Les Spécialistes (1985)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Les Spécialistes (1985)

Post by bunniefuu »


- Hi chief, how's it going?
- HeIIo!

We're stuck!

We Iost controI
and swerved to the shouIder,

the bushes stopped us
just before the sIope.

OK, Iet's get you out!

Two fIats from the heat,
what asshoIes!

- Got prisoners?
- A Iifer!

Baking for hours?

Hey, we can't take the chance...

Go on! Go on!

Let's push the van!

- And him?
- Outside!

He's a transfer!

So? Get him out!

I can't, I got a coId!

Yeh, handcuffem both!

No, I wanna stay inside!

So I'II go to the hospitaI!

Pipe down you!

- Who's he?
- A guy.

No kidding!

Shut up!


Shut up, I toId you!

Come on, Iet's go!

- sh*t man, you nuts or what?
- Shut up!

How you feeIing?


OK, how bout a stroII?

- You're some prince!
- You bet!

First to the top wins!

I'm outta shape,

so no mountain cIimbing.

Doctor's orders!

Look at me asshoIe!

We got one chance outta here!

Do what I say and shut up!

If not...

If not?

I'II bust your baIIs!

I think I hate you!


C'mon, c'mon!

I can't.

You can! Sure you can!

Hang on, don't Iook down!



I gotta sneeze!

Pinch your nose!

With which hand?

Who gives a f*ck!

I won't die for your fIu!

It's over!

What a moron!

There's a cave just above!

No, I'm fine where I am!



I say we go up, so we go up.

anyhow we can't go down.

Let's go!

Hurry up you guys!

Spread out!


isn't it great here?

I just had a year to go.

So what?

- I'II m*rder you!
- Sure thing, kid.

And watch your Iip!

You can get a buIIet
or a Iife sentence Iike me!

But I'm jumping!


I got the fIu!

Shut up!

It's freezing!

We made it!

- You bastard!
- Sure...

Let's go...

My name's Brandon.

Who cares!

You're right. Let's go!
sh*t man, c'mon!

Move it!

C'mon, Iet's go, Iet's go!

I'm f*cking freezing.

OK, mastermind,

what's next on the program?

OK, we'II see my paIs in Lyon.

What? I say Lyon.

And I say the Riviera.

WeII, we'II see.

Ain't nothing to see.
I need dough and now.

I got a job there.

No one'II stop me.


Bastard! You don't
give a f*ck for anyone.

I don't need to be
with a mad cop-kiIIer!

Tough, but we're
in the same boat now.

So use your head.

What we need is dough.

I don't dig your styIe.

So I'II go and find my own bread!

You wear me out.
I'm hitting the hay.

I wanna take a Ieak first,
OK with you?

How much your job worth?

What's it to you - a Iot!

It's cIear.


Let's hightaiI it!

They've gone, go ahead.

Your tourist route stinks!

You're never happy.

I can't get up!

Give me your other arm!

I'm using it!

Try, for Chrissake!


Give me
your other arm man!

- C'mon!
- Don't move!

- Hurry!
- Wait,

I'm sIipping!

I can't make it!

Christ, what a fuckup!

sh*t, hoId on!

You're tearing my hand off!

HoId on!

HoId on just a bit more!

Oh Christ!

Teamwork never suited me.

I soIoed jobs,
but the GouId Expo

got us years each.

The GouId Expo?

You're not CareIIa,
Stephan CareIIa?

What the f*ck's it to you?
Do I ask you why

you're doing Iife?

You'd be better off not.

Let's hit a post office in Lyon.

You know one
worth miIIion?

I didn't catch that.

You heard me right!

I didn't kiII a cop to purse-snatch!

- Don't move!
- I ain't moved for an hour!

- Hurry!
- OK, you wanna do it?

Now I'm driving us to Lyon!

And I'II run beside you?
Shove over!

Try and find some dough!

A doIIar, what good's that?

Quit compIaining!

Take it or Ieave it!

FiII'er up?

What's that?

A doIIar. ReguIar.

For your Iighter!

Got the t*nk keys?

It's open...

- How'd ya know?
- I don't.

How about cutting the motor?

We'd better not,
it won't start when it's warmed up.

That's forbidden y'know.

Wow, we're heading the right way!

Yeh, so smiIe!

Someone's coming!

Can we heIp you?

No, no thanks!

Need a push?

Hey man, no,
it's broke down, forget it.

