Once a Thief (1965)

Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.

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Bank robberies, Heists & Crime Movie Collection.
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Once a Thief (1965)

Post by bunniefuu »

Let me hear you say,
"Oh, yeah!"

- "Oh, yeah!"
- "Oh, yeah!"

Let me hear you say,
"Oh, yeah!"

- "Oh, yeah!"
- "Oh, yeah!"

There aren't very many
real people left.

The only real people
I know are dead.

Pushed into nut houses,
lobotomy, junk, su1c1de.

Or really cooling it
and saying nothing to nobody.

I got a great deal.

Amphetamine, caps, crystals.

Anything you want. No?

Keep your trip.

You don't need nothin'.

I'll see you later.

Don't look at me like that.

I can read your head.

Dolly and Patty have nothing
to do with thee and me.

I don't, I don't wanna hear
anymore about them dykes, Lana.

And if you don't cool this

lickety-split talk-talk jazz

you're gonna get my paranoia
goin'. I'll tell you that.

Come on, Eddie, let's go.

What'd he say?

Two men, couldn't see one guy

but he got a good look
at the k*ller.

About 30, six-foot tall,

wearin' a sheep skin coat.

Drove away in an old car.
Sounds like a Model A.

- Carl.
- 'Yes?'

Let me have the ballistics

on that as quick as you can.

- Okay, inspector.
- Go on.

Well, the k*ller's name
was mentioned

but the Chinaman's not sure.

Said the other guy
called him "Freddie"

or something like that.

He finally goofed.

You know who it was?

Pedak. Bella, Edward.

There's an immigration notice
here. Is he a citizen?

He's from Trieste.

Isn't that your hometown?

Inspector Vido.

No, no, don't pick him up yet.
Just hang with him.

At the right time
I'll pick him up.

That's right. Okay.

Unless you got
something specific

don't pull in Pedak.

I'm waiting for ballistics,

That'll be specific.

It better be airtight
this time.

The department
wants no complaints

about police brutality.
Proof, Vido.

Sheepskin coat

a Model A Ford,
a man named Eddie.

The report said "Freddie."

The Chinaman heard wrong.

It was "Eddie."

You better be right.

Served 18 months
in San Quentin

for armed robbery.

Been out about six years now.

He's going back.


Bang, bang.


Are you ready?

Okay, okay.
What's it all about?

Daddy, daddy.

Can I sit in the rumble seat?

I won't bounce, I promise.

Sure. Come on.

- Are you going to tell me?
- No.

Tell me. Tell me.

'Oh, you're impossible.'

Oh, big mystery.

You should wear a trench coat.

Oh, Eddie.

Some men came by a little
while ago asking for you.

- Who were they?
- I don't know.


'Roger 28.
Proceed with surveillance.'

'Pedak vehicle.
Keep HQ informed. Over.'

- Come on, kid.
- On your shoulders, daddy.

Will you tell me
what's going on?

That's my business.

See? My own business.

Down we go.

What do you think?

- How did you buy it?
- Five hundred down.

When I come up
with another grand, it's mine.

Where'd you get the 500
in the first place?

Well, I, uh, I've been
holding out on my paychecks.

Fifty bucks a month.

And you thought
I wouldn't approve?

Yeah, in a way.

Is it really ours, daddy?

- Yes!
- And it's green.

Yes. Tell her
your father's story.

Tell me.

Well, the owl
and the pussycat

went to sea

in a beautiful,
pea-green boat.

They took some honey
and plenty money

wrapped up
in a five-pound note.

Did your daddy
really talk that funny?

Almost as funny
as your daddy talks.

My daddy doesn't talk funny.

Mm, you're used to him.

- I'm gonna go play.
- Alright.

- Squarehead.
- Lop Slav.

- Honey.
- Hmm?

Honey, what about
the other $1,000?

Oh, no sweat.

I've got it all figured.

At the end of 30 days

I'd have been workin'
at O'Hare's for a year.

- Mm-hmm.
- I'll get a salary loan.

Nothing to it.

So, now you got a boat
and I'm a fish wife, right?

- Yeah.
- Hmm.

Ooh, Kathy.


Come on.

When I was a kid, in Trieste

I used to go out on the boats
and I liked it.

I want to go out there
and watch the land disappear.

Be free
and when I come back home

with the land coming back to me

I'll be clean.

Then we can move out
of that dump

and get a new place.

Trying to tame me?


Man, I need a chair
and a long whip.

Oh, I want you the way you are.

- Wild!
- Oh!


The doll's eyes close
when she lays back.

Oh, the doll's
playing a game with you.

Will you play a game with me?


You have to close your eyes.

No, you have to
close them for me.

'The b*llet
on the right was taken'

from the body of Lisa Wing.

Smith & Wesson, caliber 38.

Both b*ll*ts were fired
from the same g*n.

