Hold-Up (1985)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Hold-Up (1985)

Post by bunniefuu »


Thank you, sir.




You don't seem happy to see me.

So you don't like me anymore, Georges?

Oh no…

But I do!

What are you doing here?

You're plotting something, you rascals?


You know I can be useful.
I know Montreal very well.

If we need a good restaurant,
we'll let you know.


You have the eyes of someone
who's about to headbutt.

But look at mine.

What do you see?

See, you can't read eyes.
Come on, bring the package!

We need to give up, Grimm. I beg you!

We can go somewhere else,
but not where Lasky is.

He's a wild beast, he'll do anything!

No, let's drop it, please!

You're very good!

Do that tomorrow and we're good.

$ ,,…

-Stop it, you're tickling me!

Stop, you're tickling me
with your small fingers!

Careful, it's dynamite.

How can you be sure it will work?

I'm not sure.

I think it's going to fail.


See, they're heavily armed.


it's going to work

It's going to work because I'm a…


You don't need much to look like a moron.

You don't need anything, that's true.

But you give it all.

-Hi, Mr. Ryan!
-Hello, Frenchie!



Where's your circus?

What do you have on the nose?
A lightbulb?

Beat it!


He doesn't speak like a clown,
he's not a real clown!

That's enough, kids. You're annoying me.

Get lost.

Hey, kids!

And now,

some music!

How are you doing?


Again! Again!


Watch out!



Don't forget. He needs a lot of carrots.

Hello, mister guard!

He got wet!

What a naughty boy!

Come on! Go play outside! This is a bank!

Do you want a balloon?

Get out of here!

We're working!

The balloon!

I'm working too.

Frank Coste…

Can I call you Frankie?

Frankie, what did you learn
at guard school?

When you have a w*apon pointed at you?

-Hold your hands up.

Here you go.

Here, because you were nice.

Again! Again! Again!

Kids, the show is over.

-There's only one exit in this bank.

It's never been robbed.


And this button?

Is it the alarm?

To call the police?

Would you like it? If we called them?

You're so cute.

Here you go…

Hands in the air. Don't panic.

He has a real g*n and he is a fake clown.

Very good, Frankie!

No, shit!

Stand by. Alarm at the Intercontinental.
Call Fox.

-Okay ,boss.
-Quick, guys!

That's very good, just like that!

Hands high in the air!

Sir, over there!

Step out from behind the counter.

Step out or I k*ll the guard.

Sir, step out, I don't want to die!

I'm counting to three.



Sir, I have four kids.

What's happening, Frankie?
What's with the clowning?

What's happening? Frankie, I'm asking you!

-This is a hold-up, sir.
-Who's this man, Frankie?

The director.

Well, introduce us.

Well… The robber… The director…

-Nice to meet you.
-The police will be here in seconds.

You have no chance.
So leave before you get hurt.

Let's get back to work!

It was a joke.

The police!

Thirty seconds!

And now, I have a question.

What's round like a balloon

and explodes when you sh**t at it?

A head.

Have you ever seen a head explode, sir?

I'm going to show you!

I think this man

is trying to tell you
that I will sh**t you all

if don't take me seriously.

And he's right.

Calm down. What do you want from us?

What do I want from you?
What do I want from you?

-A round.
-A what?

Let's dance a round.

Come on, get up.

-I said everybody up!
-He's crazy!

-This man is crazy!
-I'm not crazy!

Nobody calls me crazy!



Am I crazy? Your moustache.

-Answer me. Am I crazy?
-No, no.

That's better!

Now, everybody in the center!

Hands on each other's shoulders,
and make a circle!

Come on, dear Frankie, come on, sir!

-Madam, you're pregnant.

You don't have to do the circle.

Come on!
Hands on each other's shoulders!

There you go! Come on!

And now, we're going to sing a song!

"By the clear fountain."

Very well! Ready?

One, two, three!

As I was walking

By the clear fountain

Good, good! That's it!

I found the water so lovely

I had to bathe

Yes! Very good!

A clown! Yes, sir!

Yes, a clown!

With a wig and a red nose.

-How many are they?

Around , sir.

Now they've got their hands on
each other's shoulders

and are dancing in a circle.


In a circle.

They're doing the conga!

Yes, of course!

What is he doing? Look.

-Careful, he's going to sh**t!
-He shot!

He shot the camera, we can't see.

As long as he sh**t the cameras,
we're good.

-I'll be there in five minutes.

Call my wife at home
and tell her I won't be back for lunch.

Yes, sir.

She made lasagnas.

Too bad.

Yes, sir, a lot of money, a big transfer.
It's payday for truck drivers.

We have a laser picture, sir!

-Yes, I'm leaving right now.

-Get in position.

We sent a commando up on
the roof of the bank.

No. I tell you no!
Don't do anything for now!

-Copy that.
-Section ready to intervene.

No, I can't.

I won't open this door.

You will have to cut off my hand
to use it.

I'm suffocating!


I need to get out!

I need to get out!


I have four kids!

No! No, no and no!

No, sir!

I won't cut off your hand.
I have a better idea.