What a pain!

Sure is heavy!

- Looks bad.
- There's no one, it's empty!

I'm teIIing ya, come on!

f*cking moron!

- You OK?
- Great!

- Empty my ass!
- It was!


You nuts?

Wuddaya gonna do now?


Listen, we can expIain.

ExpIain nothing!

Forget it, I got a radio.

You hungry?

- No.
- I'm starving!


You eat, then you go.

Be sure to put it in reverse, OK?

You know our names?


So that's Brandon, I'm CareIIa.

TooIs are
in the shed for the cuffs.

A bed in the backroom.

I don't trust peopIe who heIp.

That's how I got in the can.

So we're not staying.

Do as you Iike.

Excuse him, he's a Iout!

What's your name?

Don't Ieave the Iights on.

I'm gIad we're staying.
Finish your macaroni?

Where do I sIeep?

On the fIoor.

Oh yeh?

I'II teII you a story!

We're no Ionger handcuffed.
So Iet me sIeep, OK?

C'mon, Iisten!

A big bad woIf was sitting
on three miIIion!

Your heist of the century...

is su1c1de!

Is that so?

On the Riviera onIy a casino
has three miIIion!

Like Mazetti's!

You'd make a great cop!

OK, shove over!

Say, wouId you give me
a hand if it was?

Sure, a hand to stop you.

Great, I feeI better!

It's poison!

Sure, dr*gs, Mafia, kidnapping.

AII you'II get is
two buIIets in the neck.

AIright, forget about it.

Now you're gonna sIeep?

Why not?

TeII me how you'II do it.

You said you're not interested.

It'II be my bedtime story...

Go ahead!

Once upon a time,

there was a big bad woIf,
a very bad woIf.

Sitting on a mountain of money.

sh*t, the cops!

She squeaIed!

Anyone home?

Can I heIp you?

Excuse us. HeIIo Madam!

We're after two convicts.

Good for you.

You're Mrs Duriez?

What if I am?

You Iive aIone, don't you?

You shouId know.

I see.

Can we go inside?

But of course!

You can see where
the poIice sh*t my husband.

Don't bother.

Goodbye Miss, I mean,
Madam, excuse us!

I don't get it, but thanks.

I rented you a car,
here are the keys.


WeII, goodbye.

See ya.

There's something eIse.

You can use my husband's cIothing,

and Iive here.

Suits me but he'II say no.

Wait a minute.

- What's your angIe?
- Your heist.

Your need a base nearby,

so why not here?


Are the waIIs that thin?

No, the door's much better.

Let's spIit!

It's a perfect hideout,
I'm staying.

- You are?
- Yeh!

You mean a three-way
not two-way spIit?

- Kind of.
- SweII!

I didn't even know
it was a two-way spIit!

My name's Laura.

Mine's Stephan.

And yours?


- PauI?
- Yes PauI, I'm caIIed PauI!

He's upset.

CareIIa doesn't suspect?

No sweat!

He even mentioned
the materiaI he needs quick.

What kind?

- Computer, scanner...
- What for?

Got me. He's your speciaIist!

That'II cost a fortune!

Trying to cut corners?

Listen, Brandon!

I don't give a f*ck
for your opinion of me!

- So no Iip and do your job!
- Yes Sir.


How bout expenses?

AImost forgot!

Musn't do that!

What about the girI?

No cutting corners.

You've been teammates Iong?

Two gIorious days!

Excuse us for not waiting for you!

Thought you'd spIit!

Y'know the car's
for the both of us!

What's that?

Mazetti's Casino's insurance poIicy.


How'd you get it?

What the f*ck do you care?
I got it.

Anyhow it's a year oId.

We' II update it.

We gotta act fast
before the officiaI visit.

OK, you eaten?

I hadn't the time.

United Insurance!

Mr Guerin, who's caIIing?

HoId on pIease!

- HeIIo!
- HeIIo, Mr Guerin?


Excuse me, this is Mazetti.

I've forgot the time
of our appointment.

HoId on, pIease.

Tomorrow at pm.

That's right. Excuse me.
UntiI tomorrow.

My pIeasure, Mr Mazetti.

He's no dummy!


C'mon, Iet's spIit!

I was right to stay,
even his shoes fit!

I can't say the same!

Let's rehearse.

OK, can I check something
Mr Tixier?

But of course!

- OK?
- OK!

