recommend

as a good vegan entree?

- Okay, so I would most

definitely recommend

our fusilli alla caponata.

It's eggplant, tomatoes,

garlic tossed with a

bed of fusilli pasta.

It's personally one

of my favorites.

- Oh, that does sound good.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

Okay um, yeah, I'll have that.

I think I have that.

- Okay. Great choice.

I can tell you're a foodie

and you know quality dishes.

- Well, I am a vegan chef,

so food is my passion.

- Oh, I see.

I knew it.

You know, maybe you should

talk to our head chef here

and see if maybe you can-

- Okay, girl. Thank you.

You can bring my wine

and bring our appetizers.

Appreciate it.

- Okay. Coming right up.

- M'kay.

- You did not have to

do that girl like that.

That was rude as hell.

What are you?

- That little bitch

as blatantly flirting

with you in my face.

- Babe, why does she

have to be a bitch?

And she was just being friendly.

- See, I could tell

you were a foodie

and knew quality dishes.

What the hell was that?

- It was nothing.

- Women know when other

women are flirting.

You men are so

oblivious sometimes.

- This is exactly why I

don't like it when you drink.

- And what does that mean?

- It means you become

rude, belligerent.

Look, I know not getting this

promotion is bothering you,

but alcohol is not the answer.

- Wow.

First Jillian tells

me I need a therapist

and now you're telling

me to go to AA.

Got it.

- That is not what I'm saying.

All I'm saying is-

- Mm hmm?

- [Boyfriend] Nevermind.

- Alright. Here is

more wine for you.

- And here is another

glass for you.

- And the bruschetta.

- Great. Thank you.

- Mm-hmm.

And your salad.

[bowl bangs]

[Reina scoffs]

- Damn.

At least eat some bread

to soak up the alcohol.


- Mm.

- Okay.

- Alright. Entrees.

- [Boyfriend] Thank you

so much. I appreciate it.

- And for you madam.

Everything looking all right?

- Everything looks-

- What the hell is this?

What is this?

Girl you messed

up my whole order.

- Oh my God.

- Is this fish?

- No.

- Does this look

like fish to you?

- You're right.

I'm so sorry.

I don't even know

how that happened.

I'm sorry. I will fix-

- Girl, yes you do.

You did this on purpose.

Calm down.

- What?

No, I'm, really, I apologize.

It was, it was an accident.

- Nuh uh.

You know what,

you can save all

that innocent stuff,

'cause I see you,

you think you slick.

- Like I said, it

was an accident.

I will get it fixed. Okay?

- Whatever.

- Hey!

- And don't think

I didn't see you

trying to flirt with

my man earlier too.

- Flirt?

- I'm so sorry.

- Ma'am, I don't know

what you're talking about.

- Oh, okay.

- I'm doing my job and

I'm just being friendly.

I'm sorry you don't

know the difference.

Now, is there-

- Oh. Oh, oh, nope.

- Nope, nope.

'Cause see, I know

the difference, I do.

But I also know when

somebody is trying

to be shady as hell too.

- Oh do you really?

- Girl, do not play with me.

I will snatch them

tarantulas off your face.

- Okay, excuse us. So sorry.

- With them Snuffaluffagus

ass eyelashes.

If you don't get outta here.

Done lost your mind.

- Thank you so much.

Thank you for everything.

Thank you for everything.

- I know you're not about

to put some money down.

We didn't even eat food.

What are you paying for?

Thank you so much

for everything.

Have a great day.

- You were served.

- You about to get served.

Say something else to me.

- Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Have a great-

- Quality dish.

Got a quality ass

whooping up in here.

- What the hell is

the matter with you?

- What the hell is

the matter with you?

That was totally uncalled for.

- Oh, you are

taking her side now?

- No, I'm not taking...

You just made a complete

ass outta both of us.

Okay, the head chef invited

me to come here tonight

because he's interested in

some of my vegan dishes.

Now you probably ruined my

chances of working with him.

- Babe, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. I didn't know that.

Why wouldn't you say anything?

- Because I shouldn't

have tell you

not to show your...

I wanted it to be

a surprise. Okay?

But you've been so

consumed with this job

and, and this, this promotion.

Well, I have dreams too, okay?

But you don't care.

No, you don't care.

- Carlo, that is not true.

- Get in the car.

- Carlo!

- Get in the car.

[sad music]

- Are you coming in?

- No, I'm going to my place.

- Babe. Come on.

You didn't even talk to

me the whole ride here.

Look, why don't we just,

why don't we just go inside

and just work off

all this tension.

Damn, I said I was sorry.

- You are unbelievable.

Is that all I am to you?

A way to work off your

tension, your stress?

- No, of course not.

- Well, that's how

it's been lately.

I'm not feeling it anymore.

- What are you saying?

- I'm saying this relationship

has completely been one-sided.

You're only concerned

about your career,

pleasing your family and

satisfying your needs.