The b*llet on the left
was filed September 1956

taken from the person,
of Michael Vido.

That's about it.


Now, you know
why I'm bugged on Eddie Pedak.

- Inspector.
- Hmm?

Thank you.

He went to Fisherman's Wharf

and put a $500
down payment on a boat.

He's on his way home now.

- I'll put a pick up on him--
- No, not yet.

He's not goin' anywhere.

I'll let him get
a good night's sleep first.

Mike, I don't get it.

If Pedak put that slug into you

then why isn't he
doin' time right now?

Well, I was a damn fool.

I charged in on the job
without help

and busted
right into a tear gas b*mb

from the vault.

Eddie's brother
and the rest of the mob

were looting the place.

Eddie was on the door.

And he shot me in the gut.

You didn't answer my question.

After I got it,
I had just enough left in me

to reach up
and pull his gas mask down.

All I saw were his eyes.

Court ruled that
insufficient evidence.

Have you ever been shot

in the gut with a 38?

No, but how can you be sure
it was Pedak?

I remember his eyes.


Cops don't drive Imperials.

Hey, Eddie!

He wants to talk to ya.


Kris, I want you
to meet my brother, Walter.

What does your brother want?

I don't know.


...couldn't you try
to act a little human?

I'd never dog your brother.

But I'm still the boss
of this corporation

remember that, huh?

You're breaking parole
just having him here.

I want you to stay out of it.

I want them out.

You stay out of it,
no matter what.

Sure, I love to play games
with little girls.

Would you play a game
with me sometime?

Kathy? It's your bedtime.


You got a goodnight kiss
for Uncle Walter, Kathy?

- Oh.
- Come on, baby.

Read to me, mommy, all about
the beautiful, pea-green boat.

Uncle Walter and me
and mommy and daddy

are gonna take some honey
and plenty of money

and go off in a beautiful
pea-green boat.

Oh, bravo, Kathy.

Goodnight, little girl.

Bravo. Goodnight.


You need that
to come to my house?

Ah...you used to do
better than this

when we were together, Eddie.

That was the best.

The best.

What are you here for?

Uh, where you workin'
these days, huh?

I'm getting along fine.

Oh, yes, I can see that.

Alright, Walter.

I'm convinced.
You're a big shot.

Now, don't knock it, Eddie.

You think
drivin' a truck is better?

How'd you know that?

Like I know where you live.


...now, brothers are supposed
to help each other.

We're even, Walter.

I paid you. I paid the state.
Almost two years.

So, what am I, Mr. Crime?

You think I come here
to make waves?

I don't like to see
you have to live like this.

Eddie, there's so much money
in this world.

There's so much money.

And there're so many
different ways to get it.


Yes, stealing.

But everybody in this whole
stinking world is a thief.

The prez, the priest,
the whole public!

Eddie, you know the one thing
we have in common

with the kings and the lions
of the whole world?

We're all thieves.

I'm retired, Walter. Clean.

I figure on stayin' that way.

Eddie, how old
is the little sprout?

Shut up!

'Just so that--'

'I told you to shut up!'

Alright, Walter. Out with it.

And forget the snow job.

- I have an offer.
- 'Make it.'

You're kidding.

No. El vero,the truth.

Upfront, $50,000.

'For what?'

'You want me
to jump off the world?'

Oh, no, no, Eddie.

One night's work, that's all.
One night!

With that kind of bread
you can buy ten super cannons.

Oh, I want Eddie.

Okay, you've made the offer.

My answer is no.

'Now, you can leave.'

Well, what kind of rudeness is
this in my own brother's house?

Did I bring you to this country

no questions asked
when mama died?

Brothers never stop
owing brothers!

Get out of my house.

Get out!

Oh, well.

Never thought I'd live
to see the day.

You've lived it.

I need you, Eddie.

I don't need you.

You heard?

I heard.

Let's go.

Say, Eddie, uh, if you got
a hard-boiled egg in your lunch

I'll trade it for some celery
with cheese in it.

- I got a cavity.
- Yeah?


Squeeze him down.

He's clean.

Okay, Pedak,
get in the car.

- You're the boss man?
- Yeah.

Jack, call my wife.

Just say one word. Vido.

Alright, break it up,
you guys, come on.

Come on, let's go.

Knock off the goofball talk,

- Speak Gringo.
- Alright.

How can you justify this one?

Planning on losing me
another job, is that it?

No. No, this time
it's different.

This time I'm gonna shove you
into the gas chamber.

We shall overcome..

Cell number one.

Hey, Luke!

Eddie, baby.
What's happenin', man?

Last time I saw you,
you were playing basketball

on the San Quentin team, right?

I've been clean.
How long you been out?

Four months,
barely enough time

to get a good high,
you know.

- Are you holding any straights?
- Yeah.

They burned me
for my Zig-Zags

at the gate.

Gracias,baby, gracias.

