Le mataf (1973)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Le mataf (1973)

Post by bunniefuu »

Paris. Gare du Nord, the 6th of November.

11 a.m. Three men enter the station.

Bernard Solville,

Frank Mazier,

Basilio Hagon.

Their objective: to get hold of a diamonds filled briefcase.

Two guards are in charge of the stones' transfer to Brussels

by the 11:42 Trans-Europ-Express.

Every man has a precise mission.

Solville: get in the administrative blocks

and climb to the glass roof that overhang the platforms.

Basilio Hagon: follow the guards, get on the train at the last minute,

get hold of the diamonds and afford Mazier to take them

outside of the station.


Don't move.

The young girl tied up, Solville slide down on the glass roof.


Hagon and Mazier are ready to jump into the compartment.

Solville loads his gas g*n.


Two men enter the attic room and find the young girl.

11:42. The train leaves the station. The hold up failed.


Can I come in?

It's Madeleine.

Of course, I'm in the bathroom. I'll be right there.

Hello, Bernard. Did you have a good trip?

- Very good. - Do I pour you a coffee?

With two sugars.

How's your father? What are the last news?

He's fine, he'd like to see you.

Tell him I'll come by some night.

Do you have a coffee with me? - No, thank you.


You change your hair? - Yes, I cut my fringe a little.

Was boating nice? - Not bad.

And you, how did you manage without me? - It was fine.

The people from Sofico called you a lot.

- Tell Eugene I'm back and he can call me. - There's also a lot of mail.

I'll see that later.

Where did you find this newspaper?

Downstair, in your mailbox.

It's not from today.

Well, we've got Kinnam's cheque. Bring it to the bank right away.

I'll meet you at the office. - Okay, see you there.



Look what I've got this morning.

And so?

It's the 6th of November's paper and we're the 6th of February.

What does it mean?

I'd like to know.

Did you think it was me?

Someone sent it.


I phoned him but he wasn't there. I'll go to see him.

When do I see you again?

No, Frank, it's over. I don't want to be part of this anymore.

What's with you?

We had a hitch, so what?

We're not in the pen.

No, but we could be, and by my fault.

You've nothing to do with it.

We just had a hard blow. - Tell it to the girl from the station.

Listen, Bernard...

I don't want this life anymore.

I'll get out of this shit with or without you.

Hello, Simone.

- Hey, Mr Solville, long time no see. - Can you serve me quickly?

I'm in a hurry. - What do you like?

- What's the today's special? - Grilled turbot.

Okay, give me a turbot and a salad as a starter.

Why are you smiling? - I'm glad to see you again.

- Do we drink to that? - What you'll have?

A martini, as usual.

Jean, two martinis.

Hey, Bernard.

I didn't hear you arrive. - I took the stage door.

The caf? is closed? - Yes. It's Basilio's idea.

Like for theatre, he wants a closure day.

For him or for you?

More for me, I think.

- Is he here? - No. He's at the racecourse.

In Vincennes.

How is he?

He hits a lot in the cash box.

- It doesn't mean any good. - No...

Come, Bernard. Do you have a minute? - Of course.

How's the caf? working? - There's still some people at night.

He fixed it.

Yes. He's still tinkering a bit.

He fixed this one well, I lost once again.

I rarely met someone clever like this with his hands.


He can open everything... Or lost everything.

And act as if doesn't hear you when you speak to him about music.

- The Great Basilio doesn't play anymore? - Yes, he does!

He plays cards.

But music is over.

Now he just listens his friends.

While he plays patience.

Do you have any news from Frank?

Yes, I saw him this morning at the garage.

He probably missed the sailing boat.

- There was no other way. - That's true.

It was better to stop. The three of you together weren't going anywhere.

Yes and no.

That was also for the money. And I never said I'd stop.

Not Frank, not you, then who?

The secretary?

Why not president Pompidou?

Then a coincidence.

No... There's something I never understood in this story.

Forget it, Bernard.

Let's go see Little Claude.

I'm here since the opening and didn't have a single winner.

Where's the point of having a jockey pal?

- You're funny, just stop betting on him. - No, the day he'll win,

he's gonna have a great odds.