- Okay, look, I know that I've

been a little bit difficult

the last few months.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

A little bit difficult?

You call today a

little bit difficult?

You're using alcohol as a means

to cope with your anger, Reina.

- [scoffs] Yes. Okay.

I was over the top.

Alright? I admit

it, I did too much.

But I can change.

Okay? I can, I can change.

I'll just, I'll stop drinking.

- I've heard.

I've heard this before.

And frankly, I'm exhausted,

Reina, exhausted.

Look, I can't tell you what

to do, but I need some space.

- Some space?

- Yeah.

- Come on Carlo, don't do this.


- Please get out my car.

- Carlo-

- Just go.

Just go.

[bluesy music]

[Reina sobs]

- [Woman] It's a pleasure

to meet you, Ms. Cole.

- [Reina] It's a

pleasure to meet you too.

You come highly recommended.

- [Woman] Well, thank

you. That's good to know.

Can I offer you some tea

or water before we begin?

- Um, I'm good. Thank you.

- So what brings you here today?

- Um.

- You seem uncomfortable.

Maybe not sure that you made

the right decision to come.

- No, I, I'm, I'm all right.

I guess just not acclimated

to this new setting.

- That's okay. You're not alone.

A lot of people feel that

way in the beginning.

- Yeah, my best friend and my

boyfriend, my ex-boyfriend,

they said that I should

get professional help

for my anger issues.

- Do you think you

have anger issues?

- [Reina] No, not really.

- Not really?

- I mean, you know,

I have my moments.

- Can you tell me what

those moments look like?

- [scoffs] It's hard to explain.

I just, I just get

angry sometimes.

- [Therapist] What do you

do when you get angry?

- Um, I have these

weird fantasies

and these flashes of light

pop into my head sometimes.

- What are you doing

in these fantasies?

- Beating someone's

ass usually. [laughs]

- Do you have these

fantasies often?

- They've increased over

the last few months.

- So tell me about

the flashes of light.

- Uh, I don't know.

It's, it's hard to explain.

- How do you cope with

your anger and anxiety?

- Kickboxing.

- Kickboxing. It works?

- Yeah. Yeah.

It helps me release

a lot of stress

and it's like my medication.

- Oh, a lot of people say

that physical activity

is a great stress reliever.

Well, it seems to

be working for you.

- Yeah.

Also sex.

- So sex is another way that

you cope with your anxiety?

- Yes.

And alcohol on occasion.

- Um hmm, so kickboxing,

sex and alcohol.

- [Reina] Pretty much.

- You're an attorney at Horowitz

and Associates, correct?

- Yes.

- That's a very prestigious

law firm here in LA.

- It is, yeah.

- Is it stressful working there?

- Sometimes.

Most of the time.

- How so?

- You know, I don't really think

I should be

discussing work here.

- Reina, our sessions are

strictly confidential.

Anything that we say stays

between the two of us.

Now, you appear to be

a very intelligent

and ambitious woman.

You don't seem like the type

that would seek counseling

just because somebody

else recommended it.

Deep down, you know

that there is something

eating you up inside and

it's causing your anger.

Now, the only way that

I can help you with that

is that you have to open up

and tell me why

you're really here.

[tense music]



- Yes, I understand.

- So tell me about your

relationship with your parents.

Reina. How are you

feeling right now?

- I'm fine.

Actually no, I'm not.

- What's bothering you?

- I don't really think

I should be here.

I feel like I'm being judged.

And if my family knew

that I was in therapy-

- What would happen?

I understand that

it can be difficult

to be transparent

with everything that

you're dealing with,

but that's a part

of the process.

And it's the only way

that I can help you.

You can't be concerned about

other peoples' opinion.

Getting your mental

health issues addressed

is what's important.

- I don't have

mental health issues.

I'm a successful attorney who

graduated top of her class.

You know what,

this was a mistake.

I'm so sorry I wasted your time.

But I need to go.

- Reina, please just wait.

If you decide that you'd

like another session,

contact me directly on my cell.

[phone rings]

[Reina scoffs]

[phone rings]

[Reina scoffs]

- Damn, damn!

Hi Mom.

- Ray sweetie.

You're still coming to

dinner on Sunday, right?

- Mm-hmm. Yep, I'll be there.

- [Mom] Are you sure?

'Cause you didn't attend

the last few dinners?

- Mm-hmm. Yep.

I'm, I'm coming, Mom.

- [Mom] Okay.

So what have you

been up to, honey?

I was hoping to

hear some good news

about that promotion by now.

- Yeah.

You know what, Mr. Horowitz,

he postponed the meeting.

So we still don't

have a decision yet.

- Really?

Well, did you ask him why he's

putting off this decision?

You've been putting

in such long hours.

- Mom, Mom, Mom.

Uh just, you probably

shouldn't even

go down that rabbit

hole asking me questions

I don't know the answer to

because I can't tell you.

I don't, I don't know why Mr.

Horowitz made that decision.