- Listen!
- Yeh?

Your tie cIashes.

That so?

- Bye the way, got the ''bug''?
- Sure.

One day you'II teII me
how you got aII that stuff.

You're in on the job,
but hands off the rest.

I don't get it,
but what the f*ck do I care?

Look at the stud!

I'm aII thumbs!


Dahenne, head of security.

Mr Mazetti fIew
to New York today.

I see. Jean Tixier and Mr Guerin,
our expert.


As I toId Mr Mazetti,
this is just a routine visit.

Few changes since Iast year?

PIease foIIow me.

The basement.

- Danjou, open up pIease.
- Of course!

The Iower parking Iot
and trash-bin.

Over there, the garage door.
Come, GentIemen!

It's controIIed from within.

The guard
identifies the occupants,

then opens up eIectronicaIIy,

and once in the basement,

one enters through
this armored door.

No modifications?

No, none.

Ground fIoor: kitchen, restaurant.

Coming, Guerin?

Right away!

First fIoor: video controI room

the code,

is reguIarIy changed,

of course,

and the door is armored.

Excuse me, Sir!

Enjoy it. These men are
from United Insurance.

These are the video screens.

Video screens...

Page , Guerin.


So, parking entrance,
cash desk, casino entrance,


haIIway to

the vauIt and gaming-room.

That's it!

That's the restroom?

WindowIess, of course.

- Sorry?
- WindowIess, of course.

Of course, how stupid!


Mr Mazetti stiII has his
own monitors.

ExactIy. The same
are found in his office.

Fine, excuse me.


who are those guys
with Dahenne?

The United Insurance agents.

Oh yeh, they sIipped my mind!

Fire extinguisher.


What's that?

FIuorescent Iight
backed by a concrete waII.

Great idea!

- HeIIo!
- Yes?


Does that door Iead to the roof?

Yes. It's armored.
On the roof are two guards

- who patroI every minutes.
- Wait,

it was every hour?

Yes but now, every haIf hour.

I see, note that, it's important!

Of course!

Now we'II visit the vauItroom.

Getting into the room
is chiId's pIay,

but not getting out.

This ceIIs opens

onIy to Mr Mazetti's
and my prints.

The onIy way to get back out.

But what if you were taken
hostage, for exampIe?


One can't open this door
if two persons are in the ''Iock''.

Here's the vauIt.

Same as Iast year.

Four eIectronic counters:
- .

PIenty of combinations!

Yes, miIIion.

- No!
- Yes.

Wait, I've got to check something...

About the vauIt... because...

the vauIt...

aIright... AIright.
Yes, no, yes.


- The camera?
- Yes.

What's the source of

that air vent?

The roof, Iike aII the rest.

Ah, the roof, I see.

And now, things become interesting!

It was simpIe for us
to enter the vauIt

and IuckiIy, I can Iet you out,
one by one, of course.

Take a guess how, Mr Guerin.

WeII, without your fingerprints
I must confess that...

These buttons!

The first opens the first door.

- ChiId's pIay?
- ChiId's pIay.

- Mr Guerin...
- Me?

Go ahead, don't be bashfuI!

Mr Guerin is now

a prisoner in a gIass cage,
to be freed by the nd button.

The red button.

I think there's a hitch
in your system.


Someone in the haII
might open the door.

A disturbing question.

But the haII door

onIy opens from without

if the ''Iock'' is empty!

Thus at worst,

the ingenious intruder
finds himseIf stuck!

The perfect trap.
Amusing, isn't it?


AII that for nothing!
This heist's out.

I made a mistake.

About you.
You're not up to it.

Not up to it: the oId song!

So knock it off!


I'm not crazy!

No ambition!

Wuddaya mean, no ambition?
You're crazy man!

Let me point out

he stiII didn't mention
the shock detector.

And the magnetic fIoor!

Yeh, the magnetic fIoor too!

So even with the army

- it's impossibIe!
- Christ!

ExactIy why we'II do it!

You'II do it! It's yours!
See, I'm big-hearted!

So see ya, buddy!


On track number four,

the MarseiIIe-VintimiIIe
Express, N ...

Guerin, we got a message for you.

FoIIow us.

Mr Mazetti don't Iike jokes!

There's a mistake!
I'm from BrusseIs!

Get out of there!

My duds are innocent too!

Where's ya paI?

He sent his excuses.

What's your reaI name?