Mm...it really is a straight.

- What'd they get you for?
- Ah..

Phony roust. 48-hour hold.

Ain't that a wiggy charge?

- Yeah.
- Hey, you guys in number one.

- You got any butts?
- No!

- 'What about your partner?'
- He ain't got nothin', man.

I hear that murderers
toss around at night.

That true, Luke?

I wouldn't know, Mr. Vido.

Tell me about your pad, Luke.

It's just a pad.

You were there last night?

- Yeah.
- And what about this girl?

Is she shacked up with you?

No, she was just like a twitch.

Like, she just hung around
a lot, you know.

Hmm. Did she scream?

Well, it's on paper,
the twitch was gagged.

'How could she scream?'

How do you know she was gagged?

I saw it on television.

You are a liar.

You are a sick liar.

Your place,
a sh**ting gallery.

Oh, if they wanna sh**t a bit..

...that's their bag,
not mine. I'm clean.

Check my lines.

Just boo, grass, juice,
straight.. You know?

And what about your legs?

Well, what about 'em?

They got hits
and your pins look IBN cards.

You haven't got a vein
in your frame.

That is a nice line,
Mr. Vido.

Do I qualify then?

Ah, yeah, you do.

Now, tell me about
the women in your pad.

Uh, a twitch cacks in my pad,
it don't make me responsible.

I make the rent upfront.

What the dykes do, uh

that's their bag, not mine.

A girl died in your gallery
last night.

She was tied down and gagged
and overshot.

Now, I say you're responsible.

What do you say?

C'est la vie,Mr. Vido.

And you're a k*ller, Luke..

'...with intent!'

Go on, get him outta here.

They might abolish
extreme penalty, Mr. Vido.

Lots of heavy cats
are workin' on it, you know?


Jack Parr is workin' on it too.

'Get him out.'

How long you been working
at O'Hare's, Pedak?

Ten months,
ever since my last roust

when you had a talk
with my other boss.

Was that an accusation, Eddie?

No, just the truth.

Well, that's a tough break, huh?


When was the last time
you saw your brother, Eddie?


About five years ago.

How about, uh,
Cleveland Shoenstein?

James Arthur Sargatanas?

The same. About five years.

Which one was with you during
that grocery stick-up?

I don't know
what you're talkin' about.

You don't?

Two men stuck-up
Wing's grocery store.

One of 'em was wearing
a sheepskin coat.

Described as
six feet tall and dark

and his name was Eddie. You.

And you shot
and k*lled a woman.

- It's a frame!
- You're nailed, kid!

It's a frame!

We've got a finger.

'The one you missed.'

Go ahead, Charlie.

Okay, did you get
a good look at him?

- Sure, okay.
- Good.

Now, which man was it?


What do you mean "No?"


You mean the man isn't there?

No, not there.

Well, look at 'em.
Take another look.

The man is not those.

Uh, man number four.

Step forward!

Look at him.

- Go on, look at him.
- That's enough, Vido.

A man named Eddie

drives a Model A Ford

was wearing
a sheepskin coat.

Are you gonna sit there and tell
me that that isn't the man--

I saw the man who
k*lled my wife and not him.

You made it.

'Step off.'


Out of the line!

Your witness had no make.

What's holding me now?

Your arresting officer

I'm gonna hold you
the full 48 hours.

- Release the prisoner.
- As his--

I said release the prisoner.
That's an order.

Release him.

- I warned you, Vido.
- I was sure that I had a--

You were sure
the other time

you hounded Pedak,
you were sure.

Don't ever let
this happen again.

Yes, sir.

What are you thinking?

You, me..

...a lot of things.

You know, in Mexico

they allow the wives
to visit their men in jail.


It's another world.

A world I almost forgot.

Vido tried to frame me.

It was a hell of a job.

Almost perfect.

The witness, everything.

Come on,
don't be so gloomy.

So, O'Hare's
won't take you back.

You can get another job, baby.

Yeah, and another
and another

and Vido will come
and blow each one.

Just like always.

- Maybe if, if I get a job--
- No.

But, if you don't
start work right away..

I'll get the money.

It's my job, not yours.

Don't do that. Just stop it.

Like me?

I hate you.

I hate you too.


What is it, honey?

'I want a drink
of water, please.'

Your little girl
wants water.

- I'd better get her some.
- Ah, yeah, you'd better.

- I'll be right back.
- Oh, yeah.

Daddy, I don't like you
going fishing.

Daddy, I miss you.

Mm, I missed him too.

In a minute.

You think Kathy is asleep?

You want a cigarette?

You know what I want.

Kathy is still awake.

That man I told you about.

Luke, back in jail.

What about him?

I could be right
where he is now

waitin' in a cell.

Waiting for Vido to come
and get me

to shove me
into the gas chamber.

I was just like Luke once..

...before I met you.

Are you glad you met me?