Let's bet on Vanina Bay. Put 250 Frs, get 2500 Frs.

- Hello. - Hello, Bernard.

The boat from Saigon arrived. - Get in touch with the freight broker.


- Did you take Kinman's cheque to the bank? - Yes, it's done.

Chauv?ne still didn't pay his bill?

Chase him up.



That's all I found.

There's only one that fit exactly the one you got,

except for the finishing. - And so?

The one you got has been retouched.

Nothing new? - No, nothing.

- I take you to Vincennes? - No.

Then call Nina if there's anything new.

By the way, Maroni called.

There's a gala on Thursday night. - Are you going?


He needs a guitarist. I called the Clodhopper but he's in Japan.

What about you going with me?

- Don't you bug me with your guitar! - What bad would that do to you?

I'll come and listen to you.

How many you had? - Six, so far.

Your turn, Frank.

I've been told about a job we could do.

Outside Paris.

Easy to do, a bit harder to scalp.

With a reasonable risk.

Hey, leave us some!

It'll take three guys

and a share for the informer.

- It doesn't leave much to us. - What do you expect?

I could use that money right now.

I owe a bit to Costelli. - You still go to see that guy?

That's the only place where you can gamble nut.

I'm in trouble, Bernard.

You lost a lot?

Hey, that's not an easy one.

We can find a solution for your debts, but for the job,

it's really not the good moment.


It doesn't look bad.

And I could use the money too.

- Why? You started gambling too? - No, but I need some vacation.

- How's the game working, Basilio? - So-so.

Bernard, a neighbourhood kid brought this for you.

A woman gave it to him.

A woman?

Do you follow us, Solville?

Let's go.

What a city!

Let me introduce myself: Mr Desbordes, lawyer.

I'm here to offer you a deal.

A very big one.

And it has nothing to do with import.

Your name is Bernard Solville,

you're 38.

In the underworld, they call you the Sailor.

Because of the five years you spent in the navy.

You got arrested by the police three times.

Through lack of proves, they had to let you go each time.

You're suspected to be the perpetrator of the Brest naval shipyard's robbery.

And the disappearance of... - Just say what you have to say.

I'm almost there.

You are a skilled specialist. No v*olence and no clue left behind.

Perfection, or almost.

Just a little mistake in a station. We know about it,

but you have nothing to worry about.

You just have to freely accept the proposal

I've been called to bring you.

It's a very difficult job.

A man like you could deal with it.

You'll receive a high amount of money.

I told you what's important, I'm waiting for your answer.

There will be no answer. That's correct, my name's Solville,

but I don't understand a word of the rest.

You have 48 hours to understand.

But do it knowingly.

Go to the Gare du Nord and have a look at the luggage lockers.

I must tell you you're the only one able to succeed.

So we have no other option than find an agreement.

- Hello, Desbordes? - Yes.

Solville speaking.

- You have the suitcase? - Yes, I do.

- Did you open it? - Yeah. What does it mean?

The money belongs to you. Once the operation is succeed,

you'll have another suitcase like this one.

Along with our silence, of course.

Put that in a safe place.


Here, there's one million. Frank is hiding it in his place.

Are they good? - As solid as they can be.

Looks like they're trusting us.

Yeah. And they promise the same amount again if you succeed.

Who's that Desbordes?

Some business lawyer, specialised in petrol.

All this sounds a bit fishy.

When do you give your answer? - Tomorrow.

Good evening, Cathy.

Ladies, would you like to drink something?

See, the Needle? I told you to stay cautious.

That was bound to happen.

- The one who deals the cards. - Yeah, Basiio Hagon, a keyhole artist.

- They must accept. - You're paying top price for that.

It must be over in two weeks.

Say, the Needle, can I see you later? - Yes.

It's possible... "Only the rich get credit."

Even Costelli needs me. - Is it working tonight?


You don't forget me, huh?

Costelli, you're an unforgettable man.

I don't understand you anymore, Bernard.

A week ago, Basilio offered you a job...

300 000 Frs.

But that was not enough for you. Just peanuts, but let's pass on that...

Today, we're speaking of 200 000 dollars. Including 100 000 cash.

