Seven Golden Men Strike Again (1966)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Seven Golden Men Strike Again (1966)

Post by bunniefuu »

Exact position, wait,
signal, close.

I like the idea of being under the fur coat
you are naked.

As much as I can, and
I just know that.

I'm not saying anything to you, Professor.

You are so challenging
with your femininity.

Just move too fast, Terminate,
until you become vulgar.

And you can not be embarrassed.

If you were at the bench, you would
not have said anything, my cat.

Did you say anything, lady?

She feels cat.

Greater gr...

Idiotule, you're not on TV,
they're waiting for you.

Now we get to know.

Radar position has been
established, you can come Aldo.


I'll be right away, gestapo.

Hurry up!

Come here!


Stop exactly the sign!

It's good!

Command to you, Professor.

Wait for the signal, kids.

The bank is closed.

We have seventeen
minutes for action.

Is everything all right, please?

Yes, sir.

August, you do not see
anything on your monitor.

What are you doing there?

It's professor traffic,
just a few minutes.

Do not you get ready?

I'm not done, my little girl.

I'll hang out until everything's ready,
then we'll go into the great adventure.

What are we talking about?

I can not tell you until Augusto
activates the room from the tunnel exit.

But once the wagon goes to Paris,
our adventure ends, right?

I hope, sweet.
I hope with all my heart.

Perfect, an
irreproachable maneuver.


Is that good, Professor?

Augusto is fine, leave her there.
Go to the others.

Of course, Professor.

Like so.

Alfonso, step by step.

Come on, Antoine, grunt
yourself, grunt yourself.

Up in the wagons for Paris.

Watch out for the ceiling, Aldo.

Giorgia, do not waste your time, come.

But you did not tell me why.

I'm here to go, I'm here.

Grunt the Portuguese.

Come on, get down.

Let's go, grate you!

Get up in that car!

Let's go.

Call the Italian police in a bar,
do not say who you are, quickly.


They could not disappear! It is impossible.

With doors, windows, hotel and street
supervised... Incredible!

What does Rogers say?

So where's the teacher?

If I knew, I would tell you,

where do I know who the
teacher is, damn it.

But you do not even know her girl or her?

We are alone, there are no "others".

Maybe I can convince him,
sir, we are in Rome.

For tourism.


We came to Rome
to see San Pietro.

And we got after a
gentleman who told us

that catacombs will see the
treasure of St. Peter.

He is right, we were convinced that we
will also save the saint of St. Peter.

You know, it's an archaeological passion.

How would we go to the catacombs?

There was the bank.

Of course, but...


Better change the system of
discussion with such people.

Look, son, we do not care
your business with the bank.

We just want to know
where the teacher is.

If you say, you are free.

If not, we will interrogate you and
then surrender to the Italian police.


Who will interrogate you
with their systems.

So, talk.

It's the normal solution.

He's smart,

Insinuate that we know him.

Now we're really wasting time.

With your permission
gentlemen, I'll get it.

By tomorrow, they will speak.

Let's start with the back,

Bring me the men.

A gentleman wants with Mr.
Rogers for state reasons.

Tell her to come in.

Send him to you, please.

Can we stay alone?

I arrived on time.

Bravo, bravo.

Now, Giorgia, present
your presentations.

John Erickson, State Department,

Ralph Simpson, Military
Information Service,

and, John Fitzgerald Davienson,
from the Security Service.

Mr. Hillary and Thompson from
the Counter-espionage Service.

Last but not least, Mr.
Frank Rogers, F.B.I.

Mr. Roch, Ambassador to Rome.

Take the gentlemen, please.

Here we gathered.

We're waiting for this moment.

It's been a few years since,
from special interests

you are interested in my
private life, and my work.

You're gonna talk Rogers,
sit down, please.

Now, what will my disciples and I do,
work together for the peace of the world,

but not under the conditions
of the State Department.

Say whatever you want!

The amount I want is
seven million dollars.

Nothing less.

It's absurd, I need to consult
the Whiskington government.

You do it after that,

First, listen to
all my conditions.

Giorgia, do you want to read?