Miss Hampton, will you giftwrap
those tackle boxes?

I'll make out the cards myself.

- Who's the guy waitin'?
- Pedak.

Came over to us
in the Paintbrush Makers Union

about a year ago.


'O'Hare doesn't want him back.'

'All these come
under the $25 gift deductibles.'

- Great, isn't it?
- Yeah.

He's got a record.

Oh, he's not bonded then, huh?

No. All we've got now
is for bonded men only.

You know, how tight
things are right now.

Senator Fox isn't a fisherman.

I gotta find
somethin' else for him.

This is very difficult, George.

We've got four and five-year men
out of work.

Talk to him, smooth it over,
you know the routine.


Come on in, Eddie.

Right over here.

Hi, Eddie. What's new?

Not much.

I'm lookin' for some work.
Can you help me?

I can't use another man.

Have you tried
any of the big boats?

Yeah. They have full crews.

Yeah, we're all into getting
on a big boat

havin' a small of your own.

I'll be through in a minute,
stick around

and I'll pop the beers.

No, thanks.
I have to get home.

My wife starts a job tonight.

I'm sorry I have to leave
the dishes, honey.


It won't be for long.

You're pretty, mommy.

Now, you be a good little girl

and you take good care
of your daddy, alright?

You never went to work before.

Things are different now.


I have to go.

Then go.

Don't forget to get Kathy
in bed by00.

How long
is your vacation, daddy?

I don't know, why?

- Can I help?
- No!

Mommy always lets me help.

She lets me stand on the chair
and wipe the dishes.

I'm not your mommy!

Oh, come on.

A lotta little things
that have bein'

tossed into the pot tonight.

I can smell it. It-it stinks
in my brain, my intuition.

Here, look at this.

Report from the tale of
the night of the Wing k*lling.

I had an Imperial sedan
stopped at Pedak's house.

First report from DMV
in Sacramento.

- New registration filing.
- Walter Pedak.

Eddie lied about not seeing
his brother.

Ah, there were three men
in that car that night

and I'll bet you anything
that the three

were Shoenstein, Sargatanas,
and brother Walter.

Mike, if the lieutenant
knew about this

he'd blow a gasket.

Well, this doesn't mean
anything right now

but it will
and it's gonna be baitin'.

Walter and his boys
don't fool around

with any penny ante stickups.

'Mike, you're never gonna get
departmental cooperation'

on a thing like this.

You know what I'd like to do?

I'd like to get
that whole damn bunch

put 'em into a room,
one by one..



Couldn't you sleep?


The girl that brought me home
wanted to stop for coffee.

I couldn't tell her not to,
could I?

No. I guess not.

Oh, Eddie, please.


Let's not fight, alright?

Where's your ring?

They don't want me to wear it.

It's for tips, look.

Look, I got $20 tonight.

For pushin' hamburgers?

Well, you don't like
the money?

What about the $1,000
due on the boat?

And the other $500
you might lose?

All of a sudden
you don't like money?

You're gonna quit that job.

And do what?

Sit around and watch you stalk
around the house?

Honey, what are we supposed
to use for money?

I'll get it!

And when I do, you're gonna quit
that stupid job.

You're gonna stay home
and wear the ring.

- You understand that?
- Eddie, I was only trying--

Now let me sleep.

I have to get up early for Kathy
and for my household duties.

You tryin' to get on
the rocking chair?

- Mm?
- Unemployment!

Yeah, I've been here
since 10 o'clock.


You think we got troubles.
Look at this poor dude.

He'll get the chair.

'Yeah, he k*lled some woman.'

'Did you read the story?'

Yeah, I remember it on TV.

He'll get the chair for sure

'cause he's a broker.


'A nobody.'

'It's guys like him
and you and me.'

'We get the chair.'

Now, the guys
who run the game..

...they only do
a couple years.

Pedak! Edward Pedak.

- Fred, lunch?
- Yes.


Sorry to have
kept you waiting.

Then why did you
keep me waiting?

A question has come up
about your eligibility

for payments, Mr. Pedak.

I had to do a little checking.
You understand, of course.

Now, in order for you
to become eligible

for unemployment compensation,
you have to have been laid off.

But according to your boss,
Mr. Olden

you quit your job at O'Hare's.

Now, you're eligible,
but not immediately.

you'll have to file.

I quit?

Uh, reason for severance

employee walked off job
without notice.

Where does it say that?

That isn't true.

I was fired.

I'm telling you,
I was fired.

Look, Mr. Pedak.
This is a problem between

you and your former employer.

If you like, we can call in
and you'll have an opportunity

to discuss it.

Listen to me.

I was fired.

Why do you believe them,
not me? Just a minute.

Mr. Pedak, if you like,
you may have the opportunity

of discussing your problems
with my supervisor.

I have the opportunity
to discuss it with you, now!