- Well I'm just saying

you've put in the work-

- You know what?

I gotta go, Mom.

Sorry, I, I gotta take

care of something,

but I'll see you Sunday, okay?

And I love you.


[Reina growls]

[Reina exhales]

[pensive music]

[group chattering]

- Oh!

- That chicken looks

so good, Chef Winston.

- [Woman] Thank you.

- Mm, so then I was able to

win both of my cases last week,

which is an achievement that

none of the other attorneys

has ever been able

to accomplish.

- Oh, that's so

wonderful, sweetie.

And my goodness,

you are making such a major

headway over at that company.

I'm very proud of you.

- Yeah, sweetie.

I'm very proud of you too.

You're doing a great job

upholding the family name.

- I know, right?

- Thank you Mom and Dad.

- Reina?

Oh, that's what's up, sis.


- Thank you.

So how's everything going

at Horowitz and Associates?

- Yes, please.

I need you to finish telling me

about why they haven't

made a decision

about the promotion yet.

- Oh, you know, Mom,

it's like I said,

Mr. Horowitz decided to

push the meeting back.

So we just don't

know anything yet.

- Well you've been doing

a lot of work over there.

He needs to make

a decision soon.

- That's what I said.

- That's odd.

I mean, it's not what I heard.

- [Mom] Well, what did you hear?

- Well I heard that he

already made his decision

this past week.

He gave it to his nephew, Chris.

- He did what?

[ominous tones]

[sustaining high pitch]

- You've always

been such a jealous,

conniving little bitch!

Ever since we were

kids you always been

so spiteful and miserable.

- Sit down.

- Calm down.

- Don't be mad at me because

I'm Mom and Dad's favorite.

- I can't stand your ass.

- Reina, stop it!

- You better get

back off of me.

- Break it up, break it up.

- Mom! Dad!

- Stop!

- Reina, get your hands

off my baby!

- Reina? Reina!

Reina, what is

going on with you?

And why have you lied to me

about not getting the promotion?

- Reina, answer your mother.

- Reina Marie Cole,

I know you heard me.

Answer the question.

- Okay. I lied.

- Oh.

- Oh, Reina.

- You know I do not tolerate

dishonesty in this family.

- Yeah, Mom.

But I knew that you

would find a way

to blame me for not getting it.

- I wouldn't do that.

But, did you handle all

of your cases properly?

- Yes, Mother, I did.

- And have you done all

the follow ups and filings

according to California law?

- Yes, Mother.

- Well what about

your attitude then?

'Cause you know you

have the tendency

to be a little ghetto.

- [Sister] [snickers] She does.

- And I have told you

time and time again

not to be too difficult

or you'll get labeled

the angry Black

woman in the office.

Don't get me started

about your hair.

- Wow. Seriously, Mom?

- Yes. Seriously.

Because all of that,

kinky curly, happy

I'm nappy hairstyles

are frowned upon in

corporate settings.

- See?

See, this is exactly

what I was talking about.

You are criticizing me like

I'm freaking five years old.

- Reina. Watch your tone.

Don't talk to your

mother like that.

- Why not?

She gets to criticize

me and hurt my feelings

whenever she wants to

because she's my mother.

No, I am tired of

you trying to make me

into some Black Barbie doll.

That is not who I am.

- What I'm trying

to do is help you

to become a refined and

accomplished young lady here.

- Yeah, according to your

outdated, ridiculous standards.

- Oh, is that right?

- Newsflash Mom, I

didn't get that promotion

because I'm a Black

woman, period.

- Oh. And I know

nothing about that.

- It would not have

mattered what I'd done.

It would never be enough. Okay?

I was even doing the work

for his ignorant,

incompetent nephew

thinking that it would

help me and I was wrong.

- Reina, that is enough.

You will not disrespect

your mother in my house.

Now, you apologize right now.

- No, I will not.

I won't.

- Oh, I see.

Now I really understand

where my anxiety

and anger comes from and

why I lost my boyfriend.

- Reina, come back

here right now.

- No, no. Let her go and

have her temper tantrum.

Go ahead. Blame your mother.

What boyfriend?

Dear heavenly father,

please give the strength

to go into this office and

be the fearless, intelligent,

competent lawyer you

have destined me to be.

No w*apon formed against

me shall prosper.

Oh and Lord, please

gimme the strength

not to whoop nobody's today

'cause I am on the edge!


[Reina sighs]

Alright, you got this girl.

[determined music]

- Reina, why'd you miss

the meeting on Friday?

- Meeting? What meeting?

- The meeting that

my uncle called

to discuss the upcoming

conferences and cases

he's going to be delegating.

- What?

Why didn't anyone tell me?

- Oh, that's right.

You were out of the office.

- I was out of the office.

But I still should

have known about it.

I needed to take a

personal day for my dog.

- Your dog? Right.

Hey, I'm gonna need those cases

on my desk by end of the day.


- Oh Chris.


on making partner.