And you're still hesitating.

200 000 dollars make one million.

And you're asking yourself questions.

I'll come to think you're chickening out.

Hey, Frank, don't you think you're going too far?

- Just let him speak. - We're here to speak.

Everyone says what he thinks and I think we're full of shit.

We can't refuse a job paid in advance.

A 200 000 dollars job is pretty rare... - Precisely,

it calls for a bit of thinking. - If the job was fishy,

why would they pay us in advance?

We could just fly abroad with the suitcase. - With Interpol in our back.

Not for the suitcase. It's not like if we'd signed a receipt!

And the picture of Bernard on the station's roof?

Did you forget about it?

- That's another reason to accept. - Accept...

Accept what?

Do you know what's behind all this?

You don't. You just see the money.

And you don't care about what's gonna happen next.

Listen, Frank...

I'd like you to know something...

In my life, no one ever forced my hand to do a job.

And it's not gonna start with Desbordes.

If it was just me at the station, I wouldn't have give a shit

about the blackmailing and the money.

But the three of us are involved.

And that's what's bugging me.


We're not gonna spend the night here. Basilio?

A million is a lot of money.

Get the light.

Give me the hand drill.

Turn it on.


- And Frank? - It's over. We exit over there.

Move away!

Come on!

Are you hurt? - It's nothing.

Quickly at the boat.

Come on.

Get in on the right.

Basilio, are you okay?

- What's happened? - We've been conned, we split.

- What's the matter, are you nuts? - You're right, we're nuts.

Beat it!

Hey, what's the...

That's a bit rich, they're stealing my car!

Is it painful?

Of course, not. It's nothing, so as said the Medic.

The Medic is an old liar.

On your left arm on top of that.

What for the guitar?

You're bugging me with your guitar.

You wouldn't be hurt now if you hadn't quit it.

Don't worry, we're still together.

- Desbordes? - Yes.

Solville speaking. - So?

How did it work?

- We had a hitch. - Are you kidding?

One of my friend is dead and the other one wounded.

What about the documents?

We had them but some guys att*cked us and took them.

It's unbelievable. Nobody knew.

- That's what you say. - What are you gonna do?

What do you want me to do? Nothing.

- But... I paid you. - Yes... to try.

It's a lot of money for a failure.

Maybe but it's little for the live of a friend.

Solville, you have 48 hours to get the documents back.

Or you'll end up in jail.

- That's not for this time yet. - Do I'll have to keep this for long?

No, you just lost a little bit of blood.

You'll buy what I'm gonna write down. - Okay.

- I have to fly away, is that gonna hold? - Of course,

just don't give the cards too fast! - Piss off!

- So, is it bad? - No, it's nothing.

- It's not too bad? - It will be okay, but he's been lucky.

- How much do I owe you? - Forget it.

- There you go. - Okay, thanks.

If it gets worst when you're on the run, you just call me.

Of course. Thanks, Medic.

So long and thanks... Got a light?

I called the lawyer, he's not very pleased.

- You told him for Frank? - He doesn't care,

he's crying after his documents and dollars.

We have to quickly get the dough at Frank's place.

I'll go, you stay here. Nina, I go for a walk, I'll be right back.

Okay, Bernard. Put that.

Don't argue, put it for me.


Are you looking for something?

Me too.

That's bad luck, someone came by before us.

Any idea who?

Are you sure? - Yes.

Did you know Frank?

Not more than I know you.

You won't see him again, he's dead.

You didn't know about it? But you look like you knew for the suitcase.

Yes, but I must go now.

Are you afraid?

Of me?


Then who?

- The K*llers. - Are they supposed to come?

Yes, and that's why I must go.

You're crazy!

Let me go!

Who are you?

My name's Cathy Mondor.

- Why were you following me? - I've been paid for that.

By whom?


- Ange? - Yes, I'm working in his club.

Do you know Desbordes, the lawyer?

A little.

- Did he told you about the suitcase? - No, I followed your friend.

Who asked you to follow him?

- Costelli. - Were you supposed to bring him back the suitcase?

- No.. - Then to whom?

I don't know.

To whom!?