Sure, that's why I'm here.


Prior to commencing the operation,

The professor wants immunity
for him and his collaborators.


Atlantic islands

between degrees north
and degrees south east

will be ceded by its governments for
the duration of its entire life

his teacher and collaborators,


Within days after, all
expenses will be settled.

Other projects may be
added to this agreement.


During the operation,

The teacher will be her supreme boss and
the people involved in the operation.

That's all, gentlemen.

I await your decisions,
which you have positive.

Davienson, we call Hexagon,

Without it He does nothing.

That's your island, professor.

From now on, you're the
commander of the ship.

Thank you,

Execute Hexagon orders.
You're lucky.

Here's the famous area of hotels.

Port, interesting.


Alfred, call Giorgia,

Yes, Professor.

Forward coded, please.


gold men call the Briliant,

Professor, you see what
radio station we have here,

But you do not bother too much.

Only our devices can
cover this handicap.

gold men call the Briliant,

gold men call the Briliant,

gold men call the Briliant,

gold men call the Briliant,

The brilliant man is hard to answer.

The signal is weak.

Giorgia is right.

Listen, my dear,

We can not do anything
but listen to you.

There are only ears, Professor.

At the new start,

according to the program
already established.

To rest, everything depends on you,

Leave the radio open,

In the case of an emergency, we
will call you using this signal:

Do you understand well?

How could I not, my dear!

Good luck and be courageous!

Adolf, immersion meters,

engines in the middle, direction
degrees southeast

Anthony, to the two launchers,

Aldo, you're dealing with...

In action, meters, the
engines in the middle.

Augusto, check the equipment.

Sure, Professor.

Alfred, you're dealing with the periscope,

He wants to.

And look like this...

In conclusion, the goods and,

These are the objectives of the revolution,

from Latin America.

Against the imperialist actions.

A barrier that will not allow,

we can not bloody blood.

We have freedom,

we will remain here
like the stones.

It's our daily sacrifice.

It's our first duty.

I struggle to the end,

Especially in the
economic crisis.

Death to capitalism!

Here and in the whole world,

I tell you who you are here,

the revolution is won with information,

and with a lucky moment.

Compare this general concept with
what is happening in our country.

You know the secret services...

No, not general,

Get them alive!

Do Americans now use women?

What's your name?


Who do you work for?

For Life magazine, I'm a journalist.

Here are my accreditations.

Why did not you ask me to sh**t?

I prefer surprise.

And you are a man I
really care about.

I'm a real man.

That's hard to see in the papers.

Let yourself be alone,
talk to the mitista.

Inform yourself before
affirming the truth.

If I'm staying, I
might be interested.

If we think otherwise,
it would be so.

Could I get the rest
of the machine back?


- Get her out of here.
- Yes, sir.

- Scan the appliance.
- Of course, general.

One and two tractors, ready.

Tubes one and two, ready.

Prepared tubes, one and two.

Prepared tubes, one and two.

Tubes one and two, ready.

Turn off the engines,
start the countdown.

Turn off the engines,
start the countdown.

Turn the reverse countdown.

Turn the reverse countdown.

The countdown starts.

Go ahead.








Tube one, outside.

One, out.

One, out.

Two, out.

Two, out.

Two, out.

Prepare tube three.

Tube ready.

Be blessed,

Attach the cameras.

It's running, Professor.

Three, afar.

Detach the capsule.

Immersion vertically, Adolf.

Axle Immersion.

O.K., Professor.

Immersion quickly.

The engine back all the way, fast.

Immersion quickly, the engine
back all the way, fast.

Close the periscope is stupid.

Seven, six,

five, four, three, two, one,

Moto-torpedo م.

He does not do good at the body,
but we get rid of the head.

Says Giorgia.

I'm so lonely, my love.

And brutal and barbarian men
I'm in jail.

Just a little, my little girl,

You start your job right away.

How did your accredited general
receive your accreditations?

It's sure I'm from Life.

We have them from F.B.I.
They do it pretty well.

And if I do wrong, I'm in trouble.

They closed, they came to sleep.

Good luck.

Let's go!

Come fast!