And now, I have a question!

When you mix

sodium nitrate

with paraffin,

what do you get?

You get…

You get…


It's dynamite!


Fuse. Fuse!


Oh, dear!

It's going to go boom!

He's going to blow us all up!

He's crazy! Look at his eyes!

He's a wild beast!


-In seconds, it will go boom!
-We have to do something!

He needs to open the door! Open the door!


I have four kids!

Alright, alright! Wait!


Oh dear! All this is mine!

Mine only!

Here we go!

What's up, Fox? Well?

Nothing for now.
He hasn't made any demand.

A clown?

That's a first.

I locked the whole neighborhood
and I put sharpshooters.

-Not with the finger, Fox.

If he's watching us, you just showed him
where our men are.

Excuse me, sir.
Fox here, let me speak to Charlie!

I don't like clowns.
They scared me when I was a kid.

I want to talk to that clown.
Call the bank.

Come on!


Priority! Block the phone lines!

Priority for the bank phone line.

One million,







What sweet music!

-What sweet perfume!

Madam, if it's a boy,
he should become a thief.

-He'll have some great times.

,,… One million…

And no mistakes!

-One million…
-How long will it last?

If you're quiet, it will be fast!


What did you put in your pocket?

What did you put in your pocket?

Empty your pocket!

Come on! Empty it!

And this? What's this?

I had just deposited dollars
when you arrived.

I didn't get my receipt

-You can't steal from me!
-He's going to k*ll him!

Look at his eyes, he's a wild beast!

Don't k*ll him! dollars is nothing!

-Hey, you!

If you keep making them panic,
I'll sh**t you!

And I'll throw your corpse
in the incinerator.

Keep going! Don't overdo it, boy.

Come on! You take care of the cart!


-Come on, everybody inside!
-Come on, he'll get angry!


Here you go. It's everything.

Yes! Well done, boy,
but you still go in there!

Here we go!

Open up!

Come on, quick!

Get inside! Come on!

Any move, any noise,

and I'll throw a stick of dynamite
with you! Understood?

You thief! You picked the right day!

-I have four kids!
-You thief!

Keep going until he picks up!

Yes, I want to talk to him!


-The muckrakers are here, sir.
-Our friends from the press are here.

Do you want my comb?

No, thanks, buddy, you have greasy hair.

I want it all over in an hour.

-What are you going to tell them?
-What, them? Nothing.

I want to talk to that damn clown.


Can you hear me?


Listen carefully!

-The upper crust is here!
-I'm the head of the police!

I'll give you some good advice!

Free the hostages, get out of the bank
and stop your clowning!

We better not push him,
we don't know what he can do.

I'm too old to be scared of clowns,
I don't need any advice.

-Do you hear me?
-Make way.

We're a thousand outside!

We'll come in and turn you
into a bloody hamburger!

My name is Simon Labrosse
and I'm not joking!

-What are you doing?

I'm going to cool them down.

Do you think it worked?



Are you still optimistic?


You're good-natured.



Stop sh**ting!


I'm coming out with a hostage,
I want to negotiate!

Okay, clown! We'll talk.

But don't do anything stupid.

Here. Look.

Your moustache!

Come on!

You can come out!

Your nose!

I can't breathe with that crap!

Listen carefully!

I have hostages in there!

And I'm ready to do anything!

So, you can withdraw

the r*fles on the roofs!

Lower your g*ns, guys!

g*ns down!

-Your turn.
-What do I say?

Are you kidding?

"He's crazy, he's going to k*ll us all."

He's crazy!
He's going to k*ll us all! Help!

I didn't ask you to sing!

Listen carefully, clown.

You can't escape,
the police surround the bank.

Surrender, don't be stupid!

Listen, Labrosse!

If you insult me, I'll cut his ear off!

I want to be respected.

I want to be loved!

I want everybody to love me!

I'm a sad clown.


Tell me you love me.


I'm telling you I have hostages
in there! I'm ready to do anything!

Tell him you love him!
He's going to cut my ear off!

Very good.

I love you, clown.

I can't hear you.

I love you, clown!

There you go! Isn't it nicer that way?



Free the hostages and surrender.

You say you love me
and you send me to jail?

You're not sincere!

What do you want?

First off, I want you
to treat me with respect!

Then, I want you to love me sincerely!

Finally, I want a pizza!

A what?

A pizza.

With mushrooms.

No cheese.

I hate cheese!

What do you think, Tremplin?


Are you a psychologist or not?
Is this guy crazy or normal?

Observing him for a minute is not enough
to know.

Listen to me, Tremplin.

I made two declarations of love
in my life.

One to my wife, years ago in Venice,
during our honeymoon.

And the other today
in front of ten thousand people,

to a psycho dressed as a clown!

So, if he's not crazy,

-I'm going to rip his head off!
-Sir? Your revolver.

You were really good, Georges.

But you went too far, you're crazy.

They switched off the lights!

No, it's me! Listen.

You don't need to be seen to see, think!

The hostages!

I'm coming!

Don't shout like that!

-Quick, come on!
-I'm doing my best.


Carefully! On the left,
on the left! Lower!