I guess it really

pays to know the boss.

[both laughing]

- Classic.

Where did you even come from?

- I pop up to throw a

little shade when necessary.

So what was all that about?

- He said they had yet

another meeting without me.

- Wow.

- I mean, yeah, I

took the day off.

But you could at least

include me on the e-mail.

- That is ridiculous.

- Exactly.

This is a crap

I'm talking about.

It's this passive aggressive

BS that they're doing

just to mess with my head.

- I'll do my best to

keep you in the loop

if I hear about any

other ones, okay?

- I appreciate that.

But you shouldn't

have to do that.

- I know, but I'm

gonna do it anyway.

So are you okay?

I was a little worried

when you ran outta here

and didn't return any

of my texts or my calls.

- Yes. I'm sorry.

But I decided to

take a personal day

so I could see a therapist.

She had an opening and

I said, what the hell?

- I'm sorry. What?

You went to go see a therapist?

- Yes. Why is that

so hard to believe?

- Well, I know you, you

are a stubborn individual.

You're not going

to see a therapist

unless you absolutely have to.

- Okay. Something happened.

Carlo and I broke up last week.

- Really? Why?

- Let's just say I

drank a little too much.

Hell, I drank way too much.

I got into a verbal

altercation with a waitress

and I embarrassed the hell

outta Carlo and myself.

Please don't look

at me like that.

I already feel horrible.

- So he broke up

with you after that?

- Yeah.

He said he needed some space

and I know he wants me to

work on my anger issues.

- Okay, well, from

everything you tell me,

he seems like a really good guy.

- He is.

- Well, you know what

you need to do then.

- Yes, I do.

- Alright, I'm

gonna get outta here

and act like I'm doing some work

for these Law and Order rejects.

A paralegal's work

is never done.

- Hmm.

- I'm here if you need me.

- Yes, I know.

Thank you.

Love you. Bye.

All they wanna do

is copy and paste

But you didn't get replaced

- I see you.

Where have you been?

You haven't answered

any of my phone calls

or my text messages.

Girl, open this door.

Open the door or you know what,

I swear I will squeeze

my ass under this stall.

- [Reina] Please don't. You

know you gonna get stuck.

- Oh, okay. You got jokes, huh?

Bring your ass outta

here and talk to me.

What's going on?

- I took a day off.

I needed a break.

- Wait, you took a day off?

- Yes, I took a day off.

- Listen, I know you

didn't get the promotion.

I called Garth just

looking for you.

And he told me

everything that happened.

- Cannot believe they

made that jackass partner

after I'm the one

that trained him, J.

And now this little

punk is walking around

like he's my boss?

It's freaking nepotism.

I just, oh!

Mm, nuh uh, I don't

wanna talk about this.

I, I just wanna be left alone.

- I'm not gonna leave you alone.

You are my friend

and I care about you.

I wanna make sure

that you're good

and let you know that

I'm here for you.

- I cannot have this kumbaya

moment with you right now.


Let it go.

I know this trick did not

just walk in front of me.

Excuse me.

- Yeah?

- I was about to take that one.

- Oh, were you?

[laughs] You gotta

move quicker than that.

- Oh, you think

that shit is funny?

- Hey, hey, hey.

Just take that

one. Just take one.

Take this one right here.

- It's okay.

Am I supposed to be

scared or something?

- Nah, you ain't

supposed to be scared.

You're supposed to move

your ass off that bag

'cause you saw me

coming to get it.

- No I didn't.

- Who you hollering at?


- Wait. No!

You guys, why are you fighting?

Okay, wait!

- Come on.

- Wait a minute.

Wait a minute. Break it up.

- Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey,

what the hell's going on here?

Hey, break it, break it up!

Hey, hey, hey.

What's going on?

What's going on?

- Coach, she shoved

me for no reason.

- Nah, that bitch took my bag.

She saw me walking over there.

- So what if I did?

See this is what I-

- Hey, hey, hey!

- Wait!

- Cut it out!

- Alright!

- Look, I teach you

ladies to use self-defense

out on the streets, not

on each other in here!

- Oh come on, Coach.

- Look Reina, you cannot

be putting your hands

on people because they

took the bag you like.

- She was being

hella disrespectful.

Why you only coming at me?

- This is my establishment

and my rules.

If you don't like

it, you can leave.

- What? Coach!

- You know what? Cool.

[Jillian exclaims]

Screw this mess.

I don't wanna talk

- Oh, this heifer didn't go on

and knock my trash can over.

- Reina!

- You gonna clean

this mess up!

- Reina, wait!

- Hey!

Don't come back until

you fix your attitude!

I just have to stop

I don't wanna speed

- Reina, girl!


What the hell was

that back there?

- You saw what happened?

That bitch was

trying to test me.

- No, you were doing too much.

You just started a

fight with that woman

over a punching bag?

Girl, it wasn't

even that serious.

You need to check yourself.