Attention is mined.

Grab your bats.

Come on.

Come on, we're late.

There's no time.

م- calms you.

Now attention, all right.

Now I'm in profile.

The beard looks better, why do
not we take advantage of it?

That's what I decide,
you stand still.

Attention, perfect.

You have to rest, you would
be tired of General.

I never get tired of it.

You better tell me about you.

The article next to the
photos should be taken.

You are interested in me as a soldier.

I do not like the
exposure of my camera.

The one you have now
will work much better.

The Chinese and Russian do not register.

With an important figure as yours,
my article will be perfect.

I like the flavor of these
cigarettes, it's so penetrating.

Yes, they are strong.

Like your eyes.

I feel trembling when I look at them.

Fetito, you are not alone.

You risked your life,
I do not like that.

Why did not you telegrap me

I would have received you immediately,

How would I refuse my
best American journalist?

Yes, I risked.

That's what I think.

But only for that
I paid the subject.

That's what I like, much.

Do not talk like this, I
feel a little, I'm so shy.

When you know me, you
will not be that way.

I ordered you to have an apartment
here in my headquarters.

It's the best hotel on the
island, the other is worthless.


Are you happy?

I did not expect that.

You can take pictures, and
you'll know my own life.

What happiness.

Now, for example, I want
you to dance with me.

It will certainly be excellent.

With my things how does it stay?

I've already ordered to be
taken from the airport.

You're evil.

I know, you, join the lady.

- Where do we meet?
- Here.



Goodbye, fetish.

We are the good man.

To the right is the wolf's lair.

Patrol calls seven gold men.

Patrol calls seven gold men.

I'm listening to you.

Our predictions were
exact professors.

This part of the island
is completely deserted.

Everything is going well.



Who are you?

Alfonso Anfale, the th
Regiment, the Cuenca garrison.

And you?

Antonio Fernadez and
Aldo Jimenez, the goods.

We have an urgent mission
at the headquarters.

We are recorded even
at night, read.

Do you always use the radiotelephone?

That's right, the goods sent
to us sent us on the mission.

And he wants us to contact the
regiment, to know where we are.

I understand now.

It was an American submarine in the bay.

- We know, we were announced.
- Goodbye.

Goodbye, goodbye and.


They paid me the bills.

She would pay you a pig,

Only that Regiment is
not bargained in Cuenca.

Can we avoid such a quick dip?

Time is gold, Commander.

On the forehead,

Good bye, see you later.

It's crazy, do not you think?

I do not think there is
anything else going on.


It's fine, it's precious.

Who's there?


No, no, please,
tonight we are not.

Let's distribute ourselves.

Hell, it's the color of your eyes.

That's how I get dressed when I giggle me.

What a warm and scented night.

- What good do I feel?
- And I.

We were something, now.

I have to raise myself.

I have to drink a little
bit of wine right now.

I just want to be with you, Giorgia.

No, you can not.

Pay me.

Do not insist, General.


I'm afraid to go back.

Are you okay?

If it was not good, I told you.

Keep working and pay
attention to the sentinels.

How long does it take?

I take a second and finish.

I installed the switch, Professor.


Ilumineaz م Lou!



hide-v م.



What's going on?

Anthony, what's going on?



Come on, let's go.

Finish, fast.

We're going to the professor.

Let's go!

I made the junction.


Go ahead, faster.


Attention, he's a sentinel.

I've seen, Professor.

How long does it take, son?

Few minutes.

To you, Adolf?

I'm almost done, Professor.

You see, on the screen, things
do not work well, Alfred.

What's going on?

I do not know the connection.

Look back, left there.

The ship is in position, Professor.

The government has entrusted
me with a terrestrial mission.

As you know, my people and
the lady are on land.

This ship is a job

which as a commander, I
allow myself to coordinate.

In the interest of the liberation
of peoples, of course.

Stay alert.

We're here, Professor.

Hey, Alfred, you're not kids.

Excuse me, Professor.

You see ordered, there are six
thousand tons of carat gold,

sent to your enemy.

Do you know what to use?

To finance the revolutions
in South America.


We take the ship, all
along with the boat.