- Oh, look here--
- No, you look.

I came here cleanly dressed,
ready for work.

Just like it says
in the rules.

I filled out all the papers

just like it says in the rules.

I don't want your money.

I want a job.

But if you can't give me a job
then I want my check.

Just like it says in the rules.

There's nothing more I can do,
Mr. Pedak.

- You don't seem to understand.
- I do understand!

That's the trouble.

I've put my money
into this organization

every week I ever worked.

You took it from me.

And now I want
what's coming to me.

Yeah, but if you quit
your job--

I didn't, damn it!
I didn't!

Will you listen to me?
Believe me.

Just look at me once.

The next time you draw
your paycheck

I want you to think
about the poor slobs

that you keep waiting
and give the run around to.

I want you to think about it.

Mr. Pedak.

Is this me?

Are all these papers
supposed to be me?

See, it's that easy.

I'm no longer there.

I no longer exist.

So go eat your lunch.

Hey, wait a minute.

Sorry, sir,
but you do show a violation.

You can mail-in
the two dollars, sir.

Good day.

No wonder I couldn't see it.

- Eddie!
- Yeah.

I'm supposed to be babysitting.

Then why aren't you?

Well, he told me
it was okay to leave.

Hey, you! Babysitter!

I got too much
brain workin' best

and this time
you punks blow it.

Oh, dear.
Oh, hey, hey, here.

Here, here, hold it there,
hold it.

Let me see.

Put it inside here
against the gum like this.

Now, bite down
with your teeth.

Hard! Bite!

Hey, you know, with-with all
the dough you're gonna get

you know what, you can buy
yourself a new set of teeth.

Platinum teeth.

- Are you alright?
- Mm.

What did you do?

Why did you jump
on Sargatanas for?

I was just watching
the little sprout dance.

What did we come back
here for anyway?

Yeah, why don't you get off
my back, huh?

Like I told you,
I need you.

I got a job, a big one.

Why don't you just loan me
two grand, brother?

I'm a businessman.

You gimme one-night's work,
I'll give you 50 grand.

Why him?

We're gonna hit O'Hare's..

...for one million bucks.


And you know the layout,
the vault, the guards

and everything in there.

- You're out of your mind.
- No, I'm not.

In O'Hare's vault..

...they got a million bucks
of platinum

in wire under the spools

and this whole thing fits
into a couple little suitcases.

It's there right now

but in a few days
they're gonna piece it--

Forget it.
Forget it, forget it.

Forget it!

Fifty grand, Eddie. Fifty grand
for one night's work.

That's more than
your wife can make..

...hustlin' in that joint
she's in now.

Is Kristine here?


- Oh, you mean, Kitty?
- Yeah, Kitty.

She's over there.

Hello, Kitty.

Hey, now, what's the idea--

Don't cheat
the customers, Kitty.

Let them see it all.

- Please stop.
- Get out!

Oh, no!

Get out!

No, no, please stop.

- Why..
- No! Please, no!

- Why you..
- No! No! No!

- Get in!
- Oh.

Market District.

I'm in.

I want money now.


Are you coming to bed?

Eddie, how many times
do you want me to say it?

I'm sorry about tonight.

Aren't you gonna talk to me?

There's nothing to talk about.

I'm working now.

Oh, Eddie, I don't like it.

Then why don't you call a cop?

Oh, Eddie, let's leave town.

Go to another state,
change our name.

Huh, you want me
to break parole?

Well, anything's better than
what you're planning to do.

Honey, you can get another job.

And then what?

Vido comes and throws me
in the slam again

and it'll go on.

Just like it has
for the past six years.

I've had it. All of it!

Oh, it's all my fault.

It's everybody's fault.

Now, go to bed.

Eddie, I'm sorry about tonight.

Sorry doesn't help!
Doesn't change anything!

Doesn't get me a job
and doesn't get us out of here.

Well, then I'm not sorry
about tonight.

I was only doing
my best to help.

- You sure were.
- You won't let me help!

You don't even let me
be your wife!

What do you
want me to do, Eddie?

Just let me alone.



You're alone!

Get out!

A friend of the deceased, sir?

You're John Ling?

I'm Eddie Pedak.

Oh, yes, sir.

Your group is in the rear.


Eddie, meet the pitman.

You bring the stuff?

It's all there.
All that I know.

We go tonight.

You have the equipment?

It's at the Chinese cemetery
in my family vault.

You think there's a bomber
in the vault?

The moment
I blow the gate, poof! Gas.

I've got enough masks.

What about the hook up?

Direct to the Atlas
Protection Agency

and the guard gate
has a direct hotline.

That's the tricky part.

Yeah, but I have
some tricks too.

Here, here's the terminal box
right here in the yard.

Eddie, you take that first.

Cleve, you used to be
a signal-call man, huh?

You teach Eddie how to splice.

I'll teach you lotsa things.