Come on, here it is!

Well done!

Oh, dear!

What is this? What is the meaning of this?

I beg you! Don't k*ll them!

You're crazy, you're provoking him!

-That's enough!
-He wanted to cut my ear off!

That's enough!

That's enough!

What is this? It's a fire sprinkler?


It's here to protect the banknotes.

Please! The lever!

On the right!

I really want to close the door

and let you drown like rats!

What a beautiful end for a bank director,

drowning in a vault!

Thanks, I was getting a cold.

I need to get out, I'm going to faint!

It's nearly over, madam.

You'll be one of the first to get freed.

How far along are you?

It's my seventh month.

-Is it your first one?

Everything will be alright, you'll see.

-What do I do?
-You get in there!


You too should get in there and rest!


Don't move, don't talk! Shut up!

I'm telling you, Tremplin,
that guy is not crazy.

-He's mocking us.
-I'll tell you when he wakes up.

Sir! We have contact with the bank.


Is that you, clown?

The pizza is here. We'll bring it to you.


Get one of your men to bring it here.
No w*apon and no uniform.

-I don't want him to hide a g*n.
-What do you mean?

I mean "He will bring the pizza
in his underpants!"

It will be more honest!

Do you understand?

There you go!


Come on Rivière, it's up to you.

We got you covered.

Sir, for Radio-Canada,
can you sum up the situation?

The situation is quite simple.

There's an idiot dressed as a clown
with hostages in there.

We're going to free the hostages
and arrest the idiot.

-That's all I have to say.
-Thank you.


I want to speak to the head of the police.

-Can you wait a moment?

-Who is it?
-The clown.

-Don't hang up.
-I won't.


Hello? Labrosse?

You know what? You remind me of my father!

Can I call you "Dad"?

He wants to call me Dad.

As you wish.

Oh, no!

Say that more nicely! You seem tense.

If I call you Dad,
you need to talk to me like a dad.


-Can you hear me, dad?
-Be tender!

-Are you crazy?
-The sleeping pill is working.

-He's going to fall asleep
-Should I sing a lullaby?


I'm listening, son.
Tell anything you want to Dad.

Thank you, daddy.

You're welcome, son.

Tell us what you want now.

Listen to me, buddy.

I want a helicopter,
in front of the bank, without pilot.

-Got it.
-I got it.


To show you my good will,
I'm going to do something too.



He k*lled the guard! Fox!


Doctor! Let's go, guys!

Sir? No, he's not dead. Listen.

He's smart.

He gave him the pizza.

An ambulance. Quick.


What is he doing?



Oh, Dad!

You made me angry!
Sleeping pills in the pizza!

I may be crazy, but I'm not a moron!

No, listen to me.

No. Let me talk to your deputy.


I said, "Let me talk to your deputy."

-He wants to talk to you.
-To me?

Hello, this is Fox.


My little Fox?

You know, I've worked for two years
on this hold-up.

I've perfected it!

I thought I'd face a smart guy.

But all I get is a minnow!

Your boss is a minnow, boy.

I suppose you agree with me.

He's a minnow!

And you will soon take his place.

And I can help you.

Do you hear me?

Yes, yes, yes, yes.

I suppose you're wondering
like everybody else

how I'm going to get out of here.

Well, I'll tell you.

I'll use the air vents.


Oh no, it's not a good idea!

I found better!

I'm going to dress all the hostages
as clowns and we'll all get out together.

You won't know who to sh**t.
Clowns everywhere!

Isn't it clever?

No? That's still not it.

Alright, listen, that's enough!

I'm going to get you the helicopter

and you'll free a hostage
every half-hour. Understood?

Ho, Labrosse!

Get me the helicopter. We'll talk after.

You'll get what's coming to you,
you bastard!

Eventually, you'll get out
of that damn bank!

And then, I'll get him.

You are right.

Invest your money.

Money that sleeps

is money that dies.

At the Intercontinental bank of Canada,

it's our business.

The helicopter the clown asked for
is now landing in front of the bank.

This harebrained demand was accepted

by the police.

But here, everybody is doubting
the clown's strategy.

According to the police, he can't escape,

because this bank is supposed
to be impregnable…

Your demand is met, clown can you hear me?


Now, it's your turn to do your bit.

Free a hostage.

Here! This is over for you.

-I hope it wasn't too hard.
-Oh, no, sir!

May I? It's good luck,
I'm going to need it.

If it's a boy, I'll name him after you.

That's nice.

You can go.

Please, madam, we'd like to interview you.

Leave me alone. I'm tired.

Let us do our job!

You'll ask questions later. Please.


You can help us, madam.

Does the clown have accomplices
in the bank?


Did he give you a rough time?

How are the hostages?

I'm sorry, sir.

I'm not feeling well.

I think I'm going to… puke.

-She had a shock.
-She needs to rest.


I'll see you later, madam. Get some rest.

What's all this? Get them out of here.

Make them leave. Come on, let's go!

Nothing to see here!


Thirty left!

It's going to be long.

Do you think it will be enough?

-Let me see.

You hurt me!

-Whatever works!