You would never have thought of it,

Six thousand tons of
gold, just for us.


On behalf of my government,
we should thank.

Let's be clearer,

my seven men, and my commanders.

But that's a pity,
it's an act of piracy.

I will stop it on behalf of my government.

Your government has committed
me to this mission,

which I perform in parallel
with my little business.

I am the commander of the ship.

Please do not mess me up.

I'll be able to work.



Install the room, son.

Of course, Professor.


Just follow me.

I told you not to be
a monkey, imbecile.

Hey, guard,

is there peace?

Why do you make me feel so bad?

Remain silent!

Now, this is the place,
here we see everything.


After your eyes, you should have
been much more conspicuous.

You do not look like an American.

You look like my agents.

Are we really enemies, General?

Your social system is not right.

Too much freedom is exaggerated.

Then dollars, oil, coca-cola, and
the rest, make us run after you.

I do not like this.

But before I judge,
think about something.

Think about it
just with the money in the leaf,

I could buy in for all the
inhabitants of the island.

Are you so rich?

Yes, Verry.

Then you are... and happy.


Gold is not everything.

It's not all I want.

Why, what could you possibly want?

Love, for example.

It's hard to get there.

Now understand?

It's clear, it's fate,

who brought you here.

And me too.

We do not want to.

I beg your pardon, my dear.

Too fast, General.

What am I expecting?

I do not know, but do not
miss this one month.

If I tell anyone what they feel
right now, she does not believe me.

Look, that's right.

Children want to go
as far away as possible,

Alleged by a man with a man.

Great and powerful,

I'm strong, Giorgia,

What's going on?

My stomach was on order.

That makes me nervous.

I feel the dog approaching.

I'm not a dog.

Come on, I'm so excited.

Do it once?

Too much champagne, general.


What is it now?

My room,

come, I'll be something,

you like it.


- Who?
- We are.

Come on, give me your hand.

- Anthony, let's go faster.
- Relax.

Alfonso, did the others come?

Almost everyone, professor.

Gr م م bit-you!

Can not we wait for a minute longer?

- I told you to bite yourself.
- That's it, Professor.

Come on, come on.

- You like that?
- Of course I do.

It's for after.

Beautiful beautiful.

- Giorgita.
- What are you doing, General?



Not yet, my dear, resist.
You're too tough.

"But I like to be desirable,
desirable, wanted to orgasm."

It's a t*rture!

That's how I like it,
do not you understand?

Who's there?

Important, general information.

They also appeared on the radio.

Do not let him go,
let's see ours.

Tell her.

- There is one tomorrow, go to the barracks.
- Yes, sir.

Come on.

Come on, louder.

How beautiful, it's an
aphrodisiac scent, try it too.


Come on.

From here you can see.


It's called "half-moon".

Show me the other half, please.

Giorgia, how much they suffer.

You must be rich, general,
as strong as you are.

That's my ideal.

Giorgia, in port is a ship.

Why does not he say it?

Professor, professor,
Giorgia does not answer.

Be polite, be careful.

Attention, sentinels.

Stop, I tell you, it will be mine.

Anthony useless, amm*nit*on is not real.

Retreat, retry!

Let's go, fast.



Look at your job,

We're leaving as soon as possible.


Who are you?

I was urgently sent
from the barracks.

Who are you?

"I am the Champion of
Gonsalves, Headquarters."

Why did you quit your job?

Excuse me, it's in the morning
and I heard a murmur...

Now I'm talking,

this must not happen,

if there are any of
these cases, be shot.

This is a stupid attitude.

Yes, sir.

I'm not a lord, are there any
goods you think I can support?

Everything from your fault, idiot.

It's your fault.

You're gonna k*ll yourself.

You made my life a
hell, let's go.

Alfonso, prepare for
the "Emergenza".

We're on the chart, Professor.

It's full of sentinels. Professor.

Are you afraid, Aldo?

Is that all?

That's all.

And there will come ships like this,

Many Giorgia ships,

Gold with gold.


The crickets sing
for you and me,


General, I do not do that, you k*ll me.

It's not a porn movie,
come back to work.