- 'How many guards are there?'
- Two.

How long
before the heat arrives?

I figure, uh, maybe, three,
four minutes after the blow.

The heat gets there
before the three minutes

the O'Hare yard's gonna look
like the O.K. Corral.

Then we move faster!

Push, pull, click, click,
man, that big.

That's my old g*n.

That's right.

Now, here's where we park
the panel truck, here.

This is where the gate is.

I park my car outside,
across the street.

The Atlas car comes behind me.

Ling, you ride in the panel.

Now, let's go over this
step by step.

There isn't gonna be any time
to make mistakes.

That car, wha..
What's on it?

Oh, stolen vehicle,
been here, oh, coup-three days.

And then Ling
says to this man, he says

"Now, what do you mean,
am I Italian

when you just hear me talkin'?"

And this old guy,
he says, "Well, yeah

but that's why I thought
you were Chinese."

I'll go check on the equipment.

- I'll see you later.
- See you. Bon bene, huh?

I want to talk to you.


I'll be back, huh?

Hey, wasn't..


It's gonna go good tonight.

Yeah, at least with the planning
you haven't lost your touch.

Eddie, what is that
supposed to mean?

Shh. Come on.


You know when
you were busted, sent up..

...they were
the only family I had

for eight years.

They're like vultures, Walter.

Sittin' on your shoulder
and waiting for you

to make one slip.

There's not gonna be a slip.

You know..

...this is the last job
I'm gonna do.

I'm tired. I wanna retire.


I'm gonna go home,
back to Trieste.

What're you gonna do?

It's a big ocean..

...and I've got a fishing boat.

I thought we could be together.

The vultures
are beginning to smell blood.

I want you to think about it.

'I'm almost done with Snoopy.'

'He got blue eyes.'

'Now, I'm drawing his tail.'

- 'He got a green tail.'
- Vido.

'Snoopy is always sleeping
on top of the house.'

'I can draw houses'

'but I can't draw doghouses.'

Hello, Eddie.

You got a warrant?


Then get out of my house.

Yeah, that's Snoopy.

And this the way he looks--

Don't bother Mr. Vido
right now, honey.

Daddy has to talk business.

Here, draw over here.

Can you draw me a, umm..

...horse now?

Sure. A red one.

Oh, don't let me hold up
your dinner, Missus, uh, Pedak.

You didn't come here to admire
my daughter's drawings.


That's right I didn't.

You remember the Legno job?

Ha, you back on that one?

Eddie, I want you
to cop-out to me.

I promise you
there won't be any roust.

No fireworks.
Just a simple cop-out.

The courts ruled I didn't do it.

Now, say what
you came here to say.

This was taken from me.

And this was taken
from the body of Lisa Wing.

They match perfectly, Eddie.

Both b*ll*ts were fired
from the same g*n.


...read this.

I marked the spot.

What is it?

It's a hot-car sheet.

A Model-A like yours
was stolen in Marin County

the morning before
the Wing hold-up and k*lling.

'And there was a sheepskin
coat on the front seat.'

I told you I was framed for it!

I know, and I think
you know who it was.

- I don't know nothing.
- Eddie, talk!

I told you,
I don't know nothing.

You're lying,
and you lied when you said

you hadn't seen your brother.

Walter was here that night
and so was Sargatanas

'and Shoenstein.'

Here's your horse, Mr. Vido.
It's for you.

That's great.

You're not as smart
as I gave you credit for.

Something's happening,
something big

and you're right
in the middle of it.

But I don't think
you really know where you are.

Thanks for your time, tough guy.

Ah, if you change your mind--

I'll call you.

Yeah, do that.

Goodnight, Mrs. Pedak.

For God's sake, tell him, he's
trying to give you a chance.

Shut up.

Give me that g*n.

Your brother gave you that,
didn't he?

- Answer me!
- I don't want to talk about it.

Oh, Vido's right.

You are too stupid for words.

Your own brother

tries to frame you
for a m*rder

and you just sit there,
and you say nothing.

- What do you think of it?
- Out!

I can see that,
but I wanna know where.

I told you I am going out.

That's all, period.

Eddie? This isn't like you.

How would you know?

You've only known me six years.

So, don't say
what's like me and what isn't.

Vido knows me. Walter knows me.

And that poor character
waiting to die, Luke

he knows me, and I know me.

I'm a thief, so I'm going out.

To steal?

Isn't that what thieves do?

I'll call you tonight.

It'll be late.

Pack what you want and bring
Kathy down to the boat.

After tonight we won't have
to stay in this town anymore.

Suppose we don't come?

You're a little late.

Ever heard of Lisa Wing?


I've heard of her.

I buried her.

Well, who's Lisa Wing?

A women k*lled in a hold-up.

Two guys pulled the job.

'One was wearing
a sheepskin coat..'

Like mine.

They made off in a Model A..