- Check myself?

- Yes.

- No, no, J. maybe you

need to check yourself.

Stop worrying about me

and start worrying about

them broke ass scammers

that's ruining your credit.

Yeah. How about that?

- Really Reina?

Girl, I'm just

trying to help you.

- I don't need your help.

I don't need anybody's help!

- Friend!

- God!

[Reina growls]

[Reina growls]

[Reina yells]

[tense music]

I don't wanna speak,

talking all that good

So I'll just hit

you with a please

Running up the score like

Tyreek, I'm going deep

Watch me how I'm saucin'

I be spreading it with ease

You gonna see the peace

You gonna see the flex

when you hear these Rins

Trust me, you'll

know the difference

I got a long ways to climb

before you see a slippage

I see the process

in the journey

I'm supposed to be the

- What the hell?

You're a God damn person.

[horn honks]

I was gonna take that space.


I know you heard me.

Get your ass outta that...

Oh God.

Um, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

[bluesy music]

- Thank you for seeing me.

I need help.

- It's gonna be okay, Reina.

Have a seat.

[Reina sobs]

Reina, do you want

to tell me about it?

- Um...

There was this woman

in the parking lot.

She, she took the

space I wanted.

So stupid.

But I got so mad

and I got outta the car

and I ran up to her window

and she was pregnant.

And she was so scared.

The look of fear in

that woman's eyes

will haunt me for

the rest of my life.

I don't know what came over me.

I'm so ashamed.

- First, let me say

that I'm very proud

that you came back to see me.

The first step of dealing with

any level of unhealthy anger

is to identify what's

going on inside of you

that leads to these feelings.

The next step is knowing

that you need counseling,

to regain control

over your emotions

and eventually find peace.

- The day was definitely

a wake up call.

I am so tired, Dr. Francis.

I can't do this anymore.

- So tell me more

about what you learned.

- You remember me telling you

that I'm an attorney at

Horowitz and Associates

and I've been there

for over seven years,

to put up with so many

racial microaggressions,

being belittled and

taken for granted,

but not getting that partnership

when I deserved it?

I feel like it just, it just

pushed me over the edge.

I have never felt so

much rage in my life.

- Did you consider quitting?

- No.

It's one of the most

prestigious firms in LA

and my mother always told me

not to ruffle any feathers.

Don't cause problems.

Don't act ghetto.

Preserving our family image

was always the most

important thing,

even at my own expense.

- Reina, I know not getting

that promotion was devastating.

But what is the underlying issue

that's really bothering you?

- [Reina] What do you mean?

- Well, there's always

some deep seated issues

that cause anger.

I mean, not getting

the promotion

was the straw that

broke the camel's back.

What are you really angry about?

- I've always been angry,

since I was a little kid.

I, I would get so pissed

that I would just see red, just,

and it was usually

when I felt like,

when I felt like my parents

were choosing my

baby sister over me.

I was never good

enough, no matter what.

I was never gonna

be good enough.

And somehow I always got

blamed for Riley's bullshit.

- What happened

with your sister?

- We never got along.

We were at odds ever since

we were little girls.

Riley would get in trouble and

somehow it would be my fault.

I still have dreams

about that sometimes.

[sad music]

There was this one time

when we were teenagers

and I had my driver's license

and Riley had her permit

and she wanted to drive

and I told her no,

but she just kept pestering

me and pestering me

and pestering me.

And I let her drive.

And I told her to slow down.

But she laughed.

She didn't listen.

Eventually she lost control

and we had a bad accident.

Riley was in the hospital

for a little while, but...

my parents didn't

give a damn about me.

- Reina, your feelings

are very valid.

Did you ever tell your parents

how they made you feel about

the way they treated you

as a child or even

now as an adult?

- No, and honestly I

don't think they care.

- Well, you'll never

know if you don't try.

You can't let your anger get

in the way of a productive life

or be the cause of your

mental deterioration.

Bitterness and anger will

only stop your growth.

I always like to

tell my patients that

holding on to anger

is like drinking poison

and expecting the

other person to die.

- When you say it like that,

it makes a lot of sense.

I guess, I guess I have

to deal with my past

in order to have

some kind of future.

- Absolutely.

Now, what thoughts or ideas

have you had about your career?

- [Reina] My career?

What do you mean?

- Well, going to another firm.

Starting one of your own.

I don't know, maybe

perhaps online.

- I, I hadn't really

thought about that.

I mean, I've come from

a family of attorneys

who've all gotten their

experience from firms.

- Well, as long as you're

providing legal help

for people that need it,

it shouldn't matter

where you practice.

And the last time I

checked, this is your life,

not your family's.

- [scoffs] You know what?

You are absolutely right

and I don't need

anybody's approval

to live the life

that I wanna live.


Yeah. I kinda like

the sound of that.

I mean, it's, it's

scary, but it's exciting.

- With your anger and anxiety,

we have to tackle that first.