Also valid for you.

Say, Alfonso.

He's a good teacher.

Move your fortress,

"Emergence" is valid for you too.

Take care of the super torpedo.

Where are you going?

Here's your pass.

Make room.

Hey, where you go, come here.

What do you want?

Who's asking?

A clip, a clip ..

Do you know who you are talking to?

But you?

Let's go a long way, go
to general merchandise.

I'll tell the general

Here's the boss, it's information
from the Command of Cuenca.

The Americans landed.

Impossible, that's a bad fight.

Come with me.


Do not tell me that I've been knocking you,


An urgent message.

What's going on, bastards?

The man insists.

An important message from
the Command of Cuenca.

There's nothing more
important than my orders.

General, the Americans landed.


I will personally communicate.


Do you mind?

No, no, no.

No, it's not violent.

Aldo, do not waste time with
women, come and help me.

That was not planned.

Your concern was not planned.

Look under the pillow.

The pair is paired.

Give it to me for Professor Alfonso.

Thank you.

And your eyes?

I change color when I want it.


Go ahead, until he wakes up.

Faster, you have a
little time to spare.

They finally arrived,

Be very careful.

When you want, Alfonso.

Do not even think, Giorgia.

We're ready, let it go.

Let's go, fast.

Now, carefully, do not
come any more, Attention.

It's important, you do not
have to worry about it.

Did you order it?

I do not want to repeat
the goods with Trenti,

it was a false alarm
ordered by the general.

Was it the American navy?

They were Chinese.

Chinese people.

Grade, like pitons.

Now I'm a real moneyman.

Let's go lieutenant,

Do not disturb the general, he's
with an American journalist,

He's already in the enemy territory.

What's the matter.

Goodbye pantero, be
quiet, get it over.


Hi bandito.

Continue to confuse love
with work, my girl.

With this approach, you
are the optimal element.

Do not make us sick,
Albert, please.

In tomorrow, go away.


Auf wiedersien.

Let's go, grunt yourself.


When you want, Professor.

Immersion quickly.

Start sinking.

Let's start sinking, sir.

It's a perfect maneuver, Professor.

Close Tonio.

Be calm, Portuguese.

I have to place the expl*sive.

But it's dangerous, it's expl*sive plastic.

This is the first time.

Within six minutes you can
order by radio, Professor.

How are we?

It's good, let's go.

Let's start, Professor.

Here you go.

What's going on?

There's a few, Alfonso.

What's going on?

Help, help me.

I've been in the barrel.

I do not understand...

Arms, weapons!

At the command station, fast.

Seven degrees to the
right, slowly advanced.

Seven degrees to the right, advanced...

We can not enter the port in the immersion.

It's su1c1de for all.

Baby alert, the
signal comes in...


six, five...


Three, two one,

I warn you that it's too much.

I want back my ship's order.

Do not use the jar
radio, we'll spot you.

This is piracy, at sea
is punished with death.

But what about the general, how
are they punished at the UN?

Engines to a minimum,
ready for reversal.

Minimum motors, ready reversing.

Start the radio-sound operation,
let go of the aerosol.

What's the crew doing, Anthony?

Russians, strong Russians, professors.

He did not go to the periscope.

Stop the engines,
slow dampening.

Stop seven meters below the water.

Stop the engines, slow dampening.
Stop seven meters under water.

Now turn on electromagnetism.

On electromagnets.

Command to you, Adolf.

Okay, Professor.

A little to the right, Professor.

All right, so.

It's just under the ship now.

Maximum electrical energy.

What do these electromagnets serve?
To a robbery?


In the interest of the free world.

It's perfect, Professor.

You can take the ship when you want it.

Attention, we start after that.

You will be brought to the
martial court, and sentenced.

I remind you that I
am a British citizen.

Ready with this, the engines
halfway, six degrees to the right.

Engines halfway, six
degrees to the right.

I would not have thought I was being
asked for anything in the world.

My ship, my ship.

Wait, wait, Milucika.

I am the boss,

Alexander, Alexandrovich,

You do not understand,

I can not figure out what's going on,

Who directs all this?