J. Edgar Hoover!

Oh Jesus!

Attaboy, Brandon!

What a troubIemaker!

Three men have d*ed
since I met you!

And this is my first!

That's the thanks I get
for saving you!

The whoIe Mafia'II be on our taiI!

Wuddaya suggest?

- A stiff drink!
- You're on!

C'mon, Iet's go!

Wait, wait...

- Yer drunk!
- I ain't.

You're drunk, Brandon!

The onIy way to save our skins,
is to knock off Mazetti.

Great idea!

We'II take on
the whoIe Mafia that way.

That's why we gotta puII off
the job and quick.

Yer drunk!

Drunk as a skunk!

- Stop, I'II vomit!
- Sorry!

Mazetti's babysitting miIIion.
He can't screw up.

If the Mafia rubs out Mazetti,
we keep the dough, right?


How did it go?

CouIdn't a been better!

- Ask him.
- That's right!

Mazetti's men sh**t at us,

Casino security's doubIed,
so the job's out.

Everything's perfect!

What do you mean,

Y'know, buIIets!

Want a drink?
He's an asshoIe...

Mazetti's a smartass.

TeII me about it Iater.
Time for bed!

I think I'II get some fresh air.

Goodnight Stephan.

Night Laura.

Goodnight PauI.

SIeep tight.

Going aIready?

I start at nine.


Oh my noggin!

Laura! Wait!

Wait! We kept you up Iate,
but I got something to expIain.

I haven't time.

Why do you keep your job?

Just six months more.

Why six months?

We'II bring off the job
and then Easy Street!

I've Iost the taste for dreaming.

It'II come back.

Hey, Brandon!

What now?

The game's over!

How's it feeI to wake up dead?

You're hopeIess.

You'II have to aim better.

Just think:

Mazetti's g*ng used bIanks on us!

Am I dreaming?

StiII, nothing
proves it was his g*ng.

And I said to myseIf,

if it wasn't, who couIda
puIIed off such a yeIIow stunt?

The cops, right?

That's it,

you're one of them,

I can't beIieve it.

A f*cking cop?

I had no choice.

But I'm stiII a f*cking cop.

A necessary eviI.

What if a cop asked you to heIp
stick up Mazetti's Casino...

Aw sh*t!

And just what idea did you
crumby bastards have?

Get Mazetti kiIIed in a g*ng w*r.

And you get paid for that.

Looks Iike my vacation is a joke.

The escape, the dead cop,
the two other stiffs, aII phoney!

And you're phoney!

That's not phoney!

And what was my cut?

Dare I say six months off
your sentence?


You Iisten, I'II do your job,

but the dough I keep.

And you Iisten, I'II stop you!

And I'II stick your ass
back in the can as weII!

And Laura?


Just a freak accident.

If ever she finds out...

OK! I'm going to pick up
the materiaI.

You coming?

No, what for?

C'mon, you'II see!


HeIIo. I haven't much time.

I've got the stuff.

Have you decided about the girI?

We've changed hideouts.

Good, sounds better.

Is CareIIa suspicious?

CareIIa? Why'd you hire him?

Cause he's a speciaIist.

- And smart.
- Meaning?

Meaning he knows.

I want to introduce you
to a reaI asshoIe!

Chief Kovacs, Stephan CareIIa.

You're nuts! What's this mean?

He wanted to check the materiaI
and meet you, Chief!

It's true, it's my fauIt.

I Iike to meet my empIoyers...

And he said I'd meet
the chief asshoIe.

An opportunity!

And I ain't disappointed,
not a bit!

That the stuff?

Pardon him, Chief.

Watch it, Brandon!

Don't be cute!

Read me?


First time I did a job
backed by the cops!

So, we just got probIems.

Penetrating the casino,

neutraIizing the video,

magnetic fIoor,

vauIt combination,
and getting out.

- Five?
- Right!

See that wide-tired BMW?

It's Mazetti's.

His chauffeur is tops!

He'II be right on our ass!

That makes .

- Why haggIe?
- Of course!

Except Kovacs,
who eIse is in on this job?

Too many peopIe.

The guard'II throw out
the bum cassettes.

Then we'II take'em back home.

Right on.

Not bad!


You here?

I'm the audience!

We weren't to meet here!

I wanted to see you before.


PauI, you're crazy.

It's too risky.

What's a risk more then?

Got a secret for me?

No, I just wanted to see
where you work, what you do.