So you won't be triggered

when you go back to work

or when you interact

with your family.

And then once that's done,

well, I recommend that we map

out your next career path.


- Deal.

- You're gonna be fine, Reina.

It's gonna be okay.

Let your spirit rise

Let your spirit rise

Let your spirit rise

'Cause that's the only

way you're gonna elevate


You gotta hold the line

'til it's show time

Yeah, and just let

your spirit shine

Well sometimes there

ain't no easy way

To say all the things

that we need to say

And we spend so much time

looking for the easy road

When all we need is

right there in our soul

Spirit rise

You gotta let your spirit

Oh, you gotta

let your spirit

Say you gotta

let your spirit

You gotta let your spirit

Spirit rise

Oh you gotta let your spirit

Oh you gotta let your

spirit, spirit rise

- Reina, I must say that

I am thoroughly impressed

with your progress over

these past six months.

- Thank you.

It hasn't been easy.

But I feel like such a weight

has been lifted

off my shoulders.

No more using sex and alcohol

to cope with my anger.

- Reina, that is great.

You know, this can be

a difficult process,

but it's worth it in the end.

- It really is.

Oh, and there's something

I wanted to show you.

I haven't just been

working on my mental state.

I have taken my destiny

in my own hands.

Ta da!

- Wait a minute. Is

this your new website?

- It is.

Cole & Associates.

- Oh, Reina, when

did you do this?

- I started after our

first full session.

I loved what you said

about being my own boss

and the idea of

working for people

who actually appreciated my

knowledge and experience.

- So you were working

on this the entire time

and you never said a thing.

- Yep.

I realized if I wanna change

my life for the better,

I had to get focused and

create the life I wanted.

- I am so proud of you.

Well, it's only been six

months, but have you,

have you acquired any clients?

- Actually, I have.

I got this overwhelming response

when I first launched the site,

but it has been

so much hard work

and I finally secured

my first big contract.

It's with a production company

as their general counsel.

- Reina, that is awesome.

Oh wow.

- Thank you.

But you know what, Dr. Francis,

none of this would've

happened without you.

Starting therapy is the

best decision I ever made.

- Well, I am very

happy to hear that.

But I can only help people

that want to be helped.

- You're right about that.

Now I have to figure out a

way to talk to my family.

- Well, you'll find a way.

You just have to

speak from your heart.

I always like to

tell my patients

that if you have the

opportunity to make amends

with the people that

you love, just do it.

They will know that you've

changed by your actions.

- I've been thinking a

lot about that lately.

Especially one

person in particular.

- Well, from what you

told me about Carlo,

he seems like he's

a really great man.

- He is.

- Have you talked to him

these past six months?

- No. I've been so ashamed.

- Reina, you are

not that same person

that caused that scene

in the restaurant.

- I know, but...

- Look, you have gotta

let him know that.

You better to go

get your man back.

[both laugh]

- Yes ma'am.

I just pray it's not too late.

Thank you so much

for everything.

- You are welcome.

And I am just, oh, it

just warms my heart

to know that I was

able to assist you.

- And your last

invoice wore my pocket.

Whoo child!

[both laugh]

But, you are worth every penny.

- Well, thank you.

But you know,

that's what I hear.

Seriously, congratulations.

- Thank you.

- Alright, what is going on?

- Alright, what is going on?

I came as soon as you texted me.

Did that dinosaur

Horowitz let you go?

Uh uh? No way.

- No.

No, no, he didn't.

I've decided to

step out on faith

and finally bet on

myself for once.

All the time that I've

put into this place,

I am dedicating to

building my own empire.

- What are you talking about?

- I'm starting my own

online legal practice.

Cole & Associates.

- What?

- Yeah!

- That is a boss move.

I am so proud of you.

- Thank you.

I, I just wanted to let you

know before I officially resign.

- Thank you.

I appreciate that.

- Yeah.

- Oo, I wish I could see the

look on his decrepit face

when you tell him the news.

[both laugh]

Come here.

You are the smartest lawyer

to ever walk into this office.

Smart, strong and sexy as hell.

- Oh I'll take that.

- Mm-hmm.

- Are you single or what?

Now go and handle your business.

- Yeah.


[knocking at door]

- Come in.


Just the first I wanted to see.

You know, I've

noticed your workload

has decreased tremendously

over the past several months.

What is going on?

- Actually, my workload

hasn't diminished at all.

I have been handling

my work accordingly.

- Mm-hmm?

Well, Chris needs your help.

I would like you to

keep assisting him.

- Mm. I don't think so.

- Excuse me.

- No, I won't be assisting

Chris with his cases anymore.

In fact, I am

officially resigning

from Horowitz and

Associates as of today.

See, I dedicated seven years

of my life to this place.

And your decision to make

your incompetent nephew,

who I trained, partner...

- Bye!

- Was the last straw.

I refuse to be undervalued

or undermined any longer.

- Mm. I knew this firm,

and more specifically,

this promotion wasn't suitable

for you and your attitude.