I'm telling you I don't know!

We have company.

It's them.

Let me go, it's them, let me go!

Who was the suitcase for?

- It was for me, for me! - For you?

- Yes. - You wanted to double-cross them?

Yes, I did, please let's go.

By the terrace.

Stealing the suitcase was quite dangerous.

Don't you think 100 000 dollars worth the risk?

- You didn't make it. - Neither do you, and your friend is dead.

It could happen to you too.

You're not K*llers.

I didn't mean us.

That's here on the right. Stop in front of the building.

Do you think the Needle will have some information?

I don't know.

But it's worth trying.

Pick me up in one hour. - Okay.

- That's the end of the show, sir. - I'm not here for the movie,

I come to see the Needle, thanks.

Hi, the Needle, how are you?

Hi, Basilio. What happened to you? - A billiard accident.

- A rolling billiard? - Something like that.

Listen, I'm in trouble...

I've been ripped off of a suitcase I was caring for.

- Do you want me to get it back. - I don't even know where it is.

By the way, did you do a job on rue de la Tombe-Issoire?

I did. Tonight, around ten.

Number 72. - Third floor?

Third floor, yes.

Did you find anything?


I've been sent there to snatch a suitcase.

I was supposed to get a percentage of the dough inside.

I searched all the apartment, nothing.

The Needle, between friends...

Was your employer Costelli?

I saw him at the club and told him I didn't find anything.

He seemed surprised but didn't say anything.

He paid for my expenses and I came back here.

That's everything I know. It really bothers me, Basilio.

If I had knew, I would have turn it down.

I know. That's not your fault and you didn't find the suitcase.

I still searched your hideout.

Don't worry, you're not the only one.

Costelli won't say anything.

Anyway, I don't see the point of coming with you.

You'll knock the door, then we'll have a little talk.

- There's nothing to talk about. - Not even about the suitcase?

He won't believe you.

I'll tell him you're lying.

I don't want to see him.

You'll see whoever you want once I'll get my dollars back.

What's with you?

Take me to Costelli.

We're too late.

It was bound to happen.

- Why? - He probably tried to double-cross the Americans.

What Americans?

Desbordes' henchmen. The ones who are looking for me.

- Why are they looking for you? - I ran away from Desbordes' place.

What were you doing at his place?

- You should had been a cop. - What were you doing at his place?

I was sleeping with him.

Okay, let's go.

- I've got a hefty one to tell you. - Me too: Costelli's been iced.

- By whom? - She thinks by Desbordes' henchmen.

Some Americans.

- At the club? - In his office. They probably came for the suitcase.

Costelli doesn't have the dollars.

- How do you know? - Costelli sent the Needle to get the suitcase,

but he didn't find anything.

- And so? - If it's not Costelli, we should pay a visit to Desbordes.

That's the only thing to do.

I guess you know the way. - Listen...

Cut it! Hurry up, do what we say!

Do you want a coffee?

Yes, thanks.


Did you have a good night?


Did you find the money?


What you've done is dangerous.

I know but I didn't take anything from you.


Why did you come back?

I'd like to pick up my stuff.

Are you going back home?


Where are you going?

At a cousin's place.

I didn't know you have a cousin.

I just never told you about it.

That's right.

I must say you never talk much about yourself.

I really like this dress.

I'd like you to wear it before you go.

Would you refuse me this pleasure?

Do I have to ask Sam to help you dress-up?

You wouldn't do that.

Maybe not...

But I'm maybe sad to see you leaving.

Please wear that dress.

Are you gonna ask me to wear that dress too?

Where are the others? - One is sleeping, the other one's in the kitchen.

Move forward.

Open the door to Basilio.

Call the guy in the kitchen.

Drop your g*n.

Get up, big boy! Quickly!

Come on... Hands up!

I locked up the other one.

Well, sir... Where are our dollars?

I don't know.

Just be aware that someone stole them last night and I'd like them back.

- And I'd like the microfilms back. - I already told you

some guys att*cked us and took them.

- That's easy. - Maybe, but that's how it is.

Why did you blackmail me?

Costelli said you were the only one able to do the job.

But couldn't guarantee you'll accept.