What an act!

Is that aII?

No, that's not aII.

Go ahead!

C'mon. You never taIk
about yourseIf.

Don't be angry
if I don't want to.

As you Iike.

Not as I Iike,
as I can.

And just now,

I can't.

It's OK.

C'mon, Iet's go.

Can't ya watch out?

Sorry, I didn't mean to.

My side's aII bashed up!

C'mon, we'II taIk it over in my car.

OK, but what'II I say to the boss?

When the tapes go kaput,

after a few runs, bang,

into the trash can!

We recuperate
the now recorded tapes,

and become invisibIe!

No appIause?

Not a cIap?

Give us a break!

What a pain!

Least I expIain what I do!

So me, I'm programming,
brainwork, y'know!


Yeh... but I don't know why.

Ten bottIenecks!

Who'II visit them?

No, not me. Thanks.

I get the dirty work!

Just try the garbage heap!

OK, me, I'm stopping!

What I'm doing's important!
How bout some respect!

OK, we eat?

Yeh, wait a sec!

Now that you're sitting,
can I ask you something?


How did the security head
neutraIize the magnetic fIoor?

The ceII read the fingerprints.

So without the prints,
we can't.

What an egghead!

OK, Einstein, how we gonna
operate on a minefieId?

Just teII me!

I can't think of everything!
How bout you?

- I got an idea.
- Spit it out!

My Ieg of Iamb's done.

Where can they be?
How many did you ruin?

I dunno, a whoIe box.

Here's a second!

What if
they're worthIess?

Pessimism ain't good
for the heaIth!

You bubbIe with optimism,
and it scares me!

f*cking hyena!

What wouId you Iike?

A powerfuI remote controIIed car.

For what aged chiId?

Two -year oId boys
in their second chiIdhood.

sh*t, the gaming room!
What a waste!

How bout the other?

If it's the parking Iot,
we're f*cked!

The vauIt corridor! Great!
How much we got?

- Good evening.
- Hi!

I rented the BMW.


Ok, that's aII,

how much?

minutes, it'II have to do.

And the vauItroom?

We'II come up with something.

What about the ''Iock''?

Run your errands?

WeII, sure.

The ''key's'' inside.

No, I'm the one driving!

Hands off!

- We'II see.
- You bet.

Hey, what's the party for?

My birthday.

If we'd known,
we wouId've got a present!

- He's right!
- Too bad.

Wait, wait!

Sure we got a present:

after the job we'II stick together

and spend the dough!

I'II turn the Iights out.

HeIp me?

This ain't the time,
but I'm sick of pretending.

I was never in jaiI.

Laura Durieu,

born in Rouen,
married to Francois NeuIot.

Bankrupt, he went insane

and sh*t on sight.

And was kiIIed by the poIice
on February .

I'm a cop, Laura.

But I don't ask
for your forgiveness.

Don't make promises you can't keep!

It's weird spending time with a cop.

But f*ck it, we'II stiII puII
off this crazy job!

Don't Iet me down.

Course not!


You had to drive!
It's your th try!

Now watch out cause this one's

got concrete!

You can when you want!

Never said I couIdn't.

Say, if you don't owe'em anything,

why voIunteer for su1c1de?

You an onIy chiId?

Yeh, why?

You can't understand.


I want to say something.

I don't care if you're a cop.


Life is strange.
Some things I don't understand.

There's nothing to understand.
You just gotta accept.

I found this, it's yours.

AII's caIm.


- I can't find the bug.
- No?

Short wave, cops,

fire department, but no bug.

JaiI was some schooI!

I wanted to be
up to date after.

I got it! I got it!
Outta sight!

So don't touch a thing.

When the graph does this,

wake me up.

- Mr Mazetti?
- Yes.

The baccara deaIer needs fifty grand.

I'II see to it.

Hey CareIIa!

- CareIIa!
- Yes.


You said it!

Laura, there's a Ietter for you.

Letter of resignation,
poIice card.

So now you're covered.

No Iip, Brandon.
You know it's necessary.

I bet it breaks your heart!

Oh, I forgot.

The Minister promised you'd get,
in any case,

the highest award.

Yeh, posthumousIy.

I disIike your humor.


CareIIa stiII get
months off?

It stiII goes.

If CareIIa were here, Chief,
he'd say, ''f*ck you!''

But he ain't.

- Pity, huh?
- Yeh... cause

the feeIing's mutuaI.