I hope you don't expect a letter

of recommendation from me.

- Your letter of recommendation

is not needed or wanted.

I am starting my own business.

So I will be the

head CEO in charge.

I do appreciate the

experience though.

And I wish you the best.

Actually, I don't

wish you the best.

That just seemed like

the right thing to say.

You take care though.

Garth, were you listening

this whole time?

- What? No!

I was just practicing

some poses.

How does it look?

- You're so full of it.

- [Garth] I'm gonna miss you.

- Well um, I was actually hoping

you would come work for me.

- Really?

- Yes!

I need somebody to help me

with all these

lucrative contracts.

I mean, if you know anybody

who might be interested.

- I think I might know somebody.

Give me five minutes

to pack my things.

[upbeat music]

- Oh Chris, just

who I needed to see.

There you go.

- What the hell is this?

- Those are the rest of the

cases you need to review.

- I thought you were

supposed to be helping me.

- [laughs] Not anymore.

Good luck!

Baby, you gonna need it.


Okay. That was fast.

- I told you I only

needed five minutes.

- How did you even get

a box packed so quick?

- I had an emergency box packed

just in case the time came

whenever I needed to

break free of this place.

And that time is now.

- You are such a mess.

- Yes I am.

And you love it.

- I do.

- Hit me two times.

- [Both] Ugh. Ugh.

- Ball change.

We out.

- Hi.

- Hey.

For me? [laughs]

- I am really sorry

about the way I acted.

- Oh it, it's all good, girl.

Thank you for the flowers.

Are are you here to

see Mr. Matthews?

- Carlo? Is he here?

- I thought you knew.

He's the new co-owner

of the restaurant.

Yeah, the owner loved

his vegan recipes

so much that he offered

him an opportunity

to be head chef and partner.

- Wow.

That's, that's great news.

- Yeah.

Do you want me to

get him for you?

I think he's in the office.

- No, no, that's okay.

I'll just talk to him later.

- Okay.

- Your lashes look

great, by the way.

- [laughs] Thank you.

- Take care.

- Bye.

Thanks for the flowers again.

You conquered

fear got the crown

Can't nobody bring me down

I'm looking good

quite frankly

- [Coach] Hey, you

brought for me flowers.

How sweet.

- Not this time, Coach.

- Hey, welcome back.

Don't be trashin' my gym.

- You got a deal.

[Coach mutters]

Sorry about that.

- No problem.

- Oo, now you know I like

chocolate with my flowers.

- Well the flowers

ain't for you,

but I got plenty of chocolate.

- Oh, come here, girl.

Good to see you.

I didn't think you was

coming back to class.

- Yeah, I had to do some

less strenuous activities

while I was getting

my mind right.

I started doing yoga,

took up meditation.

- Okay. I love that for you.

- You and I should do a yoga

class together sometime.

- Absolutely.

And girl, since

you've been gone,

Coach been acting a mess.

I think he need a little

anger management his own self.

- Hey, I heard that!

We doing burpies today.

- Oh damn!

Look, I'm glad you back.

- [Reina] Thank you, girl.

- Thank you.

I appreciate that.

- Yeah.

- Oh, that is so sweet.

See, next time I'm gonna

set up a boxer ring

and y'all can go at it.

All right, look enough

of this mushy crap.

Let's go ladies.

And uh, thanks to

Jillian over here

you guys will be starting

off with burpies!

- No!

- Come on!

- I'm sorry, y'all.

- Let's go, ladies.

Let's go.

[women yelling]

- Hey Brittany.

- Oh hey girl.

- Is Carlo here?

- Yeah, he's in the kitchen.

I'll go grab him for you.

- Okay, thanks.

- Mm-hmm.

- You guys can take a break.

I need a minute.

- I know you guys

are about to open.

I didn't mean to interrupt.

I just wanted to

say congratulations.

Finally making your

dreams come true.

You look so handsome

in your uniform.

- Thank you.

Brittany told me you came by

the other day to apologize.

That was nice of you to do that.

- It was the right thing to do.

Listen, I just

wanted to tell you

that you were right about

me needing some help.

Been in therapy for a while

now and well, my therapist

suggested that I make amends

with the people I hurt most.

Look, I know you're probably

still real upset with me

and I completely understand if,

if you never wanna

talk to me again.

But I just wanted

to say I'm sorry

for taking you for granted.

You were a great boyfriend.

I was just so focused

on my own career goals

that I didn't pay

attention to yours.

I resigned from the firm,

started my own practice.

I still love you

more than anything

and I just wanted to

wish you the best.


I just needed to say that.

I'm sorry it bothered you.

- Reina.

Have you been practicing

your twerking?

[gentle music]

- Um, a little.

Leave the light on

- Let me see it.

In this car

Set me on fire like the

little fire that you are

Don't be a sh**ting star

May come and go

as you please

And as you please

- I guess we can

reinstate your Black card.