That's better!

-I'm scared!
-Don't be!

We'll make it!

We'll make it because I am a…



Out. This is over for you.

Out! I don't want to see you
in the bank, you naughty boy!

Go see Labrosse. Come on, you rascal!

Out with you!

Hello? Studio? I want the studio.

This is Jean-Claude Lavigne,
on the bank square.

I need to go live.
A hostage has been freed.

Did you suffer?

-How was it inside?
-That guy is ready to do anything.

Don't negotiate with him.
He hit me several times.

-Look at the marks.
-Is it true

-he's armed?
-He's like an aircraft carrier.

He has a dynamite belt around him.
He broke my glasses.

Glasses broken, tie on the shoulder…

I wonder if this man didn't suffer more.

Here is the main…

I would like to ask you
a few questions, sir.

Can you answer?

I don't feel very well.

Injection, cc.

He got dizzy, he just fainted.

And I think the nurses around him

are preparing a sedative that should…

It isn't working at all.

Quite the contrary,
this man is hysterical.

Mr. Labrosse needs all his energy
to handle him.

This is such a dramatic scene here,

in front of the bank with…

Answer my question.

-It's simple, don't get angry.

Sir! The clown!

Wait. Don't move.

Hello? Yes, I'm listening.


Say, Labrosse.

A helicopter, journalists,

this is a great day for you!

I'm upholding my end of the bargain,
so uphold yours.

And I can see you're becoming a TV star.

Oh, no!

No, I want to see you!

Turn around!

Come on! Turn around!

Here you go!!

Like this!



When you're like this,
it makes us want to switch channels!

This is not the gangster.

This is the average viewer speaking.

I don't want to joke around, son.

I know how you feel,
you're all alone in that bank.

So you're scared.


you're showing off, you're joking,
but deep down,

there's a kid.

A terrified kid

who wants to scream his anguish
and who needs help.

Hello? Hello?

What you just said is really beautiful,

Sorry, this is not very manly,

but I'm overwhelmed!

Daddy, I don't even have a tissue!

I will k*ll you, clown!

I'll k*ll you with my own hands!

You will never get out of that bank!

-You hear me? Never!
-Cut! Cut!

I will make you eat your nose!

-I told you to cut!
-I'll force feed it to you!

This is Carole Allen live for WBC News.

It's now been five hours
since the start of events

that have the entire country
holding its breath.

Latest developments indicate that
the bank robber disguised as a clown

will shortly release his fourth hostage.

And everyone here on the site is anxiously
watching the entrance to the bank.

There, the door is opening.
It's an old man.

Sir! Look!

The fourth hostage has just been released.

It's a man, an old man.
I'll try to interview him.

The police is preventing us
from getting closer, it is an old man.

who seems agitated, probably affected,

by the six hours he spent inside the bank.

He's being led

to the mobile infirmary.

We can't get any closer,
so it's back to you.

This was Marie Duroux.
Back to the studios.

How many are left inside?

Come on!

-I have nothing to tell you!
-Calm down.

Sit him on the chair.

You're all annoying!

Leave us alone, miss. Here you go.

-Are you alright?

Yes, I'm alright.

Come on.

Tell me all about it, Grandpa.


I'll tell you.

I went into that damn bank

to drop off my pension check.

My pension is already quite small.

If I told you how much I get
after years of Canadian Pacific,

you wouldn't believe me.

But did you see the clown?

Of course, I saw him!


As clear as I see you!

He's not nice,

not polite, unlike you!

I hope

you won't catch him!

Because he made me laugh with…

Grandpa, there are still hostages
in there, so it's not funny.

So, answer my question.


I want to call my wife!


Poor old woman!

She's been waiting for six hours,
she must be worried,

I want to tell her I'm alright.

You'll call her in five minutes.

Five minutes?
She's going to be worried sick!

She can't walk with her poor legs!

No, I want to call her now!

-That's enough!

I want to call now!

He wants to call her! What can I do?

Let me through!

-Sir, please?
-Out of my way!

But where is that damn phone booth?

Please! Later!

Sir, please?

Give me cents.

Thanks, buddy.

-We won't learn anything. He's senile.

I want to interrogate him. The clown is
in the bank, I want to know everything.

-Sir! The clown is on the phone!

Yes, I'm listening!

Hello? Hello?


I'm not happy.

I'm not happy at all!

-What is it?
-The helicopter is booby-trapped.

What do you mean? Booby-trapped? No!

Do you think you're clever?

I would have blown up
in the sky like a moron.

I want the helicopter to take off

and fly over the bank for five minutes.

Do it! Or I k*ll a hostage!


He's crazy. Get the helicopter off.

Yes, sir. Come on!

Come on, go away! We told you to take off!

You're the clown.


Go buy carrots for your rabbits.

You changed costumes but you're the clown.

And my friends? They saw you too, clown!

Your friends don't need carrots.

No, but they can buy something else.

-You're smart
-You too, sir.

Son of a bitch!


But why isn't he answering?

-Make that helicopter stop!
-Yes, sir.

-Stop it!
-Very well.

-We did it! We did it!
-We got them!