So I decided to force your hand.

- Do you know Costelli is dead? - Yes, a stupid misunderstanding

between my men and him.

Where's your safe?

The keys!

Try those, they were in his pocket.

Hey, our dollars aren't in it but there's something else...

What do you have to say about that?

You don't know how important they are.

I was afraid you might keep them.

- How trustful! Where are the dollars? - I don't have them.

I don't know who took them.

- You said the same for the microfilms. - I had no reason

to take the money back.

You can search the house if you want.


Then I keep those. I'll return them in exchange for the dollars.

Plus the ones we were supposed to cash at delivery, of course.

You're too greedy, Solville.

The dollars and the girl...

You can't have both of them.

Yes, I can, sir.

- I have a train at 11. - Did you call a taxi?

Yes, it'll be here in five minutes.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know.

You're in a fine mess now.

- She kinda asked for it. - Give her a break,

we forced her hand with Desbordes.

You had no other option.

You'd better not fell into their hands.

The taxi's here.

Good luck.

- Well, goodbye. - Goodbye.

- Where to, gentlemen? - Wait.

It's bothering me for...

I think the same.

I'm maybe a bit dumb...

We can't change the way we are. Go ahead.

It doesn't change anything, we'll meet as agreed.

Be careful during the trip. - Be careful too.

And don't phone Nina!

I'd like to send a parcel, please. - Next counter.

4,25 Frs.

I have a favour to ask you.

Could you take me to Saint-Nazaire?

Yes but I'm tired. Would you mind driving?

Thank you.

You're an early-riser, superintendent.

Police raids are usually at night.

Hey, come one, you could ask before!

You're not at home!

So, Nina...

where is he?

- Who? - Basilio.

Is all that for Basilio?

I thought it was some police exercises.

Where's your man?

How many are you?

Nina, where's Basilio?

- He left a week ago. - Where to?

You know Basilio. He's not the kind of man who send postcards.

He just left like this, without saying you anything?

After 20 years of marriage.

I didn't say that.

He's on a tour.

What kind of tour?

What kind of tour? Music, of course!

- Just like this? - You know he's a musician.

And musicians are touring.

Nina... Basilio quit music 10 years ago.

He's taken up again.

What can I say?

It actually kinda pleased me.

- Goodbye, Nina. - Goodbye, superintendent.

You're very lucky the superintendent likes you.

And you're very lucky to be a cop!

- Do you want something else? - Want a dessert?

No, but I'd like a coffee.

Two coffees strong, please.

- You must be tired. - No, it's okay.

Are we gonna sleep in Saint-Nazaire?


You are a strange guy.

Is that true you like sailing?

- Who told you that? - Desbordes.

Yes. I have a boat near Nantes.

Are you sailing often?

When I can.


Not always.


Do you remember?

What did you think about it?

That you were clever-handed.

- Why did you take me with you? - I don't like driving alone.

- Do you regret it? - No. You'll maybe regret it.

- Do you know Jean Ferrat? - The singer?

Yes. He wrote a song about the Potemkin.

Do you know how it ends?


I like the Navy."


I'd like to speak with Mrs Basilio.

- It's me. Who asks her? - You don't know me.

I'm a friend of Basilio and he asked me to call you.

- Can't he phone himself? - You know he doesn't like to phone.

That's correct.

He says that everything is fine

and that he never played so well.

- But where is he? - In the South of France.

He's gonna record in Italy.

In Italy, but why?

I don't know.

The police came and asked him.

If you see him, tell him to call them. - But, I...

I'm not gonna see him again, he left with his pals.

Is that so?... Too bad.

But if you happen to see him, tell him to take care.

Yes, I'll tell him.

Goodbye, Mrs.

Goodbye and thanks. And be sure he takes care.

Yes, you too.


- Did you had a good trip? - Fine, and you?

Yeah. So...

what we do? - I'll call the lawyer tomorrow morning.

The dough in exchange for the documents.

- And the post office? - We'll pick up the parcel Friday afternoon.

By the way, I had news from Nina. The cops came home, she told them...

- I asked you not to phone! - I didn't phone myself, I asked a friend!

- And here? - It's quiet.