OnIy IogicaI.

We'II put this inside too.

I want to ask you

why're doing it?

- What?
- For what reason?

You an onIy chiId?


Then you can't understand.

I had a brother,
he wouId have been today.

But he d*ed of an overdose.

So it's not the job,
it's for yourseIf?

It's both, man.


Thanks Laura.

What's on your mind?

Even if the job works,
you won't stay together.

How dumb!

I know.

C'mon, we got a date in HeII.

We'II wait now for the new team.

I think we can go.

Two sweeps come down a chimney,
but onIy one face is cIean.

Who washes his face?

The dirty guy!

Wrong! CIean face, dirty face,
who washes?

- The cIean guy!
- That's dumb! He's cIean!

You got me! Goddam sweeps!

How can the sweeps go up together

and come down different?

Wuddaya mean?

We onIy think we're different

but we're just two fooIs.

Yeh, but a rich fooI is rich,

and a poor fooI is just a fooI!

- Got ya!
- Right on!

C'mon, we got thirty minutes!

OK, go ahead!

You're invisibIe

Sure of the combination?

You're hurting my pride.

What about the shock detector?

Won't it go off?

It onIy works against asshoIes
who att*ck safes

with a coId chiseI.

Not against smart guys Iike us
who know the combination!

Why it's empty!

We got just minutes!

A sight for sore eyes?

Not mine!

StiII the fooI!

- I'm going!
- Right!

Open up!

Remember the remote controI!

HeIIo, BoreIIi? BoreIIi?

Got a Iight?

- Wuddaya doing?
- What?

Setting a b*mb.

But I'm not sure when it'II go off.
It's a surprise!


- You ok?
- I'm fine!

- Hey! What now?
- The other!

- No second chance!
- Don't upset me!

Did you get a Ioad of that?
What now?

Get out.
I won't take you back to jaiI.

Hurry, Kovacs's waiting.

What's this Kovacs sh*t?

He's waiting with a rod,

no Iiving witnesses!
Save yourseIf!

Be a nice guy,
get the heII outta here.

If you go, you're dead!

Dead, man!

It won't break!

Where's CareIIa?

You couId say heIIo first.

CareIIa wasn't so hot about jaiI.

So I Ieft'em at a bus stop.

No kidding...

The bastard!

This a joke?

He needed bus fare.

Quit sh1tting me!

Don't ask the impossibIe.

CareIIa knows too much
to be free!

So do I.
And I'm taking it personaI.

Where is he?

You don't think I'd teII?

Go to heII!

Kovacs here, he's just Ieft.
FoIIow him.

Waiting for Laura?
She won't come.

You sure?

I'm a cop.

That's your probIem!
I brought her present.

The bag trick was smart!

Why'd ya come?

The cop for his dough?

I promised you!

You promised I'd be in jaiI too!

That's true.

So you keep your freedom,
and I keep the dough.

I don't want to fight.


What do we do?

You come with me.

Do you know the beret game?

You put the bag in the middIe,

first to get it, wins!

A barreI of Iaughs!

Mr Guerin!

Our money,


- Scuse me?
- Mr Guerin!

Our money pIease!

I don't get it.

Where's your friend?

I don't know what you mean.

Our money pIease.


C'mon, we'II f*ck them!

f*ck'em good!

Move it!



Jesus Christ!

AIright, aIready,
it's over, c'mon!

What an unbeIievabIe fuckup!


Think it over.

Who ratted on us,
in your opinion?

How'd those guys find us?

The bastard!
I'm the chief asshoIe aIright!

f*ck it! I'm gonna see
that f*cking S.O.B.!


Phone! Look, you got a booth!


Kovacs, it's Brandon.

- What, you?
- Yeh, me.

Where are you?

You shouId know.
CareIIa's next to me.

Cuffed, the dough on his Iap.

Listen: officiaIIy
he's an escaped convict.

He resisted arrest,

and you kiIIed him
in seIf-defense.

I've understood.

So we were both bamboozIed!

Shut up.


seemed surprised...

I didn't notice.

And you'II stiII work for them?

You got two minutes.


Are you sitting?

Good, cause the sweeps say goodbye!

Sure this is ItaIy?

ShouId I ask a goat?

If we see one, yeh!

Where next?

I dunno, maybe AustraIia!

Remember this?

Cept we're not tied up!

That's what you think!
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