Oh yeah, sonny!

-Oh, sonny!
-We did it!



Oh, dear!


So? What's it like to be a criminal?

I don't see any difference.

To us.

To us.

Well, that's funny, sonny!

Well, son.

Very well.



Quick, honey!

Wasn't she amazing?


That's all?

I'm worried about her.


-She's passionate.
-But it's not a flaw!


She needs to hang on until the end.

Don't worry. She will.

I have her on a tight leash.

How did you do it?

How did I do what?
I'm quite attractive, you know!

Especially when you're not here.

That's true.

The last one, I found her
when you were in Fresnes.

And this one, when you were
in prison in Africa.

Do you want me to go to jail
so you can seduce another one?

No, it's over. I won't seduce anyone else.

She loves me, you know.

She and I, it's for life.

Isn't she beautiful?


You think so too?


You won't steal her from me?

Can someone button up my dress?

I'm coming, honey.

Tell me you love me.

Commando leader to helicopter.

Keep coming. Keep coming.

Commando leader to central.
Commando leader to central.

We have taken position in the great hall.

-Suspect missing.

-Suspect missing?
-Starting search operation.

Copy that.

-Commando leader to central.

We found the clown.

-He's in the boiler room.


Where is he?

The boiler room? What does it mean?

What's this? Get him down!

I'm the director of the bank.

The clown left with my suit.

And $,,.

Untie me.

I've never seen anything like this.
He vanished under our nose.

That guy is a genius!


If you ever smile again,
or say that clown is a genius,

I'll have you arrested as an accomplice,
is that clear?

Yes, sir.

Fox to central! Watch the airports,
stations and roads!

Roadblocks everywhere!

I want to interrogate the hostages!

-And untie him!
-Untie him!

Untie me!

What is she doing?

Lise! Are you coming, honey?

I'm coming!

Do you think the cops are already
in the bank?

-I don't think so.
-Can you imagine?

In an hour, we'll be on a plane
and they still think you're there.

-Do you know what you are?
-Wait until we're in the plane.

I'm not going to wait.
You were amazing, Grimm!




You know what?

Today, you've become a legend.

What do you want?


-You're not going to do it?
-Don't worry. Go.

I will give you $,.

And you forget about us.
It's not worth more.

I said I wanted everything.

Alright. Then, come and get them.


Okay. I'm coming up!

That's it. Come up here.

But who is he?

Lasky! We met him in prison in Mexico.

A nice guy. Even the flies were afraid
to land on him.

See, fatty,
$, was better than nothing!

Here he is!

-What is he going to do?
-He's unpredictable.

I know. He's going to screw around.

Shit! We're in a bank!

Hands down! This is not a hold-up!

Hands up!

Hands up!

-I'm telling you, it's not a hold-up.
-It's an accident, sir.

We're going to get arrested
in another bank.

-Get out!

Get out!

Never without me, Grimm!

Never without me!

-Where is he taking us?
-We need to get out, Grimm!

We need to leave the area first.

Grimm, answer me! Where are we going?

-Stop asking questions!

We should be heading for the airport.

What are we doing stuck to a tow truck?

Yes, I need all the addresses.

We'll interrogate them all.

-Where were we?
-Excuse me.

Have you seen this? Well, the hostages?

Three are missing.

Well, two. Frankie's in the hospital.

The pregnant woman
and the guy with the moustache

gave false addresses,
a vacant lot and a graveyard.

Wait. Can you repeat this?

Hello, yes?


A hold-up, not far from here!

A clown?

Wait, here he is!



I'm coming.

Two men and a woman, in a car in a bank,

said, "this is not a hold-up"
and left with a tow truck.

What is happening today, Fox?

You told me I'd be safe for life.

I'm going to be in prison for years!

Will you shut up!

I won't shut up.

I had a normal life, an honest job!

I'll end up in jail because of a moron!

Who are you calling a moron?

Careful, Lise!

Even in deep shit, I can whack you!

You want to hit me? Go on!

Hit me! Come on!

Are you done?

Yes, we're done.

A roadblock! Hide!

Pull up over here.

Police. ID, please.

Slow down, slow down.

Come on!

Don't be scared, it will be alright.

Pull up over here.

Alright. You can go.

Thanks, sergeant.

Come on, keep moving! Come on!

Well, it's a good trick
to get through roadblocks.

Listen, earlier, I didn't mean it.

-What are you doing?
-I love you, Lise!

-What are you doing?
-We'll be apart for a long time!

That guy is crazy!

Are you done, for f*ck's sake?

Where do you think you are?

A hold-up with hostages is not enough,

you want to add indecent exposure!

-I love you, Lise.
-That's enough!


I'm getting tired of both of you!

-What are you doing?
-I'm going for a walk!

Come back! You'll get k*lled!

Come back!


What is he doing?




See, I'm getting some fresh air, some sun!

Go help him instead of staying here
like a cow!

A cow? Mind your language!

I'll say whatever I want to say!

Careful, Lise!


Grimm, you alright?

Don't worry, he's tough.

He drives like a maniac.

Do you think he'll suffocate?