- You stay in your hidey-hole? - You know me.


On your way back, go see Adrien and tell him I stay at the "Deux mondes".

You remember the name of the boat? - "La croix du sud".


Don't take any chance. How's your arm?

Better and better.

And her, how is she? - She's okay.

Arrive at the port and start the good life!

- Cut that! - "A woman in every port". Everyone knows that!

That's the blue one.

- Its' big! - Not that much.

Its' a nine metres Super Challenger.

You're sure we can't go?

It's probably watched.

I'd like to go with you.

That's not the moment.

I know but... it's about time.

- I lost again. - And it's gonna cost you a lot.

Are you thirsty?

Are you thirsty? - Yes.

You owe me 35 Frs. That makes a total of 118.

You're sure you're not mistaking?

I'm never mistaking.

I guess you don't like to lose.

I'm not used to it.

I'd like to be at sea. Far away with you.

What's the name of your boat again? - Nomagora.

- You're still thinking about your money? - Of course.

I don't care about your dollars.

- That's not what you said. - Yes, but I don't care anymore.

I care and Basilio too.

I'm afraid for you.

We're gonna ask you two questions.

You answer...

or you die.

First question.

Where is Basilio?

Second question.

Where is the money?


And remember...

Where is Basilio?

Where is the money?

- Basilio is in Italy. - Where in Italy?

I don't know.

And the money?

I don't know what you're speaking about. And I wouldn't tell you if I knew.

I don't know anything!

I don't know!

I won't tell you anything!

Bastards! I don't know anything!

Stop it!

Let me go!

Where is the money?

- I come to pick up a parcel. - Yes.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Beans remind me some memories.


Did you see Jeannot?

Which Jeannot?

Jeannot Chavert.


He spent four years in the pen.

He came home one night to have dinner and play cards.

Then he split.

Never heard of him since.

Too bad, I liked him.

You're not hungry?

Not too much.

The lawyer's probably arrived.

- Probably. - When do you call him?

In one hour.

Want to know what I think?

About what?

About Cathy.

Go ahead.

She split because she was afraid.


Listen, Bernard, what's important now is our dough.

Frank's been iced, we're broke and the cops are on our tails.

I know.

Do you want some cheese?

No, thanks.

Never, hear me? Never!

- What are you gonna do alone? - I'll manage.

You'll go back to prison.

I don't give a shit about what's gonna happen to me.

Don't expect any help from him.

He doesn't give a shit about all this, he only cares about his dollars.

He won't have any more dollars from me.

Do you want to drink something?


Why did he take you with him?

Ask him.

The trip did good to you: you look beautiful.

I was really worried.


I miss you.

- Mr Desbordes? - It's me.

Solville speaking. Do you have the money?


Don't you want the documents?

I do.

You'll give them tomorrow in exchange for Cathy.

- You're bluffing. - No, I don't.


Is that you, Cathy?

- Yes. - What's happened?

The Americans caught me when I exited the post office.

Are you okay?


Don't accept.

He'll pay you. He won't dare...

She's wrong, Solville: I'll dare.

Call me tomorrow at 10.

Go ahead.

You really have no regret?

You'd do the same for Nina.

See you later, sailor.

"That was the last song Nina's recorded.

The circumstances of her assassination aren't cleared yet but

we hope to have more details for our next news bulletin.

Nina had a long music-hall career. At 16, she was singing

in small jazz bands,

then she started touring with the guitarist Basilio..."

- What's with you? - Shut up!

You know...

you'll never cash your dollars.

Basilio will come to pick us up. We'll have to hurry up,

looks like some guys are waiting for us across the street.

Over there.

Basilio probably had a hitch.

Let's go.

Over there!

Did you see what happened? - Part of it, yes.

I didn't know you were here. - We tried to tell you.

- What's happening to you? - It would be too long to explain.

By the way, I have something for you.

Frank sent it to me a week ago.

I should gave it to Bernard or you.

What a jerk, that's all him!

That's for you, I'll manage to send his share to Bernard.

That's quite a jackpot.

I couldn't care less.

Translation and timing: Aquasantajoe

For Cinemageddon, August 2010
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