Doc, we.

Professor, in the mix,
we have problems.

Relax, Albert, everything
was overlooked.

August, let go of the sound.

Come on,

Do not be angry Giorgia, at
five, I will come and take you,

And with the general how it stays?

Do you hear the siren? It's a ship
that brings six thousand tons of gold.

No ingot less.

Are you in general
interested in the general?

It's my boat.

It's the one who knows how to honor.

Why did not you tell me, I
could have been helpful.

What do I do to get
the ship, I'm sorry?

How well do you know my dear,
what can I do without you?

Holy Pancratius Benedetto,
if I manage this time,

I make you a church
bigger than San Pietro.

I will bring the Pap with the plane,

To holy...

What a blow you hit, what a blow.

How good you are, you are
so beautiful my dear.

Nobody can despair us anymore.

Do not divorce me, Aldo.

Finish with play, kids.
Do not grow up.

Go to your places and
hold your breath.

Let's go to the gas.

Okay, Professor.

Thanks, August.

What are you waiting for?

Alfred, how do we stand with the pressure?

Excellent teacher,
start when you want.

With engines halfway,


Alfonso, where are you?

We're ready in the
command room fast.

Disconnect electromagnets.

Yes, sir.

You are free, the
engines in full Alfred.

Change the uniforms, knock.

Immersion fast,
degrees to the right.

Fast Immersion,
degrees right.

Prepare to replace Adolf.

Yes, sir.

Attention, Here the radio
of the island's people.

Alarm to all military ships.

What about this music?

What's going on?

It's an interference.

I'm trying to pull it off.


On all frequencies, music,

And it is directed to
us, listen and listen.

Get into immersion, commanders,
thanks for kindness.

Immersion quickly.

Please come down that ship.

Okay, let's go down, be careful, sir.

Come on, come on faster.

Here's the professor.

Calm baby.

Apunta م m.

We'll be on Cuca Island in the morning.

Adolf, I'm calling you commander.

Commander of the ship.

I understand a professor.


You go to the wheelhouse, in two
minutes everything must be okay.


Immediately present yourself on deck,

we are speaking formally.

All the world is present,

next to the railing.

Aldo, you know what you have to do.

Whoever does not obey will
be sentenced to death.

And whoever thinks he
can fall, he's cheated.

Any attempt at rebellion
will end with the shot.

But the teacher said...

I give orders here.

Where's the general?

Is sleeping.

I want to see him.

But you're going to disturb it.

You lied American,

Where's the general?

General relaxation,

try to think,

م- relaxes you,


Do you rocket launchers?

Try to say, if you oppose,
you do not get anything.

We can not waste time talking.

Speak general, talk.

If you do not speak, we
increase the tension.

To maximum.

Talk? Yes or no?

We're at the limit. It's dangerous.

He knows where the ramps are.

Raise tension.

In a few seconds I can not
guarantee for his brain.

Can I try my device?

خ ncetisor.


The tension to a minimum, please.

Open mouth.

So, what would you like to know?

Where are the rocket bases.

I understand.

Where are the bases?

I already told you everything.

The bases are mine,
I'm here and ready.

And the nuclear warheads?

General, you guys know something?

All are destined for
fear of America.

It is possible to unleash the fire,

and the fire is about
to paralyze the world.

And your desire, what is it?

Americanca, americanca...

See what I do if I catch you,

Giorgia, as we were together, Giorgia.

Let's go back to politics
against America,

not against America.

Eeny meeny miny moe...

My president,

many mutations,

Keep America!

I think we're done.

What about the case?

Of course professor.

We do not have much time left.

Yeah, maybe we've stretched.

After all, talk to a pirate.

For freedom and my
interest, gentlemen.

Under my command, everyone
will execute the orders.

All will execute the
orders of the commander.

Boats one, three,
twenty dropped it.

At work.

Hurry up.

You have to finish
up to five in a row.

Be careful not to stand up.

All the material will be
transported to the island.

Waiting for collaboration.



Anthony, Alfonso all
over the world fast.

You are still here
the other operation.

Come on, fast.

Be careful.