No, salt is a good preservative!

-Lasky, can you hear me?


If you're thirsty, the St. Lawrence is
right there. Come on! The luggage!

-Goodbye, old pal!
-Help me!

It's starting to look great.

A taxi, the airport and tomorrow, Paris.


Help me!



I'd like a car for the airport!

At the McGill.

-I'm waiting.
-I'm at the Intercontinental bank.

I'm with a few hostages who don't seem
to have suffered too much.

Sir, any comment?

He's a great guy. Thanks to him

I got my dollars back.

He takes money from the rich
and gives it to the poor.

He's Robin Hood!

Thank you, sir. And now the investigation.

There's a new element. Detective?
Everybody thinks

the clown had accomplices
among the hostages.

-Is that what you think?

So, here you go.

We'll be back in a few moments…

Now they know there's several of us.

Let's split up.

Go with Georges.
I'll meet you at the airport.

No, I'm staying with you!

You go with him.


I'm waiting!

It's over with him.

-What did he do?

Or rather, he put on a show.

When you're not there,

he walks like you,
he does everything like you!

He talks like you and he got me!

And now that you're here,

I realize he's…

an idiot.

Just a copy.

And I want the original.

The original doesn't want to steal
the copy's wife, okay?

I leave with you or I don't leave.


We just stole $,,.

We need to leave the country.

So don't make the situation
any more complicated, please.

It's done. We have a taxi, Robin Hood.


Who ordered a taxi?

Yes, we're coming.

To the airport, quick!

It's great to be in love!


I hate the human factor.


You carefully prepare a plan,

you try to take everything into account

and suddenly
that damn human factor is here.


The traffic…

-When is your plane?


Oh, dear…


I hope you'll make it.

Traffic is so bad since this morning
with all the f*cking roadblocks.

As if they were still in Montreal!

They're not crazy.

By now, they're drinking champagne
on a plane.


Yes, of course!


Well, yes!

Motorsport: Jacques Villeneuve
will start on the fifth line

because he finished th
on the time trials.


What are you doing?

Do you get the police with your CB?

But what are you doing in my truck?

Get out!

Just a routine check, sir.

The provincial police are there too.

Right at the entrance of the highway!

What did I tell you? Another one.

We'll lose minutes!

At least!

Oh, dear!

We're screwed!

What do we do, Grimm?

-Excuse me?

-Is there a bank close by?
-They're everywhere.

Very well. Let's go.

Why a bank?


There are only two ways
of dealing with this case, Labrosse.

Either you catch the clown.

Or you don't catch him and you resign!

I will catch him, Mr. Mayor.

What's happening, Simon?

How could you let that clown go?

I gave this city
a subway that's unique in the world!

And I'll be remembered as the mayor
who was mocked by a clown!


Excuse me, sir.

A call from headquarters for Mr. Labrosse.
It's urgent.

Labrosse here, yes?


Put him through.

They say it's the clown.

-Hello? You recognize my voice, Dad?
-It's him.

Yes, it's me.

I missed you.

So I thought, "I'm going to call Daddy."



Trace the call. Quick!

Yes, sir.

Where do you think I'm calling from?

From abroad? You wouldn't like it.

If I was already in America
across the border.

Well, don't worry.

Your son is still in Montreal.

Not far from you.

And I don't intend to leave you.

-He's calling from the Royal Bank.
-Yes, from the Royal Bank.

He's calling from the Royal Bank.

From the head office.

What is he doing at the Royal Bank?

This is the mayor! What do you want?

I put a b*mb in this bank

and I want two million dollars
or I blow it up.

I'll call you back in half an hour
to tell you where to drop off the money.


Tell me this is not happening!

Well, send all patrols to the Royal Bank,

-but it's probably a trick.
-Yes, sir.

He's stringing us along, I'm sure of it.

I don't understand anything anymore.

There are banks in this city,
he's going to do them all.


I don't know what you did,
but you're a genius.

-We're wasting time, Fox!
-Yes, it was probably a diversion.

Ask the computer what unusual things
happened in the last hours,

with two men and a woman.

Yes, sir!

Even domestic quarrels!

Do you know what we'll do in Paris?


We'll make love for ten hours straight.

With who?

That's funny…

To make love, the two of us?

I don't find travelling with you
funny at all.

Calling all cabs…

Calling all cabs… A release

from the city police.
If during the day, you've picked up

two men and a woman,

report it immediately
to the company with the description

of the passengers and their destination.

Calling all cabs…

What do they want now?

Would you stay here
if you had stolen two million?


But, if they're still here,
it can be interesting,


The bounty is %, that's $,.

$,, can you imagine?

It's more than I have earned all my life.

And I've been working since I was !

Oh, dear…

That would never happen to me.

Who did I drive since this morning? Wait.

No, only guys alone,
except the old couple at the station.

Then I went back to the depot to get fuel.

I took one guy to the courthouse,
then it was you and that's it.

That's funny.

Two men and a woman.

Just what they're looking for.

No, I'm not saying…

I won't tell anything, sir.


Drive faster and take the next exit.

Please drive faster!

Don't worry, drive.