Like mine.

Someone tried
to frame me for m*rder.

Eddie, you got a dirty mind.

You geezed up zombie.

Don't trigger anything now.
Not now!

Come on, it's time.
The Atlas guards

are making their early check.

- We've got one hour now.
- I mean it!

What luck!

We got one million bucks
at stake.

That's all that counts.

Nothing else.

You don't know if they did it.

You know they framed me--

So what you want me
to do right now?

What do you want?

Bang, bang, bang.

Hey! Hey, Benny.

What was that?

Bottle crashing,
sounded like.

Hey, Benny.
What'd you do that for?

I better call.


'Hello, Mort?'

Is Artie beatin' you at Gin?

You better sh**t
Bill and Al out here.

There's trouble in the yard.

Well, I will do it, Jack.

Al's in the neighborhood
right now.

I'll telephone him.
It won't take a minute.

Okay. See you later.

They're on their way.

Ah, they're here.

Better heat up the coffee,
for those two java hounds.


'I'm coming.'

Hold your horses.

- Don't move.
- Now, listen, man--

Shut up, in the office,
make it fast.

No sugar.


On your bellies.

Hands behind your back.


One less split.

You drive.

Turn left here.

Turn right at the next alley.

Go on up.

Ditch the truck
and contact me at Ling's.

Stay away from them.

Now, relax, Eddie.

I just pulled the biggest gig
on the coast.

I won, eh?


I can still take care
of myself, huh.

Okay, okay, you win.

Hey, call me as soon as you can.


'Estimates losses at
over one million dollars.'

'The g*ng concentrated on light
white spools of platinum wire..'

'Nothing was stolen,
but the platinum.'

Kris? Meet me
at the boat right away.

No. I won't.

Be there.

'...explode teargas'

'in the event of robbery.'

'and its doors broken open'

'by nitroglycerin.'

'The g*ng left behind gas masks'

'which they had apparently
used during the--'


Not a mark.

I wasn't expecting any breaks.

- 'It was Pedak.'
- Oh, come on, Vido.

Lieutenant, both guards gave

positive identification.

They remembered him,
he worked here.

The second man they saw
fits the description

of James Sargatanas.

I figure the other two
to be Walter Pedak

and Cleve Shoenstein.

Who's that guy on the ground?

That, I don't know.

Put it out for the Pedaks,
Sargatanas, and Shoenstein.

Mike? Where are you two going?

- Pedak.
- No, you're not.

You're way over your shift
already, both of you.

- 'I'll take it from here.'
- Uh, lieutenant--

Mike, I mean it.

Check-in in the morning.

Go home. Get some sleep.

Now, how stupid can a guy be.

'See any persons
fitting the descriptions'

'contact the San Francisco
Police Department.'

'All men are armed
and considered dangerous.'

'Walter Pedak..'

'And now the news.'

'At the top of tonight's
headlines is the daring robbery'

'of an estimated
one million dollars'

'worth of platinum. From the..'


You cheap crook!

Use a g*n!
k*ll me, will you?

You rotten bastard!
k*ll me!

k*ll me!

- k*ll me!
- Kris.

What's happened?

- They took Kathy--
- What's happened?

- They took Kathy.
- Who?

- Who was it?
- Sargatanas.

Listen, listen.

- He say anything to you?
- No!

- Anything at all?
- No!

- She's alright.
- No.

She's alright,
I know what he wants.

- She's alright.
- Why should I believe you?

I'll get her back.

- I promise you.
- I don't want any promises!

- Listen!
- I want my baby.

I want her back.


Listen to me!

Don't, don't move.


Stay here.
Stay near the phone.

I'll call you, I promise.

I'll do everything right.

I promise.

I promise.


- Yeah.
- You've seen the papers?

Your brother's wanted
for snuffin' the gook.

Where's my kid? Is she alright?

She's here.

I would've called you sooner

but I wanted her
to have her Z's.

Growing sprout
needs plenty of Z's, heh?

I want to talk to her.

Hmm. Cleve.

Kid, you wanna talk
to your daddy?

- Yes.
- Uh-huh.

Playing a game you see.

Here, speak at ease.

Hello, daddy?

Hello, kitten.

Are you playing a game
with Uncle Jimmy?

Sure. A-a game.

That's enough for now, we'll
play the game some more later.

- Oh, boy.
- Let's finish your cornflakes.

You think I'm a bad guy.

What I think is..

...you're valuable.

Hard to replace.

I've got the platinum
you wanted.

- I want my kid.
- Hmm.

You're a reasonable dude.

Give me a number
where I can reach you.

Why not now? Listen, I--

Oh, no.

You're gonna have to sweat
a bit, Charlie.

Give me your number.

Wait a minute.

Contact me at
Mission 71999.

I'll call you in half an hour.


It's alright, I just talked
with Kathy on the phone.