Take command.

It's a moment, Porto.

That's the ship, I'm fine.

We only have to take over.

Increase your speed and
take three degrees right.

Three degrees to the right.

f*cking music م.

It's incredible, this night,
it's the night of our cause.

Call the base.

But he does not answer.

Why the hell,

Approach the ship,

Where's the general?

I do not know, he was sad
and went to sleep a little.

What the hell did you do to the general?

You know I did not hide
it, why would I do that?

O p r I t I v v.

We have to greet each other.

Tell them we have an infection on board.

"We have an infection on board."

We are not...


We want you to go.

Engines halfway.

Engines halfway.

Engines at mid speed.

In the middle, do not you
understand the French?

Easier, Easier.

Now I'm still studying them!
That's how I feel.

Done with the translation,
I only said two words.

Seven degrees right!

August, be careful
we are on a collision course.

Speed Reduced Ahead.

We hit our front.

Alfonso, be careful of absolute peace.

Did you understand?

I regret your situation,

But you have to land safely.

We're going to go to their
island, what do I do?

Tell them we can not have two
hundred prisoners, imbecile.

It can not be on your island,
the disease is too contagious.

We can even be sick.

But that's what the international law says.

I'm not even talking.
Let our doctor get on board.

And to this, what else am I to say?

Tell him to send him.

We are prepared,

We're on board.

We're ready to receive you.

Turn it off!

Impossible, what have you done?

What's going on? Who fired?

He's one of the sick.
The commander ordered him to be caught.

Poor of him, he was dying.

That was the last blow.


What's going on?

Wait, the commander has decided to
be registered, including myself.

Better go.

Leave here.

Tic م Losi.

Tricky spoils, let's
go, get out of here.

What happened to the jigods there?

I fired for forcing the entrance.


No one.

It's very sad for the imbeciles.

They were supposed to be shot at the
beginning, who would believe us now?

Neither the Italians nor the
French, the whole world.

Look at the island.

The island.

Where's the general?

Even I'd like to know that.

If you do not say, you will die, and I
promise you that you will die in torment.

Do not tell.

That's American.
I want to call our general.

Talk, where is he?

Speak, or I'll do what you
have not seen before.

How do you want?

Come on, let me put it to her.

General loves me. You will see how it
will react when you find out about it.

I do not think you want to die.
Talk, you still have time.

No, I want to know if you
really want to k*ll me.

Let's go.

We can not joke like that anymore.

Death does not solve things.

Do not you see how gentle
they are like kids?

Come on, tell me once,
where's the general?

With your permission, general.

Wait yet.

A g*n, give me a g*n.

Do not shake, I'll talk.

Do you want to know where he is?
Where is it?

We come through the air of Giorgia,

In a few moments I will place the beast

under the spot where you
used your adventure.

She's under the bed.

He hid under the bed because he
did not want to be disturbed.

I gave her the idea.

Do not you believe me?

If it's not true, I laughed.

Only now will you find the truth,
see what the general says.

The goods are here,
the general is here.

Bring him to the office quickly.

Come on, get the Miss from there,

Who's been doing that, you're
putting your life at risk.

Why did not you say from the beginning
you knew I was gonna rotate the island.

If you had taken me easier, I
would have told you immediately.

How stupid I was.

Are you driving me
back to my apartment?

Of course, help the lady.

Yes, sir.

Please do not tell the general.

I forgave you, my dear.

Here, I miss you, good
night and excuse me.


Albert, Albert.

You came in time, my dear, well,
you calculated everything.

If you knew my dear, you
knew you were safe.

Yes, I'm sure.

Now slowly, as
slowly as possible.

If we lose some ingot,
we all laughed.

Attention, Aldo.

Take a little, come here.

Come on, you do not.

A little below, come on.

It is good like this.


Sing faster.

How long is Aldo missing?

How long is Alfonso missing?

Anthony, how long?

A little bit, we have three
packs and finish it altogether.

And then, I almost finished.

Come on, move faster.

Seven thousand tons make three
thousand and five hundred for me

and three thousand and
five hundred for you.

And the others?

The others?

America, where is the American?