Stop right there.

The fare's on me. I don't know you.

I didn't see you. I didn't drive anybody.

What's your name?


Jérémie Planchais.

Jérémie, did you listen to the news today?

Oh, no! Never, I never do.

So you don't know what they call
the bank robber?

-Robin Hood!


Would Robin Hood k*ll a poor taxi driver?

Robin Hood? No, he wouldn't.

So give me the keys.

And get out.

Come on!

We have a problem, Jérémie.

If you were us, what would you do
with a guy like you?

I would take his car key and I'd leave.

He can walk and call the police.

Yes, it's true,
he can walk and call the police.

-What if we tie him to a tree?

Yes, tie him, but using what, a rope?

I don't see any rope.

Me neither.



I would undress him
and put him in the sugar house.


Yes, that way, he can't get out.

What if he's sensitive to the cold?

I'm not.

He said "naked"!

Is someone there?

The clothes.

Half an hour to go to the airport,
we're good.

Do you know where you are, sir?
This is a national park.

You can't drive here.


I'm looking for a shortcut.

My customers are late. Very late.

Please follow us
to the entrance of the park.


Horse patrol to main gate.

Reporting a runaway vehicle

In the north sector. A yellow taxi. Over.

I repeat: yellow taxi, LaSalle company,

seems to be heading to the airport.

Passengers: two men and a woman…

That's the best

Being a cub-scout

That's the most beautiful

Cub-scout, cub-scout

That's the best

Cub-scout, cub-scout

Start of the ninth inning. We get back…

Nice hit, on the left side.
From the start, it was well done.


Get in, kids!

Squad to headquarters.

We're in formation on highway North
at the interchange…

Why did we steal a bus?

I've always been sick in buses.



I'm not well.

What's wrong?

I'm not feeling well!

My stomach is upset, I feel queasy!

I feel queasy! I'm going to puke!

No, you're not!

Yes, I am!

What a fine guy your friend is!

Look at him!


But where did you find him?

This loser is a dimwit.

It was in Mexico, in prison.

We had been sentenced to three years.

We were cellmates.

And one day, we decided to escape.

But it went wrong.
And I took a b*llet in the leg.

He carried me on his back.

In the middle of the desert,

for ten kilometers on his back.

Is that true?

No. He took a b*llet in the ass
and I carried him.

We've been together since then.

He may be a dimwit, but I like him.

He's my friend.



He found us again!

-What is he going to do?
-Hang on!

Shit! Shit!

This time, he's really screwing around.

No doubt about it, he's screwing around.

Well done, Lasky, you made your mark!

-Well, see you!

The briefcase!

I got it, Grimm!

Just what we need!

There we go.

You didn't hit him hard enough!
He's going to get out!



We'll never be able to leave the country.

No luck today. I give up.

You're right.
We'd better start all over again.

I'll dress up as a clown again,
bring the money back,

and we'll start again tomorrow.
What do you think?

Here we go!

Is someone there?

-Someone is watching us?
-No, Bernadette, nobody's here.

Come on.

Excuse me!

What do you want, you pervert? Leave!

-Come on! Get out!

-Get out, you moron!

I'll explain.

It's because I'm a taxi driver.

And it's because of the clown.

And there was

two men and a woman.

-We told you to leave!
-He's crazy!

-Come on!

Keep f*cking, you're hysterical!

What's going on here?

Hey, what's going on down there?

What are you doing here?

Rangers, please!

Let's go!

I'm coming! No, wait!

Wait! No, wait!

Wait! It's because I saw the clown!

The clown from the bank!
There's three of them!

No, it's not… Wait!

There's three of them!

I saw the clown!


-What's wrong?
-He hit his head when he got out.

-How many fingers?

Good enough.

Come! Last effort, buddy!

We're rich! Come on!

Come on!


The Québecair flight number , from…

What is she doing? We'll get arrested!

They're looking for two men,
a woman and a briefcase.

Not two men without a briefcase!

And not a air hostess.

No, don't move.

Locker .

Over there.

Be careful.

-Ladies and gentlemen…
-When I see her in uniform,

I'm blown away.

What is it?


You can't open it?

We leave together
or I don't take the money.

That's final. Nothing for nothing.

What are you doing? Blackmail?

I want to enjoy that money with you.

We'll give him his share.


See you in years.

Ask for a cell in the south wing
so you can tan your forehead.

Sir, madam.

Come on, tell him!

Don't be scared!

My key is getting stuck.
I can't open the locker.

Are you sure it's the right locker?
Those things never work.

Here you go.

Here you go, madam!

Very well.


It's over between us, understood?


I'm tired of you, I don't want to see you.

Yes, I'll get your money through.

But you're bastards! Both of you!

Do you know what she said?

I can guess.

That's it's over between us!

f*cking human factor…

Careful, arrival of a key witness

for the identification
of the three suspects.

Look carefully, Planchais.

Look carefully.

-I think they're already gone.
-Maybe not.

You're the only one who know
their true face, look carefully.

And think about the bounty, Planchais.

The bounty.

Further information
for the people waiting the arrival

of Québecair flight number from Paris…

-She got it through.