It's just a little bit

- Come here.

A little bit of

something, my dear

- I love you, too.

So I'll be

- You had me at therapy.

As I can

I'm a sugar coating

Just thought that

you should know

Every time I close my eyes

You're the first

place that I'm going

I'm starting to notice

- [Carlo] I missed you so much

- [Reina] I missed you too.

- Let me look at you.

Hold on, let me look at you.

- You look so cute.

- Nah, you look better.

- I'm sorry.

- No, stop.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

[sisters laughs]

- Okay, so Benjamin

was at the podium

speaking about the

revitalization of

litigation practices

when he looked into the

audience and our eyes connected.

- Oh, that is so adorable.

I can't wait for the wedding.

No pressure.

- Honey, are you okay?

Breathe. Breathe.

What are you laughing at?

I wouldn't be so happy if I

just got fired from my job.

- [Dad] What?

- Wait, what?

What, what is she

talking about Reina?

Were you fired from the firm?

- No, Mother, as usual,

Riley is so pressed

to make me look bad that

she just makes up lies.

- You two.

- Actually, I quit.

- What?

- What are you talking about?

When did this happen?

Is this why you haven't

been here for months?

- Reina, what the

hell is going on?

Have you lost your mind?

- Apparently!

- No, Mom, Dad, look,

I know that leaving

a family legacy

and maintaining a certain

image is important to you guys.

But I was not happy at

Horowitz and Associates.

- [Mom] I can't believe you.

- Mom, I'm not trying

to be disrespectful,

but just let me finish.

Not getting that promotion

was the best thing

that ever happened to me.

I was struggling with

anger and anxiety

and I realize now it

was because I was trying

to suppress my

emotions all the time.

It was also because

I've spent my whole life

trying to please you guys.

- What's wrong with that?

- And this sibling rivalry

with Riley is just ridiculous.

I'm in therapy now and it is

the best decision I ever made.

- Okay, don't blame

your shortcomings on us.

- What do you mean

sibling rivalry?

Don't be mad at me

because I've always

been smarter than you.

- All right everybody,

that's enough.

Everybody. Calm down.

- No, no Dad.

This finally needs

to be addressed.

My whole life, you guys

have favored Riley over me.

Everything was

always my fault, Mom.

Even the night of the accident,

you guys were more

concerned about her than me.

- Well she got hurt.

- Yeah, but I deserve

to be loved too, Mom.

I deserve to be

happy and successful.

That's why I started my

own online legal service.

- What kind of money can

you even make with that?

- Well, if you must know,

I just secured a

six figure contract

with a prominent

production company.

So that kind of money.

- Reina, we are sorry that

you have felt this way.

Your dad and I just only

wanted what was best for you.

But I promise you, if you had

hung in there with the firm,

you would've gotten

that promotion.

- That is enough, Cassandra.

[Mom stutters]

Can't you see what

we're doing to Reina?

- Honey.

- The health and welfare of

our daughter should come first.

Sweetheart, I am so

sorry that we hurt you,

but I promise you

we will get through this

together as a family.

I am so proud of you.

And if you choose to

practice law this way,

girl, I say go for it.

And moving forward from now on

this family will

be more supportive

and positive to one another.


- But Dad-

- Understood?

- Absolutely, darling.

- Thank you, sweetheart.

- Thank you Dad.

That really means a lot to me.

Actually, there's something else

I wanted to share with you guys.

- [Mom] Oh!

- I asked Chef Winston

to set another place

'cause there's someone

I wanted you to meet.

[doorbell rings]

And he's right on time.

Excuse me.

- Well she's full of surprises.

- [Reina] You look great.

- [Carlo] Okay.


- Everyone, this is

my boyfriend, Carlo.

He's a successful chef and

restaurant owner here in LA.

- Oh.

- Damn, he's fine.

Oh sorry honey.

I didn't mean to

say that out loud.

- Hello everyone.

It's a pleasure to meet you all.

- [Dad] Welcome

Carlo. Have a seat.

- [Carlo] Thank you.

- Carlo, I'm Donald,

Reina's father.

This is my lovely

wife, Cassandra.

This is my other

daughter, Riley.

And here right

here, is Benjamin.

- It's a pleasure to be here.

- Nice to have you, Mr. Carlo.

Winston, we have company.

Well, you must be

pretty damn special

if Reina has brought

you home for dinner.

- [chuckles] Well,

I'd like to think so.

- Oh!

Tell us more about your

successful restaurant.

[jazzy music]

- I own a vegan restaurant.

- And the food is really good.

- [Mom] We do like

some yummy veggies.

- I see that.

Looks really good.

- We must go.

She got style


She got attitude

She got, she got grace

Feel it much

In her touch

Show my gratitude

She got gratitude

She got style


She got attitude

Oh she got attitude

So much love

And every time

we touch, girl

It's oh so divine, yeah


And every time we touch

So I try

To blow each others mind
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