In your flat, general.

Come on, Giorgia, courage,
move the left handle.

What exciting.

Make it strong.

We do not play here
Giorgia, come to me.

Do not be kidnapping me.

Let me try.

I told you come,
Giorgia can catch us.

But it's fantastic.

I can not believe if
we stand so far apart.

Giorgia, the general comes.

General notes.

Giorgia, please.

I'm going back to America.

And I?

You can come here, I'm waiting
for you with open arms.

And my dear, I too.

Stop all, do not fight, or...

Excuse me, try to talk to me.

Here you go,

Listen m م.

You have no chance.

Let's retreat, come on.

Stop this criminal operation.

I agree, right away.


See, we're on time.


Come on, come on.

Stop pulling, she's a lady.

We are not armed,
we come to you.

Let's talk about it, I
need to find a solution.

That's why I came, I need
to help, my children.

Let's talk to the teacher.

Gold is mine and Adolf's.

The others, nothing.

That's right, gold is
ours, the rest of us.

Adolf, stop, we're
restoring the truth.

What the hell are you doing?

Are you looking for some bullion?

Some professionals
of your value?

How far down did you find?

I told you that gold is a
bad thing for mankind.

And your mission was to eliminate it.

That was the cause of your success.

Of course, you're sick.

Take your balls and finish.

We are not a guilty professor,
others have been wrong here.

And Alfonso's, but I'm going
to sh**t the Spanish.

Ready, do you want to fight again?

I do not care who's guilty.

I do not want to see you anymore.

Me neither.

Look August, v*olence is of no use.

What would you be doing with so much gold?

With so many American ships around
you, do not even get me a ingot.

You're leaving the island fast.

Surprise the factor.

That could not be expected.

Professor, can we just do nothing?

Not my dear, it's too late now.

Prepare to load, Alfonso.

Be ready for Anthony.

I started the assignment.

Go to the position, -Yes, sir.

How do we stand with the
value of the deduction?

Until now, seventeen thousand seven
hundred, seventeen thousand billion.

It's not really that bad.

Do not be afraid, do not
let go of the rhythm.

Adolf, in seconds you can sink.

I can bring other bullion if you want.

All this story, you
never give up Adolf.

August, the superstars to work.

The ultrasound is in operation, everything
is fine when you want a professor.

Keep an eye on the fleet, August.

Of course, Professor.

When we work, we are serious.

I'm sorry, Professor.

And you, Giorgia, do not
encourage them anymore.

But it's so beautiful.

Ready for today, go away.

You can go Adolf.

Professor, I sink.

August, open the tunnel.

We went into the tunnel,

after going out to sea
you can close August.

What are you expecting to close the d*ck?

Take a little of Giorgia's pardon.

And we can spend our gold.

But we have so much this time.

Can you tell me what you're up to?

You're the only one I'm gonna say.

How much do , tons divided into eight?

, tons for you,
, tons for me.

And the others?


You've thought of all your dear ones.

And deposit your gold here in Geneva.

At the only bank in the world
where nobody will find it.

And in a land that even
gave you political asylum.

While the police of the whole world
are looking for you, Professor.

A perfect, general plan.

It would not have been possible
without your collaboration.

First, you told me
where gold is hidden.

I want a sad one.

How much do , tons split in two?

I already told you, Giorgita,

, tons for you.

And you?

For me, nothing,

For me only a sad one,

Give me a drink.

You could have been rich, general.

But gold is not everything.

- What's going on?
- Stop it.

Your calculations
are accurate, Professor.

Giorgia and the general
arrived, like two imbeciles.

Thanks Adolf.

Surprising factor Giorgia
could not be overlooked.

He continues to mix
love with work.

This time gold will be divided
into the whole world,

the general understands me.

Do not forget, withdraw
It's dangerous,

The bank was blocked,

This is the reason for my new work.

No one should waste time.

How simple is my dear.

What if I did not love you so much?

Come on, come on, do not stay.

Where are you general?

I'm a gentleman, not a general animal.

Let's go to the palace, please.

But quickly, please.

Yes, lady, especially
when the movie ends.
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