The briefcase. She got it through.

Alright. Let's board. Come on!

Come on.

Let's go.

So, do you see anything?

-Alright, come on, come!

What if I asked her to marry me?

I board the plane and ask her
to marry me. And I get her pregnant.

In the plane?

No, in Paris! What do you think?

I think you'll need to wait.


Turn around slowly on your left

and look who just arrived.
Don't crush your paper cup.

What do we do, Grimm?

-Yes, well?

Calm down! Let me catch my breath.

I'm tired and I want to pee.

-What do you mean, later?

I'm nice but don't take it too far!

First, my taxi is stolen,
then I'm forced to get naked.

You can't stop me to go to the bathroom.


Don't push me!

If I want to go to the bathroom, I'll go!


Come on!

Flying to Paris, Rome…

What? He wants to pee! What can I do?

Ready for boarding gate .

Where did he go?


And I won't come out.


One more step and I scream.
Careful, I can be very loud.

Okay, Jérémie.

Let's calm down.

I'm listening.

Here it goes.

I have a real problem with you.

The cops are looking for you.

I can help them.

What would you do if you were me?


-I'd ask for ten per cent.

No, don't be petty.
Ten per cent seems fair.

Right, Jérémie?

Well, ten per cent is
what the cops are already giving me.

You crook!

Sorry? What did he say?

Come on, gentlemen!


Jérémie's right, he can get %!


, dollars. And I want it now.

Take it or leave it.

I don't have the money on me.
We'll go get it, alright?

No! One of you stays here.

Or else…


Georges, stay here.

See you soon

Air Canada, flight ,

for Paris, Rome and Tel Aviv,

is now ready for boarding

gate .

Sorry, excuse me.

-What's going on?
-Where's the money?

-But what's going on?
-Where's the money?


-Tell me what's going on.
-The taxi driver

has arrived with the cops.

He wants money to keep quiet.
Georges stayed with him.

Don't go back.

You'll get arrested!

If we miss the plane,
we'll meet tomorrow in Paris.

Take care of our baby.


Come back quickly.

Final call for Air Canada, flight , to…

What is he doing?

I don't know!

He's mocking us!

Wait here.

-Sir? Sir!
-I forgot my… I'll be back.

Hurry up! I can't delay the planes!

Fox, get him out.

Right away, sir.

-Are you done?
-It takes time.

It's been minutes!


If we had a chance, now it's screwed.

Good morning, sir.

Thank you.

Well done, buddy!

Thanks, Robin Hood.

Alright, I'm done!


Alright, captain,
let's get to work because I…

Calm down!

Move it!

-What is this?
-I don't know!

Arrest that maniac!
We won't be here in vain.

Come on!

A clown.

That clown was very smart.

This is captain Étienne,
welcome aboard Air Canada.

We'll reach Paris
in six hours and minutes.

We'll take off in seconds. Thank you.

Well, we did it.

A girl I love dumps me
and leaves with our money.

Don't worry.

We'll take another flight
and meet her tomorrow in Paris.


Good morning.

How much is it?

I hope she took a suite.
The most beautiful and the largest one.

I will give her flowers.

-Miss Lefèvre?

-Miss Lefèvre?
-Yes, she's at the hotel.


Of course.


-Yes, sir?
-I have a message from Lise Lefèvre.

Please wait.

"Mr. Clown." Is that you?

Yes, the clown! It's a nickname.


Everything went great. I have the money.

But as you can see, I'm not there.

I'm in Rome.

Alone, for now.

Alone, at the city hotel.

So if you change your mind…

But don't come with the moron,

or I'll tell everything to the police.

You know I'll do it.

I'm waiting for you
without much expectations.

We could do beautiful things together
with two million dollars.

Goodbye, my genius, my clown."

Is that a message?

"Love. Lise."

Yes. A message.

I told you to be careful
of passionate people.

-She's not here?

The woman you love left with our money.

-She's in Rome.


One question:

what's more important?
Pull a genius stunt and start

-another one…
-I want to find her!

You'll never change.

And you can't let her have everything.

Come on.

Come in!

Good morning, Miss.

You have a message.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.


What is this?


I'm going to work.

You're rich. We're not.

Nice car.

And you'll do the same thing?


Why not? It worked well.


we even decided to skip the woman.

You need a pregnant woman!

Not another clown!

That's not your business anymore.

Come, sweetie.

Not bad, right?

Someone even gave me
their seat in the bus!

This is for you.


I don't want to hurry you,
but it has just opened.

You don't have any chance!

You're ridiculous!

You think she'll give in?

I know her, she's stubborn!

I give her ten seconds

to make a choice. Not a second more.



three… Pull up your belly!


-five, six…
-The guard is watching us.

-We'll get caught.

See? What did I tell you?

That's how it's done!

Here's your money.

It's in the hotel safe.

Good luck.

Let's go.


What is she doing?

Lise! Honey! Where are you going?

And her share?

Don't worry about her.
She's probably already taken it.

Well, where do we go?

Credito Italiano.

Since we're already dressed…

What do you think?
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