But I want her now.
I want Kathy back.

Why doesn't
he give her back to me?

- Well, take it easy, I--
- I can't wait any longer.

Well, I mean it, Eddie, if-if
you don't get her back to me

you're gonna regret it,
all of it. I mean it, Eddie.

I told you, I'll get her back.

I'm not gonna wait forever.
Where will you be?

Where they'll never think
of looking for me.


Oh, is your son there?

Uh, uh, sorry.
I-I no speak English.

It's loaded.

You got a warrant?

Come on in
and sit in that chair.

And move slow.

Oh, mama, cappuccino. Grazie.

Would you mind not blasting me
while my mother's in the room?

Are you always
so funny in the morning?

You really think that
you can walk into my house

carrying a g*n
and get to walk out again?

I hope to.


Well, kid, I never said you
didn't have guts.

Where are the rest of the boys?
Where are your playmates?

My brother's dead.

Sargatanas k*lled him.

You're worried you're next
on his list?


I've got the platinum.

All of it.

And you crossed Sargatanas?

You know, you do have a right
to look worried.

Not for myself.

Sargatanas kidnapped
my daughter last night.

Has he made contact?

Yes. This morning.

He's going to call me again.

I can't deal, Eddie.

I don't want a deal.

I'm asking you..

...to help me get my kid back.

I'll give you everything.

The loot, Sargatanas
and Shoenstein.

- And you?
- And you get me too.

So you want police protection
while you swap--


No cops.

Just you.

Why me?

I trust you.


I'll do it,
on one condition.

Name it.

Uh, no, I'm, uh, I'm clean.

The Legno job.

It was you that shot me
that night, wasn't it?


It was me.

And it's funny
I think about this for years

it eats at me inside.

And, now, it's silly.

So, now, I know!

Big deal, huh?

I was a nervous kid.

Yeah, and I guess I was..


I guess I was tryin' to be some
kind of a hero or something.

I better get dressed.

Sargatanas. It's for me.

- Yeah?
- 'Okay, daddy.'

- 'Where's the stuff?'
- Alright.

Fisherman's Wharf.

- 'Wong restaurant--'
- No.

In front of the Sausalito Cafe.

- 'Good place for a million--'
- That's right.

The stuff is close by.

The wharf,
where your boat is?

You know everything I do,
don't you?

Listen, if there's any cops
crawlin' around--

Don't worry. I'll stick to
my end of the deal.

We don't have much time.


Yes, I'd like to speak to..

I'd like to speak
to Inspector Vido, please.

Inspector Vido's desk.

No, ma'am, he isn't here
right now.

This is his partner,
Inspector Kane.

May I help you?

It's Pedak's wife.

No! No, I don't know
where Eddie is.

Listen, look!
Will you listen to me?

You don't understand!

All I want is my daughter back.

Now, don't worry, Mrs. Pedak,
You've done the right thing.

I want my daughter back!

I've been waiting all night!

Please? I don't know
where he is. Please?

Now, you stay there.

Yes, I'll come myself.

There's my daddy!
There's my daddy!

Daddy, look what
Uncle Jimmy gave me.

Do we start the game now?

In a minute, honey.

Where's the stuff?

Let her go first.

Mm, why should I?

Let her go.

And you've still got me.


Do you know where
daddy's boat is from here?

Yes, down there.

Alright, so you go
and run down there.

Mommy's there.

She wants to see you.

She's waiting for you.


Now, do as daddy told you.

- Will you be long?
- No.

As soon as you get to mommy

daddy'll start the game, okay?

Take the g*n out,
toss it in the car.

Lead the way.

- Mrs. Pedak?
- Yes.

Mommy, mommy, mommy!

Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy!

- Uh, oh, baby!
- Mommy, mommy, mommy!

- See what Uncle Jimmy gave me--
- Baby!

Mrs. Pedak,
let me talk to the baby.

No, leave us alone.

Mrs. Pedak, please?

- Leave us alone!
- I have to find out--

All I wanted
was my daughter back!

- Mrs. Pedak, please--
- Leave us alone!

- Let me talk to the baby.
- Baby! No!

No, Kathy, don't tell..

Where is it?

In the truck.

Now, where's your daddy, huh?

They're-they're playin' a game
with Uncle Jimmy.

And daddy said
I could play too.

Well, I'd like to play
a game too.

Why don't you show me where they
are and we'll all play together?

Okay, go ahead.

Pedak's around here somewhere..

It's there.

The end of the rainbow.

Long cars,
and, and beautiful women.

I don't dig women.

It's your turn.


I fixed it.


Frank, no!



Daddy, daddy,
daddy, daddy, daddy!

You're supposed
to close them, daddy.

Oh, no!

You alright?

Why in the hell did..

Stand back, everybody.

Stand back.
Make way, please.

Stand back.

'Get back.'

Mrs. Pedak..
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